##// END OF EJS Templates
migration: detach permissions defaults migration from current models....
migration: detach permissions defaults migration from current models. This was causing that latest code was used results in potential problems during migration. Now we use the bound migraiton code that always will perform the same exact migrations independent of the current code changes.

File last commit:

r1374:fd60dce0 default
r1544:cf0c0eb2 default
Show More
663 lines | 25.3 KiB | application/x-mako | MakoHtmlLexer
comments: allow submitting id of comment which submitted comment resolved....
r1325 <%namespace name="commentblock" file="/changeset/changeset_file_comment.mako"/>
templating: use .mako as extensions for template files.
r1282 <%def name="diff_line_anchor(filename, line, type)"><%
return '%s_%s_%i' % (h.safeid(filename), type, line)
html: fixed found syntax problems
r1283 <%def name="action_class(action)">
templating: use .mako as extensions for template files.
r1282 return {
'-': 'cb-deletion',
'+': 'cb-addition',
' ': 'cb-context',
}.get(action, 'cb-empty')
html: fixed found syntax problems
r1283 %>
templating: use .mako as extensions for template files.
html: fixed found syntax problems
r1283 <%def name="op_class(op_id)">
templating: use .mako as extensions for template files.
r1282 return {
DEL_FILENODE: 'deletion', # file deleted
BIN_FILENODE: 'warning' # binary diff hidden
}.get(op_id, 'addition')
html: fixed found syntax problems
r1283 %>
templating: use .mako as extensions for template files.
html: fixed found syntax problems
r1283 <%def name="link_for(**kw)">
templating: use .mako as extensions for template files.
r1282 new_args = request.GET.mixed()
return h.url('', **new_args)
html: fixed found syntax problems
r1283 %>
templating: use .mako as extensions for template files.
<%def name="render_diffset(diffset, commit=None,
# collapse all file diff entries when there are more than this amount of files in the diff
# collapse lines in the diff when more than this amount of lines changed in the file diff
# add a ruler at to the output
# show inline comments
# disable new comments
# special file-comments that were deleted in previous versions
# it's used for showing outdated comments for deleted files in a PR
%if use_comments:
<div id="cb-comments-inline-container-template" class="js-template">
<div class="js-template" id="cb-comment-inline-form-template">
<div class="comment-inline-form ac">
%if c.rhodecode_user.username != h.DEFAULT_USER:
comments: allow submitting id of comment which submitted comment resolved....
r1325 ## render template for inline comments
templating: use .mako as extensions for template files.
r1282 %else:
${h.form('', class_='inline-form comment-form-login', method='get')}
<div class="pull-left">
<div class="comment-help pull-right">
${_('You need to be logged in to leave comments.')} <a href="${h.route_path('login', _query={'came_from': h.url.current()})}">${_('Login now')}</a>
<div class="comment-button pull-right">
<button type="button" class="cb-comment-cancel" onclick="return Rhodecode.comments.cancelComment(this);">
<div class="clearfix"></div>
collapse_all = len(diffset.files) > collapse_when_files_over
%if c.diffmode == 'sideside':
.wrapper {
max-width: 1600px !important;
%if ruler_at_chars:
.diff table.cb .cb-content:after {
content: "";
border-left: 1px solid blue;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
height: 18px;
opacity: .2;
z-index: 10;
//## +5 to account for diff action (+/-)
left: ${ruler_at_chars + 5}ch;
<div class="diffset ${disable_new_comments and 'diffset-comments-disabled'}">
<div class="diffset-heading ${diffset.limited_diff and 'diffset-heading-warning' or ''}">
%if commit:
<div class="pull-right">
<a class="btn tooltip" title="${_('Browse Files at revision {}').format(commit.raw_id)}" href="${h.url('files_home',repo_name=diffset.repo_name, revision=commit.raw_id, f_path='')}">
${_('Browse Files')}
<h2 class="clearinner">
%if commit:
<a class="tooltip revision" title="${h.tooltip(commit.message)}" href="${h.url('changeset_home',repo_name=c.repo_name,revision=commit.raw_id)}">${'r%s:%s' % (commit.revision,h.short_id(commit.raw_id))}</a> -
${h.age_component(commit.date)} -
%if diffset.limited_diff:
${_('The requested commit is too big and content was truncated.')}
${ungettext('%(num)s file changed.', '%(num)s files changed.', diffset.changed_files) % {'num': diffset.changed_files}}
<a href="${link_for(fulldiff=1)}" onclick="return confirm('${_("Showing a big diff might take some time and resources, continue?")}')">${_('Show full diff')}</a>
${ungettext('%(num)s file changed: %(linesadd)s inserted, ''%(linesdel)s deleted',
'%(num)s files changed: %(linesadd)s inserted, %(linesdel)s deleted', diffset.changed_files) % {'num': diffset.changed_files, 'linesadd': diffset.lines_added, 'linesdel': diffset.lines_deleted}}
%if not diffset.files:
<p class="empty_data">${_('No files')}</p>
<div class="filediffs">
pr-diffs: fixed a case when there are outdated comments and we're doing a rebase compare.
