##// END OF EJS Templates
pyro4: Add the custom header `X-RhodeCode-Backend` to the pyro4 backend responses....
pyro4: Add the custom header `X-RhodeCode-Backend` to the pyro4 backend responses. This custom header sets the SCM backend which is in use. It is used to identify VCS responses in the error handler. VCS responses are skipped during error handling.

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r1:854a839a default
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488 lines | 18.8 KiB | application/javascript | JavascriptLexer
/ rhodecode / public / js / jquery.flot.tooltip.js
* jquery.flot.tooltip
* description: easy-to-use tooltips for Flot charts
* version: 0.8.4
* authors: Krzysztof Urbas @krzysu [myviews.pl],Evan Steinkerchner @Roundaround
* website: https://github.com/krzysu/flot.tooltip
* build on 2014-08-06
* released under MIT License, 2012
(function ($) {
// plugin options, default values
var defaultOptions = {
tooltip: false,
tooltipOpts: {
id: "flotTip",
content: "%s | X: %x | Y: %y",
// allowed templates are:
// %s -> series label,
// %lx -> x axis label (requires flot-axislabels plugin https://github.com/markrcote/flot-axislabels),
// %ly -> y axis label (requires flot-axislabels plugin https://github.com/markrcote/flot-axislabels),
// %x -> X value,
// %y -> Y value,
// %x.2 -> precision of X value,
// %p -> percent
xDateFormat: null,
yDateFormat: null,
monthNames: null,
dayNames: null,
shifts: {
x: 10,
y: 20
defaultTheme: true,
lines: false,
// callbacks
onHover: function (flotItem, $tooltipEl) {},
$compat: false
// object
var FlotTooltip = function (plot) {
// variables
this.tipPosition = {x: 0, y: 0};
// main plugin function
FlotTooltip.prototype.init = function (plot) {
var that = this;
// detect other flot plugins
var plotPluginsLength = $.plot.plugins.length;
this.plotPlugins = [];
if (plotPluginsLength) {
for (var p = 0; p < plotPluginsLength; p++) {
plot.hooks.bindEvents.push(function (plot, eventHolder) {
// get plot options
that.plotOptions = plot.getOptions();
// if not enabled return
if (that.plotOptions.tooltip === false || typeof that.plotOptions.tooltip === 'undefined') return;
// shortcut to access tooltip options
that.tooltipOptions = that.plotOptions.tooltipOpts;
if (that.tooltipOptions.$compat) {
that.wfunc = 'width';
that.hfunc = 'height';
} else {
that.wfunc = 'innerWidth';
that.hfunc = 'innerHeight';
// create tooltip DOM element
var $tip = that.getDomElement();
// bind event
$( plot.getPlaceholder() ).bind("plothover", plothover);
$(eventHolder).bind('mousemove', mouseMove);
plot.hooks.shutdown.push(function (plot, eventHolder){
$(plot.getPlaceholder()).unbind("plothover", plothover);
$(eventHolder).unbind("mousemove", mouseMove);
function mouseMove(e){
var pos = {};
pos.x = e.pageX;
pos.y = e.pageY;
function plothover(event, pos, item) {
// Simple distance formula.
var lineDistance = function (p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y) {
return Math.sqrt((p2x - p1x) * (p2x - p1x) + (p2y - p1y) * (p2y - p1y));
// Here is some voodoo magic for determining the distance to a line form a given point {x, y}.
