##// END OF EJS Templates
release: updated pip2nix output for 4.12.3
release: updated pip2nix output for 4.12.3

File last commit:

r441:86f525c3 merge default
r467:954d37c2 stable
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570 lines | 16.2 KiB | text/x-python | PythonLexer
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# RhodeCode VCSServer provides access to different vcs backends via network.
# Copyright (C) 2014-2018 RhodeCode GmbH
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
# Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
import io
import os
import sys
import logging
import collections
import importlib
import base64
from httplib import HTTPConnection
import mercurial.scmutil
import mercurial.node
import simplejson as json
from vcsserver import exceptions, subprocessio, settings
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class HooksHttpClient(object):
connection = None
def __init__(self, hooks_uri):
self.hooks_uri = hooks_uri
def __call__(self, method, extras):
connection = HTTPConnection(self.hooks_uri)
body = self._serialize(method, extras)
connection.request('POST', '/', body)
except Exception:
log.error('Connection failed on %s', connection)
response = connection.getresponse()
return json.loads(response.read())
def _serialize(self, hook_name, extras):
data = {
'method': hook_name,
'extras': extras
return json.dumps(data)
class HooksDummyClient(object):
def __init__(self, hooks_module):
self._hooks_module = importlib.import_module(hooks_module)
def __call__(self, hook_name, extras):
with self._hooks_module.Hooks() as hooks:
return getattr(hooks, hook_name)(extras)
class RemoteMessageWriter(object):
"""Writer base class."""
def write(self, message):
raise NotImplementedError()
class HgMessageWriter(RemoteMessageWriter):
"""Writer that knows how to send messages to mercurial clients."""
def __init__(self, ui):
self.ui = ui
def write(self, message):
# TODO: Check why the quiet flag is set by default.
old = self.ui.quiet
self.ui.quiet = False
self.ui.quiet = old
class GitMessageWriter(RemoteMessageWriter):
"""Writer that knows how to send messages to git clients."""
def __init__(self, stdout=None):
self.stdout = stdout or sys.stdout
def write(self, message):
class SvnMessageWriter(RemoteMessageWriter):
"""Writer that knows how to send messages to svn clients."""
def __init__(self, stderr=None):
# SVN needs data sent to stderr for back-to-client messaging
self.stderr = stderr or sys.stderr
def write(self, message):
def _handle_exception(result):
exception_class = result.get('exception')
exception_traceback = result.get('exception_traceback')
if exception_traceback:
log.error('Got traceback from remote call:%s', exception_traceback)
if exception_class == 'HTTPLockedRC':
raise exceptions.RepositoryLockedException(*result['exception_args'])
elif exception_class == 'RepositoryError':
raise exceptions.VcsException(*result['exception_args'])
elif exception_class:
raise Exception('Got remote exception "%s" with args "%s"' %
(exception_class, result['exception_args']))
def _get_hooks_client(extras):
if 'hooks_uri' in extras:
protocol = extras.get('hooks_protocol')
return HooksHttpClient(extras['hooks_uri'])
return HooksDummyClient(extras['hooks_module'])
def _call_hook(hook_name, extras, writer):
hooks_client = _get_hooks_client(extras)
log.debug('Hooks, using client:%s', hooks_client)
result = hooks_client(hook_name, extras)
log.debug('Hooks got result: %s', result)
return result['status']
def _extras_from_ui(ui):
hook_data = ui.config('rhodecode', 'RC_SCM_DATA')
if not hook_data:
