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r1045:7571f5a6 python3
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redis: improved distributed lock to implementation that won't block.
r944 import sys
import threading
import weakref
from base64 import b64encode
from logging import getLogger
from os import urandom
from redis import StrictRedis
__version__ = '3.7.0'
loggers = {
caches: improved locking problems with distributed lock new cache backend
r946 k: getLogger("vcsserver." + ".".join((__name__, k)))
redis: improved distributed lock to implementation that won't block.
r944 for k in [
py3: fixes for python3
r1045 text_type = str
binary_type = bytes
redis: improved distributed lock to implementation that won't block.
# Check if the id match. If not, return an error code.
if redis.call("get", KEYS[1]) ~= ARGV[1] then
return 1
redis.call("del", KEYS[2])
redis.call("lpush", KEYS[2], 1)
redis.call("pexpire", KEYS[2], ARGV[2])
redis.call("del", KEYS[1])
return 0
# Covers both cases when key doesn't exist and doesn't equal to lock's id
if redis.call("get", KEYS[1]) ~= ARGV[1] then
return 1
elseif redis.call("ttl", KEYS[1]) < 0 then
return 2
redis.call("expire", KEYS[1], ARGV[2])
return 0
redis.call('del', KEYS[2])
redis.call('lpush', KEYS[2], 1)
redis.call('pexpire', KEYS[2], ARGV[2])
return redis.call('del', KEYS[1])
local locks = redis.call('keys', 'lock:*')
local signal
for _, lock in pairs(locks) do
signal = 'lock-signal:' .. string.sub(lock, 6)
redis.call('del', signal)
redis.call('lpush', signal, 1)
redis.call('expire', signal, 1)
redis.call('del', lock)
return #locks
class AlreadyAcquired(RuntimeError):
class NotAcquired(RuntimeError):
class AlreadyStarted(RuntimeError):
class TimeoutNotUsable(RuntimeError):
class InvalidTimeout(RuntimeError):
class TimeoutTooLarge(RuntimeError):
class NotExpirable(RuntimeError):
class Lock(object):
A Lock context manager implemented via redis SETNX/BLPOP.
unlock_script = None
extend_script = None
reset_script = None
reset_all_script = None
def __init__(self, redis_client, name, expire=None, id=None, auto_renewal=False, strict=True, signal_expire=1000):
:param redis_client:
An instance of :class:`~StrictRedis`.
:param name:
The name (redis key) the lock should have.
:param expire:
The lock expiry time in seconds. If left at the default (None)
the lock will not expire.
:param id:
The ID (redis value) the lock should have. A random value is
generated when left at the default.
Note that if you specify this then the lock is marked as "held". Acquires
won't be possible.
:param auto_renewal:
If set to ``True``, Lock will automatically renew the lock so that it
doesn't expire for as long as the lock is held (acquire() called
or running in a context manager).
Implementation note: Renewal will happen using a daemon thread with
an interval of ``expire*2/3``. If wishing to use a different renewal
time, subclass Lock, call ``super().__init__()`` then set
``self._lock_renewal_interval`` to your desired interval.
:param strict:
If set ``True`` then the ``redis_client`` needs to be an instance of ``redis.StrictRedis``.
:param signal_expire:
Advanced option to override signal list expiration in milliseconds. Increase it for very slow clients. Default: ``1000``.
if strict and not isinstance(redis_client, StrictRedis):
raise ValueError("redis_client must be instance of StrictRedis. "
"Use strict=False if you know what you're doing.")
if auto_renewal and expire is None:
raise ValueError("Expire may not be None when auto_renewal is set")
self._client = redis_client
if expire:
expire = int(expire)
if expire < 0:
raise ValueError("A negative expire is not acceptable.")
expire = None
self._expire = expire
self._signal_expire = signal_expire
if id is None:
self._id = b64encode(urandom(18)).decode('ascii')
elif isinstance(id, binary_type):
self._id = id.decode('ascii')
except UnicodeDecodeError:
self._id = b64encode(id).decode('ascii')
elif isinstance(id, text_type):
self._id = id
raise TypeError("Incorrect type for `id`. Must be bytes/str not %s." % type(id))
self._name = 'lock:' + name
self._signal = 'lock-signal:' + name
self._lock_renewal_interval = (float(expire) * 2 / 3
if auto_renewal
else None)
self._lock_renewal_thread = None
def register_scripts(cls, redis_client):
global reset_all_script
if reset_all_script is None:
reset_all_script = redis_client.register_script(RESET_ALL_SCRIPT)
cls.unlock_script = redis_client.register_script(UNLOCK_SCRIPT)
cls.extend_script = redis_client.register_script(EXTEND_SCRIPT)
cls.reset_script = redis_client.register_script(RESET_SCRIPT)
cls.reset_all_script = redis_client.register_script(RESET_ALL_SCRIPT)
def _held(self):
return self.id == self.get_owner_id()
def reset(self):
Forcibly deletes the lock. Use this with care.
self.reset_script(client=self._client, keys=(self._name, self._signal), args=(self.id, self._signal_expire))
def id(self):
return self._id
def get_owner_id(self):
owner_id = self._client.get(self._name)
if isinstance(owner_id, binary_type):
owner_id = owner_id.decode('ascii', 'replace')
return owner_id
def acquire(self, blocking=True, timeout=None):
:param blocking:
Boolean value specifying whether lock should be blocking or not.
