-- PostgreSQL database dump

SET statement_timeout = 0;
SET client_encoding = 'UTF8';
SET standard_conforming_strings = on;
SET check_function_bodies = false;
SET client_min_messages = warning;

-- Name: plpgsql; Type: EXTENSION; Schema: -; Owner: 


-- Name: EXTENSION plpgsql; Type: COMMENT; Schema: -; Owner: 

COMMENT ON EXTENSION plpgsql IS 'PL/pgSQL procedural language';

SET search_path = public, pg_catalog;

SET default_tablespace = '';

SET default_with_oids = false;

-- Name: cache_invalidation; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

CREATE TABLE cache_invalidation (
    cache_id integer NOT NULL,
    cache_key character varying(255),
    cache_args character varying(255),
    cache_active boolean

ALTER TABLE public.cache_invalidation OWNER TO postgres;

-- Name: cache_invalidation_cache_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

CREATE SEQUENCE cache_invalidation_cache_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE public.cache_invalidation_cache_id_seq OWNER TO postgres;

-- Name: cache_invalidation_cache_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER SEQUENCE cache_invalidation_cache_id_seq OWNED BY cache_invalidation.cache_id;

-- Name: changeset_comments; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

CREATE TABLE changeset_comments (
    comment_id integer NOT NULL,
    repo_id integer NOT NULL,
    revision character varying(40),
    pull_request_id integer,
    line_no character varying(10),
    hl_lines character varying(512),
    f_path character varying(1000),
    user_id integer NOT NULL,
    text text NOT NULL,
    created_on timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
    modified_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE public.changeset_comments OWNER TO postgres;

-- Name: changeset_comments_comment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

CREATE SEQUENCE changeset_comments_comment_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE public.changeset_comments_comment_id_seq OWNER TO postgres;

-- Name: changeset_comments_comment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER SEQUENCE changeset_comments_comment_id_seq OWNED BY changeset_comments.comment_id;

-- Name: changeset_statuses; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

CREATE TABLE changeset_statuses (
    changeset_status_id integer NOT NULL,
    repo_id integer NOT NULL,
    user_id integer NOT NULL,
    revision character varying(40) NOT NULL,
    status character varying(128) NOT NULL,
    changeset_comment_id integer,
    modified_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
    version integer NOT NULL,
    pull_request_id integer

ALTER TABLE public.changeset_statuses OWNER TO postgres;

-- Name: changeset_statuses_changeset_status_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

CREATE SEQUENCE changeset_statuses_changeset_status_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE public.changeset_statuses_changeset_status_id_seq OWNER TO postgres;

-- Name: changeset_statuses_changeset_status_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER SEQUENCE changeset_statuses_changeset_status_id_seq OWNED BY changeset_statuses.changeset_status_id;

-- Name: db_migrate_version; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

CREATE TABLE db_migrate_version (
    repository_id character varying(250) NOT NULL,
    repository_path text,
    version integer

ALTER TABLE public.db_migrate_version OWNER TO postgres;

-- Name: groups; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

    group_id integer NOT NULL,
    group_name character varying(255) NOT NULL,
    group_parent_id integer,
    group_description character varying(10000),
    enable_locking boolean NOT NULL,
    CONSTRAINT groups_check CHECK ((group_id <> group_parent_id))

ALTER TABLE public.groups OWNER TO postgres;

-- Name: groups_group_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

CREATE SEQUENCE groups_group_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE public.groups_group_id_seq OWNER TO postgres;

-- Name: groups_group_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER SEQUENCE groups_group_id_seq OWNED BY groups.group_id;

-- Name: notifications; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

CREATE TABLE notifications (
    notification_id integer NOT NULL,
    subject character varying(512),
    body text,
    created_by integer,
    created_on timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
    type character varying(256)

ALTER TABLE public.notifications OWNER TO postgres;

-- Name: notifications_notification_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

CREATE SEQUENCE notifications_notification_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE public.notifications_notification_id_seq OWNER TO postgres;

-- Name: notifications_notification_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER SEQUENCE notifications_notification_id_seq OWNED BY notifications.notification_id;

-- Name: permissions; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

CREATE TABLE permissions (
    permission_id integer NOT NULL,
    permission_name character varying(255),
    permission_longname character varying(255)

ALTER TABLE public.permissions OWNER TO postgres;

-- Name: permissions_permission_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

CREATE SEQUENCE permissions_permission_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE public.permissions_permission_id_seq OWNER TO postgres;

-- Name: permissions_permission_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER SEQUENCE permissions_permission_id_seq OWNED BY permissions.permission_id;

-- Name: pull_request_reviewers; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

CREATE TABLE pull_request_reviewers (
    pull_requests_reviewers_id integer NOT NULL,
    pull_request_id integer NOT NULL,
    user_id integer

ALTER TABLE public.pull_request_reviewers OWNER TO postgres;

-- Name: pull_request_reviewers_pull_requests_reviewers_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

CREATE SEQUENCE pull_request_reviewers_pull_requests_reviewers_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE public.pull_request_reviewers_pull_requests_reviewers_id_seq OWNER TO postgres;

-- Name: pull_request_reviewers_pull_requests_reviewers_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER SEQUENCE pull_request_reviewers_pull_requests_reviewers_id_seq OWNED BY pull_request_reviewers.pull_requests_reviewers_id;

-- Name: pull_requests; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

CREATE TABLE pull_requests (
    pull_request_id integer NOT NULL,
    title character varying(256),
    description text,
    status character varying(256) NOT NULL,
    created_on timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
    updated_on timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
    user_id integer NOT NULL,
    revisions text,
    org_repo_id integer NOT NULL,
    org_ref character varying(256) NOT NULL,
    other_repo_id integer NOT NULL,
    other_ref character varying(256) NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE public.pull_requests OWNER TO postgres;

-- Name: pull_requests_pull_request_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

CREATE SEQUENCE pull_requests_pull_request_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE public.pull_requests_pull_request_id_seq OWNER TO postgres;

-- Name: pull_requests_pull_request_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER SEQUENCE pull_requests_pull_request_id_seq OWNED BY pull_requests.pull_request_id;

-- Name: repo_to_perm; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

CREATE TABLE repo_to_perm (
    repo_to_perm_id integer NOT NULL,
    user_id integer NOT NULL,
    permission_id integer NOT NULL,
    repository_id integer NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE public.repo_to_perm OWNER TO postgres;

-- Name: repo_to_perm_repo_to_perm_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

CREATE SEQUENCE repo_to_perm_repo_to_perm_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE public.repo_to_perm_repo_to_perm_id_seq OWNER TO postgres;

-- Name: repo_to_perm_repo_to_perm_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER SEQUENCE repo_to_perm_repo_to_perm_id_seq OWNED BY repo_to_perm.repo_to_perm_id;

-- Name: repositories; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

CREATE TABLE repositories (
    repo_id integer NOT NULL,
    repo_name character varying(255) NOT NULL,
    clone_uri character varying(255),
    repo_type character varying(255) NOT NULL,
    user_id integer NOT NULL,
    private boolean,
    statistics boolean,
    downloads boolean,
    description character varying(10000),
    created_on timestamp without time zone,
    updated_on timestamp without time zone,
    landing_revision character varying(255) NOT NULL,
    enable_locking boolean NOT NULL,
    locked character varying(255),
    fork_id integer,
    group_id integer

ALTER TABLE public.repositories OWNER TO postgres;

-- Name: repositories_repo_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

CREATE SEQUENCE repositories_repo_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE public.repositories_repo_id_seq OWNER TO postgres;

-- Name: repositories_repo_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER SEQUENCE repositories_repo_id_seq OWNED BY repositories.repo_id;

-- Name: rhodecode_settings; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

CREATE TABLE rhodecode_settings (
    app_settings_id integer NOT NULL,
    app_settings_name character varying(255),
    app_settings_value character varying(255)

ALTER TABLE public.rhodecode_settings OWNER TO postgres;

-- Name: rhodecode_settings_app_settings_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

CREATE SEQUENCE rhodecode_settings_app_settings_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE public.rhodecode_settings_app_settings_id_seq OWNER TO postgres;

-- Name: rhodecode_settings_app_settings_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER SEQUENCE rhodecode_settings_app_settings_id_seq OWNED BY rhodecode_settings.app_settings_id;

-- Name: rhodecode_ui; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

CREATE TABLE rhodecode_ui (
    ui_id integer NOT NULL,
    ui_section character varying(255),
    ui_key character varying(255),
    ui_value character varying(255),
    ui_active boolean

ALTER TABLE public.rhodecode_ui OWNER TO postgres;

-- Name: rhodecode_ui_ui_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

CREATE SEQUENCE rhodecode_ui_ui_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE public.rhodecode_ui_ui_id_seq OWNER TO postgres;

-- Name: rhodecode_ui_ui_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER SEQUENCE rhodecode_ui_ui_id_seq OWNED BY rhodecode_ui.ui_id;

-- Name: statistics; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

CREATE TABLE statistics (
    stat_id integer NOT NULL,
    repository_id integer NOT NULL,
    stat_on_revision integer NOT NULL,
    commit_activity bytea NOT NULL,
    commit_activity_combined bytea NOT NULL,
    languages bytea NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE public.statistics OWNER TO postgres;

-- Name: statistics_stat_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

CREATE SEQUENCE statistics_stat_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE public.statistics_stat_id_seq OWNER TO postgres;

-- Name: statistics_stat_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER SEQUENCE statistics_stat_id_seq OWNED BY statistics.stat_id;

-- Name: user_email_map; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

CREATE TABLE user_email_map (
    email_id integer NOT NULL,
    user_id integer,
    email character varying(255)

ALTER TABLE public.user_email_map OWNER TO postgres;

-- Name: user_email_map_email_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

CREATE SEQUENCE user_email_map_email_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE public.user_email_map_email_id_seq OWNER TO postgres;

-- Name: user_email_map_email_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER SEQUENCE user_email_map_email_id_seq OWNED BY user_email_map.email_id;

-- Name: user_followings; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

CREATE TABLE user_followings (
    user_following_id integer NOT NULL,
    user_id integer NOT NULL,
    follows_repository_id integer,
    follows_user_id integer,
    follows_from timestamp without time zone

ALTER TABLE public.user_followings OWNER TO postgres;

-- Name: user_followings_user_following_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

CREATE SEQUENCE user_followings_user_following_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE public.user_followings_user_following_id_seq OWNER TO postgres;

-- Name: user_followings_user_following_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER SEQUENCE user_followings_user_following_id_seq OWNED BY user_followings.user_following_id;

