##// END OF EJS Templates
vcs: do an early detection of vcs-type request....
vcs: do an early detection of vcs-type request. We we to know to detect vcs type request as early as possible. IF we know we're handling an VCS request, we can skip some of the pylons stack initialization. - This fixes issues with leaking sessions and other object from pylons into a purely VCS type request.

File last commit:

r346:1a48416d default
r1297:de699d5e default
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202 lines | 6.3 KiB | application/javascript | JavascriptLexer
// CodeMirror, copyright (c) by Marijn Haverbeke and others
// Distributed under an MIT license: http://codemirror.net/LICENSE
// Swift mode created by Michael Kaminsky https://github.com/mkaminsky11
(function(mod) {
if (typeof exports == "object" && typeof module == "object")
else if (typeof define == "function" && define.amd)
define(["../../lib/codemirror"], mod)
})(function(CodeMirror) {
"use strict"
function wordSet(words) {
var set = {}
for (var i = 0; i < words.length; i++) set[words[i]] = true
return set
var keywords = wordSet(["var","let","class","deinit","enum","extension","func","import","init","protocol",
var definingKeywords = wordSet(["var","let","class","enum","extension","func","import","protocol","struct",
var atoms = wordSet(["Infinity","NaN","undefined","null","true","false","on","off","yes","no","nil","null",
var types = wordSet(["String","bool","int","string","double","Double","Int","Float","float","public",
var operators = "+-/*%=|&<>#"
var punc = ";,.(){}[]"
var number = /^-?(?:(?:[\d_]+\.[_\d]*|\.[_\d]+|0o[0-7_\.]+|0b[01_\.]+)(?:e-?[\d_]+)?|0x[\d_a-f\.]+(?:p-?[\d_]+)?)/i
var identifier = /^[_A-Za-z$][_A-Za-z$0-9]*/
var property = /^[@\.][_A-Za-z$][_A-Za-z$0-9]*/
var regexp = /^\/(?!\s)(?:\/\/)?(?:\\.|[^\/])+\//
function tokenBase(stream, state, prev) {
if (stream.sol()) state.indented = stream.indentation()
if (stream.eatSpace()) return null
var ch = stream.peek()
if (ch == "/") {
if (stream.match("//")) {
return "comment"
if (stream.match("/*")) {
return tokenComment(stream, state)
if (stream.match(regexp)) return "string-2"
if (operators.indexOf(ch) > -1) {
return "operator"
if (punc.indexOf(ch) > -1) {
return "punctuation"
if (ch == '"' || ch == "'") {
var tokenize = tokenString(ch)
return tokenize(stream, state)
if (stream.match(number)) return "number"
if (stream.match(property)) return "property"
if (stream.match(identifier)) {
var ident = stream.current()
if (keywords.hasOwnProperty(ident)) {
if (definingKeywords.hasOwnProperty(ident))
state.prev = "define"
return "keyword"
if (types.hasOwnProperty(ident)) return "variable-2"
if (atoms.hasOwnProperty(ident)) return "atom"
if (prev == "define") return "def"
return "variable"
return null
function tokenUntilClosingParen() {
var depth = 0
return function(stream, state, prev) {
var inner = tokenBase(stream, state, prev)
if (inner == "punctuation") {
if (stream.current() == "(") ++depth
else if (stream.current() == ")") {
if (depth == 0) {
return state.tokenize[state.tokenize.length - 1](stream, state)
else --depth
return inner
function tokenString(quote) {
return function(stream, state) {
var ch, escaped = false
while (ch = stream.next()) {
if (escaped) {
if (ch == "(") {
return "string"
escaped = false
} else if (ch == quote) {
} else {
escaped = ch == "\\"
return "string"
function tokenComment(stream, state) {
if (stream.match("*/")) state.tokenize.pop()
return "comment"
function Context(prev, align, indented) {
this.prev = prev
this.align = align
this.indented = indented
function pushContext(state, stream) {
var align = stream.match(/^\s*($|\/[\/\*])/, false) ? null : stream.column() + 1
state.context = new Context(state.context, align, state.indented)
function popContext(state) {
if (state.context) {
state.indented = state.context.indented
state.context = state.context.prev
CodeMirror.defineMode("swift", function(config) {
return {
startState: function() {
return {
prev: null,
context: null,
indented: 0,
tokenize: []
token: function(stream, state) {
var prev = state.prev
state.prev = null
var tokenize = state.tokenize[state.tokenize.length - 1] || tokenBase
var style = tokenize(stream, state, prev)
if (!style || style == "comment") state.prev = prev
else if (!state.prev) state.prev = style
if (style == "punctuation") {
var bracket = /[\(\[\{]|([\]\)\}])/.exec(stream.current())
if (bracket) (bracket[1] ? popContext : pushContext)(state, stream)
return style
indent: function(state, textAfter) {
var cx = state.context
if (!cx) return 0
var closing = /^[\]\}\)]/.test(textAfter)
if (cx.align != null) return cx.align - (closing ? 1 : 0)
return cx.indented + (closing ? 0 : config.indentUnit)
electricInput: /^\s*[\)\}\]]$/,
lineComment: "//",
blockCommentStart: "/*",
blockCommentEnd: "*/"