##// END OF EJS Templates
todos: all todos needs to be resolved for merge to happen....
todos: all todos needs to be resolved for merge to happen. This will prevent the outdated todos beeing automatically marked as solved becuase of bigger diff changes. It's better to mark commits quickly as resolved instead of potentially have unresolved todos hidden because of invlidation logic.

File last commit:

r1335:7ea0471c default
r1342:44fc3039 default
Show More
1009 lines | 40.8 KiB | text/x-python | PythonLexer
project: added all source files and assets
r1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
license: updated copyright year to 2017
r1271 # Copyright (C) 2012-2017 RhodeCode GmbH
project: added all source files and assets
r1 #
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3
# (only), as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# This program is dual-licensed. If you wish to learn more about the
# RhodeCode Enterprise Edition, including its added features, Support services,
# and proprietary license terms, please see https://rhodecode.com/licenses/
pull requests controller for rhodecode for initializing pull requests
pull-requests: expose version browsing of pull requests....
r1255 import types
project: added all source files and assets
reviewers: store reviewer reasons to database, fixes #4238
r873 import peppercorn
project: added all source files and assets
r1 import formencode
import logging
pull-requests: updated versioning support....
r1268 import collections
pull-requests: expose version browsing of pull requests....
project: added all source files and assets
r1 from webob.exc import HTTPNotFound, HTTPForbidden, HTTPBadRequest
from pylons import request, tmpl_context as c, url
from pylons.controllers.util import redirect
from pylons.i18n.translation import _
pull request: send live notification when PR update happens
r814 from pyramid.threadlocal import get_current_registry
project: added all source files and assets
r1 from sqlalchemy.sql import func
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import or_
events: add an event for pull request comments with review status
r443 from rhodecode import events
diffs: add new diffs to pull request page
r1159 from rhodecode.lib import auth, diffs, helpers as h, codeblocks
project: added all source files and assets
r1 from rhodecode.lib.ext_json import json
from rhodecode.lib.base import (
BaseRepoController, render, vcs_operation_context)
from rhodecode.lib.auth import (
LoginRequired, HasRepoPermissionAnyDecorator, NotAnonymous,
HasAcceptedRepoType, XHRRequired)
pull request: send live notification when PR update happens
r814 from rhodecode.lib.channelstream import channelstream_request
project: added all source files and assets
r1 from rhodecode.lib.utils import jsonify
pull-requests: added version browsing for pull requests....
r1192 from rhodecode.lib.utils2 import (
pull-requests: expose version browsing of pull requests....
r1255 safe_int, safe_str, str2bool, safe_unicode)
from rhodecode.lib.vcs.backends.base import (
EmptyCommit, UpdateFailureReason, EmptyRepository)
project: added all source files and assets
r1 from rhodecode.lib.vcs.exceptions import (
diffs: add new diffs to pull request page
r1159 EmptyRepositoryError, CommitDoesNotExistError, RepositoryRequirementError,
pull-requests: added version browsing for pull requests....
project: added all source files and assets
r1 from rhodecode.model.changeset_status import ChangesetStatusModel
comments: renamed ChangesetCommentsModel to CommentsModel to reflect what it actually does....
r1323 from rhodecode.model.comment import CommentsModel
pull-requests: added version browsing for pull requests....
r1192 from rhodecode.model.db import (PullRequest, ChangesetStatus, ChangesetComment,
Repository, PullRequestVersion)
project: added all source files and assets
r1 from rhodecode.model.forms import PullRequestForm
from rhodecode.model.meta import Session
pull-requests: unified merge checks....
r1335 from rhodecode.model.pull_request import PullRequestModel, MergeCheck
project: added all source files and assets
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class PullrequestsController(BaseRepoController):
def __before__(self):
super(PullrequestsController, self).__before__()
pull-requests: updated versioning support....
r1268 def _load_compare_data(self, pull_request, inline_comments):
project: added all source files and assets
r1 """
Load context data needed for generating compare diff
:param pull_request: object related to the request
:param enable_comments: flag to determine if comments are included
source_repo = pull_request.source_repo
source_ref_id = pull_request.source_ref_parts.commit_id
target_repo = pull_request.target_repo
target_ref_id = pull_request.target_ref_parts.commit_id
# despite opening commits for bookmarks/branches/tags, we always
# convert this to rev to prevent changes after bookmark or branch change
c.source_ref_type = 'rev'
c.source_ref = source_ref_id
c.target_ref_type = 'rev'
c.target_ref = target_ref_id
c.source_repo = source_repo
c.target_repo = target_repo
c.fulldiff = bool(request.GET.get('fulldiff'))
# diff_limit is the old behavior, will cut off the whole diff
# if the limit is applied otherwise will just hide the
# big files from the front-end
diff_limit = self.cut_off_limit_diff
file_limit = self.cut_off_limit_file
pre_load = ["author", "branch", "date", "message"]
c.commit_ranges = []
source_commit = EmptyCommit()
target_commit = EmptyCommit()
c.missing_requirements = False
c.commit_ranges = [
source_repo.get_commit(commit_id=rev, pre_load=pre_load)
for rev in pull_request.revisions]
c.statuses = source_repo.statuses(
[x.raw_id for x in c.commit_ranges])
target_commit = source_repo.get_commit(
source_commit = source_repo.get_commit(
except RepositoryRequirementError:
c.missing_requirements = True
pull-requests: updated versioning support....
