##// END OF EJS Templates
migration: detach permissions defaults migration from current models....
migration: detach permissions defaults migration from current models. This was causing that latest code was used results in potential problems during migration. Now we use the bound migraiton code that always will perform the same exact migrations independent of the current code changes.

File last commit:

r1:854a839a default
r1544:cf0c0eb2 default
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24 lines | 641 B | text/plain | TextLexer
project: added all source files and assets
% if pylons_context:
<table class="table table-striped table-condensed">
% for key in sorted(pylons_context.keys()):
% endfor
% else:
<p>No context information found.</p>
<p>The integrated Pylons application has to be abjusted to make the context object available.
It should check for <code>environ['debugtoolbar.wants_pylons_context'] == True</code> and set
<code>environ['debugtoolbar.pylons_context'] = tmpl_context._current_obj()</code>.</p>
% endif