-- Name: user_logs; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

CREATE TABLE user_logs (
    user_log_id integer NOT NULL,
    user_id integer NOT NULL,
    repository_id integer,
    repository_name character varying(255),
    user_ip character varying(255),
    action text,
    action_date timestamp without time zone

ALTER TABLE public.user_logs OWNER TO postgres;

-- Name: user_logs_user_log_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

CREATE SEQUENCE user_logs_user_log_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE public.user_logs_user_log_id_seq OWNER TO postgres;

-- Name: user_logs_user_log_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER SEQUENCE user_logs_user_log_id_seq OWNED BY user_logs.user_log_id;

-- Name: user_repo_group_to_perm; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

CREATE TABLE user_repo_group_to_perm (
    group_to_perm_id integer NOT NULL,
    user_id integer NOT NULL,
    group_id integer NOT NULL,
    permission_id integer NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE public.user_repo_group_to_perm OWNER TO postgres;

-- Name: user_repo_group_to_perm_group_to_perm_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

CREATE SEQUENCE user_repo_group_to_perm_group_to_perm_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE public.user_repo_group_to_perm_group_to_perm_id_seq OWNER TO postgres;

-- Name: user_repo_group_to_perm_group_to_perm_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER SEQUENCE user_repo_group_to_perm_group_to_perm_id_seq OWNED BY user_repo_group_to_perm.group_to_perm_id;

-- Name: user_to_notification; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

CREATE TABLE user_to_notification (
    user_id integer NOT NULL,
    notification_id integer NOT NULL,
    read boolean,
    sent_on timestamp without time zone

ALTER TABLE public.user_to_notification OWNER TO postgres;

-- Name: user_to_perm; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

CREATE TABLE user_to_perm (
    user_to_perm_id integer NOT NULL,
    user_id integer NOT NULL,
    permission_id integer NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE public.user_to_perm OWNER TO postgres;

-- Name: user_to_perm_user_to_perm_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

CREATE SEQUENCE user_to_perm_user_to_perm_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE public.user_to_perm_user_to_perm_id_seq OWNER TO postgres;

-- Name: user_to_perm_user_to_perm_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER SEQUENCE user_to_perm_user_to_perm_id_seq OWNED BY user_to_perm.user_to_perm_id;

-- Name: users; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

    user_id integer NOT NULL,
    username character varying(255),
    password character varying(255),
    active boolean,
    admin boolean,
    firstname character varying(255),
    lastname character varying(255),
    email character varying(255),
    last_login timestamp without time zone,
    ldap_dn character varying(255),
    api_key character varying(255),
    inherit_default_permissions boolean NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE public.users OWNER TO postgres;

-- Name: users_group_repo_group_to_perm; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

CREATE TABLE users_group_repo_group_to_perm (
    users_group_repo_group_to_perm_id integer NOT NULL,
    users_group_id integer NOT NULL,
    group_id integer NOT NULL,
    permission_id integer NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE public.users_group_repo_group_to_perm OWNER TO postgres;

-- Name: users_group_repo_group_to_per_users_group_repo_group_to_per_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

CREATE SEQUENCE users_group_repo_group_to_per_users_group_repo_group_to_per_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE public.users_group_repo_group_to_per_users_group_repo_group_to_per_seq OWNER TO postgres;

-- Name: users_group_repo_group_to_per_users_group_repo_group_to_per_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER SEQUENCE users_group_repo_group_to_per_users_group_repo_group_to_per_seq OWNED BY users_group_repo_group_to_perm.users_group_repo_group_to_perm_id;

-- Name: users_group_repo_to_perm; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

CREATE TABLE users_group_repo_to_perm (
    users_group_to_perm_id integer NOT NULL,
    users_group_id integer NOT NULL,
    permission_id integer NOT NULL,
    repository_id integer NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE public.users_group_repo_to_perm OWNER TO postgres;

-- Name: users_group_repo_to_perm_users_group_to_perm_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

CREATE SEQUENCE users_group_repo_to_perm_users_group_to_perm_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE public.users_group_repo_to_perm_users_group_to_perm_id_seq OWNER TO postgres;

-- Name: users_group_repo_to_perm_users_group_to_perm_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER SEQUENCE users_group_repo_to_perm_users_group_to_perm_id_seq OWNED BY users_group_repo_to_perm.users_group_to_perm_id;

-- Name: users_group_to_perm; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

CREATE TABLE users_group_to_perm (
    users_group_to_perm_id integer NOT NULL,
    users_group_id integer NOT NULL,
    permission_id integer NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE public.users_group_to_perm OWNER TO postgres;

-- Name: users_group_to_perm_users_group_to_perm_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

CREATE SEQUENCE users_group_to_perm_users_group_to_perm_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE public.users_group_to_perm_users_group_to_perm_id_seq OWNER TO postgres;

-- Name: users_group_to_perm_users_group_to_perm_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER SEQUENCE users_group_to_perm_users_group_to_perm_id_seq OWNED BY users_group_to_perm.users_group_to_perm_id;

-- Name: users_groups; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

CREATE TABLE users_groups (
    users_group_id integer NOT NULL,
    users_group_name character varying(255) NOT NULL,
    users_group_active boolean,
    users_group_inherit_default_permissions boolean NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE public.users_groups OWNER TO postgres;

-- Name: users_groups_members; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

CREATE TABLE users_groups_members (
    users_group_member_id integer NOT NULL,
    users_group_id integer NOT NULL,
    user_id integer NOT NULL

ALTER TABLE public.users_groups_members OWNER TO postgres;

-- Name: users_groups_members_users_group_member_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

CREATE SEQUENCE users_groups_members_users_group_member_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE public.users_groups_members_users_group_member_id_seq OWNER TO postgres;

-- Name: users_groups_members_users_group_member_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER SEQUENCE users_groups_members_users_group_member_id_seq OWNED BY users_groups_members.users_group_member_id;

-- Name: users_groups_users_group_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

CREATE SEQUENCE users_groups_users_group_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE public.users_groups_users_group_id_seq OWNER TO postgres;

-- Name: users_groups_users_group_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER SEQUENCE users_groups_users_group_id_seq OWNED BY users_groups.users_group_id;

-- Name: users_user_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

CREATE SEQUENCE users_user_id_seq
    CACHE 1;

ALTER TABLE public.users_user_id_seq OWNER TO postgres;

-- Name: users_user_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE OWNED BY; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER SEQUENCE users_user_id_seq OWNED BY users.user_id;

-- Name: cache_id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER TABLE ONLY cache_invalidation ALTER COLUMN cache_id SET DEFAULT nextval('cache_invalidation_cache_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: comment_id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER TABLE ONLY changeset_comments ALTER COLUMN comment_id SET DEFAULT nextval('changeset_comments_comment_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: changeset_status_id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER TABLE ONLY changeset_statuses ALTER COLUMN changeset_status_id SET DEFAULT nextval('changeset_statuses_changeset_status_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: group_id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER TABLE ONLY groups ALTER COLUMN group_id SET DEFAULT nextval('groups_group_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: notification_id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER TABLE ONLY notifications ALTER COLUMN notification_id SET DEFAULT nextval('notifications_notification_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: permission_id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER TABLE ONLY permissions ALTER COLUMN permission_id SET DEFAULT nextval('permissions_permission_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: pull_requests_reviewers_id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER TABLE ONLY pull_request_reviewers ALTER COLUMN pull_requests_reviewers_id SET DEFAULT nextval('pull_request_reviewers_pull_requests_reviewers_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: pull_request_id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER TABLE ONLY pull_requests ALTER COLUMN pull_request_id SET DEFAULT nextval('pull_requests_pull_request_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: repo_to_perm_id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER TABLE ONLY repo_to_perm ALTER COLUMN repo_to_perm_id SET DEFAULT nextval('repo_to_perm_repo_to_perm_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: repo_id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER TABLE ONLY repositories ALTER COLUMN repo_id SET DEFAULT nextval('repositories_repo_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: app_settings_id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER TABLE ONLY rhodecode_settings ALTER COLUMN app_settings_id SET DEFAULT nextval('rhodecode_settings_app_settings_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: ui_id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER TABLE ONLY rhodecode_ui ALTER COLUMN ui_id SET DEFAULT nextval('rhodecode_ui_ui_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: stat_id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER TABLE ONLY statistics ALTER COLUMN stat_id SET DEFAULT nextval('statistics_stat_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: email_id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER TABLE ONLY user_email_map ALTER COLUMN email_id SET DEFAULT nextval('user_email_map_email_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: user_following_id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER TABLE ONLY user_followings ALTER COLUMN user_following_id SET DEFAULT nextval('user_followings_user_following_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: user_log_id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER TABLE ONLY user_logs ALTER COLUMN user_log_id SET DEFAULT nextval('user_logs_user_log_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: group_to_perm_id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER TABLE ONLY user_repo_group_to_perm ALTER COLUMN group_to_perm_id SET DEFAULT nextval('user_repo_group_to_perm_group_to_perm_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: user_to_perm_id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER TABLE ONLY user_to_perm ALTER COLUMN user_to_perm_id SET DEFAULT nextval('user_to_perm_user_to_perm_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: user_id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER TABLE ONLY users ALTER COLUMN user_id SET DEFAULT nextval('users_user_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: users_group_repo_group_to_perm_id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER TABLE ONLY users_group_repo_group_to_perm ALTER COLUMN users_group_repo_group_to_perm_id SET DEFAULT nextval('users_group_repo_group_to_per_users_group_repo_group_to_per_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: users_group_to_perm_id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER TABLE ONLY users_group_repo_to_perm ALTER COLUMN users_group_to_perm_id SET DEFAULT nextval('users_group_repo_to_perm_users_group_to_perm_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: users_group_to_perm_id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER TABLE ONLY users_group_to_perm ALTER COLUMN users_group_to_perm_id SET DEFAULT nextval('users_group_to_perm_users_group_to_perm_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: users_group_id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER TABLE ONLY users_groups ALTER COLUMN users_group_id SET DEFAULT nextval('users_groups_users_group_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Name: users_group_member_id; Type: DEFAULT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER TABLE ONLY users_groups_members ALTER COLUMN users_group_member_id SET DEFAULT nextval('users_groups_members_users_group_member_id_seq'::regclass);

-- Data for Name: cache_invalidation; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

