import logging import time import hashlib import pytz import re from PIL import Image from django import forms from django.core.cache import cache from django.core.files.images import get_image_dimensions from django.core.files.uploadedfile import SimpleUploadedFile, UploadedFile from django.forms.utils import ErrorList from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _, ungettext_lazy import boards.settings as board_settings from boards import utils from boards.abstracts.constants import REGEX_TAGS from boards.abstracts.settingsmanager import get_settings_manager from boards.abstracts.sticker_factory import get_attachment_by_alias from boards.forms.fields import UrlFileField from boards.mdx_neboard import formatters from boards.models import Attachment from boards.models import Tag from boards.models.attachment import StickerPack from boards.models.attachment.downloaders import download, REGEX_MAGNET from boards.models.attachment.viewers import FILE_TYPES_IMAGE from import TITLE_MAX_LENGTH from boards.utils import validate_file_size, get_file_mimetype, \ FILE_EXTENSION_DELIMITER, get_tripcode_from_text from boards.settings import SECTION_FORMS FORMAT_PANEL_BUTTON = '{}{}{}' POW_HASH_LENGTH = 16 POW_LIFE_MINUTES = 5 REGEX_USERNAMES = re.compile(r'^[\w\s\d,]+$', re.UNICODE) REGEX_URL = re.compile(r'^(http|https|ftp):\/\/', re.UNICODE) VETERAN_POSTING_DELAY = 5 ATTRIBUTE_PLACEHOLDER = 'placeholder' ATTRIBUTE_ROWS = 'rows' LAST_POST_TIME = 'last_post_time' LAST_LOGIN_TIME = 'last_login_time' TEXT_PLACEHOLDER = _('Type message here. Use formatting panel for more advanced usage.') TAGS_PLACEHOLDER = _('music images i_dont_like_tags') LABEL_TITLE = _('Title') LABEL_TEXT = _('Text') LABEL_TAG = _('Tag') LABEL_SEARCH = _('Search') LABEL_FILE = _('File') LABEL_DUPLICATES = _('Check for duplicates') LABEL_URL = _('Do not download URLs') ERROR_SPEED = 'Please wait %(delay)d second before sending message' ERROR_SPEED_PLURAL = 'Please wait %(delay)d seconds before sending message' ERROR_MANY_FILES = 'You can post no more than %(files)d file.' ERROR_MANY_FILES_PLURAL = 'You can post no more than %(files)d files.' ERROR_DUPLICATES = 'Some files are already present on the board.' TAG_MAX_LENGTH = 20 TEXTAREA_ROWS = 4 TRIPCODE_DELIM = '##' # TODO Maybe this may be converted into the database table? MIMETYPE_EXTENSIONS = { 'image/jpeg': 'jpeg', 'image/png': 'png', 'image/gif': 'gif', 'video/webm': 'webm', 'application/pdf': 'pdf', 'x-diff': 'diff', 'image/svg+xml': 'svg', 'application/x-shockwave-flash': 'swf', 'image/x-ms-bmp': 'bmp', 'image/bmp': 'bmp', } DOWN_MODE_DOWNLOAD = 'DOWNLOAD' DOWN_MODE_DOWNLOAD_UNIQUE = 'DOWNLOAD_UNIQUE' DOWN_MODE_URL = 'URL' DOWN_MODE_TRY = 'TRY' logger = logging.getLogger('boards.forms') def get_timezones(): timezones = [] for tz in pytz.common_timezones: timezones.append((tz, tz),) return timezones class FormatPanel(forms.Textarea): """ Panel for text formatting. Consists of buttons to add different tags to the form text area. """ def render(self, name, value, attrs=None): output_template = '
' buttons = [self._get_button(formatter) for formatter in formatters] output = output_template.format(''.join(buttons)) output += super(FormatPanel, self).render(name, value, attrs=attrs) return output def _get_button(self, formatter): return FORMAT_PANEL_BUTTON.format( formatter.format_left, formatter.format_right, formatter.preview_left,, formatter.preview_right) class PlainErrorList(ErrorList): def __unicode__(self): return self.as_text() def as_text(self): return ''.join(['(!) %s ' % e for e in self]) class NeboardForm(forms.Form): """ Form with neboard-specific formatting. """ required_css_class = 'required-field' def as_div(self): """ Returns this form rendered as HTML s. """ return self._html_output( # TODO Do not show hidden rows in the list here normal_row='
' '
' '%(label)s' '
' '
' '%(field)s' '
' '
' '
' '%(help_text)s' '
', error_row='
' '
' '
' '
