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@@ -0,0 +1,5 b''
1 [bumpversion]
2 current_version = 4.0.0
3 message = release: Bump version {current_version} to {new_version}
5 [bumpversion:file:rhodecode/VERSION]
@@ -0,0 +1,18 b''
1 [run]
3 branch = True
5 include =
6 rhodecode/lib/*
7 rhodecode/model/*
8 rhodecode/controllers/*
10 omit =
11 rhodecode/lib/vcs/remote/*
12 rhodecode/lib/dbmigrate/*
14 [report]
16 exclude_lines =
17 raise NotImplementedError
@@ -0,0 +1,38 b''
1 {
2 /*
4 * =================
5 */
7 // Define globals exposed by modern browsers.
8 "browser": true,
10 // Define globals exposed by jQuery.
11 "jquery": true,
13 /*
15 * =================
16 */
18 // Prohibit use of == and != in favor of === and !==.
19 "eqeqeq": true,
21 // Enforce tab width of 2 spaces.
22 "indent": 2,
24 // Prohibit use of a variable before it is defined.
25 "latedef": true,
27 // Enforce line length to 100 characters
28 "maxlen": 100,
30 // Require capitalized names for constructor functions.
31 "newcap": true,
33 // Enforce placing 'use strict' at the top function scope
34 "strict": true,
36 // Prohibit use of explicitly undeclared variables.
37 "undef": true
38 }
@@ -0,0 +1,31 b''
2 done = false
4 [task:fixes_on_stable]
5 done = true
7 [task:changelog_updated]
8 done = true
10 [task:nix_dependencies_moved]
11 done = true
13 [task:bump_version]
14 done = true
16 [task:generate_js_routes]
17 done = true
19 [task:generate_api_docs]
20 done = true
22 [release]
23 state = prepared
24 version = 3.8.3
26 [task:updated_translation]
28 [task:updated_trial_license]
30 [task:generate_oss_licenses]
@@ -0,0 +1,18 b''
1 [main]
2 host = https://www.transifex.com
4 [RhodeCode.pot]
5 source_file = rhodecode/i18n/rhodecode.pot
6 source_lang = en
7 type = PO
9 trans.be = rhodecode/i18n/be/LC_MESSAGES/rhodecode.po
10 trans.de = rhodecode/i18n/de/LC_MESSAGES/rhodecode.po
11 trans.es = rhodecode/i18n/es/LC_MESSAGES/rhodecode.po
12 trans.fr = rhodecode/i18n/fr/LC_MESSAGES/rhodecode.po
13 trans.it = rhodecode/i18n/it/LC_MESSAGES/rhodecode.po
14 trans.ja = rhodecode/i18n/ja/LC_MESSAGES/rhodecode.po
15 trans.pl = rhodecode/i18n/pl/LC_MESSAGES/rhodecode.po
16 trans.pt = rhodecode/i18n/pt/LC_MESSAGES/rhodecode.po
17 trans.ru = rhodecode/i18n/ru/LC_MESSAGES/rhodecode.po
18 trans.zh = rhodecode/i18n/zh/LC_MESSAGES/rhodecode.po
@@ -0,0 +1,1 b''
1 .. include:: docs/release-notes/release-notes.rst No newline at end of file
@@ -0,0 +1,137 b''
1 module.exports = function(grunt) {
2 grunt.initConfig({
4 dirs: {
5 css: "rhodecode/public/css",
6 js: {
7 "src": "rhodecode/public/js/src",
8 "dest": "rhodecode/public/js"
9 }
10 },
12 concat: {
13 dist: {
14 src: [
15 // Base libraries
16 '<%= dirs.js.src %>/jquery-1.11.1.min.js',
17 '<%= dirs.js.src %>/logging.js',
18 '<%= dirs.js.src %>/bootstrap.js',
19 '<%= dirs.js.src %>/mousetrap.js',
20 '<%= dirs.js.src %>/moment.js',
21 '<%= dirs.js.src %>/appenlight-client-0.4.1.min.js',
23 // Plugins
24 '<%= dirs.js.src %>/plugins/jquery.pjax.js',
25 '<%= dirs.js.src %>/plugins/jquery.dataTables.js',
26 '<%= dirs.js.src %>/plugins/flavoured_checkbox.js',
27 '<%= dirs.js.src %>/plugins/jquery.auto-grow-input.js',
28 '<%= dirs.js.src %>/plugins/jquery.autocomplete.js',
29 '<%= dirs.js.src %>/plugins/jquery.debounce.js',
30 '<%= dirs.js.src %>/plugins/jquery.timeago.js',
31 '<%= dirs.js.src %>/plugins/jquery.timeago-extension.js',
33 // Select2
34 '<%= dirs.js.src %>/select2/select2.js',
36 // Code-mirror
37 '<%= dirs.js.src %>/codemirror/codemirror.js',
38 '<%= dirs.js.src %>/codemirror/codemirror_loadmode.js',
39 '<%= dirs.js.src %>/codemirror/codemirror_hint.js',
40 '<%= dirs.js.src %>/codemirror/codemirror_overlay.js',
41 '<%= dirs.js.src %>/codemirror/codemirror_placeholder.js',
42 // TODO: mikhail: this is an exception. Since the code mirror modes
43 // are loaded "on the fly", we need to keep them in a public folder
44 '<%= dirs.js.dest %>/mode/meta.js',
45 '<%= dirs.js.dest %>/mode/meta_ext.js',
46 '<%= dirs.js.dest %>/rhodecode/i18n/select2/translations.js',
48 // Rhodecode utilities
49 '<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/utils/array.js',
50 '<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/utils/string.js',
51 '<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/utils/pyroutes.js',
52 '<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/utils/ajax.js',
53 '<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/utils/autocomplete.js',
54 '<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/utils/colorgenerator.js',
55 '<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/utils/ie.js',
56 '<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/utils/os.js',
58 // Rhodecode widgets
59 '<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/widgets/multiselect.js',
61 // Rhodecode components
62 '<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/pyroutes.js',
63 '<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/codemirror.js',
64 '<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/comments.js',
65 '<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/constants.js',
66 '<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/files.js',
67 '<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/followers.js',
68 '<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/menus.js',
69 '<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/notifications.js',
70 '<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/permissions.js',
71 '<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/pjax.js',
72 '<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/pullrequests.js',
73 '<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/settings.js',
74 '<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/select2_widgets.js',
75 '<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/tooltips.js',
76 '<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/users.js',
77 '<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/appenlight.js',
79 // Rhodecode main module
80 '<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode.js'
81 ],
82 dest: '<%= dirs.js.dest %>/scripts.js',
83 nonull: true
84 }
85 },
87 less: {
88 development: {
89 options: {
90 compress: false,
91 yuicompress: false,
92 optimization: 0
93 },
94 files: {
95 "<%= dirs.css %>/style.css": "<%= dirs.css %>/main.less"
96 }
97 },
98 production: {
99 options: {
100 compress: true,
101 yuicompress: true,
102 optimization: 2
103 },
104 files: {
105 "<%= dirs.css %>/style.css": "<%= dirs.css %>/main.less"
106 }
107 }
108 },
110 watch: {
111 less: {
112 files: ["<%= dirs.css %>/*.less"],
113 tasks: ["less:production"]
114 },
115 js: {
116 files: ["<%= dirs.js.src %>/**/*.js"],
117 tasks: ["concat:dist"]
118 }
119 },
121 jshint: {
122 rhodecode: {
123 src: '<%= dirs.js.src %>/rhodecode/**/*.js',
124 options: {
125 jshintrc: '.jshintrc'
126 }
127 }
128 }
129 });
131 grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-less');
132 grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-concat');
133 grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-watch');
134 grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-jshint');
136 grunt.registerTask('default', ['less:production', 'concat:dist']);
137 };
This diff has been collapsed as it changes many lines, (690 lines changed) Show them Hide them
@@ -0,0 +1,690 b''
1 This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
2 it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3
3 (only), as published by the Free Software Foundation.
6 This program incorporates work covered by the following copyright and
7 permission notice:
9 Copyright (c) 2014-2016 - packaging
10 file:
11 Copyright (c) 2008-2011 - msgpack-python
12 file:licenses/msgpack_license.txt
14 Both licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
15 you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
16 You may obtain a copy of the License at
18 http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
20 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
21 distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
23 See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
24 imitations under the License.
27 Below is the full text of GNU Affero General Public License, version 3
31 Version 3, 19 November 2007
33 Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <http://fsf.org/>
34 Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
35 of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
37 Preamble
39 The GNU Affero General Public License is a free, copyleft license for
40 software and other kinds of works, specifically designed to ensure
41 cooperation with the community in the case of network server software.
43 The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed
44 to take away your freedom to share and change the works. By contrast,
45 our General Public Licenses are intended to guarantee your freedom to
46 share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free
47 software for all its users.
49 When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
50 price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
51 have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
52 them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you
53 want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new
54 free programs, and that you know you can do these things.
56 Developers that use our General Public Licenses protect your rights
57 with two steps: (1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer
58 you this License which gives you legal permission to copy, distribute
59 and/or modify the software.
61 A secondary benefit of defending all users' freedom is that
62 improvements made in alternate versions of the program, if they
63 receive widespread use, become available for other developers to
64 incorporate. Many developers of free software are heartened and
65 encouraged by the resulting cooperation. However, in the case of
66 software used on network servers, this result may fail to come about.
67 The GNU General Public License permits making a modified version and
68 letting the public access it on a server without ever releasing its
69 source code to the public.
71 The GNU Affero General Public License is designed specifically to
72 ensure that, in such cases, the modified source code becomes available
73 to the community. It requires the operator of a network server to
74 provide the source code of the modified version running there to the
75 users of that server. Therefore, public use of a modified version, on
76 a publicly accessible server, gives the public access to the source
77 code of the modified version.
79 An older license, called the Affero General Public License and
80 published by Affero, was designed to accomplish similar goals. This is
81 a different license, not a version of the Affero GPL, but Affero has
82 released a new version of the Affero GPL which permits relicensing under
83 this license.
85 The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
86 modification follow.
90 0. Definitions.
92 "This License" refers to version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License.
94 "Copyright" also means copyright-like laws that apply to other kinds of
95 works, such as semiconductor masks.
97 "The Program" refers to any copyrightable work licensed under this
98 License. Each licensee is addressed as "you". "Licensees" and
99 "recipients" may be individuals or organizations.
101 To "modify" a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the work
102 in a fashion requiring copyright permission, other than the making of an
103 exact copy. The resulting work is called a "modified version" of the
104 earlier work or a work "based on" the earlier work.
106 A "covered work" means either the unmodified Program or a work based
107 on the Program.
109 To "propagate" a work means to do anything with it that, without
110 permission, would make you directly or secondarily liable for
111 infringement under applicable copyright law, except executing it on a
112 computer or modifying a private copy. Propagation includes copying,
113 distribution (with or without modification), making available to the
114 public, and in some countries other activities as well.
116 To "convey" a work means any kind of propagation that enables other
117 parties to make or receive copies. Mere interaction with a user through
118 a computer network, with no transfer of a copy, is not conveying.
120 An interactive user interface displays "Appropriate Legal Notices"
121 to the extent that it includes a convenient and prominently visible
122 feature that (1) displays an appropriate copyright notice, and (2)
123 tells the user that there is no warranty for the work (except to the
124 extent that warranties are provided), that licensees may convey the
125 work under this License, and how to view a copy of this License. If
126 the interface presents a list of user commands or options, such as a
127 menu, a prominent item in the list meets this criterion.
129 1. Source Code.
131 The "source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work
132 for making modifications to it. "Object code" means any non-source
133 form of a work.
135 A "Standard Interface" means an interface that either is an official
136 standard defined by a recognized standards body, or, in the case of
137 interfaces specified for a particular programming language, one that
138 is widely used among developers working in that language.
140 The "System Libraries" of an executable work include anything, other
141 than the work as a whole, that (a) is included in the normal form of
142 packaging a Major Component, but which is not part of that Major
143 Component, and (b) serves only to enable use of the work with that
144 Major Component, or to implement a Standard Interface for which an
145 implementation is available to the public in source code form. A
146 "Major Component", in this context, means a major essential component
147 (kernel, window system, and so on) of the specific operating system
148 (if any) on which the executable work runs, or a compiler used to
149 produce the work, or an object code interpreter used to run it.
151 The "Corresponding Source" for a work in object code form means all
152 the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable
153 work) run the object code and to modify the work, including scripts to
154 control those activities. However, it does not include the work's
155 System Libraries, or general-purpose tools or generally available free
156 programs which are used unmodified in performing those activities but
157 which are not part of the work. For example, Corresponding Source
158 includes interface definition files associated with source files for
159 the work, and the source code for shared libraries and dynamically
160 linked subprograms that the work is specifically designed to require,
161 such as by intimate data communication or control flow between those
162 subprograms and other parts of the work.
164 The Corresponding Source need not include anything that users
165 can regenerate automatically from other parts of the Corresponding
166 Source.
168 The Corresponding Source for a work in source code form is that
169 same work.
171 2. Basic Permissions.
173 All rights granted under this License are granted for the term of
174 copyright on the Program, and are irrevocable provided the stated
175 conditions are met. This License explicitly affirms your unlimited
176 permission to run the unmodified Program. The output from running a
177 covered work is covered by this License only if the output, given its
178 content, constitutes a covered work. This License acknowledges your
179 rights of fair use or other equivalent, as provided by copyright law.
181 You may make, run and propagate covered works that you do not
182 convey, without conditions so long as your license otherwise remains
183 in force. You may convey covered works to others for the sole purpose
184 of having them make modifications exclusively for you, or provide you
185 with facilities for running those works, provided that you comply with
186 the terms of this License in conveying all material for which you do
187 not control copyright. Those thus making or running the covered works
188 for you must do so exclusively on your behalf, under your direction
189 and control, on terms that prohibit them from making any copies of
190 your copyrighted material outside their relationship with you.
192 Conveying under any other circumstances is permitted solely under
193 the conditions stated below. Sublicensing is not allowed; section 10
194 makes it unnecessary.
196 3. Protecting Users' Legal Rights From Anti-Circumvention Law.
198 No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological
199 measure under any applicable law fulfilling obligations under article
200 11 of the WIPO copyright treaty adopted on 20 December 1996, or
201 similar laws prohibiting or restricting circumvention of such
202 measures.
204 When you convey a covered work, you waive any legal power to forbid
205 circumvention of technological measures to the extent such circumvention
206 is effected by exercising rights under this License with respect to
207 the covered work, and you disclaim any intention to limit operation or
208 modification of the work as a means of enforcing, against the work's
209 users, your or third parties' legal rights to forbid circumvention of
210 technological measures.
212 4. Conveying Verbatim Copies.
214 You may convey verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you
215 receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and
216 appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice;
217 keep intact all notices stating that this License and any
218 non-permissive terms added in accord with section 7 apply to the code;
219 keep intact all notices of the absence of any warranty; and give all
220 recipients a copy of this License along with the Program.
222 You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey,
223 and you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee.
225 5. Conveying Modified Source Versions.
227 You may convey a work based on the Program, or the modifications to
228 produce it from the Program, in the form of source code under the
229 terms of section 4, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
231 a) The work must carry prominent notices stating that you modified
232 it, and giving a relevant date.
234 b) The work must carry prominent notices stating that it is
235 released under this License and any conditions added under section
236 7. This requirement modifies the requirement in section 4 to
237 "keep intact all notices".
239 c) You must license the entire work, as a whole, under this
240 License to anyone who comes into possession of a copy. This
241 License will therefore apply, along with any applicable section 7
242 additional terms, to the whole of the work, and all its parts,
243 regardless of how they are packaged. This License gives no
244 permission to license the work in any other way, but it does not
245 invalidate such permission if you have separately received it.
247 d) If the work has interactive user interfaces, each must display
248 Appropriate Legal Notices; however, if the Program has interactive
249 interfaces that do not display Appropriate Legal Notices, your
250 work need not make them do so.
252 A compilation of a covered work with other separate and independent
253 works, which are not by their nature extensions of the covered work,
254 and which are not combined with it such as to form a larger program,
255 in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an
256 "aggregate" if the compilation and its resulting copyright are not
257 used to limit the access or legal rights of the compilation's users
258 beyond what the individual works permit. Inclusion of a covered work
259 in an aggregate does not cause this License to apply to the other
260 parts of the aggregate.
262 6. Conveying Non-Source Forms.
264 You may convey a covered work in object code form under the terms
265 of sections 4 and 5, provided that you also convey the
266 machine-readable Corresponding Source under the terms of this License,
267 in one of these ways:
269 a) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
270 (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by the
271 Corresponding Source fixed on a durable physical medium
272 customarily used for software interchange.
274 b) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
275 (including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by a
276 written offer, valid for at least three years and valid for as
277 long as you offer spare parts or customer support for that product
278 model, to give anyone who possesses the object code either (1) a
279 copy of the Corresponding Source for all the software in the
280 product that is covered by this License, on a durable physical
281 medium customarily used for software interchange, for a price no
282 more than your reasonable cost of physically performing this
283 conveying of source, or (2) access to copy the
284 Corresponding Source from a network server at no charge.
286 c) Convey individual copies of the object code with a copy of the
287 written offer to provide the Corresponding Source. This
288 alternative is allowed only occasionally and noncommercially, and
289 only if you received the object code with such an offer, in accord
290 with subsection 6b.
292 d) Convey the object code by offering access from a designated
293 place (gratis or for a charge), and offer equivalent access to the
294 Corresponding Source in the same way through the same place at no
295 further charge. You need not require recipients to copy the
296 Corresponding Source along with the object code. If the place to
297 copy the object code is a network server, the Corresponding Source
298 may be on a different server (operated by you or a third party)
299 that supports equivalent copying facilities, provided you maintain
300 clear directions next to the object code saying where to find the
301 Corresponding Source. Regardless of what server hosts the
302 Corresponding Source, you remain obligated to ensure that it is
303 available for as long as needed to satisfy these requirements.
305 e) Convey the object code using peer-to-peer transmission, provided
306 you inform other peers where the object code and Corresponding
307 Source of the work are being offered to the general public at no
308 charge under subsection 6d.
310 A separable portion of the object code, whose source code is excluded
311 from the Corresponding Source as a System Library, need not be
312 included in conveying the object code work.
314 A "User Product" is either (1) a "consumer product", which means any
315 tangible personal property which is normally used for personal, family,
316 or household purposes, or (2) anything designed or sold for incorporation
317 into a dwelling. In determining whether a product is a consumer product,
318 doubtful cases shall be resolved in favor of coverage. For a particular
319 product received by a particular user, "normally used" refers to a
320 typical or common use of that class of product, regardless of the status
321 of the particular user or of the way in which the particular user
322 actually uses, or expects or is expected to use, the product. A product
323 is a consumer product regardless of whether the product has substantial
324 commercial, industrial or non-consumer uses, unless such uses represent
325 the only significant mode of use of the product.
327 "Installation Information" for a User Product means any methods,
328 procedures, authorization keys, or other information required to install
329 and execute modified versions of a covered work in that User Product from
330 a modified version of its Corresponding Source. The information must
331 suffice to ensure that the continued functioning of the modified object
332 code is in no case prevented or interfered with solely because
333 modification has been made.
335 If you convey an object code work under this section in, or with, or
336 specifically for use in, a User Product, and the conveying occurs as
337 part of a transaction in which the right of possession and use of the
338 User Product is transferred to the recipient in perpetuity or for a
339 fixed term (regardless of how the transaction is characterized), the
340 Corresponding Source conveyed under this section must be accompanied
341 by the Installation Information. But this requirement does not apply
342 if neither you nor any third party retains the ability to install
343 modified object code on the User Product (for example, the work has
344 been installed in ROM).
346 The requirement to provide Installation Information does not include a
347 requirement to continue to provide support service, warranty, or updates
348 for a work that has been modified or installed by the recipient, or for
349 the User Product in which it has been modified or installed. Access to a
350 network may be denied when the modification itself materially and
351 adversely affects the operation of the network or violates the rules and
352 protocols for communication across the network.
354 Corresponding Source conveyed, and Installation Information provided,
355 in accord with this section must be in a format that is publicly
356 documented (and with an implementation available to the public in
357 source code form), and must require no special password or key for
358 unpacking, reading or copying.
360 7. Additional Terms.
362 "Additional permissions" are terms that supplement the terms of this
363 License by making exceptions from one or more of its conditions.
364 Additional permissions that are applicable to the entire Program shall
365 be treated as though they were included in this License, to the extent
366 that they are valid under applicable law. If additional permissions
367 apply only to part of the Program, that part may be used separately
368 under those permissions, but the entire Program remains governed by
369 this License without regard to the additional permissions.
371 When you convey a copy of a covered work, you may at your option
372 remove any additional permissions from that copy, or from any part of
373 it. (Additional permissions may be written to require their own
374 removal in certain cases when you modify the work.) You may place
375 additional permissions on material, added by you to a covered work,
376 for which you have or can give appropriate copyright permission.
378 Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material you
379 add to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyright holders of
380 that material) supplement the terms of this License with terms:
382 a) Disclaiming warranty or limiting liability differently from the
383 terms of sections 15 and 16 of this License; or
385 b) Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or
386 author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal
387 Notices displayed by works containing it; or
389 c) Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, or
390 requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in
391 reasonable ways as different from the original version; or
393 d) Limiting the use for publicity purposes of names of licensors or
394 authors of the material; or
396 e) Declining to grant rights under trademark law for use of some
397 trade names, trademarks, or service marks; or
399 f) Requiring indemnification of licensors and authors of that
400 material by anyone who conveys the material (or modified versions of
401 it) with contractual assumptions of liability to the recipient, for
402 any liability that these contractual assumptions directly impose on
403 those licensors and authors.
405 All other non-permissive additional terms are considered "further
406 restrictions" within the meaning of section 10. If the Program as you
407 received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is
408 governed by this License along with a term that is a further
409 restriction, you may remove that term. If a license document contains
410 a further restriction but permits relicensing or conveying under this
411 License, you may add to a covered work material governed by the terms
412 of that license document, provided that the further restriction does
413 not survive such relicensing or conveying.
415 If you add terms to a covered work in accord with this section, you
416 must place, in the relevant source files, a statement of the
417 additional terms that apply to those files, or a notice indicating
418 where to find the applicable terms.
420 Additional terms, permissive or non-permissive, may be stated in the
421 form of a separately written license, or stated as exceptions;
422 the above requirements apply either way.
424 8. Termination.
426 You may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly
427 provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to propagate or
428 modify it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under
429 this License (including any patent licenses granted under the third
430 paragraph of section 11).
432 However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your
433 license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a)
434 provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and
435 finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright
436 holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means
437 prior to 60 days after the cessation.
439 Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is
440 reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the
441 violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have
442 received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that
443 copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after
444 your receipt of the notice.
446 Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the
447 licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under
448 this License. If your rights have been terminated and not permanently
449 reinstated, you do not qualify to receive new licenses for the same
450 material under section 10.
452 9. Acceptance Not Required for Having Copies.
454 You are not required to accept this License in order to receive or
455 run a copy of the Program. Ancillary propagation of a covered work
456 occurring solely as a consequence of using peer-to-peer transmission
457 to receive a copy likewise does not require acceptance. However,
458 nothing other than this License grants you permission to propagate or
459 modify any covered work. These actions infringe copyright if you do
460 not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or propagating a
461 covered work, you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so.
463 10. Automatic Licensing of Downstream Recipients.
465 Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient automatically
466 receives a license from the original licensors, to run, modify and
467 propagate that work, subject to this License. You are not responsible
468 for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License.
470 An "entity transaction" is a transaction transferring control of an
471 organization, or substantially all assets of one, or subdividing an
472 organization, or merging organizations. If propagation of a covered
473 work results from an entity transaction, each party to that
474 transaction who receives a copy of the work also receives whatever
475 licenses to the work the party's predecessor in interest had or could
476 give under the previous paragraph, plus a right to possession of the
477 Corresponding Source of the work from the predecessor in interest, if
478 the predecessor has it or can get it with reasonable efforts.
480 You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the
481 rights granted or affirmed under this License. For example, you may
482 not impose a license fee, royalty, or other charge for exercise of
483 rights granted under this License, and you may not initiate litigation
484 (including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that
485 any patent claim is infringed by making, using, selling, offering for
486 sale, or importing the Program or any portion of it.
488 11. Patents.
490 A "contributor" is a copyright holder who authorizes use under this
491 License of the Program or a work on which the Program is based. The
492 work thus licensed is called the contributor's "contributor version".
494 A contributor's "essential patent claims" are all patent claims
495 owned or controlled by the contributor, whether already acquired or
496 hereafter acquired, that would be infringed by some manner, permitted
497 by this License, of making, using, or selling its contributor version,
498 but do not include claims that would be infringed only as a
499 consequence of further modification of the contributor version. For
500 purposes of this definition, "control" includes the right to grant
501 patent sublicenses in a manner consistent with the requirements of
502 this License.
504 Each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free
505 patent license under the contributor's essential patent claims, to
506 make, use, sell, offer for sale, import and otherwise run, modify and
507 propagate the contents of its contributor version.
509 In the following three paragraphs, a "patent license" is any express
510 agreement or commitment, however denominated, not to enforce a patent
511 (such as an express permission to practice a patent or covenant not to
512 sue for patent infringement). To "grant" such a patent license to a
513 party means to make such an agreement or commitment not to enforce a
514 patent against the party.
516 If you convey a covered work, knowingly relying on a patent license,
517 and the Corresponding Source of the work is not available for anyone
518 to copy, free of charge and under the terms of this License, through a
519 publicly available network server or other readily accessible means,
520 then you must either (1) cause the Corresponding Source to be so
521 available, or (2) arrange to deprive yourself of the benefit of the
522 patent license for this particular work, or (3) arrange, in a manner
523 consistent with the requirements of this License, to extend the patent
524 license to downstream recipients. "Knowingly relying" means you have
525 actual knowledge that, but for the patent license, your conveying the
526 covered work in a country, or your recipient's use of the covered work
527 in a country, would infringe one or more identifiable patents in that
528 country that you have reason to believe are valid.
530 If, pursuant to or in connection with a single transaction or
531 arrangement, you convey, or propagate by procuring conveyance of, a
532 covered work, and grant a patent license to some of the parties
533 receiving the covered work authorizing them to use, propagate, modify
534 or convey a specific copy of the covered work, then the patent license
535 you grant is automatically extended to all recipients of the covered
536 work and works based on it.
538 A patent license is "discriminatory" if it does not include within
539 the scope of its coverage, prohibits the exercise of, or is
540 conditioned on the non-exercise of one or more of the rights that are
541 specifically granted under this License. You may not convey a covered
542 work if you are a party to an arrangement with a third party that is
543 in the business of distributing software, under which you make payment
544 to the third party based on the extent of your activity of conveying
545 the work, and under which the third party grants, to any of the
546 parties who would receive the covered work from you, a discriminatory
547 patent license (a) in connection with copies of the covered work
548 conveyed by you (or copies made from those copies), or (b) primarily
549 for and in connection with specific products or compilations that
550 contain the covered work, unless you entered into that arrangement,
551 or that patent license was granted, prior to 28 March 2007.
553 Nothing in this License shall be construed as excluding or limiting
554 any implied license or other defenses to infringement that may
555 otherwise be available to you under applicable patent law.
557 12. No Surrender of Others' Freedom.
559 If conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
560 otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
561 excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot convey a
562 covered work so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
563 License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may
564 not convey it at all. For example, if you agree to terms that obligate you
565 to collect a royalty for further conveying from those to whom you convey
566 the Program, the only way you could satisfy both those terms and this
567 License would be to refrain entirely from conveying the Program.
569 13. Remote Network Interaction; Use with the GNU General Public License.
571 Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, if you modify the
572 Program, your modified version must prominently offer all users
573 interacting with it remotely through a computer network (if your version
574 supports such interaction) an opportunity to receive the Corresponding
575 Source of your version by providing access to the Corresponding Source
576 from a network server at no charge, through some standard or customary
577 means of facilitating copying of software. This Corresponding Source
578 shall include the Corresponding Source for any work covered by version 3
579 of the GNU General Public License that is incorporated pursuant to the
580 following paragraph.
582 Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, you have
583 permission to link or combine any covered work with a work licensed
584 under version 3 of the GNU General Public License into a single
585 combined work, and to convey the resulting work. The terms of this
586 License will continue to apply to the part which is the covered work,
587 but the work with which it is combined will remain governed by version
588 3 of the GNU General Public License.
590 14. Revised Versions of this License.
592 The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of
593 the GNU Affero General Public License from time to time. Such new versions
594 will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
595 address new problems or concerns.
597 Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the
598 Program specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU Affero General
599 Public License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the
600 option of following the terms and conditions either of that numbered
601 version or of any later version published by the Free Software
602 Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of the
603 GNU Affero General Public License, you may choose any version ever published
604 by the Free Software Foundation.
606 If the Program specifies that a proxy can decide which future
607 versions of the GNU Affero General Public License can be used, that proxy's
608 public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you
609 to choose that version for the Program.
611 Later license versions may give you additional or different
612 permissions. However, no additional obligations are imposed on any
613 author or copyright holder as a result of your choosing to follow a
614 later version.
616 15. Disclaimer of Warranty.
627 16. Limitation of Liability.
639 17. Interpretation of Sections 15 and 16.
641 If the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provided
642 above cannot be given local legal effect according to their terms,
643 reviewing courts shall apply local law that most closely approximates
644 an absolute waiver of all civil liability in connection with the
645 Program, unless a warranty or assumption of liability accompanies a
646 copy of the Program in return for a fee.
650 How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
652 If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
653 possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
654 free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
656 To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
657 to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
658 state the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
659 the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
661 <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
662 Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
664 This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
665 it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
666 the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
667 (at your option) any later version.
669 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
670 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
672 GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
674 You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
675 along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
677 Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
679 If your software can interact with users remotely through a computer
680 network, you should also make sure that it provides a way for users to
681 get its source. For example, if your program is a web application, its
682 interface could display a "Source" link that leads users to an archive
683 of the code. There are many ways you could offer source, and different
684 solutions will be better for different programs; see section 13 for the
685 specific requirements.
687 You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or school,
688 if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary.
689 For more information on this, and how to apply and follow the GNU AGPL, see
690 <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
@@ -0,0 +1,48 b''
1 # top level files
2 include test.ini
3 include MANIFEST.in
4 include README.rst
5 include rhodecode/VERSION
7 # docs
8 recursive-include docs *
10 # init.d
11 recursive-include init.d *
13 # translations
14 recursive-include rhodecode/i18n *
16 # bin stuff
17 recursive-include rhodecode/bin *
19 # hook templates
20 recursive-include rhodecode/config/hook_templates *
22 # non-python core stuff
23 recursive-include rhodecode *.cfg
24 recursive-include rhodecode *.json
25 recursive-include rhodecode *.ini_tmpl
26 recursive-include rhodecode *.sh
28 # images, css
29 include rhodecode/public/css/*.css
30 include rhodecode/public/images/*.*
32 # sound files
33 include rhodecode/public/sounds/*.mp3
34 include rhodecode/public/sounds/*.wav
36 # fonts
37 recursive-include rhodecode/public/fonts/ProximaNova *
38 recursive-include rhodecode/public/fonts/RCIcons *
40 # js
41 recursive-include rhodecode/public/js *
43 # templates
44 recursive-include rhodecode/templates *
46 # skip any tests files
47 recursive-exclude rhodecode/tests *
@@ -0,0 +1,39 b''
2 WEBPACK=./node_modules/webpack/bin/webpack.js
3 GRUNT=grunt
4 NODE_PATH=./node_modules
5 FLAKE8=flake8 setup.py pytest_pylons/ rhodecode/ --select=E124 --ignore=E711,E712,E510,E121,E122,E126,E127,E128,E501,F401 --max-line-length=100 --exclude=*rhodecode/lib/dbmigrate/*,*rhodecode/tests/*,*rhodecode/lib/vcs/utils/*
6 CI_PREFIX=enterprise
8 .PHONY: help clean test test-clean test-lint test-only
10 help:
11 @echo "TODO: describe Makefile"
13 clean: test-clean
14 find . -type f \( -iname '*.c' -o -iname '*.pyc' -o -iname '*.so' \) -exec rm '{}' ';'
16 test: test-clean test-lint test-only
18 test-clean:
19 rm -rf coverage.xml htmlcov junit.xml pylint.log result
21 test-lint:
22 if [ "$$IN_NIX_SHELL" = "1" ]; then \
23 $(FLAKE8); \
24 else \
25 $(FLAKE8) --format=pylint --exit-zero > pylint.log; \
26 fi
28 test-only:
29 PYTHONHASHSEED=random py.test -vv -r xw --cov=rhodecode --cov-report=term-missing --cov-report=html rhodecode/tests/
31 web-build:
34 web-test:
35 @echo "no test for our javascript, yet!"
37 docs-bootstrap:
38 (cd docs; nix-build default.nix -o result)
39 @echo "Please go to docs folder and run make html"
@@ -0,0 +1,101 b''
1 =========
2 RhodeCode
3 =========
5 About
6 -----
8 ``RhodeCode`` is a fast and powerful management tool for Mercurial_ and GIT_
9 and Subversion_ with a built in push/pull server, full text search,
10 pull requests and powerfull code-review system. It works on http/https and
11 has a few unique features like:
12 - plugable architecture
13 - advanced permission system with IP restrictions
14 - rich set of authentication plugins including LDAP,
15 ActiveDirectory, Atlassian Crowd, Http-Headers, Pam, Token-Auth.
16 - live code-review chat
17 - full web based file editing
18 - unified multi vcs support
19 - snippets (gist) system
20 - integration with all 3rd party issue trackers
22 RhodeCode also provides rich API, and multiple event hooks so it's easy
23 integrable with existing external systems.
25 RhodeCode is similar in some respects to gitlab_, github_ or bitbucket_,
26 however RhodeCode can be run as standalone hosted application on your own server.
27 RhodeCode can be installed on \*nix or Windows systems.
29 RhodeCode uses `PEP386 versioning <http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0386/>`_
31 Installation
32 ------------
33 Please visit https://docs.rhodecode.com/RhodeCode-Control/tasks/install-cli.html
34 for more details
37 Source code
38 -----------
40 The latest sources can be obtained from official RhodeCode instance
41 https://code.rhodecode.com
44 RhodeCode Features
45 ------------------
47 Check out all features of RhodeCode at https://rhodecode.com/features
49 License
50 -------
52 ``RhodeCode`` is dual-licensed with AGPLv3 and commercial license.
53 Please see LICENSE.txt file for details.
56 Getting help
57 ------------
59 Listed bellow are various support resources that should help.
61 .. note::
63 Please try to read the documentation before posting any issues, especially
64 the **troubleshooting section**
66 - Official issue tracker `RhodeCode Issue tracker <https://issues.rhodecode.com>`_
68 - Search our community portal `Community portal <https://community.rhodecode.com>`_
70 - Join #rhodecode on FreeNode (irc.freenode.net)
71 or use http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=rhodecode for web access to irc.
73 - You can also follow RhodeCode on twitter **@RhodeCode** where we often post
74 news and other interesting stuff about RhodeCode.
77 Online documentation
78 --------------------
80 Online documentation for the current version of RhodeCode is available at
81 - http://rhodecode.com/docs
83 You may also build the documentation for yourself - go into ``docs/`` and run::
85 nix-build default.nix -o result && make clean html
87 (You need to have sphinx_ installed to build the documentation. If you don't
88 have sphinx_ installed you can install it via the command:
89 ``pip install sphinx``)
91 .. _virtualenv: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/virtualenv
92 .. _python: http://www.python.org/
93 .. _sphinx: http://sphinx.pocoo.org/
94 .. _mercurial: http://mercurial.selenic.com/
95 .. _bitbucket: http://bitbucket.org/
96 .. _github: http://github.com/
97 .. _gitlab: http://gitlab.com/
98 .. _subversion: http://subversion.tigris.org/
99 .. _git: http://git-scm.com/
100 .. _celery: http://celeryproject.org/
101 .. _vcs: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/vcs
@@ -0,0 +1,47 b''
1 README - Quickstart
2 ===================
4 This folder contains functional tests and the automation of specification
5 examples. Details about testing can be found in
6 `/docs-internal/testing/index.rst`.
9 Setting up your Rhodecode Enterprise instance
10 ---------------------------------------------
12 The tests will create users and repositories as needed, so you can start with a
13 new and empty instance.
15 Use the following example call for the database setup of Enterprise::
17 paster setup-rhodecode \
18 --user=admin \
19 --email=admin@example.com \
20 --password=secret \
21 --api-key=9999999999999999999999999999999999999999 \
22 your-enterprise-config.ini
24 This way the username, password and auth token of the admin user will match the
25 defaults from the test run.
28 Usage
29 -----
31 1. Make sure your Rhodecode Enterprise instance is running at
32 http://localhost:5000.
34 2. Enter `nix-shell` from the acceptance_tests folder::
36 cd acceptance_tests
37 nix-shell -I ~/dev
39 Make sure that `rcpkgs` and `rcnixpkgs` are available on the nix path.
41 3. Run the tests::
43 py.test -c example.ini -vs
45 The parameter ``-vs`` allows you to see debugging output during the test
46 run. Check ``py.test --help`` and the documentation at http://pytest.org to
47 learn all details about the test runner.
This diff has been collapsed as it changes many lines, (575 lines changed) Show them Hide them
@@ -0,0 +1,575 b''
1 ################################################################################
2 ################################################################################
3 # RhodeCode Enterprise - configuration file #
4 # Built-in functions and variables #
5 # The %(here)s variable will be replaced with the parent directory of this file#
6 # #
7 ################################################################################
10 debug = true
11 pdebug = false
12 ################################################################################
13 ## Uncomment and replace with the email address which should receive ##
14 ## any error reports after an application crash ##
15 ## Additionally these settings will be used by the RhodeCode mailing system ##
16 ################################################################################
17 #email_to = admin@localhost
18 #error_email_from = paste_error@localhost
19 #app_email_from = rhodecode-noreply@localhost
20 #error_message =
21 #email_prefix = [RhodeCode]
23 #smtp_server = mail.server.com
24 #smtp_username =
25 #smtp_password =
26 #smtp_port =
27 #smtp_use_tls = false
28 #smtp_use_ssl = true
29 ## Specify available auth parameters here (e.g. LOGIN PLAIN CRAM-MD5, etc.)
30 #smtp_auth =
32 [server:main]
33 ## COMMON ##
34 host =
35 port = 5000
37 ##########################
39 ##########################
40 use = egg:waitress#main
41 ## number of worker threads
42 threads = 5
44 max_request_body_size = 107374182400
45 ## Use poll instead of select, fixes file descriptors limits problems.
46 ## May not work on old windows systems.
47 asyncore_use_poll = true
50 ##########################
52 ##########################
53 ## run with gunicorn --log-config <inifile.ini> --paste <inifile.ini>
54 #use = egg:gunicorn#main
55 ## Sets the number of process workers. You must set `instance_id = *`
56 ## when this option is set to more than one worker, recommended
57 ## value is (2 * NUMBER_OF_CPUS + 1), eg 2CPU = 5 workers
58 ## The `instance_id = *` must be set in the [app:main] section below
59 #workers = 1
60 ## number of threads for each of the worker, must be set to 1 for gevent
61 ## generally recommened to be at 1
62 #threads = 1
63 ## process name
64 #proc_name = rhodecode
65 ## type of worker class, one of sync, gevent
66 ## recommended for bigger setup is using of of other than sync one
67 #worker_class = sync
68 ## max number of requests that worker will handle before being gracefully
69 ## restarted, could prevent memory leaks
70 #max_requests = 1000
71 #max_requests_jitter = 30
72 ## ammount of time a worker can spend with handling a request before it
73 ## gets killed and restarted. Set to 6hrs
74 #timeout = 21600
77 ## prefix middleware for RhodeCode, disables force_https flag.
78 ## allows to set RhodeCode under a prefix in server.
79 ## eg https://server.com/<prefix>. Enable `filter-with =` option below as well.
80 #[filter:proxy-prefix]
81 #use = egg:PasteDeploy#prefix
82 #prefix = /<your-prefix>
84 [app:main]
85 use = egg:rhodecode-enterprise-ce
86 ## enable proxy prefix middleware, defined below
87 #filter-with = proxy-prefix
89 # During development the we want to have the debug toolbar enabled
90 pyramid.includes =
91 pyramid_debugtoolbar
92 rhodecode.utils.debugtoolbar
93 rhodecode.lib.middleware.request_wrapper
95 pyramid.reload_templates = true
97 debugtoolbar.hosts =
98 debugtoolbar.exclude_prefixes =
99 /css
100 /fonts
101 /images
102 /js
105 rhodecode.includes =
106 rhodecode.api
109 # api prefix url
110 rhodecode.api.url = /_admin/api
115 full_stack = true
117 ## Serve static files via RhodeCode, disable to serve them via HTTP server
118 static_files = true
120 ## Optional Languages
121 ## en(default), be, de, es, fr, it, ja, pl, pt, ru, zh
122 lang = en
124 ## perform a full repository scan on each server start, this should be
125 ## set to false after first startup, to allow faster server restarts.
126 startup.import_repos = false
128 ## Uncomment and set this path to use archive download cache.
129 ## Once enabled, generated archives will be cached at this location
130 ## and served from the cache during subsequent requests for the same archive of
131 ## the repository.
132 #archive_cache_dir = /tmp/tarballcache
134 ## change this to unique ID for security
135 app_instance_uuid = rc-production
137 ## cut off limit for large diffs (size in bytes)
138 cut_off_limit_diff = 1024000
139 cut_off_limit_file = 256000
141 ## use cache version of scm repo everywhere
142 vcs_full_cache = true
144 ## force https in RhodeCode, fixes https redirects, assumes it's always https
145 ## Normally this is controlled by proper http flags sent from http server
146 force_https = false
148 ## use Strict-Transport-Security headers
149 use_htsts = false
151 ## number of commits stats will parse on each iteration
152 commit_parse_limit = 25
154 ## git rev filter option, --all is the default filter, if you need to
155 ## hide all refs in changelog switch this to --branches --tags
156 git_rev_filter = --branches --tags
158 # Set to true if your repos are exposed using the dumb protocol
159 git_update_server_info = false
161 ## RSS/ATOM feed options
162 rss_cut_off_limit = 256000
163 rss_items_per_page = 10
164 rss_include_diff = false
166 ## gist URL alias, used to create nicer urls for gist. This should be an
167 ## url that does rewrites to _admin/gists/<gistid>.
168 ## example: http://gist.rhodecode.org/{gistid}. Empty means use the internal
169 ## RhodeCode url, ie. http[s]://rhodecode.server/_admin/gists/<gistid>
170 gist_alias_url =
172 ## List of controllers (using glob pattern syntax) that AUTH TOKENS could be
173 ## used for access.
174 ## Adding ?auth_token = <token> to the url authenticates this request as if it
175 ## came from the the logged in user who own this authentication token.
176 ##
177 ## Syntax is <ControllerClass>:<function_pattern>.
178 ## To enable access to raw_files put `FilesController:raw`.
179 ## To enable access to patches add `ChangesetController:changeset_patch`.
180 ## The list should be "," separated and on a single line.
181 ##
182 ## Recommended controllers to enable:
183 # ChangesetController:changeset_patch,
184 # ChangesetController:changeset_raw,
185 # FilesController:raw,
186 # FilesController:archivefile,
187 # GistsController:*,
188 api_access_controllers_whitelist =
190 ## default encoding used to convert from and to unicode
191 ## can be also a comma separated list of encoding in case of mixed encodings
192 default_encoding = UTF-8
194 ## instance-id prefix
195 ## a prefix key for this instance used for cache invalidation when running
196 ## multiple instances of rhodecode, make sure it's globally unique for
197 ## all running rhodecode instances. Leave empty if you don't use it
198 instance_id =
200 ## alternative return HTTP header for failed authentication. Default HTTP
201 ## response is 401 HTTPUnauthorized. Currently HG clients have troubles with
202 ## handling that causing a series of failed authentication calls.
203 ## Set this variable to 403 to return HTTPForbidden, or any other HTTP code
204 ## This will be served instead of default 401 on bad authnetication
205 auth_ret_code =
207 ## use special detection method when serving auth_ret_code, instead of serving
208 ## ret_code directly, use 401 initially (Which triggers credentials prompt)
209 ## and then serve auth_ret_code to clients
210 auth_ret_code_detection = false
212 ## locking return code. When repository is locked return this HTTP code. 2XX
213 ## codes don't break the transactions while 4XX codes do
214 lock_ret_code = 423
216 ## allows to change the repository location in settings page
217 allow_repo_location_change = true
219 ## allows to setup custom hooks in settings page
220 allow_custom_hooks_settings = true
222 ## generated license token, goto license page in RhodeCode settings to obtain
223 ## new token
224 license_token =
226 ## supervisor connection uri, for managing supervisor and logs.
227 supervisor.uri =
228 ## supervisord group name/id we only want this RC instance to handle
229 supervisor.group_id = dev
231 ## Display extended labs settings
232 labs_settings_active = true
234 ####################################
235 ### CELERY CONFIG ####
236 ####################################
237 use_celery = false
238 broker.host = localhost
239 broker.vhost = rabbitmqhost
240 broker.port = 5672
241 broker.user = rabbitmq
242 broker.password = qweqwe
244 celery.imports = rhodecode.lib.celerylib.tasks
246 celery.result.backend = amqp
247 celery.result.dburi = amqp://
248 celery.result.serialier = json
250 #celery.send.task.error.emails = true
251 #celery.amqp.task.result.expires = 18000
253 celeryd.concurrency = 2
254 #celeryd.log.file = celeryd.log
255 celeryd.log.level = debug
256 celeryd.max.tasks.per.child = 1
258 ## tasks will never be sent to the queue, but executed locally instead.
259 celery.always.eager = false
261 ####################################
262 ### BEAKER CACHE ####
263 ####################################
264 # default cache dir for templates. Putting this into a ramdisk
265 ## can boost performance, eg. %(here)s/data_ramdisk
266 cache_dir = %(here)s/data
268 ## locking and default file storage for Beaker. Putting this into a ramdisk
269 ## can boost performance, eg. %(here)s/data_ramdisk/cache/beaker_data
270 beaker.cache.data_dir = %(here)s/data/cache/beaker_data
271 beaker.cache.lock_dir = %(here)s/data/cache/beaker_lock
273 beaker.cache.regions = super_short_term, short_term, long_term, sql_cache_short, auth_plugins, repo_cache_long
275 beaker.cache.super_short_term.type = memory
276 beaker.cache.super_short_term.expire = 10
277 beaker.cache.super_short_term.key_length = 256
279 beaker.cache.short_term.type = memory
280 beaker.cache.short_term.expire = 60
281 beaker.cache.short_term.key_length = 256
283 beaker.cache.long_term.type = memory
284 beaker.cache.long_term.expire = 36000
285 beaker.cache.long_term.key_length = 256
287 beaker.cache.sql_cache_short.type = memory
288 beaker.cache.sql_cache_short.expire = 10
289 beaker.cache.sql_cache_short.key_length = 256
291 # default is memory cache, configure only if required
292 # using multi-node or multi-worker setup
293 #beaker.cache.auth_plugins.type = ext:database
294 #beaker.cache.auth_plugins.lock_dir = %(here)s/data/cache/auth_plugin_lock
295 #beaker.cache.auth_plugins.url = postgresql://postgres:secret@localhost/rhodecode
296 #beaker.cache.auth_plugins.url = mysql://root:secret@
297 #beaker.cache.auth_plugins.sa.pool_recycle = 3600
298 #beaker.cache.auth_plugins.sa.pool_size = 10
299 #beaker.cache.auth_plugins.sa.max_overflow = 0
301 beaker.cache.repo_cache_long.type = memorylru_base
302 beaker.cache.repo_cache_long.max_items = 4096
303 beaker.cache.repo_cache_long.expire = 2592000
305 # default is memorylru_base cache, configure only if required
306 # using multi-node or multi-worker setup
307 #beaker.cache.repo_cache_long.type = ext:memcached
308 #beaker.cache.repo_cache_long.url = localhost:11211
309 #beaker.cache.repo_cache_long.expire = 1209600
310 #beaker.cache.repo_cache_long.key_length = 256
312 ####################################
313 ### BEAKER SESSION ####
314 ####################################
316 ## .session.type is type of storage options for the session, current allowed
317 ## types are file, ext:memcached, ext:database, and memory(default).
318 beaker.session.type = file
319 beaker.session.data_dir = %(here)s/data/sessions/data
321 ## db based session, fast, and allows easy management over logged in users ##
322 #beaker.session.type = ext:database
323 #beaker.session.table_name = db_session
324 #beaker.session.sa.url = postgresql://postgres:secret@localhost/rhodecode
325 #beaker.session.sa.url = mysql://root:secret@
326 #beaker.session.sa.pool_recycle = 3600
327 #beaker.session.sa.echo = false
329 beaker.session.key = rhodecode
330 beaker.session.secret = develop-rc-uytcxaz
331 beaker.session.lock_dir = %(here)s/data/sessions/lock
333 ## Secure encrypted cookie. Requires AES and AES python libraries
334 ## you must disable beaker.session.secret to use this
335 #beaker.session.encrypt_key = <key_for_encryption>
336 #beaker.session.validate_key = <validation_key>
338 ## sets session as invalid(also logging out user) if it haven not been
339 ## accessed for given amount of time in seconds
340 beaker.session.timeout = 2592000
341 beaker.session.httponly = true
342 #beaker.session.cookie_path = /<your-prefix>
344 ## uncomment for https secure cookie
345 beaker.session.secure = false
347 ## auto save the session to not to use .save()
348 beaker.session.auto = false
350 ## default cookie expiration time in seconds, set to `true` to set expire
351 ## at browser close
352 #beaker.session.cookie_expires = 3600
354 ###################################
356 ###################################
358 search.module = rhodecode.lib.index.whoosh
359 search.location = %(here)s/data/index
361 ###################################
363 ###################################
365 ## Appenlight is tailored to work with RhodeCode, see
366 ## http://appenlight.com for details how to obtain an account
368 ## appenlight integration enabled
369 appenlight = false
371 appenlight.server_url = https://api.appenlight.com
372 appenlight.api_key = YOUR_API_KEY
373 ;appenlight.transport_config = https://api.appenlight.com?threaded=1&timeout=5
375 # used for JS client
376 appenlight.api_public_key = YOUR_API_PUBLIC_KEY
380 ## enables 404 error logging (default False)
381 appenlight.report_404 = false
383 ## time in seconds after request is considered being slow (default 1)
384 appenlight.slow_request_time = 1
386 ## record slow requests in application
387 ## (needs to be enabled for slow datastore recording and time tracking)
388 appenlight.slow_requests = true
390 ## enable hooking to application loggers
391 appenlight.logging = true
393 ## minimum log level for log capture
394 appenlight.logging.level = WARNING
396 ## send logs only from erroneous/slow requests
397 ## (saves API quota for intensive logging)
398 appenlight.logging_on_error = false
400 ## list of additonal keywords that should be grabbed from environ object
401 ## can be string with comma separated list of words in lowercase
402 ## (by default client will always send following info:
403 ## 'REMOTE_USER', 'REMOTE_ADDR', 'SERVER_NAME', 'CONTENT_TYPE' + all keys that
404 ## start with HTTP* this list be extended with additional keywords here
405 appenlight.environ_keys_whitelist =
407 ## list of keywords that should be blanked from request object
408 ## can be string with comma separated list of words in lowercase
409 ## (by default client will always blank keys that contain following words
410 ## 'password', 'passwd', 'pwd', 'auth_tkt', 'secret', 'csrf'
411 ## this list be extended with additional keywords set here
412 appenlight.request_keys_blacklist =
414 ## list of namespaces that should be ignores when gathering log entries
415 ## can be string with comma separated list of namespaces
416 ## (by default the client ignores own entries: appenlight_client.client)
417 appenlight.log_namespace_blacklist =
420 ################################################################################
422 ## Debug mode will enable the interactive debugging tool, allowing ANYONE to ##
423 ## execute malicious code after an exception is raised. ##
424 ################################################################################
425 #set debug = false
428 ##############
429 ## STYLING ##
430 ##############
431 debug_style = true
433 #########################################################
435 #########################################################
436 sqlalchemy.db1.url = sqlite:///%(here)s/rhodecode.db?timeout=30
437 #sqlalchemy.db1.url = postgresql://postgres:qweqwe@localhost/rhodecode
438 #sqlalchemy.db1.url = mysql://root:qweqwe@localhost/rhodecode
440 # see sqlalchemy docs for other advanced settings
442 ## print the sql statements to output
443 sqlalchemy.db1.echo = false
444 ## recycle the connections after this ammount of seconds
445 sqlalchemy.db1.pool_recycle = 3600
446 sqlalchemy.db1.convert_unicode = true
448 ## the number of connections to keep open inside the connection pool.
449 ## 0 indicates no limit
450 #sqlalchemy.db1.pool_size = 5
452 ## the number of connections to allow in connection pool "overflow", that is
453 ## connections that can be opened above and beyond the pool_size setting,
454 ## which defaults to five.
455 #sqlalchemy.db1.max_overflow = 10
458 ##################
459 ### VCS CONFIG ###
460 ##################
461 vcs.server.enable = true
462 vcs.server = localhost:9900
463 # Available protocols: pyro4, http
464 vcs.server.protocol = pyro4
466 # available impl:
467 # vcsserver.scm_app (EE only, for testing),
468 # rhodecode.lib.middleware.utils.scm_app_http
469 # pyro4
470 #vcs.scm_app_implementation = rhodecode.lib.middleware.utils.scm_app_http
472 vcs.server.log_level = debug
473 vcs.start_server = true
474 vcs.backends = hg, git, svn
475 vcs.connection_timeout = 3600
476 ## Compatibility version when creating SVN repositories. Defaults to newest version when commented out.
477 ## Available options are: pre-1.4-compatible, pre-1.5-compatible, pre-1.6-compatible, pre-1.8-compatible
478 #vcs.svn.compatible_version = pre-1.8-compatible
480 ################################
482 ################################
483 [loggers]
484 keys = root, routes, rhodecode, sqlalchemy, beaker, pyro4, templates, whoosh_indexer
486 [handlers]
487 keys = console, console_sql
489 [formatters]
490 keys = generic, color_formatter, color_formatter_sql
492 #############
493 ## LOGGERS ##
494 #############
495 [logger_root]
496 level = NOTSET
497 handlers = console
499 [logger_routes]
500 level = DEBUG
501 handlers =
502 qualname = routes.middleware
503 ## "level = DEBUG" logs the route matched and routing variables.