COPY cache_invalidation (cache_id, cache_key, cache_args, cache_active) FROM stdin;
1	1RC/fakeclone	RC/fakeclone	f
2	1RC/muay	RC/muay	f
3	1one	one	f
4	1RC/rc2/test2	RC/rc2/test2	f
5	1RC/rc2/test3	RC/rc2/test3	f
6	1RC/rc2/test4	RC/rc2/test4	f
7	1rhodecode-cli-gist	rhodecode-cli-gist	f
8	1test.onaut.com	test.onaut.com	f
9	1RC/new	RC/new	f
10	1rc_gist/32	rc_gist/32	f
11	1vcs	vcs	f
12	1rc_gist/36	rc_gist/36	f
13	1rc_gist/37	rc_gist/37	f
14	1rc_gist/39	rc_gist/39	f
15	1remote-salt	remote-salt	f
16	1RC/INRC/trololo	RC/INRC/trololo	f
17	1quest	quest	f
18	1csa-hyperion	csa-hyperion	f
19	1rhodecode	rhodecode	f
20	1RC/origin-fork-fork	RC/origin-fork-fork	f
21	1rc_gist/45	rc_gist/45	f
22	1rc_gist/44	rc_gist/44	f
23	1rc_gist/46	rc_gist/46	f
24	1rc_gist/41	rc_gist/41	f
25	1rc_gist/40	rc_gist/40	f
26	1RC/gogo2	RC/gogo2	f
27	1rc_gist/42	rc_gist/42	f
28	1rc_gist/49	rc_gist/49	f
29	1rc_gist/48	rc_gist/48	f
30	1csa-collins	csa-collins	f
31	1rc_gist/54	rc_gist/54	f
32	1rc_gist/55	rc_gist/55	f
33	1rc_gist/52	rc_gist/52	f
34	1rc_gist/53	rc_gist/53	f
35	1rc_gist/50	rc_gist/50	f
36	1rc_gist/51	rc_gist/51	f
37	1rhodecode.bak.1	rhodecode.bak.1	f
38	1BIG/android	BIG/android	f
39	1RC/gogo-fork	RC/gogo-fork	f
40	1RC/mygr/lol	RC/mygr/lol	f
41	1testrepo-wp	testrepo-wp	f
42	1RC/hg-repo	RC/hg-repo	f
43	1testrepo-quick	testrepo-quick	f
44	1RC/bin-ops	RC/bin-ops	f
45	1rc_gist/xFvj6dFqqVK5vfsGP8PU	rc_gist/xFvj6dFqqVK5vfsGP8PU	f
46	1rhodecode-git	rhodecode-git	f
47	1csa-io	csa-io	f
48	1RC/qweqwe-fork	RC/qweqwe-fork	f
49	1csa-libcloud	csa-libcloud	f
50	1waitress	waitress	f
51	1rc_gist/8	rc_gist/8	f
52	1rc_gist/9	rc_gist/9	f
53	1RC/foobar	RC/foobar	f
54	1rc_gist/1	rc_gist/1	f
55	1rc_gist/3	rc_gist/3	f
56	1rc_gist/4	rc_gist/4	f
57	1rc_gist/5	rc_gist/5	f
58	1rc_gist/6	rc_gist/6	f
59	1rc_gist/7	rc_gist/7	f
60	1csa-harmony	csa-harmony	f
61	1rhodecode-extensions	rhodecode-extensions	f
62	1csa-prometheus	csa-prometheus	f
63	1RC/empty-git	RC/empty-git	f
64	1csa-salt-states	csa-salt-states	f
65	1RC/łęcina	RC/łęcina	f
66	1rhodecode-premium	rhodecode-premium	f
67	1RC/qweqwe-fork2	RC/qweqwe-fork2	f
68	1RC/INRC/L2_NEW/lalalal	RC/INRC/L2_NEW/lalalal	f
69	1RC/INRC/L2_NEW/L3/repo_test_move	RC/INRC/L2_NEW/L3/repo_test_move	f
70	1rhodecode.bak	rhodecode.bak	f
71	1RC/jap	RC/jap	f
72	1RC/origin	RC/origin	f
73	1rhodecode-cli-api	rhodecode-cli-api	f
74	1csa-armstrong	csa-armstrong	f
75	1rc_gist/NAsB8cacjxnqdyZ8QUl3	rc_gist/NAsB8cacjxnqdyZ8QUl3	f
76	1RC/lol/haha	RC/lol/haha	f
77	1enc-envelope	enc-envelope	f
78	1rc_gist/43	rc_gist/43	f
79	1RC/test	RC/test	f
80	1BIG/git	BIG/git	f
81	1RC/origin-fork	RC/origin-fork	f
82	1RC/trololo	RC/trololo	f
83	1rc_gist/FLj8GunafFAVBnuTWDxU	rc_gist/FLj8GunafFAVBnuTWDxU	f
84	1csa-unity	csa-unity	f
85	1RC/vcs-git	RC/vcs-git	f
86	1rc_gist/12	rc_gist/12	f
87	1rc_gist/13	rc_gist/13	f
88	1rc_gist/10	rc_gist/10	f
89	1rc_gist/11	rc_gist/11	f
90	1RC/kiall-nova	RC/kiall-nova	f
91	1RC/rc2/test	RC/rc2/test	f
93	1RC/fork-remote	RC/fork-remote	f
94	1RC/git-pull-test	RC/git-pull-test	f
95	1pyramidpypi	pyramidpypi	f
96	1rc_gist/aQpbufbhSac6FyvVHhmS	rc_gist/aQpbufbhSac6FyvVHhmS	f
97	1csa-aldrin	csa-aldrin	f
98	1RC/ąqweqwe	RC/ąqweqwe	f
99	1rc_gist/QL2GhrlKymNmrUJJy5js	rc_gist/QL2GhrlKymNmrUJJy5js	f
100	1RC/git-test	RC/git-test	f
101	1salt	salt	f

-- Name: cache_invalidation_cache_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('cache_invalidation_cache_id_seq', 101, true);

-- Data for Name: changeset_comments; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

COPY changeset_comments (comment_id, repo_id, revision, pull_request_id, line_no, hl_lines, f_path, user_id, text, created_on, modified_at) FROM stdin;

-- Name: changeset_comments_comment_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('changeset_comments_comment_id_seq', 1, false);

-- Data for Name: changeset_statuses; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

COPY changeset_statuses (changeset_status_id, repo_id, user_id, revision, status, changeset_comment_id, modified_at, version, pull_request_id) FROM stdin;

-- Name: changeset_statuses_changeset_status_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('changeset_statuses_changeset_status_id_seq', 1, false);

-- Data for Name: db_migrate_version; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

COPY db_migrate_version (repository_id, repository_path, version) FROM stdin;
rhodecode_db_migrations	versions	7

-- Data for Name: groups; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

COPY groups (group_id, group_name, group_parent_id, group_description, enable_locking) FROM stdin;
1	RC	\N	RC group	f
2	RC/rc2	1	RC/rc2 group	f
3	rc_gist	\N	rc_gist group	f
4	RC/INRC	1	RC/INRC group	f
5	BIG	\N	BIG group	f
6	RC/mygr	1	RC/mygr group	f
7	RC/INRC/L2_NEW	4	RC/INRC/L2_NEW group	f
8	RC/INRC/L2_NEW/L3	7	RC/INRC/L2_NEW/L3 group	f
9	RC/lol	1	RC/lol group	f

-- Name: groups_group_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('groups_group_id_seq', 9, true);

-- Data for Name: notifications; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

COPY notifications (notification_id, subject, body, created_by, created_on, type) FROM stdin;

-- Name: notifications_notification_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('notifications_notification_id_seq', 1, false);

-- Data for Name: permissions; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

COPY permissions (permission_id, permission_name, permission_longname) FROM stdin;
1	repository.none	repository.none
2	repository.read	repository.read
3	repository.write	repository.write
4	repository.admin	repository.admin
5	group.none	group.none
6	group.read	group.read
7	group.write	group.write
8	group.admin	group.admin
9	hg.admin	hg.admin
10	hg.create.none	hg.create.none
11	hg.create.repository	hg.create.repository
12	hg.fork.none	hg.fork.none
13	hg.fork.repository	hg.fork.repository
14	hg.register.none	hg.register.none
15	hg.register.manual_activate	hg.register.manual_activate
16	hg.register.auto_activate	hg.register.auto_activate

-- Name: permissions_permission_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('permissions_permission_id_seq', 16, true);

-- Data for Name: pull_request_reviewers; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

COPY pull_request_reviewers (pull_requests_reviewers_id, pull_request_id, user_id) FROM stdin;

-- Name: pull_request_reviewers_pull_requests_reviewers_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('pull_request_reviewers_pull_requests_reviewers_id_seq', 1, false);

-- Data for Name: pull_requests; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

COPY pull_requests (pull_request_id, title, description, status, created_on, updated_on, user_id, revisions, org_repo_id, org_ref, other_repo_id, other_ref) FROM stdin;

-- Name: pull_requests_pull_request_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('pull_requests_pull_request_id_seq', 1, false);

-- Data for Name: repo_to_perm; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

COPY repo_to_perm (repo_to_perm_id, user_id, permission_id, repository_id) FROM stdin;
1	1	2	1
2	1	2	2
3	1	2	3
4	1	2	4
5	1	2	5
6	1	2	6
7	1	2	7
8	1	2	8
9	1	2	9
10	1	2	10
11	1	2	11
12	1	2	12
13	1	2	13
14	1	2	14
15	1	2	15
16	1	2	16
17	1	2	17
18	1	2	18
19	1	2	19
20	1	2	20
21	1	2	21
22	1	2	22
23	1	2	23
24	1	2	24
25	1	2	25
26	1	2	26
27	1	2	27
28	1	2	28
29	1	2	29
30	1	2	30
31	1	2	31
32	1	2	32
33	1	2	33
34	1	2	34
35	1	2	35
36	1	2	36
37	1	2	37
38	1	2	38
39	1	2	39
40	1	2	40
41	1	2	41
42	1	2	42
43	1	2	43
44	1	2	44
45	1	2	45
46	1	2	46
47	1	2	47
48	1	2	48
49	1	2	49
50	1	2	50
51	1	2	51
52	1	2	52
53	1	2	53
54	1	2	54
55	1	2	55
56	1	2	56
57	1	2	57
58	1	2	58
59	1	2	59
60	1	2	60
61	1	2	61
62	1	2	62
63	1	2	63
64	1	2	64
65	1	2	65
66	1	2	66
67	1	2	67
68	1	2	68
69	1	2	69
70	1	2	70
71	1	2	71
72	1	2	72
73	1	2	73
74	1	2	74
75	1	2	75
76	1	2	76
77	1	2	77
78	1	2	78
79	1	2	79
80	1	2	80
81	1	2	81
82	1	2	82
83	1	2	83
84	1	2	84
85	1	2	85
86	1	2	86
87	1	2	87
88	1	2	88
89	1	2	89
90	1	2	90
91	1	2	91
92	1	2	92
93	1	2	93
94	1	2	94
95	1	2	95
96	1	2	96
97	1	2	97
98	1	2	98
99	1	2	99
100	1	2	100
101	1	2	101