', row_ender='', help_text_html='%s', errors_on_separate_row=True) def as_json_errors(self): errors = [] for name, field in list(self.fields.items()): if self[name].errors: errors.append({ 'field': name, 'errors': self[name].errors.as_text(), }) return errors class PostForm(NeboardForm): title = forms.CharField(max_length=TITLE_MAX_LENGTH, required=False, label=LABEL_TITLE, widget=forms.TextInput( attrs={ATTRIBUTE_PLACEHOLDER: 'Title{}tripcode'.format(TRIPCODE_DELIM)})) text = forms.CharField( widget=FormatPanel(attrs={ ATTRIBUTE_PLACEHOLDER: TEXT_PLACEHOLDER, ATTRIBUTE_ROWS: TEXTAREA_ROWS, }), required=False, label=LABEL_TEXT) download_mode = forms.ChoiceField( choices=( (DOWN_MODE_TRY, _('Download or insert as URLs')), (DOWN_MODE_DOWNLOAD, _('Download')), (DOWN_MODE_DOWNLOAD_UNIQUE, _('Download and check for uniqueness')), (DOWN_MODE_URL, _('Insert as URLs')), ), initial=DOWN_MODE_TRY, label=_('File process mode')) file = UrlFileField(required=False, label=LABEL_FILE) # This field is for spam prevention only email = forms.CharField(max_length=100, required=False, label=_('e-mail'), widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={ 'class': 'form-email'})) subscribe = forms.BooleanField(required=False, label=_('Subscribe to thread')) guess = forms.CharField(widget=forms.HiddenInput(), required=False) timestamp = forms.CharField(widget=forms.HiddenInput(), required=False) iteration = forms.CharField(widget=forms.HiddenInput(), required=False) session = None need_to_ban = False def clean_title(self): title = self.cleaned_data['title'] if title: if len(title) > TITLE_MAX_LENGTH: raise forms.ValidationError(_('Title must have less than %s ' 'characters') % str(TITLE_MAX_LENGTH)) return title def clean_text(self): text = self.cleaned_data['text'].strip() if text: max_length = board_settings.get_int(SECTION_FORMS, 'MaxTextLength') if len(text) > max_length: raise forms.ValidationError(_('Text must have less than %s ' 'characters') % str(max_length)) return text def clean_file(self): return self._clean_files(self.cleaned_data['file']) def clean(self): cleaned_data = super(PostForm, self).clean() if cleaned_data['email']: if board_settings.get_bool(SECTION_FORMS, 'Autoban'): self.need_to_ban = True raise forms.ValidationError('A human cannot enter a hidden field') if not self.errors: self._clean_text_file() limit_speed = board_settings.get_bool(SECTION_FORMS, 'LimitPostingSpeed') limit_first = board_settings.get_bool(SECTION_FORMS, 'LimitFirstPosting') settings_manager = get_settings_manager(self) if not self.errors and limit_speed or (limit_first and not settings_manager.get_setting('confirmed_user')): pow_difficulty = board_settings.get_int(SECTION_FORMS, 'PowDifficulty') if pow_difficulty > 0: # PoW-based if cleaned_data['timestamp'] \ and cleaned_data['iteration'] and cleaned_data['guess'] \ and not settings_manager.get_setting('confirmed_user'): self._validate_hash(cleaned_data['timestamp'], cleaned_data['iteration'], cleaned_data['guess'], cleaned_data['text']) else: # Time-based self._validate_posting_speed() settings_manager.set_setting('confirmed_user', True) if self.cleaned_data['download_mode'] == DOWN_MODE_DOWNLOAD_UNIQUE: self._check_file_duplicates(self.get_files()) return cleaned_data def get_files(self): """ Gets file from form or URL. """ files = [] for file in self.cleaned_data['file']: if isinstance(file, UploadedFile): files.append(file) return files def get_file_urls(self): files = [] for file in self.cleaned_data['file']: if type(file) == str: files.append(file) return files def get_tripcode(self): title = self.cleaned_data['title'] if title is not None and TRIPCODE_DELIM in title: tripcode = get_tripcode_from_text(title.split(TRIPCODE_DELIM, maxsplit=1)[1]) else: tripcode = '' return tripcode def get_title(self): title = self.cleaned_data['title'] if title is not None and TRIPCODE_DELIM in title: return title.split(TRIPCODE_DELIM, maxsplit=1)[0] else: return title