504 propagate = 1
506 [logger_beaker]
507 level = DEBUG
508 handlers =
509 qualname = beaker.container
510 propagate = 1
512 [logger_pyro4]
513 level = DEBUG
514 handlers =
515 qualname = Pyro4
516 propagate = 1
518 [logger_templates]
519 level = INFO
520 handlers =
521 qualname = pylons.templating
522 propagate = 1
524 [logger_rhodecode]
525 level = DEBUG
526 handlers =
527 qualname = rhodecode
528 propagate = 1
530 [logger_sqlalchemy]
531 level = INFO
532 handlers = console_sql
533 qualname = sqlalchemy.engine
534 propagate = 0
536 [logger_whoosh_indexer]
537 level = DEBUG
538 handlers =
539 qualname = whoosh_indexer
540 propagate = 1
542 ##############
543 ## HANDLERS ##
544 ##############
546 [handler_console]
547 class = StreamHandler
548 args = (sys.stderr,)
549 level = DEBUG
550 formatter = color_formatter
552 [handler_console_sql]
553 class = StreamHandler
554 args = (sys.stderr,)
555 level = DEBUG
556 formatter = color_formatter_sql
558 ################
559 ## FORMATTERS ##
560 ################
562 [formatter_generic]
563 class = rhodecode.lib.logging_formatter.Pyro4AwareFormatter
564 format = %(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(levelname)-5.5s [%(name)s] %(message)s
565 datefmt = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
567 [formatter_color_formatter]
568 class = rhodecode.lib.logging_formatter.ColorFormatter
569 format = %(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(levelname)-5.5s [%(name)s] %(message)s
570 datefmt = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
572 [formatter_color_formatter_sql]
573 class = rhodecode.lib.logging_formatter.ColorFormatterSql
574 format = %(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(levelname)-5.5s [%(name)s] %(message)s
575 datefmt = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
@@ -0,0 +1,96 b''
1 """gunicorn config hooks"""
3 import multiprocessing
4 import sys
5 import threading
6 import traceback
9 # GLOBAL #
10 errorlog = '-'
11 accesslog = '-'
12 loglevel = 'debug'
15 limit_request_line = 4094
16 limit_request_fields = 100
17 limit_request_field_size = 8190
20 # None == system temp dir #
21 worker_tmp_dir = None
22 tmp_upload_dir = None
23 #proc_name =
25 # self adjust workers based on CPU #
26 #workers = multiprocessing.cpu_count() * 2 + 1
28 access_log_format = '[%(p)s] %(h)15s %(l)s %(u)s %(t)s "%(r)s" %(s)s %(b)s "%(f)s" "%(a)s" request_time:%(L)s'
30 # For the gevent worker classes #
31 # this limits the maximum number of simultaneous clients that #
32 # a single process can handle. #
33 #worker_connections = 10
35 # Max requests to handle by each worker before restarting it, #
36 # could prevent memory leaks #
37 #max_requests = 1000
38 #max_requests_jitter = 30
41 # If a worker does not notify the master process in this #
42 # number of seconds it is killed and a new worker is spawned #
43 # to replace it. #
44 #timeout = 3600
46 access_log_format = (
47 '[%(p)-10s] %(h)s time:%(L)s %(l)s %(u)s '
48 '%(t)s "%(r)s" %(s)s %(b)s "%(f)s" "%(a)s"')
51 def post_fork(server, worker):
52 server.log.info("[<%s>] worker spawned", worker.pid)
55 def pre_fork(server, worker):
56 pass
59 def pre_exec(server):
60 server.log.info("Forked child, re-executing.")
63 def when_ready(server):
64 server.log.info("Server is ready. Spawning workers")
67 def worker_int(worker):
68 worker.log.info("[<%-10s>] worker received INT or QUIT signal", worker.pid)
70 # get traceback info
71 id2name = dict([(th.ident, th.name) for th in threading.enumerate()])
72 code = []
73 for thread_id, stack in sys._current_frames().items():
74 code.append(
75 "\n# Thread: %s(%d)" % (id2name.get(thread_id, ""), thread_id))
76 for fname, lineno, name, line in traceback.extract_stack(stack):
77 code.append('File: "%s", line %d, in %s' % (fname, lineno, name))
78 if line:
79 code.append(" %s" % (line.strip()))
80 worker.log.debug("\n".join(code))
83 def worker_abort(worker):
84 worker.log.info("[<%-10s>] worker received SIGABRT signal", worker.pid)
87 def pre_request(worker, req):
88 return
89 worker.log.debug("[<%-10s>] PRE WORKER: %s %s",
90 worker.pid, req.method, req.path)
93 def post_request(worker, req, environ, resp):
94 return
95 worker.log.debug("[<%-10s>] POST WORKER: %s %s resp: %s", worker.pid,
96 req.method, req.path, resp.status_code) No newline at end of file
@@ -0,0 +1,1 b''
1 Example init scripts. No newline at end of file
@@ -0,0 +1,61 b''
1 ; Sample supervisor RhodeCode config file.
2 ;
3 ; For more information on the config file, please see:
4 ; http://supervisord.org/configuration.html
5 ;
6 ; Note: shell expansion ("~" or "$HOME") is not supported. Environment
7 ; variables can be expanded using this syntax: "%(ENV_HOME)s".
9 [unix_http_server]
10 file=/tmp/supervisor.sock ; (the path to the socket file)
11 ;chmod=0700 ; socket file mode (default 0700)
12 ;chown=nobody:nogroup ; socket file uid:gid owner
13 ;username=user ; (default is no username (open server))
14 ;password=123 ; (default is no password (open server))
16 [supervisord]
17 logfile=/home/ubuntu/rhodecode/supervisord.log ; (main log file;default $CWD/supervisord.log)
18 logfile_maxbytes=50MB ; (max main logfile bytes b4 rotation;default 50MB)
19 logfile_backups=10 ; (num of main logfile rotation backups;default 10)
20 loglevel=info ; (log level;default info; others: debug,warn,trace)
21 pidfile=/home/ubuntu/rhodecode/supervisord.pid ; (supervisord pidfile;default supervisord.pid)
22 nodaemon=true ; (start in foreground if true;default false)
23 minfds=1024 ; (min. avail startup file descriptors;default 1024)
24 minprocs=200 ; (min. avail process descriptors;default 200)
25 ;umask=022 ; (process file creation umask;default 022)
26 user=ubuntu ; (default is current user, required if root)
27 ;identifier=supervisor ; (supervisord identifier, default is 'supervisor')
28 ;directory=/tmp ; (default is not to cd during start)
29 ;nocleanup=true ; (don't clean up tempfiles at start;default false)
30 ;childlogdir=/tmp ; ('AUTO' child log dir, default $TEMP)
31 environment=HOME=/home/ubuntu,LANG=en_US.UTF-8 ; (key value pairs to add to environment)
32 ;strip_ansi=false ; (strip ansi escape codes in logs; def. false)
34 ; the below section must remain in the config file for RPC
35 ; (supervisorctl/web interface) to work, additional interfaces may be
36 ; added by defining them in separate rpcinterface: sections
37 [rpcinterface:supervisor]
38 supervisor.rpcinterface_factory = supervisor.rpcinterface:make_main_rpcinterface
40 [supervisorctl]
41 serverurl=unix:///tmp/supervisor.sock ; use a unix:// URL for a unix socket
42 ;username=chris ; should be same as http_username if set
43 ;password=123 ; should be same as http_password if set
46 ; restart with supervisorctl restart rhodecode:*
47 [program:rhodecode]
48 numprocs = 1
49 numprocs_start = 5000
50 directory=/home/ubuntu/rhodecode/source
51 command = /home/ubuntu/rhodecode/venv/bin/paster serve /home/ubuntu/rhodecode/source/prod.ini
52 process_name = %(program_name)s_%(process_num)04d
53 redirect_stderr=true
54 stdout_logfile=/home/ubuntu/rhodecode/rhodecode.log
56 [program:rhodecode_workers]
57 numproces = 1
58 directory = /home/ubuntu/rhodecode/source
59 command = /home/ubuntu/rhodecode/venv/bin/paster celeryd /home/ubuntu/rhodecode/source/prod.ini --autoscale=10,2
60 redirect_stderr=true
61 stdout_logfile=/%(here)s/rhodecode_workers.log
This diff has been collapsed as it changes many lines, (541 lines changed) Show them Hide them
@@ -0,0 +1,541 b''
1 ################################################################################
2 ################################################################################
3 # RhodeCode Enterprise - configuration file #
4 # Built-in functions and variables #
5 # The %(here)s variable will be replaced with the parent directory of this file#
6 # #
7 ################################################################################
10 debug = true
11 pdebug = false
12 ################################################################################
13 ## Uncomment and replace with the email address which should receive ##
14 ## any error reports after an application crash ##
15 ## Additionally these settings will be used by the RhodeCode mailing system ##
16 ################################################################################
17 #email_to = admin@localhost
18 #error_email_from = paste_error@localhost
19 #app_email_from = rhodecode-noreply@localhost
20 #error_message =
21 #email_prefix = [RhodeCode]
23 #smtp_server = mail.server.com
24 #smtp_username =
25 #smtp_password =
26 #smtp_port =
27 #smtp_use_tls = false
28 #smtp_use_ssl = true
29 ## Specify available auth parameters here (e.g. LOGIN PLAIN CRAM-MD5, etc.)
30 #smtp_auth =
32 [server:main]
33 ## COMMON ##
34 host =
35 port = 5000
37 ##########################
39 ##########################
40 use = egg:waitress#main
41 ## number of worker threads
42 threads = 5
44 max_request_body_size = 107374182400
45 ## Use poll instead of select, fixes file descriptors limits problems.
46 ## May not work on old windows systems.
47 asyncore_use_poll = true
50 ##########################
52 ##########################
53 ## run with gunicorn --log-config <inifile.ini> --paste <inifile.ini>
54 #use = egg:gunicorn#main
55 ## Sets the number of process workers. You must set `instance_id = *`
56 ## when this option is set to more than one worker, recommended
57 ## value is (2 * NUMBER_OF_CPUS + 1), eg 2CPU = 5 workers
58 ## The `instance_id = *` must be set in the [app:main] section below
59 #workers = 1
60 ## number of threads for each of the worker, must be set to 1 for gevent
61 ## generally recommened to be at 1
62 #threads = 1
63 ## process name
64 #proc_name = rhodecode
65 ## type of worker class, one of sync, gevent
66 ## recommended for bigger setup is using of of other than sync one
67 #worker_class = sync
68 ## max number of requests that worker will handle before being gracefully
69 ## restarted, could prevent memory leaks
70 #max_requests = 1000
71 #max_requests_jitter = 30
72 ## ammount of time a worker can spend with handling a request before it
73 ## gets killed and restarted. Set to 6hrs
74 #timeout = 21600
77 ## prefix middleware for RhodeCode, disables force_https flag.
78 ## allows to set RhodeCode under a prefix in server.
79 ## eg https://server.com/<prefix>. Enable `filter-with =` option below as well.
80 #[filter:proxy-prefix]
81 #use = egg:PasteDeploy#prefix
82 #prefix = /<your-prefix>
84 [app:main]
85 use = egg:rhodecode-enterprise-ce
86 ## enable proxy prefix middleware, defined below
87 #filter-with = proxy-prefix
89 full_stack = true
91 ## Serve static files via RhodeCode, disable to serve them via HTTP server
92 static_files = true
94 ## Optional Languages
95 ## en(default), be, de, es, fr, it, ja, pl, pt, ru, zh
96 lang = en
98 ## perform a full repository scan on each server start, this should be
99 ## set to false after first startup, to allow faster server restarts.
100 startup.import_repos = false
102 ## Uncomment and set this path to use archive download cache.
103 ## Once enabled, generated archives will be cached at this location
104 ## and served from the cache during subsequent requests for the same archive of
105 ## the repository.
106 #archive_cache_dir = /tmp/tarballcache
108 ## change this to unique ID for security
109 app_instance_uuid = rc-production
111 ## cut off limit for large diffs (size in bytes)
112 cut_off_limit_diff = 1024000
113 cut_off_limit_file = 256000
115 ## use cache version of scm repo everywhere
116 vcs_full_cache = true
118 ## force https in RhodeCode, fixes https redirects, assumes it's always https
119 ## Normally this is controlled by proper http flags sent from http server
120 force_https = false
122 ## use Strict-Transport-Security headers
123 use_htsts = false
125 ## number of commits stats will parse on each iteration
126 commit_parse_limit = 25
128 ## git rev filter option, --all is the default filter, if you need to
129 ## hide all refs in changelog switch this to --branches --tags
130 git_rev_filter = --branches --tags
132 # Set to true if your repos are exposed using the dumb protocol
133 git_update_server_info = false
135 ## RSS/ATOM feed options
136 rss_cut_off_limit = 256000
137 rss_items_per_page = 10
138 rss_include_diff = false
140 ## gist URL alias, used to create nicer urls for gist. This should be an
141 ## url that does rewrites to _admin/gists/<gistid>.
142 ## example: http://gist.rhodecode.org/{gistid}. Empty means use the internal
143 ## RhodeCode url, ie. http[s]://rhodecode.server/_admin/gists/<gistid>
144 gist_alias_url =
146 ## List of controllers (using glob pattern syntax) that AUTH TOKENS could be
147 ## used for access.
148 ## Adding ?auth_token = <token> to the url authenticates this request as if it
149 ## came from the the logged in user who own this authentication token.
150 ##
151 ## Syntax is <ControllerClass>:<function_pattern>.
152 ## To enable access to raw_files put `FilesController:raw`.
153 ## To enable access to patches add `ChangesetController:changeset_patch`.
154 ## The list should be "," separated and on a single line.
155 ##
156 ## Recommended controllers to enable:
157 # ChangesetController:changeset_patch,
158 # ChangesetController:changeset_raw,
159 # FilesController:raw,
160 # FilesController:archivefile,
161 # GistsController:*,
162 api_access_controllers_whitelist =
164 ## default encoding used to convert from and to unicode
165 ## can be also a comma separated list of encoding in case of mixed encodings
166 default_encoding = UTF-8
168 ## instance-id prefix
169 ## a prefix key for this instance used for cache invalidation when running
170 ## multiple instances of rhodecode, make sure it's globally unique for
171 ## all running rhodecode instances. Leave empty if you don't use it
172 instance_id =
174 ## alternative return HTTP header for failed authentication. Default HTTP
175 ## response is 401 HTTPUnauthorized. Currently HG clients have troubles with
176 ## handling that causing a series of failed authentication calls.
177 ## Set this variable to 403 to return HTTPForbidden, or any other HTTP code
178 ## This will be served instead of default 401 on bad authnetication
179 auth_ret_code =
181 ## use special detection method when serving auth_ret_code, instead of serving
182 ## ret_code directly, use 401 initially (Which triggers credentials prompt)
183 ## and then serve auth_ret_code to clients
184 auth_ret_code_detection = false
186 ## locking return code. When repository is locked return this HTTP code. 2XX
187 ## codes don't break the transactions while 4XX codes do
188 lock_ret_code = 423
190 ## allows to change the repository location in settings page
191 allow_repo_location_change = true
193 ## allows to setup custom hooks in settings page
194 allow_custom_hooks_settings = true
196 ## generated license token, goto license page in RhodeCode settings to obtain
197 ## new token
198 license_token =
200 ## supervisor connection uri, for managing supervisor and logs.
201 supervisor.uri =
202 ## supervisord group name/id we only want this RC instance to handle
203 supervisor.group_id = prod
205 ## Display extended labs settings
206 labs_settings_active = true
208 ####################################
209 ### CELERY CONFIG ####
210 ####################################
211 use_celery = false
212 broker.host = localhost
213 broker.vhost = rabbitmqhost
214 broker.port = 5672
215 broker.user = rabbitmq
216 broker.password = qweqwe
218 celery.imports = rhodecode.lib.celerylib.tasks
220 celery.result.backend = amqp
221 celery.result.dburi = amqp://
222 celery.result.serialier = json
224 #celery.send.task.error.emails = true
225 #celery.amqp.task.result.expires = 18000
227 celeryd.concurrency = 2
228 #celeryd.log.file = celeryd.log
229 celeryd.log.level = debug
230 celeryd.max.tasks.per.child = 1
232 ## tasks will never be sent to the queue, but executed locally instead.
233 celery.always.eager = false
235 ####################################
236 ### BEAKER CACHE ####
237 ####################################
238 # default cache dir for templates. Putting this into a ramdisk
239 ## can boost performance, eg. %(here)s/data_ramdisk
240 cache_dir = %(here)s/data
242 ## locking and default file storage for Beaker. Putting this into a ramdisk
243 ## can boost performance, eg. %(here)s/data_ramdisk/cache/beaker_data
244 beaker.cache.data_dir = %(here)s/data/cache/beaker_data
245 beaker.cache.lock_dir = %(here)s/data/cache/beaker_lock
247 beaker.cache.regions = super_short_term, short_term, long_term, sql_cache_short, auth_plugins, repo_cache_long
249 beaker.cache.super_short_term.type = memory
250 beaker.cache.super_short_term.expire = 10
251 beaker.cache.super_short_term.key_length = 256
253 beaker.cache.short_term.type = memory
254 beaker.cache.short_term.expire = 60
255 beaker.cache.short_term.key_length = 256
257 beaker.cache.long_term.type = memory
258 beaker.cache.long_term.expire = 36000
259 beaker.cache.long_term.key_length = 256
261 beaker.cache.sql_cache_short.type = memory
262 beaker.cache.sql_cache_short.expire = 10
263 beaker.cache.sql_cache_short.key_length = 256
265 # default is memory cache, configure only if required
266 # using multi-node or multi-worker setup
267 #beaker.cache.auth_plugins.type = ext:database
268 #beaker.cache.auth_plugins.lock_dir = %(here)s/data/cache/auth_plugin_lock
269 #beaker.cache.auth_plugins.url = postgresql://postgres:secret@localhost/rhodecode
270 #beaker.cache.auth_plugins.url = mysql://root:secret@
271 #beaker.cache.auth_plugins.sa.pool_recycle = 3600
272 #beaker.cache.auth_plugins.sa.pool_size = 10
273 #beaker.cache.auth_plugins.sa.max_overflow = 0
275 beaker.cache.repo_cache_long.type = memorylru_base
276 beaker.cache.repo_cache_long.max_items = 4096
277 beaker.cache.repo_cache_long.expire = 2592000
279 # default is memorylru_base cache, configure only if required
280 # using multi-node or multi-worker setup
281 #beaker.cache.repo_cache_long.type = ext:memcached
282 #beaker.cache.repo_cache_long.url = localhost:11211
283 #beaker.cache.repo_cache_long.expire = 1209600
284 #beaker.cache.repo_cache_long.key_length = 256
286 ####################################
287 ### BEAKER SESSION ####
288 ####################################
290 ## .session.type is type of storage options for the session, current allowed
291 ## types are file(default), ext:memcached, ext:database, and memory.
292 #beaker.session.type = file
294 ## db based session, fast, and allows easy management over logged in users ##
295 #beaker.session.type = ext:database
296 #beaker.session.lock_dir = %(here)s/data/cache/session_db_lock
297 #beaker.session.table_name = db_session
298 #beaker.session.sa.url = postgresql://postgres:secret@localhost/rhodecode
299 #beaker.session.sa.url = mysql://root:secret@
300 #beaker.session.sa.pool_recycle = 3600
301 #beaker.session.sa.echo = false
303 beaker.session.key = rhodecode
304 beaker.session.secret = production-rc-uytcxaz
306 ## Secure encrypted cookie. Requires AES and AES python libraries
307 ## you must disable beaker.session.secret to use this
308 #beaker.session.encrypt_key = <key_for_encryption>
309 #beaker.session.validate_key = <validation_key>
311 ## sets session as invalid(also logging out user) if it haven not been
312 ## accessed for given amount of time in seconds
313 beaker.session.timeout = 2592000
314 beaker.session.httponly = true
315 #beaker.session.cookie_path = /<your-prefix>
317 ## uncomment for https secure cookie
318 beaker.session.secure = false
320 ## auto save the session to not to use .save()
321 beaker.session.auto = false
323 ## default cookie expiration time in seconds, set to `true` to set expire
324 ## at browser close
325 #beaker.session.cookie_expires = 3600
327 ###################################
329 ###################################
331 search.module = rhodecode.lib.index.whoosh
332 search.location = %(here)s/data/index
334 ###################################
336 ###################################
338 ## Appenlight is tailored to work with RhodeCode, see
339 ## http://appenlight.com for details how to obtain an account
341 ## appenlight integration enabled
342 appenlight = false
344 appenlight.server_url = https://api.appenlight.com
345 appenlight.api_key = YOUR_API_KEY
346 ;appenlight.transport_config = https://api.appenlight.com?threaded=1&timeout=5
348 # used for JS client
349 appenlight.api_public_key = YOUR_API_PUBLIC_KEY
353 ## enables 404 error logging (default False)
354 appenlight.report_404 = false
356 ## time in seconds after request is considered being slow (default 1)
357 appenlight.slow_request_time = 1
359 ## record slow requests in application
360 ## (needs to be enabled for slow datastore recording and time tracking)
361 appenlight.slow_requests = true
363 ## enable hooking to application loggers
364 appenlight.logging = true
366 ## minimum log level for log capture
367 appenlight.logging.level = WARNING
369 ## send logs only from erroneous/slow requests
370 ## (saves API quota for intensive logging)
371 appenlight.logging_on_error = false
373 ## list of additonal keywords that should be grabbed from environ object
374 ## can be string with comma separated list of words in lowercase
375 ## (by default client will always send following info:
376 ## 'REMOTE_USER', 'REMOTE_ADDR', 'SERVER_NAME', 'CONTENT_TYPE' + all keys that
377 ## start with HTTP* this list be extended with additional keywords here
378 appenlight.environ_keys_whitelist =
380 ## list of keywords that should be blanked from request object
381 ## can be string with comma separated list of words in lowercase
382 ## (by default client will always blank keys that contain following words
383 ## 'password', 'passwd', 'pwd', 'auth_tkt', 'secret', 'csrf'
384 ## this list be extended with additional keywords set here
385 appenlight.request_keys_blacklist =
387 ## list of namespaces that should be ignores when gathering log entries
388 ## can be string with comma separated list of namespaces
389 ## (by default the client ignores own entries: appenlight_client.client)
390 appenlight.log_namespace_blacklist =
393 ################################################################################
395 ## Debug mode will enable the interactive debugging tool, allowing ANYONE to ##
396 ## execute malicious code after an exception is raised. ##
397 ################################################################################
398 set debug = false
401 ##############
402 ## STYLING ##
403 ##############
404 debug_style = false
406 #########################################################
408 #########################################################
409 #sqlalchemy.db1.url = sqlite:///%(here)s/rhodecode.db?timeout=30
410 sqlalchemy.db1.url = postgresql://postgres:qweqwe@localhost/rhodecode
411 #sqlalchemy.db1.url = mysql://root:qweqwe@localhost/rhodecode
413 # see sqlalchemy docs for other advanced settings
415 ## print the sql statements to output
416 sqlalchemy.db1.echo = false
417 ## recycle the connections after this ammount of seconds
418 sqlalchemy.db1.pool_recycle = 3600
419 sqlalchemy.db1.convert_unicode = true
421 ## the number of connections to keep open inside the connection pool.
422 ## 0 indicates no limit
423 #sqlalchemy.db1.pool_size = 5
425 ## the number of connections to allow in connection pool "overflow", that is
426 ## connections that can be opened above and beyond the pool_size setting,
427 ## which defaults to five.
428 #sqlalchemy.db1.max_overflow = 10
431 ##################
432 ### VCS CONFIG ###
433 ##################
434 vcs.server.enable = true
435 vcs.server = localhost:9900
436 # Available protocols: pyro4, http
437 vcs.server.protocol = pyro4
438 vcs.server.log_level = info
439 vcs.start_server = false
440 vcs.backends = hg, git, svn
441 vcs.connection_timeout = 3600
442 ## Compatibility version when creating SVN repositories. Defaults to newest version when commented out.
443 ## Available options are: pre-1.4-compatible, pre-1.5-compatible, pre-1.6-compatible, pre-1.8-compatible
444 #vcs.svn.compatible_version = pre-1.8-compatible
446 ################################
448 ################################
449 [loggers]
450 keys = root, routes, rhodecode, sqlalchemy, beaker, pyro4, templates, whoosh_indexer
452 [handlers]
453 keys = console, console_sql
455 [formatters]
456 keys = generic, color_formatter, color_formatter_sql
458 #############
459 ## LOGGERS ##
460 #############
461 [logger_root]
462 level = NOTSET
463 handlers = console
465 [logger_routes]
466 level = DEBUG
467 handlers =
468 qualname = routes.middleware
469 ## "level = DEBUG" logs the route matched and routing variables.
470 propagate = 1
472 [logger_beaker]
473 level = DEBUG
474 handlers =
475 qualname = beaker.container
476 propagate = 1
478 [logger_pyro4]
479 level = DEBUG
480 handlers =
481 qualname = Pyro4
482 propagate = 1
484 [logger_templates]
485 level = INFO
486 handlers =
487 qualname = pylons.templating
488 propagate = 1
490 [logger_rhodecode]
491 level = DEBUG
492 handlers =
493 qualname = rhodecode
494 propagate = 1
496 [logger_sqlalchemy]
497 level = INFO
498 handlers = console_sql
499 qualname = sqlalchemy.engine
500 propagate = 0
502 [logger_whoosh_indexer]
503 level = DEBUG
504 handlers =
505 qualname = whoosh_indexer
506 propagate = 1
508 ##############
509 ## HANDLERS ##
510 ##############
512 [handler_console]
513 class = StreamHandler
514 args = (sys.stderr,)
515 level = INFO
516 formatter = generic
518 [handler_console_sql]
519 class = StreamHandler
520 args = (sys.stderr,)
521 level = WARN
522 formatter = generic
524 ################
525 ## FORMATTERS ##
526 ################
528 [formatter_generic]
529 class = rhodecode.lib.logging_formatter.Pyro4AwareFormatter
530 format = %(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(levelname)-5.5s [%(name)s] %(message)s
531 datefmt = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
533 [formatter_color_formatter]
534 class = rhodecode.lib.logging_formatter.ColorFormatter
535 format = %(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(levelname)-5.5s [%(name)s] %(message)s
536 datefmt = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
538 [formatter_color_formatter_sql]
539 class = rhodecode.lib.logging_formatter.ColorFormatterSql
540 format = %(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(levelname)-5.5s [%(name)s] %(message)s
541 datefmt = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
@@ -0,0 +1,6 b''
1 [channelstream]
2 admin_secret = secret
3 secret = secret
4 port = 9800
5 demo = false
6 allow_posting_from =
@@ -0,0 +1,215 b''
1 # Nix environment for the community edition
2 #
3 # This shall be as lean as possible, just producing the Enterprise
4 # derivation. For advanced tweaks to pimp up the development environment we use
5 # "shell.nix" so that it does not have to clutter this file.
7 { pkgs ? (import <nixpkgs> {})
8 , pythonPackages ? "python27Packages"
9 , pythonExternalOverrides ? self: super: {}
10 , doCheck ? true
11 }:
13 let pkgs_ = pkgs; in
15 let
16 pkgs = pkgs_.overridePackages (self: super: {
17 # Override subversion derivation to
18 # - activate python bindings
19 # - set version to 1.8
20 subversion = super.subversion18.override {
21 httpSupport = true;
22 pythonBindings = true;
23 python = self.python27Packages.python;
24 };
25 });
27 inherit (pkgs.lib) fix extends;
29 basePythonPackages = with builtins; if isAttrs pythonPackages
30 then pythonPackages
31 else getAttr pythonPackages pkgs;
33 elem = builtins.elem;
34 basename = path: with pkgs.lib; last (splitString "/" path);
35 startsWith = prefix: full: let
36 actualPrefix = builtins.substring 0 (builtins.stringLength prefix) full;
37 in actualPrefix == prefix;
39 src-filter = path: type: with pkgs.lib;
40 let
41 ext = last (splitString "." path);
42 in
43 !elem (basename path) [
44 ".git" ".hg" "__pycache__" ".eggs" "node_modules"
45 "build" "data" "tmp"] &&
46 !elem ext ["egg-info" "pyc"] &&
47 !startsWith "result" path;
49 rhodecode-enterprise-ce-src = builtins.filterSource src-filter ./.;
51 # Load the generated node packages
52 nodePackages = pkgs.callPackage "${pkgs.path}/pkgs/top-level/node-packages.nix" rec {
53 self = nodePackages;
54 generated = pkgs.callPackage ./pkgs/node-packages.nix { inherit self; };
55 };
57 # TODO: Should be taken automatically out of the generates packages.
58 # apps.nix has one solution for this, although I'd prefer to have the deps
59 # from package.json mapped in here.
60 nodeDependencies = with nodePackages; [
61 grunt
62 grunt-contrib-concat
63 grunt-contrib-jshint
64 grunt-contrib-less
65 grunt-contrib-watch
66 jshint
67 ];
69 pythonGeneratedPackages = self: basePythonPackages.override (a: {
70 inherit self;
71 })
72 // (scopedImport {
73 self = self;
74 super = basePythonPackages;
75 inherit pkgs;
76 inherit (pkgs) fetchurl fetchgit;
77 } ./pkgs/python-packages.nix);
79 pythonOverrides = import ./pkgs/python-packages-overrides.nix {
80 inherit
81 basePythonPackages
82 pkgs;
83 };
85 pythonLocalOverrides = self: super: {
86 rhodecode-enterprise-ce =
87 let
88 version = "${builtins.readFile ./rhodecode/VERSION}";
89 linkNodeModules = ''
90 echo "Link node packages"
91 # TODO: check if this adds stuff as a dependency, closure size
92 rm -fr node_modules
93 mkdir -p node_modules
94 ${pkgs.lib.concatMapStrings (dep: ''
95 ln -sfv ${dep}/lib/node_modules/${dep.pkgName} node_modules/
96 '') nodeDependencies}
97 echo "DONE: Link node packages"
98 '';
99 in super.rhodecode-enterprise-ce.override (attrs: {
101 inherit doCheck;
102 name = "rhodecode-enterprise-ce-${version}";
103 version = version;
104 src = rhodecode-enterprise-ce-src;
106 buildInputs =
107 attrs.buildInputs ++
108 (with self; [
109 pkgs.nodePackages.grunt-cli
110 pkgs.subversion
111 pytest-catchlog
112 rc_testdata
113 ]);
115 propagatedBuildInputs = attrs.propagatedBuildInputs ++ (with self; [
116 rhodecode-tools
117 ]);
119 # TODO: johbo: Make a nicer way to expose the parts. Maybe
120 # pkgs/default.nix?
121 passthru = {
122 inherit myPythonPackagesUnfix;
123 pythonPackages = self;
124 };
126 LC_ALL = "en_US.UTF-8";
128 if pkgs.stdenv ? glibc
129 then "${pkgs.glibcLocales}/lib/locale/locale-archive"
130 else "";
132 # Somewhat snappier setup of the development environment
133 # TODO: move into shell.nix
134 # TODO: think of supporting a stable path again, so that multiple shells
135 # can share it.
136 shellHook = ''
137 tmp_path=$(mktemp -d)
138 export PATH="$tmp_path/bin:$PATH"
139 export PYTHONPATH="$tmp_path/${self.python.sitePackages}:$PYTHONPATH"
140 mkdir -p $tmp_path/${self.python.sitePackages}
141 python setup.py develop --prefix $tmp_path --allow-hosts ""
142 '' + linkNodeModules;
144 preCheck = ''
145 export PATH="$out/bin:$PATH"
146 '';
148 postCheck = ''
149 rm -rf $out/lib/${self.python.libPrefix}/site-packages/pytest_pylons
150 rm -rf $out/lib/${self.python.libPrefix}/site-packages/rhodecode/tests
151 '';
153 preBuild = linkNodeModules + ''
154 grunt
155 rm -fr node_modules
156 '';
158 postInstall = ''
159 # python based programs need to be wrapped
160 ln -s ${self.supervisor}/bin/supervisor* $out/bin/
161 ln -s ${self.gunicorn}/bin/gunicorn $out/bin/
162 ln -s ${self.PasteScript}/bin/paster $out/bin/
164 # rhodecode-tools
165 # TODO: johbo: re-think this. Do the tools import anything from enterprise?
166 ln -s ${self.rhodecode-tools}/bin/rhodecode-* $out/bin/
168 # note that condition should be restricted when adding further tools
169 for file in $out/bin/*; do #*/
170 wrapProgram $file \
172 --set PYTHONHASHSEED random
173 done
175 mkdir $out/etc
176 cp configs/production.ini $out/etc
178 echo "Writing meta information for rccontrol to nix-support/rccontrol"
179 mkdir -p $out/nix-support/rccontrol
180 cp -v rhodecode/VERSION $out/nix-support/rccontrol/version
181 echo "DONE: Meta information for rccontrol written"
183 # TODO: johbo: Make part of ac-tests
184 if [ ! -f rhodecode/public/js/scripts.js ]; then
185 echo "Missing scripts.js"
186 exit 1
187 fi
188 if [ ! -f rhodecode/public/css/style.css ]; then
189 echo "Missing style.css"
190 exit 1
191 fi
192 '';
194 });
196 rc_testdata = self.buildPythonPackage rec {
197 name = "rc_testdata-0.7.0";
198 src = pkgs.fetchhg {
199 url = "https://code.rhodecode.com/upstream/rc_testdata";
200 rev = "v0.7.0";
201 sha256 = "0w3z0zn8lagr707v67lgys23sl6pbi4xg7pfvdbw58h3q384h6rx";
202 };
203 };
205 };
207 # Apply all overrides and fix the final package set
208 myPythonPackagesUnfix =
209 (extends pythonExternalOverrides
210 (extends pythonLocalOverrides
211 (extends pythonOverrides
212 pythonGeneratedPackages)));
213 myPythonPackages = (fix myPythonPackagesUnfix);
215 in myPythonPackages.rhodecode-enterprise-ce
@@ -0,0 +1,15 b''
1 .. _vcs-http:
3 ========================================
4 Transition to HTTP based communication
5 ========================================
7 We are in the process of replacing the Pyro4 based communication with an HTTP
8 based implementation. Currently both backends are supported and can be
9 activated via various settings in the configuration.
11 To run the system in full HTTP based mode, use the following settings::
13 vcs.hooks.protocol = http
14 vcs.scm_app_implementation = rhodecode.lib.middleware.utils.scm_app_http
15 vcs.server.protocol = http
@@ -0,0 +1,23 b''
2 ======================================
3 VCS client and VCSServer integration
4 ======================================
6 Enterprise uses the VCSServer as a backend to provide version control
7 functionalities. This section describes the components in Enterprise which talk
8 to the VCSServer.
10 The client library is implemented in :mod:`rhodecode.lib.vcs`. For HTTP based
11 access of the command line clients special middlewares and utilities are
12 implemented in :mod:`rhodecode.lib.middleware`.
17 .. toctree::
18 :maxdepth: 2
20 http-transition
21 middleware
22 vcsserver
23 subversion
@@ -0,0 +1,4 b''
1 # building the docs
2 cd docs
3 nix-build default.nix -o result
4 make clean html No newline at end of file
@@ -0,0 +1,177 b''
1 # Makefile for Sphinx documentation
2 #
4 # You can set these variables from the command line.
6 SPHINXBUILD = ./result/bin/sphinx-build
8 BUILDDIR = _build
10 # User-friendly check for sphinx-build
11 ifeq ($(shell which $(SPHINXBUILD) >/dev/null 2>&1; echo $$?), 1)
12 $(error The '$(SPHINXBUILD)' command was not found. Make sure you have Sphinx installed, then set the SPHINXBUILD environment variable to point to the full path of the '$(SPHINXBUILD)' executable. Alternatively you can add the directory with the executable to your PATH. If you don't have Sphinx installed, grab it from http://sphinx-doc.org/)
13 endif
15 # Internal variables.
16 PAPEROPT_a4 = -D latex_paper_size=a4
17 PAPEROPT_letter = -D latex_paper_size=letter
19 # the i18n builder cannot share the environment and doctrees with the others
22 .PHONY: help clean html dirhtml singlehtml pickle json htmlhelp qthelp devhelp epub latex latexpdf text man changes linkcheck doctest gettext
24 help:
25 @echo "Please use \`make <target>' where <target> is one of"
26 @echo " html to make standalone HTML files"
27 @echo " dirhtml to make HTML files named index.html in directories"
28 @echo " singlehtml to make a single large HTML file"
29 @echo " pickle to make pickle files"
30 @echo " json to make JSON files"
31 @echo " htmlhelp to make HTML files and a HTML help project"
32 @echo " qthelp to make HTML files and a qthelp project"
33 @echo " devhelp to make HTML files and a Devhelp project"
34 @echo " epub to make an epub"
35 @echo " latex to make LaTeX files, you can set PAPER=a4 or PAPER=letter"
36 @echo " latexpdf to make LaTeX files and run them through pdflatex"
37 @echo " latexpdfja to make LaTeX files and run them through platex/dvipdfmx"
38 @echo " text to make text files"
39 @echo " man to make manual pages"
40 @echo " texinfo to make Texinfo files"
41 @echo " info to make Texinfo files and run them through makeinfo"
42 @echo " gettext to make PO message catalogs"
43 @echo " changes to make an overview of all changed/added/deprecated items"
44 @echo " xml to make Docutils-native XML files"
45 @echo " pseudoxml to make pseudoxml-XML files for display purposes"
46 @echo " linkcheck to check all external links for integrity"
47 @echo " doctest to run all doctests embedded in the documentation (if enabled)"
49 clean:
50 rm -rf $(BUILDDIR)/*
52 html:
54 @echo
55 @echo "Build finished. The HTML pages are in $(BUILDDIR)/html."
57 dirhtml:
58 $(SPHINXBUILD) -b dirhtml $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/dirhtml
59 @echo
60 @echo "Build finished. The HTML pages are in $(BUILDDIR)/dirhtml."
62 singlehtml:
63 $(SPHINXBUILD) -b singlehtml $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/singlehtml
64 @echo
65 @echo "Build finished. The HTML page is in $(BUILDDIR)/singlehtml."
67 pickle:
69 @echo
70 @echo "Build finished; now you can process the pickle files."
72 json:
74 @echo
75 @echo "Build finished; now you can process the JSON files."
77 htmlhelp:
78 $(SPHINXBUILD) -b htmlhelp $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/htmlhelp
79 @echo
80 @echo "Build finished; now you can run HTML Help Workshop with the" \
81 ".hhp project file in $(BUILDDIR)/htmlhelp."
83 qthelp:
85 @echo
86 @echo "Build finished; now you can run "qcollectiongenerator" with the" \
87 ".qhcp project file in $(BUILDDIR)/qthelp, like this:"
88 @echo "# qcollectiongenerator $(BUILDDIR)/qthelp/RhodeCodeInstaller.qhcp"
89 @echo "To view the help file:"
90 @echo "# assistant -collectionFile $(BUILDDIR)/qthelp/RhodeCodeInstaller.qhc"
92 devhelp:
93 $(SPHINXBUILD) -b devhelp $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/devhelp
94 @echo
95 @echo "Build finished."
96 @echo "To view the help file:"
97 @echo "# mkdir -p $$HOME/.local/share/devhelp/RhodeCodeInstaller"
98 @echo "# ln -s $(BUILDDIR)/devhelp $$HOME/.local/share/devhelp/RhodeCodeInstaller"
99 @echo "# devhelp"
101 epub:
103 @echo
104 @echo "Build finished. The epub file is in $(BUILDDIR)/epub."
106 latex:
108 @echo
109 @echo "Build finished; the LaTeX files are in $(BUILDDIR)/latex."
110 @echo "Run \`make' in that directory to run these through (pdf)latex" \
111 "(use \`make latexpdf' here to do that automatically)."
113 latexpdf:
115 @echo "Running LaTeX files through pdflatex..."
116 $(MAKE) -C $(BUILDDIR)/latex all-pdf
117 @echo "pdflatex finished; the PDF files are in $(BUILDDIR)/latex."
119 latexpdfja:
121 @echo "Running LaTeX files through platex and dvipdfmx..."
122 $(MAKE) -C $(BUILDDIR)/latex all-pdf-ja
123 @echo "pdflatex finished; the PDF files are in $(BUILDDIR)/latex."
125 text:
127 @echo
128 @echo "Build finished. The text files are in $(BUILDDIR)/text."
130 man:
132 @echo
133 @echo "Build finished. The manual pages are in $(BUILDDIR)/man."
135 texinfo:
136 $(SPHINXBUILD) -b texinfo $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/texinfo
137 @echo
138 @echo "Build finished. The Texinfo files are in $(BUILDDIR)/texinfo."
139 @echo "Run \`make' in that directory to run these through makeinfo" \
140 "(use \`make info' here to do that automatically)."
142 info:
143 $(SPHINXBUILD) -b texinfo $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/texinfo
144 @echo "Running Texinfo files through makeinfo..."
145 make -C $(BUILDDIR)/texinfo info
146 @echo "makeinfo finished; the Info files are in $(BUILDDIR)/texinfo."
148 gettext:
149 $(SPHINXBUILD) -b gettext $(I18NSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/locale
150 @echo
151 @echo "Build finished. The message catalogs are in $(BUILDDIR)/locale."
153 changes:
154 $(SPHINXBUILD) -b changes $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/changes
155 @echo
156 @echo "The overview file is in $(BUILDDIR)/changes."
158 linkcheck:
159 $(SPHINXBUILD) -b linkcheck $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/linkcheck
160 @echo
161 @echo "Link check complete; look for any errors in the above output " \
162 "or in $(BUILDDIR)/linkcheck/output.txt."
164 doctest:
165 $(SPHINXBUILD) -b doctest $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/doctest
166 @echo "Testing of doctests in the sources finished, look at the " \
167 "results in $(BUILDDIR)/doctest/output.txt."
169 xml:
171 @echo
172 @echo "Build finished. The XML files are in $(BUILDDIR)/xml."
174 pseudoxml:
175 $(SPHINXBUILD) -b pseudoxml $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/pseudoxml
176 @echo
177 @echo "Build finished. The pseudo-XML files are in $(BUILDDIR)/pseudoxml."
@@ -0,0 +1,18 b''
1 {% extends "!layout.html" %}
2 {% set css_files = css_files + ['_static/add.css'] %}
4 {% block footer %}
5 {{ super() }}
7 <script>
8 (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){
9 (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),
10 m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m)
11 })(window,document,'script','//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js','ga');
13 ga('create', 'UA-55639800-3', 'auto');
14 ga('send', 'pageview');
16 </script>
18 {% endblock %}
@@ -0,0 +1,22 b''
1 .. _permissions-info-anon-ref:
3 Anonymous Users
4 ---------------
6 By default, |RCM| provides |repo| access for registered users only. It can be
7 configured to be **world-open** in terms of read and write permissions. This
8 configuration is called "Anonymous Access" and allows |RCM| to be used as a
9 public hub where unregistered users have access to your |repos|.
11 Anonymous access is useful for open source projects, universities,
12 or if running inside a restricted internal corporate network to serve
13 documents to all employees. Anonymous users get the default user permission
14 settings that are applied across the whole |RCM| system.
16 To enable anonymous access to your |repos|, use the following steps:
18 1. From the |RCM| interface, select :menuselection:`Admin --> Permissions`.
19 2. On the Application tab, check the :guilabel:`Allow anonymous access` box.
20 3. Select :guilabel:`Save`.
21 4. To set the anonymous user access permissions, which are based on the
22 default user settings, see :ref:`permissions-default-ref`.
@@ -0,0 +1,20 b''
1 .. _permissions-add-user:
3 Adding Users
4 ------------
6 To create a new user, use the following steps.
8 1. Select :menuselection:`Admin --> Users` in the top menu.
9 2. Select the :guilabel:`Add User` button at the top right.
10 3. Set the user credentials.
11 4. Select :guilabel:`Save`.
13 Once the user is created you can set which groups they belong to using the
14 following steps:
16 1. From the :menuselection:`Admin --> Users Groups` page select
17 :guilabel:`edit` beside the user group you want to include them in.
18 2. On the :guilabel:`Settings` page, move the user from
19 :guilabel:`Available Members` into :guilabel:`Chosen Members` and
20 :guilabel:`Save`. No newline at end of file
@@ -0,0 +1,222 b''
1 .. _admin-tricks:
3 One-time Admin Tasks
4 --------------------
6 * :ref:`web-analytics`
7 * :ref:`admin-tricks-license`
8 * :ref:`announcements`
9 * :ref:`md-rst`
10 * :ref:`repo-stats`
11 * :ref:`server-side-merge`
12 * :ref:`remap-rescan`
13 * :ref:`custom-hooks`
14 * :ref:`clear-repo-cache`
15 * :ref:`set-repo-pub`
16 * :ref:`ping`
18 .. _web-analytics:
20 Adding Web Analytics
21 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
23 If you wish to add a Google Analytics, or any other kind of tracker to your
24 |RCE| instance you can add the necessary codes to the header or footer
25 section of each instance using the following steps:
27 1. From the |RCE| interface, select
28 :menuselection:`Admin --> Settings --> Global`
29 2. To add a tracking code to you instance, enter it in the header or footer
30 section and select **Save**
32 Use the example templates in the drop-down menu to set up your configuration.
34 .. _admin-tricks-license:
36 Licence Key Management
37 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
39 To manage your license key, go to
40 :menuselection:`Admin --> Settings --> License`.
41 On this page you can see the license key details. If you need a new license,
42 or have questions about your current one, contact support@rhodecode.com
44 .. _announcements:
46 Server-wide Announcements
47 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
49 If you need to make a server-wide announcement to all users,
50 you can add a message to be displayed using the following steps:
52 1. From the |RCE| interface, select
53 :menuselection:`Admin --> Settings --> Global`
54 2. To add a message that will be displayed to all users,
55 select :guilabel:`Server Announcement` from the drop-down menu and
56 change the ``var message = "TYPE YOUR MESSAGE HERE";`` example line.
57 3. Select :guilabel:`Save`, and you will see the message once your page
58 refreshes.
60 .. image:: ../images/server-wide-announcement.png
61 :alt: Server Wide Announcement
63 .. _md-rst:
65 Markdown or RST Rendering
66 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
68 |RCE| can use `Markdown`_ or `reStructured Text`_ in commit message,
69 code review messages, and inline comments. To set the default to either,
70 select your preference from the drop-down menu on the
71 :menuselection:`Admin --> Settings --> Visual` page and select
72 :guilabel:`Save settings`.
74 .. _repo-stats:
76 Enabling Repository Statistics
77 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
79 To enable |repo| statistics, use the following steps:
81 1. From the |RCE| interface, open
82 :menuselection:`Admin --> Repositories` and select
83 :guilabel:`Edit` beside the |repo| for which you wish to enable statistics.
84 2. Check the :guilabel:`Enable statistics` box, and select :guilabel:`Save`
86 .. _server-side-merge:
88 Enabling Server-side Merging
89 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
91 To enable server-side merging, use the following steps:
93 1. From the |RCE| interface, open :menuselection:`Admin --> Settings --> VCS`
94 2. Check the :guilabel:`Server-side merge` box, and select
95 :guilabel:`Save Settings`
97 If you encounter slow performance with server-side merging enabled, check the
98 speed at which your server is performing actions. When server-side merging is
99 enabled, the following actions occurs on the server.
101 * A |pr| is created in the database.
102 * A shadow |repo| is created as a working environment for the |pr|.
103 * On display, |RCE| checks if the |pr| can be merged.
105 To check how fast the shadow |repo| creation is occurring on your server, use
106 the following steps:
108 1. Log into your server and create a directory in your |repos| folder.
109 2. Clone a |repo| that is showing slow performance and time the action.
111 .. code-block:: bash
113 # One option is to use the time command
114 $ time hg clone SOURCE_REPO TARGET
116 .. _remap-rescan:
118 Remap and Rescan Repositories
119 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
121 You may want to Remap and rescan the |repos| that |RCE| is managing to ensure
122 the system is always up-to-date. This is useful after importing, deleting,
123 or carrying out general cleaning up operations. To do this use the
124 following steps:
126 1. From the |RCE|, open
127 :menuselection:`Admin --> Settings --> Remap and rescan`
128 2. Click :guilabel:`Rescan Repositories`
130 Check the additional options if needed:
132 * :guilabel:`Destroy old data`: Useful for purging deleted repository
133 information from the database.
134 * :guilabel:`Invalidate cache for all repositories`: Use this to completely
135 remap all |repos|. Useful when importing or migrating |repos| to ensure all
136 new information is picked up.
138 .. _custom-hooks:
140 Adding Custom Hooks
141 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
143 To add custom hooks to your instance, use the following steps:
145 1. Open :menuselection:`Admin --> Settings --> Hooks`
146 2. Add your custom hook details, you can use a file path to specify custom
147 hook scripts, for example: ``python:/path/to/custom_hook.py``
148 3. Select :guilabel:`Save`
150 Also, see the |RC| Extensions section of the :ref:`rc-tools` guide. |RC|
151 Extensions can be used to add additional hooks to your instance and comes
152 with a number of pre-built plugins if you chose to install them.
154 .. _clear-repo-cache:
156 Clearing |repo| cache
157 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
159 If you need to clear the cache for a particular |repo|, use the following steps:
161 1. Open :menuselection:`Admin --> Repositories` and select :guilabel:`Edit`
162 beside the |repo| whose cache you wish to clear.
163 2. On the |repo| settings page, go to the :guilabel:`Caches` tab and select
164 :guilabel:`Invalidate repository cache`.
166 .. _set-lang:
168 Changing Default Language
169 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
171 To change the default language of a |RCE| instance, change the language code
172 in the :file:`/home/{user}/.rccontrol/{instance-id}/rhodecode.ini` file. To
173 do this, use the following steps.
175 1. Open the :file:`rhodecode.ini` file and set the required language code.
177 .. code-block:: ini
179 ## Optional Languages
180 ## en(default), de, fr, it, ja, pl, pt, ru, zh
181 lang = de
183 2. Restart the |RCE| instance and check that the language has been updated.
185 .. code-block:: bash
187 $ rccontrol restart enterprise-2
188 Instance "enterprise-2" successfully stopped.
189 Instance "enterprise-2" successfully started.
191 .. image:: ../images/language.png
193 .. _set-repo-pub:
195 Setting Repositories to Publish
196 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
198 To automatically promote your local |repos| to public after pushing to |RCE|,
199 enable the :guilabel:`Set repositories as publishing` option on the
200 :menuselection:`Admin --> Settings --> VCS` page.
202 .. note::
204 This option is enabled by default on most |RCE| versions, but if upgrading
205 from a 1.7.x version it could be disabled on upgrade due to inheriting
206 older default settings.
208 .. _ping:
210 Pinging the |RCE| Server
211 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
213 You can check the IP Address of your |RCE| instance using the
214 following URL: ``{instance-URL}/_admin/ping``.
216 .. code-block:: bash
218 $ curl https://your.rhodecode.url/_admin/ping
219 pong[rce-7880] =>
221 .. _Markdown: http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/
222 .. _reStructured Text: http://docutils.sourceforge.net/docs/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,114 b''
1 .. _apache-conf-eg:
3 Apache Configuration Examples
4 -----------------------------
6 Use the following example to securely configure your Apache HTTP virtual hosts
7 file.
9 .. code-block:: apache
11 <VirtualHost *:80>
12 ServerName hg.myserver.com
13 ServerAlias hg.myserver.com
15 <Proxy *>
16 Order allow,deny
17 Allow from all
18 </Proxy>
20 # important !
21 # Directive to properly generate url (clone url) for pylons
23 ProxyPreserveHost On
25 #rhodecode instance
26 ProxyPass /
27 ProxyPassReverse /
29 # Set strict HTTPS
30 Header always set Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=63072000; includeSubdomains; preload"
32 # Set x-frame options
33 Header always append X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN
35 # To enable https use line below
36 # SetEnvIf X-Url-Scheme https HTTPS=1
38 # Secure your Diffie-hellmann deployment
39 SSLProtocol all -SSLv2 -SSLv3
41 SSLHonorCipherOrder on
42 SSLOpenSSLConfCmd DHParameters "{path to dhparams.pem}"
44 </VirtualHost>
46 Use the following example to configure Apache for a multi-node setup. The
47 timeout setting should be increased if you experience timeouts when working
48 with large |repos|.
50 .. code-block:: apache
52 #
53 # Timeout: The number of seconds before receives and sends time out.
54 #
55 Timeout 600
57 <VirtualHost *:80>
59 ProxyRequests off
61 #important !
62 #Directive to properly generate url (clone url) for pylons
63 ProxyPreserveHost On
65 ServerName your.rce.com
66 ServerAlias your.rce.com
68 <Proxy balancer://mycluster>
69 # WebHead1
70 BalancerMember route=1
71 # WebHead2
72 BalancerMember route=2
74 # Security "technically we aren't blocking
75 # anyone but this the place to make those
76 # chages
77 Order Deny,Allow
78 Deny from none
79 Allow from all
81 # Load Balancer Settings
82 # We will be configuring a simple Round
83 # Robin style load balancer. This means
84 # that all webheads take an equal share of
85 # of the load.
86 ProxySet stickysession=ROUTEID
88 </Proxy>
90 # balancer-manager
91 # This tool is built into the mod_proxy_balancer
92 # module and will allow you to do some simple
93 # modifications to the balanced group via a gui
94 # web interface.
95 <Location /balancer-manager>
96 SetHandler balancer-manager
98 # recommend locking this one down to your
99 # your office
100 Order deny,allow
101 Allow from all
102 </Location>
104 # Point of Balance
105 # This setting will allow to explicitly name the
106 # the location in the site that we want to be
107 # balanced, in this example we will balance "/"
108 # or everything in the site.
109 ProxyPass /balancer-manager !
110 ProxyPass / balancer://mycluster/
112 ProxyPassReverse / balancer://mycluster/
114 </VirtualHost>
@@ -0,0 +1,15 b''
1 .. _apache-ws-ref:
3 Apache HTTP Server Configuration
4 --------------------------------
6 To set up your Apache Web Server for optimal performance and security, use
7 the information in the following sections.
9 .. toctree::
11 apache-diffie-hellman
12 apache-conf-examples
13 apache-subdirectory
14 apache-reverse-proxy
15 apache-wsgi-coding
@@ -0,0 +1,34 b''
1 .. _dh-apache:
3 Diffie-Hellman Security
4 -----------------------
6 To secure your web server, the `Guide to Deploying Diffie-Hellman for TLS`_
7 contains important information worth reading. This link contains some good
8 `secure Apache configuration`_ examples.
10 To secure your deployment of Diffie-Hellman, configure the following:
12 1. Generate a strong Diffie-hellman group, 2048-bit or stronger.
14 .. code-block:: bash
16 # to generate your dhparam.pem file, run in the terminal
17 openssl dhparam -out /etc/apache/ssl/dhparam.pem 2048
19 2. Configure your server to only use modern, secure cipher suites in the
20 virtual hosts configuration file.
22 .. code-block:: apache
24 # Set the protocol to only use modern, secure cipher suites.
25 SSLProtocol all -SSLv2 -SSLv3
26 SSLHonorCipherOrder on
29 # Specify your DH params file as follows
30 SSLOpenSSLConfCmd DHParameters "{path to dhparams.pem}"
33 .. _Guide to Deploying Diffie-Hellman for TLS: https://weakdh.org/sysadmin.html
34 .. _secure Apache configuration: http://www.apache-ssl.org/httpd.conf.example
@@ -0,0 +1,33 b''
1 Apache Reverse Proxy
2 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
4 Here is a sample configuration file for using Apache as a reverse proxy.
6 .. code-block:: apache
8 <VirtualHost *:80>
9 ServerName hg.myserver.com
10 ServerAlias hg.myserver.com
12 ## uncomment root directive if you want to serve static files by nginx
13 ## requires static_files = false in .ini file
14 DocumentRoot /path/to/installation/rhodecode/public
16 <Proxy *>
17 Order allow,deny
18 Allow from all
19 </Proxy>
21 #important !
22 #Directive to properly generate url (clone url) for pylons
23 ProxyPreserveHost On
25 #rhodecode instance
26 ProxyPass /
27 ProxyPassReverse /
29 #to enable https use line below
30 #SetEnvIf X-Url-Scheme https HTTPS=1
32 </VirtualHost>
@@ -0,0 +1,32 b''
1 .. _apache-sub-ref:
3 Apache URL Prefix Configuration
4 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
6 Use the following example to configure Apache to use a URL prefix.
8 .. code-block:: apache
10 <Location /<someprefix> > # Change <someprefix> into your chosen prefix
11 ProxyPass<someprefix>
12 ProxyPassReverse<someprefix>
13 SetEnvIf X-Url-Scheme https HTTPS=1
14 </Location>
16 In addition to the regular Apache setup you will need to add the following
17 lines into the ``rhodecode.ini`` file.
19 * In the the ``[app:main]`` section of your ``rhodecode.ini`` file add the
20 following line.
22 .. code-block:: ini
24 filter-with = proxy-prefix
26 * At the end of the ``rhodecode.ini`` file add the following section.
28 .. code-block:: ini
30 [filter:proxy-prefix]
31 use = egg:PasteDeploy#prefix
32 prefix = /<someprefix> # Change <someprefix> into your chosen prefix
@@ -0,0 +1,55 b''
1 .. _apache-wsgi-ref:
3 Apache WSGI Configuration
4 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
6 |RCM| can also be set up with Apache under ``mod_wsgi``. To configure this
7 use the following steps.
9 1. Install ``mod_wsgi`` using the following command:
10 ``aptitude install libapache2-mod-wsgi``.
11 2. Enable ``mod_wsgi`` using the following command: ``a2enmod wsgi``
12 3. Create a ``wsgi`` dispatch script, using the following examples.
