# INTRO # This project aims to create centralized forum-like discussion platform with anonymity in mind. Main repository: https://bitbucket.org/neko259/neboard/ Site: http://neboard.me/ # INSTALLATION # 1. Download application and move inside it: `hg clone https://bitbucket.org/neko259/neboard` `cd neboard` 2. Install all application dependencies: Some minimal system-wide depenencies: * python3 * pip/pip3 * jpeg * zlib Python dependencies: `pip3 install -r requirements.txt` You can use virtualenv to speed up the process or avoid conflicts. 3. Setup a database in `neboard/settings.py`. You can also change other settings like search engine. Depending on configured database and search engine, you need to install corresponding dependencies manually. Default database is *sqlite*. If you want to change the database backend, refer to the django documentation for the correct settings. Please note that sqlite accepts only one connection at a time, so you won't be able to run 2 servers or a server and a sync at the same time. 4. Setup SECRET_KEY to a secret value in `neboard/settings.py 5. Run `./manage.py migrate` to apply all migrations 6. Apply config changes to `boards/config/settings.ini`. You can see the default settings in `boards/config/default_config.ini`(do not delete or overwrite it). 7. If you want to use decetral engine, run `./manage.py generate_keypair` to generate keys # RUNNING # You can run the server using django default embedded webserver by running: ./manage.py runserver