##// END OF EJS Templates
diffs: use whole chunk diff to calculate if it's oversized or not....
diffs: use whole chunk diff to calculate if it's oversized or not. - This fixes an issue if a file is added that has very large number of small lines. In this case the time to detect if the diff should be limited was very very long and CPU intensive.

File last commit:

r1941:be441b36 default
r2070:7939c6bf default
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78 lines | 3.1 KiB | application/x-mako | MakoHtmlLexer
<div class="panel panel-default">
<div class="panel-heading">
<h3 class="panel-title">${_('Custom IP Whitelist')}</h3>
<div class="panel-body">
<div class="ips_wrap">
<h5>${_('Current IP address')}: <code>${c.rhodecode_user.ip_addr}</code></h5>
<table class="rctable ip-whitelist">
<th>${_('IP Address')}</th>
<th>${_('IP Range')}</th>
%if c.default_user_ip_map and c.inherit_default_ips:
%for ip in c.default_user_ip_map:
<td class="td-ip"><div class="ip">${ip.ip_addr}</div></td>
<td class="td-iprange"><div class="ip">${h.ip_range(ip.ip_addr)}</div></td>
<td class="td-description">${h.literal(_('Inherited from %s') % h.link_to('*default*',h.route_path('admin_permissions_ips')))}</td>
%if c.user_ip_map:
%for ip in c.user_ip_map:
<td class="td-ip"><div class="ip">${ip.ip_addr}</div></td>
<td class="td-iprange"><div class="ip">${h.ip_range(ip.ip_addr)}</div></td>
<td class="td-description"><div class="ip">${ip.description}</div></td>
<td class="td-action">
${h.secure_form(h.route_path('edit_user_ips_delete', user_id=c.user.user_id), method='POST', request=request)}
${h.hidden('del_ip_id', ip.ip_id)}
${h.submit('remove_', _('Delete'),id="remove_ip_%s" % ip.ip_id,
class_="btn btn-link btn-danger", onclick="return confirm('"+_('Confirm to delete this ip: %s') % ip.ip_addr+"');")}
%if not c.default_user_ip_map and not c.user_ip_map:
<td><h2 class="ip">${_('All IP addresses are allowed')}</h2></td>
${h.secure_form(h.route_path('edit_user_ips_add', user_id=c.user.user_id), method='POST', request=request)}
<div class="form">
<!-- fields -->
<div class="fields">
<div class="field">
<div class="label">
<label for="new_ip">${_('New IP Address')}:</label>
<div class="input">
${h.text('new_ip')} ${h.text('description', placeholder=_('Description...'))}
<span class="help-block">${_('Enter comma separated list of ip addresses like,\n'
'or use a ip address with a mask, to create a network range.\n'
'To specify multiple address range use syntax')}</span>
<div class="buttons">
${h.submit('save',_('Add'),class_="btn btn-small")}
${h.reset('reset',_('Reset'),class_="btn btn-small")}