-- Name: repo_to_perm_repo_to_perm_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('repo_to_perm_repo_to_perm_id_seq', 101, true);

-- Data for Name: repositories; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

COPY repositories (repo_id, repo_name, clone_uri, repo_type, user_id, private, statistics, downloads, description, created_on, updated_on, landing_revision, enable_locking, locked, fork_id, group_id) FROM stdin;
1	RC/fakeclone	http://user@vm/RC/fakeclone	git	2	f	f	t	Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.\n	2013-05-28 20:19:46.047944	2013-05-28 20:19:46.047971	tip	f	\N	\N	1
2	RC/muay	\N	hg	2	f	f	t	RC/muay repository	2013-05-28 20:19:46.114543	2013-05-28 20:19:46.114565	tip	f	\N	\N	1
3	one	\N	hg	2	f	f	t	one repository	2013-05-28 20:19:46.134156	2013-05-28 20:19:46.134179	tip	f	\N	\N	\N
4	RC/rc2/test2	\N	git	2	f	f	t	Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.\n	2013-05-28 20:19:46.172851	2013-05-28 20:19:46.172875	tip	f	\N	\N	2
5	RC/rc2/test3	\N	git	2	f	f	t	Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.\n	2013-05-28 20:19:46.224723	2013-05-28 20:19:46.224746	tip	f	\N	\N	2
6	RC/rc2/test4	\N	git	2	f	f	t	Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.\n	2013-05-28 20:19:46.282256	2013-05-28 20:19:46.282281	tip	f	\N	\N	2
7	rhodecode-cli-gist	\N	hg	2	f	f	t	rhodecode-cli-gist repository	2013-05-28 20:19:46.33147	2013-05-28 20:19:46.331495	tip	f	\N	\N	\N
8	test.onaut.com	\N	git	2	f	f	t	Unnamed repository	2013-05-28 20:19:46.352391	2013-05-28 20:19:46.352413	tip	f	\N	\N	\N
9	RC/new	\N	hg	2	f	f	t	RC/new repository	2013-05-28 20:19:46.406258	2013-05-28 20:19:46.406287	tip	f	\N	\N	1
10	rc_gist/32	\N	hg	2	f	f	t	rc_gist/32 repository	2013-05-28 20:19:46.439556	2013-05-28 20:19:46.439581	tip	f	\N	\N	3
11	vcs	\N	hg	2	f	f	t	vcs repository	2013-05-28 20:19:46.464778	2013-05-28 20:19:46.464804	tip	f	\N	\N	\N
12	rc_gist/36	\N	hg	2	f	f	t	rc_gist/36 repository	2013-05-28 20:19:46.497987	2013-05-28 20:19:46.498012	tip	f	\N	\N	3
13	rc_gist/37	\N	hg	2	f	f	t	rc_gist/37 repository	2013-05-28 20:19:46.52051	2013-05-28 20:19:46.520533	tip	f	\N	\N	3
14	rc_gist/39	\N	hg	2	f	f	t	rc_gist/39 repository	2013-05-28 20:19:46.545352	2013-05-28 20:19:46.545375	tip	f	\N	\N	3
15	remote-salt	\N	git	2	f	f	t	Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.\n	2013-05-28 20:19:46.568093	2013-05-28 20:19:46.568116	tip	f	\N	\N	\N
16	RC/INRC/trololo	\N	hg	2	f	f	t	RC/INRC/trololo repository	2013-05-28 20:19:46.630152	2013-05-28 20:19:46.630174	tip	f	\N	\N	4
17	quest	\N	hg	2	f	f	t	quest repository	2013-05-28 20:19:46.65001	2013-05-28 20:19:46.650031	tip	f	\N	\N	\N
18	csa-hyperion	\N	git	2	f	f	t	Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.\n	2013-05-28 20:19:46.674955	2013-05-28 20:19:46.67498	tip	f	\N	\N	\N
19	rhodecode	\N	hg	2	f	f	t	rhodecode repository	2013-05-28 20:19:46.717995	2013-05-28 20:19:46.718016	tip	f	\N	\N	\N
20	RC/origin-fork-fork	\N	hg	2	f	f	t	RC/origin-fork-fork repository	2013-05-28 20:19:46.738847	2013-05-28 20:19:46.738871	tip	f	\N	\N	1
21	rc_gist/45	\N	hg	2	f	f	t	rc_gist/45 repository	2013-05-28 20:19:46.763345	2013-05-28 20:19:46.763368	tip	f	\N	\N	3
22	rc_gist/44	\N	hg	2	f	f	t	rc_gist/44 repository	2013-05-28 20:19:46.785822	2013-05-28 20:19:46.785845	tip	f	\N	\N	3
23	rc_gist/46	\N	hg	2	f	f	t	rc_gist/46 repository	2013-05-28 20:19:46.810502	2013-05-28 20:19:46.810526	tip	f	\N	\N	3
24	rc_gist/41	\N	hg	2	f	f	t	rc_gist/41 repository	2013-05-28 20:19:46.831198	2013-05-28 20:19:46.831222	tip	f	\N	\N	3
25	rc_gist/40	\N	hg	2	f	f	t	rc_gist/40 repository	2013-05-28 20:19:46.854003	2013-05-28 20:19:46.854027	tip	f	\N	\N	3
26	RC/gogo2	\N	hg	2	f	f	t	RC/gogo2 repository	2013-05-28 20:19:46.875303	2013-05-28 20:19:46.875328	tip	f	\N	\N	1
27	rc_gist/42	\N	hg	2	f	f	t	rc_gist/42 repository	2013-05-28 20:19:46.90018	2013-05-28 20:19:46.900204	tip	f	\N	\N	3
28	rc_gist/49	\N	hg	2	f	f	t	rc_gist/49 repository	2013-05-28 20:19:46.921025	2013-05-28 20:19:46.921048	tip	f	\N	\N	3
29	rc_gist/48	\N	hg	2	f	f	t	rc_gist/48 repository	2013-05-28 20:19:46.943213	2013-05-28 20:19:46.943239	tip	f	\N	\N	3
30	csa-collins	\N	git	2	f	f	t	Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.\n	2013-05-28 20:19:46.971235	2013-05-28 20:19:46.971268	tip	f	\N	\N	\N
31	rc_gist/54	\N	hg	2	f	f	t	rc_gist/54 repository	2013-05-28 20:19:47.027501	2013-05-28 20:19:47.027544	tip	f	\N	\N	3
32	rc_gist/55	\N	hg	2	f	f	t	rc_gist/55 repository	2013-05-28 20:19:47.050943	2013-05-28 20:19:47.050969	tip	f	\N	\N	3
33	rc_gist/52	\N	hg	2	f	f	t	rc_gist/52 repository	2013-05-28 20:19:47.073536	2013-05-28 20:19:47.073559	tip	f	\N	\N	3
34	rc_gist/53	\N	hg	2	f	f	t	rc_gist/53 repository	2013-05-28 20:19:47.094418	2013-05-28 20:19:47.094443	tip	f	\N	\N	3
35	rc_gist/50	\N	hg	2	f	f	t	rc_gist/50 repository	2013-05-28 20:19:47.116567	2013-05-28 20:19:47.116591	tip	f	\N	\N	3
36	rc_gist/51	\N	hg	2	f	f	t	rc_gist/51 repository	2013-05-28 20:19:47.136888	2013-05-28 20:19:47.136911	tip	f	\N	\N	3
37	rhodecode.bak.1	\N	hg	2	f	f	t	rhodecode.bak.1 repository	2013-05-28 20:19:47.16212	2013-05-28 20:19:47.162142	tip	f	\N	\N	\N
38	BIG/android	\N	git	2	f	f	t	Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.\n	2013-05-28 20:19:47.198231	2013-05-28 20:19:47.198266	tip	f	\N	\N	5
39	RC/gogo-fork	\N	hg	2	f	f	t	RC/gogo-fork repository	2013-05-28 20:19:47.249438	2013-05-28 20:19:47.24946	tip	f	\N	\N	1
40	RC/mygr/lol	\N	hg	2	f	f	t	RC/mygr/lol repository	2013-05-28 20:19:47.282234	2013-05-28 20:19:47.282267	tip	f	\N	\N	6
41	testrepo-wp	\N	git	2	f	f	t	Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.\n	2013-05-28 20:19:47.308192	2013-05-28 20:19:47.308216	tip	f	\N	\N	\N
42	RC/hg-repo	\N	hg	2	f	f	t	RC/hg-repo repository	2013-05-28 20:19:47.353158	2013-05-28 20:19:47.353181	tip	f	\N	\N	1
43	testrepo-quick	\N	git	2	f	f	t	Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.\n	2013-05-28 20:19:47.375672	2013-05-28 20:19:47.375701	tip	f	\N	\N	\N
44	RC/bin-ops	\N	hg	2	f	f	t	RC/bin-ops repository	2013-05-28 20:19:47.42118	2013-05-28 20:19:47.421204	tip	f	\N	\N	1
45	rc_gist/xFvj6dFqqVK5vfsGP8PU	\N	hg	2	f	f	t	rc_gist/xFvj6dFqqVK5vfsGP8PU repository	2013-05-28 20:19:47.44612	2013-05-28 20:19:47.446142	tip	f	\N	\N	3
46	rhodecode-git	\N	git	2	f	f	t	Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.\n	2013-05-28 20:19:47.477245	2013-05-28 20:19:47.477284	tip	f	\N	\N	\N
47	csa-io	\N	git	2	f	f	t	Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.\n	2013-05-28 20:19:47.535352	2013-05-28 20:19:47.535377	tip	f	\N	\N	\N
48	RC/qweqwe-fork	\N	hg	2	f	f	t	RC/qweqwe-fork repository	2013-05-28 20:19:47.578105	2013-05-28 20:19:47.578127	tip	f	\N	\N	1
49	csa-libcloud	\N	git	2	f	f	t	Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.\n	2013-05-28 20:19:47.600812	2013-05-28 20:19:47.600856	tip	f	\N	\N	\N
50	waitress	\N	git	2	f	f	t	Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.\n	2013-05-28 20:19:47.685314	2013-05-28 20:19:47.685339	tip	f	\N	\N	\N