def get_images(self): return self.cleaned_data.get('stickers', []) def is_subscribe(self): return self.cleaned_data['subscribe'] def _update_file_extension(self, file): if file: mimetype = get_file_mimetype(file) extension = MIMETYPE_EXTENSIONS.get(mimetype) if extension: filename =, 1)[0] new_filename = filename + FILE_EXTENSION_DELIMITER + extension = new_filename else:'Unrecognized file mimetype: {}'.format(mimetype)) def _clean_files(self, inputs): files = [] max_file_count = board_settings.get_int(SECTION_FORMS, 'MaxFileCount') if len(inputs) > max_file_count: raise forms.ValidationError( ungettext_lazy(ERROR_MANY_FILES, ERROR_MANY_FILES, max_file_count) % {'files': max_file_count}) size = 0 for file_input in inputs: if isinstance(file_input, UploadedFile): file = self._clean_file_file(file_input) size += file.size files.append(file) else: files.append(self._clean_file_url(file_input)) for file in files: self._validate_image_dimensions(file) validate_file_size(size) return files def _validate_image_dimensions(self, file): if isinstance(file, UploadedFile): mimetype = get_file_mimetype(file) if mimetype.split('/')[-1] in FILE_TYPES_IMAGE: Image.warnings.simplefilter('error', Image.DecompressionBombWarning) try: print(get_image_dimensions(file)) except Exception: raise forms.ValidationError('Possible decompression bomb or large image.') def _clean_file_file(self, file): self._update_file_extension(file) return file def _clean_file_url(self, url): file = None if url: mode = self.cleaned_data['download_mode'] if mode == DOWN_MODE_URL: return url try: image = get_attachment_by_alias(url, self.session) if image is not None: if 'stickers' not in self.cleaned_data: self.cleaned_data['stickers'] = [] self.cleaned_data['stickers'].append(image) return if file is None: file = self._get_file_from_url(url) if not file: raise forms.ValidationError(_('Invalid URL')) self._update_file_extension(file) except forms.ValidationError as e: # Assume we will get the plain URL instead of a file and save it if mode == DOWN_MODE_TRY and (REGEX_URL.match(url) or REGEX_MAGNET.match(url)):'Error in forms: {}'.format(e)) return url else: raise e return file def _clean_text_file(self): text = self.cleaned_data.get('text') file = self.get_files() file_url = self.get_file_urls() images = self.get_images() if (not text) and (not file) and (not file_url) and len(images) == 0: error_message = _('Either text or file must be entered.') self._add_general_error(error_message) def _get_cache_key(self, key): return '{}_{}'.format(self.session.session_key, key) def _set_session_cache(self, key, value): cache.set(self._get_cache_key(key), value) def _get_session_cache(self, key): return cache.get(self._get_cache_key(key)) def _get_last_post_time(self): last = self._get_session_cache(LAST_POST_TIME) if last is None: last = self.session.get(LAST_POST_TIME) return last def _validate_posting_speed(self): can_post = True posting_delay = board_settings.get_int(SECTION_FORMS, 'PostingDelay') if board_settings.get_bool(SECTION_FORMS, 'LimitPostingSpeed'): now = time.time() current_delay = 0 if LAST_POST_TIME not in self.session: self.session[LAST_POST_TIME] = now need_delay = True else: last_post_time = self._get_last_post_time() current_delay = int(now - last_post_time) need_delay = current_delay < posting_delay self._set_session_cache(LAST_POST_TIME, now) if need_delay: delay = posting_delay - current_delay error_message = ungettext_lazy(ERROR_SPEED, ERROR_SPEED_PLURAL, delay) % {'delay': delay} self._add_general_error(error_message) can_post = False if can_post: self.session[LAST_POST_TIME] = now else: # Reset the time since posting failed self._set_session_cache(LAST_POST_TIME, self.session[LAST_POST_TIME]) def _get_file_from_url(self, url: str) -> SimpleUploadedFile: """ Gets an file file from URL. """ try: return download(url) except forms.ValidationError as e: raise e except Exception as e: raise forms.ValidationError(e) def _validate_hash(self, timestamp: str, iteration: str, guess: str, message: str): payload = timestamp + message.replace('\r\n', '\n') difficulty = board_settings.get_int(SECTION_FORMS, 'PowDifficulty') target = str(int(2 ** (POW_HASH_LENGTH * 3) / difficulty)) if len(target) < POW_HASH_LENGTH: target = '0' * (POW_HASH_LENGTH - len(target)) + target computed_guess = hashlib.sha256((payload + iteration).encode())\ .hexdigest()[0:POW_HASH_LENGTH] if guess != computed_guess or guess > target: self._add_general_error(_('Invalid PoW.')) def _check_file_duplicates(self, files): for file in files: file_hash = utils.get_file_hash(file) if Attachment.objects.get_existing_duplicate(file_hash, file): self._add_general_error(_(ERROR_DUPLICATES)) def _add_general_error(self, message): self.add_error('text', forms.ValidationError(message)) class ThreadForm(PostForm): tags = forms.CharField( widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={ATTRIBUTE_PLACEHOLDER: TAGS_PLACEHOLDER}), max_length=100, label=_('Tags'), required=True) monochrome = forms.BooleanField(label=_('Monochrome'), required=False) stickerpack = forms.BooleanField(label=_('Sticker Pack'), required=False) def clean_tags(self): tags = self.cleaned_data['tags'].strip() if not tags or not REGEX_TAGS.match(tags): raise forms.ValidationError( _('Inappropriate characters in tags.')) default_tag_name = board_settings.get(SECTION_FORMS, 'DefaultTag')\ .strip().lower() required_tag_exists = False tag_set = set() for tag_string in tags.split(): tag_name = tag_string.strip().lower() if tag_name == default_tag_name: required_tag_exists = True tag, created = Tag.objects.get_or_create_with_alias( name=tag_name, required=True) else: tag, created = Tag.objects.get_or_create_with_alias(name=tag_name) tag_set.add(tag) # If this is a new tag, don't check for its parents because nobody # added them yet if not created: tag_set |= set(tag.get_all_parents()) for tag in tag_set: if tag.required: required_tag_exists = True break # Use default tag if no section exists if not required_tag_exists: default_tag, created = Tag.objects.get_or_create_with_alias( name=default_tag_name, required=True) tag_set.add(default_tag) return tag_set def clean(self): cleaned_data = super(ThreadForm, self).clean() return cleaned_data def is_monochrome(self): return self.cleaned_data['monochrome'] def clean_stickerpack(self): stickerpack = self.cleaned_data['stickerpack'] if stickerpack: tripcode = self.get_tripcode() if not tripcode: raise forms.ValidationError(_( 'Tripcode should be specified to own a stickerpack.')) title = self.get_title() if not title: raise forms.ValidationError(_( 'Title should be specified as a stickerpack name.')) if not REGEX_TAGS.match(title): raise forms.ValidationError(_('Inappropriate sticker pack name.')) existing_pack = StickerPack.objects.filter(name=title).first() if existing_pack: if existing_pack.tripcode != tripcode: raise forms.ValidationError(_( 'A sticker pack with this name already exists and is' ' owned by another tripcode.')) if not existing_pack.tripcode: raise forms.ValidationError(_( 'This sticker pack can only be updated by an ' 'administrator.')) return stickerpack def is_stickerpack(self): return self.cleaned_data['stickerpack'] class SettingsForm(NeboardForm): theme = forms.ChoiceField( choices=board_settings.get_list_dict('View', 'Themes'), label=_('Theme')) image_viewer = forms.ChoiceField( choices=board_settings.get_list_dict('View', 'ImageViewers'), label=_('Image view mode')) username = forms.CharField(label=_('User name'), required=False) timezone = forms.ChoiceField(choices=get_timezones(), label=_('Time zone')) def clean_username(self): username = self.cleaned_data['username'] if username and not REGEX_USERNAMES.match(username): raise forms.ValidationError(_('Inappropriate characters.')) return username class SearchForm(NeboardForm): query = forms.CharField(max_length=500, label=LABEL_SEARCH, required=False)