## BUILD/RUN ARGS ## #################### TZ="UTC" # Version of docker image to deploy and run # to set a custom version run ./rcstack cli set-runtime-image VER (e.g 5.0.0) RC_VERSION=stable # Select RhodeCode edition ce (free community), or ee (paid/enterprise) RC_EDITION=ee # GENERATED ARGS # ################## # set limit of redis in-memory cache before keys get evicted using LRU cache RC_REDIS_MAXMEMORY=1024mb # set the size of ramdisk used for locking files RC_DATA_RAMDISK_SIZE=512M # Database bootstrap/access credentials # Bootstrap container with specific password # This password will be used to generate new account and password for the database # Please don't change those unless you use your own database DB_NAME=rhodecode DB_USER=rhodecode DB_PASSWORD=GENERATED_AT_BOOTSTRAP # Database type used, can be postgres, mysql, none DB_TYPE=postgres # user/password for first admin user created for access # this is a bootstrap super-admin account to access the web interface RHODECODE_USER_EMAIL=admin@server-com RHODECODE_USER_NAME=admin RHODECODE_USER_PASS=secret4 # prependend to loki url prefix, this will be generated # format is username:plaintext_password@ RC_LOKI_AUTH=loki-auth:password@ # base url for running app, this is used for traefik hasname matching, so accessing this host will redirect # traffic to the running instance. This needs to be the same as RC_APP_BASE_URL # replace this with your name of host. e.g yourdomain.com or rc.company.local RC_HOSTNAME=base-url # application base url, at which location including a scheme (http/https) this app will be # running, this needs to be a valid resolvable domain for rhodecode links to work properly RC_APP_BASE_URL=http://base-url # use celery workers/scheduler RC_USE_CELERY=true RC_CELERY_BROKER_URL=redis://redis:6379/8