# INTRO # This document discribes the server sync protocol. # PURPOSE # This protocol will be used to share the models (currently imageboard posts) across multiple servers. The main differnce of this protocol is that the node can specify what models it wants to get and from whom. The nodes can get models from a specific server, or from all except some specific servers. Also the models can be filtered by timestamps or tags. # DRAFT PROTOCOL DESCRIPTION # The node requests other node's changes list since some time (since epoch if this is the start). The other node sends a list of post ids or posts in the XML or JSON format. Protocol version is the version of the sync api. Model version is the version of data models. If at least one of them is different, the sync cannot be performed. The node signs the data with its key. The receiving node saves the key at the first sync and checks it every time. If the key has changed, the info won't be saved from the node (or the node id must be changed). Each node can have several keys. Nodes can have shared keys to serve as a pool (several nodes with the same key). Each post has an ID in the unique format: node-id/post-id All requests pass a request type, protocol and model versions and a list of optional arguments used for filtering. Each protocol has its own version. Version consists of 2 numbers: first is incompatible version (1.3 and 2.0 are not compatible and must not be in sync) and the second one is minor and compatible (for example, new optional field is added which will be igroned by those who don't support it yet). # REQUESTS # Request types: * pull - pull the desired model ids * get - get models by ids * put - give a model to the given node (you have no guarantee the node takes it, consider you are just advising the node to take your post. This request type is useful in pool where all the nodes try to duplicate all of their data across the pool. # RESPONSES # * not supported - request is not supported * success - request was successfull * error - unexpected error