" + gettext('Loading...') + "
"; var CLS_PREVIEW = 'post_preview'; function $X(path, root) { return document.evaluate(path, root || document, null, 6, null); } function $x(path, root) { return document.evaluate(path, root || document, null, 8, null).singleNodeValue; } function $del(el) { if(el) el.parentNode.removeChild(el); } function $each(list, fn) { if(!list) return; var i = list.snapshotLength; if(i > 0) while(i--) fn(list.snapshotItem(i), i); } function mkPreview(cln, html) { cln.innerHTML = html; addScriptsToPost($(cln)); } function isElementInViewport (el) { //special bonus for those using jQuery if (typeof jQuery === "function" && el instanceof jQuery) { el = el[0]; } var rect = el.getBoundingClientRect(); return ( >= 0 && rect.left >= 0 && rect.bottom <= (window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight) && /*or $(window).height() */ rect.right <= (window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth) /*or $(window).width() */ ); } function addRefLinkPreview(node) { $each($X('.//a[starts-with(text(),">>")]', node || document), function(link) { link.addEventListener('mouseover', showPostPreview, false); link.addEventListener('mouseout', delPostPreview, false); }); } function showPostPreview(e) { var doc = document; var reflink = $(this); var pNum = reflink.text().match(/\d+/); if (pNum == null || pNum.length == 0) { return; } var post = $('#' + pNum); if (post.length > 0 && isElementInViewport(post)) { // If post is on the same page and visible, just highlight it post.addClass('highlight'); } else { var x = reflink.offset().left; var y = reflink.offset().top; var cln = doc.createElement('div'); = 'pstprev_' + pNum; cln.className = CLS_PREVIEW; = 'left:' + x + 'px; top:' + y + 'px'; cln.addEventListener('mouseout', delPostPreview, false); cln.innerHTML = LOADING_MSG; if (post.length > 0) { // If post is on the same page but not visible, generate preview from it var postClone = post.clone(); postClone.removeAttr('style'); var postdata = postClone.wrap("
").parent().html(); mkPreview(cln, postdata); } else { // If post is from other page, load it $.ajax({ url: '/api/post/' + pNum + '/?truncated' }) .success(function(data) { var postdata = $(data).wrap("
").parent().html(); //make preview mkPreview(cln, postdata); }) .error(function() { cln.innerHTML = "
" + gettext('Post not found') + "
"; }); } $del(doc.getElementById(; //add preview $(cln).fadeIn(200); $('body').append(cln); } } function delPostPreview(e) { var el = $x('ancestor-or-self::*[starts-with(@id,"pstprev")]', e.relatedTarget); if(!el) { $each($X('.//div[starts-with(@id,"pstprev")]'), function(clone) { $del(clone) }); } else { while (el.nextSibling) { if (el.nextSibling.className == CLS_PREVIEW) { $del(el.nextSibling); } else { break; } } } $('.highlight').removeClass('highlight'); } function addPreview() { $('.post').find('a').each(function() { showPostPreview($(this)); }); }