##// END OF EJS Templates
ssh-support: don't use API calls to fetch the data....
ssh-support: don't use API calls to fetch the data. We now rely on pure bootstrap executable that has access to the database and can check things directly without any API calls.

File last commit:

r2093:a327c56b default
r2186:32d56a2c default
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624 lines | 24.3 KiB | text/x-python | PythonLexer
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2010-2017 RhodeCode GmbH
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3
# (only), as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# This program is dual-licensed. If you wish to learn more about the
# RhodeCode Enterprise Edition, including its added features, Support services,
# and proprietary license terms, please see https://rhodecode.com/licenses/
Package for testing various lib/helper functions in rhodecode
import datetime
import string
import mock
import pytest
from rhodecode.tests import no_newline_id_generator
from rhodecode.tests.utils import run_test_concurrently
from rhodecode.lib.helpers import InitialsGravatar
from rhodecode.lib.utils2 import AttributeDict
from rhodecode.model.db import Repository
def _urls_for_proto(proto):
return [
('%s://' % proto, ['%s://' % proto, ''],
'%s://' % proto),
('%s://marcink@' % proto, ['%s://' % proto, ''],
'%s://' % proto),
('%s://marcink:pass@' % proto, ['%s://' % proto, ''],
'%s://' % proto),
('%s://' % proto, ['%s://' % proto, '', '8080'],
'%s://' % proto),
('%s://domain.org' % proto, ['%s://' % proto, 'domain.org'],
'%s://domain.org' % proto),
('%s://user:pass@domain.org:8080' % proto,
['%s://' % proto, 'domain.org', '8080'],
'%s://domain.org:8080' % proto),
TEST_URLS = _urls_for_proto('http') + _urls_for_proto('https')
@pytest.mark.parametrize("test_url, expected, expected_creds", TEST_URLS)
def test_uri_filter(test_url, expected, expected_creds):
from rhodecode.lib.utils2 import uri_filter
assert uri_filter(test_url) == expected
@pytest.mark.parametrize("test_url, expected, expected_creds", TEST_URLS)
def test_credentials_filter(test_url, expected, expected_creds):
from rhodecode.lib.utils2 import credentials_filter
assert credentials_filter(test_url) == expected_creds
@pytest.mark.parametrize("str_bool, expected", [
('t', True),
('true', True),
('y', True),
('yes', True),
('on', True),
('1', True),
('Y', True),
('yeS', True),
('Y', True),
('TRUE', True),
('T', True),
('False', False),
('F', False),
('FALSE', False),
('0', False),
('-1', False),
('', False)
def test_str2bool(str_bool, expected):
from rhodecode.lib.utils2 import str2bool
assert str2bool(str_bool) == expected
@pytest.mark.parametrize("text, expected", reduce(lambda a1,a2:a1+a2, [
(pref+"", []),
(pref+"Hi there @marcink", ['marcink']),
(pref+"Hi there @marcink and @bob", ['bob', 'marcink']),
(pref+"Hi there @marcink\n", ['marcink']),
(pref+"Hi there @marcink and @bob\n", ['bob', 'marcink']),
(pref+"Hi there marcin@rhodecode.com", []),
(pref+"Hi there @john.malcovic and @bob\n", ['bob', 'john.malcovic']),
(pref+"This needs to be reviewed: (@marcink,@john)", ["john", "marcink"]),
(pref+"This needs to be reviewed: (@marcink, @john)", ["john", "marcink"]),
(pref+"This needs to be reviewed: [@marcink,@john]", ["john", "marcink"]),