# maybe it's inside environ ?
env_hook_data = os.environ.get('RC_SCM_DATA')
if env_hook_data:
hook_data = env_hook_data
extras = {}
if hook_data:
extras = json.loads(hook_data)
return extras
def _rev_range_hash(repo, node):
commits = []
for rev in xrange(repo[node], len(repo)):
ctx = repo[rev]
commit_id = mercurial.node.hex(ctx.node())
branch = ctx.branch()
commits.append((commit_id, branch))
return commits
def repo_size(ui, repo, **kwargs):
extras = _extras_from_ui(ui)
return _call_hook('repo_size', extras, HgMessageWriter(ui))
def pre_pull(ui, repo, **kwargs):
extras = _extras_from_ui(ui)
return _call_hook('pre_pull', extras, HgMessageWriter(ui))
def pre_pull_ssh(ui, repo, **kwargs):
extras = _extras_from_ui(ui)
if extras and extras.get('SSH'):
return pre_pull(ui, repo, **kwargs)
return 0
def post_pull(ui, repo, **kwargs):
extras = _extras_from_ui(ui)
return _call_hook('post_pull', extras, HgMessageWriter(ui))
def post_pull_ssh(ui, repo, **kwargs):
extras = _extras_from_ui(ui)
if extras and extras.get('SSH'):
return post_pull(ui, repo, **kwargs)
return 0
def pre_push(ui, repo, node=None, **kwargs):
extras = _extras_from_ui(ui)
rev_data = []
if node and kwargs.get('hooktype') == 'pretxnchangegroup':
branches = collections.defaultdict(list)
for commit_id, branch in _rev_range_hash(repo, node):
for branch, commits in branches.iteritems():
old_rev = kwargs.get('node_last') or commits[0]
'old_rev': old_rev,
'new_rev': commits[-1],
'ref': '',
'type': 'branch',
'name': branch,
extras['commit_ids'] = rev_data
return _call_hook('pre_push', extras, HgMessageWriter(ui))
def pre_push_ssh(ui, repo, node=None, **kwargs):
if _extras_from_ui(ui).get('SSH'):
return pre_push(ui, repo, node, **kwargs)
return 0
def pre_push_ssh_auth(ui, repo, node=None, **kwargs):
extras = _extras_from_ui(ui)
if extras.get('SSH'):
permission = extras['SSH_PERMISSIONS']
if 'repository.write' == permission or 'repository.admin' == permission:
return 0
# non-zero ret code
return 1
return 0
def post_push(ui, repo, node, **kwargs):
extras = _extras_from_ui(ui)
commit_ids = []
branches = []
bookmarks = []
tags = []
for commit_id, branch in _rev_range_hash(repo, node):
if branch not in branches:
if hasattr(ui, '_rc_pushkey_branches'):
bookmarks = ui._rc_pushkey_branches
extras['commit_ids'] = commit_ids
extras['new_refs'] = {
'branches': branches,
'bookmarks': bookmarks,
'tags': tags
return _call_hook('post_push', extras, HgMessageWriter(ui))
def post_push_ssh(ui, repo, node, **kwargs):
if _extras_from_ui(ui).get('SSH'):
return post_push(ui, repo, node, **kwargs)
return 0
def key_push(ui, repo, **kwargs):
if kwargs['new'] != '0' and kwargs['namespace'] == 'bookmarks':
# store new bookmarks in our UI object propagated later to post_push
ui._rc_pushkey_branches = repo[kwargs['key']].bookmarks()
# backward compat
log_pull_action = post_pull
# backward compat
log_push_action = post_push
def handle_git_pre_receive(unused_repo_path, unused_revs, unused_env):
Old hook name: keep here for backward compatibility.
This is only required when the installed git hooks are not upgraded.
def handle_git_post_receive(unused_repo_path, unused_revs, unused_env):
Old hook name: keep here for backward compatibility.
This is only required when the installed git hooks are not upgraded.
HookResponse = collections.namedtuple('HookResponse', ('status', 'output'))
def git_pre_pull(extras):
Pre pull hook.
:param extras: dictionary containing the keys defined in simplevcs
:type extras: dict
:return: status code of the hook. 0 for success.
:rtype: int
if 'pull' not in extras['hooks']:
return HookResponse(0, '')
stdout = io.BytesIO()
status = _call_hook('pre_pull', extras, GitMessageWriter(stdout))
except Exception as error:
status = 128
stdout.write('ERROR: %s\n' % str(error))
return HookResponse(status, stdout.getvalue())
def git_post_pull(extras):
Post pull hook.
:param extras: dictionary containing the keys defined in simplevcs
:type extras: dict
:return: status code of the hook. 0 for success.
:rtype: int
if 'pull' not in extras['hooks']:
return HookResponse(0, '')
stdout = io.BytesIO()
status = _call_hook('post_pull', extras, GitMessageWriter(stdout))
except Exception as error:
status = 128
stdout.write('ERROR: %s\n' % error)
return HookResponse(status, stdout.getvalue())
def _parse_git_ref_lines(revision_lines):
rev_data = []
for revision_line in revision_lines or []:
old_rev, new_rev, ref = revision_line.strip().split(' ')
ref_data = ref.split('/', 2)
if ref_data[1] in ('tags', 'heads'):
'old_rev': old_rev,
'new_rev': new_rev,
'ref': ref,
'type': ref_data[1],
'name': ref_data[2],
return rev_data
def git_pre_receive(unused_repo_path, revision_lines, env):
Pre push hook.
:param extras: dictionary containing the keys defined in simplevcs
:type extras: dict
:return: status code of the hook. 0 for success.
:rtype: int
extras = json.loads(env['RC_SCM_DATA'])
rev_data = _parse_git_ref_lines(revision_lines)
if 'push' not in extras['hooks']:
return 0
extras['commit_ids'] = rev_data
return _call_hook('pre_push', extras, GitMessageWriter())
def git_post_receive(unused_repo_path, revision_lines, env):
Post push hook.
