.. _pull-request-methods-ref:

pull_request methods


.. py:function:: close_pull_request(apiuser, repoid, pullrequestid, userid=<Optional:<OptionalAttr:apiuser>>)

   Close the pull request specified by `pullrequestid`.

   :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|.
   :type apiuser: AuthUser
   :param repoid: Repository name or repository ID to which the pull
       request belongs.
   :type repoid: str or int
   :param pullrequestid: ID of the pull request to be closed.
   :type pullrequestid: int
   :param userid: Close the pull request as this user.
   :type userid: Optional(str or int)

   Example output:

   .. code-block:: bash

     "id": <id_given_in_input>,
           "pull_request_id":  "<int>",
           "closed":           "<bool>"
     "error": null


.. py:function:: comment_pull_request(apiuser, repoid, pullrequestid, message=<Optional:None>, status=<Optional:None>, userid=<Optional:<OptionalAttr:apiuser>>)

   Comment on the pull request specified with the `pullrequestid`,
   in the |repo| specified by the `repoid`, and optionally change the
   review status.

   :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|.
   :type apiuser: AuthUser
   :param repoid: The repository name or repository ID.
   :type repoid: str or int
   :param pullrequestid: The pull request ID.
   :type pullrequestid: int
   :param message: The text content of the comment.
   :type message: str
   :param status: (**Optional**) Set the approval status of the pull
       request. Valid options are:
       * not_reviewed
       * approved
       * rejected
       * under_review
   :type status: str
   :param userid: Comment on the pull request as this user
   :type userid: Optional(str or int)

   Example output:

   .. code-block:: bash

     id : <id_given_in_input>
     result :
           "pull_request_id":  "<Integer>",
           "comment_id":       "<Integer>"
     error :  null


.. py:function:: create_pull_request(apiuser, source_repo, target_repo, source_ref, target_ref, title, description=<Optional:''>, reviewers=<Optional:None>)

   Creates a new pull request.

   Accepts refs in the following formats:

       * branch:<branch_name>:<sha>
       * branch:<branch_name>
       * bookmark:<bookmark_name>:<sha> (Mercurial only)
       * bookmark:<bookmark_name> (Mercurial only)

   :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|.
   :type apiuser: AuthUser
   :param source_repo: Set the source repository name.
   :type source_repo: str
   :param target_repo: Set the target repository name.
   :type target_repo: str
   :param source_ref: Set the source ref name.
   :type source_ref: str
   :param target_ref: Set the target ref name.
   :type target_ref: str
   :param title: Set the pull request title.
   :type title: str
   :param description: Set the pull request description.
   :type description: Optional(str)
   :param reviewers: Set the new pull request reviewers list.
   :type reviewers: Optional(list)
       Accepts username strings or objects of the format:
           'username': 'nick', 'reasons': ['original author']


.. py:function:: get_pull_request(apiuser, repoid, pullrequestid)

   Get a pull request based on the given ID.

   :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|.
   :type apiuser: AuthUser
   :param repoid: Repository name or repository ID from where the pull
       request was opened.
   :type repoid: str or int
   :param pullrequestid: ID of the requested pull request.
   :type pullrequestid: int

   Example output:

   .. code-block:: bash

     "id": <id_given_in_input>,
           "pull_request_id":   "<pull_request_id>",
           "url":               "<url>",
           "title":             "<title>",
           "description":       "<description>",
           "status" :           "<status>",
           "created_on":        "<date_time_created>",
           "updated_on":        "<date_time_updated>",
           "commit_ids":        [
           "review_status":    "<review_status>",
           "mergeable":         {
                                    "status":  "<bool>",
                                    "message": "<message>",
           "source":            {
                                    "clone_url":     "<clone_url>",
                                    "repository":    "<repository_name>",
                                        "name":      "<name>",
                                        "type":      "<type>",
                                        "commit_id": "<commit_id>",
           "target":            {
                                    "clone_url":   "<clone_url>",
                                    "repository":    "<repository_name>",
                                        "name":      "<name>",
                                        "type":      "<type>",
                                        "commit_id": "<commit_id>",
           "merge":             {
                                    "clone_url":   "<clone_url>",
                                        "name":      "<name>",
                                        "type":      "<type>",
                                        "commit_id": "<commit_id>",
          "author":             <user_obj>,
          "reviewers":          [
                                       "user":          "<user_obj>",
                                       "review_status": "<review_status>",
      "error": null


.. py:function:: get_pull_requests(apiuser, repoid, status=<Optional:'new'>)

   Get all pull requests from the repository specified in `repoid`.

