##// END OF EJS Templates
dependencies: bumped Whoosh to veriosn 2.7.4. Fixes #4283
dependencies: bumped Whoosh to veriosn 2.7.4. Fixes #4283

File last commit:

r1192:5c951e10 default
r1231:04a6a6d0 default
Show More
208 lines | 8.7 KiB | text/html | HtmlLexer
/ rhodecode / templates / changeset / changeset_file_comment.html
project: added all source files and assets
r1 ## -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
## usage:
## <%namespace name="comment" file="/changeset/changeset_file_comment.html"/>
## ${comment.comment_block(comment)}
<%namespace name="base" file="/base/base.html"/>
<%def name="comment_block(comment, inline=False)">
pull-requests: added version browsing for pull requests....
r1192 <div class="comment
${'comment-inline' if inline else ''}
${'comment-outdated' if comment.outdated_at_version(getattr(c, 'at_version', None)) else 'comment-current'}"
style="${'display: none;' if comment.outdated_at_version(getattr(c, 'at_version', None)) else ''}">
project: added all source files and assets
r1 <div class="meta">
<div class="author">
${base.gravatar_with_user(comment.author.email, 16)}
<div class="date">
datetimes: fix datetimes to work across app, converting to utc
r155 ${h.age_component(comment.modified_at, time_is_local=True)}
project: added all source files and assets
r1 </div>
<div class="status-change">
pull-requests: added version browsing for pull requests....
r1192 % if comment.pull_request:
% if comment.outdated:
<a href="?version=${comment.pull_request_version_id}#comment-${comment.comment_id}">
${_('Outdated comment from pull request version {}').format(comment.pull_request_version_id)}
% else:
<a href="${h.url('pullrequest_show',repo_name=comment.pull_request.target_repo.repo_name,pull_request_id=comment.pull_request.pull_request_id)}">
%if comment.status_change:
${_('Vote on pull request #%s') % comment.pull_request.pull_request_id}:
${_('Comment on pull request #%s') % comment.pull_request.pull_request_id}
% endif
% else:
% if comment.status_change:
project: added all source files and assets
r1 ${_('Status change on commit')}:
pull-requests: added version browsing for pull requests....
r1192 % else:
project: added all source files and assets
r1 ${_('Comment on commit')}
pull-requests: added version browsing for pull requests....
r1192 % endif
% endif
project: added all source files and assets
r1 </div>
%if comment.status_change:
<div class="${'flag_status %s' % comment.status_change[0].status}"></div>
<div title="${_('Commit status')}" class="changeset-status-lbl">
<a class="permalink" href="#comment-${comment.comment_id}"> &para;</a>
<div class="comment-links-block">
## show delete comment if it's not a PR (regular comments) or it's PR that is not closed
## only super-admin, repo admin OR comment owner can delete
%if not comment.pull_request or (comment.pull_request and not comment.pull_request.is_closed()):
pull-requests: added version browsing for pull requests....
r1192 ## permissions to delete
project: added all source files and assets
r1 %if h.HasPermissionAny('hg.admin')() or h.HasRepoPermissionAny('repository.admin')(c.repo_name) or comment.author.user_id == c.rhodecode_user.user_id:
diffs: add comments to changeset diffs
r1143 ## TODO: dan: add edit comment here
pull-requests: added version browsing for pull requests....
r1192 <a onclick="return Rhodecode.comments.deleteComment(this);" class="delete-comment"> ${_('Delete')}</a>
<button class="btn-link" disabled="disabled"> ${_('Delete')}</button>
project: added all source files and assets
r1 %endif
pull-requests: added version browsing for pull requests....
