##// END OF EJS Templates
metrics: statsd report vcs methods use even on debug logs disabled
metrics: statsd report vcs methods use even on debug logs disabled

File last commit:

r1026:4f955419 default
r1035:ad4effdd default
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238 lines | 7.6 KiB | text/x-ini | IniLexer
config: updated .ini files with new style comments...
r806 ## -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
caches: replaced beaker with dogpile cache.
config: updated .ini files with new style comments...
r806 ; #################################
; #################################
caches: replaced beaker with dogpile cache.
config: updated .ini files with new style comments...
caches: replaced beaker with dogpile cache.
r483 host =
port = 9900
configs: moved most of configuration back to .ini files instead of gunicorn file
config: updated .ini files with new style comments...
r806 ; ###########################
; ###########################
configs: moved most of configuration back to .ini files instead of gunicorn file
core: re-implemented the way how configuration can be made...
r1021 ; run with gunicorn --paste rhodecode.ini
caches: replaced beaker with dogpile cache.
config: updated .ini files with new style comments...
r806 ; Module to use, this setting shouldn't be changed
caches: replaced beaker with dogpile cache.
r483 use = egg:gunicorn#main
config: updated .ini files with new style comments...
; Sets the number of process workers. More workers means more concurrent connections
; RhodeCode can handle at the same time. Each additional worker also it increases
; memory usage as each has it's own set of caches.
; Recommended value is (2 * NUMBER_OF_CPUS + 1), eg 2CPU = 5 workers, but no more
; than 8-10 unless for really big deployments .e.g 700-1000 users.
; `instance_id = *` must be set in the [app:main] section below (which is the default)
; when using more than 1 worker.
caches: replaced beaker with dogpile cache.
r483 workers = 2
configs: moved most of configuration back to .ini files instead of gunicorn file
config: updated .ini files with new style comments...
r806 ; Gunicorn access log level
configs: moved most of configuration back to .ini files instead of gunicorn file
r801 loglevel = info
config: updated .ini files with new style comments...
r806 ; Process name visible in process list
caches: replaced beaker with dogpile cache.
r483 proc_name = rhodecode_vcsserver
configs: moved most of configuration back to .ini files instead of gunicorn file
ini: updated .ini templates
r809 ; Type of worker class, one of `sync`, `gevent`
config: updated .ini files with new style comments...
r806 ; currently `sync` is the only option allowed.
caches: replaced beaker with dogpile cache.
r483 worker_class = sync
configs: moved most of configuration back to .ini files instead of gunicorn file
config: updated .ini files with new style comments...
r806 ; The maximum number of simultaneous clients. Valid only for gevent
configs: moved most of configuration back to .ini files instead of gunicorn file
r801 worker_connections = 10
config: updated .ini files with new style comments...
r806 ; Max number of requests that worker will handle before being gracefully restarted.
; Prevents memory leaks, jitter adds variability so not all workers are restarted at once.
caches: replaced beaker with dogpile cache.
r483 max_requests = 1000
max_requests_jitter = 30
configs: moved most of configuration back to .ini files instead of gunicorn file
config: updated .ini files with new style comments...
r806 ; Amount of time a worker can spend with handling a request before it
; gets killed and restarted. By default set to 21600 (6hrs)
; Examples: 1800 (30min), 3600 (1hr), 7200 (2hr), 43200 (12h)
caches: replaced beaker with dogpile cache.
r483 timeout = 21600
config: updated .ini files with new style comments...
r806 ; The maximum size of HTTP request line in bytes.
; 0 for unlimited
configs: moved most of configuration back to .ini files instead of gunicorn file
r801 limit_request_line = 0
config: updated .ini files with new style comments...
r806 ; Limit the number of HTTP headers fields in a request.
; By default this value is 100 and can't be larger than 32768.
configs: moved most of configuration back to .ini files instead of gunicorn file
r801 limit_request_fields = 32768
config: updated .ini files with new style comments...
r806 ; Limit the allowed size of an HTTP request header field.
; Value is a positive number or 0.
; Setting it to 0 will allow unlimited header field sizes.
configs: moved most of configuration back to .ini files instead of gunicorn file
r801 limit_request_field_size = 0
config: updated .ini files with new style comments...
r806 ; Timeout for graceful workers restart.
; After receiving a restart signal, workers have this much time to finish
; serving requests. Workers still alive after the timeout (starting from the
; receipt of the restart signal) are force killed.
