.. _integrations-rcextensions: rcextensions integrations ========================= Since RhodeCode 4.14 release rcextensions aren't part of rhodecode-tools, and instead they are shipped with the new or upgraded installations. The rcextensions template `rcextensions.tmpl` is created in the `etc/` directory of enterprise or community installation. It's always re-created and updated on upgrades. Activating rcextensions +++++++++++++++++++++++ To activate rcextensions simply copy or rename the created template rcextensions into the path where the rhodecode.ini file is located:: pushd ~/rccontrol/enterprise-1/ or pushd ~/rccontrol/community-1/ mv etc/rcextensions.tmpl rcextensions rcextensions are loaded when |RCE| starts. So a restart is required after activation or change of code in rcextensions. Simply restart only the enterprise/community instance:: rccontrol restart enterprise-1 or rccontrol restart community-1 Example usage +++++++++++++ To see examples of usage please check the examples directory under: https://code.rhodecode.com/rhodecode-enterprise-ce/files/stable/rhodecode/config/rcextensions/examples