51	rc_gist/8	\N	hg	2	f	f	t	rc_gist/8 repository	2013-05-28 20:19:47.730031	2013-05-28 20:19:47.730055	tip	f	\N	\N	3
52	rc_gist/9	\N	hg	2	f	f	t	rc_gist/9 repository	2013-05-28 20:19:47.751262	2013-05-28 20:19:47.751285	tip	f	\N	\N	3
53	RC/foobar	\N	hg	2	f	f	t	RC/foobar repository	2013-05-28 20:19:47.772708	2013-05-28 20:19:47.772732	tip	f	\N	\N	1
54	rc_gist/1	\N	hg	2	f	f	t	rc_gist/1 repository	2013-05-28 20:19:47.7954	2013-05-28 20:19:47.795424	tip	f	\N	\N	3
55	rc_gist/3	\N	hg	2	f	f	t	rc_gist/3 repository	2013-05-28 20:19:47.816017	2013-05-28 20:19:47.81604	tip	f	\N	\N	3
56	rc_gist/4	\N	hg	2	f	f	t	rc_gist/4 repository	2013-05-28 20:19:47.840819	2013-05-28 20:19:47.840841	tip	f	\N	\N	3
57	rc_gist/5	\N	hg	2	f	f	t	rc_gist/5 repository	2013-05-28 20:19:47.86283	2013-05-28 20:19:47.862854	tip	f	\N	\N	3
58	rc_gist/6	\N	hg	2	f	f	t	rc_gist/6 repository	2013-05-28 20:19:47.885803	2013-05-28 20:19:47.885827	tip	f	\N	\N	3
59	rc_gist/7	\N	hg	2	f	f	t	rc_gist/7 repository	2013-05-28 20:19:47.906892	2013-05-28 20:19:47.906917	tip	f	\N	\N	3
60	csa-harmony	\N	git	2	f	f	t	Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.\n	2013-05-28 20:19:47.93115	2013-05-28 20:19:47.931176	tip	f	\N	\N	\N
61	rhodecode-extensions	\N	hg	2	f	f	t	rhodecode-extensions repository	2013-05-28 20:19:47.98251	2013-05-28 20:19:47.982541	tip	f	\N	\N	\N
62	csa-prometheus	\N	git	2	f	f	t	Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.\n	2013-05-28 20:19:48.01428	2013-05-28 20:19:48.014303	tip	f	\N	\N	\N
63	RC/empty-git	\N	git	2	f	f	t	Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.\n	2013-05-28 20:19:48.062792	2013-05-28 20:19:48.062814	tip	f	\N	\N	1
64	csa-salt-states	\N	git	2	f	f	t	Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.\n	2013-05-28 20:19:48.108636	2013-05-28 20:19:48.108661	tip	f	\N	\N	\N
65	RC/łęcina	\N	hg	2	f	f	t	RC/łęcina repository	2013-05-28 20:19:48.154998	2013-05-28 20:19:48.155023	tip	f	\N	\N	1
66	rhodecode-premium	\N	hg	2	f	f	t	rhodecode-premium repository	2013-05-28 20:19:48.176652	2013-05-28 20:19:48.17668	tip	f	\N	\N	\N
67	RC/qweqwe-fork2	\N	hg	2	f	f	t	RC/qweqwe-fork2 repository	2013-05-28 20:19:48.198005	2013-05-28 20:19:48.198028	tip	f	\N	\N	1
68	RC/INRC/L2_NEW/lalalal	\N	hg	2	f	f	t	RC/INRC/L2_NEW/lalalal repository	2013-05-28 20:19:48.235645	2013-05-28 20:19:48.235669	tip	f	\N	\N	7
69	RC/INRC/L2_NEW/L3/repo_test_move	\N	hg	2	f	f	t	RC/INRC/L2_NEW/L3/repo_test_move repository	2013-05-28 20:19:48.270928	2013-05-28 20:19:48.27095	tip	f	\N	\N	8
70	rhodecode.bak	\N	hg	2	f	f	t	rhodecode.bak repository	2013-05-28 20:19:48.289771	2013-05-28 20:19:48.289794	tip	f	\N	\N	\N
71	RC/jap	\N	git	2	f	f	t	Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.\n	2013-05-28 20:19:48.315557	2013-05-28 20:19:48.315581	tip	f	\N	\N	1
72	RC/origin	\N	hg	2	f	f	t	RC/origin repository	2013-05-28 20:19:48.361233	2013-05-28 20:19:48.361257	tip	f	\N	\N	1
73	rhodecode-cli-api	\N	hg	2	f	f	t	rhodecode-cli-api repository	2013-05-28 20:19:48.380668	2013-05-28 20:19:48.380694	tip	f	\N	\N	\N
74	csa-armstrong	\N	git	2	f	f	t	Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.\n	2013-05-28 20:19:48.415666	2013-05-28 20:19:48.41569	tip	f	\N	\N	\N
75	rc_gist/NAsB8cacjxnqdyZ8QUl3	\N	hg	2	f	f	t	rc_gist/NAsB8cacjxnqdyZ8QUl3 repository	2013-05-28 20:19:48.464189	2013-05-28 20:19:48.464241	tip	f	\N	\N	3
76	RC/lol/haha	\N	hg	2	f	f	t	RC/lol/haha repository	2013-05-28 20:19:48.523514	2013-05-28 20:19:48.523544	tip	f	\N	\N	9
77	enc-envelope	\N	hg	2	f	f	t	enc-envelope repository	2013-05-28 20:19:48.556295	2013-05-28 20:19:48.556333	tip	f	\N	\N	\N
78	rc_gist/43	\N	hg	2	f	f	t	rc_gist/43 repository	2013-05-28 20:19:48.58417	2013-05-28 20:19:48.584196	tip	f	\N	\N	3
79	RC/test	\N	hg	2	f	f	t	RC/test repository	2013-05-28 20:19:48.609009	2013-05-28 20:19:48.609036	tip	f	\N	\N	1
80	BIG/git	\N	git	2	f	f	t	Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.\n	2013-05-28 20:19:48.634082	2013-05-28 20:19:48.634105	tip	f	\N	\N	5
81	RC/origin-fork	\N	hg	2	f	f	t	RC/origin-fork repository	2013-05-28 20:19:48.686725	2013-05-28 20:19:48.686747	tip	f	\N	\N	1
82	RC/trololo	\N	hg	2	f	f	t	RC/trololo repository	2013-05-28 20:19:48.715102	2013-05-28 20:19:48.715132	tip	f	\N	\N	1
83	rc_gist/FLj8GunafFAVBnuTWDxU	\N	hg	2	f	f	t	rc_gist/FLj8GunafFAVBnuTWDxU repository	2013-05-28 20:19:48.747675	2013-05-28 20:19:48.74771	tip	f	\N	\N	3
84	csa-unity	\N	git	2	f	f	t	Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.\n	2013-05-28 20:19:48.781008	2013-05-28 20:19:48.781035	tip	f	\N	\N	\N
85	RC/vcs-git	\N	git	2	f	f	t	Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.\n	2013-05-28 20:19:48.835086	2013-05-28 20:19:48.835109	tip	f	\N	\N	1
86	rc_gist/12	\N	hg	2	f	f	t	rc_gist/12 repository	2013-05-28 20:19:48.893392	2013-05-28 20:19:48.893422	tip	f	\N	\N	3
87	rc_gist/13	\N	hg	2	f	f	t	rc_gist/13 repository	2013-05-28 20:19:48.917374	2013-05-28 20:19:48.917398	tip	f	\N	\N	3
88	rc_gist/10	\N	hg	2	f	f	t	rc_gist/10 repository	2013-05-28 20:19:48.940824	2013-05-28 20:19:48.94085	tip	f	\N	\N	3
89	rc_gist/11	\N	hg	2	f	f	t	rc_gist/11 repository	2013-05-28 20:19:48.97297	2013-05-28 20:19:48.973	tip	f	\N	\N	3
90	RC/kiall-nova	\N	git	2	f	f	t	Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.\n	2013-05-28 20:19:49.009005	2013-05-28 20:19:49.009032	tip	f	\N	\N	1
91	RC/rc2/test	\N	hg	2	f	f	t	RC/rc2/test repository	2013-05-28 20:19:49.062753	2013-05-28 20:19:49.062777	tip	f	\N	\N	2
92	DOCS	\N	git	2	f	f	t	Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.\n	2013-05-28 20:19:49.087857	2013-05-28 20:19:49.087881	tip	f	\N	\N	\N
93	RC/fork-remote	\N	hg	2	f	f	t	RC/fork-remote repository	2013-05-28 20:19:49.133406	2013-05-28 20:19:49.133432	tip	f	\N	\N	1
94	RC/git-pull-test	\N	git	2	f	f	t	Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.\n	2013-05-28 20:19:49.157471	2013-05-28 20:19:49.157508	tip	f	\N	\N	1
95	pyramidpypi	\N	git	2	f	f	t	Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.\n	2013-05-28 20:19:49.216696	2013-05-28 20:19:49.216733	tip	f	\N	\N	\N
96	rc_gist/aQpbufbhSac6FyvVHhmS	\N	hg	2	f	f	t	rc_gist/aQpbufbhSac6FyvVHhmS repository	2013-05-28 20:19:49.266672	2013-05-28 20:19:49.2667	tip	f	\N	\N	3
97	csa-aldrin	\N	git	2	f	f	t	Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.\n	2013-05-28 20:19:49.291319	2013-05-28 20:19:49.291353	tip	f	\N	\N	\N
98	RC/ąqweqwe	\N	hg	2	f	f	t	RC/ąqweqwe repository	2013-05-28 20:19:49.340516	2013-05-28 20:19:49.340539	tip	f	\N	\N	1
99	rc_gist/QL2GhrlKymNmrUJJy5js	\N	hg	2	f	f	t	rc_gist/QL2GhrlKymNmrUJJy5js repository	2013-05-28 20:19:49.36452	2013-05-28 20:19:49.364547	tip	f	\N	\N	3
100	RC/git-test	\N	git	2	f	f	t	Unnamed repository	2013-05-28 20:19:49.393521	2013-05-28 20:19:49.393548	tip	f	\N	\N	1
101	salt	\N	git	2	f	f	t	Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.\n	2013-05-28 20:19:49.44733	2013-05-28 20:19:49.447355	tip	f	\N	\N	\N

