## -*- coding: utf-8 -*- <% c.template_context['repo_name'] = getattr(c, 'repo_name', '') if hasattr(c, 'rhodecode_db_repo'): c.template_context['repo_type'] = c.rhodecode_db_repo.repo_type c.template_context['repo_landing_commit'] = c.rhodecode_db_repo.landing_rev[1] if getattr(c, 'rhodecode_user', None) and c.rhodecode_user.user_id: c.template_context['rhodecode_user']['username'] = c.rhodecode_user.username c.template_context['rhodecode_user']['email'] = c.rhodecode_user.email c.template_context['visual']['default_renderer'] = h.get_visual_attr(c, 'default_renderer') %> ${self.title()} <%def name="robots()"> ${self.robots()} ## CSS definitions <%def name="css()"> ## EXTRA FOR CSS ${self.css_extra()} ## CSS EXTRA - optionally inject some extra CSS stuff needed for specific websites <%def name="css_extra()"> ${self.css()} ## JAVASCRIPT <%def name="js()"> ## avoide esaping the %N ## JAVASCRIPT EXTRA - optionally inject some extra JS for specificed templates ${self.js_extra()} ## JAVASCRIPT EXTRA - optionally inject some extra JS for specificed templates <%def name="js_extra()"> ${self.js()} <%def name="head_extra()"> ${self.head_extra()} <%include file="/base/plugins_base.html"/> ## extra stuff %if c.pre_code: ${c.pre_code|n} %endif ## IE hacks ${next.body()} %if c.post_code: ${c.post_code|n} %endif