; Examples: 1800 (30min), 3600 (1hr), 7200 (2hr), 43200 (12h)
core: re-implemented the way how configuration can be made...
r1021 graceful_timeout = 21600
configs: moved most of configuration back to .ini files instead of gunicorn file
# The number of seconds to wait for requests on a Keep-Alive connection.
# Generally set in the 1-5 seconds range.
keepalive = 2
config: updated .ini files with new style comments...
r806 ; Maximum memory usage that each worker can use before it will receive a
; graceful restart signal 0 = memory monitoring is disabled
; Examples: 268435456 (256MB), 536870912 (512MB)
; 1073741824 (1GB), 2147483648 (2GB), 4294967296 (4GB)
configs: moved most of configuration back to .ini files instead of gunicorn file
r801 memory_max_usage = 0
config: updated .ini files with new style comments...
r806 ; How often in seconds to check for memory usage for each gunicorn worker
configs: moved most of configuration back to .ini files instead of gunicorn file
r801 memory_usage_check_interval = 60
config: updated .ini files with new style comments...
r806 ; Threshold value for which we don't recycle worker if GarbageCollection
; frees up enough resources. Before each restart we try to run GC on worker
; in case we get enough free memory after that, restart will not happen.
configs: moved most of configuration back to .ini files instead of gunicorn file
r801 memory_usage_recovery_threshold = 0.8
caches: replaced beaker with dogpile cache.
config: updated .ini files with new style comments...
r806 ; The %(here)s variable will be replaced with the absolute path of parent directory
; of this file
core: re-implemented the way how configuration can be made...
r1021 ; Each option in the app:main can be override by an environmental variable
;To override an option:
;Everything should be uppercase, . and - should be replaced by _.
;For example, if you have these configuration settings:
;rc_cache.repo_object.backend = foo
;can be overridden by
caches: replaced beaker with dogpile cache.
r483 use = egg:rhodecode-vcsserver
config: updated .ini files with new style comments...
r806 ; Pyramid default locales, we need this to be set
core: re-implemented the way how configuration can be made...
r1021 #pyramid.default_locale_name = en
caches: replaced beaker with dogpile cache.
config: updated .ini files with new style comments...
r806 ; default locale used by VCS systems
core: re-implemented the way how configuration can be made...
r1021 #locale = en_US.UTF-8
caches: replaced beaker with dogpile cache.
config: updated .ini files with new style comments...
r806 ; path to binaries for vcsserver, it should be set by the installer
core: re-implemented the way how configuration can be made...
r1021 ; at installation time, e.g /home/user/.rccontrol/vcsserver-1/profile/bin
config: updated .ini files with new style comments...
r806 ; it can also be a path to nix-build output in case of development
caches: replaced beaker with dogpile cache.
r483 core.binary_dir = ""
config: updated .ini files with new style comments...
r806 ; Custom exception store path, defaults to TMPDIR
; This is used to store exception from RhodeCode in shared directory
config: updated configuration with latest changes
r546 #exception_tracker.store_path =
exc_store: allow to specify a custom path for exception store.
config: updated .ini files with new style comments...
r806 ; #############
; #############
; Default cache dir for caches. Putting this into a ramdisk can boost performance.
; eg. /tmpfs/data_ramdisk, however this directory might require large amount of space
core: re-implemented the way how configuration can be made...
r1021 #cache_dir = %(here)s/data
exc_store: allow to specify a custom path for exception store.
config: updated .ini files with new style comments...
r806 ; ***************************************
; `repo_object` cache, default file based
; ***************************************
; `repo_object` cache settings for vcs methods for repositories
core: re-implemented the way how configuration can be made...
r1021 #rc_cache.repo_object.backend = dogpile.cache.rc.file_namespace
config: updated .ini files with new style comments...
; cache auto-expires after N seconds
; Examples: 86400 (1Day), 604800 (7Days), 1209600 (14Days), 2592000 (30days), 7776000 (90Days)
core: re-implemented the way how configuration can be made...
r1021 #rc_cache.repo_object.expiration_time = 2592000
caches: set file based cache as default for vcsserver
ini: updated .ini templates
r809 ; file cache store path. Defaults to `cache_dir =` value or tempdir if both values are not set
core: re-implemented the way how configuration can be made...
r1021 #rc_cache.repo_object.arguments.filename = /tmp/vcsserver_cache_repo_object.db
caches: set file based cache as default for vcsserver
ini: updated .ini templates
r809 ; ***********************************************************
config: updated .ini files with new style comments...
r806 ; `repo_object` cache with redis backend
ini: updated .ini templates
r809 ; recommended for larger instance, and for better performance
; ***********************************************************
config: updated .ini files with new style comments...
