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redis: improved distributed lock to implementation that won't block.
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@@ -0,0 +1,389 b''
1 import sys
2 import threading
3 import weakref
4 from base64 import b64encode
5 from logging import getLogger
6 from os import urandom
8 from redis import StrictRedis
10 __version__ = '3.7.0'
12 loggers = {
13 k: getLogger(".".join((__name__, k)))
14 for k in [
15 "acquire",
16 "refresh.thread.start",
17 "refresh.thread.stop",
18 "refresh.thread.exit",
19 "refresh.start",
20 "refresh.shutdown",
21 "refresh.exit",
22 "release",
23 ]
24 }
26 PY3 = sys.version_info[0] == 3
28 if PY3:
29 text_type = str
30 binary_type = bytes
31 else:
32 text_type = unicode # noqa
33 binary_type = str
36 # Check if the id match. If not, return an error code.
38 if redis.call("get", KEYS[1]) ~= ARGV[1] then
39 return 1
40 else
41 redis.call("del", KEYS[2])
42 redis.call("lpush", KEYS[2], 1)
43 redis.call("pexpire", KEYS[2], ARGV[2])
44 redis.call("del", KEYS[1])
45 return 0
46 end
47 """
49 # Covers both cases when key doesn't exist and doesn't equal to lock's id
51 if redis.call("get", KEYS[1]) ~= ARGV[1] then
52 return 1
53 elseif redis.call("ttl", KEYS[1]) < 0 then
54 return 2
55 else
56 redis.call("expire", KEYS[1], ARGV[2])
57 return 0
58 end
59 """
61 RESET_SCRIPT = b"""
62 redis.call('del', KEYS[2])
63 redis.call('lpush', KEYS[2], 1)
64 redis.call('pexpire', KEYS[2], ARGV[2])
65 return redis.call('del', KEYS[1])
66 """
69 local locks = redis.call('keys', 'lock:*')
70 local signal
71 for _, lock in pairs(locks) do
72 signal = 'lock-signal:' .. string.sub(lock, 6)
73 redis.call('del', signal)
74 redis.call('lpush', signal, 1)
75 redis.call('expire', signal, 1)
76 redis.call('del', lock)
77 end
78 return #locks
79 """
82 class AlreadyAcquired(RuntimeError):
83 pass
86 class NotAcquired(RuntimeError):
87 pass
90 class AlreadyStarted(RuntimeError):
91 pass
94 class TimeoutNotUsable(RuntimeError):
95 pass
98 class InvalidTimeout(RuntimeError):
99 pass
102 class TimeoutTooLarge(RuntimeError):
103 pass
106 class NotExpirable(RuntimeError):
107 pass
110 class Lock(object):
111 """
112 A Lock context manager implemented via redis SETNX/BLPOP.
113 """
114 unlock_script = None
115 extend_script = None
116 reset_script = None
117 reset_all_script = None
119 def __init__(self, redis_client, name, expire=None, id=None, auto_renewal=False, strict=True, signal_expire=1000):
120 """
121 :param redis_client:
122 An instance of :class:`~StrictRedis`.
123 :param name:
124 The name (redis key) the lock should have.
125 :param expire:
126 The lock expiry time in seconds. If left at the default (None)
127 the lock will not expire.
128 :param id:
129 The ID (redis value) the lock should have. A random value is
130 generated when left at the default.
132 Note that if you specify this then the lock is marked as "held". Acquires
133 won't be possible.
134 :param auto_renewal:
135 If set to ``True``, Lock will automatically renew the lock so that it
136 doesn't expire for as long as the lock is held (acquire() called
137 or running in a context manager).
139 Implementation note: Renewal will happen using a daemon thread with
140 an interval of ``expire*2/3``. If wishing to use a different renewal
141 time, subclass Lock, call ``super().__init__()`` then set
142 ``self._lock_renewal_interval`` to your desired interval.
143 :param strict:
144 If set ``True`` then the ``redis_client`` needs to be an instance of ``redis.StrictRedis``.
145 :param signal_expire:
146 Advanced option to override signal list expiration in milliseconds. Increase it for very slow clients. Default: ``1000``.
