##// END OF EJS Templates
auth: don't break hashing in case of user with empty password....
auth: don't break hashing in case of user with empty password. In some cases such as LDAP user created via external scripts users might set the passwords to empty. The hashing uses the md5(password_hash) to store reference to detect password changes and forbid using the same password. In case of pure LDAP users this is not valid, and we shouldn't raise Errors in such case. This change makes it work for empty passwords now.

File last commit:

r1:854a839a default
r2203:8a18c3c3 default
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575 lines | 17.6 KiB | application/javascript | JavascriptLexer
// CodeMirror, copyright (c) by Marijn Haverbeke and others
// Distributed under an MIT license: http://codemirror.net/LICENSE
// Slim Highlighting for CodeMirror copyright (c) HicknHack Software Gmbh
(function(mod) {
if (typeof exports == "object" && typeof module == "object") // CommonJS
mod(require("../../lib/codemirror"), require("../htmlmixed/htmlmixed"), require("../ruby/ruby"));
else if (typeof define == "function" && define.amd) // AMD
define(["../../lib/codemirror", "../htmlmixed/htmlmixed", "../ruby/ruby"], mod);
else // Plain browser env
})(function(CodeMirror) {
"use strict";
CodeMirror.defineMode("slim", function(config) {
var htmlMode = CodeMirror.getMode(config, {name: "htmlmixed"});
var rubyMode = CodeMirror.getMode(config, "ruby");
var modes = { html: htmlMode, ruby: rubyMode };
var embedded = {
ruby: "ruby",
javascript: "javascript",
css: "text/css",
sass: "text/x-sass",
scss: "text/x-scss",
less: "text/x-less",
styl: "text/x-styl", // no highlighting so far
coffee: "coffeescript",
asciidoc: "text/x-asciidoc",
markdown: "text/x-markdown",
textile: "text/x-textile", // no highlighting so far
creole: "text/x-creole", // no highlighting so far
wiki: "text/x-wiki", // no highlighting so far
mediawiki: "text/x-mediawiki", // no highlighting so far
rdoc: "text/x-rdoc", // no highlighting so far
builder: "text/x-builder", // no highlighting so far
nokogiri: "text/x-nokogiri", // no highlighting so far
erb: "application/x-erb"
var embeddedRegexp = function(map){
var arr = [];
for(var key in map) arr.push(key);
return new RegExp("^("+arr.join('|')+"):");
var styleMap = {
"commentLine": "comment",
"slimSwitch": "operator special",
"slimTag": "tag",
"slimId": "attribute def",
"slimClass": "attribute qualifier",
"slimAttribute": "attribute",
"slimSubmode": "keyword special",
"closeAttributeTag": null,
"slimDoctype": null,
"lineContinuation": null
var closing = {
"{": "}",
"[": "]",
"(": ")"
var nameStartChar = "_a-zA-Z\xC0-\xD6\xD8-\xF6\xF8-\u02FF\u0370-\u037D\u037F-\u1FFF\u200C-\u200D\u2070-\u218F\u2C00-\u2FEF\u3001-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFFD";
var nameChar = nameStartChar + "\\-0-9\xB7\u0300-\u036F\u203F-\u2040";
var nameRegexp = new RegExp("^[:"+nameStartChar+"](?::["+nameChar+"]|["+nameChar+"]*)");
var attributeNameRegexp = new RegExp("^[:"+nameStartChar+"][:\\."+nameChar+"]*(?=\\s*=)");
var wrappedAttributeNameRegexp = new RegExp("^[:"+nameStartChar+"][:\\."+nameChar+"]*");
var classNameRegexp = /^\.-?[_a-zA-Z]+[\w\-]*/;
var classIdRegexp = /^#[_a-zA-Z]+[\w\-]*/;
function backup(pos, tokenize, style) {
var restore = function(stream, state) {
state.tokenize = tokenize;
if (stream.pos < pos) {
stream.pos = pos;
return style;
return state.tokenize(stream, state);
return function(stream, state) {
state.tokenize = restore;
return tokenize(stream, state);
function maybeBackup(stream, state, pat, offset, style) {
var cur = stream.current();