r1268 # auto collapse if we have more than limit
collapse_limit = diffs.DiffProcessor._collapse_commits_over
c.collapse_all_commits = len(c.commit_ranges) > collapse_limit
diffs: add new diffs to pull request page
r1159 c.changes = {}
project: added all source files and assets
r1 c.missing_commits = False
if (c.missing_requirements or
isinstance(source_commit, EmptyCommit) or
source_commit == target_commit):
_parsed = []
c.missing_commits = True
vcs_diff = PullRequestModel().get_diff(pull_request)
diff_processor = diffs.DiffProcessor(
diffs: add new diffs to pull request page
r1159 vcs_diff, format='newdiff', diff_limit=diff_limit,
project: added all source files and assets
r1 file_limit=file_limit, show_full_diff=c.fulldiff)
diffs: add new diffs to pull request page
r1159 _parsed = diff_processor.prepare()
c.limited_diff = isinstance(_parsed, diffs.LimitedDiffContainer)
pull-requests: updated versioning support....
r1268 included_files = {}
for f in _parsed:
included_files[f['filename']] = f['stats']
c.deleted_files = [fname for fname in inline_comments if
fname not in included_files]
c.deleted_files_comments = collections.defaultdict(dict)
for fname, per_line_comments in inline_comments.items():
if fname in c.deleted_files:
c.deleted_files_comments[fname]['stats'] = 0
c.deleted_files_comments[fname]['comments'] = list()
for lno, comments in per_line_comments.items():
diffs: add new diffs to pull request page
def _node_getter(commit):
def get_node(fname):
return commit.get_node(fname)
except NodeDoesNotExistError:
return None
return get_node
c.diffset = codeblocks.DiffSet(
diffs: fixed other file source when using pull requests. It must use...
r1194 source_repo_name=c.source_repo.repo_name,
diffs: add new diffs to pull request page
r1159 source_node_getter=_node_getter(target_commit),
).render_patchset(_parsed, target_commit.raw_id, source_commit.raw_id)
project: added all source files and assets
r1 def _extract_ordering(self, request):
column_index = safe_int(request.GET.get('order[0][column]'))
order_dir = request.GET.get('order[0][dir]', 'desc')
order_by = request.GET.get(
'columns[%s][data][sort]' % column_index, 'name_raw')
return order_by, order_dir
@HasRepoPermissionAnyDecorator('repository.read', 'repository.write',
@HasAcceptedRepoType('git', 'hg')
def show_all(self, repo_name):
# filter types
c.active = 'open'
c.source = str2bool(request.GET.get('source'))
c.closed = str2bool(request.GET.get('closed'))
c.my = str2bool(request.GET.get('my'))
c.awaiting_review = str2bool(request.GET.get('awaiting_review'))
c.awaiting_my_review = str2bool(request.GET.get('awaiting_my_review'))
c.repo_name = repo_name
opened_by = None
if c.my:
c.active = 'my'
opened_by = [c.rhodecode_user.user_id]
statuses = [PullRequest.STATUS_NEW, PullRequest.STATUS_OPEN]
if c.closed:
c.active = 'closed'
statuses = [PullRequest.STATUS_CLOSED]
if c.awaiting_review and not c.source:
c.active = 'awaiting'
if c.source and not c.awaiting_review:
c.active = 'source'
if c.awaiting_my_review:
c.active = 'awaiting_my'
data = self._get_pull_requests_list(
repo_name=repo_name, opened_by=opened_by, statuses=statuses)
if not request.is_xhr:
c.data = json.dumps(data['data'])
c.records_total = data['recordsTotal']
templating: use .mako as extensions for template files.