14 .. code-block:: bash
16 WSGIDaemonProcess pylons \
17 threads=4 \
18 # check the python virtual env location
19 python-path=/home/web/rhodecode/pyenv/lib/python2.6/site-packages
20 # Check the install location
21 WSGIScriptAlias / /home/web/rhodecode/dispatch.wsgi
22 WSGIPassAuthorization On
23 # user=www-data group=www-data # Enable if running Apache as root
25 .. note::
27 Do not set ``processes=num`` in this configuration file. Running |RCE| in
28 multiprocess mode with Apache is not supported.
30 The following is an example ``wsgi`` dispatch script.
32 .. code-block:: python
34 import os
35 os.environ["HGENCODING"] = "UTF-8"
36 os.environ['PYTHON_EGG_CACHE'] = '/home/web/rhodecode/.egg-cache'
38 # Set the current dir
39 os.chdir('/home/web/rhodecode/')
41 import site
42 site.addsitedir("/home/web/rhodecode/pyenv/lib/python2.6/site-packages")
44 from paste.deploy import loadapp
45 from paste.script.util.logging_config import fileConfig
47 fileConfig('/home/web/rhodecode/production.ini')
48 application = loadapp('config:/home/web/rhodecode/production.ini')
50 .. note::
52 When using `mod_wsgi` the same version of |hg| must be running in your
53 system's |PY| environment and on |RCM|. To check the |RCM| version,
54 on the interface go to
55 :menuselection:`Admin --> Settings --> System Info`
@@ -0,0 +1,127 b''
1 .. _backup-ref:
3 Backup and Restore
4 ==================
6 *“The condition of any backup is unknown until a restore is attempted.”*
7 `Schrödinger's Backup`_
9 To snapshot an instance of |RCE|, and save its settings, you need to backup the
10 following parts of the system at the same time.
12 * The |repos| managed by the instance.
13 * The |RCE| database.
14 * Any configuration files or extensions that you've configured.
16 .. important::
18 Ideally you should script all of these functions so that it creates a
19 backup snapshot of your system at a particular timestamp and then run that
20 script regularly.
22 Backup Details
23 --------------
25 To backup the relevant parts of |RCE| required to restore your system, use
26 the information in this section to identify what is important to you.
28 Repository Backup
29 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
31 To back up your |repos|, use the API to get a list of all |repos| managed,
32 and then clone them to your backup location.
34 Use the ``get_repos`` method to list all your managed |repos|,
35 and use the ``clone_uri`` information that is returned. See the :ref:`api`
36 for more information.
38 .. important::
40 This will not work for |svn| |repos|. Currently the only way to back up
41 your |svn| |repos| is to make a copy of them.
43 It is also important to note, that you can only restore the |svn| |repos|
44 using the same version as they were saved with.
46 Database Backup
47 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
49 The instance database contains all the |RCE| permissions settings,
50 and user management information. To backup your database,
51 export it using the following appropriate example, and then move it to your
52 backup location:
54 .. code-block:: bash
56 # For MySQL DBs
57 $ mysqldump -u <uname> -p <pass> db_name > mysql-db-backup
59 # For PostgreSQL DBs
60 $ pg_dump dbname > postgresql-db-backup
62 # For SQLlite
63 $ sqlite3 rhodecode.db ‘.dump’ > sqlite-db-backup
66 The default |RCE| SQLite database location is
67 :file:`/home/{user}/.rccontrol/{instance-id}/rhodecode.db`
69 If running MySQL or PostgreSQL databases, you will have configured these
70 separately, for more information see :ref:`rhodecode-database-ref`
72 Configuration File Backup
73 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
75 Depending on your setup, you could have a number of configuration files that
76 should be backed up. You may have some, or all of the configuration files
77 listed in the :ref:`config-rce-files` section. Ideally you should back these
78 up at the same time as the database and |repos|.
80 Gist Backup
81 ^^^^^^^^^^^
83 To backup the gists on your |RCE| instance you can use the ``get_users`` and
84 ``get_gists`` API methods to fetch the gists for each user on the instance.
86 Extension Backups
87 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
89 You should also backup any extensions added in the
90 :file:`home/{user}/.rccontrol/{instance-id}/rcextensions` directory.
92 Full-text Search Backup
93 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
95 You may also have full text search set up, but the index can be rebuild from
96 re-imported |repos| if necessary. You will most likely want to backup your
97 :file:`mapping.ini` file if you've configured that. For more information, see
98 the :ref:`indexing-ref` section.
100 Restoration Steps
101 -----------------
103 To restore an instance of |RCE| from its backed up components, use the
104 following steps.
106 1. Install a new instance of |RCE|.
107 2. Once installed, configure the instance to use the backed up
108 :file:`rhodecode.ini` file. Ensure this file points to the backed up
109 database, see the :ref:`config-database` section.
110 3. Restart |RCE| and remap and rescan your |repos|, see the
111 :ref:`remap-rescan` section.
113 Post Restoration Steps
114 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
116 Once you have restored your |RCE| instance to basic functionality, you can
117 then work on restoring any specific setup changes you had made.
119 * To recreate the |RCE| index, use the backed up :file:`mapping.ini` file if
120 you had made changes and rerun the indexer. See the
121 :ref:`indexing-ref` section for details.
122 * To reconfigure any extensions, copy the backed up extensions into the
123 :file:`/home/{user}/.rccontrol/{instance-id}/rcextensions` and also specify
124 any custom hooks if necessary. See the :ref:`integrations-ref` section for
125 details.
127 .. _Schrödinger's Backup: http://novabackup.novastor.com/blog/schrodingers-backup-good-bad-backup/
@@ -0,0 +1,23 b''
1 .. _clean-up-cmds:
3 |RCT| Clean Up Commands
4 =======================
6 |RCT| comes with a number of functions which can be used to administer your
7 |RCE| instances. Two of these can be used to automate the cleanup of gists
8 and |repos|
10 rhodecode-cleanup-gists
11 -----------------------
13 Use this command to delete gists within RhodeCode Enterprise. It takes a
14 number of options for specifying the kind of gists you want deleted, and it
15 is possible to run these commands from a cron job or cleanup script. For more
16 information, see the :ref:`tools-cli`
18 rhodecode-cleanup-repos
19 -----------------------
21 Use this command to delete |repos| from your |RCE| instances. It takes
22 a number of options specifying the kind of |repos| you want deleted. For more
23 information, see the :ref:`tools-cli`
@@ -0,0 +1,74 b''
1 .. _config-files:
3 Configuration Files Overview
4 ============================
6 |RCE| and |RCC| have a number of different configuration files. The following
7 is a brief explanation of each, and links to their associated configuration
8 sections.
10 .. rst-class:: dl-horizontal
12 \- **rhodecode.ini**
13 Default location:
14 :file:`/home/{user}/.rccontrol/{instance-id}/rhodecode.ini`
16 This is the main |RCE| configuration file and controls much of its
17 default behaviour. It is also used to configure certain customer
18 settings. Here are some of the most common reasons to make changes to
19 this file.
21 * :ref:`config-database`
22 * :ref:`set-up-mail`
23 * :ref:`increase-gunicorn`
24 * :ref:`x-frame`
26 \- **mapping.ini**
27 Default location:
28 :file:`/home/{user}/.rccontrol/{instance-id}/mapping.ini`
30 This file is used to control the |RCE| indexer. It comes configured
31 to index your instance. To change the default configuration, see
32 :ref:`advanced-indexing`.
34 \- **vcsserver.ini**
35 Default location:
36 :file:`/home/{user}/.rccontrol/{vcsserver-id}/vcsserver.ini`
38 The VCS Server handles the connection between your |repos| and |RCE|.
39 See the :ref:`vcs-server` section for configuration options and more
40 detailed information.
42 \- **supervisord.ini**
43 Default location:
44 :file:`/home/{user}/.rccontrol/supervisor/supervisord.ini`
46 |RCC| uses Supervisor to monitor and manage installed instances of
47 |RCE| and the VCS Server. |RCC| will manage this file completely,
48 unless you install |RCE| in self-managed mode. For more information,
49 see the :ref:`Supervisor Setup<control:supervisor-setup>` section.
51 \- **.rccontrol.ini**
52 Default location: :file:`/home/{user}/.rccontrol.ini`
54 This file contains the instances that |RCC| starts at boot, which is all
55 by default, but for more information, see
56 the :ref:`Manually Start At Boot <control:set-start-boot>` section.
58 \- **.rhoderc**
59 Default location: :file:`/home/{user}/.rhoderc`
61 This file is used by the |RCE| API when accessing an instance from a
62 remote machine. The API checks this file for connection and
63 authentication details. For more details, see the :ref:`config-rhoderc`
64 section.
66 \- **MANIFEST**
67 Default location: :file:`/home/{user}/.rccontrol/cache/MANIFEST`
69 |RCC| uses this file to source the latest available builds from the
70 secure |RC| download channels. The only reason to mess with this file
71 is if you need to do an offline installation,
72 see the :ref:`Offline Installation<control:offline-installer-ref>`
73 instructions, otherwise |RCC| will completely manage this file.
@@ -0,0 +1,32 b''
1 .. _default-perms:
3 Default User Permissions
4 ------------------------
6 There are two ways in which the default user settings work:
8 System-wide Level
9 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
11 On a system-wide level, you can set the default user permissions so that
12 all new users are given a certain set of permissions unless individually
13 tailored, or added to a user group. For more information about system-wide
14 default permissions, see the :ref:`permissions-info-anon-ref` and
15 :ref:`permissions-default-ref` sections.
17 User Group Level
18 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
20 On a user group level, you can set the default user settings for the user
21 group, and all users within that group will get those default permissions
22 unless individually tailored. For more information about setting default
23 permissions for all the different entities, see the
24 :ref:`permissions-default-ref` section.
26 For more detailed information about managing the different permissions
27 settings, see the following sections:
29 * :ref:`permissions-info-anon-ref`
30 * :ref:`permissions-add-user`
31 * :ref:`permissions-default-ref`
32 * :ref:`permissions-info-add-group-ref` No newline at end of file
@@ -0,0 +1,136 b''
1 .. _debug-mode:
3 Enabling Debug Mode
4 -------------------
6 To enable debug mode on a |RCE| instance you need to set the debug property
7 in the :file:`/home/{user}/.rccontrol/{instance-id}/rhodecode.ini` file. To
8 do this, use the following steps
10 1. Open the file and set the ``debug`` line to ``true``
11 2. Restart you instance using the ``rccontrol restart`` command,
12 see the following example:
14 You can also set the log level, the follow are the valid options;
15 ``debug``, ``info``, ``warning``, or ``fatal``.
17 .. code-block:: ini
20 debug = true
21 pdebug = false
23 .. code-block:: bash
25 # Restart your instance
26 $ rccontrol restart enterprise-1
27 Instance "enterprise-1" successfully stopped.
28 Instance "enterprise-1" successfully started.
30 Debug and Logging Configuration
31 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
33 Further debugging and logging settings can also be set in the
34 :file:`/home/{user}/.rccontrol/{instance-id}/rhodecode.ini` file.
36 In the logging section, the various packages that run with |RCE| can have
37 different debug levels set. If you want to increase the logging level change
38 ``level = DEBUG`` line to one of the valid options.
40 You also need to change the log level for handlers. See the example
41 ``##handler`` section below. The ``handler`` level takes the same options as
42 the ``debug`` level.
44 .. code-block:: ini
46 ################################
48 ################################
49 [loggers]
50 keys = root, routes, rhodecode, sqlalchemy, beaker, pyro4, templates, whoosh_indexer
52 [handlers]
53 keys = console, console_sql, file, file_rotating
55 [formatters]
56 keys = generic, color_formatter, color_formatter_sql
58 #############
59 ## LOGGERS ##
60 #############
61 [logger_root]
62 level = NOTSET
63 handlers = console
65 [logger_routes]
66 level = DEBUG
67 handlers =
68 qualname = routes.middleware
69 ## "level = DEBUG" logs the route matched and routing variables.
70 propagate = 1
72 [logger_beaker]
73 level = DEBUG
74 handlers =
75 qualname = beaker.container
76 propagate = 1
78 [logger_pyro4]
79 level = DEBUG
80 handlers =
81 qualname = Pyro4
82 propagate = 1
84 [logger_templates]
85 level = INFO
86 handlers =
87 qualname = pylons.templating
88 propagate = 1
90 [logger_rhodecode]
91 level = DEBUG
92 handlers =
93 qualname = rhodecode
94 propagate = 1
96 [logger_sqlalchemy]
97 level = INFO
98 handlers = console_sql
99 qualname = sqlalchemy.engine
100 propagate = 0
102 [logger_whoosh_indexer]
103 level = DEBUG
104 handlers =
105 qualname = whoosh_indexer
106 propagate = 1
108 ##############
109 ## HANDLERS ##
110 ##############
112 [handler_console]
113 class = StreamHandler
114 args = (sys.stderr,)
115 level = INFO
116 formatter = generic
118 [handler_console_sql]
119 class = StreamHandler
120 args = (sys.stderr,)
121 level = WARN
122 formatter = generic
124 [handler_file]
125 class = FileHandler
126 args = ('rhodecode.log', 'a',)
127 level = INFO
128 formatter = generic
130 [handler_file_rotating]
131 class = logging.handlers.TimedRotatingFileHandler
132 # 'D', 5 - rotate every 5days
133 # you can set 'h', 'midnight'
134 args = ('rhodecode.log', 'D', 5, 10,)
135 level = INFO
136 formatter = generic
@@ -0,0 +1,50 b''
1 .. _glossary:
3 Glossary
4 ========
6 .. glossary::
9 Distributed Version Control System, usually referring to |git| or |hg|.
11 Extension
12 An extension extends the capabilities of, or the data available to,
13 an existing software application.
15 Full-text Search
16 Indexing all files and |repos| managed by |RCE| and
17 making this data searchable from the interface.
19 Gist
20 A note that can only be edited by the author and shared using its
21 link within others. The sharing permissions can be set during
22 its creation.
24 Gunicorn
25 A Python WSGI HTTP Server used by |RCE|.
27 Hook
28 A hook intercepts function calls, messages, or events passed between
29 software components and can be used to trigger plugins, or their
30 extensions.
32 Horizontal scaling
33 Adding more machines or workers into your pool of resources.
35 Instance
36 A single installed version of one of the |RC| products. It could
37 refer to |RCE| or the VCS server depending on the context.
39 Plugin
40 A Plugin is software that adds a specific feature to an existing
41 software application.
43 tmpfs
44 Temporary file storage kept in volatile memory instead of persistent
45 storage.
47 VCS Server
48 The VCS Server handles the abstraction layer between the
49 supported version control systems and RhodeCode Enterprise.
@@ -0,0 +1,235 b''
1 .. _indexing-ref:
3 Full-text Search
4 ----------------
6 By default |RCM| uses `Whoosh`_ to index |repos| and provide full-text search.
7 To run the indexer you need to use an |authtoken| with admin rights to all
8 |repos|.
10 To index new content added, you have the option to set the indexer up in a
11 number of ways, for example:
13 * Call the indexer via a cron job. We recommend running this nightly,
14 unless you need everything indexed immediately.
15 * Set the indexer to infinitely loop and reindex as soon as it has run its
16 cycle.
17 * Hook the indexer up with your CI server to reindex after each push.
19 The indexer works by indexing new commits added since the last run. If you
20 wish to build a brand new index from scratch each time,
21 use the ``force`` option in the configuration file.
23 .. important::
25 You need to have |RCT| installed, see :ref:`install-tools`. Since |RCE|
26 3.5.0 they are installed by default.
28 To set up indexing, use the following steps:
30 1. :ref:`config-rhoderc`, if running tools remotely.
31 2. :ref:`run-index`
32 3. :ref:`set-index`
33 4. :ref:`advanced-indexing`
35 .. _config-rhoderc:
37 Configure the ``.rhoderc`` File
38 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
40 |RCT| uses the :file:`/home/{user}/.rhoderc` file for connection details
41 to |RCM| instances. If this file is not automatically created,
42 you can configure it using the following example. You need to configure the
43 details for each instance you want to index.
45 .. code-block:: bash
47 # Check the instance details
48 # of the instance you want to index
49 $ rccontrol status
51 - NAME: enterprise-1
53 - TYPE: Momentum
54 - VERSION: 1.5.0
55 - URL:
57 To get your API Token, on the |RCM| interface go to
58 :menuselection:`username --> My Account --> Auth tokens`
60 .. code-block:: ini
62 # Configure .rhoderc with matching details
63 # This allows the indexer to connect to the instance
64 [instance:enterprise-1]
65 api_host =
66 api_key = <auth token goes here>
67 repo_dir = /home/<username>/repos
69 .. _run-index:
71 Run the Indexer
72 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
74 Run the indexer using the following command, and specify the instance you
75 want to index:
77 .. code-block:: bash
79 # From inside a virtualevv
80 (venv)$ rhodecode-index --instance-name=enterprise-1
82 # Using default installation
83 $ /home/user/.rccontrol/enterprise-4/profile/bin/rhodecode-index \
84 --instance-name=enterprise-4
86 # Using a custom mapping file
87 $ /home/user/.rccontrol/enterprise-4/profile/bin/rhodecode-index \
88 --instance-name=enterprise-4 \
89 --mapping=/home/user/.rccontrol/enterprise-4/mapping.ini
91 .. note::
93 |RCT| require |PY| 2.7 to run.
95 .. _set-index:
97 Schedule the Indexer
98 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
100 To schedule the indexer, configure the crontab file to run the indexer inside
101 your |RCT| virtualenv using the following steps.
103 1. Open the crontab file, using ``crontab -e``.
104 2. Add the indexer to the crontab, and schedule it to run as regularly as you
105 wish.
106 3. Save the file.
108 .. code-block:: bash
110 $ crontab -e
112 # The virtualenv can be called using its full path, so for example you can
113 # put this example into the crontab
115 # Run the indexer daily at 4am using the default mapping settings
116 * 4 * * * /home/ubuntu/.virtualenv/rhodecode-venv/bin/rhodecode-index \
117 --instance-name=enterprise-1
119 # Run the indexer every Sunday at 3am using default mapping
120 * 3 * * 0 /home/ubuntu/.virtualenv/rhodecode-venv/bin/rhodecode-index \
121 --instance-name=enterprise-1
123 # Run the indexer every 15 minutes
124 # using a specially configured mapping file
125 */15 * * * * ~/.rccontrol/enterprise-4/profile/bin/rhodecode-index \
126 --instance-name=enterprise-4 \
127 --mapping=/home/user/.rccontrol/enterprise-4/mapping.ini
129 .. _advanced-indexing:
131 Advanced Indexing
132 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
134 |RCT| indexes based on the :file:`mapping.ini` file. To configure your index,
135 you can specify different options in this file. The default location is:
137 * :file:`/home/{user}/.rccontrol/{instance-id}/mapping.ini`, using default
138 |RCT|.
139 * :file:`~/venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/rhodecode_tools/templates/mapping.ini`,
140 when using ``virtualenv``.
142 .. note::
144 If you need to create the :file:`mapping.ini` file, use the |RCT|
145 ``rhodecode-index --create-mapping path/to/file`` API call. For details,
146 see the :ref:`tools-cli` section.
148 The indexer runs in a random order to prevent a failing |repo| from stopping
149 a build. To configure different indexing scenarios, set the following options
150 inside the :file:`mapping.ini` and specify the altered file using the
151 ``--mapping`` option.
153 * ``index_files`` : Index the specified file types.
154 * ``skip_files`` : Do not index the specified file types.
155 * ``index_files_content`` : Index the content of the specified file types.
156 * ``skip_files_content`` : Do not index the content of the specified files.
157 * ``force`` : Create a fresh index on each run.
158 * ``max_filesize`` : Files larger than the set size will not be indexed.
159 * ``commit_parse_limit`` : Set the batch size when indexing commit messages.
160 Set to a lower number to lessen memory load.
161 * ``repo_limit`` : Set the maximum number or |repos| indexed per run.
162 * ``[INCLUDE]`` : Set |repos| you want indexed. This takes precedent over
163 ``[EXCLUDE]``.
164 * ``[EXCLUDE]`` : Set |repos| you do not want indexed. Exclude can be used to
165 not index branches, forks, or log |repos|.
167 At the end of the file you can specify conditions for specific |repos| that
168 will override the default values. To configure your indexer,
169 use the following example :file:`mapping.ini` file.
171 .. code-block:: ini
173 [__DEFAULT__]
174 # default patterns for indexing files and content of files.
175 # Binary files are skipped by default.
177 # Index python and markdown files
178 index_files = *.py, *.md
180 # Do not index these file types
181 skip_files = *.svg, *.log, *.dump, *.txt
183 # Index both file types and their content
184 index_files_content = *.cpp, *.ini, *.py
186 # Index file names, but not file content
187 skip_files_content = *.svg,
189 # Force rebuilding an index from scratch. Each repository will be rebuild
190 # from scratch with a global flag. Use local flag to rebuild single repos
191 force = false
193 # Do not index files larger than 385KB
194 max_filesize = 385KB
196 # Limit commit indexing to 500 per batch
197 commit_parse_limit = 500
199 # Limit each index run to 25 repos
200 repo_limit = 25
202 # __INCLUDE__ is more important that __EXCLUDE__.
204 [__INCLUDE__]
205 # Include all repos with these names
207 docs/* = 1
208 lib/* = 1
210 [__EXCLUDE__]
211 # Do not include the following repo in index
213 dev-docs/* = 1
214 legacy-repos/* = 1
215 *-dev/* = 1
217 # Each repo that needs special indexing is a separate section below.
218 # In each section set the options to override the global configuration
219 # parameters above.
220 # If special settings are not configured, the global configuration values
221 # above are inherited. If no special repositories are
222 # defined here RhodeCode will use the API to ask for all repositories
224 # For this repo use different settings
225 [special-repo]
226 commit_parse_limit = 20,
227 skip_files = *.idea, *.xml,
229 # For another repo use different settings
230 [another-special-repo]
231 index_files = *,
232 max_filesize = 800MB
233 commit_parse_limit = 20000
235 .. _Whoosh: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Whoosh/
@@ -0,0 +1,41 b''
1 .. _lab-settings:
3 Lab Settings
4 ============
6 |RCE| Lab Settings is for delivering features which may require an additional
7 level of support to optimize for production scenarios. To enable lab settings,
8 use the following instructions:
10 1. Open the |RCE| configuration file,
11 :file:`/home/{user}/.rccontrol/{instance-id}/rhodecode.ini`
13 2. Add the following configuration option in the ``[app:main]`` section.
15 .. code-block:: bash
17 [app:main]
19 ## Display extended labs settings
20 labs_settings_active = true
22 3. Restart your |RCE| instance
24 .. code-block:: bash
26 $ rccontrol restart enterprise-1
28 4. You will see the labs setting on the
29 :menuselection:`Admin --> Settings --> labs` page.
31 .. image:: ../images/lab-setting.png
33 Available Lab Extras
34 --------------------
36 Once lab settings are enabled, the following features are available.
38 .. toctree::
39 :maxdepth: 1
41 svn-http
@@ -0,0 +1,71 b''
1 Nginx Configuration Example
2 ---------------------------
4 Use the following example to configure Nginx as a your web server.
6 .. code-block:: nginx
8 upstream rc {
10 server;
12 # add more instances for load balancing
13 # server;
14 # server;
15 }
17 ## gist alias
19 server {
20 listen 443;
21 server_name gist.myserver.com;
22 access_log /var/log/nginx/gist.access.log;
23 error_log /var/log/nginx/gist.error.log;
25 ssl on;
26 ssl_certificate gist.rhodecode.myserver.com.crt;
27 ssl_certificate_key gist.rhodecode.myserver.com.key;
29 ssl_session_timeout 5m;
31 ssl_protocols SSLv3 TLSv1;
33 ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;
34 add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000; includeSubdomains;";
36 # Diffie-Hellman parameter for DHE ciphersuites, recommended 2048 bits
37 ssl_dhparam /etc/nginx/ssl/dhparam.pem;
39 rewrite ^/(.+)$ https://rhodecode.myserver.com/_admin/gists/$1;
40 rewrite (.*) https://rhodecode.myserver.com/_admin/gists;
41 }
43 server {
44 listen 443;
45 server_name rhodecode.myserver.com;
46 access_log /var/log/nginx/rhodecode.access.log;
47 error_log /var/log/nginx/rhodecode.error.log;
49 ssl on;
50 ssl_certificate rhodecode.myserver.com.crt;
51 ssl_certificate_key rhodecode.myserver.com.key;
53 ssl_session_timeout 5m;
55 ssl_protocols SSLv3 TLSv1;
57 ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;
59 ## uncomment root directive if you want to serve static files by nginx
60 ## requires static_files = false in .ini file
61 # root /path/to/installation/rhodecode/public;
63 include /etc/nginx/proxy.conf;
64 location / {
65 try_files $uri @rhode;
66 }
68 location @rhode {
69 proxy_pass http://rc;
70 }
71 }
@@ -0,0 +1,14 b''
1 .. _nginx-ws-ref:
3 Nginx Configuration
4 ===================
6 To set up your Nginx Web Server for optimal performance and security, use
7 the information in the following sections.
9 .. toctree::
11 nginx-diffie-hellman
12 nginx-config-example
13 nginx-tuning
14 nginx-url-prefix
@@ -0,0 +1,34 b''
1 .. _dh-nginx:
3 Diffie-Hellman Security
4 -----------------------
6 To secure your web server, the `Guide to Deploying Diffie-Hellman for TLS`_
7 contains important information worth reading. This link contains a good
8 `nginx secure configuration`_ example. The documentation below also contains
9 good security settings with some additional |RCE| specific examples.
11 To secure your deployment of Diffie-Hellman, configure the following:
13 * Generate a strong Diffie-hellman group, 2048-bit or stronger.
15 .. code-block:: bash
17 # to generate your dhparam.pem file, run in the terminal
18 openssl dhparam -out /etc/nginx/ssl/dhparam.pem 2048
20 * Configure your server to only use modern, secure cipher suites in the
21 virtual hosts configuration file.
23 .. code-block:: nginx
25 # Set the TLS protocols and to only use modern, secure cipher suites.
27 ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2;
28 ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;
30 # Diffie-Hellman parameter for DHE ciphersuites, recommended 2048 bits
31 ssl_dhparam /etc/nginx/ssl/dhparam.pem;
33 .. _Guide to Deploying Diffie-Hellman for TLS: https://weakdh.org/sysadmin.html
34 .. _nginx secure configuration: https://gist.github.com/plentz/6737338
@@ -0,0 +1,33 b''
1 .. _nginx-tuning:
3 Nginx Tuning
4 ------------
6 Set the following properties in your ``/etc/nginx/proxy.conf`` so it does not
7 timeout during large pushes.
9 .. code-block:: nginx
11 proxy_redirect off;
12 proxy_set_header Host $host;
14 ## needed for container auth
15 # proxy_set_header REMOTE_USER $remote_user;
16 # proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-User $remote_user;
18 proxy_set_header X-Url-Scheme $scheme;
19 proxy_set_header X-Host $http_host;
20 proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
21 proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
22 proxy_set_header Proxy-host $proxy_host;
23 proxy_buffering off;
24 proxy_connect_timeout 7200;
25 proxy_send_timeout 7200;
26 proxy_read_timeout 7200;
27 proxy_buffers 8 32k;
28 # Set this to a larger number if you experience timeouts
29 client_max_body_size 1024m;
30 client_body_buffer_size 128k;
31 large_client_header_buffers 8 64k;
32 add_header X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN;
33 add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000; includeSubdomains;";
@@ -0,0 +1,33 b''
1 .. _nginx_url-pre:
3 Nginx URL Prefix Configuration
4 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
6 Use the following example to configure Nginx to use a URL prefix.
8 .. code-block:: nginx
10 location /foo {
11 rewrite /foo(.*) /$1 break;
12 proxy_pass http://localhost:3200;
13 proxy_redirect off;
14 proxy_set_header Host $host;
15 }
17 In addition to the Nginx configuration you will need to add the following
18 lines into the ``rhodecode.ini`` file.
20 * In the the ``[app:main]`` section of your ``rhodecode.ini`` file add the
21 following line.
23 .. code-block:: ini
25 filter-with = proxy-prefix
27 * At the end of the ``rhodecode.ini`` file add the following section.
29 .. code-block:: ini
31 [filter:proxy-prefix]
32 use = egg:PasteDeploy#prefix
33 prefix = /<someprefix> # Change <someprefix> into your chosen prefix
@@ -0,0 +1,12 b''
1 .. _public-access:
3 Public Access
4 -------------
6 By default |RCM| allows users to read all **public** |repos|. User
7 permissions and |repo| access can be configured explicitly,
8 and those permissions will override any default settings. The default
9 settings can be found under the following section:
11 * :menuselection:`Admin --> Permissions --> Object`
12 * :menuselection:`Admin --> Permissions --> Global`
@@ -0,0 +1,68 b''
1 .. _repo-xtra:
3 Repository Extra Fields
4 =======================
6 Extra fields attached to a |repo| allow you to configure additional actions for
7 |RCX|. To install and read more about |RCX|, see the :ref:`install-rcx` section.
9 Enabling Extra Fields
10 ---------------------
12 To enable extra fields on |repos|, use the following steps:
14 1. Go to the :menuselection:`Admin --> Settings --> Visual` page.
15 2. Check the :guilabel:`Use repository extra fields` box.
16 3. Save your changes.
19 Configuring Extra Fields
20 ------------------------
22 To configure extra fields per repository, use the following steps:
24 1. Go to :menuselection:`Admin --> Repositories` and select :guilabel:`Edit`
25 beside the |repo| to which you wish to add extra fields.
26 2. On the |repo| settings page, select the :guilabel:`Extra fields` tab.
28 .. image:: ../images/extra-repo-fields.png
31 Example Usage
32 -------------
34 To use the extra fields in an extension, see the example below. For more
35 information and examples, see the :ref:`integrations-ref` section.
37 .. code-block:: python
39 call = load_extension('http_notify.py')
40 if call:
41 url = 'http://default.url' # <url for post data>
43 # possibly extract the URL from extra fields
44 call = load_extension('extra_fields.py')
45 if call:
46 repo_extra_fields = call(**kwargs)
47 # now update if we have extra fields, they have precedence
48 # this way users can store any configuration inside the database per
49 # repo
50 for key, data in repo_extra_fields.items():
51 kwargs[key] = data['field_value']
53 # an endpoint url data will be sent to, fetched from extra fields
54 # if exists, or fallback to default
55 kwargs['URL'] = kwargs.pop('webhook_url', None) or url
57 # fetch pushed commits, from commit_ids list
58 call = load_extension('extract_commits.py')
59 extracted_commits = {}
60 if call:
61 extracted_commits = call(**kwargs)
62 # store the commits for the next call chain
63 kwargs['COMMITS'] = extracted_commits
65 # set additional keys and values to be sent via POST to given URL
66 kwargs['caller_type'] = 'rhodecode'
67 kwargs['date'] = time.time() # import time before
68 call(**kwargs)
@@ -0,0 +1,56 b''
1 .. _repo-hooks:
3 |RCE| Repository Hooks
4 ======================
6 |RCE| installs hooks inside each of the |repos| that it manages. These
7 hooks enable users to execute custom actions based on certain events.
8 This is the complete list of |repos| hooks and the events which trigger them:
10 .. rst-class:: dl-horizontal
13 Any time a |repo| is created.
16 Any time a |repo| group is created.
19 Any time a user is created.
22 Any time a |repo| is created.
25 Any time a user is deleted.
28 Any time a user is created but before the action is executed by |RCE|.
30 \--PRE_PULL
31 Any pull from a |repo| but before the action is executed by |RCE|.
33 \--PRE_PUSH
34 Any push to a |repo| but before the action is executed by |RCE|.
37 After any push to a |repo|.
40 Any push to a |repo|, including editing tags or branches.
41 Commits via API actions that update references are also counted.
44 Any pull from a Repository.
46 Using Repository Hooks
47 ----------------------
49 To use these hooks you need to install |RCX|. For more information, see the
50 :ref:`install-rcx` section.
52 Creating Extensions
53 -------------------
55 To create your own extensions using these hooks, see the :ref:`dev-plug`
56 section.
@@ -0,0 +1,30 b''
1 .. _repo-it:
3 Repository Issue Tracker
4 ========================
6 You can set an issue tracker connection in two ways with |RCE|.
8 * At instance level, for more information see the
9 :ref:`rhodecode-issue-trackers-ref` section.
10 * At |repo| level. This allows you to configure a |repo| to use a different
11 issue tracker to the default one.
13 Set an Issue Tracker per Repository
14 -----------------------------------
16 To configure a |repo| to work with a different issue tracker to the default one,
17 use the following steps:
19 1. Open :menuselection:`Admin --> Repositories --> repo name --> Edit --> Issue Tracker`
20 2. Uncheck the :guilabel:`Inherit from default settings` box.
21 3. Click :guilabel:`Add New`.
22 4. Fill in the following settings:
24 * :guilabel:`Description`: A name for this set of rules.
25 * :guilabel:`Pattern`: The regular expression that will match issues
26 tagged in commit messages, or more see :ref:`issue-tr-eg-ref`.
27 * :guilabel:`URL`: The URL to your issue tracker.
28 * :guilabel:`Prefix`: The prefix with which you want to mark issues.
30 5. Click :guilabel:`Save`.
@@ -0,0 +1,45 b''
1 .. _set-repo-perms:
3 Setting Repository Permissions
4 ------------------------------
6 To set the permissions on an individual |repo|, use the following steps:
8 1. Open :menuselection:`Admin --> Repositories` and select
9 :guilabel:`edit` beside the |repo| you wish to configure.
10 2. On the |repo| settings page you will see a number of tabs. Exploring these
11 you will find the following main configuration options for a |repo|.
12 3. Once you make changes, select :guilabel:`Save`
14 * :guilabel:`Repository group`: Lets you to add a |repo| to a |repo| group.
15 * :guilabel:`Owner`: Lets you change the |repo| owner. Useful when users are
16 moving roles within an organisation.
17 * :guilabel:`Enable automatic locking`: For more information,
18 see :ref:`repo-locking`
19 * :guilabel:`User Access`: On the permissions tab you can add users,
20 or user groups, and set the permissions each has for that |repo|.
21 * :guilabel:`Invalidate repository cache`: On the Caches tab you can delete
22 the |repo| cache, sometimes needed when mirroring.
24 .. _set-repo-group-perms:
26 Setting Repository Group Permissions
27 ------------------------------------
29 To set the permissions on a Repository Group, use the following steps:
31 1. Open :menuselection:`Admin --> Repository groups` and select
32 :guilabel:`edit` beside the |repo| you wish to configure.
33 2. On the |repo| group settings page you will see a number of tabs. Exploring
34 these you will find the following main configuration options:
36 * :guilabel:`Owner`: Lets you change the group owner. Useful when users are
37 moving roles within an organisation.
38 * :guilabel:`Group parent`: Lets you add the |repo| group as a sub-group
39 of a larger group, i.e. :guilabel:`QA-Repos >> QA-Repos-Berlin`
40 * :guilabel:`Enable automatic locking`: For more information,
41 see :ref:`repo-locking`
42 * :guilabel:`User Access`: On the permissions tab you can add users,
43 or user groups, and set the permissions each has for that |repo| group.
44 * :guilabel:`Add Child Group`: Allows you to add sub-repository-groups
45 that will all share the same permissions.
@@ -0,0 +1,48 b''
1 .. _per-repo-vcs:
3 Repository VCS Settings
4 =======================
6 You can configure |repo| VCS (Version Control System) settings at a global
7 level, and individually per |repo|. Global settings are applied by default.
8 If you configure individual settings per |repo|, these will remain unaffected
9 by any subsequent global changes.
11 Set Global Repository Settings
12 ------------------------------
14 To configure |repo| settings across your |RCE| instance use the following steps:
16 1. Go to to the :menuselection:`Admin --> Settings --> VCS` page.
17 2. Configure the following |repo| options:
19 * :guilabel:`Web`: Require SSL if necessary.
20 * :guilabel:`Hooks`: Enable built in hooks.
21 * :guilabel:`Mercurial Settings`: Configure |hg| specific settings.
22 * :guilabel:`Repositories Location`: Set the file system |repos| location.
23 * :guilabel:`Subversion Settings`: Configure |svn| specific settings.
24 * :guilabel:`Pull Request Settings`: Enable the listed additional |pr|
25 features.
27 3. Click :guilabel:`Save`.
30 Set Individual Repository Settings
31 ----------------------------------
33 To configure specific VCS settings for an individual |repo|, use the following
34 steps:
36 1. Go to to the :menuselection:`Admin --> Repositories --> Edit --> VCS` page.
37 2. Uncheck the :guilabel:`Inherit from global settings` box.
38 3. Configure the following |repo| options:
40 * :guilabel:`Hooks`: Enable built in hooks.
41 * :guilabel:`Mercurial Settings` (|hg| Only): Configure |hg| specific
42 settings.
43 * :guilabel:`Subversion Settings` (|svn| Only): Configure |svn| specific
44 settings.
45 * :guilabel:`Pull Request Settings` (|git| and |hg| Only): Enable the
46 listed additional |pr| features.
48 3. Click :guilabel:`Save`.
@@ -0,0 +1,95 b''
1 .. _rhodecode-reset-ref:
3 Settings Management
4 -------------------
6 All |RCE| settings can be set from the user interface, but in the event that
7 it somehow becomes unavailable you can use ``ishell`` inside your |RCE|
8 ``virtualenv`` to carry out emergency measures.
10 .. warning::
12 Logging into the |RCE| database with ``iShell`` should only be done by an
13 experienced and knowledgeable database administrator.
15 Reset Admin Account Privileges
16 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
18 If you accidentally remove your admin privileges from the admin account you
19 can restore them using ``ishell``. Use the following example to reset your
20 account permissions.
22 .. code-block:: bash
24 # Open iShell from the terminal
25 $ .rccontrol/enterprise-5/profile/bin/paster \
26 ishell .rccontrol/enterprise-5/rhodecode.ini
28 .. code-block:: mysql
30 # Use this example to change user permissions
31 In [1]: adminuser = User.get_by_username('username')
32 In [2]: adminuser.admin = True
33 In [3]: Session.add(adminuser);Session().commit()
34 In [4]: exit()
36 Set to read global ``.hgrc`` file
37 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
39 By default, |RCE| does not read global ``hgrc`` files in
40 ``/etc/mercurial/hgrc`` or ``/etc/mercurial/hgrc.d`` because it
41 can lead to issues. This is set in the ``rhodecode_ui`` table for which
42 there is no UI. If you need to edit this you can
43 manually change the settings using SQL statements with ``ishell``. Use the
44 following example to make changes to this table.
46 .. code-block:: bash
48 # Open iShell from the terminal
49 $ .rccontrol/enterprise-5/profile/bin/paster \
50 ishell.rccontrol/enterprise-5/rhodecode.ini
52 .. code-block:: mysql
54 # Use this example to enable global .hgrc access
55 In [4]: new_option = RhodeCodeUi()
56 In [5]: new_option.ui_section='web'
57 In [6]: new_option.ui_key='allow_push'
58 In [7]: new_option.ui_value='*'
59 In [8]: Session().add(new_option);Session().commit()
61 Manually Reset Password
62 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
64 If you need to manually reset a user password, use the following steps.
66 1. Navigate to your |RCE| install location.
67 2. Run the interactive ``ishell`` prompt.
68 3. Set a new password.
70 Use the following code example to carry out these steps.
72 .. code-block:: bash
74 # starts the ishell interactive prompt
75 $ .rccontrol/enterprise-5/profile/bin/paster \
76 ishell .rccontrol/enterprise-5/rhodecode.ini
78 .. code-block:: mysql
80 from rhodecode.lib.auth import generate_auth_token
81 from rhodecode.lib.auth import get_crypt_password
83 # Enter the user name whose password you wish to change
84 my_user = 'USERNAME'
85 u = User.get_by_username(my_user)
87 # If this fails then the user does not exist
88 u.auth_token = generate_auth_token(my_user)
90 # Set the new password
91 u.password = get_crypt_password('PASSWORD')
93 Session().add(u)
94 Session().commit()
95 exit
@@ -0,0 +1,26 b''
1 .. _backup:
3 ====================
4 Backing up RhodeCode
5 ====================
8 Settings
9 --------
11 Just copy your .ini file, it contains all RhodeCode settings.
13 Whoosh index
14 ------------
16 Whoosh index is located in **/data/index** directory where you installed
17 RhodeCode ie. the same place where the ini file is located
20 Database
21 --------
23 When using sqlite just copy rhodecode.db.
24 Any other database engine requires a manual backup operation.
26 Database backup will contain all gathered statistics No newline at end of file
@@ -0,0 +1,31 b''
1 .. _instance-basics:
3 3 Basic User Security Steps
4 ===========================
6 By implementing the following user configuration tasks, you will help to
7 secure your |RCE| instances.
10 Define the Instance Wide Default User
11 -------------------------------------
13 The default user settings are applied across the whole instance. You should
14 define the default user so that newly created users immediately have
15 permission settings attached to their profile. For more information about
16 defining the default user settings, see the :ref:`default-perms` section.
18 Configure Specific User Groups
19 ------------------------------
21 By defining user groups, it allows you to put users into them and
22 have the group permissions applied to their profile. For more information about
23 defining the default user settings, see the :ref:`user-admin-set` section.
25 Define the Default User in Each Group
26 -------------------------------------
28 Apart from the system wide user permissions, each user group can apply its
29 settings to the default user permissions within the scope of the group. To
30 set the default user's permissions inside a user group, see the
31 :ref:`permissions-info-repo-group-access` section.
@@ -0,0 +1,19 b''
1 .. _settip-ip-white:
3 Setting IP Restrictions
4 =======================
6 To restrict access to your |RCE| instance you can set an IP Whitelist that
7 will only allow access from specific IP Addresses. This is useful for
8 ensuring only users on the company VPN can access the instance.
10 To set this, go to
11 :menuselection:`Username --> Permissions --> IP Whitelist`, and add the safe
12 range of IP Addresses to the list.
14 .. important::
16 Add the IP Address that you are currently using first,
17 otherwise you'll lock yourself out of the instance.
19 .. image:: ../images/ip-whitey.png
@@ -0,0 +1,57 b''
1 .. _x-frame:
3 Securing HTTPS Connections
4 --------------------------
6 * To secure your |RCE| instance against `Cross Frame Scripting`_ exploits, you
7 should configure your webserver ``x-frame-options`` setting.
9 * To configure your instance for `HTTP Strict Transport Security`_, you need to
10 configure the ``Strict-Transport-Security`` setting.
12 Nginx
13 ^^^^^
15 In your nginx configuration, add the following lines in the correct files. For
16 more detailed information see the :ref:`nginx-ws-ref` section.
18 .. code-block:: nginx
20 # Add this line to the nginx.conf file
21 add_header X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN;
23 # This line needs to be added inside your virtual hosts block/file
24 add_header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000; includeSubdomains;";
26 Apache
27 ^^^^^^
29 In your :file:`apache2.conf` file, add the following line. For more detailed
30 information see the :ref:`apache-ws-ref` section.
32 .. code-block:: apache
34 # Add this to your virtual hosts file
35 Header always append X-Frame-Options SAMEORIGIN
37 # Add this line in your virtual hosts file
38 Header always set Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=63072000; includeSubdomains; preload"
40 |RCE| Configuration
41 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
43 |RCE| can also be configured to force strict *https* connections and Strict
44 Transport Security. To set this, configure the following options to ``true``
45 in the :file:`/home/{user}/.rccontrol/{instance-id}/rhodecode.ini` file.
47 .. code-block:: ini
49 ## force https in RhodeCode, fixes https redirects, assumes it's always https
50 force_https = false
52 ## use Strict-Transport-Security headers
53 use_htsts = false
56 .. _Cross Frame Scripting: https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Cross_Frame_Scripting
57 .. _HTTP Strict Transport Security: https://www.owasp.org/index.php/HTTP_Strict_Transport_Security No newline at end of file
@@ -0,0 +1,179 b''
1 .. _sec-your-server:
3 Securing Your Server
4 --------------------
6 |RCE| runs on your hardware, and while it is developed with security in mind
7 it is also important that you ensure your servers are well secured. In this
8 section we will cover some basic security practices that are best to
9 configure when setting up your |RCE| instances.
11 SSH Keys
12 ^^^^^^^^
14 Using SSH keys to access your server provides more security than using the
15 standard username and password combination. To set up your SSH Keys, use the
16 following steps:
18 1. On your local machine create the public/private key combination. The
19 private key you will keep, and the matching public key is copied to the
20 server. Setting a passphrase here is optional, if you set one you will
21 always be prompted for it when logging in.
23 .. code-block:: bash
25 # Generate SSH Keys
26 user@ubuntu:~$ ssh-keygen -t rsa
28 .. code-block:: bash
30 Generating public/private rsa key pair.
31 Enter file in which to save the key (/home/user/.ssh/id_rsa):
32 Created directory '/home/user/.ssh'.
33 Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
34 Enter same passphrase again:
35 Your identification has been saved in /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa.
36 Your public key has been saved in /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa.pub.
37 The key fingerprint is:
38 02:82:38:95:e5:30:d2:ad:17:60:15:7f:94:17:9f:30 user@ubuntu
39 The key's randomart image is:
40 +--[ RSA 2048]----+
42 2. SFTP to your server, and copy the public key to the ``~/.ssh`` folder.
44 .. code-block:: bash
46 # SFTP to your server
47 $ sftp user@hostname
49 # copy your public key
50 sftp> mput /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa.pub /home/user/.ssh
51 Uploading /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa.pub to /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
52 /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa.pub 100% 394 0.4KB/s 00:00
54 3. On your server, add the public key to the :file:`~/.ssh/authorized_keys`
55 file.
57 .. code-block:: bash
59 $ cat /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa.pub > /home/user/.ssh/authorized_keys
61 You should now be able to log into your server using your SSH
62 Keys. If you've added a passphrase you'll be asked for it. For more
63 information about using SSH keys with |RCE| |repos|, see the
64 :ref:`ssh-connection` section.
66 VPN Whitelist
67 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
69 Most company networks will have a VPN. If you need to set one up, there are
70 many tutorials online for how to do that. Getting it right requires good
71 knowledge and attention to detail. Once set up, you can configure your
72 |RCE| instances to only allow user access from the VPN, to do this see the
73 :ref:`settip-ip-white` section.
75 Public Key Infrastructure and SSL/TLS Encryption
76 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
78 Public key infrastructure (PKI) is a system that creates, manages, and
79 validates certificates for identifying nodes on a network and encrypting
80 communication between them. SSL or TLS certificates can be used to
81 authenticate different entities with one another. To read more about PKIs,
82 see the `OpenSSL PKI tutorial`_ site, or this `Cloudflare PKI post`_.
84 If the network you are running is SSL/TLS encrypted, you can configure |RCE|
85 to always use secure connections using the ``force_https`` and ``use_htsts``
86 options in the :file:`/home/user/.rccontrol/instance-id/rhodecode.ini` file.
87 For more details, see the :ref:`x-frame` section.
89 FireWalls and Ports
90 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
92 Setting up a network firewall for your internal traffic is a good way
93 of keeping it secure by blocking off any ports that should not be used.
94 Additionally, you can set non-default ports for certain functions which adds
95 an extra layer of security to your setup.
97 A well configured firewall will restrict access to everything except the
98 services you need to remain open. By exposing fewer services you reduce the
99 number of potential vulnerabilities.
101 There are a number of different firewall solutions, but for most Linux systems
102 using the built in `IpTables`_ firewall should suffice. On BSD systems you
103 can use `IPFILTER`_ or `IPFW`_. Use the following examples, and the IpTables
104 documentation to configure your IP Tables on Ubuntu.
106 Changing the default SSH port.
108 .. code-block:: bash
110 # Open SSH config file and change to port 10022
111 vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
113 # What ports, IPs and protocols we listen for
114 Port 10022
116 Setting IP Table rules for SSH traffic. It is important to note that the
117 default policy of your IpTables can differ and it is worth checking how each
118 is configured. The options are *ACCEPT*, *REJECT*, *DROP*, or *LOG*. The
119 usual practice is to block access on all ports and then enable access only on
120 the ports you with to expose.
122 .. code-block:: bash
124 # Check iptables policy
125 $ sudo iptables -L
127 Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
128 target prot opt source destination
130 Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)
131 target prot opt source destination
133 Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
134 target prot opt source destination
136 # Close all ports by default
137 $ sudo iptables -P INPUT DROP
139 $ sudo iptables -L
140 Chain INPUT (policy DROP)
141 target prot opt source destination
142 DROP all -- anywhere anywhere
144 Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)
145 target prot opt source destination
147 Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
148 target prot opt source destination
150 .. code-block:: bash
152 # Deny outbound SSH traffic
153 sudo iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 10022 -j DROP
155 # Allow incoming SSH traffic on port 10022
156 sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 10022 -j ACCEPT
158 # Allow incoming HTML traffic on port 80 and 443
159 iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
160 iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT
162 Saving your IP Table rules, and restoring them from file.
164 .. code-block:: bash
166 # Save you IP Table Rules
167 iptables-save
169 # Save your IP Table Rules to a file
170 sudo sh -c "iptables-save > /etc/iptables.rules"
172 # Restore your IP Table rules from file
173 iptables-restore < /etc/iptables.rules
175 .. _OpenSSL PKI tutorial: https://pki-tutorial.readthedocs.org/en/latest/#
176 .. _Cloudflare PKI post: https://blog.cloudflare.com/how-to-build-your-own-public-key-infrastructure/
177 .. _IpTables: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo
178 .. _IPFW: https://www.freebsd.org/doc/handbook/firewalls-ipfw.html
179 .. _IPFILTER: https://www.freebsd.org/doc/handbook/firewalls-ipf.html
@@ -0,0 +1,15 b''
1 .. _sec-tips:
3 =============
4 Security Tips
5 =============
7 The following section contains security tips for ensuring your |RCE|
8 instances are configured in as secure a manner as possible.
10 .. toctree::
12 sec-your-server
13 sec-x-frame
14 sec-instance-basics
15 sec-ip-white
@@ -0,0 +1,69 b''
1 .. _permissions-default-ref:
3 Setting Default Permissions
4 ---------------------------
6 Default permissions allow you to configure |RCM| so that when a new |repo|, user group,
7 or user is created their permissions are already defined. To set default permissions you need administrator
8 privileges. See the following sections for setting up your permissions system:
10 * :ref:`user-default-ref`
11 * :ref:`user-group-default-ref`
12 * :ref:`repo-default-ref`
13 * :ref:`repo-group-default-ref`
15 .. _user-default-ref:
17 Setting User defaults
18 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
20 To set default user permissions, use the following steps.
22 1. From the |RCM| interface, select :menuselection:`Admin --> Permissions`
23 2. Select the :guilabel:`Global` tab from the left-hand menu. The permissions
24 set on this screen apply to users and user-groups across the whole instance.
25 3. Save your changes
27 .. _user-group-default-ref:
29 Setting User Group defaults
30 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
32 To set default user group permissions, use the following steps.
34 1. From the |RCM| interface, select :menuselection:`Admin --> User groups`
35 2. Select :guilabel:`Permissions`, and configure the default user
36 permissions. All users will get these permissions unless
37 individually set.
38 3. Select :guilabel:`Global permissions`, and if you wish to configure
39 non-standard behaviour, uncheck the
40 :guilabel:`inherit from default settings` box and configure the desired
41 permissions
42 4. Save your changes
44 .. _repo-default-ref:
46 Setting Repository defaults
47 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
49 To set default |repo| permissions, use the following steps.
51 1. From the |RCM| interface, select :menuselection:`Admin --> Permissions`
52 2. Select the :guilabel:`Object` tab from the left-hand menu and set the
53 |perm| permissions
54 3. Save your changes
56 .. _repo-group-default-ref:
58 Setting Repository Group defaults
59 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
61 To set default Repository Group permissions, use the following steps.
63 1. From the |RCM| interface, select :menuselection:`Admin --> Repository Groups`
64 2. Select :guilabel:`Edit` beside the |repo| group you wish to configure
65 3. On the left-hand pane select :guilabel:`Permissions`
66 4. Set the default permissions for all |repos| created in this group
67 5. Save your changes
69 .. |perm| replace:: :guilabel:`None, Read, Write, or Admin`
@@ -0,0 +1,26 b''
1 .. _permissions-info-add-group-ref:
3 Repository Administration
4 =========================
6 Repository permissions in |RCM| can be managed in a number of different ways.
7 This overview should give you an insight into how you could adopt particular
8 settings for your needs:
10 * Global |repo| permissions: This allows you to set the default permissions
11 for each new |repo| created within |RCM|, see :ref:`repo-default-ref`. All
12 |repos| created will inherit these permissions unless explicitly configured.
13 * Individual |repo| permissions: To set individual |repo| permissions,
14 see :ref:`set-repo-perms`.
15 * Repository Group permissions: This allows you to define the permissions for
16 a group, and all |repos| created within that group will inherit the same
17 permissions.
19 .. toctree::
21 repo-perm-steps
22 repo-extra-fields
23 repo-hooks
24 repo-issue-tracker
25 repo-vcs
@@ -0,0 +1,25 b''
1 .. _permissions-info-repo-group-access:
3 Setting User Group Permissions
4 ------------------------------
6 To set User Group |repo| permissions, use follow these steps:
8 1. From the |RCE| interface, select
9 :menuselection:`Admin --> User Group --> Add User Group`
10 2. Enter a group name and description, and select :guilabel:`Save`
11 3. Select :guilabel:`edit` beside the new User Group. On the following
12 screen you will see a number of tabs. Exploring these
13 you will find the following most used options:
15 * :guilabel:`Owner`: This allows you to change the User Group owner. As
16 super-admin you will still have access to this, but changing the owner lets
17 you delegate the user group management to another manager.
18 * :guilabel:`Members`: This allows you to added or remove users from the
19 group.
20 * :guilabel:`User Permissions`: On the permissions tab you can set the
21 permissions for each member. If not individually set, the members will
22 inherit the default user permissions.
23 * :guilabel:`Inherit from default settings`: On the Global Permissions tab
24 you can uncheck this option and explicitly configure the permissions for
25 the group.
@@ -0,0 +1,84 b''
1 .. _svn-http:
3 |svn| With Write Over HTTP
4 --------------------------
6 To use |svn| with write access, the currently supported method is over HTTP.
7 This requires you to configure your local machine so that it can access your
8 |RCE| instance.
10 Prerequisites
11 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
13 - Enable lab setting on your |RCE| instance, see :ref:`lab-settings`.
14 - You need to install the following tools on your local machine: ``Apache`` and
15 ``mod_dav_svn``. Use the following Ubuntu as an example.
17 .. code-block:: bash
19 $ sudo apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-svn
21 Once installed you need to enable ``dav_svn``:
23 .. code-block:: bash
25 $ sudo a2enmod dav_svn
27 Configuring Apache Setup
28 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
30 .. tip::
32 It is recommended to run Apache on a port other than 80, due to possible
33 conflicts with other HTTP servers like nginx. To do this, set the
34 ``Listen`` parameter in the ``/etc/apache2/ports.conf`` file, for example
35 ``Listen 8090``
37 It is also recommended to run apache as the same user as |RCE|, otherwise
38 permission issues could occur. To do this edit the ``/etc/apache2/envvars``
40 .. code-block:: apache
42 export APACHE_RUN_USER=ubuntu
43 export APACHE_RUN_GROUP=ubuntu
45 1. To configure Apache, create and edit a virtual hosts file, for example
46 :file:`/etc/apache2/sites-available/default.conf`, or create another
47 virtual hosts file and add a location section inside the
48 ``<VirtualHost>`` section.
50 .. code-block:: apache
52 <Location />
53 DAV svn
54 # Must be explicit path, relative not supported
56 SVNListParentPath On
57 Allow from all
58 Order allow,deny
59 </Location>
61 .. note::
63 Once configured, check that you can see the list of repositories on your
64 |RCE| instance.
66 2. Go to the :menuselection:`Admin --> Settings --> Labs` page, and
67 enable :guilabel:`Proxy Subversion HTTP requests`, and specify the
68 :guilabel:`Subversion HTTP Server URL`.
