## Shared base stuff for all compose files in stack x-logging: &custom-logging # Install loki plugin # docker plugin install grafana/loki-docker-driver:2.7.1 --alias loki --grant-all-permissions # NOTE: loki logging driver ONLY works for host type networks... # To cleanly uninstall the plugin, disable and remove it # docker plugin disable loki --force && docker plugin rm loki # debug: sudo journalctl -u docker.service | grep loki driver: loki options: #loki-url: "http://${RC_LOKI_AUTH}loki:3100/loki/api/v1/push" loki-url: "http://${RC_LOKI_AUTH}" loki-retries: "5" loki-timeout: "1s" loki-max-backoff: "800ms" volumes: # bind-mount with configs confvolume: driver: local driver_opts: type: none o: bind device: $PWD/config/_shared # SHARED volume for rhodecode caches, archive caches, nginx static, # must be run via: docker volume create --name=rc_datavolume rc_datavolume: external: true # volume for RhodeCode repo-store, it's where the repositories will be stored # must be run via: docker volume create --name=rc_reposvolume rc_reposvolume: external: true networks: # SHARED network for all containers # must be run via: docker network create --name=rhodecode_network rhodecode_network: name: rhodecode_network driver: bridge external: true