##// END OF EJS Templates
user-groups: fix potential problem with group sync of external plugins....
user-groups: fix potential problem with group sync of external plugins. - when using external plugin we used to check for a parameter that set the sync mode. The problem is we only checked if the flag was there. So toggling sync on and off set the value and then left the key still set but with None. This confused the sync and thought the group should be synced !

File last commit:

r2126:a8550f9e default
r2193:20e24a44 stable
Show More
108 lines | 4.4 KiB | application/x-mako | MakoHtmlLexer
## -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
<%inherit file="/base/base.mako"/>
<%def name="robots()">
%if c.gist.gist_type != 'public':
<meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow">
<%def name="title()">
${_('Gist')} &middot; ${c.gist.gist_access_id}
%if c.rhodecode_name:
&middot; ${h.branding(c.rhodecode_name)}
<%def name="breadcrumbs_links()">
${_('Gist')} &middot; ${c.gist.gist_access_id}
/ ${_('URL')}: ${c.gist.gist_url()}
<%def name="menu_bar_nav()">
<%def name="main()">
<div class="box">
<!-- box / title -->
<div class="title">
%if c.rhodecode_user.username != h.DEFAULT_USER:
<ul class="links">
<a href="${h.url('new_gist')}" class="btn btn-primary">${_(u'Create New Gist')}</a>
<div class="table">
<div id="files_data">
<div id="codeblock" class="codeblock">
<div class="code-header">
<div class="stats">
%if h.HasPermissionAny('hg.admin')() or c.gist.gist_owner == c.rhodecode_user.user_id:
<div class="remove_gist">
${h.secure_form(url('gist', gist_id=c.gist.gist_access_id),method='delete')}
${h.submit('remove_gist', _('Delete'),class_="btn btn-mini btn-danger",onclick="return confirm('"+_('Confirm to delete this Gist')+"');")}
<div class="buttons">
## only owner should see that
%if h.HasPermissionAny('hg.admin')() or c.gist.gist_owner == c.rhodecode_user.user_id:
${h.link_to(_('Edit'),h.url('edit_gist', gist_id=c.gist.gist_access_id),class_="btn btn-mini")}
${h.link_to(_('Show as Raw'),h.url('formatted_gist', gist_id=c.gist.gist_access_id, format='raw'),class_="btn btn-mini")}
<div class="left" >
%if c.gist.gist_type != 'public':
<span class="tag tag-ok disabled">${_('Private Gist')}</span>
<span> ${c.gist.gist_description}</span>
%if c.gist.gist_expires == -1:
<div class="author">
<div title="${h.tooltip(c.file_last_commit.author)}">
${self.gravatar_with_user(c.file_last_commit.author, 16)} - ${_('created')} ${h.age_component(c.file_last_commit.date)}
<div class="commit">${h.urlify_commit_message(c.file_last_commit.message,c.repo_name)}</div>
## iterate over the files
% for file in c.files:
<% renderer = c.render and h.renderer_from_filename(file.path, exclude=['.txt', '.TXT'])%>
<!-- <div id="${h.FID('G', file.path)}" class="stats" >
<a href="${c.gist.gist_url()}">ΒΆ</a>
<b >${file.path}</b>
${h.link_to(_('Show as raw'),h.url('formatted_gist_file', gist_id=c.gist.gist_access_id, format='raw', revision=file.commit.raw_id, f_path=file.path),class_="btn btn-mini")}
</div> -->
<div class="code-body textarea text-area editor">
%if renderer:
${h.render(file.content, renderer=renderer)}