##// END OF EJS Templates
auth: don't break hashing in case of user with empty password....
auth: don't break hashing in case of user with empty password. In some cases such as LDAP user created via external scripts users might set the passwords to empty. The hashing uses the md5(password_hash) to store reference to detect password changes and forbid using the same password. In case of pure LDAP users this is not valid, and we shouldn't raise Errors in such case. This change makes it work for empty passwords now.

File last commit:

r2105:4ad1a937 default
r2203:8a18c3c3 default
Show More
197 lines | 7.0 KiB | application/x-mako | MakoHtmlLexer
Bartłomiej Wołyńczyk
strip: added functionality to stip choosen commits on repo settings
r1587 <div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
strip: ui changes....
r1589 <h3 class="panel-title">${_('Strip commits from repository')}</h3>
Bartłomiej Wołyńczyk
strip: added functionality to stip choosen commits on repo settings
r1587 </div>
<div class="panel-body">
apps: removed deprecated usage of c.repo_info
r2081 %if c.rhodecode_db_repo.repo_type != 'svn':
strip: ui changes....
r1589 <h4>${_('Please provide up to %d commits commits to strip') % c.strip_limit}</h4>
Bartłomiej Wołyńczyk
strip: added functionality to stip choosen commits on repo settings
r1587 <p>
${_('In the first step commits will be verified for existance in the repository')}. </br>
${_('In the second step, correct commits will be available for stripping')}.
forms: unified usage of h.secure_form. Make sure we ALWAYS pass in...
r2105 ${h.secure_form(h.route_path('strip_check', repo_name=c.rhodecode_db_repo.repo_name), request=request)}
Bartłomiej Wołyńczyk
strip: added functionality to stip choosen commits on repo settings
r1587 <div id="change_body" class="field">
<div id="box-1" class="inputx locked_input">
strip: ui changes....
r1589 <input class="text" id="changeset_id-1" name="changeset_id-1" size="59"
placeholder="${_('Enter full 40 character commit sha')}" type="text" value="">
<div id="plus_icon-1" class="btn btn-default plus_input_button" onclick="addNew(1);return false">
<i class="icon-plus">${_('Add another commit')}</i>
Bartłomiej Wołyńczyk
strip: added functionality to stip choosen commits on repo settings
r1587 </div>
strip: ui changes....
<div id="results" style="display:none; padding: 10px 0px;"></div>
Bartłomiej Wołyńczyk
strip: added functionality to stip choosen commits on repo settings
r1587 <div class="buttons">
strip: improved html output....
r1662 <button id="strip_action" class="btn btn-small btn-primary" onclick="checkCommits();return false">
Bartłomiej Wołyńczyk
strip: added functionality to stip choosen commits on repo settings
r1587 ${_('Check commits')}
strip: ui changes....
r1589 <h4>${_('Sorry this functionality is not available for SVN repository')}</h4>
Bartłomiej Wołyńczyk
strip: added functionality to stip choosen commits on repo settings
r1587 %endif
var plus_leaf = 1;
addNew = function(number){
if (number >= ${c.strip_limit}){
Bartłomiej Wołyńczyk
strip: cleaning code, plus fixing changes after switch from <i/> to <div/>
r1605 var minus = '<i class="icon-minus">${_('Remove')}</i>';
Bartłomiej Wołyńczyk
strip: added functionality to stip choosen commits on repo settings
r1587 $('#plus_icon-'+number).detach();
strip: ui changes....
