# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (C) 2012-2020 RhodeCode GmbH # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 # (only), as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # This program is dual-licensed. If you wish to learn more about the # RhodeCode Enterprise Edition, including its added features, Support services, # and proprietary license terms, please see https://rhodecode.com/licenses/ import deform.widget import logging import colander import rhodecode from rhodecode import events from rhodecode.lib.colander_utils import strip_whitespace from rhodecode.model.validation_schema.widgets import CheckboxChoiceWidgetDesc from rhodecode.translation import _ from rhodecode.integrations.types.base import ( IntegrationTypeBase, get_auth, get_web_token, get_url_vars, WebhookDataHandler, WEBHOOK_URL_VARS, requests_retry_call) from rhodecode.lib.celerylib import run_task, async_task, RequestContextTask from rhodecode.model.validation_schema import widgets log = logging.getLogger(__name__) # updating this required to update the `common_vars` passed in url calling func URL_VARS = get_url_vars(WEBHOOK_URL_VARS) class WebhookSettingsSchema(colander.Schema): url = colander.SchemaNode( colander.String(), title=_('Webhook URL'), description= _('URL to which Webhook should submit data. If used some of the ' 'variables would trigger multiple calls, like ${branch} or ' '${commit_id}. Webhook will be called as many times as unique ' 'objects in data in such cases.'), missing=colander.required, required=True, preparer=strip_whitespace, validator=colander.url, widget=widgets.CodeMirrorWidget( help_block_collapsable_name='Show url variables', help_block_collapsable=( 'E.g http://my-serv.com/trigger_job/${{event_name}}' '?PR_ID=${{pull_request_id}}' '\nFull list of vars:\n{}'.format(URL_VARS)), codemirror_mode='text', codemirror_options='{"lineNumbers": false, "lineWrapping": true}'), ) secret_token = colander.SchemaNode( colander.String(), title=_('Secret Token'), description=_('Optional string used to validate received payloads. ' 'It will be sent together with event data in JSON'), default='', missing='', widget=deform.widget.TextInputWidget( placeholder='e.g. secret_token' ), ) username = colander.SchemaNode( colander.String(), title=_('Username'), description=_('Optional username to authenticate the call.'), default='', missing='', widget=deform.widget.TextInputWidget( placeholder='e.g. admin' ), ) password = colander.SchemaNode( colander.String(), title=_('Password'), description=_('Optional password to authenticate the call.'), default='', missing='', widget=deform.widget.PasswordWidget( placeholder='e.g. secret.', redisplay=True, ), ) custom_header_key = colander.SchemaNode( colander.String(), title=_('Custom Header Key'), description=_('Custom Header name to be set when calling endpoint.'), default='', missing='', widget=deform.widget.TextInputWidget( placeholder='e.g: Authorization' ), ) custom_header_val = colander.SchemaNode( colander.String(), title=_('Custom Header Value'), description=_('Custom Header value to be set when calling endpoint.'), default='', missing='', widget=deform.widget.TextInputWidget( placeholder='e.g. Basic XxXxXx' ), ) method_type = colander.SchemaNode( colander.String(), title=_('Call Method'), description=_('Select a HTTP method to use when calling the Webhook.'), default='post', missing='', widget=deform.widget.RadioChoiceWidget( values=[('get', 'GET'), ('post', 'POST'), ('put', 'PUT')], inline=True ), ) class WebhookIntegrationType(IntegrationTypeBase): key = 'webhook' display_name = _('Webhook') description = _('send JSON data to a url endpoint') @classmethod def icon(cls): return '''''' valid_events = [ events.PullRequestCloseEvent, events.PullRequestMergeEvent, events.PullRequestUpdateEvent, events.PullRequestCommentEvent, events.PullRequestCommentEditEvent, events.PullRequestReviewEvent, events.PullRequestCreateEvent, events.RepoPushEvent, events.RepoCreateEvent, events.RepoCommitCommentEvent, events.RepoCommitCommentEditEvent, ] def settings_schema(self): schema = WebhookSettingsSchema() schema.add(colander.SchemaNode( colander.Set(), widget=CheckboxChoiceWidgetDesc( values=sorted( [(e.name, e.display_name, e.description) for e in self.valid_events] ), ), description="List of events activated for this integration", name='events' )) return schema def send_event(self, event): log.debug('handling event %s with integration %s', event.name, self) if event.__class__ not in self.valid_events: log.debug('event %r not present in valid event list (%s)', event, self.valid_events) return if not self.event_enabled(event): return data = event.as_dict() template_url = self.settings['url'] headers = {} head_key = self.settings.get('custom_header_key') head_val = self.settings.get('custom_header_val') if head_key and head_val: headers = {head_key: head_val} handler = WebhookDataHandler(template_url, headers) url_calls = handler(event, data) log.debug('Webhook: calling following urls: %s', [x[0] for x in url_calls]) run_task(post_to_webhook, url_calls, self.settings) @async_task(ignore_result=True, base=RequestContextTask) def post_to_webhook(url_calls, settings): """ Example data:: {'actor': {'user_id': 2, 'username': u'admin'}, 'actor_ip': u'', 'name': 'repo-push', 'push': {'branches': [{'name': u'default', 'url': 'http://rc.local:8080/hg-repo/changelog?branch=default'}], 'commits': [{'author': u'Marcin Kuzminski ', 'branch': u'default', 'date': datetime.datetime(2017, 11, 30, 12, 59, 48), 'issues': [], 'mentions': [], 'message': u'commit Thu 30 Nov 2017 13:59:48 CET', 'message_html': u'commit Thu 30 Nov 2017 13:59:48 CET', 'message_html_title': u'commit Thu 30 Nov 2017 13:59:48 CET', 'parents': [{'raw_id': '431b772a5353dad9974b810dd3707d79e3a7f6e0'}], 'permalink_url': u'http://rc.local:8080/_7/changeset/a815cc738b9651eb5ffbcfb1ce6ccd7c701a5ddf', 'raw_id': 'a815cc738b9651eb5ffbcfb1ce6ccd7c701a5ddf', 'refs': {'bookmarks': [], 'branches': [u'default'], 'tags': [u'tip']}, 'reviewers': [], 'revision': 9L, 'short_id': 'a815cc738b96', 'url': u'http://rc.local:8080/hg-repo/changeset/a815cc738b9651eb5ffbcfb1ce6ccd7c701a5ddf'}], 'issues': {}}, 'repo': {'extra_fields': '', 'permalink_url': u'http://rc.local:8080/_7', 'repo_id': 7, 'repo_name': u'hg-repo', 'repo_type': u'hg', 'url': u'http://rc.local:8080/hg-repo'}, 'server_url': u'http://rc.local:8080', 'utc_timestamp': datetime.datetime(2017, 11, 30, 13, 0, 1, 569276) } """ call_headers = { 'User-Agent': 'RhodeCode-webhook-caller/{}'.format(rhodecode.__version__) } # updated below with custom ones, allows override auth = get_auth(settings) token = get_web_token(settings) for url, headers, data in url_calls: req_session = requests_retry_call() method = settings.get('method_type') or 'post' call_method = getattr(req_session, method) headers = headers or {} call_headers.update(headers) log.debug('calling Webhook with method: %s, and auth:%s', call_method, auth) if settings.get('log_data'): log.debug('calling webhook with data: %s', data) resp = call_method(url, json={ 'token': token, 'event': data }, headers=call_headers, auth=auth, timeout=60) log.debug('Got Webhook response: %s', resp) try: resp.raise_for_status() # raise exception on a failed request except Exception: log.error(resp.text) raise