import uuid import hashlib import re from boards import settings from boards.abstracts.tripcode import Tripcode from boards.models import Attachment, KeyPair, GlobalId from boards.models.attachment import FILE_TYPES_IMAGE from boards.models.base import Viewable from import get_exporter, DIFF_TYPE_JSON from import PostManager, NO_IP from boards.utils import datetime_to_epoch from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.db import models from django.db.models import TextField, QuerySet, F from django.template.defaultfilters import truncatewords, striptags from django.template.loader import render_to_string CSS_CLS_HIDDEN_POST = 'hidden_post' CSS_CLS_DEAD_POST = 'dead_post' CSS_CLS_ARCHIVE_POST = 'archive_post' CSS_CLS_POST = 'post' CSS_CLS_MONOCHROME = 'monochrome' TITLE_MAX_WORDS = 10 APP_LABEL_BOARDS = 'boards' BAN_REASON_AUTO = 'Auto' TITLE_MAX_LENGTH = 200 REGEX_REPLY = re.compile(r'\[post\](\d+)\[/post\]') REGEX_GLOBAL_REPLY = re.compile(r'\[post\](\w+)::([^:]+)::(\d+)\[/post\]') REGEX_URL = re.compile(r'https?\://[a-zA-Z0-9\-\.]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,3}(/\S*)?') REGEX_NOTIFICATION = re.compile(r'\[user\](\w+)\[/user\]') PARAMETER_TRUNCATED = 'truncated' PARAMETER_TAG = 'tag' PARAMETER_OFFSET = 'offset' PARAMETER_DIFF_TYPE = 'type' PARAMETER_CSS_CLASS = 'css_class' PARAMETER_THREAD = 'thread' PARAMETER_IS_OPENING = 'is_opening' PARAMETER_POST = 'post' PARAMETER_OP_ID = 'opening_post_id' PARAMETER_NEED_OPEN_LINK = 'need_open_link' PARAMETER_REPLY_LINK = 'reply_link' PARAMETER_NEED_OP_DATA = 'need_op_data' POST_VIEW_PARAMS = ( 'need_op_data', 'reply_link', 'need_open_link', 'truncated', 'mode_tree', 'perms', 'tree_depth', ) class Post(models.Model, Viewable): """A post is a message.""" objects = PostManager() class Meta: app_label = APP_LABEL_BOARDS ordering = ('id',) title = models.CharField(max_length=TITLE_MAX_LENGTH, null=True, blank=True) pub_time = models.DateTimeField(db_index=True) text = TextField(blank=True, null=True) _text_rendered = TextField(blank=True, null=True, editable=False) attachments = models.ManyToManyField(Attachment, null=True, blank=True, related_name='attachment_posts') poster_ip = models.GenericIPAddressField() # Used for cache and threads updating last_edit_time = models.DateTimeField() referenced_posts = models.ManyToManyField('Post', symmetrical=False, null=True, blank=True, related_name='refposts', db_index=True) refmap = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) thread = models.ForeignKey('Thread', db_index=True, related_name='replies') url = models.TextField() uid = models.TextField(db_index=True) # Global ID with author key. If the message was downloaded from another # server, this indicates the server. global_id = models.OneToOneField(GlobalId, null=True, blank=True, on_delete=models.CASCADE) tripcode = models.CharField(max_length=50, blank=True, default='') opening = models.BooleanField(db_index=True) hidden = models.BooleanField(default=False) version = models.IntegerField(default=1) def __str__(self): return 'P#{}/{}'.format(, self.get_title()) def get_title(self) -> str: return self.title def get_title_or_text(self): title = self.get_title() if not title: title = truncatewords(striptags(self.get_text()), TITLE_MAX_WORDS) return title def build_refmap(self, excluded_ids=None) -> None: """ Builds a replies map string from replies list. This is a cache to stop the server from recalculating the map on every post show. """ replies = self.referenced_posts if excluded_ids is not None: replies = replies.exclude(id__in=excluded_ids) else: replies = replies.all() post_urls = [refpost.get_link_view() for refpost in replies] self.refmap = ', '.join(post_urls) def is_referenced(self) -> bool: return self.refmap and len(self.refmap) > 0 def is_opening(self) -> bool: """ Checks if this is an opening post or just a reply. """ return self.opening def get_absolute_url(self, thread=None): # Url is cached only for the "main" thread. When getting url # for other threads, do it manually. return self.url def get_thread(self): return self.thread def get_thread_id(self): return self.thread_id def _get_cache_key(self): return [datetime_to_epoch(self.last_edit_time)] def get_view_params(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Gets the parameters required for viewing the post based on the arguments given and the post itself. """ thread = kwargs.get('thread') or self.get_thread() css_classes = [CSS_CLS_POST] if thread.is_archived(): css_classes.append(CSS_CLS_ARCHIVE_POST) elif not thread.can_bump(): css_classes.append(CSS_CLS_DEAD_POST) if self.is_hidden(): css_classes.append(CSS_CLS_HIDDEN_POST) if thread.is_monochrome(): css_classes.append(CSS_CLS_MONOCHROME) params = dict() for param in POST_VIEW_PARAMS: if