r1282 return render('/pullrequests/pullrequests.mako')
project: added all source files and assets
r1 else:
return json.dumps(data)
def _get_pull_requests_list(self, repo_name, opened_by, statuses):
# pagination
start = safe_int(request.GET.get('start'), 0)
length = safe_int(request.GET.get('length'), c.visual.dashboard_items)
order_by, order_dir = self._extract_ordering(request)
if c.awaiting_review:
pull_requests = PullRequestModel().get_awaiting_review(
repo_name, source=c.source, opened_by=opened_by,
statuses=statuses, offset=start, length=length,
order_by=order_by, order_dir=order_dir)
pull_requests_total_count = PullRequestModel(
repo_name, source=c.source, statuses=statuses,
elif c.awaiting_my_review:
pull_requests = PullRequestModel().get_awaiting_my_review(
repo_name, source=c.source, opened_by=opened_by,
user_id=c.rhodecode_user.user_id, statuses=statuses,
offset=start, length=length, order_by=order_by,
pull_requests_total_count = PullRequestModel(
repo_name, source=c.source, user_id=c.rhodecode_user.user_id,
statuses=statuses, opened_by=opened_by)
pull_requests = PullRequestModel().get_all(
repo_name, source=c.source, opened_by=opened_by,
statuses=statuses, offset=start, length=length,
order_by=order_by, order_dir=order_dir)
pull_requests_total_count = PullRequestModel().count_all(
repo_name, source=c.source, statuses=statuses,
from rhodecode.lib.utils import PartialRenderer
templating: use .mako as extensions for template files.
r1282 _render = PartialRenderer('data_table/_dt_elements.mako')
project: added all source files and assets
r1 data = []
for pr in pull_requests:
comments: renamed ChangesetCommentsModel to CommentsModel to reflect what it actually does....
r1323 comments = CommentsModel().get_all_comments(
project: added all source files and assets
r1 c.rhodecode_db_repo.repo_id, pull_request=pr)
'name': _render('pullrequest_name',
pr.pull_request_id, pr.target_repo.repo_name),
'name_raw': pr.pull_request_id,
'status': _render('pullrequest_status',
'title': _render(
'pullrequest_title', pr.title, pr.description),
'description': h.escape(pr.description),
'updated_on': _render('pullrequest_updated_on',
'updated_on_raw': h.datetime_to_time(pr.updated_on),
'created_on': _render('pullrequest_updated_on',
'created_on_raw': h.datetime_to_time(pr.created_on),
'author': _render('pullrequest_author',
pr.author.full_contact, ),
'author_raw': pr.author.full_name,
'comments': _render('pullrequest_comments', len(comments)),
'comments_raw': len(comments),
'closed': pr.is_closed(),
# json used to render the grid
data = ({
'data': data,
'recordsTotal': pull_requests_total_count,
'recordsFiltered': pull_requests_total_count,
return data
@HasRepoPermissionAnyDecorator('repository.read', 'repository.write',
@HasAcceptedRepoType('git', 'hg')
def index(self):
source_repo = c.rhodecode_db_repo
except EmptyRepositoryError:
h.flash(h.literal(_('There are no commits yet')),
redirect(url('summary_home', repo_name=source_repo.repo_name))
commit_id = request.GET.get('commit')
branch_ref = request.GET.get('branch')
bookmark_ref = request.GET.get('bookmark')
source_repo_data = PullRequestModel().generate_repo_data(
source_repo, commit_id=commit_id,
branch=branch_ref, bookmark=bookmark_ref)
except CommitDoesNotExistError as e:
h.flash(_('Commit does not exist'), 'error')
redirect(url('pullrequest_home', repo_name=source_repo.repo_name))
default_target_repo = source_repo
pull-requests: fix problem with empty instances on creating PR from origin repo
if source_repo.parent:
parent_vcs_obj = source_repo.parent.scm_instance()
if parent_vcs_obj and not parent_vcs_obj.is_empty():
# change default if we have a parent repo
default_target_repo = source_repo.parent
project: added all source files and assets
target_repo_data = PullRequestModel().generate_repo_data(
selected_source_ref = source_repo_data['refs']['selected_ref']
title_source_ref = selected_source_ref.split(':', 2)[1]
c.default_title = PullRequestModel().generate_pullrequest_title(
c.default_repo_data = {
'source_repo_name': source_repo.repo_name,
'source_refs_json': json.dumps(source_repo_data),
'target_repo_name': default_target_repo.repo_name,
'target_refs_json': json.dumps(target_repo_data),
c.default_source_ref = selected_source_ref
templating: use .mako as extensions for template files.