70 Using |svn|
71 ^^^^^^^^^^^
73 Once |svn| has been enabled on your instance, you can use it using the
74 following examples. For more |svn| information, see the `Subversion Red Book`_
76 .. code-block:: bash
78 # To clone a repository
79 svn clone http://my-svn-server.example.com/my-svn-repo
81 # svn commit
82 svn commit
84 .. _Subversion Red Book: http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.7/svn-book.html#svn.ref.svn
@@ -0,0 +1,29 b''
1 .. _rhodecode-admin-ref:
3 System Administration
4 =====================
6 The following are the most common system administration tasks.
8 .. only:: latex
10 * :ref:`vcs-server`
11 * :ref:`apache-ws-ref`
12 * :ref:`nginx-ws-ref`
13 * :ref:`rhodecode-tuning-ref`
14 * :ref:`indexing-ref`
15 * :ref:`rhodecode-reset-ref`
17 .. toctree::
19 config-files-overview
20 vcs-server
21 apache-config
22 nginx-config
23 backup-restore
24 tuning-rhodecode
25 indexing
26 reset-information
27 enable-debug
28 admin-tricks
29 cleanup-cmds
@@ -0,0 +1,163 b''
1 .. _system-overview-ref:
3 System Overview
4 ===============
6 Latest Version
7 --------------
9 * |release| on Unix and Windows systems.
11 System Architecture
12 -------------------
14 The following diagram shows a typical production architecture.
16 .. image:: ../images/architecture-diagram.png
17 :align: center
19 Supported Operating Systems
20 ---------------------------
22 Linux
23 ^^^^^
25 * Ubuntu 14.04
26 * CentOS 6.2 and 7
27 * Debian 7.8
28 * RedHat Fedora
29 * Arch Linux
30 * SUSE Linux
32 Windows
33 ^^^^^^^
35 * Windows Vista Ultimate 64bit
36 * Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit
37 * Windows 8 Professional 64bit
38 * Windows 8.1 Enterprise 64bit
39 * Windows Server 2008 64bit
40 * Windows Server 2008-R2 64bit
41 * Windows Server 2012 64bit
43 Supported Databases
44 -------------------
46 * SQLite
47 * MySQL
48 * MariaDB
49 * PostgreSQL
51 Supported Browsers
52 ------------------
54 * Chrome
55 * Safari
56 * Firefox
57 * Internet Explorer 10 & 11
59 System Requirements
60 -------------------
62 |RCM| performs best on machines with ultra-fast hard disks. Generally disk
63 performance is more important than CPU performance. In a corporate production
64 environment handling 1000s of users and |repos| you should deploy on a 12+
65 core 64GB RAM server. In short, the more RAM the better.
67 .. _config-rce-files:
69 Configuration Files
70 -------------------
72 * :file:`/home/{user}/.rccontrol/{instance-id}/rhodecode.ini`
73 * :file:`/home/{user}/.rccontrol/{instance-id}/mapping.ini`
74 * :file:`/home/{user}/.rccontrol/{vcsserver-id}/vcsserver.ini`
75 * :file:`/home/{user}/.rccontrol/supervisor/supervisord.ini`
76 * :file:`/home/{user}/.rccontrol.ini`
77 * :file:`/home/{user}/.rhoderc`
78 * :file:`/home/{user}/.rccontrol/cache/MANIFEST`
80 For more information, see the :ref:`config-files` section.
82 Log Files
83 ---------
85 * :file:`/home/{user}/.rccontrol/{instance-id}/enterprise.log`
86 * :file:`/home/{user}/.rccontrol/{vcsserver-id}/vcsserver.log`
87 * :file:`/home/{user}/.rccontrol/supervisor/supervisord.log`
88 * :file:`/tmp/rccontrol.log`
89 * :file:`/tmp/rhodecode_tools.log`
91 Storage Files
92 -------------
94 * :file:`/home/{user}/.rccontrol/{instance-id}/data/index/{index-file.toc}`
95 * :file:`/home/{user}/repos/.rc_gist_store`
96 * :file:`/home/{user}/.rccontrol/{instance-id}/rhodecode.db`
97 * :file:`/opt/rhodecode/store/{unique-hash}`
99 Default Repositories Location
100 -----------------------------
102 * :file:`/home/{user}/repos`
104 Connection Methods
105 ------------------
107 * HTTPS
108 * SSH
109 * |RCM| API
111 Internationalization Support
112 ----------------------------
114 Currently available in the following languages, see `Transifex`_ for the
115 latest details. If you want a new language added, please contact us. To
116 configure your language settings, see the :ref:`set-lang` section.
118 .. hlist::
120 * Belorussian
121 * Chinese
122 * French
123 * German
124 * Italian
125 * Japanese
126 * Portuguese
127 * Polish
128 * Russian
129 * Spanish
131 Licencing Information
132 ---------------------
134 * See licencing information `here`_
136 Peer-to-peer Failover Support
137 -----------------------------
139 * Yes
141 Additional Binaries
142 -------------------
144 * Yes, see :ref:`rhodecode-nix-ref` for full details.
146 Remote Connectivity
147 -------------------
149 * Available
151 Executable Files
152 ----------------
154 Windows: :file:`RhodeCode-installer-{version}.exe`
156 Deprecated Support
157 ------------------
159 - Internet Explorer 8 support deprecated since version 3.7.0.
160 - Internet Explorer 9 support deprecated since version 3.8.0.
162 .. _here: https://rhodecode.com/licenses/
163 .. _Transifex: https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/RhodeCode/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 b''
1 .. _change-encoding:
3 Change Default Encoding
4 -----------------------
6 |RCE| uses ``utf8`` encoding by default. You can change the default encoding
7 in the :file:`/home/{user}/.rccontrol/{instance-id}/rhodecode.ini` file. To
8 change the default encoding used by |RCE|, set a new value for the
9 ``default_encoding``.
11 .. code-block:: ini
13 # default encoding used to convert from and to unicode
14 # can be also a comma separated list of encoding in case of mixed
15 # encodings
16 default_encoding = utf8
18 .. note::
20 Changing the default encoding will affect many parts of your |RCE|
21 installation, including committers names,
22 file names, and the encoding of commit messages.
@@ -0,0 +1,32 b''
1 .. _hg-lrg-loc:
3 Change the |hg| Large Files Location
4 ------------------------------------
6 |RCE| manages |hg| larges files from the following default location
7 :file:`/home/{user}/repos/.cache/largefiles`. If you wish to change this, use
8 the following steps:
10 1. Open ishell from the terminal and use it to log into the |RCE| database by
11 specifying the instance :file:`rhodecode.ini` file.
13 .. code-block:: bash
15 # Open iShell from the terminal and set ini file
16 $ .rccontrol/enterprise-1/profile/bin/paster ishell .rccontrol/enterprise-1/rhodecode.ini
18 2. Run the following commands, and ensure that |RCE| has write access to the
19 new directory:
21 .. code-block:: mysql
23 # Once logged into the database, use SQL to redirect
24 # the large files location
25 In [1]: from rhodecode.model.settings import SettingsModel
26 In [2]: SettingsModel().get_ui_by_key('usercache')
27 Out[2]: <RhodeCodeUi[largefiles]usercache=>/mnt/hgfs/shared/workspace/xxxx/.cache/largefiles]>
29 In [3]: largefiles_cache = SettingsModel().get_ui_by_key('usercache')
30 In [4]: largefiles_cache.ui_value = '/new/path’
31 In [5]: Session().add(largefiles_cache);Session().commit()
@@ -0,0 +1,111 b''
1 .. _increase-gunicorn:
3 Increase Gunicorn Workers
4 -------------------------
6 .. important::
8 If you increase the number of :term:`Gunicorn` workers, you also need to
9 increase the threadpool size of the VCS Server. The recommended size is
10 6 times the number of Gunicorn workers. To set this, see
11 :ref:`vcs-server-config-file`.
13 |RCE| comes with `Gunicorn`_ packaged in its Nix environment. To improve
14 performance you can increase the number of workers. To do this, use the
15 following steps:
17 1. Open the :file:`home/{user}/.rccontrol/{instance-id}/rhodecode.ini` file.
18 2. In the ``[server:main]`` section, increase the number of Gunicorn
19 ``workers`` using the following formula :math:`(2 * Cores) + 1`.
21 .. code-block:: ini
23 [server:main]
24 host =
25 port = 10002
26 use = egg:gunicorn#main
27 workers = 1
28 threads = 1
29 proc_name = RhodeCodeEnterprise
30 worker_class = sync
31 max_requests = 1000
32 timeout = 3600
34 3. In the ``[app:main]`` section, set the ``instance_id`` property to ``*``.
36 .. code-block:: ini
38 # In the [app:main] section
39 [app:main]
40 # You must set `instance_id = *`
41 instance_id = *
43 4. Save your changes.
44 5. Restart your |RCE| instance, using the following command:
46 .. code-block:: bash
48 $ rccontrol restart enterprise-1
50 If you scale across different machines, each |RCM| instance
51 needs to store its data on a shared disk, preferably together with your
52 |repos|. This data directory contains template caches, a whoosh index,
53 and is used for task locking to ensure safety across multiple instances.
54 To do this, set the following properties in the :file:`rhodecode.ini` file to
55 set the shared location across all |RCM| instances.
57 .. code-block:: ini
59 cache_dir = /file/path # set to shared location
60 search.location = /file/path # set to shared location
62 ####################################
63 ### BEAKER CACHE ####
64 ####################################
65 beaker.cache.data_dir = /file/path # set to shared location
66 beaker.cache.lock_dir = /file/path # set to shared location
70 Gunicorn SSL support
71 --------------------
74 :term:`Gunicorn` wsgi server allows users to use HTTPS connection directly
75 without a need to use HTTP server like Nginx or Apache. To Configure
76 SSL support directly with :term:`Gunicorn` you need to simply add the key
77 and certificate paths to your configuration file.
79 1. Open the :file:`home/{user}/.rccontrol/{instance-id}/rhodecode.ini` file.
80 2. In the ``[server:main]`` section, add two new variables
81 called `certfile` and `keyfile`.
83 .. code-block:: ini
85 [server:main]
86 host =
87 port = 10002
88 use = egg:gunicorn#main
89 workers = 1
90 threads = 1
91 proc_name = RhodeCodeEnterprise
92 worker_class = sync
93 max_requests = 1000
94 timeout = 3600
95 # adding ssl support
96 certfile = /home/ssl/my_server_com.pem
97 keyfile = /home/ssl/my_server_com.key
99 4. Save your changes.
100 5. Restart your |RCE| instance, using the following command:
102 .. code-block:: bash
104 $ rccontrol restart enterprise-1
106 After this is enabled you can *only* access your instances via https://
107 protocol. Check out more docs here `Gunicorn SSL Docs`_
110 .. _Gunicorn: http://gunicorn.org/
111 .. _Gunicorn SSL Docs: http://docs.gunicorn.org/en/stable/settings.html#ssl
@@ -0,0 +1,17 b''
1 .. _hg-auth-loop:
3 |hg| Authentication Tuning
4 --------------------------
6 When using external authentication tools such as LDAP with |hg|, a
7 password retry loop in |hg| can result in users being locked out due to too
8 many failed password attempts. To prevent this from happening, add the
9 following setting to your
10 :file:`/home/{user}/.rccontrol/{instance-id}/rhodecode.ini` file, in the
11 ``[app:main]`` section.
14 .. code-block:: ini
16 [app:main]
17 auth_ret_code_detection = true
@@ -0,0 +1,17 b''
1 .. _cache-size:
3 Increase Cache Size
4 -------------------
6 When managing hundreds of |repos| from the main |RCE| interface the system
7 can become slow when the cache expires. Increasing the cache expiration
8 option improves the response times of the main user interface.
9 To increase your cache size, change the following default value in the
10 :file:`/home/{user}/.rccontrol/{instance-id}/rhodecode.ini` file. The value
11 is specified in seconds.
13 .. code-block:: ini
15 beaker.cache.long_term.expire=3600 # day (86400) week (604800)
17 .. note:: The |RCE| cache automatically expires for changed |repos|.
@@ -0,0 +1,23 b''
1 .. _db-session-ref:
3 Increase Database Performance
4 -----------------------------
6 To increase database performance switch to database-based user sessions.
7 File-based sessions are only suitable for smaller setups. The most common
8 issue being file limit errors which occur if there are lots of session files.
9 Therefore, in a large scale deployment, to give better performance,
10 scalability, and maintainability we recommend switching from file-based
11 sessions to database-based user sessions.
13 To switch to database-based user sessions uncomment the following section in
14 your :file:`/home/{user}/.rccontrol/{instance-id}/rhodecode.ini` file.
16 .. code-block:: ini
18 # db session
19 beaker.session.type = ext:database
21 # adjust this property to include your database credentials
22 beaker.session.sa.url = postgresql://postgres:<pass>@localhost/rhodecode
23 beaker.session.table_name = db_session
@@ -0,0 +1,42 b''
1 .. _data-mem:
3 Mount Cache Folders To Memory
4 -----------------------------
6 To increase the performance of folders containing cache data, you can mount
7 them to memory. The following folders specified in the :file:`rhodecode.ini`
8 file would benefit from this.
10 .. code-block:: ini
12 cache_dir = %(here)s/data
13 search.location = %(here)s/data/index
15 Use the following Ubuntu example to mount these to memory, or see your
16 particular |os| instructions. The expected performance benefit is
17 approximately 5%. You should ensure you allocate an adequate amount of memory
18 depending on your available resources.
20 .. code-block:: bash
22 # mount to memory with 2GB limit and 755 write permissions
23 mount -t tmpfs -o size=2G,mode=0755 tmpfs /home/user/.rccontrol/enterprise-1/data
24 mount -t tmpfs -o size=2G,mode=0755 tmpfs /home/user/.rccontrol/enterprise-1/data/index
26 .. _move-tmp:
28 Move ``tmp`` to TMPFS
29 ---------------------
31 |RCE| components heavily use the :file:`/tmp` folder, so moving your
32 :file:`/tmp` folder into to a RAM-based TMPS can lead to a noticeable
33 performance boost.
35 .. code-block:: bash
37 # mount tmp to memory with 2GB limit and 755 write permissions
38 mount -t tmpfs -o size=2G,mode=0755 tmpfs /tmp
40 For more information about TMPFS, see the documentation `here`_.
42 .. _here: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Tmpfs
@@ -0,0 +1,20 b''
1 .. _rhodecode-tuning-ref:
3 Tuning |RCE|
4 ============
6 To customize your |RCE| |version| installation for maximum performance you
7 may find some of the following methods useful.
9 .. toctree::
11 tuning-gunicorn
12 tuning-vcs-memory-cache
13 tuning-increase-db-performance
14 tuning-scale-horizontally
15 tuning-increase-cache-size
16 tuning-mount-cache-memory
17 tuning-change-encoding
18 tuning-change-large-file-dir
19 tuning-hg-auth-loop
@@ -0,0 +1,51 b''
1 .. _scale-horizontal:
3 Scale Horizontally
4 ------------------
6 Horizontal scaling means adding more machines or workers into your pool of
7 resources. Horizontally scaling |RCE| gives a huge performance increase,
8 especially under large traffic scenarios with a high number of requests. This
9 is very beneficial when |RCE| is serving many users simultaneously,
10 or if continuous integration servers are automatically pulling and pushing code.
12 To horizontally scale |RCE| you should use the following steps:
14 1. In the :file:`/home/{user}/.rccontrol/{instance-id}/rhodecode.ini` file,
15 set ``instance_id = *``. This enables |RCE| to use multiple nodes.
16 2. Define the number of worker threads using the formula
17 :math:`(2 * Cores) + 1`. For example 4 CPU cores would lead to
18 :math:`(2 * 4) + 1 = 9` workers. In some cases it's ok to increase number of
19 workers even beyond this formula. Generally the more workers, the more
20 simultaneous connections the system can handle.
22 It is recommended to create another dedicated |RCE| instance to handle
23 traffic from build farms or continuous integration servers.
25 .. note::
27 You should configure your load balancing accordingly. We recommend writing
28 load balancing rules that will separate regular user traffic from
29 automated process traffic like continuous servers or build bots.
31 If you scale across different machines, each |RCE| instance needs to store
32 its data on a shared disk, preferably together with your repositories. This
33 data directory contains template caches, a whoosh index,
34 and is used for task locking to ensure safety across multiple instances. To
35 do this, set the following properties in the
36 :file:`/home/{user}/.rccontrol/{instance-id}/rhodecode.ini` file to set
37 the shared location across all |RCE| instances.
39 .. code-block:: ini
41 cache_dir = /file/path # set to shared directory location
42 search.location = /file/path # set to shared directory location
43 beaker.cache.data_dir = /file/path # set to shared directory location
44 beaker.cache.lock_dir = /file/path # set to shared directory location
46 .. note::
48 If Celery is used on each instance then you should run separate Celery
49 instances, but the message broker should be the same for all of them.
50 This excludes one RabbitMQ shared server.
@@ -0,0 +1,8 b''
1 .. _adjust-vcs-mem-cache:
3 Adjusting VCS Memory Cache
4 --------------------------
6 The VCS Server mamory cache can be adjusted to work best with the resources
7 available to your |RCE| instance. If you find that memory resources are under
8 pressure, see the :ref:`vcs-server-maintain` section for details.
@@ -0,0 +1,23 b''
1 .. _user-admin-set:
3 User Administration
4 ===================
6 |RCM| enables you to define permissions for the following entities within the
7 system; **users**, **user groups**, **repositories**, **repository groups**.
9 Within each one of these entities you can set default settings,
10 and then all users or |repos| inherit those default permission settings
11 unless individually defined. Each of these entities can have the following
12 permissions applied to it; |perm|.
14 .. toctree::
16 public-access
17 default-user-perms
18 adding-anonymous-user
19 adding-new-user
20 setting-default-permissions
21 setting-usergroup-permissions
23 .. |perm| replace:: **None**, **Read**, **Write**, or **Admin** No newline at end of file
@@ -0,0 +1,301 b''
1 .. _vcs-server:
3 VCS Server Management
4 ---------------------
6 The VCS Server handles |RCM| backend functionality. You need to configure
7 a VCS Server to run with a |RCM| instance. If you do not, you will be missing
8 the connection between |RCM| and its |repos|. This will cause error messages
9 on the web interface. You can run your setup in the following configurations,
10 currently the best performance is one VCS Server per |RCM| instance:
12 * One VCS Server per |RCM| instance.
13 * One VCS Server handling multiple instances.
15 .. important::
17 If your server locale settings are not correctly configured,
18 |RCE| and the VCS Server can run into issues. See this `Ask Ubuntu`_ post
19 which explains the problem and gives a solution.
21 For more information, see the following sections:
23 * :ref:`install-vcs`
24 * :ref:`config-vcs`
25 * :ref:`vcs-server-options`
26 * :ref:`vcs-server-versions`
27 * :ref:`vcs-server-maintain`
28 * :ref:`vcs-server-config-file`
30 .. _install-vcs:
32 VCS Server Installation
33 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
35 To install a VCS Server, see
36 :ref:`Installing a VCS server <control:install-vcsserver>`.
38 .. _config-vcs:
40 Hooking |RCE| to its VCS Server
41 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
43 To configure a |RCE| instance to use a VCS server, see
44 :ref:`Configuring the VCS Server connection <control:manually-vcsserver-ini>`.
46 .. _vcs-server-options:
48 |RCE| VCS Server Options
49 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
51 The following list shows the available options on the |RCM| side of the
52 connection to the VCS Server. The settings are configured per
53 instance in the
54 :file:`/home/{user}/.rccontrol/{instance-id}/rhodecode.ini` file.
56 .. rst-class:: dl-horizontal
58 \vcs.backends <available-vcs-systems>
59 Set a comma-separated list of the |repo| options available from the
60 web interface. The default is ``hg, git, svn``,
61 which is all |repo| types available.
63 \vcs.connection_timeout <seconds>
64 Set the length of time in seconds that the VCS Server waits for
65 requests to process. After the timeout expires,
66 the request is closed. The default is ``3600``. Set to a higher
67 number if you experience network latency, or timeout issues with very
68 large push/pull requests.
70 \vcs.server.enable <boolean>
71 Enable or disable the VCS Server. The available options are ``true`` or
72 ``false``. The default is ``true``.
74 \vcs.server <host:port>
75 Set the host, either hostname or IP Address, and port of the VCS server
76 you wish to run with your |RCM| instance.
78 .. code-block:: ini
80 ##################
81 ### VCS CONFIG ###
82 ##################
83 # set this line to match your VCS Server
84 vcs.server =
85 # Set to False to disable the VCS Server
86 vcs.server.enable = True
87 vcs.backends = hg, git, svn
88 vcs.connection_timeout = 3600
91 .. _vcs-server-versions:
93 VCS Server Versions
94 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
96 An updated version of the VCS Server is released with each |RCE| version. Use
97 the VCS Server number that matches with the |RCE| version to pair the
98 appropriate ones together. For |RCE| versions pre 3.3.0,
99 VCS Server 1.X.Y works with |RCE| 3.X.Y, for example:
101 * VCS Server 1.0.0 works with |RCE| 3.0.0
102 * VCS Server 1.2.2 works with |RCE| 3.2.2
104 For |RCE| versions post 3.3.0, the VCS Server and |RCE| version numbers
105 match, for example:
107 * VCS Server |release| works with |RCE| |release|
109 .. _vcs-server-maintain:
111 VCS Server Memory Optimization
112 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
114 To configure the VCS server to manage the cache efficiently, you need to
115 configure the following options in the
116 :file:`/home/{user}/.rccontrol/{vcsserver-id}/vcsserver.ini` file. Once
117 configured, restart the VCS Server.
119 .. rst-class:: dl-horizontal
121 \beaker.cache.repo_object.type = memorylru
122 Configures the cache to discard the least recently used items.
123 This setting takes the following valid options:
125 * ``memorylru``: The default setting, which removes the least recently
126 used items from the cache.
127 * ``memory``: Runs the VCS Server without clearing the cache.
128 * ``nocache``: Runs the VCS Server without a cache. This will
129 dramatically reduce the VCS Server performance.
131 \beaker.cache.repo_object.max_items = 100
132 Sets the maximum number of items stored in the cache, before the cache
133 starts to be cleared.
135 As a general rule of thumb, running this value at 120 resulted in a
136 5GB cache. Running it at 240 resulted in a 9GB cache. Your results
137 will differ based on usage patterns and |repo| sizes.
139 Tweaking this value to run at a fairly constant memory load on your
140 server will help performance.
142 To clear the cache completely, you can restart the VCS Server.
144 .. important::
146 While the VCS Server handles a restart gracefully on the web interface,
147 it will drop connections during push/pull requests. So it is recommended
148 you only perform this when there is very little traffic on the instance.
150 Use the following example to restart your VCS Server,
151 for full details see the :ref:`RhodeCode Control CLI <control:rcc-cli>`.
153 .. code-block:: bash
155 $ rccontrol status
157 .. code-block:: vim
159 - NAME: vcsserver-1
161 - TYPE: VCSServer
162 - VERSION: 1.0.0
163 - URL:
165 $ rccontrol restart vcsserver-1
166 Instance "vcsserver-1" successfully stopped.
167 Instance "vcsserver-1" successfully started.
169 .. _vcs-server-config-file:
171 VCS Server Configuration
172 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
174 You can configure settings for multiple VCS Servers on your
175 system using their individual configuration files. Use the following
176 properties inside the configuration file to set up your system. The default
177 location is :file:`home/{user}/.rccontrol/{vcsserver-id}/vcsserver.ini`.
178 For a more detailed explanation of the logger levers, see :ref:`debug-mode`.
180 .. rst-class:: dl-horizontal
182 \host <ip-address>
183 Set the host on which the VCS Server will run.
185 \port <int>
186 Set the port number on which the VCS Server will be available.
188 \locale <locale_utf>
189 Set the locale the VCS Server expects.
191 \threadpool_size <int>
192 Set the size of the threadpool used to communicate
193 with the WSGI workers. This should be at least 6 times the number of
194 WSGI worker processes.
196 \timeout <seconds>
197 Set the timeout for RPC communication in seconds.
199 .. note::
201 After making changes, you need to restart your VCS Server to pick them up.
203 .. code-block:: ini
205 ################################################################################
206 # RhodeCode VCSServer - configuration #
207 # #
208 ################################################################################
211 host =
212 port = 9900
213 locale = en_US.UTF-8
214 # number of worker threads, this should be set based on a formula threadpool=N*6
215 # where N is number of RhodeCode Enterprise workers, eg. running 2 instances
216 # 8 gunicorn workers each would be 2 * 8 * 6 = 96, threadpool_size = 96
217 threadpool_size = 16
218 timeout = 0
220 # cache regions, please don't change
221 beaker.cache.regions = repo_object
222 beaker.cache.repo_object.type = memorylru
223 beaker.cache.repo_object.max_items = 1000
225 # cache auto-expires after N seconds
226 beaker.cache.repo_object.expire = 10
227 beaker.cache.repo_object.enabled = true
230 ################################
232 ################################
233 [loggers]
234 keys = root, vcsserver, pyro4, beaker
236 [handlers]
237 keys = console
239 [formatters]
240 keys = generic
242 #############
243 ## LOGGERS ##
244 #############
245 [logger_root]
246 level = NOTSET
247 handlers = console
249 [logger_vcsserver]
250 level = DEBUG
251 handlers =
252 qualname = vcsserver
253 propagate = 1
255 [logger_beaker]
256 level = DEBUG
257 handlers =
258 qualname = beaker
259 propagate = 1
261 [logger_pyro4]
262 level = DEBUG
263 handlers =
264 qualname = Pyro4
265 propagate = 1
268 ##############
269 ## HANDLERS ##
270 ##############
272 [handler_console]
273 class = StreamHandler
274 args = (sys.stderr,)
275 level = DEBUG
276 formatter = generic
278 [handler_file]
279 class = FileHandler
280 args = ('vcsserver.log', 'a',)
281 level = DEBUG
282 formatter = generic
284 [handler_file_rotating]
285 class = logging.handlers.TimedRotatingFileHandler
286 # 'D', 5 - rotate every 5days
287 # you can set 'h', 'midnight'
288 args = ('vcsserver.log', 'D', 5, 10,)
289 level = DEBUG
290 formatter = generic
292 ################
293 ## FORMATTERS ##
294 ################
296 [formatter_generic]
297 format = %(asctime)s.%(msecs)03d %(levelname)-5.5s [%(name)s] %(message)s
298 datefmt = %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
301 .. _Ask Ubuntu: http://askubuntu.com/questions/162391/how-do-i-fix-my-locale-issue
This diff has been collapsed as it changes many lines, (2824 lines changed) Show them Hide them
@@ -0,0 +1,2824 b''
1 .. _api:
3 API Documentation
4 =================
6 The |RCE| API uses a single scheme for calling all API methods. The API is
7 implemented with JSON protocol in both directions. To send API requests to
8 your instance of |RCE|, use the following URL format
9 ``<your_server>/_admin``
11 .. note::
13 To use the API, you should configure the :file:`~/.rhoderc` file with
14 access details per instance. For more information, see
15 :ref:`config-rhoderc`.
19 ------------------------
21 API access can also be turned on for each web view in |RCE| that is
22 decorated with a `@LoginRequired` decorator. To enable API access, change
23 the standard login decorator to `@LoginRequired(api_access=True)`.
25 From |RCM| version 1.7.0 you can configure a white list
26 of views that have API access enabled by default. To enable these,
27 edit the |RCM| configuration ``.ini`` file. The default location is:
29 * |RCM| Pre-2.2.7 :file:`root/rhodecode/data/production.ini`
30 * |RCM| 3.0 :file:`/home/{user}/.rccontrol/{instance-id}/rhodecode.ini`
32 To configure the white list, edit this section of the file. In this
33 configuration example, API access is granted to the patch/diff raw file and
34 archive.
36 .. code-block:: ini
38 ## List of controllers (using glob syntax) that AUTH TOKENS could be used for access.
39 ## Adding ?auth_token = <token> to the url authenticates this request as if it
40 ## came from the the logged in user who own this authentication token.
41 ##
42 ## Syntax is <ControllerClass>:<function_pattern>.
43 ## The list should be "," separated and on a single line.
44 ##
45 api_access_controllers_whitelist = ChangesetController:changeset_patch,ChangesetController:changeset_raw,ilesController:raw,FilesController:archivefile,
47 After this change, a |RCE| view can be accessed without login by adding a
48 GET parameter ``?auth_token=<auth_token>`` to a url. For example to
49 access the raw diff.
51 .. code-block:: html
53 http://<server>/<repo>/changeset-diff/<sha>?auth_token=<auth_token>
55 By default this is only enabled on RSS/ATOM feed views. Exposing raw diffs is a
56 good way to integrate with 3rd party services like code review, or build farms
57 that could download archives.
60 ----------
62 All clients are required to send JSON-RPC spec JSON data.
64 .. code-block:: bash
66 {
67 "id:"<id>",
68 "auth_token":"<auth_token>",
69 "method":"<method_name>",
70 "args":{"<arg_key>":"<arg_val>"}
71 }
73 Example call for auto pulling from remote repositories using curl:
75 .. code-block:: bash
77 curl https://server.com/_admin/api -X POST -H 'content-type:text/plain' --data-binary '{"id":1,
78 "auth_token":"xe7cdb2v278e4evbdf5vs04v832v0efvcbcve4a3","method":"pull", "args":{"repo":"CPython"}}'
80 Provide those parameters:
81 - **id** A value of any type, which is used to match the response with the
82 request that it is replying to.
83 - **auth_token** for access and permission validation.
84 - **method** is name of method to call
85 - **args** is an ``key:value`` list of arguments to pass to method
87 .. note::
89 To get your |authtoken|, from the |RCE| interface,
90 go to:
91 :menuselection:`username --> My account --> Auth tokens`
93 For security reasons you should always create a dedicated |authtoken| for
94 API use only.
97 The |RCE| API will always return a JSON-RPC response:
99 .. code-block:: bash
101 {
102 "id": <id>, # matching id sent by request
103 "result": "<result>"|null, # JSON formatted result, null if any errors
104 "error": "null"|<error_message> # JSON formatted error (if any)
105 }
107 All responses from API will be with `HTTP/1.0 200 OK` status code.
108 If there is an error when calling the API, the *error* key will contain a
109 failure description and the *result* will be `null`.
112 ----------
114 To install the |RCE| API, see :ref:`install-tools`. To configure the API per
115 instance, see the :ref:`rc-tools` section as you need to configure a
116 :file:`~/.rhoderc` file with your |authtokens|.
118 Once you have set up your instance API access, use the following examples to
119 get started.
121 .. code-block:: bash
123 # Getting the 'rhodecode' repository
124 # from a RhodeCode Enterprise instance
125 rhodecode-api --instance-name=enterprise-1 get_repo repoid:rhodecode
127 Calling method get_repo =>
128 Server response
129 {
130 <json data>
131 }
133 # Creating a new mercurial repository called 'brand-new'
134 # with a description 'Repo-description'
135 rhodecode-api --instance-name=enterprise-1 create_repo repo_name:brand-new repo_type:hg description:Repo-description
136 {
137 "error": null,
138 "id": 1110,
139 "result": {
140 "msg": "Created new repository `brand-new`",
141 "success": true,
142 "task": null
143 }
144 }
146 A broken example, what not to do.
148 .. code-block:: bash
150 # A call missing the required arguments
151 # and not specifying the instance
152 rhodecode-api get_repo
154 Calling method get_repo =>
155 Server response
156 "Missing non optional `repoid` arg in JSON DATA"
158 You can specify pure JSON using the ``--format`` parameter.
160 .. code-block:: bash
162 rhodecode-api --format=json get_repo repoid:rhodecode
164 In such case only output that this function shows is pure JSON, we can use that
165 and pipe output to some json formatter.
167 If output is in pure JSON format, you can pipe output to a JSON formatter.
169 .. code-block:: bash
171 rhodecode-api --instance-name=enterprise-1 --format=json get_repo repoid:rhodecode | python -m json.tool
174 -----------
176 Each method by default required following arguments.
178 .. code-block:: bash
180 id : "<id_for_response>"
181 auth_token : "<auth_token>"
182 method : "<method name>"
183 args : {}
185 Use each **param** from docs and put it in args, Optional parameters
186 are not required in args.
188 .. code-block:: bash
190 args: {"repoid": "rhodecode"}
192 .. Note: From this point on things are generated by the script in
193 `scripts/fabfile.py`. To change things below, update the docstrings in the
194 ApiController.
196 .. --- API DEFS MARKER ---
198 pull
199 ----
201 .. py:function:: pull(apiuser, repoid)
203 Triggers a pull on the given repository from a remote location. You
204 can use this to keep remote repositories up-to-date.
206 This command can only be run using an |authtoken| with admin
207 rights to the specified repository. For more information,
208 see :ref:`config-token-ref`.
210 This command takes the following options:
212 :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|.
213 :type apiuser: AuthUser
214 :param repoid: The repository name or repository ID.
215 :type repoid: str or int
217 Example output:
219 .. code-block:: bash
221 id : <id_given_in_input>
222 result : {
223 "msg": "Pulled from `<repository name>`"
224 "repository": "<repository name>"
225 }
226 error : null
228 Example error output:
230 .. code-block:: bash
232 id : <id_given_in_input>
233 result : null
234 error : {
235 "Unable to pull changes from `<reponame>`"
236 }
239 strip
240 -----
242 .. py:function:: strip(apiuser, repoid, revision, branch)
244 Strips the given revision from the specified repository.
246 * This will remove the revision and all of its decendants.
248 This command can only be run using an |authtoken| with admin rights to
249 the specified repository.
251 This command takes the following options:
253 :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|.
254 :type apiuser: AuthUser
255 :param repoid: The repository name or repository ID.
256 :type repoid: str or int
257 :param revision: The revision you wish to strip.
258 :type revision: str
259 :param branch: The branch from which to strip the revision.
260 :type branch: str
262 Example output:
264 .. code-block:: bash
266 id : <id_given_in_input>
267 result : {
268 "msg": "'Stripped commit <commit_hash> from repo `<repository name>`'"
269 "repository": "<repository name>"
270 }
271 error : null
273 Example error output:
275 .. code-block:: bash
277 id : <id_given_in_input>
278 result : null
279 error : {
280 "Unable to strip commit <commit_hash> from repo `<repository name>`"
281 }
284 rescan_repos
285 ------------
287 .. py:function:: rescan_repos(apiuser, remove_obsolete=<Optional:False>)
289 Triggers a rescan of the specified repositories.
291 * If the ``remove_obsolete`` option is set, it also deletes repositories
292 that are found in the database but not on the file system, so called
293 "clean zombies".
295 This command can only be run using an |authtoken| with admin rights to
296 the specified repository.
298 This command takes the following options:
300 :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|.
301 :type apiuser: AuthUser
302 :param remove_obsolete: Deletes repositories from the database that
303 are not found on the filesystem.
304 :type remove_obsolete: Optional(``True`` | ``False``)
306 Example output:
308 .. code-block:: bash
310 id : <id_given_in_input>
311 result : {
312 'added': [<added repository name>,...]
313 'removed': [<removed repository name>,...]
314 }
315 error : null
317 Example error output:
319 .. code-block:: bash
321 id : <id_given_in_input>
322 result : null
323 error : {
324 'Error occurred during rescan repositories action'
325 }
328 invalidate_cache
329 ----------------
331 .. py:function:: invalidate_cache(apiuser, repoid, delete_keys=<Optional:False>)
333 Invalidates the cache for the specified repository.
335 This command can only be run using an |authtoken| with admin rights to
336 the specified repository.
338 This command takes the following options:
340 :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from |authtoken|.
341 :type apiuser: AuthUser
342 :param repoid: Sets the repository name or repository ID.
343 :type repoid: str or int
344 :param delete_keys: This deletes the invalidated keys instead of
345 just flagging them.
346 :type delete_keys: Optional(``True`` | ``False``)
348 Example output:
350 .. code-block:: bash
352 id : <id_given_in_input>
353 result : {
354 'msg': Cache for repository `<repository name>` was invalidated,
355 'repository': <repository name>
356 }
357 error : null
359 Example error output:
361 .. code-block:: bash
363 id : <id_given_in_input>
364 result : null
365 error : {
366 'Error occurred during cache invalidation action'
367 }
370 lock
371 ----
373 .. py:function:: lock(apiuser, repoid, locked=<Optional:None>, userid=<Optional:<OptionalAttr:apiuser>>)
375 Sets the lock state of the specified |repo| by the given user.
376 From more information, see :ref:`repo-locking`.
378 * If the ``userid`` option is not set, the repository is locked to the
379 user who called the method.
380 * If the ``locked`` parameter is not set, the current lock state of the
381 repository is displayed.
383 This command can only be run using an |authtoken| with admin rights to
384 the specified repository.
386 This command takes the following options:
388 :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|.
389 :type apiuser: AuthUser
390 :param repoid: Sets the repository name or repository ID.
391 :type repoid: str or int
392 :param locked: Sets the lock state.
393 :type locked: Optional(``True`` | ``False``)
394 :param userid: Set the repository lock to this user.
395 :type userid: Optional(str or int)
397 Example error output:
399 .. code-block:: bash
401 id : <id_given_in_input>
402 result : {
403 'repo': '<reponame>',
404 'locked': <bool: lock state>,
405 'locked_since': <int: lock timestamp>,
406 'locked_by': <username of person who made the lock>,
407 'lock_reason': <str: reason for locking>,
408 'lock_state_changed': <bool: True if lock state has been changed in this request>,
409 'msg': 'Repo `<reponame>` locked by `<username>` on <timestamp>.'
410 or
411 'msg': 'Repo `<repository name>` not locked.'
412 or
413 'msg': 'User `<user name>` set lock state for repo `<repository name>` to `<new lock state>`'
414 }
415 error : null
417 Example error output:
419 .. code-block:: bash
421 id : <id_given_in_input>
422 result : null
423 error : {
424 'Error occurred locking repository `<reponame>`
425 }
428 get_locks
429 ---------
431 .. py:function:: get_locks(apiuser, userid=<Optional:<OptionalAttr:apiuser>>)
433 Displays all repositories locked by the specified user.
435 * If this command is run by a non-admin user, it returns
436 a list of |repos| locked by that user.
438 This command takes the following options:
440 :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|.
441 :type apiuser: AuthUser
442 :param userid: Sets the userid whose list of locked |repos| will be
443 displayed.
444 :type userid: Optional(str or int)
446 Example output:
448 .. code-block:: bash
450 id : <id_given_in_input>
451 result : {
452 [repo_object, repo_object,...]
453 }
454 error : null
457 get_ip
458 ------
460 .. py:function:: get_ip(apiuser, userid=<Optional:<OptionalAttr:apiuser>>)
462 Displays the IP Address as seen from the |RCE| server.
464 * This command displays the IP Address, as well as all the defined IP
465 addresses for the specified user. If the ``userid`` is not set, the
466 data returned is for the user calling the method.
468 This command can only be run using an |authtoken| with admin rights to
469 the specified repository.
471 This command takes the following options:
473 :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from |authtoken|.
474 :type apiuser: AuthUser
475 :param userid: Sets the userid for which associated IP Address data
476 is returned.
477 :type userid: Optional(str or int)
479 Example output:
481 .. code-block:: bash
483 id : <id_given_in_input>
484 result : {
485 "server_ip_addr": "<ip_from_clien>",
486 "user_ips": [
487 {
488 "ip_addr": "<ip_with_mask>",
489 "ip_range": ["<start_ip>", "<end_ip>"],
490 },
491 ...
492 ]
493 }
496 show_ip
497 -------
499 .. py:function:: show_ip(apiuser, userid=<Optional:<OptionalAttr:apiuser>>)
501 Displays the IP Address as seen from the |RCE| server.
503 * This command displays the IP Address, as well as all the defined IP
504 addresses for the specified user. If the ``userid`` is not set, the
505 data returned is for the user calling the method.
507 This command can only be run using an |authtoken| with admin rights to
508 the specified repository.
510 This command takes the following options:
512 :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from |authtoken|.
513 :type apiuser: AuthUser
514 :param userid: Sets the userid for which associated IP Address data
515 is returned.
516 :type userid: Optional(str or int)
518 Example output:
520 .. code-block:: bash
522 id : <id_given_in_input>
523 result : {
524 "server_ip_addr": "<ip_from_clien>",
525 "user_ips": [
526 {
527 "ip_addr": "<ip_with_mask>",
528 "ip_range": ["<start_ip>", "<end_ip>"],
529 },
530 ...
531 ]
532 }
535 get_license_info
536 ----------------
538 .. py:function:: get_license_info(apiuser)
540 Returns the |RCE| license information.
542 :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|.
543 :type apiuser: AuthUser
545 Example output:
547 .. code-block:: bash
549 id : <id_given_in_input>
550 result : {
551 'rhodecode_version': <rhodecode version>,
552 'token': <license token>,
553 'issued_to': <license owner>,
554 'issued_on': <license issue date>,
555 'expires_on': <license expiration date>,
556 'type': <license type>,
557 'users_limit': <license users limit>,
558 'key': <license key>
559 }
560 error : null
563 set_license_key
564 ---------------
566 .. py:function:: set_license_key(apiuser, key)
568 Sets the |RCE| license key.
570 :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|.
571 :type apiuser: AuthUser
572 :param key: This is the license key to be set.
573 :type key: str
575 Example output:
577 .. code-block:: bash
579 id : <id_given_in_input>
580 result: {
581 "msg" : "updated license information",
582 "key": <key>
583 }
584 error: null
586 Example error output:
588 .. code-block:: bash
590 id : <id_given_in_input>
591 result : null
592 error : {
593 "license key is not valid"
594 or
595 "trial licenses cannot be uploaded"
596 or
597 "error occurred while updating license"
598 }
601 get_server_info
602 ---------------
604 .. py:function:: get_server_info(apiuser)
606 Returns the |RCE| server information.
608 This includes the running version of |RCE| and all installed
609 packages. This command takes the following options:
611 :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|.
612 :type apiuser: AuthUser
614 Example output:
616 .. code-block:: bash
618 id : <id_given_in_input>
619 result : {
620 'modules': [<module name>,...]
621 'py_version': <python version>,
622 'platform': <platform type>,
623 'rhodecode_version': <rhodecode version>
624 }
625 error : null
628 get_user
629 --------
631 .. py:function:: get_user(apiuser, userid=<Optional:<OptionalAttr:apiuser>>)
633 Returns the information associated with a username or userid.
635 * If the ``userid`` is not set, this command returns the information
636 for the ``userid`` calling the method.
638 .. note::
640 Normal users may only run this command against their ``userid``. For
641 full privileges you must run this command using an |authtoken| with
642 admin rights.
644 This command takes the following options:
646 :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|.
647 :type apiuser: AuthUser
648 :param userid: Sets the userid for which data will be returned.
649 :type userid: Optional(str or int)
651 Example output:
653 .. code-block:: bash
655 {
656 "error": null,
657 "id": <id>,
658 "result": {
659 "active": true,
660 "admin": false,
661 "api_key": "api-key",
662 "api_keys": [ list of keys ],
663 "email": "user@example.com",
664 "emails": [
665 "user@example.com"
666 ],
667 "extern_name": "rhodecode",
668 "extern_type": "rhodecode",
669 "firstname": "username",
670 "ip_addresses": [],
671 "language": null,
672 "last_login": "Timestamp",
673 "lastname": "surnae",
674 "permissions": {
675 "global": [
676 "hg.inherit_default_perms.true",
677 "usergroup.read",
678 "hg.repogroup.create.false",
679 "hg.create.none",
680 "hg.extern_activate.manual",
681 "hg.create.write_on_repogroup.false",
682 "hg.usergroup.create.false",
683 "group.none",
684 "repository.none",
685 "hg.register.none",
686 "hg.fork.repository"
687 ],
688 "repositories": { "username/example": "repository.write"},
689 "repositories_groups": { "user-group/repo": "group.none" },
690 "user_groups": { "user_group_name": "usergroup.read" }
691 },
692 "user_id": 32,
693 "username": "username"
694 }
695 }
698 get_users
699 ---------
701 .. py:function:: get_users(apiuser)
703 Lists all users in the |RCE| user database.
705 This command can only be run using an |authtoken| with admin rights to
706 the specified repository.
708 This command takes the following options:
710 :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|.
711 :type apiuser: AuthUser
713 Example output:
715 .. code-block:: bash
717 id : <id_given_in_input>
718 result: [<user_object>, ...]
719 error: null
722 create_user
723 -----------
725 .. py:function:: create_user(apiuser, username, email, password=<Optional:''>, firstname=<Optional:''>, lastname=<Optional:''>, active=<Optional:True>, admin=<Optional:False>, extern_name=<Optional:'rhodecode'>, extern_type=<Optional:'rhodecode'>, force_password_change=<Optional:False>)
727 Creates a new user and returns the new user object.
729 This command can only be run using an |authtoken| with admin rights to
730 the specified repository.
732 This command takes the following options:
734 :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|.
735 :type apiuser: AuthUser
736 :param username: Set the new username.
737 :type username: str or int
738 :param email: Set the user email address.
739 :type email: str
740 :param password: Set the new user password.
741 :type password: Optional(str)
742 :param firstname: Set the new user firstname.
743 :type firstname: Optional(str)
744 :param lastname: Set the new user surname.
745 :type lastname: Optional(str)
746 :param active: Set the user as active.
747 :type active: Optional(``True`` | ``False``)
748 :param admin: Give the new user admin rights.
749 :type admin: Optional(``True`` | ``False``)
750 :param extern_name: Set the authentication plugin name.
751 Using LDAP this is filled with LDAP UID.
752 :type extern_name: Optional(str)
753 :param extern_type: Set the new user authentication plugin.
754 :type extern_type: Optional(str)
755 :param force_password_change: Force the new user to change password
756 on next login.
757 :type force_password_change: Optional(``True`` | ``False``)
759 Example output:
761 .. code-block:: bash
763 id : <id_given_in_input>
764 result: {
765 "msg" : "created new user `<username>`",
766 "user": <user_obj>
767 }
768 error: null
770 Example error output:
772 .. code-block:: bash
774 id : <id_given_in_input>
775 result : null
776 error : {
777 "user `<username>` already exist"
778 or
779 "email `<email>` already exist"
780 or
781 "failed to create user `<username>`"
782 }
785 update_user
786 -----------
788 .. py:function:: update_user(apiuser, userid, username=<Optional:None>, email=<Optional:None>, password=<Optional:None>, firstname=<Optional:None>, lastname=<Optional:None>, active=<Optional:None>, admin=<Optional:None>, extern_type=<Optional:None>, extern_name=<Optional:None>)
790 Updates the details for the specified user, if that user exists.
792 This command can only be run using an |authtoken| with admin rights to
793 the specified repository.
795 This command takes the following options:
797 :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from |authtoken|.
798 :type apiuser: AuthUser
799 :param userid: Set the ``userid`` to update.
800 :type userid: str or int
801 :param username: Set the new username.
802 :type username: str or int
803 :param email: Set the new email.
804 :type email: str
805 :param password: Set the new password.
806 :type password: Optional(str)
807 :param firstname: Set the new first name.
808 :type firstname: Optional(str)
809 :param lastname: Set the new surname.
810 :type lastname: Optional(str)
811 :param active: Set the new user as active.
812 :type active: Optional(``True`` | ``False``)
813 :param admin: Give the user admin rights.
814 :type admin: Optional(``True`` | ``False``)
815 :param extern_name: Set the authentication plugin user name.
816 Using LDAP this is filled with LDAP UID.
817 :type extern_name: Optional(str)
818 :param extern_type: Set the authentication plugin type.
819 :type extern_type: Optional(str)
822 Example output:
824 .. code-block:: bash
826 id : <id_given_in_input>
827 result: {
828 "msg" : "updated user ID:<userid> <username>",
829 "user": <user_object>,
830 }
831 error: null
833 Example error output:
835 .. code-block:: bash
837 id : <id_given_in_input>
838 result : null
839 error : {
840 "failed to update user `<username>`"
841 }
844 delete_user
845 -----------
847 .. py:function:: delete_user(apiuser, userid)
849 Deletes the specified user from the |RCE| user database.
851 This command can only be run using an |authtoken| with admin rights to
852 the specified repository.
854 .. important::
856 Ensure all open pull requests and open code review
857 requests to this user are close.
859 Also ensure all repositories, or repository groups owned by this
860 user are reassigned before deletion.
862 This command takes the following options:
864 :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|.
865 :type apiuser: AuthUser
866 :param userid: Set the user to delete.
867 :type userid: str or int
869 Example output:
871 .. code-block:: bash
873 id : <id_given_in_input>
874 result: {
875 "msg" : "deleted user ID:<userid> <username>",
876 "user": null
877 }
878 error: null
880 Example error output:
882 .. code-block:: bash
884 id : <id_given_in_input>
885 result : null
886 error : {
887 "failed to delete user ID:<userid> <username>"
888 }
891 get_user_group
892 --------------
894 .. py:function:: get_user_group(apiuser, usergroupid)
896 Returns the data of an existing user group.
898 This command can only be run using an |authtoken| with admin rights to
899 the specified repository.
901 :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|.
902 :type apiuser: AuthUser
903 :param usergroupid: Set the user group from which to return data.
904 :type usergroupid: str or int
906 Example error output:
908 .. code-block:: bash
910 {
911 "error": null,
912 "id": <id>,
913 "result": {
914 "active": true,
915 "group_description": "group description",
916 "group_name": "group name",
917 "members": [
918 {
919 "name": "owner-name",
920 "origin": "owner",
921 "permission": "usergroup.admin",
922 "type": "user"
923 },
924 {
925 {
926 "name": "user name",
927 "origin": "permission",
928 "permission": "usergroup.admin",
929 "type": "user"
930 },
931 {
932 "name": "user group name",
933 "origin": "permission",
934 "permission": "usergroup.write",
935 "type": "user_group"
936 }
937 ],
938 "owner": "owner name",
939 "users": [],
940 "users_group_id": 2
941 }
942 }
945 get_user_groups
946 ---------------
948 .. py:function:: get_user_groups(apiuser)
950 Lists all the existing user groups within RhodeCode.
952 This command can only be run using an |authtoken| with admin rights to
953 the specified repository.
955 This command takes the following options:
957 :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|.
958 :type apiuser: AuthUser
960 Example error output:
962 .. code-block:: bash
964 id : <id_given_in_input>
965 result : [<user_group_obj>,...]
966 error : null
969 create_user_group
970 -----------------
972 .. py:function:: create_user_group(apiuser, group_name, description=<Optional:''>, owner=<Optional:<OptionalAttr:apiuser>>, active=<Optional:True>)
974 Creates a new user group.
976 This command can only be run using an |authtoken| with admin rights to
977 the specified repository.
979 This command takes the following options:
981 :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|.
982 :type apiuser: AuthUser
983 :param group_name: Set the name of the new user group.
984 :type group_name: str
985 :param description: Give a description of the new user group.
986 :type description: str
987 :param owner: Set the owner of the new user group.
988 If not set, the owner is the |authtoken| user.
989 :type owner: Optional(str or int)
990 :param active: Set this group as active.
991 :type active: Optional(``True`` | ``False``)
993 Example output:
995 .. code-block:: bash
997 id : <id_given_in_input>
998 result: {
999 "msg": "created new user group `<groupname>`",
1000 "user_group": <user_group_object>
1001 }
1002 error: null
1004 Example error output:
1006 .. code-block:: bash
1008 id : <id_given_in_input>
1009 result : null
1010 error : {
1011 "user group `<group name>` already exist"
1012 or
1013 "failed to create group `<group name>`"
1014 }
1017 update_user_group
1018 -----------------
1020 .. py:function:: update_user_group(apiuser, usergroupid, group_name=<Optional:''>, description=<Optional:''>, owner=<Optional:None>, active=<Optional:True>)
1022 Updates the specified `user group` with the details provided.
1024 This command can only be run using an |authtoken| with admin rights to
1025 the specified repository.
1027 :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|.
1028 :type apiuser: AuthUser
1029 :param usergroupid: Set the id of the `user group` to update.
1030 :type usergroupid: str or int
1031 :param group_name: Set the new name the `user group`
1032 :type group_name: str
1033 :param description: Give a description for the `user group`
1034 :type description: str
1035 :param owner: Set the owner of the `user group`.
1036 :type owner: Optional(str or int)
1037 :param active: Set the group as active.
1038 :type active: Optional(``True`` | ``False``)
1040 Example output:
1042 .. code-block:: bash
1044 id : <id_given_in_input>
1045 result : {
1046 "msg": 'updated user group ID:<user group id> <user group name>',
1047 "user_group": <user_group_object>
1048 }
1049 error : null
1051 Example error output:
1053 .. code-block:: bash
1055 id : <id_given_in_input>
1056 result : null
1057 error : {
1058 "failed to update user group `<user group name>`"
1059 }
1062 delete_user_group
1063 -----------------
1065 .. py:function:: delete_user_group(apiuser, usergroupid)
1067 Deletes the specified `user group`.
1069 This command can only be run using an |authtoken| with admin rights to
1070 the specified repository.
1072 This command takes the following options:
1074 :param apiuser: filled automatically from apikey
1075 :type apiuser: AuthUser
1076 :param usergroupid:
1077 :type usergroupid: int
1079 Example output:
1081 .. code-block:: bash
1083 id : <id_given_in_input>
1084 result : {
1085 "msg": "deleted user group ID:<user_group_id> <user_group_name>"
1086 }
1087 error : null
1089 Example error output:
1091 .. code-block:: bash
1093 id : <id_given_in_input>
1094 result : null
1095 error : {
1096 "failed to delete user group ID:<user_group_id> <user_group_name>"
1097 or
1098 "RepoGroup assigned to <repo_groups_list>"
1099 }
1102 add_user_to_user_group
1103 ----------------------
1105 .. py:function:: add_user_to_user_group(apiuser, usergroupid, userid)
1107 Adds a user to a `user group`. If the user already exists in the group
1108 this command will return false.
1110 This command can only be run using an |authtoken| with admin rights to
1111 the specified user group.
1113 This command takes the following options:
1115 :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|.
1116 :type apiuser: AuthUser
1117 :param usergroupid: Set the name of the `user group` to which a
1118 user will be added.
1119 :type usergroupid: int
1120 :param userid: Set the `user_id` of the user to add to the group.
1121 :type userid: int
1123 Example output:
1125 .. code-block:: bash
1127 id : <id_given_in_input>
1128 result : {
1129 "success": True|False # depends on if member is in group
1130 "msg": "added member `<username>` to user group `<groupname>` |
1131 User is already in that group"
1133 }
1134 error : null
1136 Example error output:
1138 .. code-block:: bash
1140 id : <id_given_in_input>
1141 result : null
1142 error : {
1143 "failed to add member to user group `<user_group_name>`"
1144 }
1147 remove_user_from_user_group
1148 ---------------------------
1150 .. py:function:: remove_user_from_user_group(apiuser, usergroupid, userid)
1152 Removes a user from a user group.
1154 * If the specified user is not in the group, this command will return
1155 `false`.
1157 This command can only be run using an |authtoken| with admin rights to
1158 the specified user group.
1160 :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|.
1161 :type apiuser: AuthUser
1162 :param usergroupid: Sets the user group name.
1163 :type usergroupid: str or int
1164 :param userid: The user you wish to remove from |RCE|.
1165 :type userid: str or int
1167 Example output:
1169 .. code-block:: bash
1171 id : <id_given_in_input>
1172 result: {
1173 "success": True|False, # depends on if member is in group
1174 "msg": "removed member <username> from user group <groupname> |
1175 User wasn't in group"
1176 }
1177 error: null
1180 grant_user_permission_to_user_group
1181 -----------------------------------
1183 .. py:function:: grant_user_permission_to_user_group(apiuser, usergroupid, userid, perm)
1185 Set permissions for a user in a user group.
1187 :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|.
1188 :type apiuser: AuthUser
1189 :param usergroupid: Set the user group to edit permissions on.
1190 :type usergroupid: str or int
1191 :param userid: Set the user from whom you wish to set permissions.
1192 :type userid: str
1193 :param perm: (usergroup.(none|read|write|admin))
1194 :type perm: str
1196 Example output:
1198 .. code-block:: bash
1200 id : <id_given_in_input>
1201 result : {
1202 "msg": "Granted perm: `<perm_name>` for user: `<username>` in user group: `<user_group_name>`",
1203 "success": true
1204 }
1205 error : null
1208 revoke_user_permission_from_user_group
1209 --------------------------------------
1211 .. py:function:: revoke_user_permission_from_user_group(apiuser, usergroupid, userid)
1213 Revoke a users permissions in a user group.
1215 :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|.