r1192 %else:
<button class="btn-link" disabled="disabled"> ${_('Delete')}</button>
%if not comment.outdated_at_version(getattr(c, 'at_version', None)):
| <a onclick="return Rhodecode.comments.prevComment(this);" class="prev-comment"> ${_('Prev')}</a>
| <a onclick="return Rhodecode.comments.nextComment(this);" class="next-comment"> ${_('Next')}</a>
project: added all source files and assets
r1 %endif
<div class="text">
diffs: add comments to changeset diffs
r1143 ## generate main comments
project: added all source files and assets
r1 <%def name="generate_comments(include_pull_request=False, is_pull_request=False)">
ux: add comments id to comments form so that linking to comments works
r1184 <div id="comments">
project: added all source files and assets
r1 %for comment in c.comments:
<div id="comment-tr-${comment.comment_id}">
## only render comments that are not from pull request, or from
## pull request and a status change
%if not comment.pull_request or (comment.pull_request and comment.status_change) or include_pull_request:
## to anchor ajax comments
<div id="injected_page_comments"></div>
ux: add comments id to comments form so that linking to comments works
r1184 </div>
project: added all source files and assets
r1 </%def>
<%def name="comments(post_url, cur_status, is_pull_request=False, is_compare=False, change_status=True, form_extras=None)">
pull-requests: added version browsing for pull requests....
project: added all source files and assets
r1 %if is_compare:
<% form_id = "comments_form_compare" %>
<% form_id = "comments_form" %>
%if is_pull_request:
<div class="pull-request-merge">
%if c.allowed_to_merge:
<div class="pull-request-wrap">
<div class="pull-right">
${h.secure_form(url('pullrequest_merge', repo_name=c.repo_name, pull_request_id=c.pull_request.pull_request_id), id='merge_pull_request_form')}
<span data-role="merge-message">${c.pr_merge_msg} ${c.approval_msg if c.approval_msg else ''}</span>
<% merge_disabled = ' disabled' if c.pr_merge_status is False else '' %>
<input type="submit" id="merge_pull_request" value="${_('Merge Pull Request')}" class="btn${merge_disabled}"${merge_disabled}>
<div class="pull-request-wrap">
<div class="pull-right">
<span>${c.pr_merge_msg} ${c.approval_msg if c.approval_msg else ''}</span>
<div class="comments">
%if c.rhodecode_user.username != h.DEFAULT_USER:
<div class="comment-form ac">
${h.secure_form(post_url, id_=form_id)}
<div id="edit-container" class="clearfix">
<div class="comment-title pull-left">
%if is_pull_request:
${(_('Create a comment on this Pull Request.'))}
%elif is_compare:
${(_('Create comments on this Commit range.'))}
${(_('Create a comment on this Commit.'))}
<div class="comment-help pull-right">
${(_('Comments parsed using %s syntax with %s support.') % (
('<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (h.url('%s_help' % c.visual.default_renderer), c.visual.default_renderer.upper())),
('<span class="tooltip" title="%s">@mention</span>' % _('Use @username inside this text to send notification to this RhodeCode user'))
<div style="clear: both"></div>
${h.textarea('text', class_="comment-block-ta")}
<div id="preview-container" class="clearfix" style="display: none;">
<div class="comment-title">
${_('Comment preview')}
<div id="preview-box" class="preview-box"></div>
<div id="comment_form_extras">
%if form_extras and isinstance(form_extras, (list, tuple)):
% for form_ex_el in form_extras:
% endfor
<div class="comment-footer">
%if change_status:
<div class="status_box">
<select id="change_status" name="changeset_status">
<option></option> # Placeholder
%for status,lbl in c.commit_statuses:
<option value="${status}" data-status="${status}">${lbl}</option>
%if is_pull_request and change_status and status in ('approved', 'rejected'):
<option value="${status}_closed" data-status="${status}">${lbl} & ${_('Closed')}</option>
<div class="action-buttons">
<button id="preview-btn" class="btn btn-secondary">${_('Preview')}</button>
<button id="edit-btn" class="btn btn-secondary" style="display:none;">${_('Edit')}</button>
<div class="comment-button">${h.submit('save', _('Comment'), class_="btn btn-success comment-button-input")}</div>
// init active elements of commentForm
var commitId = templateContext.commit_data.commit_id;
var pullRequestId = templateContext.pull_request_data.pull_request_id;
var lineNo;
var mainCommentForm = new CommentForm(
"#${form_id}", commitId, pullRequestId, lineNo, true);
diffs: adding inline comment toggle fixes #2884
r696 bindToggleButtons();
project: added all source files and assets
r1 </script>