r1282 return render('/pullrequests/pullrequest.mako')
project: added all source files and assets
@HasRepoPermissionAnyDecorator('repository.read', 'repository.write',
def get_repo_refs(self, repo_name, target_repo_name):
repo = Repository.get_by_repo_name(target_repo_name)
if not repo:
raise HTTPNotFound
return PullRequestModel().generate_repo_data(repo)
@HasRepoPermissionAnyDecorator('repository.read', 'repository.write',
def get_repo_destinations(self, repo_name):
repo = Repository.get_by_repo_name(repo_name)
if not repo:
raise HTTPNotFound
filter_query = request.GET.get('query')
query = Repository.query() \
.order_by(func.length(Repository.repo_name)) \
Repository.repo_name == repo.repo_name,
Repository.fork_id == repo.repo_id))
if filter_query:
ilike_expression = u'%{}%'.format(safe_unicode(filter_query))
query = query.filter(
add_parent = False
if repo.parent:
if filter_query in repo.parent.repo_name:
pull-requests: fix problem with empty instances on creating PR from origin repo
r921 parent_vcs_obj = repo.parent.scm_instance()
if parent_vcs_obj and not parent_vcs_obj.is_empty():
project: added all source files and assets
r1 add_parent = True
limit = 20 - 1 if add_parent else 20
all_repos = query.limit(limit).all()
if add_parent:
all_repos += [repo.parent]
repos = []
for obj in self.scm_model.get_repos(all_repos):
'id': obj['name'],
'text': obj['name'],
'type': 'repo',
'obj': obj['dbrepo']
data = {
'more': False,
'results': [{
'text': _('Repositories'),
'children': repos
}] if repos else []
return data
@HasRepoPermissionAnyDecorator('repository.read', 'repository.write',
@HasAcceptedRepoType('git', 'hg')
def create(self, repo_name):
repo = Repository.get_by_repo_name(repo_name)
if not repo:
raise HTTPNotFound
reviewers: store reviewer reasons to database, fixes #4238
r873 controls = peppercorn.parse(request.POST.items())
project: added all source files and assets
r1 try:
reviewers: store reviewer reasons to database, fixes #4238
r873 _form = PullRequestForm(repo.repo_id)().to_python(controls)
project: added all source files and assets
r1 except formencode.Invalid as errors:
if errors.error_dict.get('revisions'):
msg = 'Revisions: %s' % errors.error_dict['revisions']
elif errors.error_dict.get('pullrequest_title'):
msg = _('Pull request requires a title with min. 3 chars')
msg = _('Error creating pull request: {}').format(errors)
h.flash(msg, 'error')
# would rather just go back to form ...
return redirect(url('pullrequest_home', repo_name=repo_name))
source_repo = _form['source_repo']
source_ref = _form['source_ref']
target_repo = _form['target_repo']
target_ref = _form['target_ref']
commit_ids = _form['revisions'][::-1]
reviewers: store reviewer reasons to database, fixes #4238
r873 reviewers = [
(r['user_id'], r['reasons']) for r in _form['review_members']]
project: added all source files and assets
# find the ancestor for this pr
source_db_repo = Repository.get_by_repo_name(_form['source_repo'])
target_db_repo = Repository.get_by_repo_name(_form['target_repo'])
source_scm = source_db_repo.scm_instance()
target_scm = target_db_repo.scm_instance()
source_commit = source_scm.get_commit(source_ref.split(':')[-1])
target_commit = target_scm.get_commit(target_ref.split(':')[-1])
ancestor = source_scm.get_common_ancestor(
source_commit.raw_id, target_commit.raw_id, target_scm)
target_ref_type, target_ref_name, __ = _form['target_ref'].split(':')
target_ref = ':'.join((target_ref_type, target_ref_name, ancestor))
pullrequest_title = _form['pullrequest_title']
title_source_ref = source_ref.split(':', 2)[1]
if not pullrequest_title:
pullrequest_title = PullRequestModel().generate_pullrequest_title(
description = _form['pullrequest_desc']
pull_request = PullRequestModel().create(
c.rhodecode_user.user_id, source_repo, source_ref, target_repo,
target_ref, commit_ids, reviewers, pullrequest_title,
h.flash(_('Successfully opened new pull request'),
except Exception as e:
msg = _('Error occurred during sending pull request')
h.flash(msg, category='error')
return redirect(url('pullrequest_home', repo_name=repo_name))
return redirect(url('pullrequest_show', repo_name=target_repo,
@HasRepoPermissionAnyDecorator('repository.read', 'repository.write',
def update(self, repo_name, pull_request_id):
pull_request_id = safe_int(pull_request_id)
pull_request = PullRequest.get_or_404(pull_request_id)
# only owner or admin can update it
allowed_to_update = PullRequestModel().check_user_update(
pull_request, c.rhodecode_user)
if allowed_to_update:
reviewers: store reviewer reasons to database, fixes #4238
r873 controls = peppercorn.parse(request.POST.items())
if 'review_members' in controls:
pull_request_id, controls['review_members'])
project: added all source files and assets
r1 elif str2bool(request.POST.get('update_commits', 'false')):
elif str2bool(request.POST.get('close_pull_request', 'false')):
elif str2bool(request.POST.get('edit_pull_request', 'false')):
raise HTTPBadRequest()
return True
raise HTTPForbidden()
def _edit_pull_request(self, pull_request):
pull_request, request.POST.get('title'),
except ValueError:
msg = _(u'Cannot update closed pull requests.')