; `repo_object` cache settings for vcs methods for repositories
#rc_cache.repo_object.backend = dogpile.cache.rc.redis_msgpack
; cache auto-expires after N seconds
; Examples: 86400 (1Day), 604800 (7Days), 1209600 (14Days), 2592000 (30days), 7776000 (90Days)
#rc_cache.repo_object.expiration_time = 2592000
; redis_expiration_time needs to be greater then expiration_time
#rc_cache.repo_object.arguments.redis_expiration_time = 3592000
#rc_cache.repo_object.arguments.host = localhost
#rc_cache.repo_object.arguments.port = 6379
#rc_cache.repo_object.arguments.db = 5
#rc_cache.repo_object.arguments.socket_timeout = 30
; more Redis options: https://dogpilecache.sqlalchemy.org/en/latest/api.html#redis-backends
#rc_cache.repo_object.arguments.distributed_lock = true
caches: replaced beaker with dogpile cache.
cache: allow controlling lock_auto_renewal via .ini config
r949 ; auto-renew lock to prevent stale locks, slower but safer. Use only if problems happen
#rc_cache.repo_object.arguments.lock_auto_renewal = true
config: expose statsd config variable
r1006 ; Statsd client config, this is used to send metrics to statsd
; We recommend setting statsd_exported and scrape them using Promethues
application: added statsd client for sending usage statistics.
r920 #statsd.enabled = false
#statsd.statsd_host =
#statsd.statsd_port = 8125
#statsd.statsd_prefix =
#statsd.statsd_ipv6 = false
caches: replaced beaker with dogpile cache.
core: re-implemented the way how configuration can be made...
r1021 ; configure logging automatically at server startup set to false
; to use the below custom logging config.
env: made configuration completly overridable by env variables
; env variables can control the settings for logging in case of autoconfigure
core: re-implemented the way how configuration can be made...
r1021 #logging.autoconfigure = true
; specify your own custom logging config file to configure logging
#logging.logging_conf_file = /path/to/custom_logging.ini
config: updated .ini files with new style comments...
r806 ; #####################
; #####################
env: made configuration completly overridable by env variables
config: updated configs to still not comment out logging configuration....
r1024 [loggers]
keys = root, vcsserver
caches: replaced beaker with dogpile cache.
config: updated configs to still not comment out logging configuration....
r1024 [handlers]
keys = console
caches: replaced beaker with dogpile cache.
config: updated configs to still not comment out logging configuration....
r1024 [formatters]
keys = generic, json
caches: replaced beaker with dogpile cache.
config: updated .ini files with new style comments...
r806 ; #######
; #######
config: updated configs to still not comment out logging configuration....
r1024 [logger_root]
level = NOTSET
handlers = console
caches: replaced beaker with dogpile cache.
config: updated configs to still not comment out logging configuration....
r1024 [logger_vcsserver]
level = INFO
handlers =
qualname = vcsserver
propagate = 1
caches: replaced beaker with dogpile cache.
config: updated .ini files with new style comments...
r806 ; ########
; ########
caches: replaced beaker with dogpile cache.
config: updated configs to still not comment out logging configuration....
r1024 [handler_console]
class = StreamHandler
args = (sys.stderr, )
level = INFO
config: fix double keywork for formatter for easier sed replace
r1026 ; To enable JSON formatted logs replace 'generic' with 'json'
; This allows sending properly formatted logs to grafana loki or elasticsearch
config: updated configs to still not comment out logging configuration....
r1024 formatter = generic
caches: replaced beaker with dogpile cache.
config: updated .ini files with new style comments...
r806 ; ##########
; ##########
caches: replaced beaker with dogpile cache.
config: updated configs to still not comment out logging configuration....
r1024 [formatter_generic]
format = %(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d [%(process)d] %(levelname)-5.5s [%(name)s] %(message)s
datefmt = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
configs: added changed require to track logging with loki or logstash
config: updated configs to still not comment out logging configuration....
r1024 [formatter_json]
format = %(timestamp)s %(levelname)s %(name)s %(message)s %(req_id)s
class = vcsserver.lib._vendor.jsonlogger.JsonFormatter