##// END OF EJS Templates
vcs: Minimal change to expose the shadow repository...
vcs: Minimal change to expose the shadow repository Based on my original research, this was the "minimal" starting point. It shows that three concepts are needed for the "repo_name": * From the security standpoint we think of the shadow repository having the same ACL as the target repository of the pull request. This is because the pull request itself is considered to be a part of the target repository. Out of this thought, the variable "acl_repo_name" is used whenever we want to check permissions or when we need the database configuration of the repository. An alternative name would have been "db_repo_name", but the usage for ACL checking is the most important one. * From the web interaction perspective, we need the URL which was originally used to get to the repository. This is because based on this base URL commands can be identified. Especially for Git this is important, so that the commands are correctly recognized. Since the URL is in the focus, this is called "url_repo_name". * Finally we have to deal with the repository on the file system. This is what the VCS layer deal with normally, so this name is called "vcs_repo_name". The original repository interaction is a special case where all three names are the same. When interacting with a pull request, these three names are typically all different. This change is minimal in a sense that it just makes the interaction with a shadow repository barely work, without checking any special constraints yet. This was the starting point for further work on this topic.

File last commit:

r346:1a48416d default
r887:175782be default
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356 lines | 11.5 KiB | application/javascript | JavascriptLexer
// CodeMirror, copyright (c) by Marijn Haverbeke and others
// Distributed under an MIT license: http://codemirror.net/LICENSE
(function(mod) {
if (typeof exports == "object" && typeof module == "object") // CommonJS
mod(require("../../lib/codemirror"), require("../htmlmixed/htmlmixed"),
else if (typeof define == "function" && define.amd) // AMD
define(["../../lib/codemirror", "../htmlmixed/htmlmixed",
"../../addon/mode/overlay"], mod);
else // Plain browser env
})(function(CodeMirror) {
"use strict";
CodeMirror.defineMode("django:inner", function() {
var keywords = ["block", "endblock", "for", "endfor", "true", "false", "filter", "endfilter",
"loop", "none", "self", "super", "if", "elif", "endif", "as", "else", "import",
"with", "endwith", "without", "context", "ifequal", "endifequal", "ifnotequal",
"endifnotequal", "extends", "include", "load", "comment", "endcomment",
"empty", "url", "static", "trans", "blocktrans", "endblocktrans", "now",
"regroup", "lorem", "ifchanged", "endifchanged", "firstof", "debug", "cycle",
"csrf_token", "autoescape", "endautoescape", "spaceless", "endspaceless",
"ssi", "templatetag", "verbatim", "endverbatim", "widthratio"],
filters = ["add", "addslashes", "capfirst", "center", "cut", "date",
"default", "default_if_none", "dictsort",
"dictsortreversed", "divisibleby", "escape", "escapejs",
"filesizeformat", "first", "floatformat", "force_escape",
"get_digit", "iriencode", "join", "last", "length",
"length_is", "linebreaks", "linebreaksbr", "linenumbers",
"ljust", "lower", "make_list", "phone2numeric", "pluralize",
"pprint", "random", "removetags", "rjust", "safe",
"safeseq", "slice", "slugify", "stringformat", "striptags",
"time", "timesince", "timeuntil", "title", "truncatechars",
"truncatechars_html", "truncatewords", "truncatewords_html",
"unordered_list", "upper", "urlencode", "urlize",
"urlizetrunc", "wordcount", "wordwrap", "yesno"],
operators = ["==", "!=", "<", ">", "<=", ">="],
wordOperators = ["in", "not", "or", "and"];
keywords = new RegExp("^\\b(" + keywords.join("|") + ")\\b");
filters = new RegExp("^\\b(" + filters.join("|") + ")\\b");
operators = new RegExp("^\\b(" + operators.join("|") + ")\\b");
wordOperators = new RegExp("^\\b(" + wordOperators.join("|") + ")\\b");
// We have to return "null" instead of null, in order to avoid string
// styling as the default, when using Django templates inside HTML
// element attributes
function tokenBase (stream, state) {
// Attempt to identify a variable, template or comment tag respectively
if (stream.match("{{")) {
state.tokenize = inVariable;
return "tag";
} else if (stream.match("{%")) {
state.tokenize = inTag;
return "tag";
} else if (stream.match("{#")) {
state.tokenize = inComment;
return "comment";
// Ignore completely any stream series that do not match the
// Django template opening tags.
while (stream.next() != null && !stream.match(/\{[{%#]/, false)) {}
return null;
// A string can be included in either single or double quotes (this is
// the delimeter). Mark everything as a string until the start delimeter
// occurs again.
function inString (delimeter, previousTokenizer) {
return function (stream, state) {
if (!state.escapeNext && stream.eat(delimeter)) {
state.tokenize = previousTokenizer;
} else {
if (state.escapeNext) {
state.escapeNext = false;
var ch = stream.next();
// Take into account the backslash for escaping characters, such as
// the string delimeter.
if (ch == "\\") {
state.escapeNext = true;
return "string";
// Apply Django template variable syntax highlighting
function inVariable (stream, state) {
// Attempt to match a dot that precedes a property
if (state.waitDot) {
state.waitDot = false;
if (stream.peek() != ".") {
return "null";
// Dot folowed by a non-word character should be considered an error.