:param timeout:
An integer value specifying the maximum number of seconds to block.
logger = loggers["acquire"]
libs: synced with ce codebase
r1018 logger.debug("Getting blocking: %s acquire on %r ...", blocking, self._name)
redis: improved distributed lock to implementation that won't block.
if self._held:
caches: improved locking problems with distributed lock new cache backend
r946 owner_id = self.get_owner_id()
raise AlreadyAcquired("Already acquired from this Lock instance. Lock id: {}".format(owner_id))
redis: improved distributed lock to implementation that won't block.
if not blocking and timeout is not None:
raise TimeoutNotUsable("Timeout cannot be used if blocking=False")
if timeout:
timeout = int(timeout)
if timeout < 0:
raise InvalidTimeout("Timeout (%d) cannot be less than or equal to 0" % timeout)
if self._expire and not self._lock_renewal_interval and timeout > self._expire:
raise TimeoutTooLarge("Timeout (%d) cannot be greater than expire (%d)" % (timeout, self._expire))
busy = True
blpop_timeout = timeout or self._expire or 0
timed_out = False
while busy:
busy = not self._client.set(self._name, self._id, nx=True, ex=self._expire)
if busy:
if timed_out:
return False
elif blocking:
timed_out = not self._client.blpop(self._signal, blpop_timeout) and timeout
logger.warning("Failed to get %r.", self._name)
return False
libs: synced with ce codebase
r1018 logger.debug("Got lock for %r.", self._name)
redis: improved distributed lock to implementation that won't block.
r944 if self._lock_renewal_interval is not None:
return True
def extend(self, expire=None):
"""Extends expiration time of the lock.
:param expire:
New expiration time. If ``None`` - `expire` provided during
lock initialization will be taken.
if expire:
expire = int(expire)
if expire < 0:
raise ValueError("A negative expire is not acceptable.")
elif self._expire is not None:
expire = self._expire
raise TypeError(
"To extend a lock 'expire' must be provided as an "
"argument to extend() method or at initialization time."
error = self.extend_script(client=self._client, keys=(self._name, self._signal), args=(self._id, expire))
if error == 1:
raise NotAcquired("Lock %s is not acquired or it already expired." % self._name)
elif error == 2:
raise NotExpirable("Lock %s has no assigned expiration time" % self._name)
elif error:
raise RuntimeError("Unsupported error code %s from EXTEND script" % error)
def _lock_renewer(lockref, interval, stop):
Renew the lock key in redis every `interval` seconds for as long
as `self._lock_renewal_thread.should_exit` is False.
while not stop.wait(timeout=interval):
loggers["refresh.thread.start"].debug("Refreshing lock")
lock = lockref()
if lock is None:
"The lock no longer exists, stopping lock refreshing"
del lock
loggers["refresh.thread.exit"].debug("Exit requested, stopping lock refreshing")
def _start_lock_renewer(self):
Starts the lock refresher thread.
if self._lock_renewal_thread is not None:
raise AlreadyStarted("Lock refresh thread already started")
"Starting thread to refresh lock every %s seconds",
self._lock_renewal_stop = threading.Event()
self._lock_renewal_thread = threading.Thread(
kwargs={'lockref': weakref.ref(self),
'interval': self._lock_renewal_interval,
'stop': self._lock_renewal_stop}
def _stop_lock_renewer(self):
Stop the lock renewer.
This signals the renewal thread and waits for its exit.
if self._lock_renewal_thread is None or not self._lock_renewal_thread.is_alive():
loggers["refresh.shutdown"].debug("Signalling the lock refresher to stop")
self._lock_renewal_thread = None
loggers["refresh.exit"].debug("Lock refresher has stopped")
def __enter__(self):
acquired = self.acquire(blocking=True)
assert acquired, "Lock wasn't acquired, but blocking=True"
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type=None, exc_value=None, traceback=None):
def release(self):
"""Releases the lock, that was acquired with the same object.
.. note::
If you want to release a lock that you acquired in a different place you have two choices:
* Use ``Lock("name", id=id_from_other_place).release()``
* Use ``Lock("name").reset()``
if self._lock_renewal_thread is not None:
loggers["release"].debug("Releasing %r.", self._name)
error = self.unlock_script(client=self._client, keys=(self._name, self._signal), args=(self._id, self._signal_expire))
if error == 1:
raise NotAcquired("Lock %s is not acquired or it already expired." % self._name)
elif error:
raise RuntimeError("Unsupported error code %s from EXTEND script." % error)
def locked(self):
Return true if the lock is acquired.
Checks that lock with same name already exists. This method returns true, even if
lock have another id.
return self._client.exists(self._name) == 1
reset_all_script = None
def reset_all(redis_client):
Forcibly deletes all locks if its remains (like a crash reason). Use this with care.
:param redis_client:
An instance of :class:`~StrictRedis`.
reset_all_script(client=redis_client) # noqa