147 """
148 if strict and not isinstance(redis_client, StrictRedis):
149 raise ValueError("redis_client must be instance of StrictRedis. "
150 "Use strict=False if you know what you're doing.")
151 if auto_renewal and expire is None:
152 raise ValueError("Expire may not be None when auto_renewal is set")
154 self._client = redis_client
156 if expire:
157 expire = int(expire)
158 if expire < 0:
159 raise ValueError("A negative expire is not acceptable.")
160 else:
161 expire = None
162 self._expire = expire
164 self._signal_expire = signal_expire
165 if id is None:
166 self._id = b64encode(urandom(18)).decode('ascii')
167 elif isinstance(id, binary_type):
168 try:
169 self._id = id.decode('ascii')
170 except UnicodeDecodeError:
171 self._id = b64encode(id).decode('ascii')
172 elif isinstance(id, text_type):
173 self._id = id
174 else:
175 raise TypeError("Incorrect type for `id`. Must be bytes/str not %s." % type(id))
176 self._name = 'lock:' + name
177 self._signal = 'lock-signal:' + name
178 self._lock_renewal_interval = (float(expire) * 2 / 3
179 if auto_renewal
180 else None)
181 self._lock_renewal_thread = None
183 self.register_scripts(redis_client)
185 @classmethod
186 def register_scripts(cls, redis_client):
187 global reset_all_script
188 if reset_all_script is None:
189 reset_all_script = redis_client.register_script(RESET_ALL_SCRIPT)
190 cls.unlock_script = redis_client.register_script(UNLOCK_SCRIPT)
191 cls.extend_script = redis_client.register_script(EXTEND_SCRIPT)
192 cls.reset_script = redis_client.register_script(RESET_SCRIPT)
193 cls.reset_all_script = redis_client.register_script(RESET_ALL_SCRIPT)
195 @property
196 def _held(self):
197 return self.id == self.get_owner_id()
199 def reset(self):
200 """
201 Forcibly deletes the lock. Use this with care.
202 """
203 self.reset_script(client=self._client, keys=(self._name, self._signal), args=(self.id, self._signal_expire))
205 @property
206 def id(self):
207 return self._id
209 def get_owner_id(self):
210 owner_id = self._client.get(self._name)
211 if isinstance(owner_id, binary_type):
212 owner_id = owner_id.decode('ascii', 'replace')
213 return owner_id
215 def acquire(self, blocking=True, timeout=None):
216 """
217 :param blocking:
218 Boolean value specifying whether lock should be blocking or not.
219 :param timeout:
220 An integer value specifying the maximum number of seconds to block.
221 """
222 logger = loggers["acquire"]
224 logger.debug("Getting %r ...", self._name)
226 if self._held:
227 raise AlreadyAcquired("Already acquired from this Lock instance.")
229 if not blocking and timeout is not None:
230 raise TimeoutNotUsable("Timeout cannot be used if blocking=False")
232 if timeout:
233 timeout = int(timeout)
234 if timeout < 0:
235 raise InvalidTimeout("Timeout (%d) cannot be less than or equal to 0" % timeout)
237 if self._expire and not self._lock_renewal_interval and timeout > self._expire:
238 raise TimeoutTooLarge("Timeout (%d) cannot be greater than expire (%d)" % (timeout, self._expire))
240 busy = True
241 blpop_timeout = timeout or self._expire or 0
242 timed_out = False
243 while busy:
244 busy = not self._client.set(self._name, self._id, nx=True, ex=self._expire)
245 if busy:
246 if timed_out:
247 return False
248 elif blocking:
249 timed_out = not self._client.blpop(self._signal, blpop_timeout) and timeout
250 else:
251 logger.warning("Failed to get %r.", self._name)
252 return False
254 logger.info("Got lock for %r.", self._name)
255 if self._lock_renewal_interval is not None:
256 self._start_lock_renewer()
257 return True
259 def extend(self, expire=None):
260 """Extends expiration time of the lock.
262 :param expire:
263 New expiration time. If ``None`` - `expire` provided during
264 lock initialization will be taken.
265 """
266 if expire:
267 expire = int(expire)
268 if expire < 0:
269 raise ValueError("A negative expire is not acceptable.")
