import re import time from django import forms from django.core.files.uploadedfile import SimpleUploadedFile from django.forms.util import ErrorList from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ import requests from boards.mdx_neboard import formatters from import TITLE_MAX_LENGTH from boards.models import Tag from neboard import settings import boards.settings as board_settings CONTENT_TYPE_IMAGE = ( 'image/jpeg', 'image/png', 'image/gif', 'image/bmp', ) REGEX_TAGS = re.compile(r'^[\w\s\d]+$', re.UNICODE) VETERAN_POSTING_DELAY = 5 ATTRIBUTE_PLACEHOLDER = 'placeholder' ATTRIBUTE_ROWS = 'rows' LAST_POST_TIME = 'last_post_time' LAST_LOGIN_TIME = 'last_login_time' TEXT_PLACEHOLDER = _('Type message here. Use formatting panel for more advanced usage.') TAGS_PLACEHOLDER = _('tag1 several_words_tag') LABEL_TITLE = _('Title') LABEL_TEXT = _('Text') LABEL_TAG = _('Tag') LABEL_SEARCH = _('Search') TAG_MAX_LENGTH = 20 IMAGE_DOWNLOAD_CHUNK_BYTES = 100000 HTTP_RESULT_OK = 200 TEXTAREA_ROWS = 4 class FormatPanel(forms.Textarea): """ Panel for text formatting. Consists of buttons to add different tags to the form text area. """ def render(self, name, value, attrs=None): output = '
' for formatter in formatters: output += '' + \ formatter.preview_left + + \ formatter.preview_right + '' output += '
' output += super(FormatPanel, self).render(name, value, attrs=None) return output class PlainErrorList(ErrorList): def __unicode__(self): return self.as_text() def as_text(self): return ''.join(['(!) %s ' % e for e in self]) class NeboardForm(forms.Form): """ Form with neboard-specific formatting. """ def as_div(self): """ Returns this form rendered as HTML s. """ return self._html_output( # TODO Do not show hidden rows in the list here normal_row='
' '%(label)s' '
' '
' '%(field)s' '
' '
' '%(help_text)s' '
', error_row='
' '
' '
' '
', row_ender='', help_text_html='%s', errors_on_separate_row=True) def as_json_errors(self): errors = [] for name, field in list(self.fields.items()): if self[name].errors: errors.append({ 'field': name, 'errors': self[name].errors.as_text(), }) return errors class PostForm(NeboardForm): title = forms.CharField(max_length=TITLE_MAX_LENGTH, required=False, label=LABEL_TITLE) text = forms.CharField( widget=FormatPanel(attrs={ ATTRIBUTE_PLACEHOLDER: TEXT_PLACEHOLDER, ATTRIBUTE_ROWS: TEXTAREA_ROWS, }), required=False, label=LABEL_TEXT) image = forms.ImageField(required=False, label=_('Image'), widget=forms.ClearableFileInput( attrs={'accept': 'image/*'})) image_url = forms.CharField(required=False, label=_('Image URL'), widget=forms.TextInput( attrs={ATTRIBUTE_PLACEHOLDER: ''})) # This field is for spam prevention only email = forms.CharField(max_length=100, required=False, label=_('e-mail'), widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={ 'class': 'form-email'})) session = None need_to_ban = False def clean_title(self): title = self.cleaned_data['title'] if title: if len(title) > TITLE_MAX_LENGTH: raise forms.ValidationError(_('Title must have less than %s ' 'characters') % str(TITLE_MAX_LENGTH)) return title def clean_text(self): text = self.cleaned_data['text'].strip() if text: if len(text) > board_settings.MAX_TEXT_LENGTH: raise forms.ValidationError(_('Text must have less than %s ' 'characters') % str(board_settings .MAX_TEXT_LENGTH)) return text def clean_image(self): image = self.cleaned_data['image'] if image: self.validate_image_size(image.size) return image def clean_image_url(self): url = self.cleaned_data['image_url'] image = None if url: image = self._get_image_from_url(url) if not image: raise forms.ValidationError(_('Invalid URL')) else: self.validate_image_size(image.size) return image def clean(self): cleaned_data = super(PostForm, self).clean() if not self.session: raise forms.ValidationError('Humans have sessions') if cleaned_data['email']: self.need_to_ban = True raise forms.ValidationError('A human cannot enter a hidden field') if not self.errors: self._clean_text_image() if not self.errors and self.session: self._validate_posting_speed() return cleaned_data def get_image(self): """ Gets image from file or URL. """ image = self.cleaned_data['image'] return image if image else self.cleaned_data['image_url'] def _clean_text_image(self): text = self.cleaned_data.get('text') image = self.get_image() if (not text) and (not image): error_message = _('Either text or image must be entered.') self._errors['text'] = self.error_class([error_message]) def _validate_posting_speed(self): can_post = True posting_delay = settings.POSTING_DELAY if board_settings.LIMIT_POSTING_SPEED and LAST_POST_TIME in \ self.session: now = time.time() last_post_time = self.session[LAST_POST_TIME] current_delay = int(now - last_post_time) if current_delay < posting_delay: error_message = _('Wait %s seconds after last posting') % str( posting_delay - current_delay) self._errors['text'] = self.error_class([error_message]) can_post = False if can_post: self.session[LAST_POST_TIME] = time.time() def validate_image_size(self, size: int): if size > board_settings.MAX_IMAGE_SIZE: raise forms.ValidationError( _('Image must be less than %s bytes') % str(board_settings.MAX_IMAGE_SIZE)) def _get_image_from_url(self, url: str) -> SimpleUploadedFile: """ Gets an image file from URL. """ img_temp = None try: # Verify content headers response_head = requests.head(url, verify=False) content_type = response_head.headers['content-type'].split(';')[0] if content_type in CONTENT_TYPE_IMAGE: length_header = response_head.headers.get('content-length') if length_header: length = int(length_header) self.validate_image_size(length) # Get the actual content into memory response = requests.get(url, verify=False, stream=True) # Download image, stop if the size exceeds limit size = 0 content = b'' for chunk in response.iter_content(IMAGE_DOWNLOAD_CHUNK_BYTES): size += len(chunk) self.validate_image_size(size) content += chunk if response.status_code == HTTP_RESULT_OK and content: # Set a dummy file name that will be replaced # anyway, just keep the valid extension filename = 'image.' + content_type.split('/')[1] img_temp = SimpleUploadedFile(filename, content, content_type) except Exception: # Just return no image pass return img_temp class ThreadForm(PostForm): tags = forms.CharField( widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={ATTRIBUTE_PLACEHOLDER: TAGS_PLACEHOLDER}), max_length=100, label=_('Tags'), required=True) def clean_tags(self): tags = self.cleaned_data['tags'].strip() if not tags or not REGEX_TAGS.match(tags): raise forms.ValidationError( _('Inappropriate characters in tags.')) required_tag_exists = False for tag in tags.split(): tag_model = Tag.objects.filter(name=tag.strip().lower(), required=True) if tag_model.exists(): required_tag_exists = True break if not required_tag_exists: raise forms.ValidationError(_('Need at least 1 required tag.')) return tags def clean(self): cleaned_data = super(ThreadForm, self).clean() return cleaned_data class SettingsForm(NeboardForm): theme = forms.ChoiceField(choices=settings.THEMES, label=_('Theme')) username = forms.CharField(label=_('User name'), required=False) def clean_username(self): username = self.cleaned_data['username'] if username and not REGEX_TAGS.match(username): raise forms.ValidationError(_('Inappropriate characters.')) return username class SearchForm(NeboardForm): query = forms.CharField(max_length=500, label=LABEL_SEARCH, required=False)