# RhodeCode VCSServer provides access to different vcs backends via network. # Copyright (C) 2014-2023 RhodeCode GmbH # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA import re import logging from pyramid.config import Configurator from pyramid.response import Response, FileIter from pyramid.httpexceptions import ( HTTPBadRequest, HTTPNotImplemented, HTTPNotFound, HTTPForbidden, HTTPUnprocessableEntity) from vcsserver.lib.ext_json import json from vcsserver.git_lfs.lib import OidHandler, LFSOidStore from vcsserver.git_lfs.utils import safe_result, get_cython_compat_decorator from vcsserver.str_utils import safe_int log = logging.getLogger(__name__) GIT_LFS_CONTENT_TYPE = 'application/vnd.git-lfs' # +json ? GIT_LFS_PROTO_PAT = re.compile(r'^/(.+)/(info/lfs/(.+))') def write_response_error(http_exception, text=None): content_type = GIT_LFS_CONTENT_TYPE + '+json' _exception = http_exception(content_type=content_type) _exception.content_type = content_type if text: _exception.body = json.dumps({'message': text}) log.debug('LFS: writing response of type %s to client with text:%s', http_exception, text) return _exception class AuthHeaderRequired: """ Decorator to check if request has proper auth-header """ def __call__(self, func): return get_cython_compat_decorator(self.__wrapper, func) def __wrapper(self, func, *fargs, **fkwargs): request = fargs[1] auth = request.authorization if not auth: return write_response_error(HTTPForbidden) return func(*fargs[1:], **fkwargs) # views def lfs_objects(request): # indicate not supported, V1 API log.warning('LFS: v1 api not supported, reporting it back to client') return write_response_error(HTTPNotImplemented, 'LFS: v1 api not supported') @AuthHeaderRequired() def lfs_objects_batch(request): """ The client sends the following information to the Batch endpoint to transfer some objects: operation - Should be download or upload. transfers - An optional Array of String identifiers for transfer adapters that the client has configured. If omitted, the basic transfer adapter MUST be assumed by the server. objects - An Array of objects to download. oid - String OID of the LFS object. size - Integer byte size of the LFS object. Must be at least zero. """ request.response.content_type = GIT_LFS_CONTENT_TYPE + '+json' auth = request.authorization repo = request.matchdict.get('repo') data = request.json operation = data.get('operation') http_scheme = request.registry.git_lfs_http_scheme if operation not in ('download', 'upload'): log.debug('LFS: unsupported operation:%s', operation) return write_response_error( HTTPBadRequest, f'unsupported operation mode: `{operation}`') if 'objects' not in data: log.debug('LFS: missing objects data') return write_response_error( HTTPBadRequest, 'missing objects data') log.debug('LFS: handling operation of type: %s', operation) objects = [] for o in data['objects']: try: oid = o['oid'] obj_size = o['size'] except KeyError: log.exception('LFS, failed to extract data') return write_response_error( HTTPBadRequest, 'unsupported data in objects') obj_data = {'oid': oid} if http_scheme == 'http': # Note(marcink): when using http, we might have a custom port # so we skip setting it to http, url dispatch then wont generate a port in URL # for development we need this http_scheme = None obj_href = request.route_url('lfs_objects_oid', repo=repo, oid=oid, _scheme=http_scheme) obj_verify_href = request.route_url('lfs_objects_verify', repo=repo, _scheme=http_scheme) store = LFSOidStore( oid, repo, store_location=request.registry.git_lfs_store_path) handler = OidHandler( store, repo, auth, oid, obj_size, obj_data, obj_href, obj_verify_href) # this verifies also OIDs actions, errors = handler.exec_operation(operation) if errors: log.warning('LFS: got following errors: %s', errors) obj_data['errors'] = errors if actions: obj_data['actions'] = actions obj_data['size'] = obj_size obj_data['authenticated'] = True objects.append(obj_data) result = {'objects': objects, 'transfer': 'basic'} log.debug('LFS Response %s', safe_result(result)) return result def lfs_objects_oid_upload(request): request.response.content_type = GIT_LFS_CONTENT_TYPE + '+json' repo = request.matchdict.get('repo') oid = request.matchdict.get('oid') store = LFSOidStore( oid, repo, store_location=request.registry.git_lfs_store_path) engine = store.get_engine(mode='wb') log.debug('LFS: starting chunked write of LFS oid: %s to storage', oid) body = request.environ['wsgi.input'] with engine as f: blksize = 64 * 1024 # 64kb while True: # read in chunks as stream comes in from Gunicorn # this is a specific Gunicorn support function. # might work differently on waitress chunk = body.read(blksize) if not chunk: break f.write(chunk) return {'upload': 'ok'} def lfs_objects_oid_download(request): repo = request.matchdict.get('repo') oid = request.matchdict.get('oid') store = LFSOidStore( oid, repo, store_location=request.registry.git_lfs_store_path) if not store.has_oid(): log.debug('LFS: oid %s does not exists in store', oid) return write_response_error( HTTPNotFound, f'requested file with oid `{oid}` not found in store') # TODO(marcink): support range header ? # Range: bytes=0-, `bytes=(\d+)\-.*` f = open(store.oid_path, 'rb') response = Response( content_type='application/octet-stream', app_iter=FileIter(f)) response.headers.add('X-RC-LFS-Response-Oid', str(oid)) return response def lfs_objects_verify(request): request.response.content_type = GIT_LFS_CONTENT_TYPE + '+json' repo = request.matchdict.get('repo') data = request.json oid = data.get('oid') size = safe_int(data.get('size')) if not (oid and size): return write_response_error( HTTPBadRequest, 'missing oid and size in request data') store = LFSOidStore( oid, repo, store_location=request.registry.git_lfs_store_path) if not store.has_oid(): log.debug('LFS: oid %s does not exists in store', oid) return write_response_error( HTTPNotFound, f'oid `{oid}` does not exists in store') store_size = store.size_oid() if store_size != size: msg = 'requested file size mismatch store size:{} requested:{}'.format( store_size, size) return write_response_error( HTTPUnprocessableEntity, msg) return {'message': {'size': 'ok', 'in_store': 'ok'}} def lfs_objects_lock(request): return write_response_error( HTTPNotImplemented, 'GIT LFS locking api not supported') def not_found(request): return write_response_error( HTTPNotFound, 'request path not found') def lfs_disabled(request): return write_response_error( HTTPNotImplemented, 'GIT LFS disabled for this repo') def git_lfs_app(config): # v1 API deprecation endpoint config.add_route('lfs_objects', '/{repo:.*?[^/]}/info/lfs/objects') config.add_view(lfs_objects, route_name='lfs_objects', request_method='POST', renderer='json') # locking API config.add_route('lfs_objects_lock', '/{repo:.*?[^/]}/info/lfs/locks') config.add_view(lfs_objects_lock, route_name='lfs_objects_lock', request_method=('POST', 'GET'), renderer='json') config.add_route('lfs_objects_lock_verify', '/{repo:.*?[^/]}/info/lfs/locks/verify') config.add_view(lfs_objects_lock, route_name='lfs_objects_lock_verify', request_method=('POST', 'GET'), renderer='json') # batch API config.add_route('lfs_objects_batch', '/{repo:.*?[^/]}/info/lfs/objects/batch') config.add_view(lfs_objects_batch, route_name='lfs_objects_batch', request_method='POST', renderer='json') # oid upload/download API config.add_route('lfs_objects_oid', '/{repo:.*?[^/]}/info/lfs/objects/{oid}') config.add_view(lfs_objects_oid_upload, route_name='lfs_objects_oid', request_method='PUT', renderer='json') config.add_view(lfs_objects_oid_download, route_name='lfs_objects_oid', request_method='GET', renderer='json') # verification API config.add_route('lfs_objects_verify', '/{repo:.*?[^/]}/info/lfs/verify') config.add_view(lfs_objects_verify, route_name='lfs_objects_verify', request_method='POST', renderer='json') # not found handler for API config.add_notfound_view(not_found, renderer='json') def create_app(git_lfs_enabled, git_lfs_store_path, git_lfs_http_scheme): config = Configurator() if git_lfs_enabled: config.include(git_lfs_app) config.registry.git_lfs_store_path = git_lfs_store_path config.registry.git_lfs_http_scheme = git_lfs_http_scheme else: # not found handler for API, reporting disabled LFS support config.add_notfound_view(lfs_disabled, renderer='json') app = config.make_wsgi_app() return app