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549 lines | 16.5 KiB | text/x-python | PythonLexer
# RhodeCode VCSServer provides access to different vcs backends via network.
# Copyright (C) 2014-2016 RodeCode GmbH
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
import contextlib
import io
import threading
from BaseHTTPServer import BaseHTTPRequestHandler
from SocketServer import TCPServer
import mercurial.ui
import mock
import pytest
import simplejson as json
from vcsserver import hooks
class HooksStub(object):
Simulates a Proy4.Proxy object.
Will always return `result`, no matter which hook has been called on it.
def __init__(self, result):
self._result = result
def __call__(self, hooks_uri):
return self
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
def __getattr__(self, name):
return mock.Mock(return_value=self._result)
def mock_hook_response(
status=0, output='', exception=None, exception_args=None):
response = {
'status': status,
'output': output,
if exception:
'exception': exception,
'exception_args': exception_args,
with mock.patch('Pyro4.Proxy', HooksStub(response)):
def get_hg_ui(extras=None):
"""Create a Config object with a valid RC_SCM_DATA entry."""
extras = extras or {}
required_extras = {
'username': '',
'repository': '',
'locked_by': '',
'scm': '',
'make_lock': '',
'action': '',
'ip': '',
'hooks_uri': 'fake_hooks_uri',
hg_ui = mercurial.ui.ui()
hg_ui.setconfig('rhodecode', 'RC_SCM_DATA', json.dumps(required_extras))
return hg_ui
def test_call_hook_no_error(capsys):
extras = {
'hooks_uri': 'fake_hook_uri',
expected_output = 'My mock outptut'
writer = mock.Mock()
with mock_hook_response(status=1, output=expected_output):
hooks._call_hook('hook_name', extras, writer)
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
assert err == ''
def test_call_hook_with_exception(capsys):
extras = {
'hooks_uri': 'fake_hook_uri',
expected_output = 'My mock outptut'
writer = mock.Mock()
with mock_hook_response(status=1, output=expected_output,
exception_args=('Mock exception', )):
with pytest.raises(Exception) as excinfo:
hooks._call_hook('hook_name', extras, writer)
assert excinfo.type == Exception
assert 'Mock exception' in str(excinfo.value)
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
assert err == ''
def test_call_hook_with_locked_exception(capsys):
extras = {
'hooks_uri': 'fake_hook_uri',
expected_output = 'My mock outptut'
writer = mock.Mock()
with mock_hook_response(status=1, output=expected_output,
with pytest.raises(Exception) as excinfo:
hooks._call_hook('hook_name', extras, writer)
assert excinfo.value._vcs_kind == 'repo_locked'
assert 'message' == str(excinfo.value)
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
assert err == ''
def test_call_hook_with_stdout():
extras = {
'hooks_uri': 'fake_hook_uri',
expected_output = 'My mock outptut'
stdout = io.BytesIO()
with mock_hook_response(status=1, output=expected_output):
hooks._call_hook('hook_name', extras, stdout)
assert stdout.getvalue() == expected_output
def test_repo_size():
hg_ui = get_hg_ui()
with mock_hook_response(status=1):
assert hooks.repo_size(hg_ui, None) == 1
def test_pre_pull():
hg_ui = get_hg_ui()
with mock_hook_response(status=1):
assert hooks.pre_pull(hg_ui, None) == 1
def test_post_pull():
hg_ui = get_hg_ui()
with mock_hook_response(status=1):
assert hooks.post_pull(hg_ui, None) == 1
def test_pre_push():
hg_ui = get_hg_ui()
with mock_hook_response(status=1):
assert hooks.pre_push(hg_ui, None) == 1
def test_post_push():
hg_ui = get_hg_ui()
with mock_hook_response(status=1):
with mock.patch('vcsserver.hooks._rev_range_hash', return_value=[]):
assert hooks.post_push(hg_ui, None, None) == 1
def test_git_pre_receive():
extras = {
'hooks': ['push'],
'hooks_uri': 'fake_hook_uri',
with mock_hook_response(status=1):
response = hooks.git_pre_receive(None, None,
{'RC_SCM_DATA': json.dumps(extras)})
assert response == 1
def test_git_pre_receive_is_disabled():
extras = {'hooks': ['pull']}
response = hooks.git_pre_receive(None, None,
{'RC_SCM_DATA': json.dumps(extras)})
assert response == 0
def test_git_post_receive_no_subprocess_call():