270 elif self._expire is not None:
271 expire = self._expire
272 else:
273 raise TypeError(
274 "To extend a lock 'expire' must be provided as an "
275 "argument to extend() method or at initialization time."
276 )
278 error = self.extend_script(client=self._client, keys=(self._name, self._signal), args=(self._id, expire))
279 if error == 1:
280 raise NotAcquired("Lock %s is not acquired or it already expired." % self._name)
281 elif error == 2:
282 raise NotExpirable("Lock %s has no assigned expiration time" % self._name)
283 elif error:
284 raise RuntimeError("Unsupported error code %s from EXTEND script" % error)
286 @staticmethod
287 def _lock_renewer(lockref, interval, stop):
288 """
289 Renew the lock key in redis every `interval` seconds for as long
290 as `self._lock_renewal_thread.should_exit` is False.
291 """
292 while not stop.wait(timeout=interval):
293 loggers["refresh.thread.start"].debug("Refreshing lock")
294 lock = lockref()
295 if lock is None:
296 loggers["refresh.thread.stop"].debug(
297 "The lock no longer exists, stopping lock refreshing"
298 )
299 break
300 lock.extend(expire=lock._expire)
301 del lock
302 loggers["refresh.thread.exit"].debug("Exit requested, stopping lock refreshing")
304 def _start_lock_renewer(self):
305 """
306 Starts the lock refresher thread.
307 """
308 if self._lock_renewal_thread is not None:
309 raise AlreadyStarted("Lock refresh thread already started")
311 loggers["refresh.start"].debug(
312 "Starting thread to refresh lock every %s seconds",
313 self._lock_renewal_interval
314 )
315 self._lock_renewal_stop = threading.Event()
316 self._lock_renewal_thread = threading.Thread(
317 group=None,
318 target=self._lock_renewer,
319 kwargs={'lockref': weakref.ref(self),
320 'interval': self._lock_renewal_interval,
321 'stop': self._lock_renewal_stop}
322 )
323 self._lock_renewal_thread.setDaemon(True)
324 self._lock_renewal_thread.start()
326 def _stop_lock_renewer(self):
327 """
328 Stop the lock renewer.
330 This signals the renewal thread and waits for its exit.
331 """
332 if self._lock_renewal_thread is None or not self._lock_renewal_thread.is_alive():
333 return
334 loggers["refresh.shutdown"].debug("Signalling the lock refresher to stop")
335 self._lock_renewal_stop.set()
336 self._lock_renewal_thread.join()
337 self._lock_renewal_thread = None
338 loggers["refresh.exit"].debug("Lock refresher has stopped")
340 def __enter__(self):
341 acquired = self.acquire(blocking=True)
342 assert acquired, "Lock wasn't acquired, but blocking=True"
343 return self
345 def __exit__(self, exc_type=None, exc_value=None, traceback=None):
346 self.release()
348 def release(self):
349 """Releases the lock, that was acquired with the same object.
351 .. note::
353 If you want to release a lock that you acquired in a different place you have two choices:
355 * Use ``Lock("name", id=id_from_other_place).release()``
356 * Use ``Lock("name").reset()``
357 """
358 if self._lock_renewal_thread is not None:
359 self._stop_lock_renewer()
360 loggers["release"].debug("Releasing %r.", self._name)
361 error = self.unlock_script(client=self._client, keys=(self._name, self._signal), args=(self._id, self._signal_expire))
362 if error == 1:
363 raise NotAcquired("Lock %s is not acquired or it already expired." % self._name)
364 elif error:
365 raise RuntimeError("Unsupported error code %s from EXTEND script." % error)
367 def locked(self):
368 """
369 Return true if the lock is acquired.
371 Checks that lock with same name already exists. This method returns true, even if
372 lock have another id.
373 """
374 return self._client.exists(self._name) == 1
377 reset_all_script = None
380 def reset_all(redis_client):
381 """
382 Forcibly deletes all locks if its remains (like a crash reason). Use this with care.
384 :param redis_client:
385 An instance of :class:`~StrictRedis`.
386 """
387 Lock.register_scripts(redis_client)
389 reset_all_script(client=redis_client) # noqa
@@ -1,253 +1,259 b''
1 1 # RhodeCode VCSServer provides access to different vcs backends via network.
