import logging from datetime import datetime, timedelta, date from datetime import time as dtime from django.db import models, transaction from django.utils import timezone import boards from boards.models.user import Ban from boards.mdx_neboard import Parser from boards.models import PostImage, Attachment from boards import utils __author__ = 'neko259' IMAGE_TYPES = ( 'jpeg', 'jpg', 'png', 'bmp', 'gif', ) POSTS_PER_DAY_RANGE = 7 NO_IP = '' class PostManager(models.Manager): @transaction.atomic def create_post(self, title: str, text: str, file=None, thread=None, ip=NO_IP, tags: list=None, opening_posts: list=None, tripcode=''): """ Creates new post """ if not utils.is_anonymous_mode(): is_banned = Ban.objects.filter(ip=ip).exists() # TODO Raise specific exception and catch it in the views if is_banned: raise Exception("This user is banned") if not tags: tags = [] if not opening_posts: opening_posts = [] posting_time = new_thread = False if not thread: thread = boards.models.thread.Thread.objects.create( bump_time=posting_time, last_edit_time=posting_time) list(map(thread.tags.add, tags)) boards.models.thread.Thread.objects.process_oldest_threads() new_thread = True pre_text = Parser().preparse(text) post = self.create(title=title, text=pre_text, pub_time=posting_time, poster_ip=ip, thread=thread, last_edit_time=posting_time, tripcode=tripcode, opening=new_thread) post.threads.add(thread) logger = logging.getLogger('')'Created post [{}] with text [{}] by {}'.format(post, post.get_text(),post.poster_ip)) # TODO Move this to other place if file: file_type ='.')[-1].lower() if file_type in IMAGE_TYPES: post.images.add(PostImage.objects.create_with_hash(file)) else: post.attachments.add(Attachment.objects.create_with_hash(file)) post.build_url() post.connect_replies() post.connect_threads(opening_posts) post.connect_notifications() post.set_global_id() # Thread needs to be bumped only when the post is already created if not new_thread: thread.last_edit_time = posting_time thread.bump() return post def delete_posts_by_ip(self, ip): """ Deletes all posts of the author with same IP """ posts = self.filter(poster_ip=ip) for post in posts: post.delete() @utils.cached_result() def get_posts_per_day(self) -> float: """ Gets average count of posts per day for the last 7 days """ day_end = day_start = day_end - timedelta(POSTS_PER_DAY_RANGE) day_time_start = timezone.make_aware(datetime.combine( day_start, dtime()), timezone.get_current_timezone()) day_time_end = timezone.make_aware(datetime.combine( day_end, dtime()), timezone.get_current_timezone()) posts_per_period = float(self.filter( pub_time__lte=day_time_end, pub_time__gte=day_time_start).count()) ppd = posts_per_period / POSTS_PER_DAY_RANGE return ppd @transaction.atomic def import_post(self, title: str, text: str, pub_time: str, global_id, opening_post=None, tags=list()): is_opening = opening_post is None if is_opening: thread = boards.models.thread.Thread.objects.create( bump_time=pub_time, last_edit_time=pub_time) list(map(thread.tags.add, tags)) else: thread = opening_post.get_thread() post = self.create(title=title, text=text, pub_time=pub_time, poster_ip=NO_IP, last_edit_time=pub_time, global_id=global_id, opening=is_opening, thread=thread) post.threads.add(thread) post.build_url() post.connect_replies() post.connect_notifications()