extras = {
'hooks': ['push'],
'hooks_uri': 'fake_hook_uri',
# Setting revision_lines to '' avoid all subprocess_calls
with mock_hook_response(status=1):
response = hooks.git_post_receive(None, '',
{'RC_SCM_DATA': json.dumps(extras)})
assert response == 1
def test_git_post_receive_is_disabled():
extras = {'hooks': ['pull']}
response = hooks.git_post_receive(None, '',
{'RC_SCM_DATA': json.dumps(extras)})
assert response == 0
def test_git_post_receive_calls_repo_size():
extras = {'hooks': ['push', 'repo_size']}
with mock.patch.object(hooks, '_call_hook') as call_hook_mock:
None, '', {'RC_SCM_DATA': json.dumps(extras)})
extras.update({'commit_ids': []})
expected_calls = [
mock.call('repo_size', extras, mock.ANY),
mock.call('post_push', extras, mock.ANY),
assert call_hook_mock.call_args_list == expected_calls
def test_git_post_receive_does_not_call_disabled_repo_size():
extras = {'hooks': ['push']}
with mock.patch.object(hooks, '_call_hook') as call_hook_mock:
None, '', {'RC_SCM_DATA': json.dumps(extras)})
extras.update({'commit_ids': []})
expected_calls = [
mock.call('post_push', extras, mock.ANY)
assert call_hook_mock.call_args_list == expected_calls
def test_repo_size_exception_does_not_affect_git_post_receive():
extras = {'hooks': ['push', 'repo_size']}
status = 0
def side_effect(name, *args, **kwargs):
if name == 'repo_size':
raise Exception('Fake exception')
return status
with mock.patch.object(hooks, '_call_hook') as call_hook_mock:
call_hook_mock.side_effect = side_effect
result = hooks.git_post_receive(
None, '', {'RC_SCM_DATA': json.dumps(extras)})
assert result == status
def test_git_post_receive_first_commit_sub_branch(cmd_mock):
def cmd_mock_returns(args):
if args == ['git', 'show', 'HEAD']:
if args == ['git', 'for-each-ref', '--format=%(refname)',
return 'refs/heads/test-branch2/sub-branch'
if args == ['git', 'log', '--reverse', '--pretty=format:%H', '--',
'9695eef57205c17566a3ae543be187759b310bb7', '--not',
return ''
cmd_mock.side_effect = cmd_mock_returns
extras = {
'hooks': ['push'],
'hooks_uri': 'fake_hook_uri'
rev_lines = ['0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 '
'9695eef57205c17566a3ae543be187759b310bb7 '
with mock_hook_response(status=0):
response = hooks.git_post_receive(None, rev_lines,
{'RC_SCM_DATA': json.dumps(extras)})
calls = [
mock.call(['git', 'show', 'HEAD']),
mock.call(['git', 'symbolic-ref', 'HEAD',
cmd_mock.assert_has_calls(calls, any_order=True)
assert response == 0
def test_git_post_receive_first_commit_revs(cmd_mock):
extras = {
'hooks': ['push'],
'hooks_uri': 'fake_hook_uri'
rev_lines = [
'0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 '
'9695eef57205c17566a3ae543be187759b310bb7 refs/heads/master\n']
with mock_hook_response(status=0):
response = hooks.git_post_receive(
None, rev_lines, {'RC_SCM_DATA': json.dumps(extras)})
calls = [
mock.call(['git', 'show', 'HEAD']),
mock.call(['git', 'for-each-ref', '--format=%(refname)',
mock.call(['git', 'log', '--reverse', '--pretty=format:%H',
'--', '9695eef57205c17566a3ae543be187759b310bb7', '--not',
cmd_mock.assert_has_calls(calls, any_order=True)
assert response == 0
def test_git_pre_pull():
extras = {
'hooks': ['pull'],
'hooks_uri': 'fake_hook_uri',
with mock_hook_response(status=1, output='foo'):
assert hooks.git_pre_pull(extras) == hooks.HookResponse(1, 'foo')
def test_git_pre_pull_exception_is_caught():
extras = {
'hooks': ['pull'],
'hooks_uri': 'fake_hook_uri',
with mock_hook_response(status=2, exception=Exception('foo')):
assert hooks.git_pre_pull(extras).status == 128
def test_git_pre_pull_is_disabled():
assert hooks.git_pre_pull({'hooks': ['push']}) == hooks.HookResponse(0, '')
def test_git_post_pull():
extras = {
'hooks': ['pull'],
'hooks_uri': 'fake_hook_uri',
with mock_hook_response(status=1, output='foo'):
assert hooks.git_post_pull(extras) == hooks.HookResponse(1, 'foo')
def test_git_post_pull_exception_is_caught():
extras = {
'hooks': ['pull'],
'hooks_uri': 'fake_hook_uri',
with mock_hook_response(status=2, exception='Exception',
assert hooks.git_post_pull(extras).status == 128