-- Name: repositories_repo_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('repositories_repo_id_seq', 101, true);

-- Data for Name: rhodecode_settings; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

COPY rhodecode_settings (app_settings_id, app_settings_name, app_settings_value) FROM stdin;
1	realm	RhodeCode authentication
2	title	RhodeCode
3	ga_code	
4	show_public_icon	True
5	show_private_icon	True
6	stylify_metatags	False
7	ldap_active	false
8	ldap_host	
9	ldap_port	389
10	ldap_tls_kind	PLAIN
11	ldap_tls_reqcert	
12	ldap_dn_user	
13	ldap_dn_pass	
14	ldap_base_dn	
15	ldap_filter	
16	ldap_search_scope	
17	ldap_attr_login	
18	ldap_attr_firstname	
19	ldap_attr_lastname	
20	ldap_attr_email	

-- Name: rhodecode_settings_app_settings_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('rhodecode_settings_app_settings_id_seq', 20, true);

-- Data for Name: rhodecode_ui; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

COPY rhodecode_ui (ui_id, ui_section, ui_key, ui_value, ui_active) FROM stdin;
1	hooks	changegroup.update	hg update >&2	f
2	hooks	changegroup.repo_size	python:rhodecode.lib.hooks.repo_size	t
3	hooks	changegroup.push_logger	python:rhodecode.lib.hooks.log_push_action	t
4	hooks	prechangegroup.pre_push	python:rhodecode.lib.hooks.pre_push	t
5	hooks	outgoing.pull_logger	python:rhodecode.lib.hooks.log_pull_action	t
6	hooks	preoutgoing.pre_pull	python:rhodecode.lib.hooks.pre_pull	t
7	extensions	largefiles		t
8	extensions	hgsubversion		f
9	extensions	hggit		f
10	web	push_ssl	false	t
11	web	allow_archive	gz zip bz2	t
12	web	allow_push	*	t
13	web	baseurl	/	t
14	paths	/	/mnt/hgfs/workspace-python	t

-- Name: rhodecode_ui_ui_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('rhodecode_ui_ui_id_seq', 14, true);

-- Data for Name: statistics; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

COPY statistics (stat_id, repository_id, stat_on_revision, commit_activity, commit_activity_combined, languages) FROM stdin;

-- Name: statistics_stat_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('statistics_stat_id_seq', 1, false);

-- Data for Name: user_email_map; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

COPY user_email_map (email_id, user_id, email) FROM stdin;

-- Name: user_email_map_email_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('user_email_map_email_id_seq', 1, false);

-- Data for Name: user_followings; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

COPY user_followings (user_following_id, user_id, follows_repository_id, follows_user_id, follows_from) FROM stdin;
1	2	1	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:46.068609
2	2	2	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:46.126742
3	2	3	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:46.147054
4	2	4	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:46.213476
5	2	5	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:46.268777
6	2	6	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:46.322156
7	2	7	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:46.343256
8	2	8	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:46.395212
9	2	9	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:46.420661
10	2	10	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:46.451956
11	2	11	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:46.484107
12	2	12	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:46.510375
13	2	13	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:46.53353
14	2	14	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:46.557944
15	2	15	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:46.606327
16	2	16	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:46.642731
17	2	17	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:46.661205
18	2	18	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:46.710005
19	2	19	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:46.729946
20	2	20	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:46.752531
21	2	21	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:46.776886
22	2	22	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:46.801248
23	2	23	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:46.822563
24	2	24	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:46.845405
25	2	25	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:46.866146
26	2	26	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:46.891708
27	2	27	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:46.912589
28	2	28	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:46.934387
29	2	29	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:46.955575
30	2	30	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:47.0168
31	2	31	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:47.040684
32	2	32	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:47.063573
33	2	33	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:47.085898
34	2	34	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:47.10634
35	2	35	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:47.128293
36	2	36	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:47.151701
37	2	37	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:47.174067
38	2	38	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:47.235231
39	2	39	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:47.261671
40	2	40	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:47.297526
41	2	41	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:47.344301
42	2	42	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:47.364906
43	2	43	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:47.412273
44	2	44	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:47.437251
45	2	45	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:47.4616
46	2	46	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:47.525929
47	2	47	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:47.569847
48	2	48	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:47.591066
49	2	49	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:47.636599
50	2	50	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:47.721273
51	2	51	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:47.742706
52	2	52	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:47.763578
53	2	53	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:47.786723
54	2	54	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:47.806992
55	2	55	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:47.832521
56	2	56	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:47.854374
57	2	57	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:47.876909
58	2	58	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:47.897876
59	2	59	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:47.920242
60	2	60	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:47.971649
61	2	61	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:48.001881
62	2	62	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:48.052068
63	2	63	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:48.099443
64	2	64	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:48.145784
65	2	65	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:48.167391
66	2	66	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:48.189143
67	2	67	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:48.211778
68	2	68	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:48.24747
69	2	69	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:48.282577
70	2	70	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:48.303227
71	2	71	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:48.351707
72	2	72	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:48.373519
73	2	73	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:48.404984
74	2	74	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:48.450431
75	2	75	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:48.485354
76	2	76	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:48.543067
77	2	77	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:48.571906
78	2	78	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:48.599293
79	2	79	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:48.622407
80	2	80	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:48.67569
81	2	81	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:48.699443
82	2	82	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:48.734442
83	2	83	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:48.768314
84	2	84	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:48.821613
85	2	85	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:48.882902
86	2	86	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:48.906216
87	2	87	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:48.929819
88	2	88	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:48.956595
89	2	89	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:48.992037
90	2	90	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:49.052422
91	2	91	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:49.076845
92	2	92	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:49.123624
93	2	93	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:49.145816
94	2	94	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:49.201878
95	2	95	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:49.255729
96	2	96	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:49.279708
97	2	97	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:49.327966
98	2	98	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:49.355807
99	2	99	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:49.379948
100	2	100	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:49.437281
101	2	101	\N	2013-05-28 20:19:49.498065

-- Name: user_followings_user_following_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('user_followings_user_following_id_seq', 101, true);

-- Data for Name: user_logs; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

COPY user_logs (user_log_id, user_id, repository_id, repository_name, user_ip, action, action_date) FROM stdin;
1	2	1	RC/fakeclone		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:46.06345
2	2	2	RC/muay		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:46.124201
3	2	3	one		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:46.144023
4	2	4	RC/rc2/test2		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:46.183325
5	2	5	RC/rc2/test3		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:46.238781
6	2	6	RC/rc2/test4		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:46.292145
7	2	7	rhodecode-cli-gist		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:46.340854
8	2	8	test.onaut.com		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:46.364293
9	2	9	RC/new		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:46.418203
10	2	10	rc_gist/32		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:46.449509
11	2	11	vcs		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:46.480962
12	2	12	rc_gist/36		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:46.507782
13	2	13	rc_gist/37		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:46.530376
14	2	14	rc_gist/39		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:46.555564
15	2	15	remote-salt		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:46.581784
16	2	16	RC/INRC/trololo		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:46.640239
17	2	17	quest		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:46.658865
18	2	18	csa-hyperion		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:46.685236
19	2	19	rhodecode		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:46.727476
20	2	20	RC/origin-fork-fork		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:46.749515
21	2	21	rc_gist/45		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:46.774465
22	2	22	rc_gist/44		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:46.798226
23	2	23	rc_gist/46		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:46.820131
24	2	24	rc_gist/41		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:46.843096
25	2	25	rc_gist/40		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:46.863481
26	2	26	RC/gogo2		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:46.889163
27	2	27	rc_gist/42		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:46.910218
28	2	28	rc_gist/49		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:46.932045
29	2	29	rc_gist/48		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:46.953051
30	2	30	csa-collins		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:46.98622
31	2	31	rc_gist/54		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:47.038223
32	2	32	rc_gist/55		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:47.060774
33	2	33	rc_gist/52		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:47.083498
34	2	34	rc_gist/53		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:47.103903
35	2	35	rc_gist/50		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:47.125837
36	2	36	rc_gist/51		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:47.148328
37	2	37	rhodecode.bak.1		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:47.171696
38	2	38	BIG/android		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:47.209124
39	2	39	RC/gogo-fork		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:47.259188
40	2	40	RC/mygr/lol		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:47.295185
41	2	41	testrepo-wp		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:47.317898
42	2	42	RC/hg-repo		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:47.362609
43	2	43	testrepo-quick		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:47.387878
44	2	44	RC/bin-ops		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:47.434723
45	2	45	rc_gist/xFvj6dFqqVK5vfsGP8PU		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:47.457194
46	2	46	rhodecode-git		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:47.492079
47	2	47	csa-io		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:47.544724
48	2	48	RC/qweqwe-fork		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:47.588558
49	2	49	csa-libcloud		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:47.612633
50	2	50	waitress		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:47.695147
51	2	51	rc_gist/8		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:47.740409
52	2	52	rc_gist/9		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:47.760966
53	2	53	RC/foobar		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:47.784301
54	2	54	rc_gist/1		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:47.804641
55	2	55	rc_gist/3		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:47.830277
56	2	56	rc_gist/4		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:47.851913
57	2	57	rc_gist/5		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:47.874467
58	2	58	rc_gist/6		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:47.895581
59	2	59	rc_gist/7		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:47.917912
60	2	60	csa-harmony		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:47.941389
61	2	61	rhodecode-extensions		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:47.998531
62	2	62	csa-prometheus		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:48.024655
63	2	63	RC/empty-git		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:48.072925
64	2	64	csa-salt-states		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:48.119876
65	2	65	RC/łęcina		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:48.164852
66	2	66	rhodecode-premium		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:48.186836
67	2	67	RC/qweqwe-fork2		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:48.208735
68	2	68	RC/INRC/L2_NEW/lalalal		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:48.245171
69	2	69	RC/INRC/L2_NEW/L3/repo_test_move		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:48.280102
70	2	70	rhodecode.bak		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:48.300852
71	2	71	RC/jap		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:48.325071
72	2	72	RC/origin		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:48.37108
73	2	73	rhodecode-cli-api		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:48.402627
74	2	74	csa-armstrong		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:48.425969
75	2	75	rc_gist/NAsB8cacjxnqdyZ8QUl3		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:48.482094
76	2	76	RC/lol/haha		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:48.539291
77	2	77	enc-envelope		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:48.568444
78	2	78	rc_gist/43		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:48.596804
79	2	79	RC/test		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:48.619757
80	2	80	BIG/git		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:48.647018
81	2	81	RC/origin-fork		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:48.696698
82	2	82	RC/trololo		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:48.731089
83	2	83	rc_gist/FLj8GunafFAVBnuTWDxU		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:48.765206
84	2	84	csa-unity		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:48.793189
85	2	85	RC/vcs-git		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:48.846115
86	2	86	rc_gist/12		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:48.903713
87	2	87	rc_gist/13		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:48.926737
88	2	88	rc_gist/10		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:48.953085
89	2	89	rc_gist/11		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:48.988513
90	2	90	RC/kiall-nova		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:49.022101
91	2	91	RC/rc2/test		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:49.073863
92	2	92	DOCS		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:49.097898
93	2	93	RC/fork-remote		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:49.143406
94	2	94	RC/git-pull-test		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:49.169824
95	2	95	pyramidpypi		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:49.226862
96	2	96	rc_gist/aQpbufbhSac6FyvVHhmS		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:49.2771
97	2	97	csa-aldrin		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:49.301235
98	2	98	RC/ąqweqwe		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:49.353131
99	2	99	rc_gist/QL2GhrlKymNmrUJJy5js		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:49.376769
100	2	100	RC/git-test		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:49.405255
101	2	101	salt		started_following_repo	2013-05-28 20:19:49.462231

