/* This file is automatically generated. DO NOT change it manually.
* If this file needs to be modified, edit
* rhodecode/utils/file_generation/js_i18n_data.py
* and run the script invoke -r scripts/ generate.js-i18n .
//JS translations map
var _TM = {
'{0} active out of {1} users': '{0} active out of {1} users',
'{0} results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.': '{0} results are available, use up and down arrow keys to navigate.',
'Add another comment': 'Add another comment',
'disabled': 'Désactivé',
'enabled': 'enabled',
'Follow': 'Follow',
'loading ...': 'loading ...',
'Loading ...': 'Loading ...',
'Loading failed': 'Loading failed',
'Loading more results...': 'Loading more results...',
'No matches found': 'No matches found',
'No matching files': 'No matching files',
'No results': 'No results',
'One result is available, press enter to select it.': 'One result is available, press enter to select it.',
'Open new pull request': 'Nouvelle requête de pull',
'Open new pull request for selected commit': 'Open new pull request for selected commit',
'Searching...': 'Searching...',
'Select changeset': 'Select changeset',
'Select commit': 'Select commit',
'Selection link': 'Selection link',
'Set status to Approved': 'Set status to Approved',
'Set status to Rejected': 'Set status to Rejected',
'Show selected commit __S': 'Show selected commit __S',
'Show selected commits __S ... __E': 'Show selected commits __S ... __E',
'specify commit': 'specify commit',
'Start following this repository': 'Start following this repository',
'Stop following this repository': 'Stop following this repository',
'truncated result': 'truncated result',
'truncated results': 'truncated results',
'Unfollow': 'Unfollow',
'Updating...': 'Updating...'