##// END OF EJS Templates
threading: Add factory that creates curl session for each thread....
threading: Add factory that creates curl session for each thread. When creating a repo with an import url pointing to another repo on the same enterprise instance we call the vcssserver to check the url. The vcsserver then calls to enterprise to verify the url. This leads to two threads using the same cur session.

File last commit:

r1:854a839a default
r243:dae685be default
Show More
103 lines | 4.9 KiB | text/html | HtmlLexer
project: added all source files and assets
r1 ## -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
## <%namespace name="diff_block" file="/changeset/diff_block.html"/>
## ${diff_block.diff_block_changeset_table(change)}
<%def name="changeset_message()">
<h5>${_('The requested commit is too big and content was truncated.')} <a href="${h.url.current(fulldiff=1, **request.GET.mixed())}" onclick="return confirm('${_("Showing a big diff might take some time and resources, continue?")}')">${_('Show full diff')}</a></h5>
<%def name="file_message()">
<h5>${_('The requested file is too big and its content is not shown.')} <a href="${h.url.current(fulldiff=1, **request.GET.mixed())}" onclick="return confirm('${_("Showing a big diff might take some time and resources, continue?")}')">${_('Show full diff')}</a></h5>
<%def name="diff_block_changeset_table(change)">
<div class="diff-container" id="${'diff-container-%s' % (id(change))}">
%for FID,(cs1, cs2, change, filenode_path, diff, stats, file) in change.iteritems():
<div id="${h.FID('',filenode_path)}_target" ></div>
<div id="${h.FID('',filenode_path)}" class="diffblock margined comm">
<div class="code-body">
<div class="full_f_path" path="${h.safe_unicode(filenode_path)}" style="display: none"></div>
% if file["is_limited_diff"]:
% if file["exceeds_limit"]:
% else:
<h5>${_('Diff was truncated. File content available only in full diff.')} <a href="${h.url.current(fulldiff=1, **request.GET.mixed())}" onclick="return confirm('${_("Showing a big diff might take some time and resources, continue?")}')">${_('Show full diff')}</a></h5>
% endif
% endif
<%def name="diff_block_simple(change)">
<div class="diff-container" id="${'diff-container-%s' % (id(change))}">
%for op,filenode_path,diff,file in change:
<div id="${h.FID('',filenode_path)}_target" ></div>
<div id="${h.FID('',filenode_path)}" class="diffblock margined comm" >
<div class="code-body">
<div class="full_f_path" path="${h.safe_unicode(filenode_path)}" style="display: none;"></div>
% if file["is_limited_diff"]:
% if file["exceeds_limit"]:
% else:
<h5>${_('Diff was truncated. File content available only in full diff.')} <a href="${h.url.current(fulldiff=1, **request.GET.mixed())}" onclick="return confirm('${_("Showing a big diff might take some time and resources, continue?")}')">${_('Show full diff')}</a></h5>
% endif
% endif
<%def name="diff_menu(repo_name, f_path, cs1, cs2, change, file=None)">
onclick_diff2way = ''
if (file and file["exceeds_limit"]):
onclick_diff2way = '''return confirm('%s');''' % _("Showing a big diff might take some time and resources, continue?")
% if change in ['A', 'M']:
<a href="${h.url('files_home',repo_name=repo_name,f_path=f_path,revision=cs2)}"
class="tooltip" title="${h.tooltip(_('Show file at commit: %(commit_id)s') % {'commit_id': cs2[:12]})}">
${_('Show File')}
% else:
class="tooltip" title="${h.tooltip(_('File no longer present at commit: %(commit_id)s') % {'commit_id': cs2[:12]})}">
${_('Show File')}
% endif
<a href="${h.url('files_diff_home',repo_name=repo_name,f_path=f_path,diff2=cs2,diff1=cs1,diff='diff',fulldiff=1)}"
class="tooltip" title="${h.tooltip(_('Show full diff for this file'))}">
${_('Unified Diff')}
<a href="${h.url('files_diff_2way_home',repo_name=repo_name,f_path=f_path,diff2=cs2,diff1=cs1,diff='diff',fulldiff=1)}"
class="tooltip" title="${h.tooltip(_('Show full side-by-side diff for this file'))}"} onclick="${onclick_diff2way}">
${_('Side-by-side Diff')}
<a href="${h.url('files_diff_home',repo_name=repo_name,f_path=f_path,diff2=cs2,diff1=cs1,diff='raw')}"
class="tooltip" title="${h.tooltip(_('Raw diff'))}">
${_('Raw Diff')}
<a href="${h.url('files_diff_home',repo_name=repo_name,f_path=f_path,diff2=cs2,diff1=cs1,diff='download')}"
class="tooltip" title="${h.tooltip(_('Download diff'))}">
${_('Download Diff')}
<%def name="diff_summary_text(changed_files, lines_added, lines_deleted, limited_diff=False)">
% if limited_diff:
${ungettext('%(num)s file changed', '%(num)s files changed', changed_files) % {'num': changed_files}}
% else:
${ungettext('%(num)s file changed: %(linesadd)s inserted, ''%(linesdel)s deleted',
'%(num)s files changed: %(linesadd)s inserted, %(linesdel)s deleted', changed_files) % {'num': changed_files, 'linesadd': lines_added, 'linesdel': lines_deleted}}