# RhodeCode VCSServer provides access to different vcs backends via network. # Copyright (C) 2014-2023 RhodeCode GmbH # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA import functools import logging import os import threading import time import decorator from dogpile.cache import CacheRegion from vcsserver.utils import sha1 from vcsserver.lib.str_utils import safe_bytes from vcsserver.lib.type_utils import str2bool # noqa :required by imports from .utils from . import region_meta log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class RhodeCodeCacheRegion(CacheRegion): def __repr__(self): return f'`{self.__class__.__name__}(name={self.name}, backend={self.backend.__class__})`' def conditional_cache_on_arguments( self, namespace=None, expiration_time=None, should_cache_fn=None, to_str=str, function_key_generator=None, condition=True): """ Custom conditional decorator, that will not touch any dogpile internals if condition isn't meet. This works a bit different from should_cache_fn And it's faster in cases we don't ever want to compute cached values """ expiration_time_is_callable = callable(expiration_time) if not namespace: namespace = getattr(self, '_default_namespace', None) if function_key_generator is None: function_key_generator = self.function_key_generator def get_or_create_for_user_func(func_key_generator, user_func, *arg, **kw): if not condition: log.debug('Calling un-cached method:%s', user_func.__name__) start = time.time() result = user_func(*arg, **kw) total = time.time() - start log.debug('un-cached method:%s took %.4fs', user_func.__name__, total) return result key = func_key_generator(*arg, **kw) timeout = expiration_time() if expiration_time_is_callable \ else expiration_time log.debug('Calling cached method:`%s`', user_func.__name__) return self.get_or_create(key, user_func, timeout, should_cache_fn, (arg, kw)) def cache_decorator(user_func): if to_str is str: # backwards compatible key_generator = function_key_generator(namespace, user_func) else: key_generator = function_key_generator(namespace, user_func, to_str=to_str) def refresh(*arg, **kw): """ Like invalidate, but regenerates the value instead """ key = key_generator(*arg, **kw) value = user_func(*arg, **kw) self.set(key, value) return value def invalidate(*arg, **kw): key = key_generator(*arg, **kw) self.delete(key) def set_(value, *arg, **kw): key = key_generator(*arg, **kw) self.set(key, value) def get(*arg, **kw): key = key_generator(*arg, **kw) return self.get(key) user_func.set = set_ user_func.invalidate = invalidate user_func.get = get user_func.refresh = refresh user_func.key_generator = key_generator user_func.original = user_func # Use `decorate` to preserve the signature of :param:`user_func`. return decorator.decorate(user_func, functools.partial( get_or_create_for_user_func, key_generator)) return cache_decorator def make_region(*arg, **kw): return RhodeCodeCacheRegion(*arg, **kw) def get_default_cache_settings(settings, prefixes=None): prefixes = prefixes or [] cache_settings = {} for key in settings.keys(): for prefix in prefixes: if key.startswith(prefix): name = key.split(prefix)[1].strip() val = settings[key] if isinstance(val, str): val = val.strip() cache_settings[name] = val return cache_settings def compute_key_from_params(*args): """ Helper to compute key from given params to be used in cache manager """ return sha1(safe_bytes("_".join(map(str, args)))) def custom_key_generator(backend, namespace, fn): func_name = fn.__name__ def generate_key(*args): backend_pref = getattr(backend, 'key_prefix', None) or 'backend_prefix' namespace_pref = namespace or 'default_namespace' arg_key = compute_key_from_params(*args) final_key = f"{backend_pref}:{namespace_pref}:{func_name}_{arg_key}" return final_key return generate_key def backend_key_generator(backend): """ Special wrapper that also sends over the backend to the key generator """ def wrapper(namespace, fn): return custom_key_generator(backend, namespace, fn) return wrapper def get_or_create_region(region_name, region_namespace: str = None, use_async_runner=False): from .backends import FileNamespaceBackend from . import async_creation_runner region_obj = region_meta.dogpile_cache_regions.get(region_name) if not region_obj: reg_keys = list(region_meta.dogpile_cache_regions.keys()) raise OSError(f'Region `{region_name}` not in configured: {reg_keys}.') region_uid_name = f'{region_name}:{region_namespace}' # Special case for ONLY the FileNamespaceBackend backend. We register one-file-per-region if isinstance(region_obj.actual_backend, FileNamespaceBackend): if not region_namespace: raise ValueError(f'{FileNamespaceBackend} used requires to specify region_namespace param') region_exist = region_meta.dogpile_cache_regions.get(region_namespace) if region_exist: log.debug('Using already configured region: %s', region_namespace) return region_exist expiration_time = region_obj.expiration_time cache_dir = region_meta.dogpile_config_defaults['cache_dir'] namespace_cache_dir = cache_dir # we default the namespace_cache_dir to our default cache dir. # however, if this backend is configured with filename= param, we prioritize that # so all caches within that particular region, even those namespaced end up in the same path if region_obj.actual_backend.filename: namespace_cache_dir = os.path.dirname(region_obj.actual_backend.filename) if not os.path.isdir(namespace_cache_dir): os.makedirs(namespace_cache_dir) new_region = make_region( name=region_uid_name, function_key_generator=backend_key_generator(region_obj.actual_backend) ) namespace_filename = os.path.join( namespace_cache_dir, f"{region_name}_{region_namespace}.cache_db") # special type that allows 1db per namespace new_region.configure( backend='dogpile.cache.rc.file_namespace', expiration_time=expiration_time, arguments={"filename": namespace_filename} ) # create and save in region caches log.debug('configuring new region: %s', region_uid_name) region_obj = region_meta.dogpile_cache_regions[region_namespace] = new_region region_obj._default_namespace = region_namespace if use_async_runner: region_obj.async_creation_runner = async_creation_runner return region_obj def clear_cache_namespace(cache_region: str | RhodeCodeCacheRegion, cache_namespace_uid: str, method: str) -> int: from . import CLEAR_DELETE, CLEAR_INVALIDATE if not isinstance(cache_region, RhodeCodeCacheRegion): cache_region = get_or_create_region(cache_region, cache_namespace_uid) log.debug('clearing cache region: %s [prefix:%s] with method=%s', cache_region, cache_namespace_uid, method) num_affected_keys = 0 if method == CLEAR_INVALIDATE: # NOTE: The CacheRegion.invalidate() method’s default mode of # operation is to set a timestamp local to this CacheRegion in this Python process only. # It does not impact other Python processes or regions as the timestamp is only stored locally in memory. cache_region.invalidate(hard=True) if method == CLEAR_DELETE: num_affected_keys = cache_region.backend.delete_multi_by_prefix(prefix=cache_namespace_uid) return num_affected_keys