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302 lines | 6.9 KiB | application/postscript | PostScriptLexer
(in-package sugar-qsp.lib)
;;;; Functions and procedures defined by the QSP language.
;;;; They can call api and deal with locations and other data directly.
;;;; Except vars. Use VAR and SET or GET-VAR and SET-VAR api calls.
;;; 1loc
(defun goto (target args)
(api:clear-text :main)
(funcall xgoto target args)
(defun xgoto (target args)
(setf (root current-location) (chain target (to-upper-case)))
(api:stash-state args)
(api:call-loc (root current-location) (or args (list)))
;;; 2var
;;; 3expr
;;; 4code
(defun rand (a &optional (b 1))
(let ((min (min a b))
(max (max a b)))
(+ min (chain *math (random (- max min))))))
;;; 5arrays
(defun copyarr (to from start count)
(multiple-value-bind (to-name to-slot)
(api:var-real-name to)
(multiple-value-bind (from-name from-slot)
(api:var-real-name from)
(for ((i start))
((< i (min (api:array-size from-name)
(+ start count))))
((incf i))
(api:set-var to-name (+ start i) to-slot
(api:get-var from-name (+ start i) from-slot))))))
(defun arrpos (name value &optional (start 0))
(multiple-value-bind (real-name slot)
(api:var-real-name name)
(for ((i start)) ((< i (api:array-size name))) ((incf i))
(when (eq (api:get-var real-name i slot) value)
(return-from arrpos i))))
(defun arrcomp (name pattern &optional (start 0))
(multiple-value-bind (real-name slot)
(api:var-real-name name)
(for ((i start)) ((< i (api:array-size name))) ((incf i))
(when (funcall (getprop (api:get-var real-name i slot) 'match) pattern)
(return-from arrcomp i))))
;;; 6str
(defun instr (s subs &optional (start 1))
(+ start (chain s (substring (- start 1)) (search subs))))
(defun isnum (s)
(if (is-na-n s)
(defun strcomp (s pattern)
(if (chain s (match pattern))
(defun strfind (s pattern group)
(let* ((re (new (*reg-exp pattern)))
(match (chain re (exec s))))
(chain match (group group))))
(defun strpos (s pattern &optional (group 0))
(let* ((re (new (*reg-exp pattern)))
(match (chain re (exec s)))
(found (chain match (group group))))
(if found
(chain s (search found))
;;; 7if
;; Has to be a function because it always evaluates all three of its
;; arguments
(defun iif (cond-expr then-expr else-expr)
(if cond-expr then-expr else-expr))
;;; 8sub
(defun gosub (target &rest args)
(api:call-loc target args)
(defun func (target &rest args)
(api:call-loc target args))
;;; 9loops
;;; 10dynamic
(defun dynamic (block &rest args)
(when (stringp block)
(api:report-error "DYNAMIC can't evaluate arbitrary strings.\\nUse {braces} to create blocks for DYNAMIC."))
(api:with-call-args args
(funcall block args))
(defun dyneval (block &rest args)
(when (stringp block)
(api:report-error "DYNEVAL can't evaluate arbitrary strings.\\nUse {braces} to create blocks for DYNEVAL."))
(api:with-call-args args
(funcall block args)))
;;; 11main
(defun main-p (s)
(api:add-text :main s)
(defun main-pl (s)
(api:add-text :main s)
(api:newline :main)
(defun main-nl (s)
(api:newline :main)
(api:add-text :main s)
(defun maintxt (s)
(api:get-text :main)
;; For clarity (it leaves a lib.desc() call in JS)
(defun desc (s)
(defun main-clear ()
(api:clear-text :main)
;;; 12stat
(defun stat-p (s)
(api:add-text :stat s)
(defun stat-pl (s)
(api:add-text :stat s)
(api:newline :stat)
(defun stat-nl (s)
(api:newline :stat)
(api:add-text :stat s)
(defun stattxt (s)
(api:get-text :stat)
(defun stat-clear ()
(api:clear-text :stat)
(defun cls ()
;;; 13diag
;;; 14act
(defun curacts ()
(let ((acts (root acts)))
(lambda ()
(setf (root acts) acts)
;;; 15objs
(defun addobj (name)
(chain (root objs) (push name))
(defun delobj (name)
(let ((index (chain (root objs) (index-of name))))
(when (> index -1)
(killobj (1+ index))))
(defun killobj (&optional (num nil))
(if (eq nil num)
(setf (root objs) (list))
(chain (root objs) (splice (1- num) 1)))
;;; 16menu
(defun menu (menu-name)
(let ((menu-data (list)))
(loop :for item-obj :in (@ (api:get-array (api:var-real-name menu-name)) values)
:for item := (@ item-obj :str)
:do (cond ((string= item "")
((string= item "-:-")
(chain menu-data (push :delimiter)))
(let* ((tokens (chain item (split ":"))))
(when (= (length tokens) 2)
(chain tokens (push "")))
(let* ((text (chain tokens (splice 0 (- (length tokens) 2)) (join ":")))
(loc (getprop tokens (- (length tokens) 2)))
(icon (getprop tokens (- (length tokens) 1))))
(chain menu-data
(push (create :text text
:loc loc
:icon icon))))))))
(api:menu menu-data)
;;; 17sound
(defun play (filename &optional (volume 100))
(let ((audio (new (*audio filename))))
(setf (getprop (root playing) filename) audio)
(setf (@ audio volume) (* volume 0.01))
(chain audio (play))))
(defun close (filename)
(funcall (root playing filename) stop)
(delete (root playing filename))
(defun closeall ()
(loop :for k :in (chain *object (keys (root playing)))
:for v := (getprop (root playing) k)
:do (funcall v stop))
(setf (root playing) (create)))
;;; 18img
(defun refint ()
;; "Force interface update" Uh... what exactly do we do here?
(api:report-error "REFINT is not supported")
;;; 19input
(defun usertxt ()
(let ((input (by-id "qsp-input")))
(@ input value)))
(defun cmdclear ()
(let ((input (by-id "qsp-input")))
(setf (@ input value) "")))
(defun input (text)
(chain window (prompt text)))
;;; 20time
(defun msecscount ()
(- (chain *date (now)) (root started-at)))
;;; 21local
;;; 22for
;;; misc
(defun rgb (red green blue)
(flet ((rgb-to-hex (comp)
(let ((hex (chain (*number comp) (to-string 16))))
(if (< (length hex) 2)
(+ "0" hex)
(+ "#" (rgb-to-hex red) (rgb-to-hex green) (rgb-to-hex red))))
(defun openqst ()
(api:report-error "OPENQST is not supported."))
(defun addqst ()
(api:report-error "ADDQST is not supported. Bundle the library with the main game."))
(defun killqst ()
(api:report-error "KILLQST is not supported."))