-- Name: user_logs_user_log_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('user_logs_user_log_id_seq', 101, true);

-- Data for Name: user_repo_group_to_perm; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

COPY user_repo_group_to_perm (group_to_perm_id, user_id, group_id, permission_id) FROM stdin;
1	1	1	6
2	1	2	6
3	1	3	6
4	1	4	6
5	1	5	6
6	1	6	6
7	1	7	6
8	1	8	6
9	1	9	6

-- Name: user_repo_group_to_perm_group_to_perm_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('user_repo_group_to_perm_group_to_perm_id_seq', 9, true);

-- Data for Name: user_to_notification; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

COPY user_to_notification (user_id, notification_id, read, sent_on) FROM stdin;

-- Data for Name: user_to_perm; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

COPY user_to_perm (user_to_perm_id, user_id, permission_id) FROM stdin;
1	1	15
2	1	11
3	1	13
4	1	2

-- Name: user_to_perm_user_to_perm_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('user_to_perm_user_to_perm_id_seq', 4, true);

-- Data for Name: users; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

COPY users (user_id, username, password, active, admin, firstname, lastname, email, last_login, ldap_dn, api_key, inherit_default_permissions) FROM stdin;
1	default	$2a$10$nv5rCK16FTMWwsfp7vST0.yuHJ/spZcw4VqZ9Bl5Y5fNXxdHwi6Jm	t	f	Anonymous	User	anonymous@rhodecode.org	\N	\N	3bde4a66f98734dcc824fbfd4bfb0f0813921c34	t
2	marcink	$2a$10$MNNSVrDOaAwM6FJuuPdfA.TKywm4X4prOFndPE.KamfwRTTmS42ze	t	t	RhodeCode	Admin	qwe@qwe.pl	\N	\N	08cac6e1607032b6a712c657a70b829b91c41fbe	t

-- Name: users_group_repo_group_to_per_users_group_repo_group_to_per_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('users_group_repo_group_to_per_users_group_repo_group_to_per_seq', 1, false);

-- Data for Name: users_group_repo_group_to_perm; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

COPY users_group_repo_group_to_perm (users_group_repo_group_to_perm_id, users_group_id, group_id, permission_id) FROM stdin;

-- Data for Name: users_group_repo_to_perm; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

COPY users_group_repo_to_perm (users_group_to_perm_id, users_group_id, permission_id, repository_id) FROM stdin;

-- Name: users_group_repo_to_perm_users_group_to_perm_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('users_group_repo_to_perm_users_group_to_perm_id_seq', 1, false);

-- Data for Name: users_group_to_perm; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

COPY users_group_to_perm (users_group_to_perm_id, users_group_id, permission_id) FROM stdin;

-- Name: users_group_to_perm_users_group_to_perm_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('users_group_to_perm_users_group_to_perm_id_seq', 1, false);

-- Data for Name: users_groups; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

COPY users_groups (users_group_id, users_group_name, users_group_active, users_group_inherit_default_permissions) FROM stdin;

-- Data for Name: users_groups_members; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

COPY users_groups_members (users_group_member_id, users_group_id, user_id) FROM stdin;

-- Name: users_groups_members_users_group_member_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('users_groups_members_users_group_member_id_seq', 1, false);

-- Name: users_groups_users_group_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('users_groups_users_group_id_seq', 1, false);

-- Name: users_user_id_seq; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

SELECT pg_catalog.setval('users_user_id_seq', 2, true);

-- Name: cache_invalidation_cache_key_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

ALTER TABLE ONLY cache_invalidation
    ADD CONSTRAINT cache_invalidation_cache_key_key UNIQUE (cache_key);

-- Name: cache_invalidation_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

ALTER TABLE ONLY cache_invalidation
    ADD CONSTRAINT cache_invalidation_pkey PRIMARY KEY (cache_id);

-- Name: changeset_comments_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

ALTER TABLE ONLY changeset_comments
    ADD CONSTRAINT changeset_comments_pkey PRIMARY KEY (comment_id);

-- Name: changeset_statuses_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

ALTER TABLE ONLY changeset_statuses
    ADD CONSTRAINT changeset_statuses_pkey PRIMARY KEY (changeset_status_id);

-- Name: changeset_statuses_repo_id_revision_version_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

ALTER TABLE ONLY changeset_statuses
    ADD CONSTRAINT changeset_statuses_repo_id_revision_version_key UNIQUE (repo_id, revision, version);

-- Name: db_migrate_version_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

ALTER TABLE ONLY db_migrate_version
    ADD CONSTRAINT db_migrate_version_pkey PRIMARY KEY (repository_id);

-- Name: groups_group_name_group_parent_id_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

    ADD CONSTRAINT groups_group_name_group_parent_id_key UNIQUE (group_name, group_parent_id);

-- Name: groups_group_name_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

    ADD CONSTRAINT groups_group_name_key UNIQUE (group_name);

-- Name: groups_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

    ADD CONSTRAINT groups_pkey PRIMARY KEY (group_id);

-- Name: notifications_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

ALTER TABLE ONLY notifications
    ADD CONSTRAINT notifications_pkey PRIMARY KEY (notification_id);

-- Name: permissions_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

ALTER TABLE ONLY permissions
    ADD CONSTRAINT permissions_pkey PRIMARY KEY (permission_id);

-- Name: pull_request_reviewers_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

ALTER TABLE ONLY pull_request_reviewers
    ADD CONSTRAINT pull_request_reviewers_pkey PRIMARY KEY (pull_requests_reviewers_id);

-- Name: pull_requests_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

ALTER TABLE ONLY pull_requests
    ADD CONSTRAINT pull_requests_pkey PRIMARY KEY (pull_request_id);

-- Name: repo_to_perm_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

ALTER TABLE ONLY repo_to_perm
    ADD CONSTRAINT repo_to_perm_pkey PRIMARY KEY (repo_to_perm_id);

-- Name: repo_to_perm_user_id_repository_id_permission_id_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

ALTER TABLE ONLY repo_to_perm
    ADD CONSTRAINT repo_to_perm_user_id_repository_id_permission_id_key UNIQUE (user_id, repository_id, permission_id);

-- Name: repositories_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

ALTER TABLE ONLY repositories
    ADD CONSTRAINT repositories_pkey PRIMARY KEY (repo_id);

-- Name: repositories_repo_name_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

ALTER TABLE ONLY repositories
    ADD CONSTRAINT repositories_repo_name_key UNIQUE (repo_name);

-- Name: rhodecode_settings_app_settings_name_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

ALTER TABLE ONLY rhodecode_settings
    ADD CONSTRAINT rhodecode_settings_app_settings_name_key UNIQUE (app_settings_name);

-- Name: rhodecode_settings_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

ALTER TABLE ONLY rhodecode_settings
    ADD CONSTRAINT rhodecode_settings_pkey PRIMARY KEY (app_settings_id);

-- Name: rhodecode_ui_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

ALTER TABLE ONLY rhodecode_ui
    ADD CONSTRAINT rhodecode_ui_pkey PRIMARY KEY (ui_id);

-- Name: rhodecode_ui_ui_key_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

ALTER TABLE ONLY rhodecode_ui
    ADD CONSTRAINT rhodecode_ui_ui_key_key UNIQUE (ui_key);

-- Name: statistics_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

    ADD CONSTRAINT statistics_pkey PRIMARY KEY (stat_id);

-- Name: statistics_repository_id_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

    ADD CONSTRAINT statistics_repository_id_key UNIQUE (repository_id);

-- Name: user_email_map_email_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

ALTER TABLE ONLY user_email_map
    ADD CONSTRAINT user_email_map_email_key UNIQUE (email);

-- Name: user_email_map_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

ALTER TABLE ONLY user_email_map
    ADD CONSTRAINT user_email_map_pkey PRIMARY KEY (email_id);

-- Name: user_followings_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

ALTER TABLE ONLY user_followings
    ADD CONSTRAINT user_followings_pkey PRIMARY KEY (user_following_id);

-- Name: user_followings_user_id_follows_repository_id_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

ALTER TABLE ONLY user_followings
    ADD CONSTRAINT user_followings_user_id_follows_repository_id_key UNIQUE (user_id, follows_repository_id);

-- Name: user_followings_user_id_follows_user_id_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

ALTER TABLE ONLY user_followings
    ADD CONSTRAINT user_followings_user_id_follows_user_id_key UNIQUE (user_id, follows_user_id);

-- Name: user_logs_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

    ADD CONSTRAINT user_logs_pkey PRIMARY KEY (user_log_id);

-- Name: user_repo_group_to_perm_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

ALTER TABLE ONLY user_repo_group_to_perm
    ADD CONSTRAINT user_repo_group_to_perm_pkey PRIMARY KEY (group_to_perm_id);

-- Name: user_repo_group_to_perm_user_id_group_id_permission_id_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

ALTER TABLE ONLY user_repo_group_to_perm
    ADD CONSTRAINT user_repo_group_to_perm_user_id_group_id_permission_id_key UNIQUE (user_id, group_id, permission_id);

-- Name: user_to_notification_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

ALTER TABLE ONLY user_to_notification
    ADD CONSTRAINT user_to_notification_pkey PRIMARY KEY (user_id, notification_id);

-- Name: user_to_perm_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

ALTER TABLE ONLY user_to_perm
    ADD CONSTRAINT user_to_perm_pkey PRIMARY KEY (user_to_perm_id);

-- Name: user_to_perm_user_id_permission_id_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

ALTER TABLE ONLY user_to_perm
    ADD CONSTRAINT user_to_perm_user_id_permission_id_key UNIQUE (user_id, permission_id);

-- Name: users_email_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

    ADD CONSTRAINT users_email_key UNIQUE (email);

-- Name: users_group_repo_group_to_perm_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

ALTER TABLE ONLY users_group_repo_group_to_perm
    ADD CONSTRAINT users_group_repo_group_to_perm_pkey PRIMARY KEY (users_group_repo_group_to_perm_id);

-- Name: users_group_repo_group_to_perm_users_group_id_group_id_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

ALTER TABLE ONLY users_group_repo_group_to_perm
    ADD CONSTRAINT users_group_repo_group_to_perm_users_group_id_group_id_key UNIQUE (users_group_id, group_id);

-- Name: users_group_repo_to_perm_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

ALTER TABLE ONLY users_group_repo_to_perm
    ADD CONSTRAINT users_group_repo_to_perm_pkey PRIMARY KEY (users_group_to_perm_id);

-- Name: users_group_repo_to_perm_repository_id_users_group_id_permi_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

ALTER TABLE ONLY users_group_repo_to_perm
    ADD CONSTRAINT users_group_repo_to_perm_repository_id_users_group_id_permi_key UNIQUE (repository_id, users_group_id, permission_id);

-- Name: users_group_to_perm_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