if (stream.match(/\.\W+/)) {
return "error";
} else if (stream.eat(".")) {
state.waitProperty = true;
return "null";
} else {
throw Error ("Unexpected error while waiting for property.");
// Attempt to match a pipe that precedes a filter
if (state.waitPipe) {
state.waitPipe = false;
if (stream.peek() != "|") {
return "null";
// Pipe folowed by a non-word character should be considered an error.
if (stream.match(/\.\W+/)) {
return "error";
} else if (stream.eat("|")) {
state.waitFilter = true;
return "null";
} else {
throw Error ("Unexpected error while waiting for filter.");
// Highlight properties
if (state.waitProperty) {
state.waitProperty = false;
if (stream.match(/\b(\w+)\b/)) {
state.waitDot = true; // A property can be followed by another property
state.waitPipe = true; // A property can be followed by a filter
return "property";
// Highlight filters
if (state.waitFilter) {
state.waitFilter = false;
if (stream.match(filters)) {
return "variable-2";
// Ignore all white spaces
if (stream.eatSpace()) {
state.waitProperty = false;
return "null";
// Identify numbers
if (stream.match(/\b\d+(\.\d+)?\b/)) {
return "number";
// Identify strings
if (stream.match("'")) {
state.tokenize = inString("'", state.tokenize);
return "string";
} else if (stream.match('"')) {
state.tokenize = inString('"', state.tokenize);
return "string";
// Attempt to find the variable
if (stream.match(/\b(\w+)\b/) && !state.foundVariable) {
state.waitDot = true;
state.waitPipe = true; // A property can be followed by a filter
return "variable";
// If found closing tag reset
if (stream.match("}}")) {
state.waitProperty = null;
state.waitFilter = null;
state.waitDot = null;
state.waitPipe = null;
state.tokenize = tokenBase;
return "tag";
// If nothing was found, advance to the next character
return "null";
function inTag (stream, state) {
// Attempt to match a dot that precedes a property
if (state.waitDot) {
state.waitDot = false;
if (stream.peek() != ".") {
return "null";
// Dot folowed by a non-word character should be considered an error.
if (stream.match(/\.\W+/)) {
return "error";
} else if (stream.eat(".")) {
state.waitProperty = true;
return "null";
} else {
throw Error ("Unexpected error while waiting for property.");
// Attempt to match a pipe that precedes a filter
if (state.waitPipe) {
state.waitPipe = false;
if (stream.peek() != "|") {
return "null";
// Pipe folowed by a non-word character should be considered an error.
if (stream.match(/\.\W+/)) {
return "error";
} else if (stream.eat("|")) {
state.waitFilter = true;
return "null";
} else {
throw Error ("Unexpected error while waiting for filter.");
// Highlight properties
if (state.waitProperty) {
state.waitProperty = false;
if (stream.match(/\b(\w+)\b/)) {
state.waitDot = true; // A property can be followed by another property
state.waitPipe = true; // A property can be followed by a filter
return "property";
// Highlight filters
if (state.waitFilter) {
state.waitFilter = false;
if (stream.match(filters)) {
return "variable-2";
// Ignore all white spaces
if (stream.eatSpace()) {
state.waitProperty = false;
return "null";
// Identify numbers
if (stream.match(/\b\d+(\.\d+)?\b/)) {
return "number";
// Identify strings
if (stream.match("'")) {
state.tokenize = inString("'", state.tokenize);
return "string";
} else if (stream.match('"')) {
state.tokenize = inString('"', state.tokenize);
return "string";
// Attempt to match an operator
if (stream.match(operators)) {
return "operator";
// Attempt to match a word operator
if (stream.match(wordOperators)) {
return "keyword";
// Attempt to match a keyword
var keywordMatch = stream.match(keywords);
if (keywordMatch) {
if (keywordMatch[0] == "comment") {
state.blockCommentTag = true;
return "keyword";
// Attempt to match a variable
if (stream.match(/\b(\w+)\b/)) {
state.waitDot = true;
state.waitPipe = true; // A property can be followed by a filter
return "variable";
// If found closing tag reset
if (stream.match("%}")) {
state.waitProperty = null;
state.waitFilter = null;
state.waitDot = null;
state.waitPipe = null;
// If the tag that closes is a block comment tag, we want to mark the
// following code as comment, until the tag closes.
if (state.blockCommentTag) {
state.blockCommentTag = false; // Release the "lock"
state.tokenize = inBlockComment;
} else {
state.tokenize = tokenBase;
return "tag";
// If nothing was found, advance to the next character
return "null";
// Mark everything as comment inside the tag and the tag itself.
function inComment (stream, state) {
if (stream.match(/^.*?#\}/)) state.tokenize = tokenBase
else stream.skipToEnd()
return "comment";
// Mark everything as a comment until the `blockcomment` tag closes.
function inBlockComment (stream, state) {
if (stream.match(/\{%\s*endcomment\s*%\}/, false)) {
state.tokenize = inTag;
return "tag";
} else {
return "comment";
return {
startState: function () {
return {tokenize: tokenBase};
token: function (stream, state) {
return state.tokenize(stream, state);
blockCommentStart: "{% comment %}",
blockCommentEnd: "{% endcomment %}"
CodeMirror.defineMode("django", function(config) {
var htmlBase = CodeMirror.getMode(config, "text/html");
var djangoInner = CodeMirror.getMode(config, "django:inner");
return CodeMirror.overlayMode(htmlBase, djangoInner);
CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/x-django", "django");