var idx = cur.search(pat);
if (idx > -1) {
state.tokenize = backup(stream.pos, state.tokenize, style);
stream.backUp(cur.length - idx - offset);
return style;
function continueLine(state, column) {
state.stack = {
parent: state.stack,
style: "continuation",
indented: column,
tokenize: state.line
state.line = state.tokenize;
function finishContinue(state) {
if (state.line == state.tokenize) {
state.line = state.stack.tokenize;
state.stack = state.stack.parent;
function lineContinuable(column, tokenize) {
return function(stream, state) {
if (stream.match(/^\\$/)) {
continueLine(state, column);
return "lineContinuation";
var style = tokenize(stream, state);
if (stream.eol() && stream.current().match(/(?:^|[^\\])(?:\\\\)*\\$/)) {
return style;
function commaContinuable(column, tokenize) {
return function(stream, state) {
var style = tokenize(stream, state);
if (stream.eol() && stream.current().match(/,$/)) {
continueLine(state, column);
return style;
function rubyInQuote(endQuote, tokenize) {
// TODO: add multi line support
return function(stream, state) {
var ch = stream.peek();
if (ch == endQuote && state.rubyState.tokenize.length == 1) {
// step out of ruby context as it seems to complete processing all the braces
state.tokenize = tokenize;
return "closeAttributeTag";
} else {
return ruby(stream, state);
function startRubySplat(tokenize) {
var rubyState;
var runSplat = function(stream, state) {
if (state.rubyState.tokenize.length == 1 && !state.rubyState.context.prev) {
if (stream.eatSpace()) {
state.rubyState = rubyState;
state.tokenize = tokenize;
return tokenize(stream, state);
return ruby(stream, state);
return function(stream, state) {
rubyState = state.rubyState;
state.rubyState = rubyMode.startState();
state.tokenize = runSplat;
return ruby(stream, state);
function ruby(stream, state) {
return rubyMode.token(stream, state.rubyState);
function htmlLine(stream, state) {
if (stream.match(/^\\$/)) {
return "lineContinuation";
return html(stream, state);
function html(stream, state) {
if (stream.match(/^#\{/)) {
state.tokenize = rubyInQuote("}", state.tokenize);
return null;
return maybeBackup(stream, state, /[^\\]#\{/, 1, htmlMode.token(stream, state.htmlState));
function startHtmlLine(lastTokenize) {
return function(stream, state) {
var style = htmlLine(stream, state);
if (stream.eol()) state.tokenize = lastTokenize;
return style;
function startHtmlMode(stream, state, offset) {
state.stack = {
parent: state.stack,
style: "html",
indented: stream.column() + offset, // pipe + space
tokenize: state.line
state.line = state.tokenize = html;
return null;
function comment(stream, state) {
return state.stack.style;
function commentMode(stream, state) {
state.stack = {
parent: state.stack,
style: "comment",
indented: state.indented + 1,
tokenize: state.line
state.line = comment;
return comment(stream, state);
function attributeWrapper(stream, state) {
if (stream.eat(state.stack.endQuote)) {
state.line = state.stack.line;
state.tokenize = state.stack.tokenize;
state.stack = state.stack.parent;
return null;
if (stream.match(wrappedAttributeNameRegexp)) {
state.tokenize = attributeWrapperAssign;
return "slimAttribute";
return null;
function attributeWrapperAssign(stream, state) {
if (stream.match(/^==?/)) {
state.tokenize = attributeWrapperValue;
return null;
return attributeWrapper(stream, state);
function attributeWrapperValue(stream, state) {
var ch = stream.peek();
if (ch == '"' || ch == "\'") {
state.tokenize = readQuoted(ch, "string", true, false, attributeWrapper);
return state.tokenize(stream, state);
if (ch == '[') {
return startRubySplat(attributeWrapper)(stream, state);