1216 :type apiuser: AuthUser
1217 :param usergroupid: Set the user group from which to revoke the user
1218 permissions.
1219 :type: usergroupid: str or int
1220 :param userid: Set the userid of the user whose permissions will be
1221 revoked.
1222 :type userid: str
1224 Example output:
1226 .. code-block:: bash
1228 id : <id_given_in_input>
1229 result : {
1230 "msg": "Revoked perm for user: `<username>` in user group: `<user_group_name>`",
1231 "success": true
1232 }
1233 error : null
1236 grant_user_group_permission_to_user_group
1237 -----------------------------------------
1239 .. py:function:: grant_user_group_permission_to_user_group(apiuser, usergroupid, sourceusergroupid, perm)
1241 Give one user group permissions to another user group.
1243 :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|.
1244 :type apiuser: AuthUser
1245 :param usergroupid: Set the user group on which to edit permissions.
1246 :type usergroupid: str or int
1247 :param sourceusergroupid: Set the source user group to which
1248 access/permissions will be granted.
1249 :type sourceusergroupid: str or int
1250 :param perm: (usergroup.(none|read|write|admin))
1251 :type perm: str
1253 Example output:
1255 .. code-block:: bash
1257 id : <id_given_in_input>
1258 result : {
1259 "msg": "Granted perm: `<perm_name>` for user group: `<source_user_group_name>` in user group: `<user_group_name>`",
1260 "success": true
1261 }
1262 error : null
1265 revoke_user_group_permission_from_user_group
1266 --------------------------------------------
1268 .. py:function:: revoke_user_group_permission_from_user_group(apiuser, usergroupid, sourceusergroupid)
1270 Revoke the permissions that one user group has to another.
1272 :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|.
1273 :type apiuser: AuthUser
1274 :param usergroupid: Set the user group on which to edit permissions.
1275 :type usergroupid: str or int
1276 :param sourceusergroupid: Set the user group from which permissions
1277 are revoked.
1278 :type sourceusergroupid: str or int
1280 Example output:
1282 .. code-block:: bash
1284 id : <id_given_in_input>
1285 result : {
1286 "msg": "Revoked perm for user group: `<user_group_name>` in user group: `<target_user_group_name>`",
1287 "success": true
1288 }
1289 error : null
1292 get_pull_request
1293 ----------------
1295 .. py:function:: get_pull_request(apiuser, repoid, pullrequestid)
1297 Get a pull request based on the given ID.
1299 :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|.
1300 :type apiuser: AuthUser
1301 :param repoid: Repository name or repository ID from where the pull
1302 request was opened.
1303 :type repoid: str or int
1304 :param pullrequestid: ID of the requested pull request.
1305 :type pullrequestid: int
1307 Example output:
1309 .. code-block:: bash
1311 "id": <id_given_in_input>,
1312 "result":
1313 {
1314 "pull_request_id": "<pull_request_id>",
1315 "url": "<url>",
1316 "title": "<title>",
1317 "description": "<description>",
1318 "status" : "<status>",
1319 "created_on": "<date_time_created>",
1320 "updated_on": "<date_time_updated>",
1321 "commit_ids": [
1322 ...
1323 "<commit_id>",
1324 "<commit_id>",
1325 ...
1326 ],
1327 "review_status": "<review_status>",
1328 "mergeable": {
1329 "status": "<bool>",
1330 "message": "<message>",
1331 },
1332 "source": {
1333 "clone_url": "<clone_url>",
1334 "repository": "<repository_name>",
1335 "reference":
1336 {
1337 "name": "<name>",
1338 "type": "<type>",
1339 "commit_id": "<commit_id>",
1340 }
1341 },
1342 "target": {
1343 "clone_url": "<clone_url>",
1344 "repository": "<repository_name>",
1345 "reference":
1346 {
1347 "name": "<name>",
1348 "type": "<type>",
1349 "commit_id": "<commit_id>",
1350 }
1351 },
1352 "author": <user_obj>,
1353 "reviewers": [
1354 ...
1355 {
1356 "user": "<user_obj>",
1357 "review_status": "<review_status>",
1358 }
1359 ...
1360 ]
1361 },
1362 "error": null
1365 get_pull_requests
1366 -----------------
1368 .. py:function:: get_pull_requests(apiuser, repoid, status=<Optional:'new'>)
1370 Get all pull requests from the repository specified in `repoid`.
1372 :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|.
1373 :type apiuser: AuthUser
1374 :param repoid: Repository name or repository ID.
1375 :type repoid: str or int
1376 :param status: Only return pull requests with the specified status.
1377 Valid options are.
1378 * ``new`` (default)
1379 * ``open``
1380 * ``closed``
1381 :type status: str
1383 Example output:
1385 .. code-block:: bash
1387 "id": <id_given_in_input>,
1388 "result":
1389 [
1390 ...
1391 {
1392 "pull_request_id": "<pull_request_id>",
1393 "url": "<url>",
1394 "title" : "<title>",
1395 "description": "<description>",
1396 "status": "<status>",
1397 "created_on": "<date_time_created>",
1398 "updated_on": "<date_time_updated>",
1399 "commit_ids": [
1400 ...
1401 "<commit_id>",
1402 "<commit_id>",
1403 ...
1404 ],
1405 "review_status": "<review_status>",
1406 "mergeable": {
1407 "status": "<bool>",
1408 "message: "<message>",
1409 },
1410 "source": {
1411 "clone_url": "<clone_url>",
1412 "reference":
1413 {
1414 "name": "<name>",
1415 "type": "<type>",
1416 "commit_id": "<commit_id>",
1417 }
1418 },
1419 "target": {
1420 "clone_url": "<clone_url>",
1421 "reference":
1422 {
1423 "name": "<name>",
1424 "type": "<type>",
1425 "commit_id": "<commit_id>",
1426 }
1427 },
1428 "author": <user_obj>,
1429 "reviewers": [
1430 ...
1431 {
1432 "user": "<user_obj>",
1433 "review_status": "<review_status>",
1434 }
1435 ...
1436 ]
1437 }
1438 ...
1439 ],
1440 "error": null
1443 merge_pull_request
1444 ------------------
1446 .. py:function:: merge_pull_request(apiuser, repoid, pullrequestid, userid=<Optional:<OptionalAttr:apiuser>>)
1448 Merge the pull request specified by `pullrequestid` into its target
1449 repository.
1451 :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|.
1452 :type apiuser: AuthUser
1453 :param repoid: The Repository name or repository ID of the
1454 target repository to which the |pr| is to be merged.
1455 :type repoid: str or int
1456 :param pullrequestid: ID of the pull request which shall be merged.
1457 :type pullrequestid: int
1458 :param userid: Merge the pull request as this user.
1459 :type userid: Optional(str or int)
1461 Example output:
1463 .. code-block:: bash
1465 "id": <id_given_in_input>,
1466 "result":
1467 {
1468 "executed": "<bool>",
1469 "failure_reason": "<int>",
1470 "merge_commit_id": "<merge_commit_id>",
1471 "possible": "<bool>"
1472 },
1473 "error": null
1476 close_pull_request
1477 ------------------
1479 .. py:function:: close_pull_request(apiuser, repoid, pullrequestid, userid=<Optional:<OptionalAttr:apiuser>>)
1481 Close the pull request specified by `pullrequestid`.
1483 :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|.
1484 :type apiuser: AuthUser
1485 :param repoid: Repository name or repository ID to which the pull
1486 request belongs.
1487 :type repoid: str or int
1488 :param pullrequestid: ID of the pull request to be closed.
1489 :type pullrequestid: int
1490 :param userid: Close the pull request as this user.
1491 :type userid: Optional(str or int)
1493 Example output:
1495 .. code-block:: bash
1497 "id": <id_given_in_input>,
1498 "result":
1499 {
1500 "pull_request_id": "<int>",
1501 "closed": "<bool>"
1502 },
1503 "error": null
1506 comment_pull_request
1507 --------------------
1509 .. py:function:: comment_pull_request(apiuser, repoid, pullrequestid, message=<Optional:None>, status=<Optional:None>, userid=<Optional:<OptionalAttr:apiuser>>)
1511 Comment on the pull request specified with the `pullrequestid`,
1512 in the |repo| specified by the `repoid`, and optionally change the
1513 review status.
1515 :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|.
1516 :type apiuser: AuthUser
1517 :param repoid: The repository name or repository ID.
1518 :type repoid: str or int
1519 :param pullrequestid: The pull request ID.
1520 :type pullrequestid: int
1521 :param message: The text content of the comment.
1522 :type message: str
1523 :param status: (**Optional**) Set the approval status of the pull
1524 request. Valid options are:
1525 * not_reviewed
1526 * approved
1527 * rejected
1528 * under_review
1529 :type status: str
1530 :param userid: Comment on the pull request as this user
1531 :type userid: Optional(str or int)
1533 Example output:
1535 .. code-block:: bash
1537 id : <id_given_in_input>
1538 result :
1539 {
1540 "pull_request_id": "<Integer>",
1541 "comment_id": "<Integer>"
1542 }
1543 error : null
1546 create_pull_request
1547 -------------------
1549 .. py:function:: create_pull_request(apiuser, source_repo, target_repo, source_ref, target_ref, title, description=<Optional:''>, reviewers=<Optional:None>)
1551 Creates a new pull request.
1553 Accepts refs in the following formats:
1555 * branch:<branch_name>:<sha>
1556 * branch:<branch_name>
1557 * bookmark:<bookmark_name>:<sha> (Mercurial only)
1558 * bookmark:<bookmark_name> (Mercurial only)
1560 :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|.
1561 :type apiuser: AuthUser
1562 :param source_repo: Set the source repository name.
1563 :type source_repo: str
1564 :param target_repo: Set the target repository name.
1565 :type target_repo: str
1566 :param source_ref: Set the source ref name.
1567 :type source_ref: str
1568 :param target_ref: Set the target ref name.
1569 :type target_ref: str
1570 :param title: Set the pull request title.
1571 :type title: str
1572 :param description: Set the pull request description.
1573 :type description: Optional(str)
1574 :param reviewers: Set the new pull request reviewers list.
1575 :type reviewers: Optional(list)
1578 update_pull_request
1579 -------------------
1581 .. py:function:: update_pull_request(apiuser, repoid, pullrequestid, title=<Optional:''>, description=<Optional:''>, reviewers=<Optional:None>, update_commits=<Optional:None>, close_pull_request=<Optional:None>)
1583 Updates a pull request.
1585 :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|.
1586 :type apiuser: AuthUser
1587 :param repoid: The repository name or repository ID.
1588 :type repoid: str or int
1589 :param pullrequestid: The pull request ID.
1590 :type pullrequestid: int
1591 :param title: Set the pull request title.
1592 :type title: str
1593 :param description: Update pull request description.
1594 :type description: Optional(str)
1595 :param reviewers: Update pull request reviewers list with new value.
1596 :type reviewers: Optional(list)
1597 :param update_commits: Trigger update of commits for this pull request
1598 :type: update_commits: Optional(bool)
1599 :param close_pull_request: Close this pull request with rejected state
1600 :type: close_pull_request: Optional(bool)
1602 Example output:
1604 .. code-block:: bash
1606 id : <id_given_in_input>
1607 result :
1608 {
1609 "msg": "Updated pull request `63`",
1610 "pull_request": <pull_request_object>,
1611 "updated_reviewers": {
1612 "added": [
1613 "username"
1614 ],
1615 "removed": []
1616 },
1617 "updated_commits": {
1618 "added": [
1619 "<sha1_hash>"
1620 ],
1621 "common": [
1622 "<sha1_hash>",
1623 "<sha1_hash>",
1624 ],
1625 "removed": []
1626 }
1627 }
1628 error : null
1631 get_repo
1632 --------
1634 .. py:function:: get_repo(apiuser, repoid, cache=<Optional:True>)
1636 Gets an existing repository by its name or repository_id.
1638 The members section so the output returns users groups or users
1639 associated with that repository.
1641 This command can only be run using an |authtoken| with admin rights,
1642 or users with at least read rights to the |repo|.
1644 :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|.
1645 :type apiuser: AuthUser
1646 :param repoid: The repository name or repository id.
1647 :type repoid: str or int
1648 :param cache: use the cached value for last changeset
1649 :type: cache: Optional(bool)
1651 Example output:
1653 .. code-block:: bash
1655 {
1656 "error": null,
1657 "id": <repo_id>,
1658 "result": {
1659 "clone_uri": null,
1660 "created_on": "timestamp",
1661 "description": "repo description",
1662 "enable_downloads": false,
1663 "enable_locking": false,
1664 "enable_statistics": false,
1665 "followers": [
1666 {
1667 "active": true,
1668 "admin": false,
1669 "api_key": "****************************************",
1670 "api_keys": [
1671 "****************************************"
1672 ],
1673 "email": "user@example.com",
1674 "emails": [
1675 "user@example.com"
1676 ],
1677 "extern_name": "rhodecode",
1678 "extern_type": "rhodecode",
1679 "firstname": "username",
1680 "ip_addresses": [],
1681 "language": null,
1682 "last_login": "2015-09-16T17:16:35.854",
1683 "lastname": "surname",
1684 "user_id": <user_id>,
1685 "username": "name"
1686 }
1687 ],
1688 "fork_of": "parent-repo",
1689 "landing_rev": [
1690 "rev",
1691 "tip"
1692 ],
1693 "last_changeset": {
1694 "author": "User <user@example.com>",
1695 "branch": "default",
1696 "date": "timestamp",
1697 "message": "last commit message",
1698 "parents": [
1699 {
1700 "raw_id": "commit-id"
1701 }
1702 ],
1703 "raw_id": "commit-id",
1704 "revision": <revision number>,
1705 "short_id": "short id"
1706 },
1707 "lock_reason": null,
1708 "locked_by": null,
1709 "locked_date": null,
1710 "members": [
1711 {
1712 "name": "super-admin-name",
1713 "origin": "super-admin",
1714 "permission": "repository.admin",
1715 "type": "user"
1716 },
1717 {
1718 "name": "owner-name",
1719 "origin": "owner",
1720 "permission": "repository.admin",
1721 "type": "user"
1722 },
1723 {
1724 "name": "user-group-name",
1725 "origin": "permission",
1726 "permission": "repository.write",
1727 "type": "user_group"
1728 }
1729 ],
1730 "owner": "owner-name",
1731 "permissions": [
1732 {
1733 "name": "super-admin-name",
1734 "origin": "super-admin",
1735 "permission": "repository.admin",
1736 "type": "user"
1737 },
1738 {
1739 "name": "owner-name",
1740 "origin": "owner",
1741 "permission": "repository.admin",
1742 "type": "user"
1743 },
1744 {
1745 "name": "user-group-name",
1746 "origin": "permission",
1747 "permission": "repository.write",
1748 "type": "user_group"
1749 }
1750 ],
1751 "private": true,
1752 "repo_id": 676,
1753 "repo_name": "user-group/repo-name",
1754 "repo_type": "hg"
1755 }
1756 }
1759 get_repos
1760 ---------
1762 .. py:function:: get_repos(apiuser)
1764 Lists all existing repositories.
1766 This command can only be run using an |authtoken| with admin rights,
1767 or users with at least read rights to |repos|.
1769 :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|.
1770 :type apiuser: AuthUser
1772 Example output:
1774 .. code-block:: bash
1776 id : <id_given_in_input>
1777 result: [
1778 {
1779 "repo_id" : "<repo_id>",
1780 "repo_name" : "<reponame>"
1781 "repo_type" : "<repo_type>",
1782 "clone_uri" : "<clone_uri>",
1783 "private": : "<bool>",
1784 "created_on" : "<datetimecreated>",
1785 "description" : "<description>",
1786 "landing_rev": "<landing_rev>",
1787 "owner": "<repo_owner>",
1788 "fork_of": "<name_of_fork_parent>",
1789 "enable_downloads": "<bool>",
1790 "enable_locking": "<bool>",
1791 "enable_statistics": "<bool>",
1792 },
1793 ...
1794 ]
1795 error: null
1798 get_repo_changeset
1799 ------------------
1801 .. py:function:: get_repo_changeset(apiuser, repoid, revision, details=<Optional:'basic'>)
1803 Returns information about a changeset.
1805 Additionally parameters define the amount of details returned by
1806 this function.
1808 This command can only be run using an |authtoken| with admin rights,
1809 or users with at least read rights to the |repo|.
1811 :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|.
1812 :type apiuser: AuthUser
1813 :param repoid: The repository name or repository id
1814 :type repoid: str or int
1815 :param revision: revision for which listing should be done
1816 :type revision: str
1817 :param details: details can be 'basic|extended|full' full gives diff
1818 info details like the diff itself, and number of changed files etc.
1819 :type details: Optional(str)
1822 get_repo_changesets
1823 -------------------
1825 .. py:function:: get_repo_changesets(apiuser, repoid, start_rev, limit, details=<Optional:'basic'>)
1827 Returns a set of changesets limited by the number of commits starting
1828 from the `start_rev` option.
1830 Additional parameters define the amount of details returned by this
1831 function.
1833 This command can only be run using an |authtoken| with admin rights,
1834 or users with at least read rights to |repos|.
1836 :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|.
1837 :type apiuser: AuthUser
1838 :param repoid: The repository name or repository ID.
1839 :type repoid: str or int
1840 :param start_rev: The starting revision from where to get changesets.
1841 :type start_rev: str
1842 :param limit: Limit the number of changesets to this amount
1843 :type limit: str or int
1844 :param details: Set the level of detail returned. Valid option are:
1845 ``basic``, ``extended`` and ``full``.
1846 :type details: Optional(str)
1848 .. note::
1850 Setting the parameter `details` to the value ``full`` is extensive
1851 and returns details like the diff itself, and the number
1852 of changed files.
1855 get_repo_nodes
1856 --------------
1858 .. py:function:: get_repo_nodes(apiuser, repoid, revision, root_path, ret_type=<Optional:'all'>, details=<Optional:'basic'>)
1860 Returns a list of nodes and children in a flat list for a given
1861 path at given revision.
1863 It's possible to specify ret_type to show only `files` or `dirs`.
1865 This command can only be run using an |authtoken| with admin rights,
1866 or users with at least read rights to |repos|.
1868 :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|.
1869 :type apiuser: AuthUser
1870 :param repoid: The repository name or repository ID.
1871 :type repoid: str or int
1872 :param revision: The revision for which listing should be done.
1873 :type revision: str
1874 :param root_path: The path from which to start displaying.
1875 :type root_path: str
1876 :param ret_type: Set the return type. Valid options are
1877 ``all`` (default), ``files`` and ``dirs``.
1878 :type ret_type: Optional(str)
1879 :param details: Returns extended information about nodes, such as
1880 md5, binary, and or content. The valid options are ``basic`` and
1881 ``full``.
1882 :type details: Optional(str)
1884 Example output:
1886 .. code-block:: bash
1888 id : <id_given_in_input>
1889 result: [
1890 {
1891 "name" : "<name>"
1892 "type" : "<type>",
1893 "binary": "<true|false>" (only in extended mode)
1894 "md5" : "<md5 of file content>" (only in extended mode)
1895 },
1896 ...
1897 ]
1898 error: null
1901 create_repo
1902 -----------
1904 .. py:function:: create_repo(apiuser, repo_name, repo_type, owner=<Optional:<OptionalAttr:apiuser>>, description=<Optional:''>, private=<Optional:False>, clone_uri=<Optional:None>, landing_rev=<Optional:'rev:tip'>, enable_statistics=<Optional:False>, enable_locking=<Optional:False>, enable_downloads=<Optional:False>, copy_permissions=<Optional:False>)
1906 Creates a repository.
1908 * If the repository name contains "/", all the required repository
1909 groups will be created.
1911 For example "foo/bar/baz" will create |repo| groups "foo" and "bar"
1912 (with "foo" as parent). It will also create the "baz" repository
1913 with "bar" as |repo| group.
1915 This command can only be run using an |authtoken| with at least
1916 write permissions to the |repo|.
1918 :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|.
1919 :type apiuser: AuthUser
1920 :param repo_name: Set the repository name.
1921 :type repo_name: str
1922 :param repo_type: Set the repository type; 'hg','git', or 'svn'.
1923 :type repo_type: str
1924 :param owner: user_id or username
1925 :type owner: Optional(str)
1926 :param description: Set the repository description.
1927 :type description: Optional(str)
1928 :param private:
1929 :type private: bool
1930 :param clone_uri:
1931 :type clone_uri: str
1932 :param landing_rev: <rev_type>:<rev>
1933 :type landing_rev: str
1934 :param enable_locking:
1935 :type enable_locking: bool
1936 :param enable_downloads:
1937 :type enable_downloads: bool
1938 :param enable_statistics:
1939 :type enable_statistics: bool
1940 :param copy_permissions: Copy permission from group in which the
1941 repository is being created.
1942 :type copy_permissions: bool
1945 Example output:
1947 .. code-block:: bash
1949 id : <id_given_in_input>
1950 result: {
1951 "msg": "Created new repository `<reponame>`",
1952 "success": true,
1953 "task": "<celery task id or None if done sync>"
1954 }
1955 error: null
1958 Example error output:
1960 .. code-block:: bash
1962 id : <id_given_in_input>
1963 result : null
1964 error : {
1965 'failed to create repository `<repo_name>`
1966 }
1969 add_field_to_repo
1970 -----------------
1972 .. py:function:: add_field_to_repo(apiuser, repoid, key, label=<Optional:''>, description=<Optional:''>)
1974 Adds an extra field to a repository.
1976 This command can only be run using an |authtoken| with at least
1977 write permissions to the |repo|.
1979 :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|.
1980 :type apiuser: AuthUser
1981 :param repoid: Set the repository name or repository id.
1982 :type repoid: str or int
1983 :param key: Create a unique field key for this repository.
1984 :type key: str
1985 :param label:
1986 :type label: Optional(str)
1987 :param description:
1988 :type description: Optional(str)
1991 remove_field_from_repo
1992 ----------------------
1994 .. py:function:: remove_field_from_repo(apiuser, repoid, key)
1996 Removes an extra field from a repository.
1998 This command can only be run using an |authtoken| with at least
1999 write permissions to the |repo|.
2001 :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|.
2002 :type apiuser: AuthUser
2003 :param repoid: Set the repository name or repository ID.
2004 :type repoid: str or int
2005 :param key: Set the unique field key for this repository.
2006 :type key: str
2009 update_repo
2010 -----------
2012 .. py:function:: update_repo(apiuser, repoid, name=<Optional:None>, owner=<Optional:<OptionalAttr:apiuser>>, group=<Optional:None>, fork_of=<Optional:None>, description=<Optional:''>, private=<Optional:False>, clone_uri=<Optional:None>, landing_rev=<Optional:'rev:tip'>, enable_statistics=<Optional:False>, enable_locking=<Optional:False>, enable_downloads=<Optional:False>, fields=<Optional:''>)
2014 Updates a repository with the given information.
2016 This command can only be run using an |authtoken| with at least
2017 write permissions to the |repo|.
2019 :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|.
2020 :type apiuser: AuthUser
2021 :param repoid: repository name or repository ID.
2022 :type repoid: str or int
2023 :param name: Update the |repo| name.
2024 :type name: str
2025 :param owner: Set the |repo| owner.
2026 :type owner: str
2027 :param group: Set the |repo| group the |repo| belongs to.
2028 :type group: str
2029 :param fork_of: Set the master |repo| name.
2030 :type fork_of: str
2031 :param description: Update the |repo| description.
2032 :type description: str
2033 :param private: Set the |repo| as private. (True | False)
2034 :type private: bool
2035 :param clone_uri: Update the |repo| clone URI.
2036 :type clone_uri: str
2037 :param landing_rev: Set the |repo| landing revision. Default is
2038 ``tip``.
2039 :type landing_rev: str
2040 :param enable_statistics: Enable statistics on the |repo|,
2041 (True | False).
2042 :type enable_statistics: bool
2043 :param enable_locking: Enable |repo| locking.
2044 :type enable_locking: bool
2045 :param enable_downloads: Enable downloads from the |repo|,
2046 (True | False).
2047 :type enable_downloads: bool
2048 :param fields: Add extra fields to the |repo|. Use the following
2049 example format: ``field_key=field_val,field_key2=fieldval2``.
2050 Escape ', ' with \,
2051 :type fields: str
2054 fork_repo
2055 ---------
2057 .. py:function:: fork_repo(apiuser, repoid, fork_name, owner=<Optional:<OptionalAttr:apiuser>>, description=<Optional:''>, copy_permissions=<Optional:False>, private=<Optional:False>, landing_rev=<Optional:'rev:tip'>)
2059 Creates a fork of the specified |repo|.
2061 * If using |RCE| with Celery this will immediately return a success
2062 message, even though the fork will be created asynchronously.
2064 This command can only be run using an |authtoken| with fork
2065 permissions on the |repo|.
2067 :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|.
2068 :type apiuser: AuthUser
2069 :param repoid: Set repository name or repository ID.
2070 :type repoid: str or int
2071 :param fork_name: Set the fork name.
2072 :type fork_name: str
2073 :param owner: Set the fork owner.
2074 :type owner: str
2075 :param description: Set the fork descripton.
2076 :type description: str
2077 :param copy_permissions: Copy permissions from parent |repo|. The
2078 default is False.
2079 :type copy_permissions: bool
2080 :param private: Make the fork private. The default is False.
2081 :type private: bool
2082 :param landing_rev: Set the landing revision. The default is tip.
2084 Example output:
2086 .. code-block:: bash
2088 id : <id_for_response>
2089 api_key : "<api_key>"
2090 args: {
2091 "repoid" : "<reponame or repo_id>",
2092 "fork_name": "<forkname>",
2093 "owner": "<username or user_id = Optional(=apiuser)>",
2094 "description": "<description>",
2095 "copy_permissions": "<bool>",
2096 "private": "<bool>",
2097 "landing_rev": "<landing_rev>"
2098 }
2100 Example error output:
2102 .. code-block:: bash
2104 id : <id_given_in_input>
2105 result: {
2106 "msg": "Created fork of `<reponame>` as `<forkname>`",
2107 "success": true,
2108 "task": "<celery task id or None if done sync>"
2109 }
2110 error: null
2113 delete_repo
2114 -----------
2116 .. py:function:: delete_repo(apiuser, repoid, forks=<Optional:''>)
2118 Deletes a repository.
2120 * When the `forks` parameter is set it's possible to detach or delete
2121 forks of deleted repository.
2123 This command can only be run using an |authtoken| with admin
2124 permissions on the |repo|.
2126 :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|.
2127 :type apiuser: AuthUser
2128 :param repoid: Set the repository name or repository ID.
2129 :type repoid: str or int
2130 :param forks: Set to `detach` or `delete` forks from the |repo|.
2131 :type forks: Optional(str)
2133 Example error output:
2135 .. code-block:: bash
2137 id : <id_given_in_input>
2138 result: {
2139 "msg": "Deleted repository `<reponame>`",
2140 "success": true
2141 }
2142 error: null
2145 comment_commit
2146 --------------
2148 .. py:function:: comment_commit(apiuser, repoid, commit_id, message, userid=<Optional:<OptionalAttr:apiuser>>, status=<Optional:None>)
2150 Set a commit comment, and optionally change the status of the commit.
2151 This command can be executed only using api_key belonging to user
2152 with admin rights, or repository administrator.
2154 :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|.
2155 :type apiuser: AuthUser
2156 :param repoid: Set the repository name or repository ID.
2157 :type repoid: str or int
2158 :param commit_id: Specify the commit_id for which to set a comment.
2159 :type commit_id: str
2160 :param message: The comment text.
2161 :type message: str
2162 :param userid: Set the user name of the comment creator.
2163 :type userid: Optional(str or int)
2164 :param status: status, one of 'not_reviewed', 'approved', 'rejected',
2165 'under_review'
2166 :type status: str
2168 Example error output:
2170 .. code-block:: json
2172 {
2173 "id" : <id_given_in_input>,
2174 "result" : {
2175 "msg": "Commented on commit `<commit_id>` for repository `<repoid>`",
2176 "status_change": null or <status>,
2177 "success": true
2178 },
2179 "error" : null
2180 }
2183 changeset_comment
2184 -----------------
2186 .. py:function:: changeset_comment(apiuser, repoid, revision, message, userid=<Optional:<OptionalAttr:apiuser>>, status=<Optional:None>)
2188 .. deprecated:: 3.4.0
2190 Please use method `comment_commit` instead.
2193 Set a changeset comment, and optionally change the status of the
2194 changeset.
2196 This command can only be run using an |authtoken| with admin
2197 permissions on the |repo|.
2199 :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|.
2200 :type apiuser: AuthUser
2201 :param repoid: Set the repository name or repository ID.
2202 :type repoid: str or int
2203 :param revision: Specify the revision for which to set a comment.
2204 :type revision: str
2205 :param message: The comment text.
2206 :type message: str
2207 :param userid: Set the user name of the comment creator.
2208 :type userid: Optional(str or int)
2209 :param status: Set the comment status. The following are valid options:
2210 * not_reviewed
2211 * approved
2212 * rejected
2213 * under_review
2214 :type status: str
2216 Example error output:
2218 .. code-block:: json
2220 {
2221 "id" : <id_given_in_input>,
2222 "result" : {
2223 "msg": "Commented on commit `<revision>` for repository `<repoid>`",
2224 "status_change": null or <status>,
2225 "success": true
2226 },
2227 "error" : null
2228 }
2231 grant_user_permission
2232 ---------------------
2234 .. py:function:: grant_user_permission(apiuser, repoid, userid, perm)
2236 Grant permissions for the specified user on the given repository,
2237 or update existing permissions if found.
2239 This command can only be run using an |authtoken| with admin
2240 permissions on the |repo|.
2242 :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|.
2243 :type apiuser: AuthUser
2244 :param repoid: Set the repository name or repository ID.
2245 :type repoid: str or int
2246 :param userid: Set the user name.
2247 :type userid: str
2248 :param perm: Set the user permissions, using the following format
2249 ``(repository.(none|read|write|admin))``
2250 :type perm: str
2252 Example output:
2254 .. code-block:: bash
2256 id : <id_given_in_input>
2257 result: {
2258 "msg" : "Granted perm: `<perm>` for user: `<username>` in repo: `<reponame>`",
2259 "success": true
2260 }
2261 error: null
2264 revoke_user_permission
2265 ----------------------
2267 .. py:function:: revoke_user_permission(apiuser, repoid, userid)
2269 Revoke permission for a user on the specified repository.
2271 This command can only be run using an |authtoken| with admin
2272 permissions on the |repo|.
2274 :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|.
2275 :type apiuser: AuthUser
2276 :param repoid: Set the repository name or repository ID.
2277 :type repoid: str or int
2278 :param userid: Set the user name of revoked user.
2279 :type userid: str or int
2281 Example error output:
2283 .. code-block:: bash
2285 id : <id_given_in_input>
2286 result: {
2287 "msg" : "Revoked perm for user: `<username>` in repo: `<reponame>`",
2288 "success": true
2289 }
2290 error: null
2293 grant_user_group_permission
2294 ---------------------------
2296 .. py:function:: grant_user_group_permission(apiuser, repoid, usergroupid, perm)
2298 Grant permission for a user group on the specified repository,
2299 or update existing permissions.
2301 This command can only be run using an |authtoken| with admin
2302 permissions on the |repo|.
2304 :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|.
2305 :type apiuser: AuthUser
2306 :param repoid: Set the repository name or repository ID.
2307 :type repoid: str or int
2308 :param usergroupid: Specify the ID of the user group.
2309 :type usergroupid: str or int
2310 :param perm: Set the user group permissions using the following
2311 format: (repository.(none|read|write|admin))
2312 :type perm: str
2314 Example output:
2316 .. code-block:: bash
2318 id : <id_given_in_input>
2319 result : {
2320 "msg" : "Granted perm: `<perm>` for group: `<usersgroupname>` in repo: `<reponame>`",
2321 "success": true
2323 }
2324 error : null
2326 Example error output:
2328 .. code-block:: bash
2330 id : <id_given_in_input>
2331 result : null
2332 error : {
2333 "failed to edit permission for user group: `<usergroup>` in repo `<repo>`'
2334 }
2337 revoke_user_group_permission
2338 ----------------------------
2340 .. py:function:: revoke_user_group_permission(apiuser, repoid, usergroupid)
2342 Revoke the permissions of a user group on a given repository.
2344 This command can only be run using an |authtoken| with admin
2345 permissions on the |repo|.
2347 :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|.
2348 :type apiuser: AuthUser
2349 :param repoid: Set the repository name or repository ID.
2350 :type repoid: str or int
2351 :param usergroupid: Specify the user group ID.
2352 :type usergroupid: str or int
2354 Example output:
2356 .. code-block:: bash
2358 id : <id_given_in_input>
2359 result: {
2360 "msg" : "Revoked perm for group: `<usersgroupname>` in repo: `<reponame>`",
2361 "success": true
2362 }
2363 error: null
2366 get_repo_group
2367 --------------
2369 .. py:function:: get_repo_group(apiuser, repogroupid)
2371 Return the specified |repo| group, along with permissions,
2372 and repositories inside the group
2374 :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|.
2375 :type apiuser: AuthUser
2376 :param repogroupid: Specify the name of ID of the repository group.
2377 :type repogroupid: str or int
2380 Example output:
2382 .. code-block:: bash
2384 {
2385 "error": null,
2386 "id": repo-group-id,
2387 "result": {
2388 "group_description": "repo group description",
2389 "group_id": 14,
2390 "group_name": "group name",
2391 "members": [
2392 {
2393 "name": "super-admin-username",
2394 "origin": "super-admin",
2395 "permission": "group.admin",
2396 "type": "user"
2397 },
2398 {
2399 "name": "owner-name",
2400 "origin": "owner",
2401 "permission": "group.admin",
2402 "type": "user"
2403 },
2404 {
2405 "name": "user-group-name",
2406 "origin": "permission",
2407 "permission": "group.write",
2408 "type": "user_group"
2409 }
2410 ],
2411 "owner": "owner-name",
2412 "parent_group": null,
2413 "repositories": [ repo-list ]
2414 }
2415 }
2418 get_repo_groups
2419 ---------------
2421 .. py:function:: get_repo_groups(apiuser)
2423 Returns all repository groups.
2425 :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|.
2426 :type apiuser: AuthUser
2429 create_repo_group
2430 -----------------
2432 .. py:function:: create_repo_group(apiuser, group_name, description=<Optional:''>, owner=<Optional:<OptionalAttr:apiuser>>, copy_permissions=<Optional:False>)
2434 Creates a repository group.
2436 * If the repository group name contains "/", all the required repository
2437 groups will be created.
2439 For example "foo/bar/baz" will create |repo| groups "foo" and "bar"
2440 (with "foo" as parent). It will also create the "baz" repository
2441 with "bar" as |repo| group.
2443 This command can only be run using an |authtoken| with admin
2444 permissions.
2446 :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|.
2447 :type apiuser: AuthUser
2448 :param group_name: Set the repository group name.
2449 :type group_name: str
2450 :param description: Set the |repo| group description.
2451 :type description: str
2452 :param owner: Set the |repo| group owner.
2453 :type owner: str
2454 :param copy_permissions:
2455 :type copy_permissions:
2457 Example output:
2459 .. code-block:: bash
2461 id : <id_given_in_input>
2462 result : {
2463 "msg": "Created new repo group `<repo_group_name>`"
2464 "repo_group": <repogroup_object>
2465 }
2466 error : null
2469 Example error output:
2471 .. code-block:: bash
2473 id : <id_given_in_input>
2474 result : null
2475 error : {
2476 failed to create repo group `<repogroupid>`
2477 }
2480 update_repo_group
2481 -----------------
2483 .. py:function:: update_repo_group(apiuser, repogroupid, group_name=<Optional:''>, description=<Optional:''>, owner=<Optional:<OptionalAttr:apiuser>>, parent=<Optional:None>, enable_locking=<Optional:False>)
2485 Updates repository group with the details given.
2487 This command can only be run using an |authtoken| with admin
2488 permissions.
2490 :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|.
2491 :type apiuser: AuthUser
2492 :param repogroupid: Set the ID of repository group.
2493 :type repogroupid: str or int
2494 :param group_name: Set the name of the |repo| group.
2495 :type group_name: str
2496 :param description: Set a description for the group.
2497 :type description: str
2498 :param owner: Set the |repo| group owner.
2499 :type owner: str
2500 :param parent: Set the |repo| group parent.
2501 :type parent: str or int
2502 :param enable_locking: Enable |repo| locking. The default is false.
2503 :type enable_locking: bool
2506 delete_repo_group
2507 -----------------
2509 .. py:function:: delete_repo_group(apiuser, repogroupid)
2511 Deletes a |repo| group.
2513 :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|.
2514 :type apiuser: AuthUser
2515 :param repogroupid: Set the name or ID of repository group to be
2516 deleted.
2517 :type repogroupid: str or int
2519 Example output:
2521 .. code-block:: bash
2523 id : <id_given_in_input>
2524 result : {
2525 'msg': 'deleted repo group ID:<repogroupid> <repogroupname>
2526 'repo_group': null
2527 }
2528 error : null
2530 Example error output:
2532 .. code-block:: bash
2534 id : <id_given_in_input>
2535 result : null
2536 error : {
2537 "failed to delete repo group ID:<repogroupid> <repogroupname>"
2538 }
2541 grant_user_permission_to_repo_group
2542 -----------------------------------
2544 .. py:function:: grant_user_permission_to_repo_group(apiuser, repogroupid, userid, perm, apply_to_children=<Optional:'none'>)
2546 Grant permission for a user on the given repository group, or update
2547 existing permissions if found.
2549 This command can only be run using an |authtoken| with admin
2550 permissions.
2552 :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|.
2553 :type apiuser: AuthUser
2554 :param repogroupid: Set the name or ID of repository group.
2555 :type repogroupid: str or int
2556 :param userid: Set the user name.
2557 :type userid: str
2558 :param perm: (group.(none|read|write|admin))
2559 :type perm: str
2560 :param apply_to_children: 'none', 'repos', 'groups', 'all'
2561 :type apply_to_children: str
2563 Example output:
2565 .. code-block:: bash
2567 id : <id_given_in_input>
2568 result: {
2569 "msg" : "Granted perm: `<perm>` (recursive:<apply_to_children>) for user: `<username>` in repo group: `<repo_group_name>`",
2570 "success": true
2571 }
2572 error: null
2574 Example error output:
2576 .. code-block:: bash
2578 id : <id_given_in_input>
2579 result : null
2580 error : {
2581 "failed to edit permission for user: `<userid>` in repo group: `<repo_group_name>`"
2582 }
2585 revoke_user_permission_from_repo_group
2586 --------------------------------------
2588 .. py:function:: revoke_user_permission_from_repo_group(apiuser, repogroupid, userid, apply_to_children=<Optional:'none'>)
2590 Revoke permission for a user in a given repository group.
2592 This command can only be run using an |authtoken| with admin
2593 permissions on the |repo| group.
2595 :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|.
2596 :type apiuser: AuthUser
2597 :param repogroupid: Set the name or ID of the repository group.
2598 :type repogroupid: str or int
2599 :param userid: Set the user name to revoke.
2600 :type userid: str
2601 :param apply_to_children: 'none', 'repos', 'groups', 'all'
2602 :type apply_to_children: str
2604 Example output:
2606 .. code-block:: bash
2608 id : <id_given_in_input>
2609 result: {
2610 "msg" : "Revoked perm (recursive:<apply_to_children>) for user: `<username>` in repo group: `<repo_group_name>`",
2611 "success": true
2612 }
2613 error: null
2615 Example error output:
2617 .. code-block:: bash
2619 id : <id_given_in_input>
2620 result : null
2621 error : {
2622 "failed to edit permission for user: `<userid>` in repo group: `<repo_group_name>`"
2623 }
2626 grant_user_group_permission_to_repo_group
2627 -----------------------------------------
2629 .. py:function:: grant_user_group_permission_to_repo_group(apiuser, repogroupid, usergroupid, perm, apply_to_children=<Optional:'none'>)
2631 Grant permission for a user group on given repository group, or update
2632 existing permissions if found.
2634 This command can only be run using an |authtoken| with admin
2635 permissions on the |repo| group.
2637 :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|.
2638 :type apiuser: AuthUser
2639 :param repogroupid: Set the name or id of repository group
2640 :type repogroupid: str or int
2641 :param usergroupid: id of usergroup
2642 :type usergroupid: str or int
2643 :param perm: (group.(none|read|write|admin))
2644 :type perm: str
2645 :param apply_to_children: 'none', 'repos', 'groups', 'all'
2646 :type apply_to_children: str
2648 Example output:
2650 .. code-block:: bash
2652 id : <id_given_in_input>
2653 result : {
2654 "msg" : "Granted perm: `<perm>` (recursive:<apply_to_children>) for user group: `<usersgroupname>` in repo group: `<repo_group_name>`",
2655 "success": true
2657 }
2658 error : null
2660 Example error output:
2662 .. code-block:: bash
2664 id : <id_given_in_input>
2665 result : null
2666 error : {
2667 "failed to edit permission for user group: `<usergroup>` in repo group: `<repo_group_name>`"
2668 }
2671 revoke_user_group_permission_from_repo_group
2672 --------------------------------------------
2674 .. py:function:: revoke_user_group_permission_from_repo_group(apiuser, repogroupid, usergroupid, apply_to_children=<Optional:'none'>)
2676 Revoke permission for user group on given repository.
2678 This command can only be run using an |authtoken| with admin
2679 permissions on the |repo| group.
2681 :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|.
2682 :type apiuser: AuthUser
2683 :param repogroupid: name or id of repository group
2684 :type repogroupid: str or int
2685 :param usergroupid:
2686 :param apply_to_children: 'none', 'repos', 'groups', 'all'
2687 :type apply_to_children: str
2689 Example output:
2691 .. code-block:: bash
2693 id : <id_given_in_input>
2694 result: {
2695 "msg" : "Revoked perm (recursive:<apply_to_children>) for user group: `<usersgroupname>` in repo group: `<repo_group_name>`",
2696 "success": true
2697 }
2698 error: null
2700 Example error output:
2702 .. code-block:: bash
2704 id : <id_given_in_input>
2705 result : null
2706 error : {
2707 "failed to edit permission for user group: `<usergroup>` in repo group: `<repo_group_name>`"
2708 }
2711 get_gist
2712 --------
2714 .. py:function:: get_gist(apiuser, gistid, content=<Optional:False>)
2716 Get the specified gist, based on the gist ID.
2718 :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|.
2719 :type apiuser: AuthUser
2720 :param gistid: Set the id of the private or public gist
2721 :type gistid: str
2722 :param content: Return the gist content. Default is false.
2723 :type content: Optional(bool)
2726 get_gists
2727 ---------
2729 .. py:function:: get_gists(apiuser, userid=<Optional:<OptionalAttr:apiuser>>)
2731 Get all gists for given user. If userid is empty returned gists
2732 are for user who called the api
2734 :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|.
2735 :type apiuser: AuthUser
2736 :param userid: user to get gists for
2737 :type userid: Optional(str or int)
2740 create_gist
2741 -----------
2743 .. py:function:: create_gist(apiuser, files, owner=<Optional:<OptionalAttr:apiuser>>, gist_type=<Optional:u'public'>, lifetime=<Optional:-1>, acl_level=<Optional:u'acl_public'>, description=<Optional:''>)
2745 Creates a new Gist.
2747 :param apiuser: This is filled automatically from the |authtoken|.
2748 :type apiuser: AuthUser
2749 :param files: files to be added to the gist. The data structure has
2750 to match the following example::
2752 {'filename': {'content':'...', 'lexer': null},
2753 'filename2': {'content':'...', 'lexer': null}}
2755 :type files: dict
2756 :param owner: Set the gist owner, defaults to api method caller
2757 :type owner: Optional(str or int)
2758 :param gist_type: type of gist ``public`` or ``private``
2759 :type gist_type: Optional(str)
2760 :param lifetime: time in minutes of gist lifetime
2761 :type lifetime: Optional(int)
2762 :param acl_level: acl level for this gist, can be
2763 ``acl_public`` or ``acl_private`` If the value is set to
2764 ``acl_private`` only logged in users are able to access this gist.
2765 If not set it defaults to ``acl_public``.
2766 :type acl_level: Optional(str)
2767 :param description: gist description
2768 :type description: Optional(str)
2770 Example output:
2772 .. code-block:: bash
2774 id : <id_given_in_input>
2775 result : {
2776 "msg": "created new gist",
2777 "gist": {}
2778 }
2779 error : null
2781 Example error output:
2783 .. code-block:: bash
2785 id : <id_given_in_input>
2786 result : null
2787 error : {
2788 "failed to create gist"
2789 }
2792 delete_gist
2793 -----------
2795 .. py:function:: delete_gist(apiuser, gistid)
2797 Deletes existing gist
2799 :param apiuser: filled automatically from apikey
2800 :type apiuser: AuthUser
2801 :param gistid: id of gist to delete
2802 :type gistid: str
2804 Example output:
2806 .. code-block:: bash
2808 id : <id_given_in_input>
2809 result : {
2810 "deleted gist ID: <gist_id>",
2811 "gist": null
2812 }
2813 error : null
2815 Example error output:
2817 .. code-block:: bash
2819 id : <id_given_in_input>
2820 result : null
2821 error : {
2822 "failed to delete gist ID:<gist_id>"
2823 }
@@ -0,0 +1,37 b''
1 .. _authentication-ref:
3 Authentication Options
4 ======================
6 |RCE| provides a built in authentication plugin
7 ``rhodecode.lib.auth_rhodecode``. This is enabled by default and accessed
8 through the administrative interface. Additionally,
9 |RCE| provides a Pluggable Authentication System (PAS). This gives the
10 administrator greater control over how users authenticate with the system.
12 .. important::
14 You can disable the built in |RCM| authentication plugin
15 ``rhodecode.lib.auth_rhodecode`` and force all authentication to go
16 through your authentication plugin. However, if you do this,
17 and your external authentication tools fails, you will be unable to
18 access |RCM|.
20 |RCM| comes with the following user authentication management plugins:
22 .. only:: latex
24 * :ref:`config-ldap-ref`
25 * :ref:`config-pam-ref`
26 * :ref:`config-crowd-ref`
27 * :ref:`config-token-ref`
29 .. toctree::
31 ldap-config-steps
32 crowd-auth
33 pam-auth
34 token-auth
35 ssh-connection
@@ -0,0 +1,15 b''
1 .. _config-crowd-ref:
3 Crowd
4 -----
6 To enable Crowd authentication, use the following steps:
8 1. From the |RCM| interface, go to :menuselection:`Admin --> Authentication`
9 2. Enable the ``rhodecode.lib.auth_modules.auth_crowd`` library and select
10 :guilabel:`Save`
11 3. On the Crowd plugin settings section, do the following:
13 * Check the :guilabel:`Enable` checkbox
14 * Enter your Crowd server settings
15 * Select :guilabel:`Save`
@@ -0,0 +1,22 b''
1 .. _ldap-act-dir-ref:
3 Active Directory
4 ----------------
6 |RCM| can use Microsoft Active Directory for user authentication. This is
7 done through an LDAP or LDAPS connection to Active Directory. Use the
8 following example LDAP configuration setting to set your Active Directory
9 authentication.
11 .. code-block:: ini
13 # Set the Base DN
14 Base DN = OU=SBSUsers,OU=Users,OU=MyBusiness,DC=v3sys,DC=local
15 # Set the Active Directory SAM-Account-Name
16 Login Attribute = sAMAccountName
17 # Set the Active Directory user name
18 First Name Attribute = usernameame
19 # Set the Active Directory user surname
20 Last Name Attribute = user_surname
21 # Set the Active Directory user email
22 E-mail Attribute = userEmail No newline at end of file
@@ -0,0 +1,107 b''
1 .. _ldap-gloss-ref:
3 |LDAP| Glossary
4 ---------------
6 This topic aims to give you a concise overview of the different settings and
7 requirements that enabling |LDAP| on |RCE| requires.
9 Required settings
10 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
12 The following LDAP attributes are required when enabling |LDAP| on |RCE|.
14 * **Hostname** or **IP Address**: Use a comma separated list for failover
15 support.
16 * **First Name**
17 * **Surname**
18 * **Email**
19 * **Port**: Port `389` for unencrypted LDAP or port `636` for SSL-encrypted
21 * **Base DN (Distinguished Name)**: The Distinguished Name (DN)
22 is how searches for users will be performed, and these searches can be
23 controlled by using an LDAP Filter or LDAP Search Scope. A DN is a sequence of
24 relative distinguished names (RDN) connected by commas. For example,
26 .. code-block:: vim
28 DN: cn='Monty Python',ou='people',dc='example',dc='com'
30 * **Connection security level**: The following are the valid types:
32 * *No encryption*: This connection type uses a plain non-encrypted connection.
33 * *LDAPS connection*: This connection type uses end-to-end SSL. To enable
34 an LDAPS connection you must set the following requirements:
36 * You must specify port `636`
37 * Certificate checks are required.
38 * To enable ``START_TLS`` on LDAP connection, set the path to the SSL
39 certificate in the default LDAP configuration file. The default
40 `ldap.conf` file is located in `/etc/openldap/ldap.conf`.
42 .. code-block:: vim
44 TLS_CACERT /etc/ssl/certs/ca.crt
46 * The LDAP username or account used to connect to |RCE|. This will be added
47 to the LDAP filter for locating the user object.
48 * For example, if an LDAP filter is specified as `LDAPFILTER`,
49 the login attribute is specified as `uid`, and the user connects as
50 `jsmith`, then the LDAP Filter will be like the following example.
52 .. code-block:: vim
54 (&(LDAPFILTER)(uid=jsmith))
56 * The LDAP search scope must be set. This limits how far LDAP will search for
57 a matching object.
59 * ``BASE`` Only allows searching of the Base DN.
60 * ``ONELEVEL`` Searches all entries under the Base DN,
61 but not the Base DN itself.
62 * ``SUBTREE`` Searches all entries below the Base DN, but not Base DN itself.
64 .. note::
66 When using ``SUBTREE`` LDAP filtering it is useful to limit object location.
68 Optional settings
69 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
71 The following are optional when enabling LDAP on |RCM|
73 * An LDAP account is only required if the LDAP server does not allow
74 anonymous browsing of records.
75 * An LDAP password is only required if the LDAP server does not allow
76 anonymous browsing of records
77 * Using an LDAP filter is optional. An LDAP filter defined by `RFC 2254`_. This
78 is more useful that the LDAP Search Scope if set to `SUBTREE`. The filter
79 is useful for limiting which LDAP objects are identified as representing
80 Users for authentication. The filter is augmented by Login Attribute
81 below. This can commonly be left blank.
82 * Certificate Checks are only required if you need to use LDAPS.
83 You can use the following levels of LDAP service with RhodeCode Enterprise:
85 * **NEVER** : A serve certificate will never be requested or checked.
86 * **ALLOW** : A server certificate is requested. Failure to provide a
87 certificate or providing a bad certificate will not terminate the session.
88 * **TRY** : A server certificate is requested. Failure to provide a
89 certificate does not halt the session; providing a bad certificate
90 halts the session.
91 * **DEMAND** : A server certificate is requested and must be provided
92 and authenticated for the session to proceed.
93 * **HARD** : The same as DEMAND.
95 .. note::
97 Only **DEMAND** or **HARD** offer full SSL security while the other
98 options are vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks.
100 |RCE| uses ``OPENLDAP`` libraries. This allows **DEMAND** or
101 **HARD** LDAPS connections to use self-signed certificates or
102 certificates that do not have traceable certificates of authority.
103 To enable this functionality install the SSL certificates in the
104 following directory: `/etc/openldap/cacerts`
107 .. _RFC 2254: http://www.rfc-base.org/rfc-2254.html No newline at end of file
@@ -0,0 +1,88 b''
1 .. _config-ldap-ref:
4 ----
6 |RCM| supports LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) authentication.
7 All LDAP versions are supported, with the following |RCM| plugins managing each:
9 * For LDAPv3 use ``rhodecode.lib.auth_modules.auth_ldap_group``
10 * For older LDAP versions use ``rhodecode.lib.auth_modules.auth_ldap``
12 .. important::
14 The email used with your |RCE| super-admin account needs to match the email
15 address attached to your admin profile in LDAP. This is because
16 within |RCE| the user email needs to be unique, and multiple users
17 cannot share an email account.
19 Likewise, if as an admin you also have a user account, the email address
20 attached to the user account needs to be different.
22 LDAP Configuration Steps
23 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
25 To configure |LDAP|, use the following steps:
27 1. From the |RCM| interface, select
28 :menuselection:`Admin --> Authentication`
29 2. Enable the required plugin and select :guilabel:`Save`
30 3. Select the :guilabel:`Enabled` check box in the plugin configuration section
31 4. Add the required LDAP information and :guilabel:`Save`, for more details,
32 see :ref:`config-ldap-examples`
34 For a more detailed description of LDAP objects, see :ref:`ldap-gloss-ref`:
36 .. _config-ldap-examples:
38 Example LDAP configuration
39 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
40 .. code-block:: bash
42 # Auth Cache TTL
43 3600
44 # Host
45 https://ldap1.server.com/ldap-admin/,https://ldap2.server.com/ldap-admin/
46 # Port
47 389
48 # Account
49 cn=admin,dc=rhodecode,dc=com
50 # Password
51 ldap-user-password
52 # LDAP connection security
54 # Certificate checks level
56 # Base DN
57 cn=Rufus Magillacuddy,ou=users,dc=rhodecode,dc=com
58 # User Search Base
59 ou=groups,ou=users
60 # LDAP search filter
61 (objectClass=person)
62 # LDAP search scope
64 # Login attribute
65 rmagillacuddy
66 # First Name Attribute
67 Rufus
68 # Last Name Attribute
69 Magillacuddy
70 # Email Attribute
71 LDAP-Registered@email.ac
72 # User Member of Attribute
73 Organizational Role
74 # Group search base
75 cn=users,ou=groups,dc=rhodecode,dc=com
76 # LDAP Group Search Filter
77 (objectclass=posixGroup)
78 # Group Name Attribute
79 users
80 # Group Member Of Attribute
81 cn
82 # Admin Groups
83 admin,devops,qa
85 .. toctree::
87 ldap-active-directory
88 ldap-authentication
@@ -0,0 +1,13 b''
1 LDAP Host hostname1,hostname2 # testing here
2 Port port
3 Account: `uid=admin,cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=localdomain,dc=tld`
4 Password: userpassword #Testing this here
5 Connection Security LDAPS
6 Certificate Checks ``NEVER``
7 Base DN cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=localdomain,dc=tld
8 LDAP Search Filter (objectClass=person)
9 LDAP Search Scope SUBTREE
10 Login Attribute uid
11 First Name Attribute givenname
12 Last Name Attribute sn
13 Email Attribute mail
@@ -0,0 +1,14 b''
1 .. _config-pam-ref:
4 ---
6 To enable PAM authentication, use the following steps:
8 1. From the |RCM| interface, go to :menuselection:`Admin --> Authentication`
9 2. Enable the ``rhodecode.lib.auth_modules.auth_pam`` library and select save
10 3. On the PAM plugin settings section, do the following:
12 * Check the :guilabel:`Enable` checkbox
13 * Enter your PAM server settings
14 * Select :guilabel:`Save`
@@ -0,0 +1,129 b''
1 .. _ssh-connection:
3 SSH Connection
4 --------------
6 If you wish to connect to your Git or Mercurial |repos| using SSH, use the
7 following instructions.
9 .. note::
11 SSH access with full |RCE| permissions will require an Admin |authtoken|.
13 You need to install the |RC| SSH tool on the server which is running
14 the |RCE| instance.
16 1. Gather the following information about the instance you wish to connect to:
18 * *Hostname*: Use the ``rccontrol status`` command to view instance details.
19 * *API key*: From the |RCE|, go to
20 :menuselection:`username --> My Account --> Auth Tokens`
21 * *Configuration file*: Identify the configuration file for that instance,
22 the default is :file:`/home/{user}/.rccontrol/{instance-id}/rhodecode.ini`
23 * Identify which |git| and |hg| packages your |RCM| instance is using.
