##// END OF EJS Templates
threading: Add factory that creates curl session for each thread....
threading: Add factory that creates curl session for each thread. When creating a repo with an import url pointing to another repo on the same enterprise instance we call the vcssserver to check the url. The vcsserver then calls to enterprise to verify the url. This leads to two threads using the same cur session.

File last commit:

r155:bb64dc25 default
r243:dae685be default
Show More
108 lines | 4.4 KiB | text/html | HtmlLexer
project: added all source files and assets
r1 ## -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
<%inherit file="/base/base.html"/>
<%def name="robots()">
%if c.gist.gist_type != 'public':
<meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow">
<%def name="title()">
${_('Gist')} &middot; ${c.gist.gist_access_id}
%if c.rhodecode_name:
&middot; ${h.branding(c.rhodecode_name)}
<%def name="breadcrumbs_links()">
${_('Gist')} &middot; ${c.gist.gist_access_id}
/ ${_('URL')}: ${c.gist.gist_url()}
<%def name="menu_bar_nav()">
<%def name="main()">
<div class="box">
<!-- box / title -->
<div class="title">
%if c.rhodecode_user.username != h.DEFAULT_USER:
<ul class="links">
<a href="${h.url('new_gist')}" class="btn btn-primary">${_(u'Create New Gist')}</a>
<div class="table">
<div id="files_data">
<div id="codeblock" class="codeblock">
<div class="code-header">
<div class="stats">
%if h.HasPermissionAny('hg.admin')() or c.gist.gist_owner == c.rhodecode_user.user_id:
<div class="remove_gist">
${h.secure_form(url('gist', gist_id=c.gist.gist_access_id),method='delete')}
${h.submit('remove_gist', _('Delete'),class_="btn btn-mini btn-danger",onclick="return confirm('"+_('Confirm to delete this Gist')+"');")}
<div class="buttons">
## only owner should see that
%if h.HasPermissionAny('hg.admin')() or c.gist.gist_owner == c.rhodecode_user.user_id:
${h.link_to(_('Edit'),h.url('edit_gist', gist_id=c.gist.gist_access_id),class_="btn btn-mini")}
${h.link_to(_('Show as Raw'),h.url('formatted_gist', gist_id=c.gist.gist_access_id, format='raw'),class_="btn btn-mini")}
<div class="left" >
%if c.gist.gist_type != 'public':
<span class="tag tag-ok disabled">${_('Private Gist')}</span>
<span> ${c.gist.gist_description}</span>
%if c.gist.gist_expires == -1:
datetimes: fix datetimes to work across app, converting to utc
r155 ${h.age_component(h.time_to_utcdatetime(c.gist.gist_expires))}
project: added all source files and assets
r1 %endif
<div class="author">
<div title="${c.file_last_commit.author}">
${self.gravatar_with_user(c.file_last_commit.author, 16)} - ${_('created')} ${h.age_component(c.file_last_commit.date)}
<div class="commit">${h.urlify_commit_message(c.file_last_commit.message,c.repo_name)}</div>
## iterate over the files
% for file in c.files:
<% renderer = c.render and h.renderer_from_filename(file.path, exclude=['.txt', '.TXT'])%>
<!-- <div id="${h.FID('G', file.path)}" class="stats" >
<a href="${c.gist.gist_url()}">ΒΆ</a>
<b >${file.path}</b>
${h.link_to(_('Show as raw'),h.url('formatted_gist_file', gist_id=c.gist.gist_access_id, format='raw', revision=file.commit.raw_id, f_path=file.path),class_="btn btn-mini")}
</div> -->
<div class="code-body textarea text-area editor">
%if renderer:
${h.render(file.content, renderer=renderer)}