# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (C) 2016-2019 RhodeCode GmbH # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 # (only), as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # # This program is dual-licensed. If you wish to learn more about the # RhodeCode Enterprise Edition, including its added features, Support services, # and proprietary license terms, please see https://rhodecode.com/licenses/ import colander import pytest from rhodecode.model.validation_schema import types from rhodecode.model.validation_schema.schemas import repo_schema class TestRepoSchema(object): #TODO: # test nested groups @pytest.mark.parametrize('given, expected', [ ('my repo', 'my-repo'), (' hello world mike ', 'hello-world-mike'), ('//group1/group2//', 'group1/group2'), ('//group1///group2//', 'group1/group2'), ('///group1/group2///group3', 'group1/group2/group3'), ('word g1/group2///group3', 'word-g1/group2/group3'), ('grou p1/gro;,,##up2//.../group3', 'grou-p1/group2/group3'), ('group,,,/,,,/1/2/3', 'group/1/2/3'), ('grou[]p1/gro;up2///gro up3', 'group1/group2/gro-up3'), (u'grou[]p1/gro;up2///gro up3/ąć', u'group1/group2/gro-up3/ąć'), ]) def test_deserialize_repo_name(self, app, user_admin, given, expected): schema = repo_schema.RepoSchema().bind() assert expected == schema.get('repo_name').deserialize(given) def test_deserialize(self, app, user_admin): schema = repo_schema.RepoSchema().bind( repo_type_options=['hg'], repo_type='hg', user=user_admin ) schema_data = schema.deserialize(dict( repo_name='my_schema_repo', repo_type='hg', repo_owner=user_admin.username )) assert schema_data['repo_name'] == u'my_schema_repo' assert schema_data['repo_group'] == { 'repo_group_id': None, 'repo_group_name': types.RootLocation, 'repo_name_with_group': u'my_schema_repo', 'repo_name_without_group': u'my_schema_repo'} @pytest.mark.parametrize('given, err_key, expected_exc', [ ('xxx/my_schema_repo','repo_group', 'Repository group `xxx` does not exist'), ('', 'repo_name', 'Name must start with a letter or number. Got ``'), ]) def test_deserialize_with_bad_group_name( self, app, user_admin, given, err_key, expected_exc): schema = repo_schema.RepoSchema().bind( repo_type_options=['hg'], repo_type='hg', user=user_admin ) with pytest.raises(colander.Invalid) as excinfo: schema.deserialize(dict( repo_name=given, repo_type='hg', repo_owner=user_admin.username )) assert excinfo.value.asdict()[err_key] == expected_exc def test_deserialize_with_group_name(self, app, user_admin, test_repo_group): schema = repo_schema.RepoSchema().bind( repo_type_options=['hg'], repo_type='hg', user=user_admin ) full_name = test_repo_group.group_name + u'/my_schema_repo' schema_data = schema.deserialize(dict( repo_name=full_name, repo_type='hg', repo_owner=user_admin.username )) assert schema_data['repo_name'] == full_name assert schema_data['repo_group'] == { 'repo_group_id': test_repo_group.group_id, 'repo_group_name': test_repo_group.group_name, 'repo_name_with_group': full_name, 'repo_name_without_group': u'my_schema_repo'} def test_deserialize_with_group_name_regular_user_no_perms( self, app, user_regular, test_repo_group): schema = repo_schema.RepoSchema().bind( repo_type_options=['hg'], repo_type='hg', user=user_regular ) full_name = test_repo_group.group_name + '/my_schema_repo' with pytest.raises(colander.Invalid) as excinfo: schema.deserialize(dict( repo_name=full_name, repo_type='hg', repo_owner=user_regular.username )) expected = 'Repository group `{}` does not exist'.format( test_repo_group.group_name) assert excinfo.value.asdict()['repo_group'] == expected