# RhodeCode VCSServer provides access to different vcs backends via network. # Copyright (C) 2014-2017 RodeCode GmbH # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA import atexit import locale import logging import optparse import os import textwrap import threading import sys import configobj import Pyro4 from beaker.cache import CacheManager from beaker.util import parse_cache_config_options try: from vcsserver.git import GitFactory, GitRemote except ImportError: GitFactory = None GitRemote = None try: from vcsserver.hg import MercurialFactory, HgRemote except ImportError: MercurialFactory = None HgRemote = None try: from vcsserver.svn import SubversionFactory, SvnRemote except ImportError: SubversionFactory = None SvnRemote = None from server import VcsServer from vcsserver import hgpatches, remote_wsgi, settings from vcsserver.echo_stub import remote_wsgi as remote_wsgi_stub log = logging.getLogger(__name__) HERE = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) SERVER_RUNNING_FILE = None # HOOKS - inspired by gunicorn # def when_ready(server): """ Called just after the server is started. """ def _remove_server_running_file(): if os.path.isfile(SERVER_RUNNING_FILE): os.remove(SERVER_RUNNING_FILE) # top up to match to level location if SERVER_RUNNING_FILE: with open(SERVER_RUNNING_FILE, 'wb') as f: f.write(str(os.getpid())) # register cleanup of that file when server exits atexit.register(_remove_server_running_file) class LazyWriter(object): """ File-like object that opens a file lazily when it is first written to. """ def __init__(self, filename, mode='w'): self.filename = filename self.fileobj = None self.lock = threading.Lock() self.mode = mode def open(self): if self.fileobj is None: with self.lock: self.fileobj = open(self.filename, self.mode) return self.fileobj def close(self): fileobj = self.fileobj if fileobj is not None: fileobj.close() def __del__(self): self.close() def write(self, text): fileobj = self.open() fileobj.write(text) fileobj.flush() def writelines(self, text): fileobj = self.open() fileobj.writelines(text) fileobj.flush() def flush(self): self.open().flush() class Application(object): """ Represents the vcs server application. This object is responsible to initialize the application and all needed libraries. After that it hooks together the different objects and provides them a way to access things like configuration. """ def __init__( self, host, port=None, locale='', threadpool_size=None, timeout=None, cache_config=None, remote_wsgi_=None): self.host = host self.port = int(port) or settings.PYRO_PORT self.threadpool_size = ( int(threadpool_size) if threadpool_size else None) self.locale = locale self.timeout = timeout self.cache_config = cache_config self.remote_wsgi = remote_wsgi_ or remote_wsgi def init(self): """ Configure and hook together all relevant objects. """ self._configure_locale() self._configure_pyro() self._initialize_cache() self._create_daemon_and_remote_objects(host=self.host, port=self.port) def run(self): """ Start the main loop of the application. """ if hasattr(os, 'getpid'): log.info('Starting %s in PID %i.', __name__, os.getpid()) else: log.info('Starting %s.', __name__) if SERVER_RUNNING_FILE: log.info('PID file written as %s', SERVER_RUNNING_FILE) else: log.info('No PID file written by default.') when_ready(self) try: self._pyrodaemon.requestLoop( loopCondition=lambda: not self._vcsserver._shutdown) finally: self._pyrodaemon.shutdown() def _configure_locale(self): if self.locale: log.info('Settings locale: `LC_ALL` to %s' % self.locale) else: log.info( 'Configuring locale subsystem based on environment variables') try: # If self.locale is the empty string, then the locale # module will use the environment variables. See the # documentation of the package `locale`. locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, self.locale) language_code, encoding = locale.getlocale() log.info( 'Locale set to language code "%s" with encoding "%s".', language_code, encoding) except locale.Error: log.exception( 'Cannot set locale, not configuring the locale system') def _configure_pyro(self): if self.threadpool_size is not None: log.info("Threadpool size set to %s", self.threadpool_size) Pyro4.config.THREADPOOL_SIZE = self.threadpool_size if self.timeout not in (None, 0, 0.0, '0'): log.info("Timeout for RPC calls set to %s seconds", self.timeout) Pyro4.config.COMMTIMEOUT = float(self.timeout) Pyro4.config.SERIALIZER = 'pickle' Pyro4.config.SERIALIZERS_ACCEPTED.add('pickle') Pyro4.config.SOCK_REUSE = True # Uncomment the next line when you need to debug remote errors # Pyro4.config.DETAILED_TRACEBACK = True def _initialize_cache(self): cache_config = parse_cache_config_options(self.cache_config) log.info('Initializing beaker cache: %s' % cache_config) self.cache = CacheManager(**cache_config) def _create_daemon_and_remote_objects(self, host='localhost', port=settings.PYRO_PORT): daemon = Pyro4.Daemon(host=host, port=port) self._vcsserver = VcsServer() uri = daemon.register( self._vcsserver, objectId=settings.PYRO_VCSSERVER) log.info("Object registered = %s", uri) if GitFactory and GitRemote: git_repo_cache = self.cache.get_cache_region('git', region='repo_object') git_factory = GitFactory(git_repo_cache) self._git_remote = GitRemote(git_factory) uri = daemon.register(self._git_remote, objectId=settings.PYRO_GIT) log.info("Object registered = %s", uri) else: log.info("Git client import failed") if MercurialFactory and HgRemote: hg_repo_cache = self.cache.get_cache_region('hg', region='repo_object') hg_factory = MercurialFactory(hg_repo_cache) self._hg_remote = HgRemote(hg_factory) uri = daemon.register(self._hg_remote, objectId=settings.PYRO_HG) log.info("Object registered = %s", uri) else: log.info("Mercurial client import failed") if SubversionFactory and SvnRemote: svn_repo_cache = self.cache.get_cache_region('svn', region='repo_object') svn_factory = SubversionFactory(svn_repo_cache) self._svn_remote = SvnRemote(svn_factory, hg_factory=hg_factory) uri = daemon.register(self._svn_remote, objectId=settings.PYRO_SVN) log.info("Object registered = %s", uri) else: log.info("Subversion client import failed") self._git_remote_wsgi = self.remote_wsgi.GitRemoteWsgi() uri = daemon.register(self._git_remote_wsgi, objectId=settings.PYRO_GIT_REMOTE_WSGI) log.info("Object registered = %s", uri) self._hg_remote_wsgi = self.remote_wsgi.HgRemoteWsgi() uri = daemon.register(self._hg_remote_wsgi, objectId=settings.PYRO_HG_REMOTE_WSGI) log.info("Object registered = %s", uri) self._pyrodaemon = daemon class VcsServerCommand(object): usage = '%prog' description = """ Runs the VCS server """ default_verbosity = 1 parser = optparse.OptionParser( usage, description=textwrap.dedent(description) ) parser.add_option( '--host', type="str", dest="host", ) parser.add_option( '--port', type="int", dest="port" ) parser.add_option( '--running-file', dest='running_file', metavar='RUNNING_FILE', help="Create a running file after the server is initalized with " "stored PID of process" ) parser.add_option( '--locale', dest='locale', help="Allows to set the locale, e.g. en_US.UTF-8", default="" ) parser.add_option( '--log-file', dest='log_file', metavar='LOG_FILE', help="Save output to the given log file (redirects stdout)" ) parser.add_option( '--log-level', dest="log_level", metavar="LOG_LEVEL", help="use LOG_LEVEL to set log level " "(debug,info,warning,error,critical)" ) parser.add_option( '--threadpool', dest='threadpool_size', type='int', help="Set the size of the threadpool used to communicate with the " "WSGI workers. This should be at least 6 times the number of " "WSGI worker processes." ) parser.add_option( '--timeout', dest='timeout', type='float', help="Set the timeout for RPC communication in seconds." ) parser.add_option( '--config', dest='config_file', type='string', help="Configuration file for vcsserver." ) def __init__(self, argv, quiet=False): self.options, self.args = self.parser.parse_args(argv[1:]) if quiet: self.options.verbose = 0 def _get_file_config(self): ini_conf = {} conf = configobj.ConfigObj(self.options.config_file) if 'DEFAULT' in conf: ini_conf = conf['DEFAULT'] return ini_conf def _show_config(self, vcsserver_config): order = [ 'config_file', 'host', 'port', 'log_file', 'log_level', 'locale', 'threadpool_size', 'timeout', 'cache_config', ] def sorter(k): return dict([(y, x) for x, y in enumerate(order)]).get(k) _config = [] for k in sorted(vcsserver_config.keys(), key=sorter): v = vcsserver_config[k] # construct