# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (C) 2010-2018 RhodeCode GmbH # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 # (only), as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # # This program is dual-licensed. If you wish to learn more about the # RhodeCode Enterprise Edition, including its added features, Support services, # and proprietary license terms, please see https://rhodecode.com/licenses/ import io import re import datetime import logging import Queue import subprocess32 import os from dateutil.parser import parse from pyramid.i18n import get_localizer from pyramid.threadlocal import get_current_request from pyramid.interfaces import IRoutesMapper from pyramid.settings import asbool from pyramid.path import AssetResolver from threading import Thread from rhodecode.translation import _ as tsf from rhodecode.config.jsroutes import generate_jsroutes_content from rhodecode.lib import auth from rhodecode.lib.base import get_auth_user import rhodecode log = logging.getLogger(__name__) def add_renderer_globals(event): from rhodecode.lib import helpers # TODO: When executed in pyramid view context the request is not available # in the event. Find a better solution to get the request. request = event['request'] or get_current_request() # Add Pyramid translation as '_' to context event['_'] = request.translate event['_ungettext'] = request.plularize event['h'] = helpers def add_localizer(event): request = event.request localizer = request.localizer def auto_translate(*args, **kwargs): return localizer.translate(tsf(*args, **kwargs)) request.translate = auto_translate request.plularize = localizer.pluralize def set_user_lang(event): request = event.request cur_user = getattr(request, 'user', None) if cur_user: user_lang = cur_user.get_instance().user_data.get('language') if user_lang: log.debug('lang: setting current user:%s language to: %s', cur_user, user_lang) event.request._LOCALE_ = user_lang def add_request_user_context(event): """ Adds auth user into request context """ request = event.request # access req_id as soon as possible req_id = request.req_id if hasattr(request, 'vcs_call'): # skip vcs calls return if hasattr(request, 'rpc_method'): # skip api calls return auth_user = get_auth_user(request) request.user = auth_user request.environ['rc_auth_user'] = auth_user request.environ['rc_req_id'] = req_id def inject_app_settings(event): settings = event.app.registry.settings # inject info about available permissions auth.set_available_permissions(settings) def scan_repositories_if_enabled(event): """ This is subscribed to the `pyramid.events.ApplicationCreated` event. It does a repository scan if enabled in the settings. """ settings = event.app.registry.settings vcs_server_enabled = settings['vcs.server.enable'] import_on_startup = settings['startup.import_repos'] if vcs_server_enabled and import_on_startup: from rhodecode.model.scm import ScmModel from rhodecode.lib.utils import repo2db_mapper, get_rhodecode_base_path repositories = ScmModel().repo_scan(get_rhodecode_base_path()) repo2db_mapper(repositories, remove_obsolete=False) def write_metadata_if_needed(event): """ Writes upgrade metadata """ import rhodecode from rhodecode.lib import system_info from rhodecode.lib import ext_json fname = '.rcmetadata.json' ini_loc = os.path.dirname(rhodecode.CONFIG.get('__file__')) metadata_destination = os.path.join(ini_loc, fname) def get_update_age(): now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() with open(metadata_destination, 'rb') as f: data = ext_json.json.loads(f.read()) if 'created_on' in data: update_date = parse(data['created_on']) diff = now - update_date return diff.total_seconds() / 60.0 return 0 def write(): configuration = system_info.SysInfo( system_info.rhodecode_config)()['value'] license_token = configuration['config']['license_token'] setup = dict( workers=configuration['config']['server:main'].get( 'workers', '?'), worker_type=configuration['config']['server:main'].get( 'worker_class', 'sync'), ) dbinfo = system_info.SysInfo(system_info.database_info)()['value'] del dbinfo['url'] metadata = dict( desc='upgrade metadata info', license_token=license_token, created_on=datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), usage=system_info.SysInfo(system_info.usage_info)()['value'], platform=system_info.SysInfo(system_info.platform_type)()['value'], database=dbinfo, cpu=system_info.SysInfo(system_info.cpu)()['value'], memory=system_info.SysInfo(system_info.memory)()['value'], setup=setup ) with open(metadata_destination, 'wb') as f: f.write(ext_json.json.dumps(metadata)) settings = event.app.registry.settings if settings.get('metadata.skip'): return # only write this every 24h, workers restart caused unwanted delays try: age_in_min = get_update_age() except Exception: age_in_min = 0 if age_in_min > 60 * 60 * 24: return try: write() except Exception: pass def write_js_routes_if_enabled(event): registry = event.app.registry mapper = registry.queryUtility(IRoutesMapper) _argument_prog = re.compile('\{(.*?)\}|:\((.*)\)') def _extract_route_information(route): """ Convert a route into tuple(name, path, args), eg: ('show_user', '/profile/%(username)s', ['username']) """ routepath = route.pattern pattern = route.pattern def replace(matchobj): if matchobj.group(1): return "%%(%s)s" % matchobj.group(1).split(':')[0] else: return "%%(%s)s" % matchobj.group(2) routepath = _argument_prog.sub(replace, routepath) if not routepath.startswith('/'): routepath = '/'+routepath return ( route.name, routepath, [(arg[0].split(':')[0] if arg[0] != '' else arg[1]) for arg in _argument_prog.findall(pattern)] ) def get_routes(): # pyramid routes for route in mapper.get_routes(): if not route.name.startswith('__'): yield _extract_route_information(route) if asbool(registry.settings.get('generate_js_files', 'false')): static_path = AssetResolver().resolve('rhodecode:public').abspath() jsroutes = get_routes() jsroutes_file_content = generate_jsroutes_content(jsroutes) jsroutes_file_path = os.path.join( static_path, 'js', 'rhodecode', 'routes.js') with io.open(jsroutes_file_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(jsroutes_file_content) class Subscriber(object): """ Base class for subscribers to the pyramid event system. """ def __call__(self, event): self.run(event) def run(self, event): raise NotImplementedError('Subclass has to implement this.') class AsyncSubscriber(Subscriber): """ Subscriber that handles the execution of events in a separate task to not block the execution of the code which triggers the event. It puts the received events into a queue from which the worker process takes them in order. """ def __init__(self): self._stop = False self._eventq = Queue.Queue() self._worker = self.create_worker() self._worker.start() def __call__(self, event): self._eventq.put(event) def create_worker(self): worker = Thread(target=self.do_work) worker.daemon = True return worker def stop_worker(self): self._stop = False self._eventq.put(None) self._worker.join() def do_work(self): while not self._stop: event = self._eventq.get() if event is not None: self.run(event) class AsyncSubprocessSubscriber(AsyncSubscriber): """ Subscriber that uses the subprocess32 module to execute a command if an event is received. Events are handled asynchronously. """ def __init__(self, cmd, timeout=None): super(AsyncSubprocessSubscriber, self).__init__() self._cmd = cmd self._timeout = timeout def run(self, event): cmd = self._cmd timeout = self._timeout log.debug('Executing command %s.', cmd) try: output = subprocess32.check_output( cmd, timeout=timeout, stderr=subprocess32.STDOUT) log.debug('Command finished %s', cmd) if output: log.debug('Command output: %s', output) except subprocess32.TimeoutExpired as e: log.exception('Timeout while executing command.') if e.output: log.error('Command output: %s', e.output) except subprocess32.CalledProcessError as e: log.exception('Error while executing command.') if e.output: log.error('Command output: %s', e.output) except: log.exception( 'Exception while executing command %s.', cmd)