25 * For |git|, see
26 :menuselection:`Admin --> Settings --> System Info`
27 * For |hg|, use the ``which hg`` command.
29 2. Clone the |RC| SSH script,
30 ``hg clone https://code.rhodecode.com/rhodecode-ssh``
31 3. Copy the ``sshwrapper.sample.ini``, and save it as ``sshwrapper.ini``
32 4. Configure the :file:`sshwrapper.ini` file using the following example:
34 .. code-block:: ini
36 [api]
37 host=http://localhost:10005
38 key=24a67076d69c84670132f55166ac79d1faafd660
40 [shell]
41 shell=/bin/bash -l
43 [vcs]
44 root=/path/to/repos/
46 [rhodecode]
47 config=/home/user/.rccontrol/enterprise-3/rhodecode.ini
49 [vcs:hg]
50 path=/usr/bin/hg
52 # should be a base dir for all git binaries, i.e. not ../bin/git
53 [vcs:git]
54 path=/usr/bin
56 [keys]
57 path=/home/user/.ssh/authorized_keys
59 5. Add the public key to your |RCE| instance server using the
60 :file:`addkey.py` script. This script automatically creates
61 the :file:`authorized_keys` file which was specified in your
62 :file:`sshwrapper.ini` configuration. Use the following example:
64 .. code-block:: bash
66 $ ./addkey.py --user username --shell --key /home/username/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
68 .. important::
70 To give SSH access to all users, you will need to maintain
71 each users |authtoken| in the :file:`authorized_keys` file.
73 6. Connect to your server using SSH from your local machine.
75 .. code-block:: bash
77 $ ssh user@localhost
78 Enter passphrase for key '/home/username/.ssh/id_rsa':
80 If you need to manually configure the ``authorized_keys`` file,
81 add a line for each key using the following example:
83 .. code-block:: vim
85 command="/home/user/.rhodecode-ssh/sshwrapper.py --user username --shell",
86 no-port-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding ssh-rsa yourpublickey
88 .. tip::
90 Best practice would be to create a special SSH user account with each
91 users |authtoken| attached.
93 |RCE| will manage the user permissions based on the |authtoken| supplied.
94 This would allow you to immediately revoke all SSH access by removing one
95 user from your server if you needed to.
97 See the following command line example of setting this up. These steps
98 take place on the server.
100 .. code-block:: bash
102 # On the RhodeCode Enterprise server
103 # set up user and clone SSH tool
104 $ sudo adduser testuser
105 $ sudo su - testuser
106 $ hg clone https://code.rhodecode.com/rhodecode-ssh
107 $ cd rhodecode-ssh
109 # Copy and modify the sshwrapper.ini as explained in step 4
110 $ cp sshwrapper.sample.ini sshwrapper.ini
112 $ cd ~
113 $ mkdir .ssh
114 $ touch .ssh/authorized_keys
116 # copy your ssh public key, id_rsa.pub, from your local machine
117 # to the server. We’ll use it in the next step
119 $ python addkey.py --user testuser --shell --key /path/to/id_rsa.pub
121 # Note: testssh - user on the rhodecode instance
122 $ chmod 755 sshwrapper.py
124 Test the connection from your local machine using the following example:
126 .. code-block:: bash
128 # Test connection using the ssh command from the local machine
129 $ ssh testuser@my-server.example.com
@@ -0,0 +1,76 b''
1 .. _config-token-ref:
3 Authentication Tokens
4 ---------------------
6 |RCE| has 4 different kinds of authentication tokens.
8 * *API tokens*: API tokens can only be used to execute |RCE| API operations.
9 You can store your API token and assign it to each instance in
10 the :file:`/home/{user}/.rhoderc` file. See the
11 example in :ref:`indexing-ref` section for more details.
13 * *Feed tokens*: The feed token can only be used to access the RSS feed.
14 Usually those are safe to store inside your RSS feed reader.
16 * *VCS tokens*: You can use these to authenticate with |git|, |hg| and |svn|
17 operations instead of a password. They are designed to be used with
18 CI Servers or other third party tools that require |repo| access.
19 They are also a good replacement for SSH based access.
20 To use these tokens you need be enabled special authentication method on
21 |RCE|, as they are disabled by default.
22 See :ref:`enable-vcs-tokens`.
24 * *Web Interface tokens*: These token allows users to access the web
25 interface of |RCE| without logging in.
27 You can add these tokens to an |RCE| server url, to expose the page content
28 based on the given token.
30 This is useful to integrate 3rd party systems, good example is to expose
31 raw diffs to another code-review system without having to worry about
32 authentication.
34 These tokens only work if a certain view is whitelisted
35 under `api_access_controllers_whitelist` inside
36 the :file:`rhodecode.ini` file.
38 .. code-block:: bash
40 # To download a repo without logging into Web UI
41 https://rhodecode.com/repo/archive/tip.zip?auth_token=<web-api-token>
43 # To show commit diff without logging into Web UI
44 https://rhodecode.com/repo/changeset-diff/<sha>?auth_token=<web-api-token>
46 .. _enable-vcs-tokens:
48 Enabling VCS Tokens
49 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
51 To enable VCS Tokens, use the following steps:
53 1. Go to :menuselection:`Admin --> Authentication`.
54 2. Enable the ``rhodecode.lib.auth_modules.auth_token`` plugin.
55 3. Click :guilabel:`Save`.
57 Authentication Token Tips
58 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
60 * Use Authentication Tokens instead of your password with external services.
61 * Create multiple Authentication Tokens on your account to enable
62 access to your |repos| with a different |authtoken| per method used.
63 * Set an expiry limit on certain tokens if you think it would be a good idea.
65 Creating Tokens
66 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
68 To create authentication tokens for an user, use the following steps:
70 1. From the |RCM| interface go to
71 :menuselection:`Username --> My Account --> Auth tokens`.
73 2. Label and Add the tokens you wish to use with |RCE|.
75 .. image:: ../images/tokens.png
@@ -0,0 +1,13 b''
1 .. _code-approve-changes-ref:
3 Approve Code Changes
4 --------------------
6 To approve commits, use the following steps:
8 1. Open the commit for review
9 2. Leave your comments inline or in the message box.
10 3. Set the review status from the drop-down menu and select :guilabel:`Comment`
12 .. image:: ../images/set-ci-status.png
13 :alt: Setting Commit Status No newline at end of file
@@ -0,0 +1,27 b''
1 .. _code-review-ref:
3 Code Review
4 ===========
6 |RCM| provides two ways in which you can review code. You can review |prs| or
7 commits. To better understand |prs|, see the :ref:`pull-requests-ref`
8 and :ref:`collaborate-ref` sections. For more information about why
9 code review matters, see these posts on the topic:
11 * `Code Review - Fix Bugs Early and Often`_
12 * `Code Review - How to Convince a Skeptic`_
13 * `Code Review - Learn How NASA Codes`_
15 You can also use the |RCE| API set up continuous integration servers to leave
16 comments from a test suite. See the :ref:`api` and
17 :ref:`integrations-ref` sections for examples on how to set this up.
19 .. toctree::
21 review-diffs
22 approve-changes
23 reviewing-best-practices
25 .. _Code Review - Fix Bugs Early and Often: https://rhodecode.com/blog/code-review-fix-bugs-early-often/
26 .. _Code Review - How to Convince a Skeptic: https://rhodecode.com/blog/code-review-convince-skeptic/
27 .. _Code Review - Learn How NASA Codes: https://rhodecode.com/blog/code-review-learn-nasa-codes/
@@ -0,0 +1,42 b''
1 .. _code-diff-side-ref:
3 Reviewing Diffs
4 ---------------
6 Diffs are representations of changes made between different changesets of
7 a file. |RCE| provides 4 different types of diffs for each commit or
8 changeset, and depending on your preference you can use whichever for code
9 review purposes.
11 * Plain diff
12 * Full diff
13 * Side-by-side diff
14 * Raw diff
16 Reviewing Changes
17 -----------------
19 |RCM| displays all code changes made with each commit. Removed content is
20 marked in red and new content in green.
22 .. image:: ../images/plain-diff.png
23 :alt: Plain Diff
25 Side-By-Side Diffs
26 ------------------
28 To review code with a side-by-side diff, use the following steps:
30 1. Open the repository in which you wish to review a file
31 2. Select the revision you wish to review
32 3. Select the side-by-side diff icon beside the file name
34 .. image:: ../images/side-by-side-diff.png
35 :alt: Side by side diff
38 Notifying Users
39 ---------------
41 To notify other users of you comments, or requests for feedback,
42 see :ref:`review-notifications-ref`
@@ -0,0 +1,21 b''
1 .. _code-best-practices-ref:
3 Code Review - Best Practices
4 ----------------------------
6 The following is a list of best practices for reviewing code gathered from
7 various sources:
9 * **Implement a Core Review standard**, because the yield of the Code Review
10 phase is 50 to 80% better than that of the Test phase.
11 * Review between **100 and 300 lines of code** at a time and spend 30-60 minutes
12 doing it for best results.
13 * **Avoid code review meetings**, because meetings contributed only 4% of the
14 defects found in the code inspections.
15 * Slow down to a comfortable pace, as reviewers **slower than 400 lines per
16 hour are above average** in their ability to uncover defects. But when faster
17 than 450 lines/hour the defect density is below average in 87% of the cases.
18 * Take a time-out, because defects are found at relatively constant rates
19 through the first **60 minutes of inspection**. At that point the
20 checklist-style review levels off sharply; the other review styles level
21 off slightly later. In no case is a defect discovered after 90 minutes. No newline at end of file
@@ -0,0 +1,19 b''
1 Approve |prs|
2 -------------
4 To approve a |pr|, use the following steps:
6 1. Select :menuselection:`username --> Notifications --> Pull Requests`
7 and open the |pr| you with to approve
8 2. Leave your review comments inline, or in the commit message.
9 3. Leave a commit message that outlines the review.
10 4. Set the review status to :guilabel:`Approved`
11 5. Select :guilabel:`Comment`
13 If you approve the |pr|, you will be able to merge automatically if |RCM|
14 detects that it can do so safely. You will see this message:
16 :guilabel:`This pull request can be automatically merged.`
18 Otherwise you will need to merge the |pr| locally and push your changes, see
19 :ref:`manual-merge-requests-ref`.
@@ -0,0 +1,24 b''
1 .. _collaborate-ref:
3 Collaboration
4 =============
6 .. note::
8 Forking and branching does not work with |svn| |repos|.
10 Collaboration in |RCM| is accomplished through a combination of the following
11 functions:
13 .. only:: latex
15 * :ref:`review-notifications-ref`
16 * :ref:`forks-branches-ref`
17 * :ref:`pull-requests-ref`
19 .. toctree::
21 workflow
22 forks-branches
23 repo-locking
@@ -0,0 +1,31 b''
1 .. _merging-empty-repo-ref:
3 Merging Forks with an Empty Repository
4 ======================================
6 When a new repository is created, it has no commits. If the empty repository is
7 forked, neither |repo| will have any shared information to link them together,
8 making it impossible to create a |pr| to merge them.
10 To avoid this problem, create an initial commit on the new repository before
11 forking it. It can be accomplished, for example, by adding a README file to the
12 master repository and commiting it to the server before forking.
14 In case the fork was already made and you are unable to push or merge due to the
15 lack of a common commit between both repositories, the following steps would
16 enable you to fix this problem.
18 1. Create a commit on the master repository.
19 2. Pull the changes from the fork to the master repository, and rebase them
20 on top of the new commit.
22 .. code-block:: bash
24 #pull from the fork into master
25 $ hg pull -r fork-commit-id
27 3. If the changes were made locally, push the changes to the server.
28 4. On the forked repository, pull the changes from master.
30 Now you should be able to create a |pr| or merge between both repositories.
@@ -0,0 +1,101 b''
1 .. _forks-branches-ref:
3 Forking and Branching
4 ---------------------
6 Forking clones the original |repo| and creates an independent |repo|.
7 Branching allows you to develop independently
8 of the main branch based on the changeset branched, but remains linked to the
9 main |repo|.
11 Both provide excellent collaboration functionality,
12 and do not differ greatly, but you can find many online discussions
13 where people fight about the differences.
15 Fork a |repo|
16 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
18 To fork a |repo|, use the following steps:
20 1. Select :menuselection:`Admin --> repositories`
21 2. Select the |repo| you wish to fork.
22 3. Select :menuselection:`Options --> Fork`
23 4. On the :guilabel:`Create fork` page, set the following properties:
25 * The fork name
26 * The fork description
27 * If the fork is private or public
28 * The copy permissions
30 Branch a |git| |repo|
31 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
33 Currently branching is only supported from the command line but is picked up
34 on the web interface. To branch a |git| |repo| use the following example:
36 .. code-block:: bash
38 # branch and checkout
39 git branch new-branch
40 git checkout new-branch
42 # same function shorthand
43 git checkout -b new-branch
45 # Example usage
46 $ git checkout -b example-branch
47 Switched to a new branch 'example-branch'
49 $ git status
50 On branch example-branch
51 Initial commit
52 nothing to commit (create/copy files and use "git add" to track)
53 $ vi example-script.sh
54 $ git add example-script.sh
55 $ git commit -a -m "ghost script: initial file"
56 $ git push
58 Once it is pushed to the |RCM| server, you can switch to the newly created
59 branch using the following steps:
61 1. Select :menuselection:`Admin --> Repositories`.
62 2. Select the |repo| you branched.
63 3. Select :menuselection:`Switch To --> Branches` and choose the new branch.
65 For more information, your can read more here on the Git website,
66 `Git Branching`_.
68 Branch a |hg| |repo|
69 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
71 .. note::
73 To use branches in |hg| like |git|, use the `hg bookmark` option instead.
74 Also see the :ref:`bvb` section for more information.
76 To branch a |hg| |repo|, use the following example and push your changes to
77 the main |repo|. Once pushed, you can view the new branch in |RCE| by
78 selecting :menuselection:`Switch To --> Branches` from the |repo| page.
80 .. code-block:: bash
82 $ hg branch example-456
83 $ hg ci -m "branch: ticket #456"
84 $ hg push --new-branch
86 Bookmark a |hg| |repo|
87 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
89 Bookmarks are used in |hg| in much the same way as branches are in |git|. See
90 the `Mercurial Bookmarks`_ documentation for more information.
92 .. code-block:: bash
94 $ hg bookmark example-456
95 $ hg ci -m "branch: ticket #456"
96 $ hg push -B example-456
98 .. image:: ../images/branch-example.png
100 .. _Git Branching: http://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Branching-Basic-Branching-and-Merging
101 .. _Mercurial Bookmarks: https://mercurial.selenic.com/wiki/Bookmarks
@@ -0,0 +1,39 b''
1 .. _user-notify-ref:
3 Using Notifications
4 -------------------
6 To notify users of items that require their attention you can use the mention
7 function. The mention function allows you to use ``@username`` within |RCM|.
8 The notification function can be used within the following
9 items to highlight their need for attention:
11 * Commit messages
12 * Pull requests
13 * Inline comments
14 * Code review
16 .. note::
18 Mentioned users will receive an email and a notification.
20 Pull Request Notifications
21 --------------------------
23 To notify a user of a pull request, use the following steps.
25 1. Open the repository fork
26 2. Select :guilabel:`Open new pull request`
27 3. Add the :guilabel:`@username` in the :guilabel:`Pull request viewers`
28 input field.
29 4. Select :guilabel:`Submit Pull Request`
31 Commit Message Notifications
32 ----------------------------
34 To notify a user in a commit message, use the following steps.
36 1. Open a repository with commits in it.
37 2. Click on the commit message or revision number.
38 3. Add an :guilabel:`@username` in an inline comment or in your approval
39 comment and commit.
@@ -0,0 +1,35 b''
1 .. _merge-requests-ref:
3 Merge a |pr|
4 ------------
6 |RCM| can detect if it can automatically merge the changes in a |pr|. If it
7 can, you will see the following message:
8 :guilabel:`This pull request can be automatically merged.` To merge,
9 click the big blue button! To enable this feature, see :ref:`server-side-merge`.
11 .. image:: ../images/merge-pr-button.png
13 If you cannot automatically merge a |pr|, you will see one of the following
14 messages:
16 * :guilabel:`This pull request cannot be merged because of conflicts`
17 * :guilabel:`Reviewer approval is pending`
19 .. _manual-merge-requests-ref:
21 Manual Merge a |PR|
22 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
24 If |RCM| cannot safely merge the changes in a |pr|,
25 usually due to conflicts, you need to manually merge the changes on the
26 command line. You can see more information for each |repo| type at the
27 following links:
29 * `Git Manual Merging`_
30 * `Mercurial Manual Merging`_
31 * `Subversion Manual Merging`_
33 .. _Git Manual Merging: http://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Branching-Basic-Branching-and-Merging
34 .. _Mercurial Manual Merging: http://hgbook.red-bean.com/read/a-tour-of-mercurial-merging-work.html
35 .. _Subversion Manual Merging: http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.7/svn.branchmerge.basicmerging.html
@@ -0,0 +1,22 b''
1 Notifications Overview
2 ----------------------
4 |RCM| has an integrated notification system which alerts users to requests
5 that they have received. Notifications can occur for the following reasons:
7 * Pull request reviews
8 * Commit message mentions
10 When someone opens a |pr| on one of your |repos|, or adds you as a |pr|
11 reviewer, you will receive a notification in |RCE| and an email,
12 if not configured see :ref:`set-up-mail`. Also, during the review process you
13 receive notifications on the following actions:
15 * New comments
16 * Status changes
17 * Inline code review comments
19 Each notifications provides a link to take you directly to the issue.
21 .. image:: ../images/notifications.png
22 :alt: Notifying Colleagues
@@ -0,0 +1,34 b''
1 .. _open-requests-ref:
3 Open a |pr|
4 -----------
6 .. important::
8 To open a |pr|, it is necessary that the source and the target repositories
9 have at least one commit in common. For more information,
10 see :ref:`merging-empty-repo-ref`.
13 Once you have finished your work on a fork and want your work merged with the
14 original |repo|, you need to open a |pr|. To open a |pr| and send for
15 review, use the following steps:
17 1. Select
18 :menuselection:`Admin --> repositories --> repo name --> Options --> Create Pull Request`
19 2. On the :guilabel:`New Pull Request` page, enter the following information:
21 * The |pr| name.
22 * The |pr| description.
23 * Add the reviewer names in the :guilabel:`Pull Request Reviewer` field.
25 3. Review the changesets that make up the |pr|.
26 4. Select :guilabel:`Submit Pull Request`.
28 .. image:: ../images/open-pr.png
29 :alt: Open a pull request
31 The pull request can either be merged into the original repository,
32 or it can be declined due to issues during the review process. If issues
33 arise, you can fix them and update the |pr|. For more,
34 see :ref:`update-requests-ref`.
@@ -0,0 +1,7 b''
1 Pull Request Workflow
2 ---------------------
4 The following diagram represents a standard pull request workflow.
6 .. image:: ../images/pull-request-flow.png
7 :align: center
@@ -0,0 +1,47 b''
1 Pull request management
2 -----------------------
4 .. only:: html
6 There are two ways of tracking |prs| within |RCM|.
8 1. :ref:`prs-your-review`
9 2. :ref:`prs-per-repo`
11 .. _prs-your-review:
13 Pull requests for your review
14 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
16 To view pull requests for your review, use the following steps:
18 1. From the |RCM| interface, Select
19 :menuselection:`username --> Notifications`
20 2. Select :guilabel:`Pull Requests`
22 .. image:: ../images/prs-for-my-review.png
23 :alt: pull requests for my review
25 .. _prs-per-repo:
27 Pull requests per |repo|
28 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
30 To view pull requests going to and from a |repo|, use the following steps:
32 1. Select the |repo| you wish to view
33 2. Select :guilabel:`Pull Requests` from the top menu
34 3. On the left-hand pane you will see the following options for |pr|
35 management on that |repo|:
37 * :guilabel:`Opened`: Pull requests opened on this |repo|.
38 * :guilabel:`Opened by me`: Pull requests you opened on this |repo|.
39 * :guilabel:`Awaiting my review`: Pull requests awaiting your review.
40 * :guilabel:`Closed`: Closed |prs| on this |repo|.
41 * :guilabel:`Awaiting review`: Pull requests still awaiting review on
42 this |repo|.
43 * :guilabel:`From this repo`: Pull requests opened on another |repo| with
44 the changes coming from this |repo|.
46 .. image:: ../images/pr-screen.png
47 :alt: pull request dashboard
@@ -0,0 +1,29 b''
1 .. _pull-requests-ref:
3 Pull Requests
4 =============
6 Once a |pr| is open, you can use a variety of different code review functions
7 to ensure the quality or style of code is appropriate for your standards. The
8 |pr| is then merged with the main branch when it is approved. The following
9 steps are an overview of the workflow:
11 1. Create a fork or branch of a |repo|.
12 2. Complete your works and open a pull request.
13 3. Notify users to review and approve the |pr|.
14 4. Merge the code to the target |repo|.
16 .. toctree::
18 pr-flow
19 pull-req-mgmt
20 open-pull-request.rst
21 review-pull-request.rst
22 update-pull-request
23 approve-pull-request.rst
24 merge-pull-request.rst
25 fixing-common-commits.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,15 b''
1 .. _repo-locking:
3 Repository Locking
4 ------------------
6 Repository locking means that when a user pulls from a |repo|,
7 only a push by that user will unlock it. This allows an
8 Admin to pull from a |repo| and ensure that no changes can be introduced. You
9 need Admin access to the |repo| to enable
10 |repo| locking. To enable |repo| locking, use the following steps.
12 1. From the |RCE| interface, select :menuselection:`Admin --> Repositories`,
13 then :guilabel:`Edit` beside the |repo| you wish to lock.
14 2. From the left-hand pane, select
15 :menuselection:`Advanced --> Lock Repository` No newline at end of file
@@ -0,0 +1,9 b''
1 .. _review-notifications-ref:
3 Notifications
4 =============
6 .. toctree::
8 notifications-overview
9 mention-reviewer-function
@@ -0,0 +1,27 b''
1 .. _review-requests-ref:
3 Review a |pr|
4 -------------
6 To review a pull request, use the following steps:
8 1. Open the review request from
9 :menuselection:`Admin --> Repositories --> repo name --> Pull Requests --> Awaiting my review`
10 2. Leave your review comments inline, or in the commit message.
11 3. Set the review status from one of the following options:
13 * :guilabel:`Not Reviewed`
14 * :guilabel:`Approved`
15 * :guilabel:`Approved & Closed`
16 * :guilabel:`Rejected`
17 * :guilabel:`Rejected & Closed`
18 * :guilabel:`Under Review`
20 4. Select Comment
22 When the |pr| is approved by all reviewers you will be able to merge
23 automatically if |RCM| detects that it can do so safely. You will see this
24 message: `This pull request can be automatically merged.`
26 If rejected, you can fix the issues raised during review and then update the
27 |pr|.
@@ -0,0 +1,9 b''
1 Supported Workflows
2 -------------------
4 |RCM| can be used to develop using a variety of different workflows.
6 * Centralized, using |svn|, |git|, or |hg| |repos|
7 * Feature-Branch, using |git| or |hg| |repos|
8 * Fork-Pull, using |git| or |hg| |repos|
9 * Gitflow, using |git| |repos|
@@ -0,0 +1,47 b''
1 .. _update-requests-ref:
3 Update a |pr|
4 -------------
6 .. important::
8 Updating a |pr| invalidates all previous reviews, and the status set by
9 each reviewer. This means all reviewers need to review and approve the
10 |pr| again.
12 If you have made changes on the fork or branch from where a |pr| originates,
13 you can update the |pr|, using the following steps:
15 1. Commit and push your changes to the |RCE| server.
16 2. Open the |pr| you wish to update, and select the :guilabel:`Update commits`
17 button.
19 .. image:: ../images/update-pr-button.png
20 :scale: 50 %
21 :alt: Update Pull Request
22 :align: Center
25 Once updated the following commit message will be automatically added to the
26 |pr|.
28 :guilabel:`Auto status change to "Under Review", pull request updated with 1 added, 0 removed commits.`
30 3. Review the new commit messages and changes as before,
31 4. Set the review status and click :guilabel:`Comment`
33 Inline Comments
34 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
36 When updating a |pr|, inline comments can move around depending on which line
37 they are attached:
39 * If the line content changes but remains in place, the inline comment will
40 remain where it was originally.
41 * If the line to which the inline comment is attached moves, the comment will
42 move with it.
43 * If the diff changes substantially and the line to which the comment was
44 attached is no longer in the diff, the inline comment will be hidden but
45 with an icon to display it if necessary.
@@ -0,0 +1,70 b''
1 .. _branch-wf:
3 Branching Workflow
4 ==================
6 The branching workflow is usually used with specific guidelines about how to
7 use and name branches. A general rule of thumb is that each branch should be
8 specifically named and used for a defined purpose. See the
9 :ref:`forks-branches-ref` section for detailed steps about how to create
10 branches.
12 .. code-block:: bash
14 # Mercurial Branch
15 $ hg bookmark issue-568
17 # Git Branch
18 $ git branch issue-568
19 $ git checkout issue-568
22 Branching Overview
23 ------------------
25 .. image:: ../images/git-flow-diagram.png
26 :align: center
28 :Legend: The following code examples correspond with the numbered steps in
29 the diagram.
31 .. code-block:: bash
33 #1 clone your fork locally and pull the latest changes from upstream
34 $ git clone git://your-fork
35 $ git pull --rebase upstream master
37 #2 create a new branch
38 $ git checkout -b branch-1
40 #3 push the branch to your remote fork
41 $ git push origin branch-1
43 #4 Open a pull request from your fork to upstream/master
45 #5 Merge your pull request with the upstream/master
46 $ git merge --no-ff pull request
48 #6 pull and rebase your work plus any other work to your local branch
49 $ git checkout master
50 $ git pull --rebase upstream master
52 #7 push the new commit history to your fork
53 $ git push origin master
57 Setting up a Branching Workflow
58 -------------------------------
60 Setting up a branching workflow requires giving users access to the |repo|.
61 For more information, see the :ref:`permissions-info-add-group-ref` section.
63 Using a Branching Workflow
64 --------------------------
66 If you are on a team that uses a branching workflow, see the
67 :ref:`forks-branches-ref` section for how to create branches, and also the
68 :ref:`pull-requests-ref` section. You may also find the
69 :ref:`squash-rebase` section useful.
@@ -0,0 +1,43 b''
1 .. _fork-flow:
3 Forking Workflow
4 ================
6 The forking workflow means that everyone on a team has permission to fork a
7 |repo| and once they have completed their work, open a pull request to have it
8 accepted into the main |repo|.
10 In a forking workflow, not everyone will have write access to the main |repo|.
11 This means that only those with write access can merge |prs| once they have
12 been approved. Usually, the forking workflow is used with |hg|, and branching
13 with |git|.
15 Forking Overview
16 ----------------
18 .. image:: ../images/fork-flow.png
19 :align: center
22 Setting Up a Forking Workflow
23 -----------------------------
25 Setting up a forking workflow in |RCE| would look something like this.
27 1. Create a user group with write access.
28 2. Create a user group with read access.
29 3. Assign team members to the appropriate groups.
30 4. Users with contributions should open a pull request to
31 the main |repo| and set a user with write access as the reviewer.
32 5. Once the |pr| is approved, the write access user would merge it with the
33 main |repo|.
35 For more information about setting up user groups, see the :ref:`user-admin-set`
36 section.
38 Using a Forking Workflow
39 ------------------------
41 If you are on a team that uses a forking workflow, see the
42 :ref:`forks-branches-ref` section for how to fork a |repo|, and also the
43 :ref:`pull-requests-ref` section.
@@ -0,0 +1,14 b''
1 .. _workflow:
3 Workflow Support
4 ================
6 |RCE| supports a number of developer workflows depending on whichever setup
7 your team wishes to adopt. Use the information in the following sections to
8 get an idea of what may work best for you.
10 .. toctree::
12 workflow-fork
13 workflow-branch
@@ -0,0 +1,32 b''
1 # Try and keep this list alphabetical
2 # ui is for user interface elements and messages
3 # button - that's obvious
5 rst_epilog = '''
6 .. |AE| replace:: Appenlight
7 .. |authtoken| replace:: Authentication Token
8 .. |authtokens| replace:: **Auth Tokens**
9 .. |git| replace:: Git
10 .. |hg| replace:: Mercurial
11 .. |svn| replace:: Subversion
12 .. |LDAP| replace:: LDAP / Active Directory
13 .. |os| replace:: operating system
14 .. |OS| replace:: Operating System
15 .. |PY| replace:: Python
16 .. |pr| replace:: pull request
17 .. |prs| replace:: pull requests
18 .. |psf| replace:: Python Software Foundation
19 .. |repo| replace:: repository
20 .. |repos| replace:: repositories
21 .. |RCI| replace:: RhodeCode Control
22 .. |RCC| replace:: RhodeCode Control
23 .. |RCV| replace:: RhodeCode Enterprise
24 .. |RCM| replace:: RhodeCode Enterprise
25 .. |RCE| replace:: RhodeCode Enterprise
26 .. |RCX| replace:: RhodeCode Extensions
27 .. |RCT| replace:: RhodeCode Tools
28 .. |RCEBOLD| replace:: **RhodeCode Enterprise**
29 .. |RCEITALICS| replace:: `RhodeCode Enterprise`
30 .. |RC| replace:: RhodeCode
31 .. |RNS| replace:: Release Notes
32 '''
@@ -0,0 +1,317 b''
1 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2 #
3 # RhodeCode Enterprise documentation build configuration file, created by
4 # sphinx-quickstart on Tue Nov 4 11:48:37 2014.
5 #
6 # This file is execfile()d with the current directory set to its
7 # containing dir.
8 #
9 # Note that not all possible configuration values are present in this
10 # autogenerated file.
11 #
12 # All configuration values have a default; values that are commented out
13 # serve to show the default.
15 import sys
16 import os
17 import datetime
18 import sphinx_rtd_theme
20 # If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory,
21 # add these directories to sys.path here. If the directory is relative to the
22 # documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here.
23 sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('.'))
24 import common
26 # -- General configuration ------------------------------------------------
28 # If your documentation needs a minimal Sphinx version, state it here.
29 #needs_sphinx = '1.0'
31 # Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be
32 # extensions coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom
33 # ones.
34 extensions = [
35 'sphinx.ext.intersphinx',
36 'sphinx.ext.todo',
37 'sphinx.ext.pngmath'
38 ]
40 intersphinx_mapping = {
41 'enterprise': ('https://docs.rhodecode.com/RhodeCode-Enterprise/', None),
42 'control': ('https://docs.rhodecode.com/RhodeCode-Control/', None),
43 }
45 if tags.has('dev'):
46 intersphinx_mapping.update({
47 'enterprise': ('https://ci.rhodecode.com/documentation/Momentum/', None),
48 'control': ('https://ci.rhodecode.com/documentation/Control/', None),
49 })
52 # Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory.
53 templates_path = ['_templates']
55 # The suffix of source filenames.
56 source_suffix = '.rst'
58 # The encoding of source files.
59 #source_encoding = 'utf-8-sig'
61 # The master toctree document.
62 master_doc = 'index'
64 # The version info for the project you're documenting, acts as replacement for
65 # |version| and |release|, also used in various other places throughout the
66 # built documents.
68 # TODO: johbo: Move into common package for documentation utilities
69 def _get_version():
70 with open('../rhodecode/VERSION') as f:
71 return f.read().strip()
73 # The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags.
74 release = _get_version()
75 # The short X.Y version.
76 version = '.'.join(release.split('.', 2)[:2]) # First two parts of release
78 # General information about the project.
79 project = u'RhodeCode Enterprise %s ' % _get_version()
80 copyright = u'2010-{now.year}, RhodeCode GmbH'.format(
81 now=datetime.datetime.today())
84 # The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation
85 # for a list of supported languages.
86 #language = None
88 rst_epilog = common.rst_epilog + """
89 .. |async| replace:: asynchronous
90 """
92 # There are two options for replacing |today|: either, you set today to some
93 # non-false value, then it is used:
94 #today = ''
95 # Else, today_fmt is used as the format for a strftime call.
96 #today_fmt = '%B %d, %Y'
98 # List of patterns, relative to source directory, that match files and
99 # directories to ignore when looking for source files.
100 exclude_patterns = [
101 # Special directories
102 '_build',
103 'result',
105 # Other RST files
106 'admin/rhodecode-backup.rst',
107 'auth/ldap-configuration-example.rst',
108 'issue-trackers/redmine.rst',
109 'known-issues/error-msg-guide.rst',
110 'tutorials/docs-build.rst',
111 'integrations/example-ext.py',
112 'collaboration/supported-workflows.rst',
113 ]
116 # The reST default role (used for this markup: `text`) to use for all
117 # documents.
118 #default_role = None
120 # If true, '()' will be appended to :func: etc. cross-reference text.
121 #add_function_parentheses = True
123 # If true, the current module name will be prepended to all description
124 # unit titles (such as .. function::).
125 #add_module_names = True
127 # If true, sectionauthor and moduleauthor directives will be shown in the
128 # output. They are ignored by default.
129 #show_authors = False
131 # The name of the Pygments (syntax highlighting) style to use.
132 pygments_style = 'sphinx'
134 # A list of ignored prefixes for module index sorting.
135 #modindex_common_prefix = []
137 # If true, keep warnings as "system message" paragraphs in the built documents.
138 keep_warnings = tags.has("dev")
141 # -- Options for HTML output ----------------------------------------------
143 # The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages. See the documentation for
144 # a list of builtin themes.
145 #html_theme = 'rctheme'
146 html_theme = 'sphinx_rtd_theme'
148 # Theme options are theme-specific and customize the look and feel of a theme
149 # further. For a list of options available for each theme, see the
150 # documentation.
151 #html_theme_options = {}
152 html_theme_path = [sphinx_rtd_theme.get_html_theme_path()]
154 # Add any paths that contain custom themes here, relative to this directory.
155 #html_theme_path = []
157 # The name for this set of Sphinx documents. If None, it defaults to
158 # "<project> v<release> documentation".
159 #html_title = None
161 # A shorter title for the navigation bar. Default is the same as html_title.
162 #html_short_title = None
164 # The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top
165 # of the sidebar.
166 #html_logo = None
167 html_sidebars = {
168 '**': ['globaltoc.html'],
169 }
171 # The name of an image file (within the static path) to use as favicon of the
172 # docs. This file should be a Windows icon file (.ico) being 16x16 or 32x32
173 # pixels large.
174 html_favicon = 'images/favicon.ico'
176 # Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here,
177 # relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files,
178 # so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css".
179 html_static_path = ['static/css/add.css']
181 # Add any extra paths that contain custom files (such as robots.txt or
182 # .htaccess) here, relative to this directory. These files are copied
183 # directly to the root of the documentation.
184 #html_extra_path = []
186 # If not '', a 'Last updated on:' timestamp is inserted at every page bottom,
187 # using the given strftime format.
188 #html_last_updated_fmt = '%b %d, %Y'
190 # If true, SmartyPants will be used to convert quotes and dashes to
191 # typographically correct entities.
192 #html_use_smartypants = True
194 # Custom sidebar templates, maps document names to template names.
195 #html_sidebars = {}
197 # Additional templates that should be rendered to pages, maps page names to
198 # template names.
199 #html_additional_pages = {}
201 # If false, no module index is generated.
202 #html_domain_indices = True
204 # If false, no index is generated.
205 #html_use_index = True
207 # If true, the index is split into individual pages for each letter.
208 #html_split_index = False
210 # If true, links to the reST sources are added to the pages.
211 #html_show_sourcelink = True
213 # If true, "Created using Sphinx" is shown in the HTML footer. Default is True.
214 #html_show_sphinx = True
216 # If true, "(C) Copyright ..." is shown in the HTML footer. Default is True.
217 #html_show_copyright = True
219 # If true, an OpenSearch description file will be output, and all pages will
220 # contain a <link> tag referring to it. The value of this option must be the
221 # base URL from which the finished HTML is served.
222 #html_use_opensearch = ''
224 # This is the file name suffix for HTML files (e.g. ".xhtml").
225 #html_file_suffix = None
227 # Output file base name for HTML help builder.
228 htmlhelp_basename = 'rhodecode-enterprise'
231 # -- Options for LaTeX output ---------------------------------------------
233 latex_elements = {
234 'classoptions': ',oneside',
235 'babel': '\\usepackage[english]{babel}',
237 # The paper size ('letterpaper' or 'a4paper').
238 #'papersize': 'letterpaper',
240 # The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt').
241 #'pointsize': '10pt',
243 # Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble.
244 #'preamble': '',
245 }
247 # Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. List of tuples
248 # (source start file, target name, title,
249 # author, documentclass [howto, manual, or own class]).
250 latex_documents = [
251 ('index', 'RhodeCodeEnterprise.tex', u'RhodeCode Enterprise',
252 u'RhodeCode GmbH', 'manual'),
253 ]
255 # The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top of
256 # the title page.
257 #latex_logo = None
259 # For "manual" documents, if this is true, then toplevel headings are parts,
260 # not chapters.
261 #latex_use_parts = False
263 # If true, show page references after internal links.
264 latex_show_pagerefs = True
266 # If true, show URL addresses after external links.
267 latex_show_urls = 'footnote'
269 # Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals.
270 #latex_appendices = []
272 # If false, no module index is generated.
273 #latex_domain_indices = True
275 # Mode for literal blocks wider than the frame. Can be
276 # overflow, shrink or truncate
277 pdf_fit_mode = "truncate"
280 # -- Options for manual page output ---------------------------------------
282 # One entry per manual page. List of tuples
283 # (source start file, name, description, authors, manual section).
284 man_pages = [
285 ('index', 'rhodecodeenterprise', u'RhodeCode Enterprise',
286 [u'RhodeCode GmbH'], 1)
287 ]
289 # If true, show URL addresses after external links.
290 #man_show_urls = False
293 # -- Options for Texinfo output -------------------------------------------
295 # Grouping the document tree into Texinfo files. List of tuples
296 # (source start file, target name, title, author,
297 # dir menu entry, description, category)
298 texinfo_documents = [
299 ('index', 'RhodeCodeEnterprise', u'RhodeCode Enterprise',
300 u'RhodeCode Docs Team', 'RhodeCodeEnterprise', 'RhodeCode Docs Project',
301 'Miscellaneous'),
302 ]
304 # Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals.
305 #texinfo_appendices = []
307 # If false, no module index is generated.
308 #texinfo_domain_indices = True
310 # How to display URL addresses: 'footnote', 'no', or 'inline'.
311 #texinfo_show_urls = 'footnote'
313 # If true, do not generate a @detailmenu in the "Top" node's menu.
314 #texinfo_no_detailmenu = False
316 # We want to see todo notes in case of a pre-release build of the documentation
317 todo_include_todos = tags.has("dev")
@@ -0,0 +1,60 b''
2 =====
4 =====
8 Naming conventions
9 ==================
11 We keep the calls in the form ``{verb}_{noun}``.
15 Change and Deprecation
16 ======================
18 API deprecation is documented in the section :ref:`deprecated` together with
19 other notes about deprecated parts of the application.
22 Deprecated API calls
23 --------------------
25 - Make sure to add them into the section :ref:`deprecated`.
27 - Use `deprecated` inside of the call docstring to make our users aware of the
28 deprecation::
30 .. deprecated:: 1.2.3
32 Use `new_call_name` instead to fetch this information.
34 - Make sure to log on level `logging.WARNING` a message that the API call or
35 specific parameters are deprecated.
37 - If possible return deprecation information inside of the result from the API
38 call. Use the attribute `_warning_` to contain a message.
41 Changed API calls
42 -----------------
44 - If the change is significant, consider to use `versionchanged` in the
45 docstring::
47 .. versionchanged:: 1.2.3
49 Optional explanation if reasonable.
52 Added API calls
53 ---------------
55 - Use `versionadded` to document since which version this API call is
56 available::
58 .. versionadded:: 1.2.3
60 Optional explanation if reasonable.
@@ -0,0 +1,19 b''
1 .. _contributing:
3 Contributing to RhodeCode
4 =========================
8 Welcome to contribution guides and development docs of RhodeCode.
12 .. toctree::
13 :maxdepth: 1
15 testing/index
16 dev-setup
17 db-schema
18 dev-settings
19 api
@@ -0,0 +1,52 b''
1 =======================
2 DB Schema and Migration
3 =======================
5 To create or alter tables in the database it's necessary to change a couple of
6 files, apart from configuring the settings pointing to the latest database
7 schema.
10 Database Model and ORM
11 ----------------------
13 On ``rhodecode.model.db`` you will find the database definition of all tables and
14 fields. Any fresh install database will be correctly created by the definitions
15 here. So, any change to this files will affect the tests without having to change
16 any other file.
18 A second layer are the businness classes that are inside ``rhodecode.model``.
21 Database Migration
22 ------------------
24 Three files play a role when creating database migrations:
26 * Database schema inside ``rhodecode.lib.dbmigrate``
27 * Database version inside ``rhodecode.lib.dbmigrate``
28 * Configuration ``__dbversion__`` at ``rhodecode.__init__``
31 Schema is a snapshot of the database version BEFORE the migration. So, it's
32 the initial state before any changes were added. The name convention is
33 the latest release version where the snapshot were created, and not the
34 target version of this code.
36 Version is the method that will define how to UPGRADE/DOWNGRADE the database.
38 ``rhodecode.__init__`` contains only a variable that defines up to which version of
39 the database will be used to upgrade. Eg.: ``__dbversion__ = 45``
42 For examples on how to create those files, please see the existing code.
45 Migration Command
46 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
48 After you changed the database ORM and migration files, you can run::
50 paster upgrade-db <ini-file>
52 And the database will be upgraded up to the version defined in the ``__init__`` file. No newline at end of file
@@ -0,0 +1,46 b''
2 ==========================
3 Settings for Development
4 ==========================
7 We have a few settings which are intended to be used only for development
8 purposes. This section contains an overview of them.
12 `debug_style`
13 =============
15 Enables the section "Style" in the application. This section provides an
16 overview of all components which are found in the frontend style of the
17 application.
21 `vcs.start_server`
22 ==================
24 Starts the server as a subprocess while the system comes up. Intended usage is
25 to ease development.
29 `[logging]`
30 ===========
32 Use this to configure loggig to your current needs. The documentation of
33 Python's `logging` module explains all details. The following snippets are
34 useful for day to day development work.
37 Mute SQL output
38 ---------------
40 They come out of the package `sqlalchemy.engine`::
42 [logger_sqlalchemy]
43 level = WARNING
44 handlers = console_sql
45 qualname = sqlalchemy.engine
46 propagate = 0
@@ -0,0 +1,141 b''
2 ===================
3 Development setup
4 ===================
7 RhodeCode Enterprise runs inside a Nix managed environment. This ensures build
8 environment dependencies are correctly declared and installed during setup.
9 It also enables atomic upgrades, rollbacks, and multiple instances of RhodeCode
10 Enterprise for efficient cluster management.
12 To set up RhodeCode Enterprise inside the Nix environment use the following steps:
16 Setup Nix Package Manager
17 -------------------------
19 To install the Nix Package Manager please run::
21 $ curl https://nixos.org/nix/install | sh
23 or go to https://nixos.org/nix/ and follow their installation instructions.
24 Once this is correctly set up on your system you should be able to use the
25 following commands:
27 * `nix-env`
29 * `nix-shell`
32 .. tip::
34 Update your channels frequently by running ``nix-channel --upgrade``.
37 Switch nix to latest STABLE channel
38 -----------------------------------
40 run::
42 nix-channel --add https://nixos.org/channels/nixos-16.03 nixpkgs
44 Followed by::
46 nix-channel --update
49 Clone the required repositories
50 -------------------------------
52 After Nix is set up, clone the RhodeCode Enterprise Community Edition, and
53 RhodeCode VCSServer repositories into the same directory.
54 To do this, use the following example::
56 mkdir rhodecode-develop && cd rhodecode-develop
57 hg clone https://code.rhodecode.com/rhodecode-enterprise-ce
58 hg clone https://code.rhodecode.com/rhodecode-vcsserver
60 .. note::
62 If you cannot clone the repository, please request read permissions.
66 Enter the Development Shell
67 ---------------------------
69 The final step is to start into the development shell. To do this run the
70 following command from inside the cloned repository::
72 cd ~/rhodecode-enterprise-ce
73 nix-shell --arg dev true
75 .. note::
77 On the first run, this will take a while to download and optionally compile
78 a few things. The next runs of it will be faster.
82 Creating a Development Configuration
83 ------------------------------------
85 To create a development environment for RhodeCode Enterprise,
86 use the following steps:
88 1. Create a copy of `~/rhodecode-enterprise-ce/configs/development.ini`
89 2. Adjust the configuration settings to your needs
91 .. note::
93 It is recommended to call it `dev.ini`.
96 Setup the Development Database
97 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
99 To create a development database use the following example. This is a one
100 time operation::
102 paster setup-rhodecode dev.ini \
103 --user=admin --password=secret \
104 --email=admin@example.com \
105 --repos=~/my_dev_repos
108 Start the Development Server
109 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
111 When starting the development server, you should start the vcsserver as a
112 separate process. To do this use one of the following examples:
114 1. Set the `start.vcs_server` flag in the ``dev.ini`` file to true. For example:
116 .. code-block:: python
118 ### VCS CONFIG ###
119 ##################
120 vcs.start_server = true
121 vcs.server = localhost:9900
122 vcs.server.log_level = debug
124 Then start the server using the following command: ``rcserver dev.ini``
126 2. Start the development server using the following example::
128 rcserver --with-vcsserver dev.ini
130 3. Start the development server in a different terminal using the following
131 example::
133 vcsserver
136 Run the Environment Tests
137 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
139 Please make sure that the test are passing to verify that your environment is
140 set up correctly. More details about the tests are described in:
141 :file:`/docs/dev/testing`.
@@ -0,0 +1,28 b''
3 ============================
4 Testing and Specifications
5 ============================
8 .. toctree::
9 :maxdepth: 2
11 unit-and-functional
12 spec-by-example
13 naming-conventions
17 Overview
18 ========
20 We have a quite big test suite inside of :file:`rhodecode/tests` which is a mix
21 of unit tests and functional or integration tests. More details are in
22 :ref:`test-unit-and-functional`.
25 Apart from that we start to apply "Specification by Example" and maintain a
26 collection of such specifications together with an implementation so that it can
27 be validated in an automatic way. The files can be found in
28 :file:`acceptance_tests`. More details are in :ref:`test-spec-by-example`.
@@ -0,0 +1,29 b''
2 ====================
3 Naming conventions
4 ====================
7 Fixtures
8 ========
10 We found so far a few patterns emerging in our py.test fixtures. The naming
11 conventions for those are documented on this page.
14 Utilities - ``_util``
15 ---------------------
17 Used for fixtures which are used to ensure that the pre-conditions of the test
18 are met. Usually it does not matter so much for the test how they achieve
19 this. Most utilities will clean up automatically after themselves.
21 Use the suffix ``_util``.
24 Page objects - ``{route_name}_page``
25 ------------------------------------
27 Used as abstractions of pages.
29 Use the suffix ``_page`` and if possible use the route name as the prefix.
@@ -0,0 +1,75 b''
2 .. _test-spec-by-example:
4 ==========================
5 Specification by Example
6 ==========================
9 .. Avoid duplicating the quickstart instructions by importing the README
10 file.
12 .. include:: ../../../acceptance_tests/README.rst
16 Choices of technology and tools
17 ===============================
20 `nix` as runtime environment
21 ----------------------------
23 We settled to use the `nix` tools to provide us the needed environment for
24 running the tests.
28 `Gherkins` as specification language
29 ------------------------------------
31 To specify by example, we settled on Gherkins as the semi-formal specification
32 language.
35 `py.test` as a runner
36 ---------------------
38 After experimenting with `behave` and `py.test` our choice was `pytest-bdd`
39 because it allows us to use our existing knowledge about `py.test` and avoids
40 that we have to learn another tool.
44 Concepts
45 ========
47 The logic is structured around the design pattern of "page objects". The
48 documentation of `python-selemium` contains a few more details about this
49 pattern.
53 Page Objects
54 ------------
56 We introduce an abstraction class for every page which we have to interact with
57 in order to validate the specifications.
59 The implementation for the page objects is inside of the module
60 :mod:`page_objects`. The class :class:`page_objects.base.BasePage` should be
61 used as a base for all page object implementations.
65 Locators
66 --------
68 The specific information how to locate an element inside of the DOM tree of a
69 page is kept in a separate class. This class serves mainly as a data container,
70 it shall not contain any logic.
72 The reason for keeping the locators separate is that we expect a frequent need
73 for change whenever we work on our templates. In such a case it is more
74 efficient to have all locators together and update them there instead of having
75 to find all locators inside of the logic of a page object.
@@ -0,0 +1,61 b''
2 .. _test-unit-and-functional:
4 ===========================
5 Unit and Functional Tests
6 ===========================
10 py.test based test suite
11 ========================
14 The test suite is in the folder :file:`rhodecode/tests/` and should be run with
15 the test runner `py.test` inside of your `nix-shell` environment::
17 # In case you need the cythonized version
18 CYTHONIZE=1 python setup.py develop --prefix=$tmp_path
20 py.test rhodecode
24 py.test integration
25 -------------------
27 The integration with the test runner is based on the following three parts:
29 - `pytest_pylons` is a py.test plugin which does the integration with the
30 Pylons web framework. It sets up the Pylons environment based on a given ini
31 file.
33 Tests which depend on the Pylons environment to be set up must request the
34 fixture `pylonsapp`.
36 - :file:`rhodecode/tests/plugin.py` contains the integration of py.test with
37 RhodeCode Enterprise itself.
39 - :file:`conftest.py` plugins are used to provide a special integration for
40 certain groups of tests based on the directory location.
44 VCS backend selection
45 ---------------------
47 The py.test integration provides a parameter `--backends`. It will skip all
48 tests which are marked for other backends.
50 To run only Subversion tests::
52 py.test rhodecode --backends=svn
56 Frontend / Styling support
57 ==========================
59 All relevant style components have an example inside of the "Style" section
60 within the application. Enable the setting `debug_style` to make this section
61 visible in your local instance of the application.
@@ -0,0 +1,134 b''
1 { system ? builtins.currentSystem
2 }:
4 let
6 pkgs = import <nixpkgs> { inherit system; };
8 inherit (pkgs) fetchurl fetchgit;
10 buildPythonPackage = pkgs.python27Packages.buildPythonPackage;
11 python = pkgs.python27Packages.python;
13 Jinja2 = buildPythonPackage rec {
14 name = "Jinja2-2.7.3";
15 src = fetchurl {
16 url = "http://pypi.python.org/packages/source/J/Jinja2/${name}.tar.gz";
17 md5 = "b9dffd2f3b43d673802fe857c8445b1a";
18 };
19 propagatedBuildInputs = [ MarkupSafe ];
20 };
22 MarkupSafe = buildPythonPackage rec {
23 name = "MarkupSafe-0.23";
24 src = fetchurl {
25 url = "https://pypi.python.org/packages/source/M/MarkupSafe/${name}.tar.gz";
26 md5 = "f5ab3deee4c37cd6a922fb81e730da6e";
27 };
28 };
30 Pygments = buildPythonPackage rec {
31 name = "Pygments-2.0.2";
32 src = fetchurl {
33 url = "https://pypi.python.org/packages/source/P/Pygments/${name}.tar.gz";
34 md5 = "238587a1370d62405edabd0794b3ec4a";
35 };
36 };
38 alabaster = buildPythonPackage rec {
39 name = "alabaster-0.7.3";
40 src = fetchurl {
41 url = "https://pypi.python.org/packages/source/a/alabaster/${name}.tar.gz";
42 md5 = "67428d1383fd833f1282fed5deba0898";
43 };
44 };
46 six = buildPythonPackage rec {
47 name = "six-1.9.0";
48 src = fetchurl {
49 url = "https://pypi.python.org/packages/source/s/six/${name}.tar.gz";
50 md5 = "476881ef4012262dfc8adc645ee786c4";
51 };
52 };
54 snowballstemmer = buildPythonPackage rec {
55 name = "snowballstemmer-1.2.0";
56 src = fetchurl {
57 url = "https://pypi.python.org/packages/source/s/snowballstemmer/${name}.tar.gz";
58 md5 = "51f2ef829db8129dd0f2354f0b209970";
59 };
60 };
62 pytz = buildPythonPackage rec {
63 name = "pytz-2015.2";
64 src = fetchurl {
65 url = "https://pypi.python.org/packages/source/p/pytz/${name}.tar.gz";
66 md5 = "08440d994cfbbf13d3343362cc3173f7";
67 };
68 };
70 babel = buildPythonPackage rec {
71 name = "Babel-1.3";
72 src = fetchurl {
73 url = "https://pypi.python.org/packages/source/B/Babel/${name}.tar.gz";
74 md5 = "5264ceb02717843cbc9ffce8e6e06bdb";
75 };
76 propagatedBuildInputs = [
77 pytz
78 ];
79 };
81 Sphinx = buildPythonPackage (rec {
82 name = "Sphinx-1.3.1";
83 src = fetchurl {
84 url = "http://pypi.python.org/packages/source/S/Sphinx/${name}.tar.gz";
85 md5 = "8786a194acf9673464c5455b11fd4332";
86 };
87 propagatedBuildInputs = [
88 docutils
89 Jinja2
90 Pygments
91 alabaster
92 six
93 snowballstemmer
94 pytz
95 babel
97 # TODO: johbo: Had to include it here so that can be imported
98 sphinx_rtd_theme
99 ];
100 });
102 docutils = buildPythonPackage rec {
103 name = "docutils-0.12";
104 src = fetchurl {
105 url = "https://pypi.python.org/packages/source/d/docutils/${name}.tar.gz";
106 md5 = "4622263b62c5c771c03502afa3157768";
107 };
108 };
110 sphinx_rtd_theme = buildPythonPackage rec {
111 name = "sphinx_rtd_theme-0.1.9";
112 src = fetchurl {
113 url = "https://pypi.python.org/packages/source/s/sphinx_rtd_theme/${name}.tar.gz";
114 md5 = "86a25c8d47147c872e42dc84cc66f97b";
115 };
117 # Note: johbo: Sphinx needs this package and this package needs sphinx,
118 # ignore the requirements file to solve this cycle.
119 postPatch = ''
120 rm requirements.txt
121 touch requirements.txt
122 '';
124 # TODO: johbo: Tests would require sphinx and this creates recursion issues
125 doCheck = false;
126 };
128 in python.buildEnv.override {
129 inherit python;
130 extraLibs = [
131 Sphinx
132 sphinx_rtd_theme
133 ];
134 }
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@@ -0,0 +1,84 b''
1 |RCM|
2 =====
4 |RCM| is a high-performance source code management and collaboration system.
5 It enables you to develop projects securely behind the firewall while
6 providing collaboration tools that work with |git|, |hg|,
7 and |svn| |repos|. The user interface allows you to create, edit,
8 and commit files and |repos| while managing their security permissions.
10 |RCM| provides the following features:
12 * Source code management.
13 * Extended permissions management.
14 * Integrated code collaboration tools.
15 * Integrated code review and notifications.
16 * Scalability provided by multi-node setup.
17 * Fully programmable automation API.
18 * Web-based hook management.
19 * Native |svn| support.
20 * Migration from existing databases.
21 * |RCM| SDK.
22 * Built-in analytics
23 * Pluggable authentication system.
24 * Support for |LDAP|, Crowd, CAS, PAM.
25 * Debug modes of operation.
26 * Private and public gists.
27 * Gists with limited lifetimes and within instance only sharing.
28 * Fully integrated code search function.
29 * Always on SSL connectivity.