if (stream.match(/^(true|false|nil)\b/)) {
state.tokenize = attributeWrapper;
return "keyword";
return startRubySplat(attributeWrapper)(stream, state);
function startAttributeWrapperMode(state, endQuote, tokenize) {
state.stack = {
parent: state.stack,
style: "wrapper",
indented: state.indented + 1,
tokenize: tokenize,
line: state.line,
endQuote: endQuote
state.line = state.tokenize = attributeWrapper;
return null;
function sub(stream, state) {
if (stream.match(/^#\{/)) {
state.tokenize = rubyInQuote("}", state.tokenize);
return null;
var subStream = new CodeMirror.StringStream(stream.string.slice(state.stack.indented), stream.tabSize);
subStream.pos = stream.pos - state.stack.indented;
subStream.start = stream.start - state.stack.indented;
subStream.lastColumnPos = stream.lastColumnPos - state.stack.indented;
subStream.lastColumnValue = stream.lastColumnValue - state.stack.indented;
var style = state.subMode.token(subStream, state.subState);
stream.pos = subStream.pos + state.stack.indented;
return style;
function firstSub(stream, state) {
state.stack.indented = stream.column();
state.line = state.tokenize = sub;
return state.tokenize(stream, state);
function createMode(mode) {
var query = embedded[mode];
var spec = CodeMirror.mimeModes[query];
if (spec) {
return CodeMirror.getMode(config, spec);
var factory = CodeMirror.modes[query];
if (factory) {
return factory(config, {name: query});
return CodeMirror.getMode(config, "null");
function getMode(mode) {
if (!modes.hasOwnProperty(mode)) {
return modes[mode] = createMode(mode);
return modes[mode];
function startSubMode(mode, state) {
var subMode = getMode(mode);
var subState = subMode.startState && subMode.startState();
state.subMode = subMode;
state.subState = subState;
state.stack = {
parent: state.stack,
style: "sub",
indented: state.indented + 1,
tokenize: state.line
state.line = state.tokenize = firstSub;
return "slimSubmode";
function doctypeLine(stream, _state) {
return "slimDoctype";
function startLine(stream, state) {
var ch = stream.peek();
if (ch == '<') {
return (state.tokenize = startHtmlLine(state.tokenize))(stream, state);
if (stream.match(/^[|']/)) {
return startHtmlMode(stream, state, 1);
if (stream.match(/^\/(!|\[\w+])?/)) {
return commentMode(stream, state);
if (stream.match(/^(-|==?[<>]?)/)) {
state.tokenize = lineContinuable(stream.column(), commaContinuable(stream.column(), ruby));
return "slimSwitch";
if (stream.match(/^doctype\b/)) {
state.tokenize = doctypeLine;
return "keyword";
var m = stream.match(embeddedRegexp);
if (m) {
return startSubMode(m[1], state);
return slimTag(stream, state);
function slim(stream, state) {
if (state.startOfLine) {
return startLine(stream, state);
return slimTag(stream, state);
function slimTag(stream, state) {
if (stream.eat('*')) {
state.tokenize = startRubySplat(slimTagExtras);
return null;
if (stream.match(nameRegexp)) {
state.tokenize = slimTagExtras;
return "slimTag";
return slimClass(stream, state);
function slimTagExtras(stream, state) {
if (stream.match(/^(<>?|><?)/)) {
state.tokenize = slimClass;
return null;
return slimClass(stream, state);
function slimClass(stream, state) {
if (stream.match(classIdRegexp)) {
state.tokenize = slimClass;
return "slimId";
if (stream.match(classNameRegexp)) {
state.tokenize = slimClass;
return "slimClass";
return slimAttribute(stream, state);
function slimAttribute(stream, state) {
if (stream.match(/^([\[\{\(])/)) {
return startAttributeWrapperMode(state, closing[RegExp.$1], slimAttribute);
if (stream.match(attributeNameRegexp)) {
state.tokenize = slimAttributeAssign;
return "slimAttribute";
if (stream.peek() == '*') {