(pref+"This needs to be reviewed: (@marcink @john)", ["john", "marcink"]),
(pref+"@john @mary, please review", ["john", "mary"]),
(pref+"@john,@mary, please review", ["john", "mary"]),
(pref+"Hej @123, @22john,@mary, please review", ['123', '22john', 'mary']),
(pref+"@first hi there @marcink here's my email marcin@email.com "
"@lukaszb check @one_more22 it pls @ ttwelve @D[] @one@two@three ", ['first', 'lukaszb', 'marcink', 'one', 'one_more22']),
(pref+"@MARCIN @maRCiN @2one_more22 @john please see this http://org.pl", ['2one_more22', 'john', 'MARCIN', 'maRCiN']),
(pref+"@marian.user just do it @marco-polo and next extract @marco_polo", ['marco-polo', 'marco_polo', 'marian.user']),
(pref+"user.dot hej ! not-needed maril@domain.org", []),
(pref+"\n@marcin", ['marcin']),
for pref in ['', '\n', 'hi !', '\t', '\n\n']]), ids=no_newline_id_generator)
def test_mention_extractor(text, expected):
from rhodecode.lib.utils2 import extract_mentioned_users
got = extract_mentioned_users(text)
assert sorted(got, key=lambda x: x.lower()) == got
assert set(expected) == set(got)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("age_args, expected, kw", [
({}, u'just now', {}),
({'seconds': -1}, u'1 second ago', {}),
({'seconds': -60 * 2}, u'2 minutes ago', {}),
({'hours': -1}, u'1 hour ago', {}),
({'hours': -24}, u'1 day ago', {}),
({'hours': -24 * 5}, u'5 days ago', {}),
({'months': -1}, u'1 month ago', {}),
({'months': -1, 'days': -2}, u'1 month and 2 days ago', {}),
({'years': -1, 'months': -1}, u'1 year and 1 month ago', {}),
({}, u'just now', {'short_format': True}),
({'seconds': -1}, u'1sec ago', {'short_format': True}),
({'seconds': -60 * 2}, u'2min ago', {'short_format': True}),
({'hours': -1}, u'1h ago', {'short_format': True}),
({'hours': -24}, u'1d ago', {'short_format': True}),
({'hours': -24 * 5}, u'5d ago', {'short_format': True}),
({'months': -1}, u'1m ago', {'short_format': True}),
({'months': -1, 'days': -2}, u'1m, 2d ago', {'short_format': True}),
({'years': -1, 'months': -1}, u'1y, 1m ago', {'short_format': True}),
def test_age(age_args, expected, kw, pylonsapp):
from rhodecode.lib.utils2 import age
from dateutil import relativedelta
n = datetime.datetime(year=2012, month=5, day=17)
delt = lambda *args, **kwargs: relativedelta.relativedelta(*args, **kwargs)
def translate(elem):
return elem.interpolate()
assert translate(age(n + delt(**age_args), now=n, **kw)) == expected
@pytest.mark.parametrize("age_args, expected, kw", [
({}, u'just now', {}),
({'seconds': 1}, u'in 1 second', {}),
({'seconds': 60 * 2}, u'in 2 minutes', {}),
({'hours': 1}, u'in 1 hour', {}),
({'hours': 24}, u'in 1 day', {}),
({'hours': 24 * 5}, u'in 5 days', {}),
({'months': 1}, u'in 1 month', {}),
({'months': 1, 'days': 1}, u'in 1 month and 1 day', {}),
({'years': 1, 'months': 1}, u'in 1 year and 1 month', {}),
({}, u'just now', {'short_format': True}),
({'seconds': 1}, u'in 1sec', {'short_format': True}),
({'seconds': 60 * 2}, u'in 2min', {'short_format': True}),
({'hours': 1}, u'in 1h', {'short_format': True}),
({'hours': 24}, u'in 1d', {'short_format': True}),
({'hours': 24 * 5}, u'in 5d', {'short_format': True}),
({'months': 1}, u'in 1m', {'short_format': True}),