var dotLineLength = function (x, y, x0, y0, x1, y1, o) {
if (o && !(o =
function (x, y, x0, y0, x1, y1) {
if (typeof x0 !== 'undefined') return { x: x0, y: y };
else if (typeof y0 !== 'undefined') return { x: x, y: y0 };
var left,
tg = -1 / ((y1 - y0) / (x1 - x0));
return {
x: left = (x1 * (x * tg - y + y0) + x0 * (x * -tg + y - y1)) / (tg * (x1 - x0) + y0 - y1),
y: tg * left - tg * x + y
} (x, y, x0, y0, x1, y1),
o.x >= Math.min(x0, x1) && o.x <= Math.max(x0, x1) && o.y >= Math.min(y0, y1) && o.y <= Math.max(y0, y1))
) {
var l1 = lineDistance(x, y, x0, y0), l2 = lineDistance(x, y, x1, y1);
return l1 > l2 ? l2 : l1;
} else {
var a = y0 - y1, b = x1 - x0, c = x0 * y1 - y0 * x1;
return Math.abs(a * x + b * y + c) / Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b);
if (item) {
plot.showTooltip(item, pos);
} else if (that.plotOptions.series.lines.show && that.tooltipOptions.lines === true) {
var maxDistance = that.plotOptions.grid.mouseActiveRadius;
var closestTrace = {
distance: maxDistance + 1
$.each(plot.getData(), function (i, series) {
var xBeforeIndex = 0,
xAfterIndex = -1;
// Our search here assumes our data is sorted via the x-axis.
// TODO: Improve efficiency somehow - search smaller sets of data.
for (var j = 1; j < series.data.length; j++) {
if (series.data[j - 1][0] <= pos.x && series.data[j][0] >= pos.x) {
xBeforeIndex = j - 1;
xAfterIndex = j;
if (xAfterIndex === -1) {
var pointPrev = { x: series.data[xBeforeIndex][0], y: series.data[xBeforeIndex][1] },
pointNext = { x: series.data[xAfterIndex][0], y: series.data[xAfterIndex][1] };
var distToLine = dotLineLength(series.xaxis.p2c(pos.x), series.yaxis.p2c(pos.y), series.xaxis.p2c(pointPrev.x),
series.yaxis.p2c(pointPrev.y), series.xaxis.p2c(pointNext.x), series.yaxis.p2c(pointNext.y), false);
if (distToLine < closestTrace.distance) {
var closestIndex = lineDistance(pointPrev.x, pointPrev.y, pos.x, pos.y) <
lineDistance(pos.x, pos.y, pointNext.x, pointNext.y) ? xBeforeIndex : xAfterIndex;
var pointSize = series.datapoints.pointsize;
// Calculate the point on the line vertically closest to our cursor.
var pointOnLine = [
pointPrev.y + ((pointNext.y - pointPrev.y) * ((pos.x - pointPrev.x) / (pointNext.x - pointPrev.x)))
var item = {
datapoint: pointOnLine,
dataIndex: closestIndex,
series: series,
seriesIndex: i
closestTrace = {
distance: distToLine,
item: item
if (closestTrace.distance < maxDistance + 1)
plot.showTooltip(closestTrace.item, pos);
} else {
// Quick little function for setting the tooltip position.
plot.setTooltipPosition = function (pos) {
var $tip = that.getDomElement();
var totalTipWidth = $tip.outerWidth() + that.tooltipOptions.shifts.x;
var totalTipHeight = $tip.outerHeight() + that.tooltipOptions.shifts.y;
if ((pos.x - $(window).scrollLeft()) > ($(window)[that.wfunc]() - totalTipWidth)) {
pos.x -= totalTipWidth;
if ((pos.y - $(window).scrollTop()) > ($(window)[that.hfunc]() - totalTipHeight)) {
pos.y -= totalTipHeight;
that.tipPosition.x = pos.x;
that.tipPosition.y = pos.y;
// Quick little function for showing the tooltip.
plot.showTooltip = function (target, position) {
var $tip = that.getDomElement();
// convert tooltip content template to real tipText
var tipText = that.stringFormat(that.tooltipOptions.content, target);
plot.setTooltipPosition({ x: position.pageX, y: position.pageY });
left: that.tipPosition.x + that.tooltipOptions.shifts.x,
top: that.tipPosition.y + that.tooltipOptions.shifts.y
// run callback
if (typeof that.tooltipOptions.onHover === 'function') {
that.tooltipOptions.onHover(target, $tip);
// Quick little function for hiding the tooltip.