31 .. only:: html
33 Table of Contents
34 -----------------
36 .. toctree::
37 :maxdepth: 1
38 :caption: Admin Documentation
40 install/quick-start
41 install/install-database
42 install/install-steps
43 admin/system-overview
44 nix/default-env
45 admin/system-admin
46 admin/user-admin
47 admin/setting-repo-perms
48 admin/security-tips
49 auth/auth
50 issue-trackers/issue-trackers
51 admin/lab-settings
53 .. toctree::
54 :maxdepth: 1
55 :caption: Feature Documentation
57 collaboration/collaboration
58 collaboration/review-notifications
59 collaboration/pull-requests
60 code-review/code-review
62 .. toctree::
63 :maxdepth: 1
64 :caption: Developer Documentation
66 api/api
67 tools/rhodecode-tools
68 integrations/integrations
69 contributing/contributing
71 .. toctree::
72 :maxdepth: 1
73 :caption: User Documentation
75 usage/basic-usage
76 tutorials/tutorials
78 .. toctree::
79 :maxdepth: 1
80 :caption: About
82 known-issues/known-issues
83 release-notes/release-notes
84 admin/glossary
@@ -0,0 +1,38 b''
1 .. _config-database:
3 Make Database Changes
4 ---------------------
6 .. important::
8 If you do change the |repo| database that |RCM| uses, then you will need to
9 upgrade the database, and also remap and rescan the |repos|. More detailed
10 information is available in the
11 :ref:`Alternative upgrade documentation <control:install-port>`.
13 If you need to change database connection details for a |RCM| instance,
14 use the following steps:
16 1. Open the :file:`rhodecode.ini` file for the instance you wish to edit. The
17 default location is
18 :file:`home/{user}/.rccontrol/{instance-id}/rhodecode.ini`
19 2. When you open the file, find the database configuration section,
20 and use the below example to change the
21 connection details:
23 .. code-block:: ini
25 #########################################################
27 #########################################################
29 # Default SQLite config
30 sqlalchemy.db1.url = sqlite:////home/brian/.rccontrol/enterprise-1/rhodecode.db
32 # Use this example for a PostgreSQL
33 sqlalchemy.db1.url = postgresql://postgres:qwe@localhost/rhodecode
35 # see sqlalchemy docs for other advanced settings
36 sqlalchemy.db1.echo = false
37 sqlalchemy.db1.pool_recycle = 3600
38 sqlalchemy.db1.convert_unicode = true
@@ -0,0 +1,71 b''
2 .. _config-celery:
4 Install Celery
5 --------------
7 To improve |RCM| performance you should install Celery_ as it makes
8 asynchronous tasks work efficiently. If you
9 install Celery you also need multi-broker support. The recommended message
10 broker is rabbitmq_. |RCM| works in sync
11 mode, but running Celery_ will give you a large speed improvement when
12 managing many big repositories.
14 If you want to run |RCM| with Celery you need to run ``celeryd`` using the
15 ``paster`` command and the message broker.
16 The ``paster`` command is already installed during |RCM| installation.
18 To install and configure Celery, use the following steps:
20 1. Install Celery and RabbitMQ, see the documentation on the Celery website for
21 `Celery installation`_ and `rabbitmq installation`_.
22 2. Enable Celery in the
23 :file:`home/{user}/.rccontrol/{instance-id}/rhodecode.ini` file.
24 3. Run the Celery daemon with the ``paster`` command,
25 using the following example
26 ``.rccontrol/enterprise-1/profile/bin/paster celeryd .rccontrol/enterprise-1/rhodecode.ini``
28 .. code-block:: ini
30 # Set this section of the ini file to match your Celery installation
31 ####################################
32 ### CELERY CONFIG ####
33 ####################################
34 ## Set to true
35 use_celery = false
36 broker.host = localhost
37 broker.vhost = rabbitmqhost
38 broker.port = 5672
39 broker.user = rabbitmq
40 broker.password = qweqwe
42 celery.imports = rhodecode.lib.celerylib.tasks
44 celery.result.backend = amqp
45 celery.result.dburi = amqp://
46 celery.result.serialier = json
48 #celery.send.task.error.emails = true
49 #celery.amqp.task.result.expires = 18000
51 celeryd.concurrency = 2
52 #celeryd.log.file = celeryd.log
53 celeryd.log.level = debug
54 celeryd.max.tasks.per.child = 1
56 ## tasks will never be sent to the queue, but executed locally instead.
57 celery.always.eager = false
59 .. code-block:: bash
61 # Once the above is configured and saved
62 # Run celery with the paster command and specify the ini file
63 .rccontrol/enterprise-1/profile/bin/paster celeryd .rccontrol/enterprise-1/rhodecode.ini
65 .. _python: http://www.python.org/
66 .. _mercurial: http://mercurial.selenic.com/
67 .. _celery: http://celeryproject.org/
68 .. _rabbitmq: http://www.rabbitmq.com/
69 .. _rabbitmq installation: http://docs.celeryproject.org/en/latest/getting-started/brokers/rabbitmq.html
70 .. _Celery installation: http://docs.celeryproject.org/en/latest/getting-started/introduction.html#bundles
71 .. _virtualenv: http://docs.python-guide.org/en/latest/dev/virtualenvs/
@@ -0,0 +1,68 b''
1 .. _rhodecode-database-ref:
3 Supported Databases
4 ===================
6 .. important::
8 We do not recommend using SQLite in a production environment. It is
9 supported by |RCE| for evaluation purposes.
11 Database Overview
12 -----------------
14 Prior to installing |RCE| you should install and set up your database.
15 This means carrying out the following tasks:
17 1. Install the database software of your choice.
18 2. Using the relevant instructions, create a user on that database to use
19 with |RCE|.
20 3. Create a database, granting that user read/write access.
21 4. During |RCE| installation you will be prompted for these user credentials,
22 enter them where appropriate. These credentials will be what |RCE| uses
23 to read/write from the database tables.
25 Version Differences
26 -------------------
28 |RCE| releases 2(Major).x(Minor).x(Bug Fix) and 3.x.x use different database
29 schemas. Therefore, if you wish to run multiple instances using one database,
30 you can only do so using the same Minor Release numbered versions.
31 Though Bug Fix updates rarely have a database change, it is recommended to use
32 identical |RCE| version numbers for multi-instance setups.
34 You can use the same database server to run multiple databases for differing
35 version numbers, but you will need separate databases for each |RCE| version on
36 that server. You can specify the database during installation, use the
37 following example to configure the correct one.
39 .. code-block:: bash
41 Database type - [s]qlite, [m]ysql, [p]ostresql:
42 PostgreSQL selected
43 Database host []:
44 Database port [5432]:
45 Database username: rhodecode
46 Database password: somepassword
47 # Specify the database you with to use on that server
48 # for the RCE instance you are installing
49 Database name: example-db-name-for-2xx # The 2xx version database
50 Database name: example-db-name-for-3xx # The 3xx version database
52 Supported Databases
53 -------------------
55 |RCM| supports the following databases. The recommended encoding is Unicode
56 UTF-8.
58 .. only:: latex
60 * :ref:`install-sqlite-database`
61 * :ref:`install-mysql-database`
62 * :ref:`install-postgresql-database`
64 .. toctree::
66 using-mysql
67 using-postgresql
68 using-sqllite
@@ -0,0 +1,14 b''
1 .. _rhodecode-post-instal-ref:
3 Post Installation Tasks
4 =======================
6 The following tasks are the most common post installation requirements. Use
7 the information in these sections to configure your instance of |RCM|.
9 .. toctree::
11 setup-email
12 database-string
13 install-celery
14 migrate-repos
@@ -0,0 +1,23 b''
1 .. _mig-repos:
3 Migrating |repos|
4 -----------------
6 If you have installed |RCM| and have |repos| that you wish to migrate into
7 the system, use the following instructions.
9 1. On the |RCM| interface, check your |repo| storage location under
10 :menuselection:`Admin --> Settings --> System Info`. For example,
11 Storage location: /home/{username}/repos.
13 2. Copy the |repos| that you want |RCM| to manage to this location.
14 3. Remap and rescan the |repos|, see :ref:`remap-rescan`
16 .. important::
18 Directories create |repo| groups inside |RCM|.
20 Importing adds |RCM| git hooks to your |repos|.
22 You should verify if custom ``.hg`` or ``.hgrc`` files inside
23 repositories should be adjusted since |RCM| reads the content of them.
@@ -0,0 +1,102 b''
1 .. _quick-start:
3 Quick Start Guide
4 =================
6 .. important::
8 These are quick start instructions. To optimize your |RCE|,
9 |RCC|, and |RCT| usage, read the more detailed instructions in our guides.
10 For detailed installation instructions, see
11 :ref:`RhodeCode Control Documentation <control:rcc>`
13 .. tip::
15 If using a non-SQLite database, install and configure the database, create
16 a new user, and grant permissions. You will be prompted for this user's
17 credentials during |RCE| installation. See the relevant database
18 documentation for more details.
20 To get |RCM| up and running, run through the below steps:
22 1. Download the latest |RCC| installer from your `rhodecode.com`_ profile
23 page. If you don't have an account, sign up at `rhodecode.com/register`_.
24 2. Run the |RCC| installer and accept the End User Licence using the
25 following example:
27 .. code-block:: bash
29 $ chmod 755 RhodeCode-installer-linux-*
30 $ ./RhodeCode-installer-linux-*
32 3. Install a VCS Server, and configure it to start at boot.
34 .. code-block:: bash
36 $ rccontrol install VCSServer
38 Agree to the licence agreement? [y/N]: y
39 IP to start the server on []:
40 Port for the server to start [10005]:
41 Creating new instance: vcsserver-1
42 Installing RhodeCode VCSServer
43 Configuring RhodeCode VCS Server ...
44 Supervisord state is: RUNNING
45 Added process group vcsserver-1
48 4. Install |RCE|. If using MySQL or PostgreSQL, during installation you'll be
49 asked for your database credentials, so have them at hand. You don't need
50 any for SQLite.
52 .. code-block:: bash
53 :emphasize-lines: 11-16
55 $ rccontrol install Enterprise
57 Username [admin]: username
58 Password (min 6 chars):
59 Repeat for confirmation:
60 Email: your@mail.com
61 Respositories location [/home/brian/repos]:
62 IP to start the Enterprise server on []:
63 Port for the Enterprise server to use [10004]:
64 Database type - [s]qlite, [m]ysql, [p]ostresql:
65 PostgreSQL selected
66 Database host []:
67 Database port [5432]:
68 Database username: db-user-name
69 Database password: somepassword
70 Database name: example-db-name
72 5. Check the status of your installation. You |RCE| instance runs on the URL
73 displayed in the status message.
75 .. code-block:: bash
77 $ rccontrol status
79 - NAME: enterprise-1
81 - TYPE: Enterprise
82 - VERSION: 3.3.0
83 - URL:
85 - NAME: vcsserver-1
87 - TYPE: VCSServer
88 - VERSION: 3.3.0
89 - URL:
91 .. note::
93 Recommended post quick start install instructions:
95 * Read the documentation
96 * Carry out the :ref:`rhodecode-post-instal-ref`
97 * Set up :ref:`indexing-ref`
98 * Familiarise yourself with the :ref:`rhodecode-admin-ref` section.
100 .. _rhodecode.com/download/: https://rhodecode.com/download/
101 .. _rhodecode.com: https://rhodecode.com/
102 .. _rhodecode.com/register: https://rhodecode.com/register/
@@ -0,0 +1,34 b''
1 .. _set-up-mail:
3 Set up Email
4 ------------
6 To setup email with your |RCM| instance, open the default
7 :file:`/home/{user}/.rccontrol/{instance-id}/rhodecode.ini`
8 file and uncomment and configure the email section. If it is not there,
9 use the below example to insert it.
11 Once configured you can check the settings for your |RCM| instance on the
12 :menuselection:`Admin --> Settings --> Email` page.
14 .. code-block:: ini
16 ################################################################################
17 ## Uncomment and replace with the email address which should receive ##
18 ## any error reports after an application crash ##
19 ## Additionally these settings will be used by the RhodeCode mailing system ##
20 ################################################################################
21 #email_to = admin@localhost
22 #error_email_from = paste_error@localhost
23 #app_email_from = rhodecode-noreply@localhost
24 #error_message =
25 #email_prefix = [RhodeCode]
27 #smtp_server = mail.server.com
28 #smtp_username =
29 #smtp_password =
30 #smtp_port =
31 #smtp_use_tls = false
32 #smtp_use_ssl = true
33 ## Specify available auth parameters here (e.g. LOGIN PLAIN CRAM-MD5, etc.)
34 #smtp_auth =
@@ -0,0 +1,26 b''
1 .. _install-mysql-database:
3 MySQL or MariaDB
4 ----------------
6 To use a MySQL or MariaDB database you should install and configure the
7 database before installing |RCM|. This is because during |RCM| installation
8 you will setup a connection to your MySQL or MariaDB database. To work with
9 either, use the following steps:
11 1. Depending on your |os|, install a MySQL or MariaDB database following the
12 appropriate instructions from the `MySQL website`_ or `MariaDB website`_.
13 2. Configure the database with a username and password which you will use
14 with |RCM|.
15 3. Install |RCM|, and during installation select MySQL as your database.
16 4. Enter the following information during the database setup:
18 * Your network IP Address
19 * The port number for MySQL or MariaDB access.
20 The default port for both is ``3306``
21 * Your database username
22 * Your database password
23 * A new database name
25 .. _MySQL website: http://www.mysql.com/
26 .. _MariaDB website: https://mariadb.com/
@@ -0,0 +1,24 b''
1 .. _install-postgresql-database:
3 PostgreSQL
4 ----------
6 To use a PostgreSQL database you should install and configurevthe database
7 before installing |RCV|. This is becausevduring |RCV| installation you will
8 setup a connection to your PostgreSQL database. To work with PostgreSQL,
9 use the following steps:
11 1. Depending on your |os|, install avPostgreSQL database following the
12 appropriate instructions from the `PostgreSQL website`_.
13 2. Configure the database with a username and password which you will use
14 with |RCV|.
15 3. Install |RCV|, and during installation select PostgreSQL as your database.
16 4. Enter the following information to during the database setup:
18 * Your network IP Address
19 * The port number for MySQL access. The default MySQL port is ``5434``
20 * Your database username
21 * Your database password
22 * A new database name
24 .. _PostgreSQL website: http://www.postgresql.org/
@@ -0,0 +1,32 b''
1 .. _install-sqlite-database:
3 SQLite
4 ------
6 .. important::
8 We do not recommend using SQLite in a large development environment
9 as it has an internal locking mechanism which can become a performance
10 bottleneck when there are more than 5 concurrent users.
12 |RCM| installs SQLite as the default database if you do not specify another
13 during installation. SQLite is suitable for small teams,
14 projects with a low load, and evaluation purposes since it is built into
15 |RCM| and does not require any additional database server.
17 Using MySQL or PostgreSQL in an large setup gives you much greater
18 performance, and while migration tools exist to move from one database type
19 to another, it is better to get it right first time and to immediately use
20 MySQL or PostgreSQL when you deploy |RCM| in a production environment.
22 Migrating From SQLite to PostgreSQL
23 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
25 If you started working with SQLite and now need to migrate your database
26 to PostgreSQL, you can contact support@rhodecode.com for some help. We have a
27 set of scripts that enable SQLite to PostgreSQL migration. These scripts have
28 been tested, and work with PostgreSQL 9.1+.
30 .. note::
32 There are no SQLite to MySQL or MariaDB scripts available.
@@ -0,0 +1,150 b''
1 .. _config-ext:
3 Configure |RCX|
4 ---------------
6 To get the the built in plugins and extensions working the way you want them
7 to, you have to configure them to work with your services. An overview of
8 what needs to be done is:
10 * :ref:`config-rcx-plugin` to carry out your desired actions once its hook is
11 triggered. There are default actions built in, but you may wish to alter
12 those.
13 * :ref:`config-rcx-hook` to execute actions for the plugin, when certain
14 actions are carried out with |RCE|.
16 .. _config-rcx-plugin:
18 Tweak a Default Plugin
19 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
21 Each of the default plugins comes with a standard configuration, but you may
22 wish to change those settings. In this example, the Redmine plugin watches
23 for the words defined in the ``HASH_REGEX`` variable and takes actions if one
24 of those words is used in conjunction with a ``#{number}``, which matches a
25 ticket number in Redmine. You can configure this to work differently based on
26 the `Redmine documentation`_.
28 .. code-block:: python
29 :emphasize-lines: 3-5, 37
31 import re
33 HASH_REGEX = re.compile(
34 r"(?:fix|fixes|fixing|close|closes|closing)\s*#([0-9]+)\b",
38 def link_to_commit(repo_url, commit_id):
39 rev_url = '%s/changeset/%s' % (repo_url, commit_id)
40 return '"%s":%s' % (commit_id[:6], rev_url)
43 def run(*args, **kwargs):
44 issues = kwargs['RM_ISSUES']
45 if not issues:
46 return 0
48 # repo extra fields can control this, they should be propagated with
49 # extract repo fields
50 tracker_url = kwargs.get('redmine_tracker_url') or kwargs['RM_URL']
51 project_id = kwargs.get('redmine_project_id') or kwargs['RM_PROJECT']
52 api_key = kwargs.get('redmine_api_key') or kwargs['RM_APIKEY']
54 if project_id:
55 from redmine import Redmine
56 remote_redmine = Redmine(tracker_url, key=api_key)
57 project = remote_redmine.project.get(project_id)
58 repo_url = '%(server_url)s/%(repository)s' % kwargs
59 # for each fetched issue id make a redmine api call
60 for _id, details in issues.items():
61 commits = ', '.join([link_to_commit(repo_url,
62 x['raw_id'],)
63 for x in details])
64 issue = project.issues.get(int(_id))
65 if issue:
66 issue.notes = 'Issue resolved by %s' % (commits,)
67 issue.status_id = 3 # Resolved
68 issue.save()
71 .. _config-rcx-hook:
73 Configure a Hook
74 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
76 To configure the default hooks in the
77 :file:`/home/{user}/.rccontrol/{instance-id}/rcextensions/__init.py__` file,
78 use the following steps.
80 1. Configure the connection details, either in the file or import from a
81 dictionary. For these connection scenarios the following details need to
82 be configured.
84 * **REDMINE_URL** = '<redmine-url>'
85 * **REDMINE_API_KEY** = '<secret>'
86 * **SLACK_API_URL** = '<slack-url>?token=<secret>'
87 * **SLACK_API_KEY** = '<secret>'
89 2. You will also need to configure other variables, such as the
90 **SLACK_ROOM** or **RM_PROJECT** (Redmine Project). These set where the
91 commit message is posted. Various hooks can take different variables and
92 they are documented in the file.
94 3. Inside each hook you can then configure it to carry out actions
95 per service. In this example, the push hook is pushing to the Redmine and
96 Slack plugins on each push if the hook criteria are matched.
98 .. code-block:: python
99 :emphasize-lines: 21-29, 37-44
101 def _push_hook(*args, **kwargs):
102 kwargs['commit_ids'] = kwargs['pushed_revs']
104 call = load_extension('extra_fields.py')
105 if call:
106 repo_extra_fields = call(**kwargs)
107 # now update if we have extra fields, they have precedence
108 # this way users can store any configuration inside
109 # the database per repo
110 for key, data in repo_extra_fields.items():
111 kwargs[key] = data['field_value']
113 # fetch pushed commits
114 call = load_extension('extract_commits.py')
115 extracted_commits = {}
116 if call:
117 extracted_commits = call(**kwargs)
118 # store the commits for the next call chain
119 kwargs['COMMITS'] = extracted_commits
121 # slack !
122 call = load_extension('slack.py')
123 if call:
126 kwargs['SLACK_ROOM'] = '#slack-channel'
127 kwargs['SLACK_FROM'] = 'Slack-Message-Poster'
128 kwargs['SLACK_FROM_ICON_EMOJI'] = ':slack-emoji:'
129 call(**kwargs)
131 # fetch issues from given commits
132 call = load_extension('extract_issues.py')
133 issues = {}
134 if call:
135 issues = call(**kwargs)
137 # redmine smart commits
138 call = load_extension('redmine_smart_commits.py')
139 if call:
140 kwargs['RM_URL'] = REDMINE_URL
142 kwargs['RM_PROJECT'] = None # uses extra_fields from repo
143 kwargs['RM_ISSUES'] = issues
144 call(**kwargs)
146 return 0
147 PUSH_HOOK = _push_hook
150 .. _Redmine documentation: http://www.redmine.org/projects/redmine/wiki/Rest_api
This diff has been collapsed as it changes many lines, (823 lines changed) Show them Hide them
@@ -0,0 +1,823 b''
1 """
2 rcextensions module.
4 """
7 import os
8 import imp
9 import string
10 import functools
12 here = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
13 registered_extensions = dict()
15 class DotDict(dict):
17 def __contains__(self, k):
18 try:
19 return dict.__contains__(self, k) or hasattr(self, k)
20 except:
21 return False
23 # only called if k not found in normal places
24 def __getattr__(self, k):
25 try:
26 return object.__getattribute__(self, k)
27 except AttributeError:
28 try:
29 return self[k]
30 except KeyError:
31 raise AttributeError(k)
33 def __setattr__(self, k, v):
34 try:
35 object.__getattribute__(self, k)
36 except AttributeError:
37 try:
38 self[k] = v
39 except:
40 raise AttributeError(k)
41 else:
42 object.__setattr__(self, k, v)
44 def __delattr__(self, k):
45 try:
46 object.__getattribute__(self, k)
47 except AttributeError:
48 try:
49 del self[k]
50 except KeyError:
51 raise AttributeError(k)
52 else:
53 object.__delattr__(self, k)
55 def toDict(self):
56 return unserialize(self)
58 def __repr__(self):
59 keys = list(self.iterkeys())
60 keys.sort()
61 args = ', '.join(['%s=%r' % (key, self[key]) for key in keys])
62 return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, args)
64 @staticmethod
65 def fromDict(d):
66 return serialize(d)
69 def serialize(x):
70 if isinstance(x, dict):
71 return DotDict((k, serialize(v)) for k, v in x.iteritems())
72 elif isinstance(x, (list, tuple)):
73 return type(x)(serialize(v) for v in x)
74 else:
75 return x
78 def unserialize(x):
79 if isinstance(x, dict):
80 return dict((k, unserialize(v)) for k, v in x.iteritems())
81 elif isinstance(x, (list, tuple)):
82 return type(x)(unserialize(v) for v in x)
83 else:
84 return x
87 def load_extension(filename, async=False):
88 """
89 use to load extensions inside rcextension folder.
90 for example::
92 callback = load_extension('email.py', async=False)
93 if callback:
94 callback('foobar')
96 put file named email.py inside rcextensions folder to load it. Changing
97 async=True will make the call of the plugin async, it's useful for
98 blocking calls like sending an email or notification with APIs.
99 """
100 mod = ''.join(filename.split('.')[:-1])
101 loaded = imp.load_source(mod, os.path.join(here, filename))
103 callback = getattr(loaded, 'run', None)
104 if not callback:
105 raise Exception('Plugin missing `run` method')
106 if async:
107 # modify callback so it's actually an async call
108 def _async_callback(*args, **kwargs):
109 import threading
110 thr = threading.Thread(target=callback, args=args, kwargs=kwargs)
111 thr.start()
112 if kwargs.get('_async_block'):
113 del kwargs['_async_block']
114 thr.join()
116 return _async_callback
117 return callback
120 def _verify_kwargs(expected_parameters, kwargs):
121 """
122 Verify that exactly `expected_parameters` are passed in as `kwargs`.
123 """
124 expected_parameters = set(expected_parameters)
125 kwargs_keys = set(kwargs.keys())
126 if kwargs_keys != expected_parameters:
127 missing_kwargs = expected_parameters - kwargs_keys
128 unexpected_kwargs = kwargs_keys - expected_parameters
129 raise AssertionError(
130 "Missing parameters: %r, unexpected parameters: %s" %
131 (missing_kwargs, unexpected_kwargs))
134 def verify_kwargs(required_args):
135 """
136 decorator to verify extension calls arguments.
138 :param required_args:
139 """
140 def wrap(func):
141 def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
142 _verify_kwargs(required_args, kwargs)
143 return func(*args, **kwargs)
144 return wrapper
145 return wrap
148 def register(name=None):
149 def wrap(func):
150 @functools.wraps(func)
151 def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
152 # register load_extensions in kwargs, so we can chain plugins
153 kwargs['_load_extension'] = load_extension
154 # append this path for us to use added plugins or modules
155 import sys
156 _cur_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
157 if _cur_path not in sys.path:
158 sys.path.append(_cur_path)
160 registered_extensions[func.__name__] = func
161 return func(*args, **kwargs)
162 return wrapper
163 return wrap
165 # =============================================================================
167 # =============================================================================
169 # Additional mappings that are not present in the pygments lexers
170 # used for building stats
171 # format is {'ext':['Names']} eg. {'py':['Python']} note: there can be
172 # more than one name for extension
173 # NOTE: that this will override any mappings in LANGUAGES_EXTENSIONS_MAP
174 # build by pygments
177 # additional lexer definitions for custom files it's overrides pygments lexers,
178 # and uses defined name of lexer to colorize the files. Format is {'ext':
179 # 'lexer_name'} List of lexers can be printed running:
180 # >> python -c "import pprint;from pygments import lexers;
181 # pprint.pprint([(x[0], x[1]) for x in lexers.get_all_lexers()]);"
186 CONFIG = DotDict(
187 slack=DotDict(
188 api_key='api-key',
189 api_url='slack-incoming-hook-url',
190 default_room='#slack-channel',
191 default_plugin_config={},
192 ),
193 redmine=DotDict(
194 api_key='api-key',
195 default_tracker_url='https://redmine.tracker.url',
196 default_project_id=None,
197 default_status_resolved_id=3
198 ),
199 )
201 # slack conf
202 CONFIG.slack.default_plugin_config = {
203 'INCOMING_WEBHOOK_URL': CONFIG.slack.api_url,
204 'SLACK_TOKEN': CONFIG.slack.api_key,
205 'SLACK_ROOM': CONFIG.slack.default_room,
206 'SLACK_FROM': 'RhodeCode',
207 'SLACK_FROM_ICON_EMOJI': ':rhodecode:',
208 }
210 # redmine smart_pr configuration
211 def configure_redmine_smart_pr(issues, kwargs):
212 kwargs['REDMINE_ISSUES'] = issues
213 kwargs['redmine_tracker_url'] = kwargs.pop(
214 'redmine_tracker_url', '') or CONFIG.redmine.default_tracker_url
215 kwargs['redmine_api_key'] = kwargs.pop(
216 'redmine_api_key', '') or CONFIG.redmine.api_key
217 kwargs['redmine_project_id'] = kwargs.pop(
218 'redmine_project_id', '') or CONFIG.redmine.default_project_id
221 @register('CREATE_REPO_HOOK')
222 @verify_kwargs(
223 ['_load_extension', 'repo_name', 'repo_type', 'description', 'private',
224 'created_on', 'enable_downloads', 'repo_id', 'user_id', 'enable_statistics',
225 'clone_uri', 'fork_id', 'group_id', 'created_by'])
226 def _create_repo_hook(*args, **kwargs):
227 """
228 POST CREATE REPOSITORY HOOK. This function will be executed after
229 each repository is created. kwargs available:
231 :param repo_name:
232 :param repo_type:
233 :param description:
234 :param private:
235 :param created_on:
236 :param enable_downloads:
237 :param repo_id:
238 :param user_id:
239 :param enable_statistics:
240 :param clone_uri:
241 :param fork_id:
242 :param group_id:
243 :param created_by:
244 """
245 return 0
246 CREATE_REPO_HOOK = _create_repo_hook
249 @register('CREATE_REPO_GROUP_HOOK')
250 @verify_kwargs(
251 ['_load_extension', 'group_name', 'group_parent_id', 'group_description',
252 'group_id', 'user_id', 'created_by', 'created_on', 'enable_locking'])
253 def _create_repo_group_hook(*args, **kwargs):
254 """
255 POST CREATE REPOSITORY GROUP HOOK, this function will be
256 executed after each repository group is created. kwargs available:
258 :param group_name:
259 :param group_parent_id:
260 :param group_description:
261 :param group_id:
262 :param user_id:
263 :param created_by:
264 :param created_on:
265 :param enable_locking:
266 """
267 return 0
268 CREATE_REPO_GROUP_HOOK = _create_repo_group_hook
271 @register('PRE_CREATE_USER_HOOK')
272 @verify_kwargs(
273 ['_load_extension', 'username', 'password', 'email', 'firstname',
274 'lastname', 'active', 'admin', 'created_by'])
275 def _pre_create_user_hook(*args, **kwargs):
276 """
277 PRE CREATE USER HOOK, this function will be executed before each
278 user is created, it returns a tuple of bool, reason.
279 If bool is False the user creation will be stopped and reason
280 will be displayed to the user. kwargs available:
282 :param username:
283 :param password:
284 :param email:
285 :param firstname:
286 :param lastname:
287 :param active:
288 :param admin:
289 :param created_by:
290 """
292 reason = 'allowed'
293 return True, reason
294 PRE_CREATE_USER_HOOK = _pre_create_user_hook
297 @register('CREATE_USER_HOOK')
298 @verify_kwargs(
299 ['_load_extension', 'username', 'full_name_or_username', 'full_contact',
300 'user_id', 'name', 'firstname', 'short_contact', 'admin', 'lastname',
301 'ip_addresses', 'extern_type', 'extern_name', 'email', 'api_key',
302 'api_keys', 'last_login', 'full_name', 'active', 'password', 'emails',
303 'inherit_default_permissions', 'created_by', 'created_on'])
304 def _create_user_hook(*args, **kwargs):
305 """
306 POST CREATE USER HOOK, this function will be executed after each user is created
307 kwargs available:
309 :param username:
310 :param full_name_or_username:
311 :param full_contact:
312 :param user_id:
313 :param name:
314 :param firstname:
315 :param short_contact:
316 :param admin:
317 :param lastname:
318 :param ip_addresses:
319 :param extern_type:
320 :param extern_name:
321 :param email:
322 :param api_key:
323 :param api_keys:
324 :param last_login:
325 :param full_name:
326 :param active:
327 :param password:
328 :param emails:
329 :param inherit_default_permissions:
330 :param created_by:
331 :param created_on:
332 """
333 return 0
334 CREATE_USER_HOOK = _create_user_hook
337 @register('DELETE_REPO_HOOK')
338 @verify_kwargs(
339 ['_load_extension', 'repo_name', 'repo_type', 'description', 'private',
340 'created_on', 'enable_downloads', 'repo_id', 'user_id', 'enable_statistics',
341 'clone_uri', 'fork_id', 'group_id', 'deleted_by', 'deleted_on'])
342 def _delete_repo_hook(*args, **kwargs):
343 """
344 POST DELETE REPOSITORY HOOK, this function will be executed after
345 each repository deletion kwargs available:
347 :param repo_name:
348 :param repo_type:
349 :param description:
350 :param private:
351 :param created_on:
352 :param enable_downloads:
353 :param repo_id:
354 :param user_id:
355 :param enable_statistics:
356 :param clone_uri:
357 :param fork_id:
358 :param group_id:
359 :param deleted_by:
360 :param deleted_on:
361 """
362 return 0
363 DELETE_REPO_HOOK = _delete_repo_hook
366 @register('DELETE_USER_HOOK')
367 @verify_kwargs(
368 ['_load_extension', 'username', 'full_name_or_username', 'full_contact',
369 'user_id', 'name', 'firstname', 'short_contact', 'admin', 'lastname',
370 'ip_addresses', 'email', 'api_key', 'last_login', 'full_name', 'active',
371 'password', 'emails', 'inherit_default_permissions', 'deleted_by'
372 ])
373 def _delete_user_hook(*args, **kwargs):
374 """
375 POST DELETE USER HOOK, this function will be executed after each
376 user is deleted kwargs available:
378 :param username:
379 :param full_name_or_username:
380 :param full_contact:
381 :param user_id:
382 :param name:
383 :param firstname:
384 :param short_contact:
385 :param admin:
386 :param lastname:
387 :param ip_addresses:
388 :param ldap_dn:
389 :param email:
390 :param api_key:
391 :param last_login:
392 :param full_name:
393 :param active:
394 :param password:
395 :param emails:
396 :param inherit_default_permissions:
397 :param deleted_by:
398 """
399 return 0
400 DELETE_USER_HOOK = _delete_user_hook
403 @register('PRE_PUSH_HOOK')
404 @verify_kwargs(
405 ['_load_extension', 'server_url', 'config', 'scm', 'username',
406 'ip', 'action', 'repository', 'repo_store_path'])
407 def _pre_push_hook(*args, **kwargs):
408 """
409 Post push hook
410 kwargs available:
412 :param server_url: url of instance that triggered this hook
413 :param config: path to .ini config used
414 :param scm: type of VS 'git' or 'hg'
415 :param username: name of user who pushed
416 :param ip: ip of who pushed
417 :param action: push
418 :param repository: repository name
419 :param repo_store_path: full path to where repositories are stored
420 """
421 return 0
422 PRE_PUSH_HOOK = _pre_push_hook
425 @register('PUSH_HOOK')
426 @verify_kwargs(
427 ['_load_extension', 'server_url', 'config', 'scm', 'username',
428 'ip', 'action', 'repository', 'repo_store_path', 'pushed_revs'])
429 def _push_hook(*args, **kwargs):
430 """
431 POST PUSH HOOK, this function will be executed after each push it's
432 executed after the build-in hook that RhodeCode uses for logging pushes
433 kwargs available:
435 :param server_url: url of instance that triggered this hook
436 :param config: path to .ini config used
437 :param scm: type of VS 'git' or 'hg'
438 :param username: name of user who pushed
439 :param ip: ip of who pushed
440 :param action: push
441 :param repository: repository name
442 :param repo_store_path: full path to where repositories are stored
443 :param pushed_revs: list of pushed commit ids
444 """
445 # backward compat
446 kwargs['commit_ids'] = kwargs['pushed_revs']
448 # fetch extra fields from repository
449 call = load_extension('extra_fields.py')
450 _extra_fields = {}
451 if call:
452 repo_extra_fields = call(**kwargs)
453 # now update if we have extra fields, they have precedence
454 # this way users can store any configuration inside the database per
455 # repo
456 for key, data in repo_extra_fields.items():
457 kwargs[key] = data['field_value']
458 _extra_fields[key] = data['field_value']
460 # fetch pushed commits, from commit_ids list
461 call = load_extension('extract_commits.py')
462 extracted_commits = {}
463 if call:
464 extracted_commits = call(**kwargs)
465 # store the commits for the next call chain
466 kwargs['COMMITS'] = extracted_commits
468 # slack !
469 call = load_extension('slack_push_notify.py')
470 if call:
471 kwargs.update(CONFIG.slack.default_plugin_config)
472 call(**kwargs)
474 # fetch redmine issues from given commits
475 call = load_extension('extract_redmine_issues.py')
476 issues = {}
477 if call:
478 issues = call(**kwargs)
480 # redmine smart commits
481 call = load_extension('redmine_smart_commits.py')
482 if call:
483 kwargs['REDMINE_ISSUES'] = issues
485 kwargs['redmine_tracker_url'] = kwargs.pop(
486 'redmine_tracker_url', '') or CONFIG.redmine.default_tracker_url
487 kwargs['redmine_api_key'] = kwargs.pop(
488 'redmine_api_key', '') or CONFIG.redmine.api_key
489 kwargs['redmine_status_resolved_id'] = kwargs.pop(
490 'redmine_status_resolved_id', '') or CONFIG.redmine.default_status_resolved_id
491 kwargs['redmine_project_id'] = kwargs.pop(
492 'redmine_project_id', '') or CONFIG.redmine.default_project_id
493 call(**kwargs)
495 return 0
496 PUSH_HOOK = _push_hook
499 @register('PRE_PULL_HOOK')
500 @verify_kwargs(
501 ['_load_extension', 'server_url', 'config', 'scm', 'username', 'ip',
502 'action', 'repository'])
503 def _pre_pull_hook(*args, **kwargs):
504 """
505 Post pull hook
506 kwargs available::
508 :param server_url: url of instance that triggered this hook
509 :param config: path to .ini config used
510 :param scm: type of VS 'git' or 'hg'
511 :param username: name of user who pulled
512 :param ip: ip of who pulled
513 :param action: pull
514 :param repository: repository name
515 """
516 return 0
517 PRE_PULL_HOOK = _pre_pull_hook
520 @register('PULL_HOOK')
521 @verify_kwargs(
522 ['_load_extension', 'server_url', 'config', 'scm', 'username', 'ip',
523 'action', 'repository'])
524 def _pull_hook(*args, **kwargs):
525 """
526 POST PULL HOOK, this function will be executed after each push it's
527 executed after the build-in hook that RhodeCode uses for logging pulls
529 kwargs available:
531 :param server_url: url of instance that triggered this hook
532 :param config: path to .ini config used
533 :param scm: type of VS 'git' or 'hg'
534 :param username: name of user who pulled
535 :param ip: ip of who pulled
536 :param action: pull
537 :param repository: repository name
538 """
539 return 0
540 PULL_HOOK = _pull_hook
543 # =============================================================================
545 # =============================================================================
546 @register('CREATE_PULL_REQUEST')
547 @verify_kwargs(
548 ['_load_extension', 'server_url', 'config', 'scm', 'username', 'ip',
549 'action', 'repository', 'pull_request_id', 'url', 'title', 'description',
550 'status', 'created_on', 'updated_on', 'commit_ids', 'review_status',
551 'mergeable', 'source', 'target', 'author', 'reviewers'])
552 def _create_pull_request_hook(*args, **kwargs):
553 """
555 """
556 # extract extra fields and default reviewers from target
557 kwargs['REPOSITORY'] = kwargs['target']['repository']
559 call = load_extension('extra_fields.py')
560 if call:
561 repo_extra_fields = call(**kwargs)
562 # now update if we have extra fields, they have precedence
563 # this way users can store any configuration inside the database per
564 # repo
565 for key, data in repo_extra_fields.items():
566 kwargs[key] = data['field_value']
568 call = load_extension('default_reviewers.py')
569 if call:
570 # read default_reviewers key propagated from extra fields
571 kwargs['default_reviewers'] = map(string.strip, kwargs.pop(
572 'default_reviewers', '').split(','))
573 call(**kwargs)
575 # extract below from source repo as commits are there
576 kwargs['REPOSITORY'] = kwargs['source']['repository']
578 # # fetch pushed commits, from commit_ids list
579 # call = load_extension('extract_commits.py')
580 # extracted_commits = {}
581 # if call:
582 # extracted_commits = call(**kwargs)
583 # # store the commits for the next call chain
584 # kwargs['COMMITS'] = extracted_commits
585 #
586 # # fetch issues from given commits
587 # call = load_extension('extract_redmine_issues.py')
588 # issues = {}
589 # if call:
590 # issues = call(**kwargs)
591 #
592 # # redmine smart pr update
593 # call = load_extension('redmine_pr_flow.py')
594 # if call:
595 # # updates kwargs on the fly
596 # configure_redmine_smart_pr(issues=issues, kwargs=kwargs)
597 # call(**kwargs)
598 #
599 # # slack notification on merging PR
600 # call = load_extension('slack_message.py')
601 # if call:
602 # kwargs.update(CONFIG.slack.default_plugin_config)
603 # kwargs['SLACK_ROOM'] = '#develop'
604 # kwargs['SLACK_MESSAGE'] = 'Pull request <%s|#%s> (%s) was created.' % (
605 # kwargs.get('url'), kwargs.get('pull_request_id'), kwargs.get('title'))
606 #
607 # call(**kwargs)
609 return 0
610 CREATE_PULL_REQUEST = _create_pull_request_hook
613 @register('REVIEW_PULL_REQUEST')
614 @verify_kwargs(
615 ['_load_extension', 'server_url', 'config', 'scm', 'username', 'ip',
616 'action', 'repository', 'pull_request_id', 'url', 'title', 'description',
617 'status', 'created_on', 'updated_on', 'commit_ids', 'review_status',
618 'mergeable', 'source', 'target', 'author', 'reviewers'])
619 def _review_pull_request_hook(*args, **kwargs):
620 """
622 """
623 # extract extra fields and default reviewers from target
624 kwargs['REPOSITORY'] = kwargs['target']['repository']
626 # fetch extra fields
627 call = load_extension('extra_fields.py')
628 if call:
629 repo_extra_fields = call(**kwargs)
630 # now update if we have extra fields, they have precedence
631 # this way users can store any configuration inside the database per
632 # repo
633 for key, data in repo_extra_fields.items():
634 kwargs[key] = data['field_value']
636 # extract below from source repo as commits are there
637 kwargs['REPOSITORY'] = kwargs['source']['repository']
639 # fetch pushed commits, from commit_ids list
640 call = load_extension('extract_commits.py')
641 extracted_commits = {}
642 if call:
643 extracted_commits = call(**kwargs)
644 # store the commits for the next call chain
645 kwargs['COMMITS'] = extracted_commits
647 # fetch issues from given commits
648 call = load_extension('extract_redmine_issues.py')
649 issues = {}
650 if call:
651 issues = call(**kwargs)
653 # redmine smart pr update
654 call = load_extension('redmine_pr_flow.py')
655 if call:
656 # updates kwargs on the fly
657 configure_redmine_smart_pr(issues=issues, kwargs=kwargs)
658 call(**kwargs)
660 return 0
661 REVIEW_PULL_REQUEST = _review_pull_request_hook
664 @register('UPDATE_PULL_REQUEST')
665 @verify_kwargs(
666 ['_load_extension', 'server_url', 'config', 'scm', 'username', 'ip',
667 'action', 'repository', 'pull_request_id', 'url', 'title', 'description',
668 'status', 'created_on', 'updated_on', 'commit_ids', 'review_status',
669 'mergeable', 'source', 'target', 'author', 'reviewers'])
670 def _update_pull_request_hook(*args, **kwargs):
671 """
673 """
674 # extract extra fields and default reviewers from target
675 kwargs['REPOSITORY'] = kwargs['target']['repository']
677 # fetch extra fields
678 call = load_extension('extra_fields.py')
679 if call:
680 repo_extra_fields = call(**kwargs)
681 # now update if we have extra fields, they have precedence
682 # this way users can store any configuration inside the database per
683 # repo
684 for key, data in repo_extra_fields.items():
685 kwargs[key] = data['field_value']
687 # extract below from source repo as commits are there
688 kwargs['REPOSITORY'] = kwargs['source']['repository']
690 # fetch pushed commits, from commit_ids list
691 call = load_extension('extract_commits.py')
692 extracted_commits = {}
693 if call:
694 extracted_commits = call(**kwargs)
695 # store the commits for the next call chain
696 kwargs['COMMITS'] = extracted_commits
698 # fetch issues from given commits
699 call = load_extension('extract_redmine_issues.py')
700 issues = {}
701 if call:
702 issues = call(**kwargs)
704 # redmine smart pr updated
705 call = load_extension('redmine_pr_flow.py')
706 if call:
707 # updates kwargs on the fly
708 configure_redmine_smart_pr(issues=issues, kwargs=kwargs)
709 call(**kwargs)
711 return 0
712 UPDATE_PULL_REQUEST = _update_pull_request_hook
715 @register('MERGE_PULL_REQUEST')
716 @verify_kwargs(
717 ['_load_extension', 'server_url', 'config', 'scm', 'username', 'ip',
718 'action', 'repository', 'pull_request_id', 'url', 'title', 'description',
719 'status', 'created_on', 'updated_on', 'commit_ids', 'review_status',
720 'mergeable', 'source', 'target', 'author', 'reviewers'])
721 def _merge_pull_request_hook(*args, **kwargs):
722 """
724 """
725 # extract extra fields and default reviewers from target
726 kwargs['REPOSITORY'] = kwargs['target']['repository']
728 # fetch extra fields
729 call = load_extension('extra_fields.py')
730 if call:
731 repo_extra_fields = call(**kwargs)
732 # now update if we have extra fields, they have precedence
733 # this way users can store any configuration inside the database per
734 # repo
735 for key, data in repo_extra_fields.items():
736 kwargs[key] = data['field_value']
738 # extract below from source repo as commits are there
739 kwargs['REPOSITORY'] = kwargs['source']['repository']
741 # fetch pushed commits, from commit_ids list
742 call = load_extension('extract_commits.py')
743 extracted_commits = {}
744 if call:
745 extracted_commits = call(**kwargs)
746 # store the commits for the next call chain
747 kwargs['COMMITS'] = extracted_commits
749 # fetch issues from given commits
750 call = load_extension('extract_redmine_issues.py')
751 issues = {}
752 if call:
753 issues = call(**kwargs)
755 # redmine smart pr update
756 call = load_extension('redmine_pr_flow.py')
757 if call:
758 # updates kwargs on the fly
759 configure_redmine_smart_pr(issues=issues, kwargs=kwargs)
760 call(**kwargs)
762 # slack notification on merging PR
763 call = load_extension('slack_message.py')
764 if call:
765 kwargs.update(CONFIG.slack.default_plugin_config)
766 kwargs['SLACK_ROOM'] = '#develop'
767 kwargs['SLACK_MESSAGE'] = 'Pull request <%s|#%s> (%s) was merged.' % (
768 kwargs.get('url'), kwargs.get('pull_request_id'), kwargs.get('title'))
769 call(**kwargs)
771 return 0
772 MERGE_PULL_REQUEST = _merge_pull_request_hook
775 @register('CLOSE_PULL_REQUEST')
776 @verify_kwargs(
777 ['_load_extension', 'server_url', 'config', 'scm', 'username', 'ip',
778 'action', 'repository', 'pull_request_id', 'url', 'title', 'description',
779 'status', 'created_on', 'updated_on', 'commit_ids', 'review_status',
780 'mergeable', 'source', 'target', 'author', 'reviewers'])
781 def _close_pull_request_hook(*args, **kwargs):
782 """
784 """
785 # extract extra fields and default reviewers from target
786 kwargs['REPOSITORY'] = kwargs['target']['repository']
788 # fetch extra fields
789 call = load_extension('extra_fields.py')
790 if call:
791 repo_extra_fields = call(**kwargs)
792 # now update if we have extra fields, they have precedence
793 # this way users can store any configuration inside the database per
794 # repo
795 for key, data in repo_extra_fields.items():
796 kwargs[key] = data['field_value']
798 # extract below from source repo as commits are there
799 kwargs['REPOSITORY'] = kwargs['source']['repository']
801 # fetch pushed commits, from commit_ids list
802 call = load_extension('extract_commits.py')
803 extracted_commits = {}
804 if call:
805 extracted_commits = call(**kwargs)
806 # store the commits for the next call chain
807 kwargs['COMMITS'] = extracted_commits
809 # fetch issues from given commits
810 call = load_extension('extract_redmine_issues.py')
811 issues = {}
812 if call:
813 issues = call(**kwargs)
815 # redmine smart pr update
816 call = load_extension('redmine_pr_flow.py')
817 if call:
818 # updates kwargs on the fly
819 configure_redmine_smart_pr(issues=issues, kwargs=kwargs)
820 call(**kwargs)
822 return 0
823 CLOSE_PULL_REQUEST = _close_pull_request_hook
@@ -0,0 +1,59 b''
1 .. _dev-plug:
3 Developing Plugins/Extensions
4 -----------------------------
6 An Extension or a Plugin is simply a |PY| module with a ``run`` method that
7 expects a number of parameters, depending on which event it is listening
8 for. To get an extension working, use the following steps:
10 1. Create an extension or plugin using the below example.
11 2. Save the plugin inside the
12 :file:`/home/{user}/.rccontrol/{instance-id}/rcextensions` folder.
13 3. Add a hook to the
14 :file:`/home/{user}/.rccontrol/{instance-id}/rcextensions/__init__.py` file.
15 For more information, see :ref:`event-listener`.
16 4. Restart your |RCM| instance.
18 Extension example
19 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
21 In the following example, the ``run`` method listens for a push to a |repo|
22 and parses the commit.
24 .. code-block:: python
26 def run(*args, **kwargs):
28 revs = kwargs.get('pushed_revs')
29 if not revs:
30 return 0
32 from rhodecode.lib.utils2 import extract_mentioned_users
33 from rhodecode.model.db import Repository
35 repo = Repository.get_by_repo_name(kwargs['repository'])
36 changesets = []
37 reviewers = []
39 # reviewer fields from extra_fields, users can store their custom
40 # reviewers inside the extra fields to pre-define a set of people who
41 # will get notifications about changesets
42 field_key = kwargs.get('reviewers_extra_field')
43 if field_key:
44 for xfield in repo.extra_fields:
45 if xfield.field_key == field_key:
46 reviewers.extend(xfield.field_value.split())
48 vcs_repo = repo.scm_instance_no_cache()
49 for rev in kwargs['pushed_revs']:
50 cs = vcs_repo.get_changeset(rev) # or get_commit. See API doc
51 cs_data = cs.__json__()
52 cs_data['mentions'] = extract_mentioned_users(cs_data['message'])
53 cs_data['reviewers'] = reviewers
54 # optionally add more logic to parse the commits, like reading extra
55 # fields of repository to read managers of reviewers
56 changesets.append(cs_data)
58 return changesets
59 No newline at end of file
@@ -0,0 +1,19 b''
1 .. _int-full-blown:
3 Extensions Extended Example
4 ---------------------------
6 This example
7 :file:`/home/{user}/.rccontrol/{instance-id}/rcextensions/__init.py__` file
8 has been highlighted to show a Redmine integration in full. To extend your
9 |RCE| instances, use the below example to integrate with other
10 applications.
12 This example file also contains a Slack integration, but it is not
13 highlighted.
16 .. literalinclude:: example-ext.py
17 :language: python
18 :emphasize-lines: 186,193-198,210-218,474-496,648-660,749-760,810-822
19 :linenos:
@@ -0,0 +1,86 b''
1 .. _hooks:
3 Hooks
4 -----
6 Within |RCM| there are two types of supported hooks.
8 * **Internal built-in hooks**: The internal |hg| or |git| hooks are
9 triggered by different VCS operations, like push, pull,
10 or clone and are non-configurable, but you can add your own VCS hooks,
11 see :ref:`custom-hooks`.
12 * **User defined hooks**: User defined hooks centre around the lifecycle of
13 certain actions such are |repo| creation, user creation etc. The actions
14 these hooks trigger can be rejected based on the API permissions of the
15 user calling them.
17 Those custom hooks can be called using |RCT|, see :ref:`rc-tools`. To create
18 a custom hook, see the :ref:`event-listener` section.
20 .. _event-listener:
22 Making your Extension listen for Events
23 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
25 To create a hook to work with a plugin or extension,
26 you need configure a listener in the
27 :file:`/home/{user}/{instance-id}/rcextensions/__init__.py` file,
28 and use the ``load_extension`` method.
30 Use the following example to create your extensions.
31 In this example:
33 * The hook is calling the ``('my_post_push_extension.py')`` extension.
34 * The hook is listening to |RCM| for pushes to |repos|.
35 * This highlighted code is the hook, and configured in the ``__init__.py`` file.
36 * It is inserted into the ``def _pushhook(*args, **kwargs)`` section,
37 if it is not in the default ``__ini__.py`` file, use the below
38 non-highlighted section to create it.
40 .. code-block:: python
41 :emphasize-lines: 23-38
43 # ==========================================================================
45 # ==========================================================================
47 # this function will be executed after each push is executed after the
48 # build-in hook that RhodeCode uses for logging pushes
49 def _pushhook(*args, **kwargs):
50 """
51 Post push hook
52 kwargs available:
54 :param server_url: url of instance that triggered this hook
55 :param config: path to .ini config used
56 :param scm: type of VS 'git' or 'hg'
57 :param username: name of user who pushed
58 :param ip: ip of who pushed
59 :param action: push
60 :param repository: repository name
61 :param repo_store_path: full path to where repositories are stored
62 :param pushed_revs: list of pushed revisions
63 """
65 # Your hook code goes in here
66 call = load_extension('my_post_push_extension.py')
67 if call:
68 # extra arguments in kwargs
69 call_kwargs = dict()
70 call_kwargs.update(kwargs)
71 my_kw = {
72 'reviewers_extra_field': 'reviewers',
73 # defines if we have a comma
74 # separated list of reviewers
75 # in this repo stored in extra_fields
76 }
77 call_kwargs.update(my_kw) # pass in hook args
78 parsed_revs = call(**call_kwargs)
79 # returns list of dicts with changesets data
81 # Default code
82 return 0
83 PUSH_HOOK = _pushhook
85 Once your plugin and hook are configured, restart your instance of |RCM| and
86 your event listener will triggered as soon as a user pushes to a |repo|.
@@ -0,0 +1,55 b''
1 .. _install-rcx:
3 Install |RCX|
4 -------------
6 To install |RCX|, you need to have |RCT| installed. See the :ref:`install-tools`
7 and :ref:`tools-cli` sections. Use the ``--plugins`` option with
8 the ``rhodecode-extensions`` argument.
10 Upgrading |RCX|
11 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
13 .. important::
15 You should back up any plugins or extensions that you have created before
16 continuing.
18 To upgrade your |RCX|, use the following example:
20 1. From inside the |RCT| virtualenv, upgrade to the latest version:
22 .. code-block:: bash
24 (venv)$ pip install -U https://my.rhodecode.com/dl/rhodecode-tools/latest
25 Downloading/unpacking https://my.rhodecode.com/dl/rhodecode-tools/latest
26 Downloading latest (143kB): 143kB downloaded
27 Running setup.py (path:/tmp/pip-9qYsxf-build/setup.py) egg_info
28 for package from https://my.rhodecode.com/dl/rhodecode-tools/latest
30 2. Once |RCT| are upgraded to the latest version, you can install the latest
31 extensions using the following example:
33 .. code-block:: bash
35 (venv)$ rhodecode-extensions --instance-name=enterprise-1 \
36 --ini-file=rhodecode.ini --plugins
38 Extension file already exists, do you want to overwrite it? [y/N]: y
39 Writen new extensions file to rcextensions
40 Copied hipchat_push_notify.py plugin to rcextensions
41 Copied jira_pr_flow.py plugin to rcextensions
42 Copied default_reviewers.py plugin to rcextensions
43 Copied extract_commits.py plugin to rcextensions
44 Copied extract_issues.py plugin to rcextensions
45 Copied redmine_pr_flow.py plugin to rcextensions
46 Copied extra_fields.py plugin to rcextensions
47 Copied jira_smart_commits.py plugin to rcextensions
48 Copied http_notify.py plugin to rcextensions
49 Copied slack_push_notify.py plugin to rcextensions
50 Copied slack_message.py plugin to rcextensions
51 Copied extract_jira_issues.py plugin to rcextensions
52 Copied extract_redmine_issues.py plugin to rcextensions
53 Copied redmine_smart_commits.py plugin to rcextensions
54 Copied send_mail.py plugin to rcextensions
@@ -0,0 +1,151 b''
1 .. _slack-int:
3 Integrate Slack
4 ===============
6 To integrate |RCE| and Slack, you need to configure some things on the Slack
7 side of the integration, and some things on the |RCE| side.
9 On the Slack side you need to allow incoming webhooks, see their
10 documentation on this, `Slack Webhooks`_. You will also need to get an
11 Authorization Token from Slack that will allow |RCE| to post to your account.
13 On the |RCE| side, this is an overview of what you need to do:
15 1. Configure the built-in Slack extensions to post to the correct Slack URL.
16 2. Set your Slack authentication details in the |RCX| :file:`__init.py__` file.
17 3. Configure the different hooks in the :file:`__init.py__` file to extract
18 whatever information you want from |RCE|, and then using the Slack extensions
19 post that information to your Slack channel.
21 .. hint::
23 The below examples should help you to get started. Once you have your
24 integration up and running, there is a more detailed Slack integration in
25 the :ref:`int-full-blown` section.
27 Configure Built-in Extensions
28 -----------------------------
30 |RCE| comes with 3 Slack extensions: ``slack_message.py``,
31 ``slack_push_notify.py``, and ``slack.py``. The default
32 location is :file:`/home/{user}/.rccontrol/{instance-id}/rcextensions`.
34 To enable these to post to your Slack account, configure each of
35 these files with the following Slack details.
