from datetime import datetime, timedelta, date from datetime import time as dtime import logging import re import xml.etree.ElementTree as et from django.core.cache import cache from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.db import models, transaction from django.template.loader import render_to_string from django.utils import timezone from markupfield.fields import MarkupField from boards.models import PostImage, KeyPair, GlobalId, Signature from boards.models.base import Viewable from boards.models.thread import Thread from boards import utils ENCODING_UNICODE = 'unicode' APP_LABEL_BOARDS = 'boards' CACHE_KEY_PPD = 'ppd' CACHE_KEY_POST_URL = 'post_url' POSTS_PER_DAY_RANGE = 7 BAN_REASON_AUTO = 'Auto' IMAGE_THUMB_SIZE = (200, 150) TITLE_MAX_LENGTH = 200 DEFAULT_MARKUP_TYPE = 'bbcode' # TODO This should be removed NO_IP = '' # TODO Real user agent should be saved instead of this UNKNOWN_UA = '' REGEX_REPLY = re.compile(r'\[post\](\d+)\[/post\]') REGEX_GLOBAL_REPLY = re.compile(r'\[post\](\w+)::([^:]+)::(\d+)\[/post\]') TAG_MODEL = 'model' TAG_REQUEST = 'request' TAG_RESPONSE = 'response' TAG_ID = 'id' TAG_STATUS = 'status' TAG_MODELS = 'models' TAG_TITLE = 'title' TAG_TEXT = 'text' TAG_THREAD = 'thread' TAG_PUB_TIME = 'pub-time' TAG_SIGNATURES = 'signatures' TAG_SIGNATURE = 'signature' TAG_CONTENT = 'content' TAG_ATTACHMENTS = 'attachments' TAG_ATTACHMENT = 'attachment' TYPE_GET = 'get' ATTR_VERSION = 'version' ATTR_TYPE = 'type' ATTR_NAME = 'name' ATTR_VALUE = 'value' ATTR_MIMETYPE = 'mimetype' STATUS_SUCCESS = 'success' logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class PostManager(models.Manager): def create_post(self, title, text, image=None, thread=None, ip=NO_IP, tags=None): """ Creates new post """ if not tags: tags = [] posting_time = if not thread: thread = Thread.objects.create(bump_time=posting_time, last_edit_time=posting_time) new_thread = True else: thread.bump() thread.last_edit_time = posting_time new_thread = False post = self.create(title=title, text=text, pub_time=posting_time, thread_new=thread, poster_ip=ip, poster_user_agent=UNKNOWN_UA, # TODO Get UA at # last! last_edit_time=posting_time) post.set_global_id() if image: post_image = PostImage.objects.create(image=image) post.images.add(post_image)'Created image #%d for post #%d' % (, thread.replies.add(post) list(map(thread.add_tag, tags)) if new_thread: Thread.objects.process_oldest_threads() self.connect_replies(post)'Created post #%d with title %s' % (, post.get_title())) return post def delete_post(self, post): """ Deletes post and update or delete its thread """ post_id = thread = post.get_thread() if post.is_opening(): thread.delete() else: thread.last_edit_time = post.delete()'Deleted post #%d (%s)' % (post_id, post.get_title())) def delete_posts_by_ip(self, ip): """ Deletes all posts of the author with same IP """ posts = self.filter(poster_ip=ip) for post in posts: self.delete_post(post) # TODO This can be moved into a post def connect_replies(self, post): """ Connects replies to a post to show them as a reflink map """ for reply_number in post.get_replied_ids(): ref_post = self.filter(id=reply_number) if ref_post.count() > 0: referenced_post = ref_post[0] referenced_post.referenced_posts.add(post) referenced_post.last_edit_time = post.pub_time referenced_post.build_refmap()['refmap', 'last_edit_time']) referenced_thread = referenced_post.get_thread() referenced_thread.last_edit_time = post.pub_time['last_edit_time']) def get_posts_per_day(self): """ Gets average count of posts per day for the last 7 days """ day_end = day_start = day_end - timedelta(POSTS_PER_DAY_RANGE) cache_key = CACHE_KEY_PPD + str(day_end) ppd = cache.get(cache_key) if ppd: return ppd day_time_start = timezone.make_aware(datetime.combine( day_start, dtime()), timezone.get_current_timezone()) day_time_end = timezone.make_aware(datetime.combine( day_end, dtime()), timezone.get_current_timezone()) posts_per_period = float(self.filter( pub_time__lte=day_time_end, pub_time__gte=day_time_start).count()) ppd = posts_per_period / POSTS_PER_DAY_RANGE cache.set(cache_key, ppd) return ppd # TODO Make a separate sync facade? def generate_response_get(self, model_list: list): response = et.Element(TAG_RESPONSE) status = et.SubElement(response, TAG_STATUS) status.text = STATUS_SUCCESS models = et.SubElement(response, TAG_MODELS) for post in model_list: model = et.SubElement(models, TAG_MODEL) model.set(ATTR_NAME, 'post') content_tag = et.SubElement(model, TAG_CONTENT) tag_id = et.SubElement(content_tag, TAG_ID) post.global_id.to_xml_element(tag_id) title = et.SubElement(content_tag, TAG_TITLE) title.text = post.title text = et.SubElement(content_tag, TAG_TEXT) # TODO Replace local links by global ones in the text text.text = post.text.raw if not post.is_opening(): thread = et.SubElement(content_tag, TAG_THREAD) thread.text = str(post.get_thread().get_opening_post_id()) else: # TODO Output tags here pass pub_time = et.SubElement(content_tag, TAG_PUB_TIME) pub_time.text = str(post.get_pub_time_epoch()) signatures_tag = et.SubElement(model, TAG_SIGNATURES) post_signatures = post.signature.all() if post_signatures: signatures = post.signatures else: # TODO Maybe the signature can be computed only once after # the post is added? Need to add some on_save signal queue # and add this there. key = KeyPair.objects.get(public_key=post.global_id.key) signatures = [Signature( key_type=key.key_type, key=key.public_key, signature=key.sign(et.tostring(model, ENCODING_UNICODE)), )] for signature in signatures: signature_tag = et.SubElement(signatures_tag, TAG_SIGNATURE) signature_tag.set(ATTR_TYPE, signature.key_type) signature_tag.set(ATTR_VALUE, signature.signature) return et.tostring(response, ENCODING_UNICODE) def parse_response_get(self, response_xml): tag_root = et.fromstring(response_xml) tag_status = tag_root[0] if 'success' == tag_status.text: tag_models = tag_root[1] for tag_model in tag_models: tag_content = tag_model[0] tag_id = tag_content[1] try: GlobalId.from_xml_element(tag_id, existing=True) # If this post already exists, just continue # TODO Compare post content and update the post if necessary pass except GlobalId.DoesNotExist: global_id = GlobalId.from_xml_element(tag_id) title = tag_content.find(TAG_TITLE).text text = tag_content.find(TAG_TEXT).text # TODO Check that the replied posts are already present # before adding new ones # TODO Pub time, thread, tags post = Post.objects.create(title=title, text=text) else: # TODO Throw an exception? pass class Post(models.Model, Viewable): """A post is a message.""" objects = PostManager() class Meta: app_label = APP_LABEL_BOARDS ordering = ('id',) title = models.CharField(max_length=TITLE_MAX_LENGTH) pub_time = models.DateTimeField() text = MarkupField(default_markup_type=DEFAULT_MARKUP_TYPE, escape_html=False) images = models.ManyToManyField(PostImage, null=True, blank=True, related_name='ip+', db_index=True) poster_ip = models.GenericIPAddressField() poster_user_agent = models.TextField() thread_new = models.ForeignKey('Thread', null=True, default=None, db_index=True) last_edit_time = models.DateTimeField() # Replies to the post referenced_posts = models.ManyToManyField('Post', symmetrical=False, null=True, blank=True, related_name='rfp+', db_index=True) # Replies map. This is built from the referenced posts list to speed up # page loading (no need to get all the referenced posts from the database). refmap = models.TextField(null=True, blank=True) # Global ID with author key. If the message was downloaded from another # server, this indicates the server. global_id = models.OneToOneField('GlobalId', null=True, blank=True) # One post can be signed by many nodes that give their trust to it signature = models.ManyToManyField('Signature', null=True, blank=True) def __unicode__(self): return '#' + str( + ' ' + self.title + ' (' + \ self.text.raw[:50] + ')' def get_title(self): return self.title def build_refmap(self): """ Builds a replies map string from replies list. This is a cache to stop the server from recalculating the map on every post show. """ map_string = '' first = True for refpost in self.referenced_posts.all(): if not first: map_string += ', ' map_string += '>>%s' % (refpost.get_url(), first = False self.refmap = map_string def get_sorted_referenced_posts(self): return self.refmap def is_referenced(self): return len(self.refmap) > 0 def is_opening(self): """ Checks if this is an opening post or just a reply. """ return self.get_thread().get_opening_post_id() == @transaction.atomic def add_tag(self, tag): edit_time = thread = self.get_thread() thread.add_tag(tag) self.last_edit_time = edit_time['last_edit_time']) thread.last_edit_time = edit_time['last_edit_time']) @transaction.atomic def remove_tag(self, tag): edit_time = thread = self.get_thread() thread.remove_tag(tag) self.last_edit_time = edit_time['last_edit_time']) thread.last_edit_time = edit_time['last_edit_time']) def get_url(self, thread=None): """ Gets full url to the post. """ cache_key = CACHE_KEY_POST_URL + str( link = cache.get(cache_key) if not link: if not thread: thread = self.get_thread() opening_id = thread.get_opening_post_id() if != opening_id: link = reverse('thread', kwargs={ 'post_id': opening_id}) + '#' + str( else: link = reverse('thread', kwargs={'post_id':}) cache.set(cache_key, link) return link def get_thread(self): """ Gets post's thread. """ return self.thread_new def get_referenced_posts(self): return self.referenced_posts.only('id', 'thread_new') def get_text(self): return self.text def get_view(self, moderator=False, need_open_link=False, truncated=False, *args, **kwargs): if 'is_opening' in kwargs: is_opening = kwargs['is_opening'] else: is_opening = self.is_opening() if 'thread' in kwargs: thread = kwargs['thread'] else: thread = self.get_thread() if 'can_bump' in kwargs: can_bump = kwargs['can_bump'] else: can_bump = thread.can_bump() if is_opening: opening_post_id = else: opening_post_id = thread.get_opening_post_id() return render_to_string('boards/post.html', { 'post': self, 'moderator': moderator, 'is_opening': is_opening, 'thread': thread, 'bumpable': can_bump, 'need_open_link': need_open_link, 'truncated': truncated, 'opening_post_id': opening_post_id, }) def get_first_image(self): return self.images.earliest('id') def delete(self, using=None): """ Deletes all post images and the post itself. """ self.images.all().delete() self.signature.all().delete() if self.global_id: self.global_id.delete() super(Post, self).delete(using) def set_global_id(self, key_pair=None): """ Sets global id based on the given key pair. If no key pair is given, default one is used. """ if key_pair: key = key_pair else: try: key = KeyPair.objects.get(primary=True) except KeyPair.DoesNotExist: # Do not update the global id because there is no key defined return global_id = GlobalId(key_type=key.key_type, key=key.public_key, local_id = self.global_id = global_id['global_id']) def get_pub_time_epoch(self): return utils.datetime_to_epoch(self.pub_time) def get_replied_ids(self): """ Gets ID list of the posts that this post replies. """ local_replied = REGEX_REPLY.findall(self.text.raw) global_replied = [] # TODO Similar code is used in mdx_neboard, maybe it can be extracted # into a method? for match in REGEX_GLOBAL_REPLY.findall(self.text.raw): key_type = match[0] key = match[1] local_id = match[2] try: global_id = GlobalId.objects.get(key_type=key_type, key=key, local_id=local_id) for post in Post.objects.filter(global_id=global_id).only('id'): global_replied.append( except GlobalId.DoesNotExist: pass return local_replied + global_replied