import os from random import random import time import math import re from django.db import models from django.http import Http404 from django.utils import timezone from markupfield.fields import MarkupField from neboard import settings from boards import settings as boards_settings from boards import thumbs BAN_REASON_AUTO = 'Auto' IMAGE_THUMB_SIZE = (200, 150) TITLE_MAX_LENGTH = 50 DEFAULT_MARKUP_TYPE = 'markdown' NO_PARENT = -1 NO_IP = '' UNKNOWN_UA = '' ALL_PAGES = -1 IMAGES_DIRECTORY = 'images/' FILE_EXTENSION_DELIMITER = '.' SETTING_MODERATE = "moderate" REGEX_REPLY = re.compile('>>(\d+)') class PostManager(models.Manager): def create_post(self, title, text, image=None, thread=None, ip=NO_IP, tags=None, user=None): posting_time = if not thread: thread = Thread.objects.create(bump_time=posting_time, last_edit_time=posting_time) else: thread.bump() thread.last_edit_time = posting_time post = self.create(title=title, text=text, pub_time=posting_time, thread_new=thread, image=image, poster_ip=ip, poster_user_agent=UNKNOWN_UA, last_edit_time=posting_time, user=user) thread.replies.add(post) if tags: linked_tags = [] for tag in tags: tag_linked_tags = tag.get_linked_tags() if len(tag_linked_tags) > 0: linked_tags.extend(tag_linked_tags) tags.extend(linked_tags) map(thread.add_tag, tags) self._delete_old_threads() self.connect_replies(post) return post def delete_post(self, post): thread = post.thread_new thread.last_edit_time = post.delete() def delete_posts_by_ip(self, ip): posts = self.filter(poster_ip=ip) map(self.delete_post, posts) # TODO Move this method to thread manager def get_threads(self, tag=None, page=ALL_PAGES, order_by='-bump_time'): if tag: threads = tag.threads if not threads.exists(): raise Http404 else: threads = Thread.objects.all() threads = threads.order_by(order_by) if page != ALL_PAGES: thread_count = threads.count() if page < self._get_page_count(thread_count): start_thread = page * settings.THREADS_PER_PAGE end_thread = min(start_thread + settings.THREADS_PER_PAGE, thread_count) threads = threads[start_thread:end_thread] return threads # TODO Move this method to thread manager def get_thread_page_count(self, tag=None): if tag: threads = Thread.objects.filter(tags=tag) else: threads = Thread.objects.all() return self._get_page_count(threads.count()) # TODO Move this method to thread manager def _delete_old_threads(self): """ Preserves maximum thread count. If there are too many threads, delete the old ones. """ # TODO Move old threads to the archive instead of deleting them. # Maybe make some 'old' field in the model to indicate the thread # must not be shown and be able for replying. threads = Thread.objects.all() thread_count = threads.count() if thread_count > settings.MAX_THREAD_COUNT: num_threads_to_delete = thread_count - settings.MAX_THREAD_COUNT old_threads = threads[thread_count - num_threads_to_delete:] map(Thread.delete_with_posts, old_threads) def connect_replies(self, post): """Connect replies to a post to show them as a refmap""" for reply_number in re.finditer(REGEX_REPLY, post.text.raw): post_id = ref_post = self.filter(id=post_id) if ref_post.count() > 0: referenced_post = ref_post[0] referenced_post.referenced_posts.add(post) referenced_post.last_edit_time = post.pub_time def _get_page_count(self, thread_count): return int(math.ceil(thread_count / float(settings.THREADS_PER_PAGE))) class Post(models.Model): """A post is a message.""" objects = PostManager() class Meta: app_label = 'boards' def _update_image_filename(self, filename): """Get unique image filename""" path = IMAGES_DIRECTORY new_name = str(int(time.mktime(time.gmtime()))) new_name += str(int(random() * 1000)) new_name += FILE_EXTENSION_DELIMITER new_name += filename.split(FILE_EXTENSION_DELIMITER)[-1:][0] return os.path.join(path, new_name) title = models.CharField(max_length=TITLE_MAX_LENGTH) pub_time = models.DateTimeField() text = MarkupField(default_markup_type=DEFAULT_MARKUP_TYPE, escape_html=False) image_width = models.IntegerField(default=0) image_height = models.IntegerField(default=0) image = thumbs.ImageWithThumbsField(upload_to=_update_image_filename, blank=True, sizes=(IMAGE_THUMB_SIZE,), width_field='image_width', height_field='image_height') poster_ip = models.GenericIPAddressField() poster_user_agent = models.TextField() thread = models.ForeignKey('Post', null=True, default=None) thread_new = models.ForeignKey('Thread', null=True, default=None) last_edit_time = models.DateTimeField() user = models.ForeignKey('User', null=True, default=None) referenced_posts = models.ManyToManyField('Post', symmetrical=False, null=True, blank=True, related_name='rfp+') def __unicode__(self): return '#' + str( + ' ' + self.title + ' (' + \ self.text.raw[:50] + ')' def get_title(self): title = self.title if len(title) == 0: title = self.text.raw[:20] return title def get_sorted_referenced_posts(self): return self.referenced_posts.order_by('id') def is_referenced(self): return self.referenced_posts.all().exists() def is_opening(self): return self.thread_new.get_replies()[0] == self class Thread(models.Model): class Meta: app_label = 'boards' tags = models.ManyToManyField('Tag') bump_time = models.DateTimeField() last_edit_time = models.DateTimeField() replies = models.ManyToManyField('Post', symmetrical=False, null=True, blank=True, related_name='tre+') def get_tags(self): """Get a sorted tag list""" return self.tags.order_by('name') def bump(self): """Bump (move to up) thread""" if self.can_bump(): self.bump_time = def get_reply_count(self): return self.replies.count() def get_images_count(self): return self.replies.filter(image_width__gt=0).count() def can_bump(self): """Check if the thread can be bumped by replying""" post_count = self.get_reply_count() return post_count <= settings.MAX_POSTS_PER_THREAD def delete_with_posts(self): """Completely delete thread""" if self.replies.count() > 0: map(Post.objects.delete_post, self.replies.all()) self.delete() def get_last_replies(self): """Get last replies, not including opening post""" if settings.LAST_REPLIES_COUNT > 0: reply_count = self.get_reply_count() if reply_count > 0: reply_count_to_show = min(settings.LAST_REPLIES_COUNT, reply_count - 1) last_replies = self.replies.all().order_by('pub_time')[ reply_count - reply_count_to_show:] return last_replies def get_replies(self): """Get sorted thread posts""" return self.replies.all().order_by('pub_time') def add_tag(self, tag): """Connect thread to a tag and tag to a thread""" self.tags.add(tag) tag.threads.add(self) def get_opening_post(self): return self.get_replies()[0] def __unicode__(self): return str(self.get_replies()[0].id) def get_pub_time(self): return self.get_opening_post().pub_time