({'months': 1, 'days': 1}, u'in 1m, 1d', {'short_format': True}),
({'years': 1, 'months': 1}, u'in 1y, 1m', {'short_format': True}),
def test_age_in_future(age_args, expected, kw, pylonsapp):
from rhodecode.lib.utils2 import age
from dateutil import relativedelta
n = datetime.datetime(year=2012, month=5, day=17)
delt = lambda *args, **kwargs: relativedelta.relativedelta(*args, **kwargs)
def translate(elem):
return elem.interpolate()
assert translate(age(n + delt(**age_args), now=n, **kw)) == expected
@pytest.mark.parametrize("sample, expected_tags", [
"hello world [stale]"
('state', '[stale]'),
# entry
"hello world [v2.0.0] [v1.0.0]"
('generic', '[v2.0.0]'),
('generic', '[v1.0.0]'),
# entry
"he[ll]o wo[rl]d"
('label', '[ll]'),
('label', '[rl]'),
# entry
"hello world [stale]\n[featured]\n[stale] [dead] [dev]"
('state', '[stale]'),
('state', '[featured]'),
('state', '[stale]'),
('state', '[dead]'),
('state', '[dev]'),
# entry
"hello world \n\n [stale] \n [url =&gt; [name](http://rc.com)]"
('state', '[stale]'),
('url', '[url =&gt; [name](http://rc.com)]'),
# entry
"hello pta[tag] gog [[]] [[] sda ero[or]d [me =&gt;>< sa]"
"[requires] [stale] [see<>=&gt;] [see =&gt; http://url.com]"
"[requires =&gt; url] [lang =&gt; python] [just a tag] "
"<html_tag first='abc' attr=\"my.url?attr=&another=\"></html_tag>"
"[,d] [ =&gt; ULR ] [obsolete] [desc]]"
('label', '[desc]'),
('label', '[obsolete]'),
('label', '[or]'),
('label', '[requires]'),
('label', '[tag]'),
('state', '[stale]'),
('lang', '[lang =&gt; python]'),
('ref', '[requires =&gt; url]'),
('see', '[see =&gt; http://url.com]'),
], ids=no_newline_id_generator)
def test_metatag_extraction(sample, expected_tags):
from rhodecode.lib.helpers import extract_metatags
tags, value = extract_metatags(sample)
assert sorted(tags) == sorted(expected_tags)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("tag_data, expected_html", [
(('state', '[stable]'), '<div class="metatag" tag="state stable">stable</div>'),
(('state', '[stale]'), '<div class="metatag" tag="state stale">stale</div>'),
(('state', '[featured]'), '<div class="metatag" tag="state featured">featured</div>'),
(('state', '[dev]'), '<div class="metatag" tag="state dev">dev</div>'),
(('state', '[dead]'), '<div class="metatag" tag="state dead">dead</div>'),
(('label', '[personal]'), '<div class="metatag" tag="label">personal</div>'),
(('generic', '[v2.0.0]'), '<div class="metatag" tag="generic">v2.0.0</div>'),
(('lang', '[lang =&gt; JavaScript]'), '<div class="metatag" tag="lang">JavaScript</div>'),
(('lang', '[lang =&gt; C++]'), '<div class="metatag" tag="lang">C++</div>'),
(('lang', '[lang =&gt; C#]'), '<div class="metatag" tag="lang">C#</div>'),
(('lang', '[lang =&gt; Delphi/Object]'), '<div class="metatag" tag="lang">Delphi/Object</div>'),
(('lang', '[lang =&gt; Objective-C]'), '<div class="metatag" tag="lang">Objective-C</div>'),
(('lang', '[lang =&gt; .NET]'), '<div class="metatag" tag="lang">.NET</div>'),
(('license', '[license =&gt; BSD 3-clause]'), '<div class="metatag" tag="license"><a href="http:\/\/www.opensource.org/licenses/BSD 3-clause">BSD 3-clause</a></div>'),
(('license', '[license =&gt; GPLv3]'), '<div class="metatag" tag="license"><a href="http:\/\/www.opensource.org/licenses/GPLv3">GPLv3</a></div>'),