ALTER TABLE ONLY users_group_to_perm
    ADD CONSTRAINT users_group_to_perm_pkey PRIMARY KEY (users_group_to_perm_id);

-- Name: users_group_to_perm_users_group_id_permission_id_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

ALTER TABLE ONLY users_group_to_perm
    ADD CONSTRAINT users_group_to_perm_users_group_id_permission_id_key UNIQUE (users_group_id, permission_id);

-- Name: users_groups_members_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

ALTER TABLE ONLY users_groups_members
    ADD CONSTRAINT users_groups_members_pkey PRIMARY KEY (users_group_member_id);

-- Name: users_groups_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

ALTER TABLE ONLY users_groups
    ADD CONSTRAINT users_groups_pkey PRIMARY KEY (users_group_id);

-- Name: users_groups_users_group_name_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

ALTER TABLE ONLY users_groups
    ADD CONSTRAINT users_groups_users_group_name_key UNIQUE (users_group_name);

-- Name: users_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

    ADD CONSTRAINT users_pkey PRIMARY KEY (user_id);

-- Name: users_username_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

    ADD CONSTRAINT users_username_key UNIQUE (username);

-- Name: cc_revision_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

CREATE INDEX cc_revision_idx ON changeset_comments USING btree (revision);

-- Name: cs_revision_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

CREATE INDEX cs_revision_idx ON changeset_statuses USING btree (revision);

-- Name: cs_version_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

CREATE INDEX cs_version_idx ON changeset_statuses USING btree (version);

-- Name: key_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

CREATE INDEX key_idx ON cache_invalidation USING btree (cache_key);

-- Name: notification_type_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

CREATE INDEX notification_type_idx ON notifications USING btree (type);

-- Name: p_perm_name_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

CREATE INDEX p_perm_name_idx ON permissions USING btree (permission_name);

-- Name: r_repo_name_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

CREATE INDEX r_repo_name_idx ON repositories USING btree (repo_name);

-- Name: u_email_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

CREATE INDEX u_email_idx ON users USING btree (email);

-- Name: u_username_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

CREATE INDEX u_username_idx ON users USING btree (username);

-- Name: uem_email_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace: 

CREATE INDEX uem_email_idx ON user_email_map USING btree (email);

-- Name: changeset_comments_pull_request_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER TABLE ONLY changeset_comments
    ADD CONSTRAINT changeset_comments_pull_request_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (pull_request_id) REFERENCES pull_requests(pull_request_id);

-- Name: changeset_comments_repo_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER TABLE ONLY changeset_comments
    ADD CONSTRAINT changeset_comments_repo_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (repo_id) REFERENCES repositories(repo_id);

-- Name: changeset_comments_user_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER TABLE ONLY changeset_comments
    ADD CONSTRAINT changeset_comments_user_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(user_id);

-- Name: changeset_statuses_changeset_comment_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER TABLE ONLY changeset_statuses
    ADD CONSTRAINT changeset_statuses_changeset_comment_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (changeset_comment_id) REFERENCES changeset_comments(comment_id);

-- Name: changeset_statuses_pull_request_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER TABLE ONLY changeset_statuses
    ADD CONSTRAINT changeset_statuses_pull_request_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (pull_request_id) REFERENCES pull_requests(pull_request_id);

-- Name: changeset_statuses_repo_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER TABLE ONLY changeset_statuses
    ADD CONSTRAINT changeset_statuses_repo_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (repo_id) REFERENCES repositories(repo_id);

-- Name: changeset_statuses_user_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER TABLE ONLY changeset_statuses
    ADD CONSTRAINT changeset_statuses_user_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(user_id);

-- Name: groups_group_parent_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

    ADD CONSTRAINT groups_group_parent_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (group_parent_id) REFERENCES groups(group_id);

-- Name: notifications_created_by_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER TABLE ONLY notifications
    ADD CONSTRAINT notifications_created_by_fkey FOREIGN KEY (created_by) REFERENCES users(user_id);

-- Name: pull_request_reviewers_pull_request_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER TABLE ONLY pull_request_reviewers
    ADD CONSTRAINT pull_request_reviewers_pull_request_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (pull_request_id) REFERENCES pull_requests(pull_request_id);

-- Name: pull_request_reviewers_user_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER TABLE ONLY pull_request_reviewers
    ADD CONSTRAINT pull_request_reviewers_user_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(user_id);

-- Name: pull_requests_org_repo_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER TABLE ONLY pull_requests
    ADD CONSTRAINT pull_requests_org_repo_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (org_repo_id) REFERENCES repositories(repo_id);

-- Name: pull_requests_other_repo_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER TABLE ONLY pull_requests
    ADD CONSTRAINT pull_requests_other_repo_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (other_repo_id) REFERENCES repositories(repo_id);

-- Name: pull_requests_user_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER TABLE ONLY pull_requests
    ADD CONSTRAINT pull_requests_user_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(user_id);

-- Name: repo_to_perm_permission_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER TABLE ONLY repo_to_perm
    ADD CONSTRAINT repo_to_perm_permission_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (permission_id) REFERENCES permissions(permission_id);

-- Name: repo_to_perm_repository_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER TABLE ONLY repo_to_perm
    ADD CONSTRAINT repo_to_perm_repository_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (repository_id) REFERENCES repositories(repo_id);

-- Name: repo_to_perm_user_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER TABLE ONLY repo_to_perm
    ADD CONSTRAINT repo_to_perm_user_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(user_id);

-- Name: repositories_fork_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER TABLE ONLY repositories
    ADD CONSTRAINT repositories_fork_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (fork_id) REFERENCES repositories(repo_id);

-- Name: repositories_group_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER TABLE ONLY repositories
    ADD CONSTRAINT repositories_group_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (group_id) REFERENCES groups(group_id);

-- Name: repositories_user_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER TABLE ONLY repositories
    ADD CONSTRAINT repositories_user_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(user_id);

-- Name: statistics_repository_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

    ADD CONSTRAINT statistics_repository_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (repository_id) REFERENCES repositories(repo_id);

-- Name: user_email_map_user_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER TABLE ONLY user_email_map
    ADD CONSTRAINT user_email_map_user_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(user_id);

-- Name: user_followings_follows_repository_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER TABLE ONLY user_followings
    ADD CONSTRAINT user_followings_follows_repository_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (follows_repository_id) REFERENCES repositories(repo_id);

-- Name: user_followings_follows_user_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER TABLE ONLY user_followings
    ADD CONSTRAINT user_followings_follows_user_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (follows_user_id) REFERENCES users(user_id);

-- Name: user_followings_user_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER TABLE ONLY user_followings
    ADD CONSTRAINT user_followings_user_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(user_id);

-- Name: user_logs_repository_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

    ADD CONSTRAINT user_logs_repository_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (repository_id) REFERENCES repositories(repo_id);

-- Name: user_logs_user_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

    ADD CONSTRAINT user_logs_user_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(user_id);

-- Name: user_repo_group_to_perm_group_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER TABLE ONLY user_repo_group_to_perm
    ADD CONSTRAINT user_repo_group_to_perm_group_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (group_id) REFERENCES groups(group_id);

-- Name: user_repo_group_to_perm_permission_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER TABLE ONLY user_repo_group_to_perm
    ADD CONSTRAINT user_repo_group_to_perm_permission_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (permission_id) REFERENCES permissions(permission_id);

-- Name: user_repo_group_to_perm_user_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER TABLE ONLY user_repo_group_to_perm
    ADD CONSTRAINT user_repo_group_to_perm_user_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(user_id);

-- Name: user_to_notification_notification_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER TABLE ONLY user_to_notification
    ADD CONSTRAINT user_to_notification_notification_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (notification_id) REFERENCES notifications(notification_id);

-- Name: user_to_notification_user_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER TABLE ONLY user_to_notification
    ADD CONSTRAINT user_to_notification_user_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(user_id);

-- Name: user_to_perm_permission_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER TABLE ONLY user_to_perm
    ADD CONSTRAINT user_to_perm_permission_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (permission_id) REFERENCES permissions(permission_id);

-- Name: user_to_perm_user_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER TABLE ONLY user_to_perm
    ADD CONSTRAINT user_to_perm_user_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(user_id);

-- Name: users_group_repo_group_to_perm_group_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER TABLE ONLY users_group_repo_group_to_perm
    ADD CONSTRAINT users_group_repo_group_to_perm_group_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (group_id) REFERENCES groups(group_id);

-- Name: users_group_repo_group_to_perm_permission_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER TABLE ONLY users_group_repo_group_to_perm
    ADD CONSTRAINT users_group_repo_group_to_perm_permission_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (permission_id) REFERENCES permissions(permission_id);

-- Name: users_group_repo_group_to_perm_users_group_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER TABLE ONLY users_group_repo_group_to_perm
    ADD CONSTRAINT users_group_repo_group_to_perm_users_group_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (users_group_id) REFERENCES users_groups(users_group_id);

-- Name: users_group_repo_to_perm_permission_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER TABLE ONLY users_group_repo_to_perm
    ADD CONSTRAINT users_group_repo_to_perm_permission_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (permission_id) REFERENCES permissions(permission_id);

-- Name: users_group_repo_to_perm_repository_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER TABLE ONLY users_group_repo_to_perm
    ADD CONSTRAINT users_group_repo_to_perm_repository_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (repository_id) REFERENCES repositories(repo_id);

-- Name: users_group_repo_to_perm_users_group_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER TABLE ONLY users_group_repo_to_perm
    ADD CONSTRAINT users_group_repo_to_perm_users_group_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (users_group_id) REFERENCES users_groups(users_group_id);

-- Name: users_group_to_perm_permission_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER TABLE ONLY users_group_to_perm
    ADD CONSTRAINT users_group_to_perm_permission_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (permission_id) REFERENCES permissions(permission_id);

-- Name: users_group_to_perm_users_group_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER TABLE ONLY users_group_to_perm
    ADD CONSTRAINT users_group_to_perm_users_group_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (users_group_id) REFERENCES users_groups(users_group_id);

-- Name: users_groups_members_user_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER TABLE ONLY users_groups_members
    ADD CONSTRAINT users_groups_members_user_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (user_id) REFERENCES users(user_id);

-- Name: users_groups_members_users_group_id_fkey; Type: FK CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres

ALTER TABLE ONLY users_groups_members
    ADD CONSTRAINT users_groups_members_users_group_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (users_group_id) REFERENCES users_groups(users_group_id);

-- Name: public; Type: ACL; Schema: -; Owner: postgres

REVOKE ALL ON SCHEMA public FROM postgres;
GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA public TO postgres;

-- PostgreSQL database dump complete