h.flash(msg, category='error')
msg = _(u'Pull request title & description updated.')
h.flash(msg, category='success')
def _update_commits(self, pull_request):
Martin Bornhold
pr: Use new update response object from pr model. #3950
r1076 resp = PullRequestModel().update_commits(pull_request)
Martin Bornhold
pr: Rename update response flag `success` -> `executed`...
r1083 if resp.executed:
Martin Bornhold
pr: Use new update response object from pr model. #3950
r1076 msg = _(
u'Pull request updated to "{source_commit_id}" with '
u'{count_added} added, {count_removed} removed commits.')
msg = msg.format(
h.flash(msg, category='success')
registry = get_current_registry()
rhodecode_plugins = getattr(registry, 'rhodecode_plugins', {})
channelstream_config = rhodecode_plugins.get('channelstream', {})
if channelstream_config.get('enabled'):
message = msg + (
' - <a onclick="window.location.reload()">'
'<strong>{}</strong></a>'.format(_('Reload page')))
channel = '/repo${}$/pr/{}'.format(
payload = {
'type': 'message',
'user': 'system',
'exclude_users': [request.user.username],
'channel': channel,
'message': {
'message': message,
'level': 'success',
'topic': '/notifications'
channelstream_config, [payload], '/message',
Martin Bornhold
pr: Refactor PR update error message handling.
r1082 msg = PullRequestModel.UPDATE_STATUS_MESSAGES[resp.reason]
warning_reasons = [
category = 'warning' if resp.reason in warning_reasons else 'error'
h.flash(msg, category=category)
project: added all source files and assets
@HasRepoPermissionAnyDecorator('repository.read', 'repository.write',
def merge(self, repo_name, pull_request_id):
POST /{repo_name}/pull-request/{pull_request_id}
Merge will perform a server-side merge of the specified
pull request, if the pull request is approved and mergeable.
pull-requests: unified merge checks....
r1335 After successful merging, the pull request is automatically
project: added all source files and assets
r1 closed, with a relevant comment.
pull_request_id = safe_int(pull_request_id)
pull_request = PullRequest.get_or_404(pull_request_id)
user = c.rhodecode_user
pull-requests: unified merge checks....
r1335 check = MergeCheck.validate(pull_request, user)
merge_possible = not check.failed
for err_type, error_msg in check.errors:
h.flash(error_msg, category=err_type)
if merge_possible:
project: added all source files and assets
r1 log.debug("Pre-conditions checked, trying to merge.")
extras = vcs_operation_context(
request.environ, repo_name=pull_request.target_repo.repo_name,
username=user.username, action='push',
self._merge_pull_request(pull_request, user, extras)
return redirect(url(
def _merge_pull_request(self, pull_request, user, extras):
merge_resp = PullRequestModel().merge(
pull_request, user, extras=extras)
if merge_resp.executed:
log.debug("The merge was successful, closing the pull request.")
pull_request.pull_request_id, user)
pull-requests: add a success flash when PR was merged
r166 msg = _('Pull request was successfully merged and closed.')
h.flash(msg, category='success')
project: added all source files and assets
r1 else:
"The merge was not successful. Merge response: %s",
msg = PullRequestModel().merge_status_message(
h.flash(msg, category='error')
reviewers: store reviewer reasons to database, fixes #4238
r873 def _update_reviewers(self, pull_request_id, review_members):
reviewers = [
(int(r['user_id']), r['reasons']) for r in review_members]
PullRequestModel().update_reviewers(pull_request_id, reviewers)
project: added all source files and assets
r1 Session().commit()
def _reject_close(self, pull_request):
if pull_request.is_closed():
raise HTTPForbidden()
pull_request, c.rhodecode_user, c.rhodecode_db_repo)
@HasRepoPermissionAnyDecorator('repository.read', 'repository.write',
def delete(self, repo_name, pull_request_id):
pull_request_id = safe_int(pull_request_id)
pull_request = PullRequest.get_or_404(pull_request_id)
# only owner can delete it !
if pull_request.author.user_id == c.rhodecode_user.user_id:
h.flash(_('Successfully deleted pull request'),
return redirect(url('my_account_pullrequests'))
raise HTTPForbidden()
pull-requests: added version browsing for pull requests....
r1192 def _get_pr_version(self, pull_request_id, version=None):
pull_request_id = safe_int(pull_request_id)
at_version = None
pull-requests: expose version browsing of pull requests....
if version and version == 'latest':
pull_request_ver = PullRequest.get(pull_request_id)
pull_request_obj = pull_request_ver
_org_pull_request_obj = pull_request_obj
at_version = 'latest'
elif version:
pull-requests: added version browsing for pull requests....