Bartłomiej Wołyńczyk
strip: added functionality to stip choosen commits on repo settings
r1587 var input = '<div id="box-'+number+'" class="inputx locked_input">'+
Bartłomiej Wołyńczyk
strip: cleaning code, plus fixing changes after switch from <i/> to <div/>
r1605 '<input class="text" id="changeset_id-'+number+'" name="changeset_id-'+number+'" size="59" type="text" value=""' +
'placeholder="${_('Enter full 40 character commit sha')}">'+
strip: ui changes....
r1589 '<div id="plus_icon-'+number+'" class="btn btn-default plus_input_button" onclick="addNew('+number+');return false">'+
Bartłomiej Wołyńczyk
strip: cleaning code, plus fixing changes after switch from <i/> to <div/>
r1605 '<i class="icon-plus">${_('Add another commit')}</i>'+
Bartłomiej Wołyńczyk
strip: added functionality to stip choosen commits on repo settings
r1587 '</div>'+
strip: ui changes....
r1589 '<div id="minus_icon-'+number+'" class="btn btn-default minus_input_button" onclick="delOld('+(number)+');return false">'+
Bartłomiej Wołyńczyk
strip: added functionality to stip choosen commits on repo settings
r1587 minus +
'</div>' +
strip: cleanup JS code.
r1588 };
Bartłomiej Wołyńczyk
strip: added functionality to stip choosen commits on repo settings
strip: cleanup JS code.
r1588 reIndex = function(number){
Bartłomiej Wołyńczyk
strip: added functionality to stip choosen commits on repo settings
r1587 for(var i=number;i<=plus_leaf;i++){
var check = $('#box-'+i);
if (check.length == 0){
var change = $('#box-'+(i+1));
var plus = $('#plus_icon-'+(i+1));
Bartłomiej Wołyńczyk
strip: cleaning code, plus fixing changes after switch from <i/> to <div/>
Bartłomiej Wołyńczyk
strip: added functionality to stip choosen commits on repo settings
r1587 if (plus.length != 0){
Bartłomiej Wołyńczyk
strip: cleaning code, plus fixing changes after switch from <i/> to <div/>
r1605 plus.attr('onclick','addNew('+i+');return false');
Bartłomiej Wołyńczyk
strip: added functionality to stip choosen commits on repo settings
r1587 plus_leaf--;
var minus = $('#minus_icon-'+(i+1));
Bartłomiej Wołyńczyk
strip: cleaning code, plus fixing changes after switch from <i/> to <div/>
Bartłomiej Wołyńczyk
strip: added functionality to stip choosen commits on repo settings
r1587 minus.attr('id','minus_icon-'+i);
Bartłomiej Wołyńczyk
strip: cleaning code, plus fixing changes after switch from <i/> to <div/>
minus.attr('onclick','delOld('+i+');re' +
'turn false');
var input = $('input#changeset_id-'+(i+1));
Bartłomiej Wołyńczyk
strip: added functionality to stip choosen commits on repo settings
r1587 }
strip: cleanup JS code.
r1588 };
Bartłomiej Wołyńczyk
strip: added functionality to stip choosen commits on repo settings
delOld = function(number){
number = number - 1;
var box = $('#box-'+number);
strip: ui changes....
r1589 var plus = '<div id="plus_icon-'+number+'" class="btn btn-default plus_input_button" onclick="addNew('+number +');return false">'+
'<i id="i_plus_icon-'+number+'" class="icon-plus">${_('Add another commit')}</i></div>';
Bartłomiej Wołyńczyk
strip: added functionality to stip choosen commits on repo settings
r1587 var minus = $('#minus_icon-'+number);
if(number +1 == plus_leaf){
Bartłomiej Wołyńczyk
strip: fix js bug
r1604 plus_leaf --;
Bartłomiej Wołyńczyk
strip: added functionality to stip choosen commits on repo settings
r1587 }
strip: cleanup JS code.
r1588 reIndex(number+1);
Bartłomiej Wołyńczyk
strip: added functionality to stip choosen commits on repo settings
strip: cleanup JS code.
r1588 };
Bartłomiej Wołyńczyk
strip: added functionality to stip choosen commits on repo settings
security: added missing csrf checks in few missing views.
r1811 var resultData = {
'csrf_token': CSRF_TOKEN
Bartłomiej Wołyńczyk
strip: added functionality to stip choosen commits on repo settings
strip: cleanup JS code.