37 .. code-block:: python
39 BASE_URL = 'https://your.slack.com/api/link'
40 INCOMING_WEBHOOK_URL = 'https://hooks.slack.com/services/your/hook/link'
43 Configure |RCE| to Post to Slack
44 --------------------------------
46 In the |RCX| :file:`__init.py__` file, configure your Slack authentication
47 details. The default location is
48 :file:`/home/{user}/.rccontrol/{instance-id}/rcextensions`
50 .. code-block:: python
52 CONFIG = DotDict(
53 slack=DotDict(
54 api_key='api-key',
55 api_url='slack-incoming-hook-url',
56 default_room='#slack-channel',
57 default_plugin_config={},
58 ),
59 )
61 # slack conf
62 CONFIG.slack.default_plugin_config = {
63 'INCOMING_WEBHOOK_URL': CONFIG.slack.api_url,
64 'SLACK_TOKEN': CONFIG.slack.api_key,
65 'SLACK_ROOM': CONFIG.slack.default_room,
66 'SLACK_FROM': 'RhodeCode',
67 'SLACK_FROM_ICON_EMOJI': ':rhodecode:',
68 }
70 Add Push Notifications to Slack
71 -------------------------------
73 To add notification to Slack when someone pushes to |RCE|, configure the push
74 hook to extract the commits pushed, and then call the built-in
75 ``slack_push_notify.py`` extension to post them into your chosen Slack
76 channel. To do this, add the following code to the push hook section of the
77 :file:`__init.py__` file
79 .. code-block:: python
80 :emphasize-lines: 10-16,18-22
82 def _push_hook(*args, **kwargs):
83 """
84 POST PUSH HOOK, this function will be executed after each push, it's
85 executed after the build-in hook that RhodeCode uses for logging pushes
86 kwargs available:
87 """
88 # backward compat
89 kwargs['commit_ids'] = kwargs['pushed_revs']
91 # fetch pushed commits, from commit_ids list
92 call = load_extension('extract_commits.py')
93 extracted_commits = {}
94 if call:
95 extracted_commits = call(**kwargs)
96 # store the commits for the next call chain
97 kwargs['COMMITS'] = extracted_commits
99 # slack !
100 call = load_extension('slack_push_notify.py')
101 if call:
102 kwargs.update(CONFIG.slack.default_plugin_config)
103 call(**kwargs)
104 return 0
105 PUSH_HOOK = _push_hook
108 Add Pull Request Notifications to Slack
109 ---------------------------------------
111 To add |pr| notifications to Slack, use the following example. This example
112 shows a merged |pr| notification. You can add similar notifications to the
113 following hooks in the :file:`__init.py__` file, and for those examples see
114 the :ref:`int-full-blown` section:
116 * ``_create_pull_request_hook``
117 * ``_review_pull_request_hook``
118 * ``_update_pull_request_hook``
119 * ``_close_pull_request_hook``
121 .. code-block:: python
122 :emphasize-lines: 5-23
124 def _merge_pull_request_hook(*args, **kwargs):
125 """
127 """
128 # extract below from source repo as commits are there
129 kwargs['REPOSITORY'] = kwargs['source']['repository']
131 # fetch pushed commits, from commit_ids list
132 call = load_extension('extract_commits.py')
133 extracted_commits = {}
134 if call:
135 extracted_commits = call(**kwargs)
136 # store the commits for the next call chain
137 kwargs['COMMITS'] = extracted_commits
139 # slack notification on merging PR
140 call = load_extension('slack_message.py')
141 if call:
142 kwargs.update(CONFIG.slack.default_plugin_config)
143 kwargs['SLACK_ROOM'] = '#develop'
144 kwargs['SLACK_MESSAGE'] = 'Pull request <%s|#%s> (%s) was merged.' % (
145 kwargs.get('url'), kwargs.get('pull_request_id'), kwargs.get('title'))
146 call(**kwargs)
148 return 0
149 MERGE_PULL_REQUEST = _merge_pull_request_hook
151 .. _Slack Webhooks: https://api.slack.com/incoming-webhooks
@@ -0,0 +1,25 b''
1 .. _integrations-ref:
3 Integrations and Extensions
4 ===========================
6 The integrations section references three concepts regularly,
7 so to clarify what is meant each time, read the following definitions:
9 * **Plugin**: A Plugin is software that adds a specific feature to
10 an existing software application.
11 * **Extension**: An extension extends the capabilities of,
12 or the data available to, an existing software application.
13 * **Hook**: A hook intercepts function calls, messages, or events passed
14 between software components and can be used to trigger plugins, or their
15 extensions.
17 .. toctree::
19 rcx
20 install-ext
21 config-ext
22 extensions
23 hooks
24 full-blown-example
25 int-slack
@@ -0,0 +1,53 b''
1 .. _rc-ext:
3 |RCX|
4 -----
6 |RCX| add additional functionality for push/pull/create/delete |repo| hooks.
7 These hooks can be used to send signals to build-bots such as `Jenkins`_. It
8 also adds built in plugin and extension support. Once installed, you will see
9 a :file:`rcextensions` folder in the instance directory, for example:
10 :file:`home/{user}/.rccontrol/{instance-id}/rcextensions`
12 Built-in Plugins
13 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
15 * A number of `Jira`_ plugins, enabling you to integrate with that issue
16 tracker: ``extract_jira_issues.py``, ``jira_pr_flow.py``,
17 ``jira_smart_commits.py``
18 * A number of `Redmine`_ plugins, enabling you to integrate with that issue
19 tracker: ``extract_redmine_issues.py``, ``redmine_pr_flow.py``,
20 ``redmine_smart_commits.py``.
21 * ``hipchat.py`` and ``hipchat_push.py`` enable you to integrate with
22 `HipChat`_ and set channel or user notifications.
23 * ``slack.py``, ``slack_message.py``, and ``slack_push_notify.py`` enable
24 you to integrate with `Slack`_ and set channel or user notifications.
26 Built-in Extensions
27 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
29 * ``commit_parser.py``: Enables you to parse commit messages,
30 and set a list of users to get notifications about change sets.
31 * ``default_reviewers.py``: Enables you to add default reviewers to a |pr|.
32 * ``extra_fields.py``: Returns a list of extra fields added to a |repo|.
33 * ``http_notify``: Enables you to send data over a web hook.
34 * ``mail.py`` : This extension uses the |RCE| mail configuration from the
35 instance :file:`rhodecode.ini` file to send email.
36 * ``push_post.py``: Enables you to set up push based actions such as
37 automated Jenkins builds.
39 Event Listeners
40 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
42 To enable the extensions to listen to the different events that they are
43 configured for, you need to also set up an event listener (hook). Event
44 listeners are configured in the
45 :file:`/home/{user}/.rccontrol/{instance-id}/rcextensions/__init.__.py` file.
47 For more details, see the example hook in :ref:`event-listener`.
49 .. _Jenkins: http://jenkins-ci.org/
50 .. _HipChat: https://www.hipchat.com/
51 .. _Slack: https://slack.com/
52 .. _Redmine: http://www.redmine.org/
53 .. _Jira: https://www.atlassian.com/software/jira
@@ -0,0 +1,82 b''
1 .. _rhodecode-issue-trackers-ref:
3 Issue Tracker Integration
4 =========================
6 You can set an issue tracker connection in two ways with |RCE|.
8 * At instance level you can set a default issue tracker.
9 * At |repo| level you can configure an integration with a different issue
10 tracker.
12 To integrate |RCM| with an issue tracker you need to define a regular
13 expression that will fetch the issue ID stored in commit messages and replace
14 it with a URL. This enables |RCE| to generate a link matching each issue to the
15 target |repo|.
17 Default Issue Tracker Configuration
18 -----------------------------------
20 To integrate your issue tracker, use the following steps:
22 1. Open :menuselection:`Admin --> Settings --> Issue Tracker`.
23 2. In the new entry field, enter the following information:
25 * :guilabel:`Description`: A name for this set of rules.
26 * :guilabel:`Pattern`: The regular expression that will match issues
27 tagged in commit messages, or more see :ref:`issue-tr-eg-ref`.
28 * :guilabel:`URL`: The URL to your issue tracker.
29 * :guilabel:`Prefix`: The prefix with which you want to mark issues.
31 3. Select **Add** so save the rule to your issue tracker configuration.
33 Repository Issue Tracker Configuration
34 --------------------------------------
36 You can configure specific |repos| to use a different issue tracker if
37 you need to connect to a non-default one. See the instructions in
38 :ref:`repo-it`
40 .. _issue-tr-eg-ref:
42 Jira Integration
43 ----------------
45 * Regex = ``(?:^#|\s#)(\w+-\d+)``
46 * URL = ``https://myissueserver.com/issue/${id}``
47 * Issue Prefix = ``#``
49 Confluence (Wiki)
50 -----------------
52 * Regex = ``(?:conf-)([A-Z0-9]+)``
53 * URL = ``https://example.atlassian.net/display/wiki/${id}/${repo_name}``
54 * issue prefix = ``CONF-``
56 Redmine Integration
57 -------------------
59 * Regex = ``(issue-+\d+)``
60 * URL = ``https://myissueserver.com/redmine/issue/${id}``
61 * Issue Prefix = ``issue-``
63 Redmine (wiki)
64 --------------
66 * Regex = ``(?:wiki-)([a-zA-Z0-9]+)``
67 * URL = ``https://example.com/redmine/projects/wiki/${repo_name}``
68 * Issue prefix = ``Issue-``
70 Pivotal Tracker
71 ---------------
73 * Regex = ``(?:pivot-)(?<project_id>\d+)-(?<story>\d+)``
74 * URL = ``https://www.pivotaltracker.com/s/projects/${project_id}/stories/${story}``
75 * Issue prefix = ``Piv-``
77 Trello
78 ------
80 * Regex = ``(?:trello-)(?<card_id>[a-zA-Z0-9]+)``
81 * URL = ``https://trello.com/example.com/${card_id}``
82 * Issue prefix = ``Trello-``
@@ -0,0 +1,8 b''
1 .. _rhodecode-redmine-ref:
3 Redmine
4 -------
6 |RCE| tracke that issue!
@@ -0,0 +1,15 b''
1 .. _err-msg-ref:
3 Error Message Guide
4 ===================
6 Error Message
7 Error creating repository repo-name
9 Cause
10 As of |RCM| 3.0, a VCS Server is required to run backend operations.
12 Solution
13 Install a VCS Server. See the `Install a VCS Server`_ section of |RCC|
15 .. _Install a VCS Server: https://docs.rhodecode.com/RhodeCode-Control/tasks/upgrade-from-cli.html#install-a-vcs-server No newline at end of file
@@ -0,0 +1,88 b''
1 .. _known-issues:
3 Known Issues
4 ============
6 Subversion Issues
7 -----------------
9 Limited |svn| support has been achieved for this release,
10 |release|. The following known issues are in development for improvement.
12 * |svn| |repo| creation:
13 Terminating the VCS Server during remote importation of |svn| |repos| leaves
14 the the process still running in the background.
16 * |svn| |repo| checkin/checkout:
17 |svn| cloning support is not enabled by default. Please contact support if
18 you want it enabled.
20 Windows Upload
21 --------------
23 There can be an issue with uploading files from web interface on Windows,
24 and afterwards users cannot properly clone or synchronize with the repository.
26 Early testing shows that often uploading files via HTML forms on Windows
27 includes the full path of the file being uploaded and not the name of the file.
29 Old Format of Git Repositories
30 ------------------------------
32 There is an issue when trying to import old |git| format |repos| into recent
33 versions of |RCE|. This issue can occur when importing from external |git|
34 repositories or from older versions of |RCE| (<=2.2.7).
36 To convert the old version into a current version, clone the old
37 |repo| into a local machine using a recent |git| client, then push it to a new
38 |repo| inside |RCE|.
40 VCS Server Memory Consumption
41 -----------------------------
43 The VCS Server cache grows without limits if not configured correctly. This
44 applies to |RCE| versions prior to the 3.3.2 releases, as 3.3.2
45 shipped with the optimal configuration as default. See the
46 :ref:`vcs-server-maintain` section for details.
48 To fix this issue, upgrade to |RCE| 3.3.2 or greater, and if you discover
49 memory consumption issues check the VCS Server settings.
51 Fedora 23
52 ---------
54 |RCC| does not run perfectly on Fedora 23 due to a locale issue. This is a
55 known issue under investigation due to the Nix packaging of the product, see the
56 `Github issue here`_. |RCC| runs fine on Fedora 21.
58 To work around this problem, you need to point ``$LOCAL_ARCHIVE`` to the
59 workaround locale package.
61 1. Download this package:
62 http://lipa.ms.mff.cuni.cz/~cunav5am/nix/locale-archive
64 2. Point ``$LOCAL_ARCHIVE`` to the locale package.
66 .. code-block:: bash
68 $ export LOCALE_ARCHIVE=/home/VERSION/locale-archive # change to your path
70 If you happen to be running |RCC| from systemd, use the following
71 example to pass the correct locale information on boot.
73 .. code-block:: ini
75 [Unit]
76 Description=Rhodecode
77 After=network.target
79 [Service]
80 Type=forking
81 User=scm
82 Environment="LOCALE_ARCHIVE=/YOUR-PATH/locale-archive"
83 ExecStart=/YOUR-PATH/.rccontrol-profile/bin/rccontrol-self-init
85 [Install]
86 WantedBy=multi-user.target
88 .. _Github issue here: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/599
@@ -0,0 +1,43 b''
1 Adding Custom Packages
2 ======================
4 If you wish to make additional Python modules available to use with
5 extensions that you have developed, use the following information.
7 Prerequisite
8 ------------
10 |RCC| manages the |RCE| environment using Supervisor. To add custom packages
11 you need to install your instance of |RCE| as a self managed
12 instance. This will let you to update the ``PYTHONPATH`` without |RCC|
13 overwriting it. You can then extend the ``PYTHONPATH`` to find packaged
14 outside of the |RCC| managed environment. To install |RCE| as a self-managed
15 service using |RCC|, see the
16 :ref:`Self-managed Instructions <control:set-self-managed-supervisor>`.
18 Adding Custom Packages
19 ----------------------
21 Once you have your instance configured as self-managed, use the following steps.
23 1. Add the modules to the |RCE| instance directory,
24 :file:`/home/{user}/.rccontrol/{instance-id}`.
25 2. Add this location to your ``PYTHONPATH`` environment variable. This is set
26 in the :file:`/home/{user}/.rccontrol/supervisor/supervisor.ini` file. For
27 more information about ``PYTHONPATH``, see the `PYTHONPATH documentation`_.
29 .. code-block:: ini
31 [program:enterprise-1_script]
32 numprocs = 1
33 redirect_stderr = true
34 environment = PYTHONPATH="",GIT_SSL_CAINFO="/home/user/.rccontrol-profile/etc/ca-bundle.crt"
36 3. Specify the hook for your added module on the
37 :menuselection:`Admin --> Settings --> Hooks` page. For
38 example, ``python:rcextensions/you.custom.hook``
39 4. Restart |RCE| using the ``rccontrol restart <instance-id>`` command.
40 For more information, see the :ref:`RhodeCode Control CLI <control:rcc-cli>`
41 documentation.
43 .. _PYTHONPATH documentation: https://docs.python.org/2/using/cmdline.html#envvar-PYTHONPATH
@@ -0,0 +1,10 b''
1 .. _system-pack:
3 System Packaging
4 ================
6 .. toctree::
7 :maxdepth: 1
9 nix
10 add-to-env
@@ -0,0 +1,31 b''
1 .. _rhodecode-nix-ref:
3 Nix Packaging
4 =============
6 |RCM| is installed using |Nix Package Manager|. The Nix environment provides
7 the following features for maintenance and deployment:
9 * Atomic upgrades and rollbacks
10 * Complete dependency management
11 * Garbage collection
12 * Binary patching
13 * Secure channel updates
14 * Nix works on Windows, Linux, and OSX
16 The complete list of dependencies can be found in
17 :file:`/opt/rhodecode/store/{unique-hash}`.
19 .. note::
21 No |RCE| data is stored in this location.
23 .. warning::
25 Never alter any of the packages in the store. Always use the
26 :ref:`RhodeCode Control CLI <control:rcc-cli>` update functions to keep
27 the packages and instances updated.
29 .. |Nix Package Manager| raw:: html
31 <a href="http://nixos.org/nix/" target="_blank">Nix</a>
@@ -0,0 +1,18 b''
1 |RCE| 1.6.0 |RNS|
2 -----------------
4 Release Date
5 ^^^^^^^^^^^^
7 * released 2013-05-12
9 Fixes
10 ^^^^^
11 * #818: Bookmarks Do Not Display on Changeset View.
12 * Fixed issue with forks form errors rendering.
13 * #819 review status is showed in the main changelog.
14 * Permission update function is idempotent, and doesn't override default permissions when doing upgrades.
15 * Fixed some unicode problems with git file path.
16 * Fixed broken handling of adding an htsts headers.
17 * Fixed redirection loop on changelog for empty repository.
18 * Fixed issue with web-editor that didn't preserve executable bit after editing files.
@@ -0,0 +1,36 b''
1 |RCE| 1.7.0 |RNS|
2 -----------------
4 General
5 ^^^^^^^
6 * released 2013-06-08
8 News
9 ^^^^
10 * Manage User's Groups(teams): create, delete, rename, add/remove users inside by delegated user group admins.
11 * Implemented simple Gist functionality.
12 * External authentication got special flag to control user activation.
13 * Created whitelist for API access. Each view can now be accessed by api_key if added to whitelist.
14 * Added dedicated file history page.
15 * Added compare option into bookmarks
16 * Improved diff display for binary files and renames.
17 * Archive downloading are now stored in main action journal.
18 * Switch gravatar to always use ssl.
19 * Implements #842 RhodeCode version disclosure.
20 * Allow underscore to be the optionally first character of username.
22 Fixes
23 ^^^^^
24 * #818: Bookmarks Do Not Display on Changeset View.
25 * Fixed default permissions population during upgrades.
26 * Fixed overwrite default user group permission flag.
27 * Fixed issue with h.person() function returned prematurly giving only email info from changeset metadata.
28 * get_changeset uses now mercurial revrange to filter out branches. Switch to branch it's around 20% faster this way.
29 * Fixed some issues with paginators on chrome.
30 * Forbid changing of repository type.
31 * Adde missing permission checks in list of forks in repository settings.
32 * Fixes #834 hooks error on remote pulling.
33 * Fixes issues #849. Web Commits functionality failed for non-ascii files.
34 * Fixed #850. Whoosh indexer should use the default revision when doing index.
35 * Fixed #851 and #563 make-index crashes on non-ascii files.
36 * Fixes #852, flash messages had issies with non-ascii messages No newline at end of file
@@ -0,0 +1,17 b''
1 |RCE| 1.7.1 |RNS|
2 -----------------
4 General
5 ^^^^^^^
6 * released 2013-06-13
8 News
9 ^^^^
10 * Apply to children flag on repository group also adds users to private repositories, this is now consistent with user groups. Private repos default permissions are not affected by apply to children flag.
11 * Removed unionrepo code as it's part of Mercurial 2.6
12 * RhodeCode accepts now read only paths for serving repositories.
14 Fixes
15 ^^^^^
16 * Fixed issues with how mysql handles float values. Caused gists with expiration dates not work properly on MySQL.
17 * Fixed issue with ldap enable/disable flag. No newline at end of file
@@ -0,0 +1,30 b''
1 |RCE| 1.7.2 |RNS|
2 -----------------
4 General
5 ^^^^^^^
6 * released 2013-07-18
8 News
9 ^^^^
10 * Added handling of copied files in diffs.
11 * Implemented issue #387 side-by-side diffs view.
12 * Added option to specify other than official bugtracker url to post issues with RhodeCode.
13 * Markdown renderer now uses github flavored syntax with a better newline handling
14 * Added User pre-create, create and delete hooks for rcextensions.
15 * Branch selectors: show closed branches too for Mercurial.
16 * Updated codemirror to latest version and added syntax coloring dropdown for various languages CodeMirror supports.
17 * Added --no-public-access / --public-access flags into setup-rhodecode command to enable setup without public access.
18 * Various small updates to pull requests.
19 * Bumped Mercurial version to latest.
20 * Diffs view doesn't show content of delete files anymore.
22 Fixes
23 ^^^^^
24 * Added missing __get_cs_or_redirect method for file history. Fixes issue with displaying a history of file that is not present at tip.
25 * Pull request: urlify description and fix javascript injection.
26 * Fixed some missing IP extraction for action logger.
27 * Fixed bug with log_delete hook didn't properly store user who triggered delete action.
28 * Fixed show as raw link for private gists.
29 * Fixes issue #860. IMC web commits poisoned caches when they failed with commit.
30 * Fixes issue #856 file upload >1000 bytes on windows throws exception. No newline at end of file
@@ -0,0 +1,28 b''
1 |RCE| 2.0.0 |RNS|
2 -----------------
4 General
5 ^^^^^^^
6 * released 2013-08-07
7 * First introduction as |RCE|
9 News
10 ^^^^
11 * Renamed to RhodeCode Enterprise.
12 * New UI based on font icons.
13 * Changed buttons to Twitter Bootstrap and Flat design.
14 * Only the most important button on a page is green.
15 * Capitalized labels.
16 * Pluggable Auth system.
17 * Extended API methods. Please check the latest docs for API changes.
18 * Only one most important button is green in a page.
19 * Reduced size of summary page info.
20 * Moved statistics to dedicated page for consistent summary view.
21 * New filtered and styled select fields using select2 widget. Select fields with bigger ammount of data are lazy loaded for performance.
22 * Implemented separate compare page for easy comparing changesets between revisions, tags and bookmarks.
23 * Repository, repository groups, users and users groups pages are now using same data_table rendered for consistency. All are now sortable with a special filter box.
24 * Small improvements on pull requests.
26 Fixes
27 ^^^^^
28 * No fixes No newline at end of file
@@ -0,0 +1,28 b''
1 |RCE| 2.0.1 |RNS|
2 -----------------
4 General
5 ^^^^^^^
6 * released 2013-08-14
8 News
9 ^^^^
10 * Create Pull-request button is visible for all logged in users, not only for those with a created repo permission set.
11 * New UI on repository groups, now consistent with other views.
12 * UI improvements on pull request reviewers.
13 * Repository admin can revoke reviewers from pull requests.
14 * Super admins can directly edit groups/users at permission box.
15 * Links in footer point to website and new support pages.
17 Fixes
18 ^^^^^
19 * Fixed download button size.
20 * Fixed empty dot occuring on page titles when no site customization was set.
21 * Fixed issue #893, some static resources were called without url() leading to bad address when used with proxy prefix.
22 * Fixed missing external values from user forms.
23 * Fixed one Git call in pygrack that defaulted to hardcoded 'git' instead of customized path from RhodeCode settings.
24 * Fixed issue with html on revoke buttons on pull request reviewers.
25 * Fixed all occurences of bad permission check that didn't allow repository admins to do certain actions. Only global admins could run them.
26 * Fixed gist url filtering for public gists.
27 * Newly registered users now default to 'rhodecode' as authentication type.
28 * Bumped Waitress version that allows setting `asyncore_use_poll` in settings to overcome 1024 open sockets limit with default `select()` implementation. No newline at end of file
@@ -0,0 +1,26 b''
1 |RCE| 2.0.2 |RNS|
2 -----------------
4 General
5 ^^^^^^^
6 * released 2013-08-27
8 News
9 ^^^^
10 * Completely new my account page.
11 * Added created_on field for repository groups.
12 * Users can now define extra email addresses in their account page.
13 * Updated codemirror to latest version with Nginx, Jade, Smartymixed modes.
14 * Better MIME-type detection of files with pygments to improve online editor syntax and mode detection.
15 * Added option to enable Captcha on registration page. It helps fight spam on open RhodeCode Enterprise instances.
17 Fixes
18 ^^^^^
19 * Many fixes for Internet Explorer 8 and newer.
20 * Fix largefiles user cache location by explicitly setting the location in RhodeCode database.
21 * Fixed "Remove Pull Request" button HTML on "my account" page.
22 * Allow admin flag control for external authentication accounts
23 * Changed landing_rev format to <rev_type>:<rev> to overcome issues with same names in different rev types like
24 bookmarks and branches.
25 * Add strip to attr_login for LDAP Auth plugin which is a very sensitive about whitespaces. Leaving whitespaces in
26 there causes hard to debug issues. No newline at end of file
@@ -0,0 +1,45 b''
1 |RCE| 2.1.0 |RNS|
2 -----------------
4 General
5 ^^^^^^^
6 * released 2013-09-25
7 * Pull requests work for Mercurial and Git
8 * New IP Whitelist inheritance
9 * Ability to check for new update of RhodeCode Enterprise
10 * Multiple API keys per user
11 * Strong performance improvements
12 * Shortcuts
14 News
15 ^^^^
16 * Added Git pull request functionality
17 * Multiple API keys and the option to add additional API keys for a user together with description and expiration.
18 * Users can now delete files via web interface.
19 * Moved Gravatar configuration from .ini files to web interface.
20 * Moved custom clone URL configuration from .ini files to web interface.
21 * Default IP whitelist is now inheritable by all users. This allows to setup system-wide IP restrictions for all users.
22 * Added intermediate waiting page for forks creation. After the fork is created the user is redirected to the forked
23 repo summary page.
24 * Next/prev links on changeset are now lazy calculated with onClick actions which can boost initial rendering speed
25 of pages by 2-3x.
26 * New repo switcher based on select2. Now with keyboard control and repository groups searching.Added basic keyboard
27 navigation shortcuts, simply call '?' to show them.
28 * Added check for update mechanism in web interface.
29 * All alerts and confirmations can be closed with an 'x' button in the corner.
30 * Updated Mercurial to 2.7.1
31 * Updated Waitress to 0.8.7
33 Fixes
34 ^^^^^
35 * Updated Google Noto Sans web font to fix issues for older IE versions
36 * Fixed Git backend calls to not use grep. Users are not required anymore to install it for Windows.
37 * Fixed sorting by revision in dashboard view.
38 * Container auth plugin preserves modified details after user is created and edited.
39 * Fixed issue with deleting notifications for some users.
40 * Fixed issue when external auth systems always regenerated tokens when user logged in (due to temp passwords on those
41 accounts)
42 * Fixed some JS errors on summary page.
43 * Fixed issue when external auth plugins wanted to create new users after the free limit is reached and failed with an
44 error.
45 * Removed broken prerender calls in pagination. No newline at end of file
@@ -0,0 +1,47 b''
1 |RCE| 2.2.0 |RNS|
2 -----------------
4 General
5 ^^^^^^^
6 * released 2013-10-23
7 * Gists are editable
8 * New keyboard shortcuts
9 * Improved permission management
10 * Speed improvements
11 * Security improvements
13 News
14 ^^^^
15 * Gists are editable.
16 * Gist URLs can take revisions as last parameter.
17 * New keyboard shortcuts 'gg' and 'gG' open private/public Gists page.
18 * New keyboard shortcut 'gF' opens files page with loaded files filter.
19 * New keyboard shortcut 'gO' opens repository permissions settings.
20 * 'Apply to children' becomes a 4-state radio button. It allows appling permissions to child objects of a repository group that are only repositories or only groups or both or none.
21 * New permission for controlling repository creation with write access on repository groups.
22 * Codemirror mode has added functionality of detection based on filename.
23 * Added get_user function to auth plugins base. Can be overriden to customize other than standard user extraction, like the one needed for container auth.
24 * API: added methods for permission managements for repo groups.
25 * API: get_nodes API function is now callable not only by users with admin permissions but also with at least read permissions to a given repo.
26 * Added stand-alone binary scripts for API, Gist, backup and extensions.
27 * Extensions has additional notification plugins. Builtin plugins hipchat (hipchat notification on push), push_post( POST data after push). Use 'rhodecode-extensions --plugins' to install them.
28 * Added captcha field to password_reset form.
29 * Removed mailto: links, for better anti-spam protection on open instances.
30 * Twice as fast page load of repository settings subpages.
31 * Added checkbox in Map & Scan Admin Setting to verify and install any missing Git hooks that RhodeCode uses.
32 * Bumped mako templates version to 0.9.0.
33 * Bumped dulwich version to 0.9.3
34 * Bumped mercurial version to 2.7.2.
36 Fixes
37 ^^^^^
38 * Fixed issue with container_auth tring to auth against non-container users.
39 * Fixed issues when authentication via container failed on Git/hg operations when using non standard (REMOTE_USER) headers.
40 * Fixed some JSON decode issue in Atlassian crowd auth plugin.
41 * Fixed Git-related issue that didn't allow to push a non-master branch on the first push to the server.
42 * Fixed issue on delete_user_group API call.
43 * Fixed styling of password reset and register forms.
44 * Fixed issue with Mercurial ui() object generation that caused certain extensions like hgsubversion to work incorrectly.
45 * Fixed issue with revoked access to repo group for admins of repos inside those groups. In that case editing of these repos no longer causes an error.
46 * Fixed sorting issues on tags/bookmarks/branches views.
47 * Fixed issue when performing 'git update-server-info' while importing existing Git repositories. It makes sure now that clients can clone it. No newline at end of file
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1 |RCE| 2.2.1 |RNS|
2 -----------------
4 General
5 ^^^^^^^
6 * released 2013-10-25
8 News
9 ^^^^
10 * No news
12 Fixes
13 ^^^^^
14 * Fixed issue with forking.
15 * Fixed redirection to previous location which was lost via container auth login.
16 * API: removed urllib.unquote_plus on raw body. This caused a bug with '+' chars beeing stripped out of sent JSON BODY. No newline at end of file
@@ -0,0 +1,26 b''
1 |RCE| 2.2.2 |RNS|
2 -----------------
4 General
5 ^^^^^^^
6 * released 2013-11-19
7 * Push & pull up to 4x faster
8 * Security fixes
10 News
11 ^^^^
12 * Optimized the number of permission tree builds when doing push and pull operations which leads to a significant (up
13 to 4x) performance increase.
15 Fixes
16 ^^^^^
17 * Fixed issue with pygrack using os.cwd for working dir, that caused issues in some operating systems.
18 * Fixed dulwich parents function call used when building DAG graph.
19 * Fixed issue with revoke permissions on repository group when apply to children was set to 'none'. This call could
20 silently fail without proper notification to users.
21 * Fixed issues with Mercurial hooks when creating remote repositories.
22 * Strip passwords from clone urls for logging output.
23 * Fixed LDAP issues with unicode. LDAP bind does not support unicode passwords.
24 * Fixed admin UI which broke when using long names.
25 * Fixed rendering of READMEs that contained different line endings.
26 * Fixed issue with admin users of groups which could create repositories at top-level. No newline at end of file
@@ -0,0 +1,29 b''
1 |RCE| 2.2.3 |RNS|
2 -----------------
4 General
5 ^^^^^^^
6 * released 2013-11-27
7 * Asynchronous & more stable repo forking & creation
8 * Inheritable repository group permissions
10 News
11 ^^^^
12 * Bumped Mercurial to 2.8.0.
13 * Bumped Mergely to latest version.
14 * Permissions from a repository group can be inherited to child repositories.
15 * Added side-by-side diff link to compare files diff view.
16 * Forking and creation of repositories can be done asynchronously via Celery.
17 * Forking and creation of repositories is more stable in terms of concurrency and file system errors.
18 * Added new visual option for number of records on admin 'data grids'.
19 * Repository admins can add/delete repository extra fields.
20 * Improved validators of remote clone urls for Git and Mercurial.
22 Fixes
23 ^^^^^
24 * Fixed page links at Gists which lost filter settings on click.
25 * Fixed how auth plugins handle groups.
26 * Fixed issue on mismatch of repository fork VCS type (Git or Mercurial).
27 * Fixed admin UI forms which broke when using long names.
28 * Fixed LookupError exceptions when ambiguous identifier was given.
29 * Fixed issues which occured with Git under Windows.
@@ -0,0 +1,25 b''
1 |RCE| 2.2.4 |RNS|
2 -----------------
4 General
5 ^^^^^^^
6 * released 2013-12-30
7 * More secure output of a remote clone URL
8 * Extended API calls
9 * Support for latest Git versions
11 News
12 ^^^^
13 * Password in a remote clone URL are not displayed anymore.
14 * Better Windows support on server info page.
15 * Extended API: added permission delegation to grant/revoke calls.
16 * Extended API: added copy_permissions flag to create_repo_group.
17 * Extended API: added apply_to_children to grant/revoke methods of repo groups.
19 Fixes
20 ^^^^^
21 * Fixed forking into a repository group.
22 * Fixed detection of remote Git repositories.
23 * Fixed issue with API calls on repo names with groups.
24 * Fixed unescaped characters which broke Javascript in the 2-side diff view.
25 * Fixed git clone command by adding -q flag due to changes in the latest Git.
@@ -0,0 +1,20 b''
1 |RCE| 2.2.5 |RNS|
2 -----------------
4 General
5 ^^^^^^^
6 * released 2014-02-13
7 * Improvements for larger setups
8 * Extended API calls
10 News
11 ^^^^
12 * Better support for larger enterprise hierarchies with more repository group levels.
13 * Added filters to permission boxes which makes managing of many thousand repo groups easier.
14 * The My Account page requires the old password for a password change.
15 * Removing of deprecated parts in .ini files.
16 * Extended API: added permission delegation on user groups calls.
18 Fixes
19 ^^^^^
20 * No fixes No newline at end of file
@@ -0,0 +1,27 b''
1 |RCE| 2.2.6 |RNS|
2 -----------------
4 General
5 ^^^^^^^
6 * 2014-12-03
8 News
9 ^^^^
10 - Repository locking requires at least write permission to repository.
11 - API: added add/remove methods for extra fields
12 - New repositories/ repository groups should be created using 0755 mode not 0777
13 - Added editable owner field for repository groups
14 - Added editable owner field for user groups
15 - API: Permission delegation on grant/revoke user permission functions
16 - Auth plugin can create user creation state on first login
17 - New license logic
19 Fixes
20 ^^^^^
21 - Fix issue with unicode email addresses in custom gravatar template
22 - Protect against empty author string
23 - Fixed issue with multiprocess setup and cached global settings
24 - Fixed issues with IIS and proxied ports
25 - Fixed issue with mysql column size on installing RhodeCode
26 - Fixed issue with API call for update repo when a repo inside a group
27 was badly renamed when doing those calls No newline at end of file
@@ -0,0 +1,13 b''
1 |RCE| 2.2.7 |RNS|
2 -----------------
4 General
5 ^^^^^^^
6 * 2015-02-03
8 Fixes
9 ^^^^^
11 * Security: fixed severe issue with leaking of auth_tokens(api_keys) on the
12 following API calls; ``get_repo``,
13 ``update_repo``, ``get_locks``, and ``get_user_groups``.
@@ -0,0 +1,12 b''
1 |RCE| 2.2.8 |RNS|
2 -----------------
4 General
5 ^^^^^^^
6 * 2015-06-30
8 Fixes
9 ^^^^^
11 * Security: Apply the same permission checks for the API call `create_repo`
12 and the web interface to create a repository.
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1 |RCE| 3.0.0 |RNS|
2 -----------------
4 As |RCM| 3.0 is a big release, the release notes have been split into the following sections:
6 * :ref:`general-rn-ref`
7 * :ref:`security-rn-ref`
8 * :ref:`api-rn-ref`
9 * :ref:`performance-rn-ref`
10 * :ref:`prs-rn-ref`
11 * :ref:`gists-rn-ref`
12 * :ref:`search-rn-ref`
13 * :ref:`fixes-rn-ref`
15 .. _general-rn-ref:
17 General
18 ^^^^^^^
19 * Released 2015-01-27
20 * Basic |svn| support added
21 * GPLv3 components removed
22 * Server/Client architecture for VCS systems created
23 * Python 2.5 and 2.6 support deprecated
24 * Server info pages now show gist/archive cache storage, and also CPU/Memory/Load information.
25 * Added new bulk commit (changeset) status comment form into compare view which enables bulk code-reviews without
26 opening a pull-request.
27 * License checks and limits now only apply to active users.
28 * Removed CLI command for |repo| scans as it can be done via an API call.
29 * VCS backends can be globally enabled/disabled from the :file:`rhodecode.ini` file.
30 * Added a UI option to set default rendering to rst or markdown.
31 * Added syntax highlighting to 2 way compare diff.
32 * Markup rendering can now render checkboxes for easy checklists generation.
33 * Gravatars are now retina ready.
34 * Admins can define custom CSS or JavaScript in the header or footer via new pre/post code options.
35 * Replaced ``graph.js`` with ``commits-graph.js`` html5 implementation.
36 * Added editable owner field for repository groups, and user group.
37 * Added an option to detach/delete user repositories when deleting users from the system.
38 * Added a Supervisor control page that shows status of processes.
39 * User admin grid can now filter by username OR email.
40 * Added personal |repo| group link for easier fork creation.
41 * Added support for using subdirectories when creating and uploading new files.
42 * Added option to rename a file from the web interface.
43 * Added arrow key navigation to file filter and fixed the back button behaviour.
44 * Added fuzzy matching to file filter.
45 * Added functionality to create folder structures along with files when adding content via the web interface.
46 * Separated default permissions UI into `global`, `user`, or `object` permissions management.
47 * Added an inheritance flag to object permissions which allows for explicit permissions which disregard global
48 permissions.
49 * Added post create repository group hook.
50 * Added trigger push hooks on online file editor.
51 * Added default title for pull request.
52 * More detailed logs during Authentication.
53 * More explicit logging when permission checks occur.
54 * Switched the implementation of |git| ``fetch clone pull checkout`` commands to pure |py| without any subprocess
55 calls.
56 * Introduced the ``rcserver`` command for custom development.
57 * Added the ability to force no cache archived via the ``GET no_cache`` flag
59 .. _security-rn-ref:
61 Security
62 ^^^^^^^^
64 * CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery) tokens now in all pages that use forms.
65 * The ``clone_url`` field is now AES encrypted inside the database.
66 * ACLs (Access Control Lists) are checked on the gist edit page for logged in users.
67 * New repository groups and repositories are created with 0755 permissions and not not 0777.
68 * Explicit RSS tokens are used for the RSS journal, when leaked, limits access to RSS only.
69 * Fixed XSS issues when rendering raw SVG files.
70 * Added force password reset option for users.
71 * IP list now accepts comma-separated values, and also ranges using `-` to specify multiple addresses.
72 * Added ``auth tokens``, these authentication tokens can be used as an alternative to passwords.
73 * Added roles (``http, api, rss, all, vcs``) into authentication tokens (previously called ``apikeys``).
74 * LDAP Group Support added.
75 * Added JASIG CAS auth plugin support.
76 * Added a plugin parameter that defines if a plugin can create new users on the fly.
78 .. _api-rn-ref:
80 API
81 ^^^
82 * Added permissions delegation when creating |repos| or |repo| groups.
83 * Added ``strip`` support for |hg| and |git| |repos|.
84 * Added comments API for commits.
85 * Added add/remove methods for extra fields in repositories.
86 * ``get_*`` calls now use ``permission()`` and ``permission_user_group()`` methods for unified permissions structure.
87 * ``get_repo_nodes`` information sending has changed and is no longer a boolean flag, it's now ``basic`` or ``full``.
88 * Due to configurable backends ``repo_type`` is now mandatory parameter for the ``create_repo`` call.
90 .. _performance-rn-ref:
92 Performance
93 ^^^^^^^^^^^
95 * Significant performance improvements across all application functions.
96 * HTTP Authentication performance enhancements.
97 * Added a ``scope`` variable to the permissions fetching function which improves building permission trees in large
98 amounts by a factor of 10.
99 * Implemented caching logic for all authentication plugins. The ``AUTH_CACHE_TTL = <int>`` property now allow you to
100 set the cache in seconds.
102 .. _prs-rn-ref:
104 Pull Requests
105 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
107 * Pull requests can be now updated and merged from the web interface
108 * Fixed creating a Mercurial |pr| from a bookmark.
109 * Forbid closing pull requests when calculated status is different that the approved or rejected version.
110 * Properly display calculated pull request review status on listing page.
111 * Disable delete comment button if |pr| is closed.
113 .. _gists-rn-ref:
115 Gists
116 ^^^^^
117 * New UI based on grids with filtering.
118 * Super-admins can see all gists.
119 * Gists can now be created with a custom names.
121 .. _search-rn-ref:
123 Search
124 ^^^^^^
126 * New API based indexer.
127 * Added the ability to create size limits for indexed files.
128 * Added a new mapping configuration file which gives a very high level of flexibility when creating full text search.
130 .. _fixes-rn-ref:
132 Fixes
133 ^^^^^
135 * General: fixed issues with dependent objects, such as ``users`` in ``user groups``. Cleaning up these dependent
136 objects is now done in a safe way.
137 * General: deleting a ``user group`` from **settings > advanced** will use force removal and cleanup from all
138 associations.
139 * General: fixed issue with filter proxy middleware it's now more error prone.
140 * General: fixed issues with unable to create fork inside a group.
141 * General: fixed bad logic in ``ext_json`` lib, that checked bool on microseconds, in case it was 0 bool it returned False.
142 * General: authors in annotation mode shows authors of current source, not from all history (that is in normal mode)
143 * Permissions: fix issue when inherit flag for user group stopped working after initial permissions set.
144 * |git|: fixed shallow clones.
145 * |git|: added ``\n`` into the service line of |git| protocol. It is in the specifications and some python clients
146 require this.
147 * |hg|: fix thread safety for mercurial ``in-memory`` commits.
148 * Windows: fixed issue with shebang and env headers.
149 * MySQL: fixed database fields with 256 char length with added indexes. Mysql had problems with them.
150 * Database: fixed bad usage of matching using ``ILIKE``. Previously it could happen that if you had
151 ``marcin_1@rhodecode.com`` and ``marcin_2@rhodecode.com`` emails, using ``marcin_@rhodecode.com`` would match both.
152 * VCS: fixed issues with double new lines on the commit patches.
153 * VCS: repository locking now requires write permission to repository. If we allowed locking with read,
154 people can lock repository without an option to unlock it.
155 * Models: removed the ``isdigit`` call that can create issues when names are actually numbers on fetching objects.
156 * Files: Fix bug with show authors in annotate view.
157 * Hooks: truncate excessive commit lists on ``post_push`` hook.
158 * Hooks: in |git|, support added to set the default branch if it is not ``master``.
159 * Notifications: now can be marked as read when you are not admin.
160 * Notifications: marking all notifications as read will hide the counter.
161 * Frontend: fixed branch-tag switcher multiple ajax calls.
162 * Repository group: |repo| group owners can now change group settings even if they don't have access to top-level
163 permissions.
164 * Repositories: if you set ``Fork of`` in advanced repository settings it will now only show valid repositories
165 with the same type.
@@ -0,0 +1,22 b''
1 |RCE| 3.0.1 |RNS|
2 -----------------
4 General
5 ^^^^^^^
6 * 2015-02-03
8 News
9 ^^^^
11 * Server info: added more details into server info page.
13 Fixes
14 ^^^^^
16 * Security: fixed severe issue with leaking of auth_tokens(api_keys) on
17 certain API calls.
18 * VCS Client: Improved reconnection logic.
19 * SVN: forbid certain actions like pull requests on svn repositories.
20 * Style: fixed comments with Markdown, and also multiple styling issues.
21 * Style: fixed re-captcha html issues.
22 * Style: fixed large inputs.
@@ -0,0 +1,31 b''
1 |RCE| 3.0.2 |RNS|
2 -----------------
4 General
5 ^^^^^^^
6 * 2015-02-16
8 News
9 ^^^^
11 * Style: Overhaul of typography styling
12 * Consistent use of product name in application
13 * Action Parser: More robust handling of data
14 * Permissions: More consistent sorting of permissions
15 * Gists: Added a ``noindex`` flag for private Gists
17 Fixes
18 ^^^^^
20 * LDAP: renamed LDAP plugins for backwards compatibility. The original
21 plugin is called ``auth_ldap`` and group support is with the
22 ``auth_ldap_group`` plugin.
23 * |svn|: Support "0" to get the first commit via API from Subversion
24 repositories
25 * Style: fixed display issues with select boxes in IE
26 * Style: fixed highlighting of commits in compare view
27 * Style: Preserve new-line breaks in commit messages
28 * Style: fixed icons on code-block elements
29 * Style: fixed side-by-side diff header
30 * Style: fixed form-inputs on login pages
31 * Style: fixed multiple minor display issues in the diff display No newline at end of file
@@ -0,0 +1,49 b''
1 |RCE| 3.1.0 |RNS|
2 -----------------
4 General
5 ^^^^^^^
6 * 2015-03-17
8 News
9 ^^^^
11 - API: extended the API regarding |prs|. Added the following operations to
12 support CI integrations.
14 * ``get_pull_request``
15 * ``get_pull_requests``
16 * ``merge_pull_request``
17 * ``close_pull_request``
18 * ``comment_pull_request``
20 - VCS Server: improved handling for the user in the event that no
21 VCS Server is enabled.
22 - VCS Server: Added the ``vcs.server.enable`` configuration option,
23 see :ref:`vcs-server`
24 - VCS Server: improved system stability if the VCS Server is not installed.
25 - Style: changed icon colors for the vcs back ends; Git,
26 Mercurial and Subversion.
28 Fixes
29 ^^^^^
31 - Security: fixed XSS vulnerability in files view.
32 - Pull Request: fixed dataTable integration for IE8 in Pull Request overview.
33 - Files: adding a new file via web form has been fixed.
34 - Diff: renames of files which have spaces in their file names are now displayed
35 correctly.
36 - Settings: Remove supervisor statistics page.
37 - Style: improved headers on all Pull Request related pages to make them more
38 consistent.
39 - Style: improved headers on all repository related pages to make them more
40 consistent.
41 - Style: updated icons.
42 - Style: removed border around checkboxes in IE10.
43 - Style: improved display of permission summaries in admin settings for all
44 browsers.
45 - Style: fixed alignment of form labels across all browsers.
46 - Style: improved title on the Changeset page.
47 - Style: fixed display of select widgets in IE8 and IE9.
48 - Style: fixed password input field for IE8.
49 - Style: fixed button positioning in inline comment forms of diffs for IE8.
@@ -0,0 +1,11 b''
1 |RCE| 3.1.1 |RNS|
2 -----------------
4 General
5 ^^^^^^^
6 * 2015-03-27
8 fixes
9 ^^^^^
11 * Security: updated Dulwich due to CVE-2015-0838
@@ -0,0 +1,54 b''
1 |RCE| 3.2.0 |RNS|
2 -----------------
4 General
5 ^^^^^^^
6 * 2015-04-08
8 News
9 ^^^^
11 - Administration: Improved the logging and rendering of tracebacks from the
12 VCS Server. The logging configuration in the INI file should be updated.
13 For information about these parts of |RCE|, see :ref:`vcs-server`, and
14 :ref:`debug-mode`.
15 - Administration: Added the ability to set a per user language.
16 - Gists: Added an option to restrict gists to logged in users only.
17 - Pull requests: Reviewer status is reset after after an update.
18 - Pull requests: Improved logging during an update.
19 - Pull requests: Added various hooks around the life-cycle and review status
20 changes of a |pr|.
21 - Security: Support added for `bcrypt`_ on Windows systems.
22 - Style: Added headers to tables which display commits, e.g. the changelog.
23 - Style: Redesigned the compare page for multiple commits.
24 - Style: Redesigned the error pages.
25 - Style: Redesigned the file details page.
26 - Style: Redesigned the summary pages of |repos|.
27 - Style: Improved the details form for managing authentication plugins.
28 - VCS Server: Robust push and pull operations if the VCSServer is restarted.
30 Fixes
31 ^^^^^
33 - Administration: :ref:`remap-rescan` could cause issues with empty |repo|
34 groups.
35 - Administration: Fix edit of an existing issue tracker entry.
36 - Comments: Allow to delete comments on regular commits.
37 - Comments: Fix batch comment functionality on the compare page.
38 - Diffs: Improve diff parser to better recognize special file names.
39 - |git|: Avoid errors when pushing into an empty |git| repository.
40 - File edit: Avoid internal server error for file edits on branches which are
41 not the default branch.
42 - Pull requests: Show initial pull request comment.
43 - Security: Escape repository description to avoid XSS like vulnerabilities.
44 - Setup: Allow to setup a new system even with expired trial license.
45 - Style: Fixed styling of repository extra fields.
46 - Style: Fixed display issues on the file page when a line is selected and the
47 history buttons are used to navigate back and forth.
48 - Style: Improve the display of the commit message on the file details page.
49 - Style: Improve :guilabel:`My Account` page for email addresses.
50 - Style: Improve :guilabel:`My Account` page for external user accounts, e.g. LDAP
51 - Style: Improve transition from file list to file details.
52 - Style: Remove light font face for improved readability on Windows.
54 .. _bcrypt: https://bcrypt.codeplex.com/ No newline at end of file
@@ -0,0 +1,18 b''
1 |RCE| 3.2.1 |RNS|
2 -----------------
5 General
6 ^^^^^^^
8 - 2015-04-20
11 fixes
12 ^^^^^
14 - Security: Fixed a potential XSS vulnerability in user names and user group
15 descriptions.
17 - Style: Fixed a form misalignment for the management of user group
18 permissions.
@@ -0,0 +1,14 b''
1 |RCE| 3.2.2 |RNS|
2 -----------------
5 General
6 ^^^^^^^
8 - 2015-04-22
11 fixes
12 ^^^^^
14 - API: Fix password handling in the API call `create_user`.
@@ -0,0 +1,14 b''
1 |RCE| 3.2.3 |RNS|
2 -----------------
5 General
6 ^^^^^^^
8 - 2015-04-27
11 fixes
12 ^^^^^
14 - Pull request: Fix Git based pull requests in the case of missing commits.
@@ -0,0 +1,70 b''
1 |RCE| 3.3.0 |RNS|
2 -----------------
4 General
5 ^^^^^^^
6 * 2015-05-18
8 News
9 ^^^^
11 - Administration: Clean up |repo| groups which have been deleted on the
12 file system.
13 - Docs: Overhaul the section about integrations and extensions.
14 - Docs: Document how to configure the file `.rhoderc`
15 - Docs: Extend the documentation about the usage of Gunicorn and horizontal
16 scaling.
17 - Docs: Document that we don't support the |git| dump protocol and provide a
18 workaround for very old servers.
19 - General: Decouple from external links to allow easier maintenance.
20 - Pull requests: Show a warning message if the commits are missing in the
21 source |repo| and suggest suitable next steps.
22 - Pull requests: New lab setting which enables the invalidation of inline
23 comments during an update; currently all comments are invalidated.
24 - Pull requests: Add keyboard shortcut `g p` to navigate to the |prs|
25 page of the current |repo|.
26 - Pull requests: Send notifications when a new reviewer is added to a |pr|.
27 - Pull requests: Show information about the target of a |pr|.
28 - Pull requests: Show progress after clicking the button "Update" on a |pr|.
29 - Pull requests: Show a more informative flash message after a successful
30 update of a |pr|.
31 - Style: Unify how gravatars are displayed for a more consistent look.
32 - Style: Better display of the |pr| page in smaller browser windows for
33 IE.
34 - Style: Better alignment of the status indicator in the list of reviewers of a
35 |pr|.
36 - UX: Add flash message if a |repo| has been deleted in the file system.
37 - UX: Consistent usage of |authtoken| in the settings section.
38 - UX: Better help message for the authentication plugins configuration.
39 - VCSServer: Add support for an external configuration file.
43 Fixes
44 ^^^^^
47 - API: Multiple fixes for the call `update_repo_group`, adjusting parent path
48 if a new parent is specified and allow to update the owner.
49 - API: Fix the handling of boolean values in the call `create_repo`.
50 - API: Fix usage of the parameter `password` in the call `create_user`.
51 - API: Make the call `strip` more robust.
52 - Auth: Better support for the parameter "Base DN" in the plugin
53 `auth_ldap_group`.
54 - Auth: Avoid concurrency issue when forking a |repo| and celery is
55 enabled.
56 - Compare: Avoid duplication of diff content in the case of commit range
57 comparison.
58 - DB: Improve `Pullrequest.revisions` to work even for empty |prs|.
59 - DB: Avoid extremely large varchar columns for MySQL and MariaDB
60 - Files: Fix an issue around "Compare to revision" for diffs which are bigger
61 than the per file limit.
62 - Files: Present submodules with an absolute URL as real links.
63 - |Repo| settings: Allow to rename |svn| |repos|.
64 - Search: |Repo| search allows to use uppercase characters in |repo|
65 names.
66 - Style: Gist header alignment issues fixed.
67 - Style: Line heights in side by side diff display improved.
68 - UX: Hide "Add comments" button if the comments form is already open.
69 - UX: Fix links of bookmarks and tags on the overview pages.
70 - VCSServer: More robust locale handling.
@@ -0,0 +1,16 b''
1 |RCE| 3.3.1 |RNS|
2 -----------------
4 Release Date
5 ^^^^^^^^^^^^
7 - 2015-05-27
10 fixes
11 ^^^^^
13 - Pull requests: Fix for the server side merge functionality for Mercurial
14 repositories.
15 - Repository: Fix for a problem with the remote import of repositories in
16 combination with celery based asynchronous task execution.
@@ -0,0 +1,25 b''
1 |RCE| 3.3.2 |RNS|
2 -----------------
5 Release Date
6 ^^^^^^^^^^^^
8 - 2015-06-05
11 security fixes
12 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
14 * Stored XSS attempts on user login fields, and other text input fields.
15 * DOM Based XSS attempts
16 * HTML Injection
17 * Cross frame scripting (XFS)
18 * Invalidation of concurrent sessions on password change.
19 * Downgrading of HTTPS connections.
21 fixes
22 ^^^^^
24 * Generation of URLs on system with custom URL prefixes.
25 * VCSServer: Improved memory management of the cache data used by the server.
@@ -0,0 +1,16 b''
1 |RCE| 3.3.3 |RNS|
2 -----------------
5 Release Date
6 ^^^^^^^^^^^^
8 - 2015-06-12
11 fixes
12 ^^^^^
14 * File system: Better handling of filenames with encoding other than utf-8
15 * Performance: Includes new cache based on LRU
16 * URLs: More robust URL generation in reverse proxy based setups
@@ -0,0 +1,16 b''
1 |RCE| 3.3.4 |RNS|
2 -----------------
5 Release Date
6 ^^^^^^^^^^^^
8 - 2015-06-25
11 fixes
12 ^^^^^
14 * References: Support for unicode characters.
15 * Gists: Fixes the problem with gists when |hg| is not in VCS backends list.
16 * Search: Improves search speed for super admin users.
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100755
NO CONTENT: new file 100755
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100755, binary diff hidden
NO CONTENT: new file 100755, binary diff hidden
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100755, binary diff hidden
NO CONTENT: new file 100755, binary diff hidden
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100755, binary diff hidden
NO CONTENT: new file 100755, binary diff hidden
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100755, binary diff hidden
NO CONTENT: new file 100755, binary diff hidden
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100755, binary diff hidden
NO CONTENT: new file 100755, binary diff hidden
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100755, binary diff hidden
NO CONTENT: new file 100755, binary diff hidden
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100755, binary diff hidden
NO CONTENT: new file 100755, binary diff hidden
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100755, binary diff hidden
NO CONTENT: new file 100755, binary diff hidden
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100755, binary diff hidden
NO CONTENT: new file 100755, binary diff hidden
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100755, binary diff hidden
NO CONTENT: new file 100755, binary diff hidden
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100755, binary diff hidden
NO CONTENT: new file 100755, binary diff hidden
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100755, binary diff hidden
NO CONTENT: new file 100755, binary diff hidden
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100755, binary diff hidden
NO CONTENT: new file 100755, binary diff hidden
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100755, binary diff hidden
NO CONTENT: new file 100755, binary diff hidden
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100755, binary diff hidden
NO CONTENT: new file 100755, binary diff hidden
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100755, binary diff hidden
NO CONTENT: new file 100755, binary diff hidden
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100755, binary diff hidden
NO CONTENT: new file 100755, binary diff hidden
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100755, binary diff hidden
NO CONTENT: new file 100755, binary diff hidden
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100755, binary diff hidden
NO CONTENT: new file 100755, binary diff hidden
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100755, binary diff hidden
NO CONTENT: new file 100755, binary diff hidden
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100755, binary diff hidden
NO CONTENT: new file 100755, binary diff hidden
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100755
NO CONTENT: new file 100755
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100755
NO CONTENT: new file 100755
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100755
NO CONTENT: new file 100755
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
NO CONTENT: new file 100644, binary diff hidden
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100755
NO CONTENT: new file 100755
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100755
NO CONTENT: new file 100755
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100755
NO CONTENT: new file 100755
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
1 NO CONTENT: new file 100644
NO CONTENT: new file 100644
The requested commit or file is too big and content was truncated. Show full diff
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