plot.hideTooltip = function () {
* get or create tooltip DOM element
* @return jQuery object
FlotTooltip.prototype.getDomElement = function () {
var $tip = $('#' + this.tooltipOptions.id);
if( $tip.length === 0 ){
$tip = $('<div />').attr('id', this.tooltipOptions.id);
$tip.appendTo('body').hide().css({position: 'absolute'});
if(this.tooltipOptions.defaultTheme) {
'background': '#fff',
'z-index': '1040',
'padding': '0.4em 0.6em',
'border-radius': '0.5em',
'font-size': '0.8em',
'border': '1px solid #111',
'display': 'none',
'white-space': 'nowrap'
return $tip;
* core function, create tooltip content
* @param {string} content - template with tooltip content
* @param {object} item - Flot item
* @return {string} real tooltip content for current item
FlotTooltip.prototype.stringFormat = function (content, item) {
var percentPattern = /%p\.{0,1}(\d{0,})/;
var seriesPattern = /%s/;
var xLabelPattern = /%lx/; // requires flot-axislabels plugin https://github.com/markrcote/flot-axislabels, will be ignored if plugin isn't loaded
var yLabelPattern = /%ly/; // requires flot-axislabels plugin https://github.com/markrcote/flot-axislabels, will be ignored if plugin isn't loaded
var xPattern = /%x\.{0,1}(\d{0,})/;
var yPattern = /%y\.{0,1}(\d{0,})/;
var xPatternWithoutPrecision = "%x";
var yPatternWithoutPrecision = "%y";
var customTextPattern = "%ct";
var x, y, customText, p;
// for threshold plugin we need to read data from different place
if (typeof item.series.threshold !== "undefined") {
x = item.datapoint[0];
y = item.datapoint[1];
customText = item.datapoint[2];
} else if (typeof item.series.lines !== "undefined" && item.series.lines.steps) {
x = item.series.datapoints.points[item.dataIndex * 2];
y = item.series.datapoints.points[item.dataIndex * 2 + 1];
// TODO: where to find custom text in this variant?
customText = "";
} else {
x = item.series.data[item.dataIndex][0];
y = item.series.data[item.dataIndex][1];
customText = item.series.data[item.dataIndex][2];
// I think this is only in case of threshold plugin
if (item.series.label === null && item.series.originSeries) {
item.series.label = item.series.originSeries.label;
// if it is a function callback get the content string
if (typeof(content) === 'function') {
content = content(item.series.label, x, y, item);
// percent match for pie charts and stacked percent
if (typeof (item.series.percent) !== 'undefined') {
p = item.series.percent;
} else if (typeof (item.series.percents) !== 'undefined') {
p = item.series.percents[item.dataIndex];
if (typeof p === 'number') {
content = this.adjustValPrecision(percentPattern, content, p);
// series match
if (typeof(item.series.label) !== 'undefined') {
content = content.replace(seriesPattern, item.series.label);
} else {
//remove %s if label is undefined
content = content.replace(seriesPattern, "");
// x axis label match
if (this.hasAxisLabel('xaxis', item)) {
content = content.replace(xLabelPattern, item.series.xaxis.options.axisLabel);
} else {
//remove %lx if axis label is undefined or axislabels plugin not present
content = content.replace(xLabelPattern, "");
// y axis label match
if (this.hasAxisLabel('yaxis', item)) {
content = content.replace(yLabelPattern, item.series.yaxis.options.axisLabel);
} else {
//remove %ly if axis label is undefined or axislabels plugin not present
content = content.replace(yLabelPattern, "");
// time mode axes with custom dateFormat
if (this.isTimeMode('xaxis', item) && this.isXDateFormat(item)) {
content = content.replace(xPattern, this.timestampToDate(x, this.tooltipOptions.xDateFormat, item.series.xaxis.options));
if (this.isTimeMode('yaxis', item) && this.isYDateFormat(item)) {
content = content.replace(yPattern, this.timestampToDate(y, this.tooltipOptions.yDateFormat, item.series.yaxis.options));
// set precision if defined
if (typeof x === 'number') {
content = this.adjustValPrecision(xPattern, content, x);
if (typeof y === 'number') {
