##// END OF EJS Templates
nix: added custom checkPhase to remove sugar output during package building.
marcink -
r135:49a07a00 default
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@@ -46,7 +46,6 b' let'
46 46 });
47 47
48 48 inherit (pkgs.lib) fix extends;
50 49 basePythonPackages = with builtins; if isAttrs pythonPackages
51 50 then pythonPackages
52 51 else getAttr pythonPackages pkgs;
@@ -61,9 +60,8 b' let'
61 60 let
62 61 ext = last (splitString "." path);
63 62 in
64 !elem (basename path) [
65 ".git" ".hg" "__pycache__" ".eggs" "node_modules"
66 "build" "data" "tmp"] &&
63 !elem (basename path) [".hg" ".git" "__pycache__" ".eggs"
64 "node_modules" "build" "data" "tmp"] &&
67 65 !elem ext ["egg-info" "pyc"] &&
68 66 !startsWith "result" path;
69 67
@@ -71,8 +69,7 b' let'
71 69
72 70 pythonGeneratedPackages = self: basePythonPackages.override (a: {
73 71 inherit self;
74 })
75 // (scopedImport {
72 }) // (scopedImport {
76 73 self = self;
77 74 super = basePythonPackages;
78 75 inherit pkgs;
@@ -80,18 +77,15 b' let'
80 77 } ./pkgs/python-packages.nix);
81 78
82 79 pythonOverrides = import ./pkgs/python-packages-overrides.nix {
83 inherit
84 basePythonPackages
85 pkgs;
80 inherit basePythonPackages pkgs;
86 81 };
87 82
88 83 version = builtins.readFile ./vcsserver/VERSION;
89 84
90 85 pythonLocalOverrides = self: super: {
91 86 rhodecode-vcsserver = super.rhodecode-vcsserver.override (attrs: {
92 inherit
93 doCheck
94 version;
87 inherit doCheck version;
95 89 name = "rhodecode-vcsserver-${version}";
96 90 releaseName = "RhodeCodeVCSServer-${version}";
97 91 src = rhodecode-vcsserver-src;
@@ -112,6 +106,13 b' let'
112 106 export PATH="$out/bin:$PATH"
113 107 '';
114 108
109 # put custom attrs here
110 checkPhase = ''
111 runHook preCheck
112 PYTHONHASHSEED=random py.test -p no:sugar -vv --cov-config=.coveragerc --cov=vcsserver --cov-report=term-missing vcsserver
113 runHook postCheck
114 '';
115 116 postInstall = ''
116 117 echo "Writing meta information for rccontrol to nix-support/rccontrol"
117 118 mkdir -p $out/nix-support/rccontrol
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