r1374 ## initial value could be marked as False later on
<% over_lines_changed_limit = False %>
templating: use .mako as extensions for template files.
r1282 %for i, filediff in enumerate(diffset.files):
lines_changed = filediff['patch']['stats']['added'] + filediff['patch']['stats']['deleted']
over_lines_changed_limit = lines_changed > lines_changed_limit
<input ${collapse_all and 'checked' or ''} class="filediff-collapse-state" id="filediff-collapse-${id(filediff)}" type="checkbox">
id="a_${h.FID('', filediff['patch']['filename'])}">
<label for="filediff-collapse-${id(filediff)}" class="filediff-heading">
<div class="filediff-collapse-indicator"></div>
${diff_menu(filediff, use_comments=use_comments)}
<table class="cb cb-diff-${c.diffmode} code-highlight ${over_lines_changed_limit and 'cb-collapsed' or ''}">
%if not filediff.hunks:
%for op_id, op_text in filediff['patch']['stats']['ops'].items():
<td class="cb-text cb-${op_class(op_id)}" ${c.diffmode == 'unified' and 'colspan=4' or 'colspan=6'}>
%if op_id == DEL_FILENODE:
${_('File was deleted')}
%elif op_id == BIN_FILENODE:
${_('Binary file hidden')}
%if filediff.patch['is_limited_diff']:
<tr class="cb-warning cb-collapser">
<td class="cb-text" ${c.diffmode == 'unified' and 'colspan=4' or 'colspan=6'}>
${_('The requested commit is too big and content was truncated.')} <a href="${link_for(fulldiff=1)}" onclick="return confirm('${_("Showing a big diff might take some time and resources, continue?")}')">${_('Show full diff')}</a>
%if over_lines_changed_limit:
<tr class="cb-warning cb-collapser">
<td class="cb-text" ${c.diffmode == 'unified' and 'colspan=4' or 'colspan=6'}>
${_('This diff has been collapsed as it changes many lines, (%i lines changed)' % lines_changed)}
<a href="#" class="cb-expand"
onclick="$(this).closest('table').removeClass('cb-collapsed'); return false;">${_('Show them')}
<a href="#" class="cb-collapse"
onclick="$(this).closest('table').addClass('cb-collapsed'); return false;">${_('Hide them')}
%for hunk in filediff.hunks:
<tr class="cb-hunk">
<td ${c.diffmode == 'unified' and 'colspan=3' or ''}>
## TODO: dan: add ajax loading of more context here
## <a href="#">
<i class="icon-more"></i>
## </a>
<td ${c.diffmode == 'sideside' and 'colspan=5' or ''}>
%if c.diffmode == 'unified':
${render_hunk_lines_unified(hunk, use_comments=use_comments)}
%elif c.diffmode == 'sideside':
${render_hunk_lines_sideside(hunk, use_comments=use_comments)}
<tr class="cb-line">
<td>unknown diff mode</td>
## outdated comments that do not fit into currently displayed lines
% for lineno, comments in filediff.left_comments.items():
%if c.diffmode == 'unified':
<tr class="cb-line">
<td class="cb-data cb-context"></td>
<td class="cb-lineno cb-context"></td>
<td class="cb-lineno cb-context"></td>
<td class="cb-content cb-context">
%elif c.diffmode == 'sideside':
<tr class="cb-line">
<td class="cb-data cb-context"></td>
<td class="cb-lineno cb-context"></td>
<td class="cb-content cb-context"></td>
<td class="cb-data cb-context"></td>
<td class="cb-lineno cb-context"></td>
<td class="cb-content cb-context">
% endfor
## outdated comments that are made for a file that has been deleted
% for filename, comments_dict in (deleted_files_comments or {}).items():
<div class="filediffs filediff-outdated" style="display: none">
<input ${collapse_all and 'checked' or ''} class="filediff-collapse-state" id="filediff-collapse-${id(filename)}" type="checkbox">
<div class="filediff" data-f-path="${filename}" id="a_${h.FID('', filename)}">
<label for="filediff-collapse-${id(filename)}" class="filediff-heading">
<div class="filediff-collapse-indicator"></div>
<span class="pill">
## file was deleted
<span class="pill-group" style="float: left">
## file op, doesn't need translation
<span class="pill" op="removed">removed in this version</span>
<a class="pill filediff-anchor" href="#a_${h.FID('', filename)}">¶</a>
<span class="pill-group" style="float: right">
<span class="pill" op="deleted">-${comments_dict['stats']}</span>
<table class="cb cb-diff-${c.diffmode} code-highlight ${over_lines_changed_limit and 'cb-collapsed' or ''}">
% if c.diffmode == 'unified':