def test_git_post_pull_is_disabled():
assert (
hooks.git_post_pull({'hooks': ['push']}) == hooks.HookResponse(0, ''))
class TestGetHooksClient(object):
def test_returns_pyro_client_when_protocol_matches(self):
hooks_uri = 'localhost:8000'
result = hooks._get_hooks_client({
'hooks_uri': hooks_uri,
'hooks_protocol': 'pyro4'
assert isinstance(result, hooks.HooksPyro4Client)
assert result.hooks_uri == hooks_uri
def test_returns_http_client_when_protocol_matches(self):
hooks_uri = 'localhost:8000'
result = hooks._get_hooks_client({
'hooks_uri': hooks_uri,
'hooks_protocol': 'http'
assert isinstance(result, hooks.HooksHttpClient)
assert result.hooks_uri == hooks_uri
def test_returns_pyro4_client_when_no_protocol_is_specified(self):
hooks_uri = 'localhost:8000'
result = hooks._get_hooks_client({
'hooks_uri': hooks_uri
assert isinstance(result, hooks.HooksPyro4Client)
assert result.hooks_uri == hooks_uri
def test_returns_dummy_client_when_hooks_uri_not_specified(self):
fake_module = mock.Mock()
import_patcher = mock.patch.object(
hooks.importlib, 'import_module', return_value=fake_module)
fake_module_name = 'fake.module'
with import_patcher as import_mock:
result = hooks._get_hooks_client(
{'hooks_module': fake_module_name})
assert isinstance(result, hooks.HooksDummyClient)
assert result._hooks_module == fake_module
class TestHooksHttpClient(object):
def test_init_sets_hooks_uri(self):
uri = 'localhost:3000'
client = hooks.HooksHttpClient(uri)
assert client.hooks_uri == uri
def test_serialize_returns_json_string(self):
client = hooks.HooksHttpClient('localhost:3000')
hook_name = 'test'
extras = {
'first': 1,
'second': 'two'
result = client._serialize(hook_name, extras)
expected_result = json.dumps({
'method': hook_name,
'extras': extras
assert result == expected_result
def test_call_queries_http_server(self, http_mirror):
client = hooks.HooksHttpClient(http_mirror.uri)
hook_name = 'test'
extras = {
'first': 1,
'second': 'two'
result = client(hook_name, extras)
expected_result = {
'method': hook_name,
'extras': extras
assert result == expected_result
class TestHooksDummyClient(object):
def test_init_imports_hooks_module(self):
hooks_module_name = 'rhodecode.fake.module'
hooks_module = mock.MagicMock()
import_patcher = mock.patch.object(
hooks.importlib, 'import_module', return_value=hooks_module)
with import_patcher as import_mock:
client = hooks.HooksDummyClient(hooks_module_name)
assert client._hooks_module == hooks_module
def test_call_returns_hook_result(self):
hooks_module_name = 'rhodecode.fake.module'
hooks_module = mock.MagicMock()
import_patcher = mock.patch.object(
hooks.importlib, 'import_module', return_value=hooks_module)
with import_patcher:
client = hooks.HooksDummyClient(hooks_module_name)
result = client('post_push', {})
assert result == hooks_module.Hooks().__enter__().post_push()
class TestHooksPyro4Client(object):
def test_init_sets_hooks_uri(self):
uri = 'localhost:3000'
client = hooks.HooksPyro4Client(uri)
assert client.hooks_uri == uri
def test_call_returns_hook_value(self):
hooks_uri = 'localhost:3000'
client = hooks.HooksPyro4Client(hooks_uri)
hooks_module = mock.Mock()
context_manager = mock.MagicMock()
context_manager.__enter__.return_value = hooks_module
pyro4_patcher = mock.patch.object(
hooks.Pyro4, 'Proxy', return_value=context_manager)
extras = {
'test': 'test'
with pyro4_patcher as pyro4_mock:
result = client('post_push', extras)
assert result == hooks_module.post_push.return_value
def http_mirror(request):
server = MirrorHttpServer()
return server
class MirrorHttpHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
def do_POST(self):
length = int(self.headers['Content-Length'])
body = self.rfile.read(length).decode('utf-8')
class MirrorHttpServer(object):
ip_address = ''
port = 0
def __init__(self):
self._daemon = TCPServer((self.ip_address, 0), MirrorHttpHandler)
_, self.port = self._daemon.server_address
self._thread = threading.Thread(target=self._daemon.serve_forever)
self._thread.daemon = True
def stop(self):
self._daemon = None
self._thread = None
def uri(self):
return '{}:{}'.format(self.ip_address, self.port)