# RhodeCode VCSServer provides access to different vcs backends via network. # Copyright (C) 2014-2017 RodeCode GmbH # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA import base64 import locale import logging import uuid import wsgiref.util import traceback from itertools import chain import msgpack from beaker.cache import CacheManager from beaker.util import parse_cache_config_options from pyramid.config import Configurator from pyramid.wsgi import wsgiapp from vcsserver import remote_wsgi, scm_app, settings, hgpatches from vcsserver.echo_stub import remote_wsgi as remote_wsgi_stub from vcsserver.echo_stub.echo_app import EchoApp from vcsserver.exceptions import HTTPRepoLocked from vcsserver.server import VcsServer try: from vcsserver.git import GitFactory, GitRemote except ImportError: GitFactory = None GitRemote = None try: from vcsserver.hg import MercurialFactory, HgRemote except ImportError: MercurialFactory = None HgRemote = None try: from vcsserver.svn import SubversionFactory, SvnRemote except ImportError: SubversionFactory = None SvnRemote = None log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class VCS(object): def __init__(self, locale=None, cache_config=None): self.locale = locale self.cache_config = cache_config self._configure_locale() self._initialize_cache() if GitFactory and GitRemote: git_repo_cache = self.cache.get_cache_region( 'git', region='repo_object') git_factory = GitFactory(git_repo_cache) self._git_remote = GitRemote(git_factory) else: log.info("Git client import failed") if MercurialFactory and HgRemote: hg_repo_cache = self.cache.get_cache_region( 'hg', region='repo_object') hg_factory = MercurialFactory(hg_repo_cache) self._hg_remote = HgRemote(hg_factory) else: log.info("Mercurial client import failed") if SubversionFactory and SvnRemote: svn_repo_cache = self.cache.get_cache_region( 'svn', region='repo_object') svn_factory = SubversionFactory(svn_repo_cache) self._svn_remote = SvnRemote(svn_factory, hg_factory=hg_factory) else: log.info("Subversion client import failed") self._vcsserver = VcsServer() def _initialize_cache(self): cache_config = parse_cache_config_options(self.cache_config) log.info('Initializing beaker cache: %s' % cache_config) self.cache = CacheManager(**cache_config) def _configure_locale(self): if self.locale: log.info('Settings locale: `LC_ALL` to %s' % self.locale) else: log.info( 'Configuring locale subsystem based on environment variables') try: # If self.locale is the empty string, then the locale # module will use the environment variables. See the # documentation of the package `locale`. locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, self.locale) language_code, encoding = locale.getlocale() log.info( 'Locale set to language code "%s" with encoding "%s".', language_code, encoding) except locale.Error: log.exception( 'Cannot set locale, not configuring the locale system') class WsgiProxy(object): def __init__(self, wsgi): self.wsgi = wsgi def __call__(self, environ, start_response): input_data = environ['wsgi.input'].read() input_data = msgpack.unpackb(input_data) error = None try: data, status, headers = self.wsgi.handle( input_data['environment'], input_data['input_data'], *input_data['args'], **input_data['kwargs']) except Exception as e: data, status, headers = [], None, None error = { 'message': str(e), '_vcs_kind': getattr(e, '_vcs_kind', None) } start_response(200, {}) return self._iterator(error, status, headers, data) def _iterator(self, error, status, headers, data): initial_data = [ error, status, headers, ] for d in chain(initial_data, data): yield msgpack.packb(d) class HTTPApplication(object): ALLOWED_EXCEPTIONS = ('KeyError', 'URLError') remote_wsgi = remote_wsgi _use_echo_app = False def __init__(self, settings=None): self.config = Configurator(settings=settings) locale = settings.get('locale', '') or 'en_US.UTF-8' vcs = VCS(locale=locale, cache_config=settings) self._remotes = { 'hg': vcs._hg_remote, 'git': vcs._git_remote, 'svn': vcs._svn_remote, 'server': vcs._vcsserver, } if settings.get('dev.use_echo_app', 'false').lower() == 'true': self._use_echo_app = True log.warning("Using EchoApp for VCS operations.") self.remote_wsgi = remote_wsgi_stub self._configure_settings(settings) self._configure() def _configure_settings(self, app_settings): """ Configure the settings module. """ git_path = app_settings.get('git_path', None) if git_path: settings.GIT_EXECUTABLE = git_path def _configure(self): self.config.add_renderer( name='msgpack', factory=self._msgpack_renderer_factory) self.config.add_route('service', '/_service') self.config.add_route('status', '/status') self.config.add_route('hg_proxy', '/proxy/hg') self.config.add_route('git_proxy', '/proxy/git') self.config.add_route('vcs', '/{backend}') self.config.add_route('stream_git', '/stream/git/*repo_name') self.config.add_route('stream_hg', '/stream/hg/*repo_name') self.config.add_view( self.status_view, route_name='status', renderer='json') self.config.add_view( self.service_view, route_name='service', renderer='msgpack') self.config.add_view(self.hg_proxy(), route_name='hg_proxy') self.config.add_view(self.git_proxy(), route_name='git_proxy') self.config.add_view( self.vcs_view, route_name='vcs', renderer='msgpack', custom_predicates=[self.is_vcs_view]) self.config.add_view(self.hg_stream(), route_name='stream_hg') self.config.add_view(self.git_stream(), route_name='stream_git') def