<td class="cb-text cb-${op_class(BIN_FILENODE)}" ${c.diffmode == 'unified' and 'colspan=4' or 'colspan=5'}>
${_('File was deleted in this version, and outdated comments were made on it')}
%if c.diffmode == 'unified':
<tr class="cb-line">
<td class="cb-data cb-context"></td>
<td class="cb-lineno cb-context"></td>
<td class="cb-lineno cb-context"></td>
<td class="cb-content cb-context">
%elif c.diffmode == 'sideside':
<tr class="cb-line">
<td class="cb-data cb-context"></td>
<td class="cb-lineno cb-context"></td>
<td class="cb-content cb-context"></td>
<td class="cb-data cb-context"></td>
<td class="cb-lineno cb-context"></td>
<td class="cb-content cb-context">
% endfor
<%def name="diff_ops(filediff)">
stats = filediff['patch']['stats']
from rhodecode.lib.diffs import NEW_FILENODE, DEL_FILENODE, \
<span class="pill">
%if filediff.source_file_path and filediff.target_file_path:
html: fixed found syntax problems
r1283 %if filediff.source_file_path != filediff.target_file_path:
## file was renamed
<strong>${filediff.target_file_path}</strong> ⬅ <del>${filediff.source_file_path}</del>
templating: use .mako as extensions for template files.
r1282 %else:
## file was modified
%if filediff.source_file_path:
## file was deleted
## file was added
<span class="pill-group" style="float: left">
%if filediff.patch['is_limited_diff']:
<span class="pill tooltip" op="limited" title="The stats for this diff are not complete">limited diff</span>
%if RENAMED_FILENODE in stats['ops']:
<span class="pill" op="renamed">renamed</span>
%if NEW_FILENODE in stats['ops']:
<span class="pill" op="created">created</span>
%if filediff['target_mode'].startswith('120'):
<span class="pill" op="symlink">symlink</span>
<span class="pill" op="mode">${nice_mode(filediff['target_mode'])}</span>
%if DEL_FILENODE in stats['ops']:
<span class="pill" op="removed">removed</span>
%if CHMOD_FILENODE in stats['ops']:
<span class="pill" op="mode">
${nice_mode(filediff['source_mode'])} âž¡ ${nice_mode(filediff['target_mode'])}
<a class="pill filediff-anchor" href="#a_${h.FID('', filediff.patch['filename'])}">¶</a>
<span class="pill-group" style="float: right">
%if BIN_FILENODE in stats['ops']:
<span class="pill" op="binary">binary</span>
%if MOD_FILENODE in stats['ops']:
<span class="pill" op="modified">modified</span>
%if stats['added']:
<span class="pill" op="added">+${stats['added']}</span>
%if stats['deleted']:
<span class="pill" op="deleted">-${stats['deleted']}</span>
<%def name="nice_mode(filemode)">
${filemode.startswith('100') and filemode[3:] or filemode}
<%def name="diff_menu(filediff, use_comments=False)">
<div class="filediff-menu">
%if filediff.diffset.source_ref:
%if filediff.patch['operation'] in ['D', 'M']:
title="${h.tooltip(_('Show file at commit: %(commit_id)s') % {'commit_id': filediff.diffset.source_ref[:12]})}"
${_('Show file before')}
</a> |
title="${h.tooltip(_('File no longer present at commit: %(commit_id)s') % {'commit_id': filediff.diffset.source_ref[:12]})}"
${_('Show file before')}
</span> |
%if filediff.patch['operation'] in ['A', 'M']:
title="${h.tooltip(_('Show file at commit: %(commit_id)s') % {'commit_id': filediff.diffset.target_ref[:12]})}"
${_('Show file after')}
</a> |
title="${h.tooltip(_('File no longer present at commit: %(commit_id)s') % {'commit_id': filediff.diffset.target_ref[:12]})}"
${_('Show file after')}
</span> |
title="${h.tooltip(_('Raw diff'))}"
${_('Raw diff')}
</a> |
title="${h.tooltip(_('Download diff'))}"
${_('Download diff')}
% if use_comments:
% endif
## TODO: dan: refactor ignorews_url and context_url into the diff renderer same as diffmode=unified/sideside. Also use ajax to load more context (by clicking hunks)
%if hasattr(c, 'ignorews_url'):
${c.ignorews_url(request.GET, h.FID('', filediff['patch']['filename']))}
%if hasattr(c, 'context_url'):
${c.context_url(request.GET, h.FID('', filediff['patch']['filename']))}
%if use_comments:
<a href="#" onclick="return Rhodecode.comments.toggleComments(this);">
<span class="show-comment-button">${_('Show comments')}</span><span class="hide-comment-button">${_('Hide comments')}</span>
<%def name="inline_comments_container(comments)">
<div class="inline-comments">