2 2 # Copyright (C) 2014-2020 RhodeCode GmbH
3 3 #
4 4 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5 5 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6 6 # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
7 7 # (at your option) any later version.
8 8 #
9 9 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 10 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 12 # GNU General Public License for more details.
13 13 #
14 14 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15 15 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
16 16 # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
17 17
18 18 import time
19 19 import errno
20 20 import logging
21 21
22 22 import msgpack
23 23 import redis
24 24
25 25 from dogpile.cache.api import CachedValue
26 26 from dogpile.cache.backends import memory as memory_backend
27 27 from dogpile.cache.backends import file as file_backend
28 28 from dogpile.cache.backends import redis as redis_backend
29 29 from dogpile.cache.backends.file import NO_VALUE, compat, FileLock
30 30 from dogpile.cache.util import memoized_property
31 31
32 32 from vcsserver.lib.memory_lru_dict import LRUDict, LRUDictDebug
33 33
34 34
35 35 _default_max_size = 1024
36 36
37 37 log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
38 38
39 39
40 40 class LRUMemoryBackend(memory_backend.MemoryBackend):
41 41 key_prefix = 'lru_mem_backend'
42 42 pickle_values = False
43 43
44 44 def __init__(self, arguments):
45 45 max_size = arguments.pop('max_size', _default_max_size)
46 46
47 47 LRUDictClass = LRUDict
48 48 if arguments.pop('log_key_count', None):
49 49 LRUDictClass = LRUDictDebug
50 50
51 51 arguments['cache_dict'] = LRUDictClass(max_size)
52 52 super(LRUMemoryBackend, self).__init__(arguments)
53 53
54 54 def delete(self, key):
55 55 try:
56 56 del self._cache[key]
57 57 except KeyError:
58 58 # we don't care if key isn't there at deletion
59 59 pass
60 60
61 61 def delete_multi(self, keys):
62 62 for key in keys:
63 63 self.delete(key)
64 64
65 65
66 66 class PickleSerializer(object):
67 67
68 68 def _dumps(self, value, safe=False):
69 69 try:
70 70 return compat.pickle.dumps(value)
71 71 except Exception:
72 72 if safe:
73 73 return NO_VALUE
74 74 else:
75 75 raise
76 76
77 77 def _loads(self, value, safe=True):
78 78 try:
79 79 return compat.pickle.loads(value)
80 80 except Exception:
81 81 if safe:
82 82 return NO_VALUE
83 83 else:
84 84 raise
85 85
86 86
87 87 class MsgPackSerializer(object):
88 88
89 89 def _dumps(self, value, safe=False):
90 90 try:
91 91 return msgpack.packb(value)
92 92 except Exception:
93 93 if safe:
94 94 return NO_VALUE
95 95 else:
96 96 raise
97 97
98 98 def _loads(self, value, safe=True):
99 99 """
100 100 pickle maintained the `CachedValue` wrapper of the tuple
101 101 msgpack does not, so it must be added back in.