param in kwargs: params[param] = kwargs[param] params.update({ PARAMETER_POST: self, PARAMETER_IS_OPENING: self.is_opening(), PARAMETER_THREAD: thread, PARAMETER_CSS_CLASS: ' '.join(css_classes), }) return params def get_view(self, *args, **kwargs) -> str: """ Renders post's HTML view. Some of the post params can be passed over kwargs for the means of caching (if we view the thread, some params are same for every post and don't need to be computed over and over. """ params = self.get_view_params(*args, **kwargs) return render_to_string('boards/post.html', params) def get_first_image(self) -> Attachment: image = None try: image = self.attachments.filter(mimetype__in=FILE_TYPES_IMAGE).earliest('id') except Attachment.DoesNotExist: pass return image def set_global_id(self, key_pair=None): """ Sets global id based on the given key pair. If no key pair is given, default one is used. """ if key_pair: key = key_pair else: try: key = KeyPair.objects.get(primary=True) except KeyPair.DoesNotExist: # Do not update the global id because there is no key defined return global_id = GlobalId(key_type=key.key_type, key=key.public_key, self.global_id = global_id['global_id']) def get_pub_time_str(self): return str(self.pub_time) def get_replied_ids(self): """ Gets ID list of the posts that this post replies. """ raw_text = self.get_raw_text() local_replied = REGEX_REPLY.findall(raw_text) global_replied = [] for match in REGEX_GLOBAL_REPLY.findall(raw_text): key_type = match[0] key = match[1] local_id = match[2] try: global_id = GlobalId.objects.get(key_type=key_type, key=key, local_id=local_id) for post in Post.objects.filter(global_id=global_id).only('id'): global_replied.append( except GlobalId.DoesNotExist: pass return local_replied + global_replied def get_post_data(self, format_type=DIFF_TYPE_JSON, request=None, include_last_update=False) -> str: """ Gets post HTML or JSON data that can be rendered on a page or used by API. """ return get_exporter(format_type).export(self, request, include_last_update) def notify_clients(self, recursive=True): """ Sends post HTML data to the thread web socket. """ if not settings.get_bool('External', 'WebsocketsEnabled'): return thread_ids = list() self.get_thread().notify_clients() if recursive: for reply_number in re.finditer(REGEX_REPLY, self.get_raw_text()): post_id = try: ref_post = Post.objects.get(id=post_id) if ref_post.get_thread().id not in thread_ids: # If post is in this thread, its thread was already notified. # Otherwise, notify its thread separately. ref_post.notify_clients(recursive=False) except ObjectDoesNotExist: pass def _build_url(self): opening = self.is_opening() opening_id = if opening else self.get_thread().get_opening_post_id() url = reverse('thread', kwargs={'post_id': opening_id}) if not opening: url += '#' + str( return url def save(self, force_insert=False, force_update=False, using=None, update_fields=None): new_post = is None self.uid = str(uuid.uuid4()) if update_fields is not None and 'uid' not in update_fields: update_fields += ['uid'] if not new_post: thread = self.get_thread() if thread: thread.last_edit_time = self.last_edit_time['last_edit_time', 'status']) super().save(force_insert, force_update, using, update_fields) if new_post: self.url = self._build_url() super().save(update_fields=['url']) def get_text(self) -> str: return self._text_rendered def get_raw_text(self) -> str: return self.text def get_sync_text(self) -> str: """ Returns text applicable for sync. It has absolute post reflinks. """ replacements = dict() for post_id in REGEX_REPLY.findall(self.get_raw_text()): try: absolute_post_id = str(Post.objects.get(id=post_id).global_id) replacements[post_id] = absolute_post_id except Post.DoesNotExist: pass text = self.get_raw_text() or '' for key in replacements: text = text.replace('[post]{}[/post]'.format(key), '[post]{}[/post]'.format(replacements[key])) text = text.replace('\r\n', '\n').replace('\r', '\n') return text def get_tripcode(self): if self.tripcode: return Tripcode(self.tripcode) def get_link_view(self): """ Gets view of a reflink to the post. """ result = '>>{}'.format(self.get_absolute_url(), if self.is_opening(): result = '{}'.format(result) return result def is_hidden(self) -> bool: return self.hidden def set_hidden(self, hidden): self.hidden = hidden def increment_version(self): self.version = F('version') + 1 def clear_cache(self): """ Clears sync data (content cache, signatures etc). """ global_id = self.global_id if global_id is not None and global_id.is_local()\ and global_id.content is not None: global_id.clear_cache() def get_tags(self): return self.get_thread().get_tags() def get_ip_color(self): return hashlib.md5(self.poster_ip.encode()).hexdigest()[:6] def has_ip(self): return self.poster_ip != NO_IP