r1588 checkCommits = function() {
Bartłomiej Wołyńczyk
strip: added functionality to stip choosen commits on repo settings
r1587 var postData = $('form').serialize();
$('#results').html('<h4>${_('Checking commits')}...</h4>');
apps: removed deprecated usage of c.repo_info
r2081 var url = "${h.route_path('strip_check', repo_name=c.rhodecode_db_repo.repo_name)}";
strip: improved html output....
r1662 var btn = $('#strip_action');
Bartłomiej Wołyńczyk
strip: added functionality to stip choosen commits on repo settings
r1587 btn.attr('disabled', 'disabled');
var success = function (data) {
security: added missing csrf checks in few missing views.
r1811 resultData = {
'csrf_token': CSRF_TOKEN
Bartłomiej Wołyńczyk
strip: added functionality to stip choosen commits on repo settings
r1587 var i = 0;
strip: improved html output....
r1662 var result = '<ol>';
Bartłomiej Wołyńczyk
strip: added functionality to stip choosen commits on repo settings
r1587 $.each(data, function(index, value){
i= index;
var box = $('#box-'+index);
if (value.rev){
security: added missing csrf checks in few missing views.
r1811 resultData[index] = JSON.stringify(value);
strip: improved html output....
var verifiedHtml = (
'<li style="line-height:1.2em">' +
'<code>{0}</code>' +
'{1}' +
'<div style="white-space:pre">' +
'author: {2}\n' +
'description: {3}' +
'</div>' +
"${_(' commit verified positive')}",
value.author, value.comment
result += verifiedHtml;
Bartłomiej Wołyńczyk
strip: added functionality to stip choosen commits on repo settings
r1587 }
strip: improved html output....
r1662 else {
var verifiedHtml = (
'<li style="line-height:1.2em">' +
'<code><strike>{0}</strike></code>' +
'{1}' +
"${_(' commit verified negative')}"
result += verifiedHtml;
Bartłomiej Wołyńczyk
strip: added functionality to stip choosen commits on repo settings
r1587 }
strip: improved html output....
r1662 result += '</ol>';
Bartłomiej Wołyńczyk
strip: added functionality to stip choosen commits on repo settings
r1587 var box = $('#box-'+(parseInt(i)+1));
btn.attr('onclick','strip();return false;');
ajaxPOST(url, postData, success, null);
strip: improved html output....
r1662 strip = function() {
apps: removed deprecated usage of c.repo_info
r2081 var url = "${h.route_path('strip_execute', repo_name=c.rhodecode_db_repo.repo_name)}";
strip: improved html output....
r1662 var success = function(data) {
var result = '<h4>Strip executed</h4><ol>';
Bartłomiej Wołyńczyk
strip: added functionality to stip choosen commits on repo settings
r1587 $.each(data, function(index, value){
strip: improved html output....
r1662 if(data[index]) {
result += '<li><code>' +index+ '</code> ${_(' commit striped successfully')}' + '</li>';
Bartłomiej Wołyńczyk
strip: added functionality to stip choosen commits on repo settings
r1587 }
strip: improved html output....
r1662 else {
result += '<li><code>' +index+ '</code> ${_(' commit strip failed')}' + '</li>';
Bartłomiej Wołyńczyk
strip: added functionality to stip choosen commits on repo settings
r1587 }
strip: improved html output....
r1662 if ($.isEmptyObject(data)) {
result += '<li>Nothing done...</li>'
result += '</ol>';
Bartłomiej Wołyńczyk
strip: added functionality to stip choosen commits on repo settings
r1587 $('#results').html(result);
security: added missing csrf checks in few missing views.
r1811 ajaxPOST(url, resultData, success, null);
strip: improved html output....
r1662 var btn = $('#strip_action');
Bartłomiej Wołyńczyk
strip: added functionality to stip choosen commits on repo settings