102 102 """
103 103 try:
104 104 value = msgpack.unpackb(value, use_list=False)
105 105 return CachedValue(*value)
106 106 except Exception:
107 107 if safe:
108 108 return NO_VALUE
109 109 else:
110 110 raise
111 111
112 112
113 113 import fcntl
114 114 flock_org = fcntl.flock
115 115
116 116
117 117 class CustomLockFactory(FileLock):
118 118
119 119 pass
120 120
121 121
122 122 class FileNamespaceBackend(PickleSerializer, file_backend.DBMBackend):
123 123 key_prefix = 'file_backend'
124 124
125 125 def __init__(self, arguments):
126 126 arguments['lock_factory'] = CustomLockFactory
127 127 super(FileNamespaceBackend, self).__init__(arguments)
128 128
129 129 def __repr__(self):
130 130 return '{} `{}`'.format(self.__class__, self.filename)
131 131
132 132 def list_keys(self, prefix=''):
133 133 prefix = '{}:{}'.format(self.key_prefix, prefix)
134 134
135 135 def cond(v):
136 136 if not prefix:
137 137 return True
138 138
139 139 if v.startswith(prefix):
140 140 return True
141 141 return False
142 142
143 143 with self._dbm_file(True) as dbm:
144 144
145 145 return filter(cond, dbm.keys())
146 146
147 147 def get_store(self):
148 148 return self.filename
149 149
150 150 def get(self, key):
151 151 with self._dbm_file(False) as dbm:
152 152 if hasattr(dbm, 'get'):
153 153 value = dbm.get(key, NO_VALUE)
154 154 else:
155 155 # gdbm objects lack a .get method
156 156 try:
157 157 value = dbm[key]
158 158 except KeyError:
159 159 value = NO_VALUE
160 160 if value is not NO_VALUE:
161 161 value = self._loads(value)
162 162 return value
163 163
164 164 def set(self, key, value):
165 165 with self._dbm_file(True) as dbm:
166 166 dbm[key] = self._dumps(value)
167 167
168 168 def set_multi(self, mapping):
169 169 with self._dbm_file(True) as dbm:
170 170 for key, value in mapping.items():
171 171 dbm[key] = self._dumps(value)
172 172
173 173
174 174 class BaseRedisBackend(redis_backend.RedisBackend):
175 175
176 176 def _create_client(self):
177 177 args = {}
178 178
179 179 if self.url is not None:
180 180 args.update(url=self.url)
181 181
182 182 else:
183 183 args.update(
184 184 host=self.host, password=self.password,
185 185 port=self.port, db=self.db
186 186 )
187 187
188 188 connection_pool = redis.ConnectionPool(**args)
189 189
190 190 return redis.StrictRedis(connection_pool=connection_pool)
191 191
192 192 def list_keys(self, prefix=''):
193 193 prefix = '{}:{}*'.format(self.key_prefix, prefix)
194 194 return self.client.keys(prefix)
195 195
196 196 def get_store(self):
197 197 return self.client.connection_pool
198 198
199 199 def get(self, key):
200 200 value = self.client.get(key)
201 201 if value is None:
202 202 return NO_VALUE
203 203 return self._loads(value)
204 204
205 205 def get_multi(self, keys):
206 206 if not keys:
207 207 return []
208 208 values = self.client.mget(keys)
209 209 loads = self._loads
210 210 return [
211 211 loads(v) if v is not None else NO_VALUE
212 212 for v in values]
213 213
214 214 def set(self, key, value):
215 215 if self.redis_expiration_time:
216 216 self.client.setex(key, self.redis_expiration_time,
217 217 self._dumps(value))
218 218 else:
219 219 self.client.set(key, self._dumps(value))
220 220
221 221 def set_multi(self, mapping):
222 222 dumps = self._dumps
223 223 mapping = dict(
224 224 (k, dumps(v))
225 225 for k, v in mapping.items()
226 226 )
227 227
228 228 if not self.redis_expiration_time:
229 229 self.client.mset(mapping)
230 230 else:
231 231 pipe = self.client.pipeline()
232 232 for key, value in mapping.items():
233 233 pipe.setex(key, self.redis_expiration_time, value)
234 234 pipe.execute()
235 235
236 236 def get_mutex(self, key):
237 u = redis_backend.u
238 237 if self.distributed_lock:
239 lock_key = u('_lock_{0}').format(key)
238 import redis_lock
239 lock_key = redis_backend.u('_lock_{0}').format(key)
240 240 log.debug('Trying to acquire Redis lock for key %s', lock_key)
241 return self.client.lock(lock_key, self.lock_timeout, self.lock_sleep)
241 lock = redis_lock.Lock(
242 redis_client=self.client,
243 name=lock_key,
244 expire=self.lock_timeout,
245 auto_renewal=False,
246 )
247 return lock
242 248 else:
243 249 return None
244 250
245 251
246 252 class RedisPickleBackend(PickleSerializer, BaseRedisBackend):
247 253 key_prefix = 'redis_pickle_backend'
248 254 pass
249 255
250 256
251 257 class RedisMsgPackBackend(MsgPackSerializer, BaseRedisBackend):
252 258 key_prefix = 'redis_msgpack_backend'
253 259 pass
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