padded key for display eg %-20s % = key: val k_formatted = ('%-'+str(len(max(order, key=len))+1)+'s') % (k+':') _config.append(' * %s %s' % (k_formatted, v)) log.info('\n[vcsserver configuration]:\n'+'\n'.join(_config)) def _get_vcsserver_configuration(self): _defaults = { 'config_file': None, 'git_path': 'git', 'host': 'localhost', 'port': settings.PYRO_PORT, 'log_file': None, 'log_level': 'debug', 'locale': None, 'threadpool_size': 16, 'timeout': None, # Development support 'dev.use_echo_app': False, # caches, baker style config 'beaker.cache.regions': 'repo_object', 'beaker.cache.repo_object.expire': '10', 'beaker.cache.repo_object.type': 'memory', } config = {} config.update(_defaults) # overwrite defaults with one loaded from file config.update(self._get_file_config()) # overwrite with self.option which has the top priority for k, v in self.options.__dict__.items(): if v or v == 0: config[k] = v # clear all "extra" keys if they are somehow passed, # we only want defaults, so any extra stuff from self.options is cleared # except beaker stuff which needs to be dynamic for k in [k for k in config.copy().keys() if not k.startswith('beaker.cache.')]: if k not in _defaults: del config[k] # group together the cache into one key. # Needed further for beaker lib configuration _k = {} for k in [k for k in config.copy() if k.startswith('beaker.cache.')]: _k[k] = config.pop(k) config['cache_config'] = _k return config def out(self, msg): # pragma: no cover if self.options.verbose > 0: print(msg) def run(self): # pragma: no cover vcsserver_config = self._get_vcsserver_configuration() # Ensure the log file is writeable if vcsserver_config['log_file']: stdout_log = self._configure_logfile() else: stdout_log = None # set PID file with running lock if self.options.running_file: global SERVER_RUNNING_FILE SERVER_RUNNING_FILE = self.options.running_file # configure logging, and logging based on configuration file self._configure_logging(level=vcsserver_config['log_level'], stream=stdout_log) if self.options.config_file: if not os.path.isfile(self.options.config_file): raise OSError('File %s does not exist' % self.options.config_file) self._configure_file_logging(self.options.config_file) self._configure_settings(vcsserver_config) # display current configuration of vcsserver self._show_config(vcsserver_config) if not vcsserver_config['dev.use_echo_app']: remote_wsgi_mod = remote_wsgi else: log.warning("Using EchoApp for VCS endpoints.") remote_wsgi_mod = remote_wsgi_stub app = Application( host=vcsserver_config['host'], port=vcsserver_config['port'], locale=vcsserver_config['locale'], threadpool_size=vcsserver_config['threadpool_size'], timeout=vcsserver_config['timeout'], cache_config=vcsserver_config['cache_config'], remote_wsgi_=remote_wsgi_mod) app.init() app.run() def _configure_logging(self, level, stream=None): _format = ( '%(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(levelname)-5.5s [%(name)s] %(message)s') levels = { 'debug': logging.DEBUG, 'info': logging.INFO, 'warning': logging.WARNING, 'error': logging.ERROR, 'critical': logging.CRITICAL, } try: level = levels[level] except KeyError: raise AttributeError( 'Invalid log level please use one of %s' % (levels.keys(),)) logging.basicConfig(format=_format, stream=stream, level=level) logging.getLogger('Pyro4').setLevel(level) def _configure_file_logging(self, config): import logging.config try: logging.config.fileConfig(config) except Exception as e: log.warning('Failed to configure logging based on given ' 'config file. Error: %s' % e) def _configure_logfile(self): try: writeable_log_file = open(self.options.log_file, 'a') except IOError as ioe: msg = 'Error: Unable to write to log file: %s' % ioe raise ValueError(msg) writeable_log_file.close() stdout_log = LazyWriter(self.options.log_file, 'a') sys.stdout = stdout_log sys.stderr = stdout_log return stdout_log def _configure_settings(self, config): """ Configure the settings module based on the given `config`. """ settings.GIT_EXECUTABLE = config['git_path'] def main(argv=sys.argv, quiet=False): if MercurialFactory: hgpatches.patch_largefiles_capabilities() hgpatches.patch_subrepo_type_mapping() command = VcsServerCommand(argv, quiet=quiet) return command.run()