# INTRO # This project aims to create centralized forum-like discussion platform with anonymity in mind. Main repository: https://bitbucket.org/neko259/neboard/ Site: http://neboard.me/ # INSTALLATION # 1. Install all dependencies over pip or system-wide You can use virtualenv to speed up the process. Use pip3 install -r requirements.txt Dependencies for the database and search engine need to be installed manually when you choose which one to use. 2. Setup a database in `neboard/settings.py` 3. Setup SECRET_KEY to a secret value in `neboard/settings.py` 4. Run `./manage.py migrate` to apply all migrations 5. Apply config changes to `boards/config/config.ini`. You can see the default settings in `boards/config/default_config.ini` 6. If you want to use decetral engine, run `./manage.py generate_keypair` to generate keys # RUNNING # You can run the server using django default embedded webserver by running: ./manage.py runserver
: See django-admin command help for details. Also consider using wsgi or fcgi interfaces on production servers. When running for the first time, you need to setup at least one section tag. Go to the admin page and manually create one tag with "required" property set. # UPGRADE # 1. Backup your project data. 2. Copy the project contents over the old project directory 3. Run migrations by `./manage.py migrate` You can also just clone the mercurial project and pull it to update # CONCLUSION # Enjoy our software and thank you!