r1192 pull_request_ver = PullRequestVersion.get_or_404(version)
pull_request_obj = pull_request_ver
_org_pull_request_obj = pull_request_ver.pull_request
at_version = pull_request_ver.pull_request_version_id
_org_pull_request_obj = pull_request_obj = PullRequest.get_or_404(pull_request_id)
pull-requests: expose version browsing of pull requests....
r1255 pull_request_display_obj = PullRequest.get_pr_display_object(
pull_request_obj, _org_pull_request_obj)
pull-requests: added version browsing for pull requests....
r1192 return _org_pull_request_obj, pull_request_obj, \
diffs: fixed other file source when using pull requests. It must use...
r1194 pull_request_display_obj, at_version
pull-requests: added version browsing for pull requests....
pull-requests: expose version browsing of pull requests....
r1255 def _get_pr_version_changes(self, version, pull_request_latest):
Generate changes commits, and diff data based on the current pr version
#TODO(marcink): save those changes as JSON metadata for chaching later.
# fake the version to add the "initial" state object
pull_request_initial = PullRequest.get_pr_display_object(
pull_request_latest, pull_request_latest,
internal_methods=['get_commit', 'versions'])
pull_request_initial.revisions = []
pull_request_initial.source_repo.get_commit = types.MethodType(
lambda *a, **k: EmptyCommit(), pull_request_initial)
pull_request_initial.source_repo.scm_instance = types.MethodType(
lambda *a, **k: EmptyRepository(), pull_request_initial)
_changes_versions = [pull_request_latest] + \
list(reversed(c.versions)) + \
if version == 'latest':
index = 0
for pos, prver in enumerate(_changes_versions):
ver = getattr(prver, 'pull_request_version_id', -1)
if ver == safe_int(version):
index = pos
index = 0
cur_obj = _changes_versions[index]
prev_obj = _changes_versions[index + 1]
old_commit_ids = set(prev_obj.revisions)
new_commit_ids = set(cur_obj.revisions)
changes = PullRequestModel()._calculate_commit_id_changes(
old_commit_ids, new_commit_ids)
old_diff_data, new_diff_data = PullRequestModel()._generate_update_diffs(
cur_obj, prev_obj)
file_changes = PullRequestModel()._calculate_file_changes(
old_diff_data, new_diff_data)
return changes, file_changes
project: added all source files and assets
r1 @LoginRequired()
@HasRepoPermissionAnyDecorator('repository.read', 'repository.write',
def show(self, repo_name, pull_request_id):
pull_request_id = safe_int(pull_request_id)
diffs: fixed other file source when using pull requests. It must use...
r1194 version = request.GET.get('version')
pull-request: introduced new merge-checks....
r1334 merge_checks = request.GET.get('merge_checks')
pull-requests: added version browsing for pull requests....
diffs: fixed other file source when using pull requests. It must use...
r1194 (pull_request_latest,
at_version) = self._get_pr_version(pull_request_id, version=version)
project: added all source files and assets
templateContext: improve the context object idea
r395 c.template_context['pull_request_data']['pull_request_id'] = \
templateContext: allow for flexible way to communicate additional info for client code from controllers
project: added all source files and assets
r1 # pull_requests repo_name we opened it against
# ie. target_repo must match
diffs: fixed other file source when using pull requests. It must use...
r1194 if repo_name != pull_request_at_ver.target_repo.repo_name:
project: added all source files and assets
r1 raise HTTPNotFound
Martin Bornhold
pr: Display link to shadow repository on pull request page.
r896 c.shadow_clone_url = PullRequestModel().get_shadow_clone_url(
diffs: fixed other file source when using pull requests. It must use...
r1194 pull_request_at_ver)
pull-requests: added version browsing for pull requests....
pull-request: introduced new merge-checks....
r1334 c.ancestor = None # TODO: add ancestor here
c.pull_request = pull_request_display_obj
c.pull_request_latest = pull_request_latest
diffs: fixed other file source when using pull requests. It must use...
r1194 pr_closed = pull_request_latest.is_closed()
pull-requests: expose version browsing of pull requests....
r1255 if at_version and not at_version == 'latest':
pull-requests: added version browsing for pull requests....
r1192 c.allowed_to_change_status = False
diffs: fixed other file source when using pull requests. It must use...
r1194 c.allowed_to_update = False
c.allowed_to_merge = False
c.allowed_to_delete = False
c.allowed_to_comment = False
pull-requests: added version browsing for pull requests....
r1192 else:
c.allowed_to_change_status = PullRequestModel(). \
diffs: fixed other file source when using pull requests. It must use...
r1194 check_user_change_status(pull_request_at_ver, c.rhodecode_user)
pull-requests: added version browsing for pull requests....