(('license', '[license =&gt; MIT]'), '<div class="metatag" tag="license"><a href="http:\/\/www.opensource.org/licenses/MIT">MIT</a></div>'),
(('license', '[license =&gt; AGPLv3]'), '<div class="metatag" tag="license"><a href="http:\/\/www.opensource.org/licenses/AGPLv3">AGPLv3</a></div>'),
(('ref', '[requires =&gt; RepoName]'), '<div class="metatag" tag="ref requires">requires: <a href="/RepoName">RepoName</a></div>'),
(('ref', '[recommends =&gt; GroupName]'), '<div class="metatag" tag="ref recommends">recommends: <a href="/GroupName">GroupName</a></div>'),
(('ref', '[conflicts =&gt; SomeName]'), '<div class="metatag" tag="ref conflicts">conflicts: <a href="/SomeName">SomeName</a></div>'),
(('ref', '[base =&gt; SomeName]'), '<div class="metatag" tag="ref base">base: <a href="/SomeName">SomeName</a></div>'),
(('see', '[see =&gt; http://rhodecode.com]'), '<div class="metatag" tag="see">see: http://rhodecode.com </div>'),
(('url', '[url =&gt; [linkName](https://rhodecode.com)]'), '<div class="metatag" tag="url"> <a href="https://rhodecode.com">linkName</a> </div>'),
(('url', '[url =&gt; [example link](https://rhodecode.com)]'), '<div class="metatag" tag="url"> <a href="https://rhodecode.com">example link</a> </div>'),
(('url', '[url =&gt; [v1.0.0](https://rhodecode.com)]'), '<div class="metatag" tag="url"> <a href="https://rhodecode.com">v1.0.0</a> </div>'),
def test_metatags_stylize(tag_data, expected_html):
from rhodecode.lib.helpers import style_metatag
tag_type,value = tag_data
assert style_metatag(tag_type, value) == expected_html
@pytest.mark.parametrize("tmpl_url, email, expected", [
('http://test.com/{email}', 'test@foo.com', 'http://test.com/test@foo.com'),
('http://test.com/{md5email}', 'test@foo.com', 'http://test.com/3cb7232fcc48743000cb86d0d5022bd9'),
('http://test.com/{md5email}', 'testąć@foo.com', 'http://test.com/978debb907a3c55cd741872ab293ef30'),
('http://testX.com/{md5email}?s={size}', 'test@foo.com', 'http://testX.com/3cb7232fcc48743000cb86d0d5022bd9?s=24'),
('http://testX.com/{md5email}?s={size}', 'testąć@foo.com', 'http://testX.com/978debb907a3c55cd741872ab293ef30?s=24'),
('{scheme}://{netloc}/{md5email}/{size}', 'test@foo.com', 'https://server.com/3cb7232fcc48743000cb86d0d5022bd9/24'),
('{scheme}://{netloc}/{md5email}/{size}', 'testąć@foo.com', 'https://server.com/978debb907a3c55cd741872ab293ef30/24'),
('http://test.com/{email}', 'testąć@foo.com', 'http://test.com/testąć@foo.com'),
('http://test.com/{email}?size={size}', 'test@foo.com', 'http://test.com/test@foo.com?size=24'),
('http://test.com/{email}?size={size}', 'testąć@foo.com', 'http://test.com/testąć@foo.com?size=24'),
def test_gravatar_url_builder(tmpl_url, email, expected, request_stub):
from rhodecode.lib.helpers import gravatar_url
# mock pyramid.threadlocals
def fake_get_current_request():
request_stub.scheme = 'https'
request_stub.host = 'server.com'
return request_stub
# mock pylons.tmpl_context
def fake_tmpl_context(_url):
_c = AttributeDict()
_c.visual = AttributeDict()
_c.visual.use_gravatar = True
_c.visual.gravatar_url = _url
return _c
with mock.patch('rhodecode.lib.helpers.get_current_request',
fake = fake_tmpl_context(_url=tmpl_url)
with mock.patch('pylons.tmpl_context', fake):
grav = gravatar_url(email_address=email, size=24)