content = this.adjustValPrecision(yPattern, content, y);
// change x from number to given label, if given
if (typeof item.series.xaxis.ticks !== 'undefined') {
var ticks;
if (this.hasRotatedXAxisTicks(item)) {
// xaxis.ticks will be an empty array if tickRotor is being used, but the values are available in rotatedTicks
ticks = 'rotatedTicks';
} else {
ticks = 'ticks';
// see https://github.com/krzysu/flot.tooltip/issues/65
var tickIndex = item.dataIndex + item.seriesIndex;
if (item.series.xaxis[ticks].length > tickIndex && !this.isTimeMode('xaxis', item)) {
var valueX = (this.isCategoriesMode('xaxis', item)) ? item.series.xaxis[ticks][tickIndex].label : item.series.xaxis[ticks][tickIndex].v;
if (valueX === x) {
content = content.replace(xPattern, item.series.xaxis[ticks][tickIndex].label);
// change y from number to given label, if given
if (typeof item.series.yaxis.ticks !== 'undefined') {
for (var index in item.series.yaxis.ticks) {
if (item.series.yaxis.ticks.hasOwnProperty(index)) {
var valueY = (this.isCategoriesMode('yaxis', item)) ? item.series.yaxis.ticks[index].label : item.series.yaxis.ticks[index].v;
if (valueY === y) {
content = content.replace(yPattern, item.series.yaxis.ticks[index].label);
// if no value customization, use tickFormatter by default
if (typeof item.series.xaxis.tickFormatter !== 'undefined') {
//escape dollar
content = content.replace(xPatternWithoutPrecision, item.series.xaxis.tickFormatter(x, item.series.xaxis).replace(/\$/g, '$$'));
if (typeof item.series.yaxis.tickFormatter !== 'undefined') {
//escape dollar
content = content.replace(yPatternWithoutPrecision, item.series.yaxis.tickFormatter(y, item.series.yaxis).replace(/\$/g, '$$'));
if (customText)
content = content.replace(customTextPattern, customText);
return content;
// helpers just for readability
FlotTooltip.prototype.isTimeMode = function (axisName, item) {
return (typeof item.series[axisName].options.mode !== 'undefined' && item.series[axisName].options.mode === 'time');
FlotTooltip.prototype.isXDateFormat = function (item) {
return (typeof this.tooltipOptions.xDateFormat !== 'undefined' && this.tooltipOptions.xDateFormat !== null);
FlotTooltip.prototype.isYDateFormat = function (item) {
return (typeof this.tooltipOptions.yDateFormat !== 'undefined' && this.tooltipOptions.yDateFormat !== null);
FlotTooltip.prototype.isCategoriesMode = function (axisName, item) {
return (typeof item.series[axisName].options.mode !== 'undefined' && item.series[axisName].options.mode === 'categories');
FlotTooltip.prototype.timestampToDate = function (tmst, dateFormat, options) {
var theDate = $.plot.dateGenerator(tmst, options);
return $.plot.formatDate(theDate, dateFormat, this.tooltipOptions.monthNames, this.tooltipOptions.dayNames);
FlotTooltip.prototype.adjustValPrecision = function (pattern, content, value) {
var precision;
var matchResult = content.match(pattern);
if( matchResult !== null ) {
if(RegExp.$1 !== '') {
precision = RegExp.$1;
value = value.toFixed(precision);
// only replace content if precision exists, in other case use thickformater
content = content.replace(pattern, value);
return content;
// other plugins detection below
// check if flot-axislabels plugin (https://github.com/markrcote/flot-axislabels) is used and that an axis label is given
FlotTooltip.prototype.hasAxisLabel = function (axisName, item) {
return ($.inArray(this.plotPlugins, 'axisLabels') !== -1 && typeof item.series[axisName].options.axisLabel !== 'undefined' && item.series[axisName].options.axisLabel.length > 0);
// check whether flot-tickRotor, a plugin which allows rotation of X-axis ticks, is being used
FlotTooltip.prototype.hasRotatedXAxisTicks = function (item) {
return ($.inArray(this.plotPlugins, 'tickRotor') !== -1 && typeof item.series.xaxis.rotatedTicks !== 'undefined');
var init = function (plot) {
new FlotTooltip(plot);
// define Flot plugin
init: init,
options: defaultOptions,
name: 'tooltip',
version: '0.8.4'