:param extras: dictionary containing the keys defined in simplevcs
:type extras: dict
:return: status code of the hook. 0 for success.
:rtype: int
extras = json.loads(env['RC_SCM_DATA'])
if 'push' not in extras['hooks']:
return 0
rev_data = _parse_git_ref_lines(revision_lines)
git_revs = []
# N.B.(skreft): it is ok to just call git, as git before calling a
# subcommand sets the PATH environment variable so that it point to the
# correct version of the git executable.
empty_commit_id = '0' * 40
branches = []
tags = []
for push_ref in rev_data:
type_ = push_ref['type']
if type_ == 'heads':
if push_ref['old_rev'] == empty_commit_id:
# starting new branch case
if push_ref['name'] not in branches:
# Fix up head revision if needed
cmd = [settings.GIT_EXECUTABLE, 'show', 'HEAD']
subprocessio.run_command(cmd, env=os.environ.copy())
except Exception:
cmd = [settings.GIT_EXECUTABLE, 'symbolic-ref', 'HEAD',
'refs/heads/%s' % push_ref['name']]
print("Setting default branch to %s" % push_ref['name'])
subprocessio.run_command(cmd, env=os.environ.copy())
cmd = [settings.GIT_EXECUTABLE, 'for-each-ref',
'--format=%(refname)', 'refs/heads/*']
stdout, stderr = subprocessio.run_command(
cmd, env=os.environ.copy())
heads = stdout
heads = heads.replace(push_ref['ref'], '')
heads = ' '.join(head for head in heads.splitlines() if head)
cmd = [settings.GIT_EXECUTABLE, 'log', '--reverse',
'--pretty=format:%H', '--', push_ref['new_rev'],
'--not', heads]
stdout, stderr = subprocessio.run_command(
cmd, env=os.environ.copy())
elif push_ref['new_rev'] == empty_commit_id:
# delete branch case
git_revs.append('delete_branch=>%s' % push_ref['name'])
if push_ref['name'] not in branches:
cmd = [settings.GIT_EXECUTABLE, 'log',
'--reverse', '--pretty=format:%H']
stdout, stderr = subprocessio.run_command(
cmd, env=os.environ.copy())
elif type_ == 'tags':
if push_ref['name'] not in tags:
git_revs.append('tag=>%s' % push_ref['name'])
extras['commit_ids'] = git_revs
extras['new_refs'] = {
'branches': branches,
'bookmarks': [],
'tags': tags,
if 'repo_size' in extras['hooks']:
_call_hook('repo_size', extras, GitMessageWriter())
return _call_hook('post_push', extras, GitMessageWriter())
def _get_extras_from_txn_id(path, txn_id):
extras = {}
cmd = ['svnlook', 'pget',
'-t', txn_id,
'--revprop', path, 'rc-scm-extras']
stdout, stderr = subprocessio.run_command(
cmd, env=os.environ.copy())
extras = json.loads(base64.urlsafe_b64decode(stdout))
except Exception:
log.exception('Failed to extract extras info from txn_id')
return extras
def svn_pre_commit(repo_path, commit_data, env):
path, txn_id = commit_data
branches = []
tags = []
if env.get('RC_SCM_DATA'):
extras = json.loads(env['RC_SCM_DATA'])
# fallback method to read from TXN-ID stored data
extras = _get_extras_from_txn_id(path, txn_id)
if not extras:
return 0
extras['commit_ids'] = []
extras['txn_id'] = txn_id
extras['new_refs'] = {
'branches': branches,
'bookmarks': [],
'tags': tags,
return _call_hook('pre_push', extras, SvnMessageWriter())
def _get_extras_from_commit_id(commit_id, path):
extras = {}
cmd = ['svnlook', 'pget',
'-r', commit_id,
'--revprop', path, 'rc-scm-extras']
stdout, stderr = subprocessio.run_command(
cmd, env=os.environ.copy())
extras = json.loads(base64.urlsafe_b64decode(stdout))
except Exception:
log.exception('Failed to extract extras info from commit_id')
return extras
def svn_post_commit(repo_path, commit_data, env):
commit_data is path, rev, txn_id
path, commit_id, txn_id = commit_data
branches = []
tags = []
if env.get('RC_SCM_DATA'):
extras = json.loads(env['RC_SCM_DATA'])
# fallback method to read from TXN-ID stored data
extras = _get_extras_from_commit_id(commit_id, path)
if not extras:
return 0
extras['commit_ids'] = [commit_id]
extras['txn_id'] = txn_id
extras['new_refs'] = {
'branches': branches,
'bookmarks': [],
'tags': tags,
if 'repo_size' in extras['hooks']:
_call_hook('repo_size', extras, SvnMessageWriter())
except Exception:
return _call_hook('post_push', extras, SvnMessageWriter())