state.tokenize = startRubySplat(slimContent);
return null;
return slimContent(stream, state);
function slimAttributeAssign(stream, state) {
if (stream.match(/^==?/)) {
state.tokenize = slimAttributeValue;
return null;
// should never happen, because of forward lookup
return slimAttribute(stream, state);
function slimAttributeValue(stream, state) {
var ch = stream.peek();
if (ch == '"' || ch == "\'") {
state.tokenize = readQuoted(ch, "string", true, false, slimAttribute);
return state.tokenize(stream, state);
if (ch == '[') {
return startRubySplat(slimAttribute)(stream, state);
if (ch == ':') {
return startRubySplat(slimAttributeSymbols)(stream, state);
if (stream.match(/^(true|false|nil)\b/)) {
state.tokenize = slimAttribute;
return "keyword";
return startRubySplat(slimAttribute)(stream, state);
function slimAttributeSymbols(stream, state) {
if (stream.match(/^[^\s],(?=:)/)) {
state.tokenize = startRubySplat(slimAttributeSymbols);
return null;
return slimAttribute(stream, state);
function readQuoted(quote, style, embed, unescaped, nextTokenize) {
return function(stream, state) {
var fresh = stream.current().length == 0;
if (stream.match(/^\\$/, fresh)) {
if (!fresh) return style;
continueLine(state, state.indented);
return "lineContinuation";
if (stream.match(/^#\{/, fresh)) {
if (!fresh) return style;
state.tokenize = rubyInQuote("}", state.tokenize);
return null;
var escaped = false, ch;
while ((ch = stream.next()) != null) {
if (ch == quote && (unescaped || !escaped)) {
state.tokenize = nextTokenize;
if (embed && ch == "#" && !escaped) {
if (stream.eat("{")) {
escaped = !escaped && ch == "\\";
if (stream.eol() && escaped) {
return style;
function slimContent(stream, state) {
if (stream.match(/^==?/)) {
state.tokenize = ruby;
return "slimSwitch";
if (stream.match(/^\/$/)) { // tag close hint
state.tokenize = slim;
return null;
if (stream.match(/^:/)) { // inline tag
state.tokenize = slimTag;
return "slimSwitch";
startHtmlMode(stream, state, 0);
return state.tokenize(stream, state);
var mode = {
// default to html mode
startState: function() {
var htmlState = htmlMode.startState();
var rubyState = rubyMode.startState();
return {
htmlState: htmlState,
rubyState: rubyState,
stack: null,
last: null,
tokenize: slim,
line: slim,
indented: 0
copyState: function(state) {
return {
htmlState : CodeMirror.copyState(htmlMode, state.htmlState),
rubyState: CodeMirror.copyState(rubyMode, state.rubyState),
subMode: state.subMode,
subState: state.subMode && CodeMirror.copyState(state.subMode, state.subState),
stack: state.stack,
last: state.last,
tokenize: state.tokenize,
line: state.line
token: function(stream, state) {
if (stream.sol()) {
state.indented = stream.indentation();
state.startOfLine = true;
state.tokenize = state.line;
while (state.stack && state.stack.indented > state.indented && state.last != "slimSubmode") {
state.line = state.tokenize = state.stack.tokenize;
state.stack = state.stack.parent;
state.subMode = null;
state.subState = null;
if (stream.eatSpace()) return null;
var style = state.tokenize(stream, state);
state.startOfLine = false;
if (style) state.last = style;
return styleMap.hasOwnProperty(style) ? styleMap[style] : style;
blankLine: function(state) {
if (state.subMode && state.subMode.blankLine) {
return state.subMode.blankLine(state.subState);
innerMode: function(state) {
if (state.subMode) return {state: state.subState, mode: state.subMode};
return {state: state, mode: mode};
//indent: function(state) {
// return state.indented;
return mode;
}, "htmlmixed", "ruby");
CodeMirror.defineMIME("text/x-slim", "slim");
CodeMirror.defineMIME("application/x-slim", "slim");