""" Implementation of :class:`EchoApp`. This WSGI application will just echo back the data which it recieves. """ import logging log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class EchoApp(object): def __init__(self, repo_path, repo_name, config): self._repo_path = repo_path log.info("EchoApp initialized for %s", repo_path) def __call__(self, environ, start_response): log.debug("EchoApp called for %s", self._repo_path) log.debug("Content-Length: %s", environ.get('CONTENT_LENGTH')) environ['wsgi.input'].read() status = '200 OK' headers = [('Content-Type', 'text/plain')] start_response(status, headers) return ["ECHO"] def create_app(): """ Allows to run this app directly in a WSGI server. """ stub_config = {} return EchoApp('stub_path', 'stub_name', stub_config)