r1192 c.allowed_to_update = PullRequestModel().check_user_update(
diffs: fixed other file source when using pull requests. It must use...
r1194 pull_request_latest, c.rhodecode_user) and not pr_closed
pull-requests: added version browsing for pull requests....
r1192 c.allowed_to_merge = PullRequestModel().check_user_merge(
diffs: fixed other file source when using pull requests. It must use...
r1194 pull_request_latest, c.rhodecode_user) and not pr_closed
pull-requests: added version browsing for pull requests....
r1192 c.allowed_to_delete = PullRequestModel().check_user_delete(
diffs: fixed other file source when using pull requests. It must use...
r1194 pull_request_latest, c.rhodecode_user) and not pr_closed
c.allowed_to_comment = not pr_closed
project: added all source files and assets
comments: renamed ChangesetCommentsModel to CommentsModel to reflect what it actually does....
r1323 cc_model = CommentsModel()
project: added all source files and assets
diffs: fixed other file source when using pull requests. It must use...
r1194 c.pull_request_reviewers = pull_request_at_ver.reviewers_statuses()
c.pull_request_review_status = pull_request_at_ver.calculated_review_status()
project: added all source files and assets
comments: properly show version of pull request into added comments....
r1286 c.versions = pull_request_display_obj.versions()
comments: use unified aggregation of comments counters....
r1332 c.at_version = at_version
pull-requests: updated versioning support....
r1268 c.at_version_num = at_version if at_version and at_version != 'latest' else None
comments: properly show version of pull request into added comments....
r1286 c.at_version_pos = ChangesetComment.get_index_from_version(
c.at_version_num, c.versions)
comments: use unified aggregation of comments counters....
r1332 # GENERAL COMMENTS with versions #
q = cc_model._all_general_comments_of_pull_request(pull_request_latest)
general_comments = q.order_by(ChangesetComment.pull_request_version_id.asc())
inline-comments: added helper to properly count inline comments.
comments: use unified aggregation of comments counters....
r1332 # pick comments we want to render at current version
c.comment_versions = cc_model.aggregate_comments(
general_comments, c.versions, c.at_version_num)
c.comments = c.comment_versions[c.at_version_num]['until']
# INLINE COMMENTS with versions #
q = cc_model._all_inline_comments_of_pull_request(pull_request_latest)
inline_comments = q.order_by(ChangesetComment.pull_request_version_id.asc())
c.inline_versions = cc_model.aggregate_comments(
inline_comments, c.versions, c.at_version_num, inline=True)
pullrequest: remove old diff code from pullrequest controller
comments: use unified aggregation of comments counters....
r1332 # if we use version, then do not show later comments
# than current version
pull-request: introduced new merge-checks....
r1334 display_inline_comments = collections.defaultdict(lambda: collections.defaultdict(list))
comments: use unified aggregation of comments counters....
r1332 for co in inline_comments:
if c.at_version_num:
# pick comments that are at least UPTO given version, so we
# don't render comments for higher version
should_render = co.pull_request_version_id and \
co.pull_request_version_id <= c.at_version_num
# showing all, for 'latest'
should_render = True
pull-requests: added version browsing for pull requests....
comments: use unified aggregation of comments counters....
r1332 if should_render:
pull-request: introduced new merge-checks....
r1334 display_inline_comments[co.f_path][co.line_no].append(co)
pull-requests: unified merge checks....
r1335 _merge_check = MergeCheck.validate(
pull_request_latest, user=c.rhodecode_user)
c.pr_merge_errors = _merge_check.errors
c.pr_merge_possible = not _merge_check.failed
c.pr_merge_message = _merge_check.merge_msg
pull-request: introduced new merge-checks....
if merge_checks:
return render('/pullrequests/pullrequest_merge_checks.mako')
pull-requests: updated versioning support....
# load compare data into template context
pull-request: introduced new merge-checks....
r1334 self._load_compare_data(pull_request_at_ver, display_inline_comments)
project: added all source files and assets
diffs: add new diffs to pull request page
r1159 # this is a hack to properly display links, when creating PR, the
# compare view and others uses different notation, and
templating: use .mako as extensions for template files.
r1282 # compare_commits.mako renders links based on the target_repo.
diffs: add new diffs to pull request page
r1159 # We need to swap that here to generate it properly on the html side
c.target_repo = c.source_repo
project: added all source files and assets
r1 if c.allowed_to_update:
force_close = ('forced_closed', _('Close Pull Request'))
statuses = ChangesetStatus.STATUSES + [force_close]
statuses = ChangesetStatus.STATUSES
c.commit_statuses = statuses
pull-requests: expose version browsing of pull requests....
r1255 c.changes = None
c.file_changes = None
pull-requests: updated versioning support....
