##// END OF EJS Templates
api: use consistent way to extract users, repos, repo groups and user groups by id or name....
api: use consistent way to extract users, repos, repo groups and user groups by id or name. - makes usage of Number vs String to differenciate if we pick objec ID or it's name this will allow easy fetching of objects by either id or it's name, including numeric string name - fixes #5230

File last commit:

r1282:90601d74 default
r1530:1efcb4ee default
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94 lines | 2.9 KiB | application/x-mako | MakoHtmlLexer
## -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
<%inherit file="/base/base.mako"/>
<%def name="title()">
${_('Repository groups administration')}
%if c.rhodecode_name:
&middot; ${h.branding(c.rhodecode_name)}
<%def name="breadcrumbs_links()">
<input class="q_filter_box" id="q_filter" size="15" type="text" name="filter" placeholder="${_('quick filter...')}" value=""/>
${h.link_to(_('Admin'),h.url('admin_home'))} &raquo; <span id="repo_group_count">0</span> ${_('repository groups')}
<%def name="menu_bar_nav()">
<%def name="main()">
<div class="box">
<div class="title">
<ul class="links">
%if h.HasPermissionAny('hg.admin','hg.repogroup.create.true')():
<a href="${h.url('new_repo_group')}" class="btn btn-small btn-success">${_(u'Add Repository Group')}</a>
<div id="repos_list_wrap">
<table id="group_list_table" class="display"></table>
$(document).ready(function() {
var get_datatable_count = function(){
var api = $('#group_list_table').dataTable().api();
// repo group list
data: ${c.data|n},
dom: 'rtp',
pageLength: ${c.visual.admin_grid_items},
order: [[ 0, "asc" ]],
columns: [
{ data: {"_": "name",
"sort": "name_raw"}, title: "${_('Name')}", className: "td-componentname" },
{ data: 'menu', "bSortable": false, className: "quick_repo_menu" },
{ data: {"_": "desc",
"sort": "desc"}, title: "${_('Description')}", className: "td-description" },
{ data: {"_": "top_level_repos",
"sort": "top_level_repos"}, title: "${_('Number of top level repositories')}" },
{ data: {"_": "owner",
"sort": "owner"}, title: "${_('Owner')}", className: "td-user" },
{ data: {"_": "action",
"sort": "action"}, title: "${_('Action')}", className: "td-action" }
language: {
emptyTable: _gettext("No repository groups available yet.")
"initComplete": function( settings, json ) {
// update the counter when doing search
$('#group_list_table').on( 'search.dt', function (e,settings) {
// filter, filter both grids
$('#q_filter').on( 'keyup', function () {
var repo_group_api = $('#group_list_table').dataTable().api();
// refilter table if page load via back button