.. _install-tools: |RCT| Installation ------------------ As of |RCE| 3.4.1 |RCT| is installed automatically on the server with |RCE|. You do not need to install |RCT| on the server, but you will need to install them on machines that need remote access. The tools are linked to the instance folder, for example :file:`~/.rccontrol/{instance-id}/profile/bin` You can list the available tools using the following example, and the valid tools options are those which correspond with those in the :ref:`rc-tools` section. .. code-block:: bash $ ls ~/.rccontrol/enterprise-4/profile/bin/ gen_js_i18n rhodecode-cleanup-gists rhodecode-tools svnrdump gen_js_routes rhodecode-cleanup-repos supervisorctl svnserve git rhodecode-config supervisord svnsync gunicorn rhodecode-extensions svn svnversion hg rhodecode-gist svnadmin vcsserver paster rhodecode-index svndumpfilter rcserver rhodecode-list-instances svnlook rhodecode-api rhodecode-setup-config svnmucc You can then use the tools as described in the :ref:`rc-tools` section using the following example: .. code-block:: bash # Running the indexer $ ~/.rccontrol/enterprise-1/profile/bin/rhodecode-index \ --instance-name=enterprise-1 # Cleaning up gists $ ~/.rccontrol/enterprise-4/profile/bin/rhodecode-cleanup-gists \ --instance-name=enterprise-4 Scanning for gists in /home/brian/repos/.rc_gist_store... preparing to remove [1] found gists Installing |RCT| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |RCT| enable you to automate many of the most common |RCM| functions through the API. Installing them on a local machine lets you carry out maintenance on the server remotely. Once installed you can use them to index your |repos| to setup full-text search, strip commits, or install |RC| Extensions for additional functionality. For more detailed instructions about using |RCT| for indexing and full-text search, see :ref:`indexing-ref` To install |RCT|, use the following steps: 1. Set up a ``virtualenv`` on your local machine, see virtualenv_ instructions here. 2. Install |RCT| using pip. Full url with token is available at https://rhodecode.com/u/#rhodecode-tools ``pip install -I https://dls.rhodecode.com/dls/<token>/rhodecode-tools/latest`` Once |RCT| is installed using these steps there are a few extra configuration changes you can make. These are explained in more detail in the :ref:`indexing-ref` section, and the :ref:`rc-tools` section. .. code-block:: bash # Create a virtualenv brian@ubuntu:~$ virtualenv venv New python executable in venv/bin/python Installing setuptools, pip...done. # Activate the virtualenv brian@ubuntu:~$ . venv/bin/activate # Install RhodeCode Tools inside the virtualenv, full url with token is available at https://rhodecode.com/u/#rhodecode-tools $ pip install -I https://dls.rhodecode.com/dls/<token>/rhodecode-tools/latest # Check the installation $ rhodecode-tools --help .. _virtualenv: https://virtualenv.pypa.io/en/latest/index.html