r1268 c.show_version_changes = 1 # control flag, not used yet
pull-requests: expose version browsing of pull requests....
if at_version and c.show_version_changes:
c.changes, c.file_changes = self._get_pr_version_changes(
version, pull_request_latest)
templating: use .mako as extensions for template files.
r1282 return render('/pullrequests/pullrequest_show.mako')
project: added all source files and assets
@HasRepoPermissionAnyDecorator('repository.read', 'repository.write',
def comment(self, repo_name, pull_request_id):
pull_request_id = safe_int(pull_request_id)
pull_request = PullRequest.get_or_404(pull_request_id)
if pull_request.is_closed():
raise HTTPForbidden()
# TODO: johbo: Re-think this bit, "approved_closed" does not exist
# as a changeset status, still we want to send it in one value.
status = request.POST.get('changeset_status', None)
text = request.POST.get('text')
comments: add comments type into comments.
r1324 comment_type = request.POST.get('comment_type')
comments: enabled resolution for general comments, and finalized how general comment is build
r1326 resolves_comment_id = request.POST.get('resolves_comment_id', None)
comments: allow submitting id of comment which submitted comment resolved....
project: added all source files and assets
r1 if status and '_closed' in status:
close_pr = True
status = status.replace('_closed', '')
close_pr = False
forced = (status == 'forced')
if forced:
status = 'rejected'
allowed_to_change_status = PullRequestModel().check_user_change_status(
pull_request, c.rhodecode_user)
if status and allowed_to_change_status:
message = (_('Status change %(transition_icon)s %(status)s')
% {'transition_icon': '>',
'status': ChangesetStatus.get_status_lbl(status)})
if close_pr:
message = _('Closing with') + ' ' + message
text = text or message
comments: renamed ChangesetCommentsModel to CommentsModel to reflect what it actually does....
r1323 comm = CommentsModel().create(
project: added all source files and assets
r1 text=text,
if status and allowed_to_change_status else None),
emails: added new tags to status sent...
r548 status_change_type=(status
if status and allowed_to_change_status else None),
comments: add comments type into comments.
r1324 closing_pr=close_pr,
comments: allow submitting id of comment which submitted comment resolved....
r1325 comment_type=comment_type,
project: added all source files and assets
r1 )
if allowed_to_change_status:
old_calculated_status = pull_request.calculated_review_status()
# get status if set !
if status:
events: add an event for pull request comments with review status
r443 events.trigger(events.PullRequestCommentEvent(pull_request, comm))
project: added all source files and assets
r1 # we now calculate the status of pull request, and based on that
# calculation we set the commits status
calculated_status = pull_request.calculated_review_status()
if old_calculated_status != calculated_status:
pull_request, c.rhodecode_user, 'review_status_change')
calculated_status_lbl = ChangesetStatus.get_status_lbl(
if close_pr:
status_completed = (
calculated_status in [ChangesetStatus.STATUS_APPROVED,
if forced or status_completed:
pull_request_id, c.rhodecode_user)
h.flash(_('Closing pull request on other statuses than '
'rejected or approved is forbidden. '
'Calculated status from all reviewers '
'is currently: %s') % calculated_status_lbl,
if not request.is_xhr:
return redirect(h.url('pullrequest_show', repo_name=repo_name,
data = {
'target_id': h.safeid(h.safe_unicode(request.POST.get('f_path'))),
if comm:
c.co = comm
comments: properly show version of pull request into added comments....
r1286 c.inline_comment = True if comm.line_no else False
project: added all source files and assets
r1 data.update(comm.get_dict())
templating: use .mako as extensions for template files.
r1282 render('changeset/changeset_comment_block.mako')})
project: added all source files and assets
return data
@HasRepoPermissionAnyDecorator('repository.read', 'repository.write',
def delete_comment(self, repo_name, comment_id):
return self._delete_comment(comment_id)
def _delete_comment(self, comment_id):
comment_id = safe_int(comment_id)
co = ChangesetComment.get_or_404(comment_id)
if co.pull_request.is_closed():
# don't allow deleting comments on closed pull request
raise HTTPForbidden()
is_owner = co.author.user_id == c.rhodecode_user.user_id
is_repo_admin = h.HasRepoPermissionAny('repository.admin')(c.repo_name)
if h.HasPermissionAny('hg.admin')() or is_repo_admin or is_owner:
old_calculated_status = co.pull_request.calculated_review_status()
comments: renamed ChangesetCommentsModel to CommentsModel to reflect what it actually does....
r1323 CommentsModel().delete(comment=co)
project: added all source files and assets
r1 Session().commit()
calculated_status = co.pull_request.calculated_review_status()
if old_calculated_status != calculated_status:
co.pull_request, c.rhodecode_user, 'review_status_change')
return True
raise HTTPForbidden()