notfound(request): return {'status': '404 NOT FOUND'} self.config.add_notfound_view(notfound, renderer='json') self.config.add_view( self.handle_vcs_exception, context=Exception, custom_predicates=[self.is_vcs_exception]) self.config.add_view( self.general_error_handler, context=Exception) def wsgi_app(self): return self.config.make_wsgi_app() def vcs_view(self, request): remote = self._remotes[request.matchdict['backend']] payload = msgpack.unpackb(request.body, use_list=True) method = payload.get('method') params = payload.get('params') wire = params.get('wire') args = params.get('args') kwargs = params.get('kwargs') if wire: try: wire['context'] = uuid.UUID(wire['context']) except KeyError: pass args.insert(0, wire) try: resp = getattr(remote, method)(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as e: tb_info = traceback.format_exc() type_ = e.__class__.__name__ if type_ not in self.ALLOWED_EXCEPTIONS: type_ = None resp = { 'id': payload.get('id'), 'error': { 'message': e.message, 'traceback': tb_info, 'type': type_ } } try: resp['error']['_vcs_kind'] = e._vcs_kind except AttributeError: pass else: resp = { 'id': payload.get('id'), 'result': resp } return resp def status_view(self, request): return {'status': 'OK'} def service_view(self, request): import vcsserver payload = msgpack.unpackb(request.body, use_list=True) resp = { 'id': payload.get('id'), 'result': dict( version=vcsserver.__version__, config={}, payload=payload, ) } return resp def _msgpack_renderer_factory(self, info): def _render(value, system): value = msgpack.packb(value) request = system.get('request') if request is not None: response = request.response ct = response.content_type if ct == response.default_content_type: response.content_type = 'application/x-msgpack' return value return _render def hg_proxy(self): @wsgiapp def _hg_proxy(environ, start_response): app = WsgiProxy(self.remote_wsgi.HgRemoteWsgi()) return app(environ, start_response) return _hg_proxy def git_proxy(self): @wsgiapp def _git_proxy(environ, start_response): app = WsgiProxy(self.remote_wsgi.GitRemoteWsgi()) return app(environ, start_response) return _git_proxy def hg_stream(self): if self._use_echo_app: @wsgiapp def _hg_stream(environ, start_response): app = EchoApp('fake_path', 'fake_name', None) return app(environ, start_response) return _hg_stream else: @wsgiapp def _hg_stream(environ, start_response): repo_path = environ['HTTP_X_RC_REPO_PATH'] repo_name = environ['HTTP_X_RC_REPO_NAME'] packed_config = base64.b64decode( environ['HTTP_X_RC_REPO_CONFIG']) config = msgpack.unpackb(packed_config) app = scm_app.create_hg_wsgi_app( repo_path, repo_name, config) # Consitent path information for hgweb environ['PATH_INFO'] = environ['HTTP_X_RC_PATH_INFO'] environ['REPO_NAME'] = repo_name return app(environ, ResponseFilter(start_response)) return _hg_stream def git_stream(self): if self._use_echo_app: @wsgiapp def _git_stream(environ, start_response): app = EchoApp('fake_path', 'fake_name', None) return app(environ, start_response) return _git_stream else: @wsgiapp def _git_stream(environ, start_response): repo_path = environ['HTTP_X_RC_REPO_PATH'] repo_name = environ['HTTP_X_RC_REPO_NAME'] packed_config = base64.b64decode( environ['HTTP_X_RC_REPO_CONFIG']) config = msgpack.unpackb(packed_config) environ['PATH_INFO'] = environ['HTTP_X_RC_PATH_INFO'] app = scm_app.create_git_wsgi_app( repo_path, repo_name, config) return app(environ, start_response) return _git_stream def is_vcs_view(self, context, request): """ View predicate that returns true if given backend is supported by defined remotes. """ backend = request.matchdict.get('backend') return backend in self._remotes def is_vcs_exception(self, context, request): """ View predicate that returns true if the context object is a VCS exception. """ return hasattr(context, '_vcs_kind') def handle_vcs_exception(self, exception, request): if exception._vcs_kind == 'repo_locked': # Get custom repo-locked status code if present. status_code = request.headers.get('X-RC-Locked-Status-Code') return HTTPRepoLocked( title=exception.message, status_code=status_code) # Re-raise exception if we can not handle it. raise exception def general_error_handler(self, exception, request): log.exception( 'error occurred handling this request for path: %s', request.path) raise exception class ResponseFilter(object): def __init__(self, start_response): self._start_response = start_response def __call__(self, status, response_headers, exc_info=None): headers = tuple( (h, v) for h, v in response_headers if not wsgiref.util.is_hop_by_hop(h)) return self._start_response(status, headers, exc_info) def main(global_config, **settings): if MercurialFactory: hgpatches.patch_largefiles_capabilities() hgpatches.patch_subrepo_type_mapping() app = HTTPApplication(settings=settings) return app.wsgi_app()