assert grav == expected
"email, first_name, last_name, expected_initials, expected_color", [
('test@rhodecode.com', '', '', 'TR', '#8a994d'),
('marcin.kuzminski@rhodecode.com', '', '', 'MK', '#6559b3'),
# special cases of email
('john.van.dam@rhodecode.com', '', '', 'JD', '#526600'),
('Guido.van.Rossum@rhodecode.com', '', '', 'GR', '#990052'),
('Guido.van.Rossum@rhodecode.com', 'Guido', 'Van Rossum', 'GR', '#990052'),
('rhodecode+Guido.van.Rossum@rhodecode.com', '', '', 'RR', '#46598c'),
('pclouds@rhodecode.com', 'Nguyễn Thái', 'Tgọc Duy', 'ND', '#665200'),
('john-brown@foo.com', '', '', 'JF', '#73006b'),
('admin@rhodecode.com', 'Marcin', 'Kuzminski', 'MK', '#104036'),
# partials
('admin@rhodecode.com', 'Marcin', '', 'MR', '#104036'), # fn+email
('admin@rhodecode.com', '', 'Kuzminski', 'AK', '#104036'), # em+ln
# non-ascii
('admin@rhodecode.com', 'Marcin', 'Śuzminski', 'MS', '#104036'),
('marcin.śuzminski@rhodecode.com', '', '', 'MS', '#73000f'),
# special cases, LDAP can provide those...
('admin@', 'Marcin', 'Śuzminski', 'MS', '#aa00ff'),
('marcin.śuzminski', '', '', 'MS', '#402020'),
('null', '', '', 'NL', '#8c4646'),
('some.@abc.com', 'some', '', 'SA', '#664e33')
def test_initials_gravatar_pick_of_initials_and_color_algo(
email, first_name, last_name, expected_initials, expected_color):
instance = InitialsGravatar(email, first_name, last_name)
assert instance.get_initials() == expected_initials
assert instance.str2color(email) == expected_color
def test_initials_gravatar_mapping_algo():
pos = set()
instance = InitialsGravatar('', '', '')
iterations = 0
variations = []
for letter1 in string.ascii_letters:
for letter2 in string.ascii_letters[::-1][:10]:
for letter3 in string.ascii_letters[:10]:
'%s@rhodecode.com' % (letter1+letter2+letter3))
max_variations = 4096
for email in variations[:max_variations]:
iterations += 1
# we assume that we have match all 256 possible positions,
# in reasonable amount of different email addresses
assert len(pos) == 256
assert iterations == max_variations
@pytest.mark.parametrize("tmpl, repo_name, overrides, prefix, expected", [
(Repository.DEFAULT_CLONE_URI, 'group/repo1', {}, '', 'http://vps1:8000/group/repo1'),
(Repository.DEFAULT_CLONE_URI, 'group/repo1', {'user': 'marcink'}, '', 'http://marcink@vps1:8000/group/repo1'),
(Repository.DEFAULT_CLONE_URI, 'group/repo1', {}, '/rc', 'http://vps1:8000/rc/group/repo1'),
(Repository.DEFAULT_CLONE_URI, 'group/repo1', {'user': 'user'}, '/rc', 'http://user@vps1:8000/rc/group/repo1'),
(Repository.DEFAULT_CLONE_URI, 'group/repo1', {'user': 'marcink'}, '/rc', 'http://marcink@vps1:8000/rc/group/repo1'),
(Repository.DEFAULT_CLONE_URI, 'group/repo1', {'user': 'user'}, '/rc/', 'http://user@vps1:8000/rc/group/repo1'),
(Repository.DEFAULT_CLONE_URI, 'group/repo1', {'user': 'marcink'}, '/rc/', 'http://marcink@vps1:8000/rc/group/repo1'),
('{scheme}://{user}@{netloc}/_{repoid}', 'group/repo1', {}, '', 'http://vps1:8000/_23'),
('{scheme}://{user}@{netloc}/_{repoid}', 'group/repo1', {'user': 'marcink'}, '', 'http://marcink@vps1:8000/_23'),
('http://{user}@{netloc}/_{repoid}', 'group/repo1', {'user': 'marcink'}, '', 'http://marcink@vps1:8000/_23'),
('http://{netloc}/_{repoid}', 'group/repo1', {'user': 'marcink'}, '', 'http://vps1:8000/_23'),
('https://{user}@proxy1.server.com/{repo}', 'group/repo1', {'user': 'marcink'}, '', 'https://marcink@proxy1.server.com/group/repo1'),
('https://{user}@proxy1.server.com/{repo}', 'group/repo1', {}, '', 'https://proxy1.server.com/group/repo1'),
('https://proxy1.server.com/{user}/{repo}', 'group/repo1', {'user': 'marcink'}, '', 'https://proxy1.server.com/marcink/group/repo1'),
def test_clone_url_generator(tmpl, repo_name, overrides, prefix, expected):
from rhodecode.lib.utils2 import get_clone_url
class RequestStub(object):
def request_url(self, name):
return 'http://vps1:8000' + prefix
def route_url(self, name):
return self.request_url(name)
clone_url = get_clone_url(
repo_name=repo_name, repo_id=23, **overrides)
assert clone_url == expected
def _quick_url(text, tmpl="""<a class="revision-link" href="%s">%s</a>""", url_=None):
Changes `some text url[foo]` => `some text <a href="/">foo</a>
:param text:
import re
# quickly change expected url[] into a link
URL_PAT = re.compile(r'(?:url\[)(.+?)(?:\])')
def url_func(match_obj):
_url = match_obj.groups()[0]
return tmpl % (url_ or '/some-url', _url)
return URL_PAT.sub(url_func, text)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("sample, expected", [
("git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/libcloud/trunk@1441655 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68",
"git-svn-id: https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/libcloud/trunk@1441655 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68"),
("from rev 000000000000",
"from rev url[000000000000]"),
("from rev 000000000000123123 also rev 000000000000",
"from rev url[000000000000123123] also rev url[000000000000]"),
("this should-000 00",
"this should-000 00"),
("longtextffffffffff rev 123123123123",
"longtextffffffffff rev url[123123123123]"),
("rev ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff",
"rev ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff"),
("ffffffffffff some text traalaa",
"url[ffffffffffff] some text traalaa"),
("""Multi line
some text 123123123123
sometimes !