   :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|.
   :type apiuser: AuthUser
   :param repoid: Repository name or repository ID.
   :type repoid: str or int
   :param status: Only return pull requests with the specified status.
       Valid options are.
       * ``new`` (default)
       * ``open``
       * ``closed``
   :type status: str

   Example output:

   .. code-block:: bash

     "id": <id_given_in_input>,
               "pull_request_id":   "<pull_request_id>",
               "url":               "<url>",
               "title" :            "<title>",
               "description":       "<description>",
               "status":            "<status>",
               "created_on":        "<date_time_created>",
               "updated_on":        "<date_time_updated>",
               "commit_ids":        [
               "review_status":    "<review_status>",
               "mergeable":         {
                                       "status":      "<bool>",
                                       "message:      "<message>",
               "source":            {
                                        "clone_url":     "<clone_url>",
                                            "name":      "<name>",
                                            "type":      "<type>",
                                            "commit_id": "<commit_id>",
               "target":            {
                                        "clone_url":   "<clone_url>",
                                            "name":      "<name>",
                                            "type":      "<type>",
                                            "commit_id": "<commit_id>",
               "merge":             {
                                        "clone_url":   "<clone_url>",
                                            "name":      "<name>",
                                            "type":      "<type>",
                                            "commit_id": "<commit_id>",
              "author":             <user_obj>,
              "reviewers":          [
                                           "user":          "<user_obj>",
                                           "review_status": "<review_status>",
     "error": null


.. py:function:: merge_pull_request(apiuser, repoid, pullrequestid, userid=<Optional:<OptionalAttr:apiuser>>)

   Merge the pull request specified by `pullrequestid` into its target

   :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|.
   :type apiuser: AuthUser
   :param repoid: The Repository name or repository ID of the
       target repository to which the |pr| is to be merged.
   :type repoid: str or int
   :param pullrequestid: ID of the pull request which shall be merged.
   :type pullrequestid: int
   :param userid: Merge the pull request as this user.
   :type userid: Optional(str or int)

   Example output:

   .. code-block:: bash

     "id": <id_given_in_input>,
           "executed":         "<bool>",
           "failure_reason":   "<int>",
           "merge_commit_id":  "<merge_commit_id>",
           "possible":         "<bool>",
           "merge_ref":        {
                                   "commit_id": "<commit_id>",
                                   "type":      "<type>",
                                   "name":      "<name>"
     "error": null


.. py:function:: update_pull_request(apiuser, repoid, pullrequestid, title=<Optional:''>, description=<Optional:''>, reviewers=<Optional:None>, update_commits=<Optional:None>, close_pull_request=<Optional:None>)

   Updates a pull request.

   :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|.
   :type apiuser: AuthUser
   :param repoid: The repository name or repository ID.
   :type repoid: str or int
   :param pullrequestid: The pull request ID.
   :type pullrequestid: int
   :param title: Set the pull request title.
   :type title: str
   :param description: Update pull request description.
   :type description: Optional(str)
   :param reviewers: Update pull request reviewers list with new value.
   :type reviewers: Optional(list)
   :param update_commits: Trigger update of commits for this pull request
   :type: update_commits: Optional(bool)
   :param close_pull_request: Close this pull request with rejected state
   :type: close_pull_request: Optional(bool)

   Example output:

   .. code-block:: bash

     id : <id_given_in_input>
     result :
           "msg": "Updated pull request `63`",
           "pull_request": <pull_request_object>,
           "updated_reviewers": {
             "added": [
             "removed": []
           "updated_commits": {
             "added": [
             "common": [
             "removed": []
     error :  null