%for comment in comments:
${commentblock.comment_block(comment, inline=True)}
% if comments and comments[-1].outdated:
<span class="btn btn-secondary cb-comment-add-button comment-outdated}"
style="display: none;}">
${_('Add another comment')}
% else:
<span onclick="return Rhodecode.comments.createComment(this)"
class="btn btn-secondary cb-comment-add-button">
${_('Add another comment')}
% endif
<%def name="render_hunk_lines_sideside(hunk, use_comments=False)">
%for i, line in enumerate(hunk.sideside):
old_line_anchor, new_line_anchor = None, None
if line.original.lineno:
old_line_anchor = diff_line_anchor(hunk.filediff.source_file_path, line.original.lineno, 'o')
if line.modified.lineno:
new_line_anchor = diff_line_anchor(hunk.filediff.target_file_path, line.modified.lineno, 'n')
<tr class="cb-line">
<td class="cb-data ${action_class(line.original.action)}"
%if line.original.comments:
<i class="icon-comment" onclick="return Rhodecode.comments.toggleLineComments(this)"></i>
<td class="cb-lineno ${action_class(line.original.action)}"
%if old_line_anchor:
%if line.original.lineno:
<a name="${old_line_anchor}" href="#${old_line_anchor}">${line.original.lineno}</a>
<td class="cb-content ${action_class(line.original.action)}"
%if use_comments and line.original.lineno:
<span class="cb-code">${line.original.action} ${line.original.content or '' | n}</span>
%if use_comments and line.original.lineno and line.original.comments:
<td class="cb-data ${action_class(line.modified.action)}"
%if line.modified.comments:
<i class="icon-comment" onclick="return Rhodecode.comments.toggleLineComments(this)"></i>
<td class="cb-lineno ${action_class(line.modified.action)}"
%if new_line_anchor:
%if line.modified.lineno:
<a name="${new_line_anchor}" href="#${new_line_anchor}">${line.modified.lineno}</a>
<td class="cb-content ${action_class(line.modified.action)}"
%if use_comments and line.modified.lineno:
<span class="cb-code">${line.modified.action} ${line.modified.content or '' | n}</span>
%if use_comments and line.modified.lineno and line.modified.comments:
<%def name="render_hunk_lines_unified(hunk, use_comments=False)">
%for old_line_no, new_line_no, action, content, comments in hunk.unified:
old_line_anchor, new_line_anchor = None, None
if old_line_no:
old_line_anchor = diff_line_anchor(hunk.filediff.source_file_path, old_line_no, 'o')
if new_line_no:
new_line_anchor = diff_line_anchor(hunk.filediff.target_file_path, new_line_no, 'n')
<tr class="cb-line">
<td class="cb-data ${action_class(action)}">
%if comments:
<i class="icon-comment" onclick="return Rhodecode.comments.toggleLineComments(this)"></i>
<td class="cb-lineno ${action_class(action)}"
%if old_line_anchor:
%if old_line_anchor:
<a name="${old_line_anchor}" href="#${old_line_anchor}">${old_line_no}</a>
<td class="cb-lineno ${action_class(action)}"
%if new_line_anchor:
%if new_line_anchor:
<a name="${new_line_anchor}" href="#${new_line_anchor}">${new_line_no}</a>
<td class="cb-content ${action_class(action)}"
data-line-number="${new_line_no and 'n' or 'o'}${new_line_no or old_line_no}"
%if use_comments:
<span class="cb-code">${action} ${content or '' | n}</span>
%if use_comments and comments:
<%def name="render_add_comment_button()">
<button class="btn btn-small btn-primary cb-comment-box-opener" onclick="return Rhodecode.comments.createComment(this)">
<span><i class="icon-comment"></i></span>
<%def name="render_diffset_menu()">
<div class="diffset-menu clearinner">
<div class="pull-right">
<div class="btn-group">
class="btn ${c.diffmode == 'sideside' and 'btn-primary'} tooltip"
title="${_('View side by side')}"
<span>${_('Side by Side')}</span>
class="btn ${c.diffmode == 'unified' and 'btn-primary'} tooltip"
title="${_('View unified')}" href="${h.url_replace(diffmode='unified')}">
<div class="pull-left">
<div class="btn-group">
onclick="$('input[class=filediff-collapse-state]').prop('checked', false); return false">${_('Expand All Files')}</a>
onclick="$('input[class=filediff-collapse-state]').prop('checked', true); return false">${_('Collapse All Files')}</a>
onclick="return Rhodecode.comments.toggleWideMode(this)">${_('Wide Mode Diff')}</a>