from import BaseCommand from django.db.models import Count from boards.models import Attachment from boards.utils import get_domain class Command(BaseCommand): help = 'Gather board statistics' def handle(self, *args, **options): print('* Domains and their usage') domains = {} for attachment in Attachment.objects.exclude(url=''): domain = get_domain(attachment.url) if domain in domains: domains[domain] += 1 else: domains[domain] = 1 domain_list = [(item, domains[item]) for item in domains.keys()] domain_list = sorted(domain_list, key=lambda domain: -domain[1]) for domain in domain_list: print('{}: {}'.format(domain[0], domain[1])) print('* Overall numbers') print('{} attachments in the system, {} of them as URLs'.format( Attachment.objects.count(), Attachment.objects.exclude(url='').count())) print('* File types') mimetypes = Attachment.objects.filter(url='')\ .values('mimetype').annotate(count=Count('id'))\ .order_by('-count') for mimetype in mimetypes: print('{}: {}'.format(mimetype['mimetype'], mimetype['count']))