"""Multi line
some text url[123123123123]
sometimes !
], ids=no_newline_id_generator)
def test_urlify_commits(sample, expected):
def fake_url(self, *args, **kwargs):
return '/some-url'
expected = _quick_url(expected)
with mock.patch('rhodecode.lib.helpers.route_url', fake_url):
from rhodecode.lib.helpers import urlify_commits
assert urlify_commits(sample, 'repo_name') == expected
@pytest.mark.parametrize("sample, expected, url_", [
("from rev a also rev http://google.com",
"from rev a also rev url[http://google.com]",
("""Multi line
some text lalala""",
"""Multi line
some text lalala""",
], ids=no_newline_id_generator)
def test_urlify_test(sample, expected, url_):
from rhodecode.lib.helpers import urlify_text
expected = _quick_url(expected, tmpl="""<a href="%s">%s</a>""", url_=url_)
assert urlify_text(sample) == expected
@pytest.mark.parametrize("test, expected", [
("", None),
("/_2", '2'),
("_2", '2'),
("/_2/", '2'),
("_2/", '2'),
("/_21", '21'),
("_21", '21'),
("/_21/", '21'),
("_21/", '21'),
("/_21/foobar", '21'),
("_21/121", '21'),
("/_21/_12", '21'),
("_21/rc/foo", '21'),
def test_get_repo_by_id(test, expected):
from rhodecode.model.repo import RepoModel
_test = RepoModel()._extract_id_from_repo_name(test)
assert _test == expected
@pytest.mark.parametrize("test_repo_name, repo_type", [
("test_repo_1", None),
("repo_group/foobar", None),
("test_non_asci_ąćę", None),
(u"test_non_asci_unicode_ąćę", None),
def test_invalidation_context(pylonsapp, test_repo_name, repo_type):
from beaker.cache import cache_region
from rhodecode.lib import caches
from rhodecode.model.db import CacheKey
def _dummy_func(cache_key):
return 'result'
invalidator_context = CacheKey.repo_context_cache(
_dummy_func, test_repo_name, 'repo')
with invalidator_context as context:
invalidated = context.invalidate()
result = context.compute()
assert invalidated == True
assert 'result' == result
assert isinstance(context, caches.FreshRegionCache)
assert 'InvalidationContext' in repr(invalidator_context)
with invalidator_context as context:
result = context.compute()
assert 'result' == result
assert isinstance(context, caches.ActiveRegionCache)
def test_invalidation_context_exception_in_compute(pylonsapp):
from rhodecode.model.db import CacheKey
from beaker.cache import cache_region
def _dummy_func(cache_key):
# this causes error since it doesn't get any params
raise Exception('ups')
invalidator_context = CacheKey.repo_context_cache(
_dummy_func, 'test_repo_2', 'repo')
with pytest.raises(Exception):
with invalidator_context as context:
@pytest.mark.parametrize('execution_number', range(5))
def test_cache_invalidation_race_condition(execution_number, pylonsapp):
import time
from beaker.cache import cache_region
from rhodecode.model.db import CacheKey
if CacheKey.metadata.bind.url.get_backend_name() == "mysql":
reason = (
'Fails on MariaDB due to some locking issues. Investigation'
' needed')
def test_create_and_delete_cache_keys():
def _dummy_func(cache_key):
return 'result'
invalidator_context = CacheKey.repo_context_cache(
_dummy_func, 'test_repo_1', 'repo')
with invalidator_context as context:
CacheKey.set_invalidate('test_repo_1', delete=True)